per ein hona man, Mas~ er 15541 enry 10ti- fees one- for g S. artin 14-tf | rate Bot- Ne! 8-2t NTS Orin, 9-2t nder -2tp l of lvet nent ness. [9-t Call ruce jure '-M. hop, ser, de- es- un- ted im- ving ame elay ned. tors 5-6t e of WP. es- un- bted im- ving me, for sid- X. -1-6t e of said the sted im- ving the out Jer- trix 1-6t ay- ] de- un- ted im =. ing the de- ler 3, itor Lancaster County Is Winning The Lions Share of Prizes at The State Farm Show, Harrisburg, This week MOST - THE ~ MINUTE WwW E EKLY l LANCASTER COUNTY The Mount Joy Bulletin VOL. XLI, NO. 34 Mount on; Pua., Thitrsday Morning, January 22, 1942 $1.50 a Year in Advance Committee to Washington Told “No Intention of Taking That Site In Donegals - Conoy Now” TobaccoShow Also Final 4-H Club Awards Lancaster county held its annual tobacco show at Lancaster last week and all the tobacco exhibit is be- ing shown at the State Farm Show at Harrisburg this week. The final 4-H Club awards were also made at this same time. Local winners in the show were: Adult Show Wrapper B's (Long)—1, Ephriam Kauffman, Manheim R. 1; 2, John S. Habecker, Rohrerstown; 4, Harry tobacco Pickle, Jr.,, Columbia; 5, Hoffer Brothers, Elizabethtown, Wrapper B’s (short)—1, A. F. Stadel, Lititz R. 3; 2, Hoffer ( Turn to Page 2) rl GA SCHOOL DISTRICTS GET STATