EY Jno. E. Schroll, Subscription Price Six Months..............75 Cents e Mount Joy y Bulletin LANDISVILLE|An ESTABLISHED JUNE 1901 Published Every Thursday at Mount Joy, Pa. Editor and Publisher $1.50 Per Annum Single Cents, Sample Copies... The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Star wd News, the Landisnlle Vigil and the Bulletin, which makes this paper’ : of the average weekly. the Florin News were merged with s circulation practically double that THE EDITOR’S VOICE = I you can sleep well you've got the world licked. ® 0 ° A hard day's work isn’t half as tiring as a four-hour banquet. ® 0 0° . They frequently speak of dumb- bells, but everybody seems to krow enough arthmetic to figure oui what's coming to him. ® 00 The average merchant is certain- ly in a quandry nowadays. With his inability to get many saleable articles, and Spring a week old, he doesn’t know whether to advertise snow shovels, felt boots and coasters or garden tools, seeds and Spring Suits and Dresses since Sunday's snow. ® 00 ‘We're in the midst of a world war all our industries are doing their very best, everybody who wants work can very easily get it and] with such existing conditions a daily newspaper reports we have ONLY 56,000 people on relief in Pennsyl- vinia. . After the war's over we'll try and tell you how many people are for- tunate enough to have jobs. ® 5 0 A NICE KETTLE OF FISH The Standard Oil Company, of New Jersey, is guilty of treason, chairman Harry S. Truman, D., Mo., of the Senate Committec in- vestigating the war effort clmrged today, referring to the company’s effort “even after we were in the war” to protect Germany’s control over synthetic rubber. As a resuit of the cartel agrec- ment between . Standard of ;New Jersey and a German Chemie} 5 trust, he said, “Germany has no rubber shortage today,” while the United States will have (5 pinch to supply its armed forces. ® 00 . TRESSES OF GOLD The saying of gentlemen preferr- ing blondes holds true in the man- ufacture of precision instruments used in purposes of the various weather detctions by thy army. These instruments are carried into the clouds in small balloons, into the stratosphere to tell man of the weather conditions. They need blonde bair in the construction of the device. This hair niust be 14] inches in length and brings $2.50 | an ounce since it was another one of those items cut short by the war. When the news was heard of the. shortage, many a golden head was | bowed for samples for the army's) need. So many, in fact, that the supply on hand was more than ad- | equate. It was another case of too many blondes. ® 00 BEFCRE IT COMES— Army Day is officially celebrated on April 6. With recent news of, losses suffered by our Navy, stunn- ing news in our struggle to conduct a successful war, set backs and los- ses of men, equipment and land, Army Day will find us still stronger | in our determination to fight on, striving to preserve an America for tomorrow. We are a wealthy na- tion, onr resources total into the many billions of dollars, our people home owners, used to radios, autos, telephones and movies. For these too, we fight. Although we love this democracy we also realize there is much to be righted in its operafion before we can be satis- fied that it is an example of demo- cracy. We have protection, hui we have cheap politics, we have high grade education and every kind of worship but groan under high taxes and spend money far too carelessly. So before we officially salute | the nation’s Army Day, let us asskune responsibilities placed on us by our Army and Navy and Air Corps, to keep the wheels of government controlled and running smoothly, do our best to eliminate graft, slackness, passing-the-buck, spoils system and inutility, to build for a better Army Day’ for 1943 and 1944 and 2043. e009 - GET READY! common type of these hombs—and the most effective type—is light, small and safe for an enemy to handle. A single bombing plane can carry 2,000 or more of them. And ‘each of the bombs is capable of starting a major fire. The moral of this is clear:. One of the first and most essential steps to be taken in defense of this con- tinent is to perfect our fire defense. London and other English cities would not exist today if their fire fighting organizations, professional and volunteer alike, had not pro- duced miracles. Experts are con- vinced that it is perfectly possible for an enemy to reach and attack centers our principal industrial from bases located in Europe and the Far East, Here, then, is a real civil defense job. Relatively few American cit- | ies and towns have sufficient fire- | fighting equipment to deal with a big attack.” Relatively few comy- munities have as yet developed ad- equate "fire prevention “and fire- fighting forces. The improperly prepared community is wide open to tragedy and utter disaster. There is no tinie to lose. In ev! ery town, no matter how small, fighting training should be given to civilian ‘groups. Additional ment should be purchased as fast as possible. German fire raids on English cities have slowed to a standstill for just one reason: The British have learned to cope with them and rob them of their terrors. An enemy does not waste materials and energy when it becomes obvi- ous that the results obtained arc not worth the price paid. ‘Short, fire—mwhether it comes from within or without—can be licked. Ii need hold no terrors for an informed, prepared, equipped people. Let's get ready! ® 9 0 LOCK UP, IT'S EASTER Sacrificing one’s life for a cause is not confined to today’s appalling display of savage passion, interna- tional vielence and fraud. This present world bears a similarity to a world of over 1900 years ago when a life was freely offered that man might forever after live in brotherhood by love and under- standing. This man chose to die that we might live, who had suffer- ed racial hatreds, social and relig- ious bigotry the same as is being suffered today, saw tyranny ram- pant and Christianity rejected. Teaching kindness and gentleness in this world of 1942, were He to walk abroad, would probably find him rebuked as those centuries ago. And so you ask, what has He gained, did His death upon the cross achieve nothing, fail to prove there is a resurrection and triumph of life after death, a denial that if a man die shall he live again?’ The underlying power of Easter is in its spirituality, and this force has ripened and borne fruit through the years, offering freedom for man’s mind and his soul. The promise of life everlasting or im- =— mortality, is signified in the death of our garden's flowers in the au- tumn time and their revival to bloom in the Spring. This is your Easter spirit in spite of the skeptics, Christ died, He lives again so as the symbolical lily at Eastertide. not the fruit (rées breaking into blossom, our sown seeds germinat- | ing in local earth, the brown grass turning green and does not all this give man hiniself renewed hope in’ life? Man's life is made up of his yesterdays, his today and tomor- rows. He lives in memory of yes- | terday, reasonably and safely today and joyful and hopeful for tomor-| row. That is triumph in life and such faith is to be found in most men. homeless and suffering, hears shots, sights graves, armies marching, fly- | ing and sailing, little men gnawing at the very vitals of that which He died to save, humanity lustful for, power, selfish and pagan. Shori-! sighted they have lost the vision of | Easter—but we must not—all men {és borne of love anid hope and faith. ® victory over the baser self and Rheems Fire Company, will-eele- Religions teach us to believe in DUild that man shall live again, Are, They have this faith in them- selves, in nature and in their God.' He sighs as he looks down upon the Mr. Elam Bowman, of Lancaster, has taken up his residence with Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Mease and , family. Mr. Henry Swarr is spending sev- eral weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Swarr. Miss Anna Mary Herr, of Jones- town, spent the week-end with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Herr. { The Women’s Missionary Society of Zion Lutheran. church met at the home of Mrs. Amos ‘Hoffman, Wed- nesday afternoon. 4 ! Mr. and Mrs. ‘R. H. Ziegenfus, of Pottsville, are spending the wetk- end with Rev. and Mrs. William L. Ziegenfus. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hoffman and daughter, Beity Lou, Miss Ruth Hoffman and Miss Edith Hei- serman, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. W. Seiling, at Glen Rock, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Musser en- tertained to dinner: Mr. and Mrs. John Martin and Betty Brubaker, of Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. Al- len Ginder and daughters, Betty Jane and Nancy, of near Salunga; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Weaver and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ginder and son Donald. Mr. Donald Cope, of near town, suffered a lacerated wrist. ; | Rev. and Mrs. Christian Frank, i announce the birth of twin boys on Monday. : : Red Cross Report. Branch Chairman, Mrs. Earl ‘Gih- der, reports the following work completed during the March sews ing 8 hrs. worked by twenty- three women from Landisville and Salun. ga: Completed 10 arm bands, 10 , curtains, 4 gowns for the Landids i ville Emergency Hospital. Go Miss’ Ruth’ Hoffmah, chairman of knitting;, 3 woman, cardigan sweat~ ers, 2 infant blankets, 1 childs sweater; vg! men’s. sweaters (sleeve less), 5 cap ‘helmets, 1 pair men’s socks, 2 pairs mittens, 2 béanits, or thirty-one garments bg a Musical Program ¢ The two choirs of the Church of God will give a combined musical program on Sunday evening, which will feature flute solos by Mary Billow of Mount Joy. —— DEFENSE SAVINGS STAFF MEETS NEXT TUES. EVG. On Tuesday, April 7, at 730 P. M., the Mount Joy Defense Sava ings Staff, including all Divisional Chairman, Volunte:r Assistants, Presidents and Secretaries of the organizations doing the work of the Victory Pledge canvass, will meet at the Mount Joy High School, for the purposes of studying the outline of the campaign and secur- ing the answers to such questions as might be asked of the workers. Everyone interested whether inclu- ing those mentioned above or not should attend. Those who have not as yet volunteered to help vith tha canvass should attend this meeting and help enlarge the group of workers so that the cam- paign. can be carried on so much more thoroughly. On Thursday, April 10, at 8 p. m., a large mass mesting of all wor- kas will be held in Lancaster. Further information as to this meeting will be announced asplans are completed. « Qa re ANNUAL EGG HUNT Te Y.P.F. of St. Luke's Episcopal church will hold its annual Easter egg hunt on the church grounds on Saturday, April 4th at 9:30 a. m. Fifteen prizes, two of which will be live rabbits, will be given. Admis= sion 10 cents. the triumph of life, of po in thoughts and service. If a man has no religion which confronts him in his fear and his sorrow during hate and conflict and strife, he still sees the vision in the Spring of the re- turn to living of things he thought were dead. He too believes in the resurrection. No war can halt the passage of Christ who for 2,000 years has seen building and destruction of cities | of men ruling and men enslaved. | The light of His candle burns I steadily through the earth is wrap- ped in a black-out that ties man to man and to war. The path He treads is there and the gleam which lights it continues to shine through the Years to come and no matter how hard man tries to dim the ray it guides and steadies him in ite of himself. lA We, repeat. ihe’ Easter ledge, “Peace be unto you™ in the, convie- tion: that so as the lily lifts its head 50 as (ithe™ light from the candle glows, so we can rise above despair and hand in ‘hand with ‘faith, “attain Hig 4 Bh the rise and fall of civilization, the | — The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, ships and tartks. ment, of Lemcaster, Pa., erally, tools. shall humble ond sek my face, Heir isc miy be healed ‘Spiritual Rearmament os well as Physical and Moral Rearmament; 0 help Preserve Democracy ” fw my poopie, “which dare called by my’ + wicked ways; then will [ hear from heaven, and will forgive. their sin. dnd will heal A rsa Fp 2 / Pleats each day give a few minutes’ of thought 0 this vere and to the Greatest Leader of all, that our land, EE a a COMMITTEE FOR} _ SPIRITUAL REARMAMENT Yor | Lancaster, Penna Pa, Thursday Afteriioon, April. 2 1942-- as themselves, and pray, and turn from their wm Chieiilgles, Ts 14 and Democracy funds. The members maintain that na- tional defénse is made up of three all-important factors — physical, moral and spiritual. And that the spiritual factor is equally as impor- tant as the other two. Back in 1940 Ms. Charles B. Long, founder of the movement, realized that a power greater than guns and munitions was vitally necessary to preserve Democracy. It was as though an unseen hand had suddenly written a blazing statement in the sky-—-that D2moc- racy NEEDS spiritual thought, With this vision as a background she spoke to other women who saw, too, the need for action and with her,” formed a committee to further the idea. Later she was .successful in hav- ing a minute of prayer introduced in the U, 8. Senate by Senator James J. Davis, who expressed himself as theroughly in accord with the movement. “Although Spiritual Rearmanient isn't a‘ new theme, its need today is greater? than ever before,” said Mrs. Long. “Our most difficult task is getting people to under- a that it isn’t a new religion. It's simply a non-sectarian move- ment designed to help all Ameri- cans and humanity in general, to remind them during this war crisis of the importance of “spiritual con- fidenice” and to urge them to go to church. There's an urgent need today for spiritual thinking. It’s not only our spiritual duty, regard- | less of church or denomination— it's our patriotic duty.’ “Assuming and admitting that ALL true Americans already hava spiritual armament, what America needs right now is spiritual RE- armament to cope with the gigantic task confronting her, RE--arma- ment should immediately be made a part of everybody's share of our country’s defense program.” Committee members point out that the downfall of democracy is money-worship because democracy was founded on spiritual things. If you don’t feed them they die. RH EEMS Ronald Shank, son of Mr .and Mrs. Charles Shank, is confined to bed with pneumonia. Mrs. Robert Kraybill, Grammar School teacher, has returned to school after an appendectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shank and children and Esther: Shank visited in Aberdee, Md.,‘on Sunday. Miss Florente’ Kuhns, of Harris- burg, spent the week-end with Mr. " brate their first anniversary Tues and Mrs. Menno Reinhold. Firsi Anniversary. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the A. PIN. 70 REWIND OTHERS i TILL “Reminder” cards, like the yepreduction shown above, are being dis- | tributed by the Committee For Spiritual Rearmanient, of Lancaster, Pins affixed to the cards "are sold at a nominal cost, the surplus prefit zhove actual production costs being given to varicus patriotic sca. man, woman and c¢ and understanding daily prayer prayer, they The committee h parts headed by Forget”, by my name, They maintain Americans Urged To Regard Prayer As Actual War Defense Measure Peinsylvania Committee Says Spiritual Thinking Is Patriotic Duty America needs egpiritucl defense as well as planes, guns, That's the message that's being relayed to ' became the bride of Jay H. Meck- al! paris of the world by The Committee: For Spiritual Rearme- composed of patriotic women who, lit- are "carrying a spiritual message to Garcia.” The committee is bending every effort to get America and Americans to think of prayer as an actual defense measure—a rel aid for Amerjcan soldiers who know at this moment that ' €t. Marks United Brethren Church America is more than worth. fighting for, Who know that Billy Mitchell was right and that f10 war can be won without proper the following: Harold B. Endslow, | : Marictta, No. 1; Frank G. Weid- The ei message empha- | 400 Mt. Joy, No. 1; Curvin H. sizes the power derived TE : “spiritual confidence” which, be- Martin, Mt. Joy, No. 1; John D. cause of its potency, quickly radi-{Fecland, Mt. Joy, No. 1; Amos N. ates to others—even to those fight-| Shelly, Mt. Joy, No. 2; Mrs. Frank ing’ for democracy far across the Nelt, Landisv:lle. hild who derived as The my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then from heaven, and tacky land.” II Chronicles 7:14 Readers are urged to give ‘a few minutes of thought cach day to this ver Greatest Leader of land may be racy preserved.” ifrom The Commitlee Rearmament, of these pins iz used duction costs, The on a non-profit much to without remuneration. project the HU MANITY! tertain the firemen. CARS IN USE IN U. The trade publicatic that of the 27,700,011 per cent are less than the publication vate transportation production of motor discontinued.” Lancaster, of the received from the sale day evening, Apsil 7th of a covered dish social at Sipling’s | garage, at which time they will en- will I hear will forgive sin, and will heal their se and to the all, Pins hearing the initials “S. R.” Spiritual Rearmament) with the Victory “V” surmounted by a cross are now available. They may be obtained at a nominal cost | | For Spiritual Part Pa. to defr ay pro- The surplus is given to various patriotic funds. fact that the entire Spiritual | Rearmament movement is operated | basis has added | its growth, members of the committee serving | the various | Today the movement is increasing | in tempo—with a rising tide of sin- | Evenings by appointment In Manheim | cere workers who see in this great | REAL DEFENSE FOR | , in the form A) QS. 21,700,011 PASSENGER S. on “Automo- tive and Aviation Industries’ in its 24th, annual statistical issue asserts Passenger cars in uss in the United Stites fully 55 flve years old. It appears -from Hise flgures, says at the nation is | well provided with up-to-date pri- . though | even cars has been that every | isn’t at the front lina of defense must be | back cof those who are—with faith year was the largest of any county! from | in the NOW is the time for say,————not AFT many cities are bombed! distributed | more than 100,000 cards to various of the world. the slogan, bear the following verse: “If my people, which are called shall humble themselves and pray, and seek cards, | triotic duty. “Lest We | that our healed and Democ- This Section’s Numerous ‘Weddings Helen Zerphey Young Jay H. Mecklely Helen Zerphey Young, daughter ! of Mrs. Mabel Young on D:lta St, ‘ley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meckley, of Mount Joy RD on Sa- turday evening at 8 o'clock. The single ring ceremony was | performed by Rev. Ezra Ranck in before the immediate families and a few friends. There wire no attendents and | Miss Winifred Latchford, of town, played the incidental music. Mobilization (From Page 1) economics to farm boys and girls frem 10 to 20 years of ag. through letters, meetings, talks, pictures, and practical demonstrations. This work is conducted thraugh the Ccunty Agent's office by The Pennsylvania State College with the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. The four H's stand for, Head’ Heart, Hand, and Health. The work is carried on by clubs in the different com-! munities with volunteer local lcadzr in charge. In the county there ar. 68 Local Leaders super- vising the 4-H Club Program. Farm girls interested in learning a NO JOY LIKE COMING HOME TO “A HOME OF YOUR OWN”! If you have children, there's the joy in knowing tha “getting their chance” up in pleasant surroufjdings, a- desirable But there’s one thing all home-owners, wh@her have families or not. sense of pride and acde mong ment. You they're to grow panions. alike tg Cq e plish~ bought something It real, something lasting—a trib- ute tb your foresight, your loyalty! generosity, your Why don't YOU experience this joy? This year? The Building and Loan has a sensible plan for making this possible. The Mount Joy Building & Loan Association + Under Supervision State Banking Dept, OFFICERS: JONI E, SCHROLL President HENRY G. CARPENTER Vice President . M. BOMBERGER Secretary R. FELLENBAUM Treasurer mere about Home Economics + ‘may enroll for: fdods, canning’ baking, # clothing, and room improvement! projects. Boys and girls interested | i griculture- =may enroll in fecding, lamb feeding, capon rais- ing, chick rearing, dairy calf, corn, tobacco, polatocs home garden, or vegetable production projects. Nearly all of the above pro- | jects are VETY important to’ preduce food fcr our coun- try. Any farm boy or girl interest- ed in joining any of thesz LI or in getting further information | should contact cither the nearest’ Locil Leader or M. M. Smith, 202 P. O. Euilding, Lancaster. The 4-H Local Leaders in this part of the cotinty are: Leaders in Mount vicinity are | The enrcllmnt of 839 4-H Club members in Lancaster County last ce State: these members pro- | duc:d over $45,000 worth of farm "| proc lucts. An incre in enrcll- | ment and products this year would certainly be worth while and a pa- The goal for Lancas- ter county is 1000 club members enrolled for this year. Th> National Farm and Home Hour on April 4, 12:30 to 1:00, will feature 4-H Mobilization Week; | Lancaster's station, WGAL, will Ty a 15-minute local program cn the same subject on Saturday, April 11, at 1:00 P. M. Tune in on these programs. ££ IMONFP. NISSLEY | RWG. NISSLEY KULP’S CONFECTIONERY OF ALL Filled Baskets and other Ea er Baskets SIZES LARGE VARIETY Hollow & Cocdanut Cfeam Candies PLUSH EASTER BUNNIES Costumed and Plain POTTED PLANTS of All Kinds EASTER KULP’S 39 E. Main St. EASTER EGG DYES ASTER GRASS & SEALS ASTER CARDS FOR ALL CORSAGES BY ORDER LARGE VARIETY NOVELTIES SEE OUR COSTUME JEWELRY SHOP AT MOUNT JOY L DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa, | TL i) i Dr. red C. | MANHEIM {163 S. Charlotte Telephone 11-J Mon., Wed., Thurs. ABETHTOWN | 15 E. High 8t | Telephone 24-K | Tues., Fri, Sat | | City Shoe 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. WE HAVE..... West Main St., Mt. Joy | DAILY—-9 A. THURS.—9 A. M.—1 P. M. M-—5 P. M. P. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BROKEN LENSES Edward Shuwall Co. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. REPLACED SAME DAY TUES, FRL, SAT. EVENINGS RUBENSTONE OMETRIST 6:30—8 P. M. MILLIS MOOSE BUILDING ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. PHONE 334-3. Relic ew om EWS PER] CHURCHF THE EN COMMUN! First Py €. B. Church S Musical E at the Ca NM ev, venino by R.. S. Donegal ev, C. B. Church Sq Vorning The € will Preparator ling, April Chu arly morn Sunday E Sunday S Morning Je. tC. EF Young PF 5:30 Sr.iC. BB, Evening Prayer nr ing 7:30 Mount J E. a We: Thursday t 7:30 p. Aj meets Ho. to unday Ap 9:30 a. Morning 0:20 Sermon Message + Rev. Passion Friday [lass Mrs. 1 on Trinit, Rev. § Aj P Con Aj Friday, 7:45 » holy fi 9:30 a. Fy EF 16:50 A. 00 ] *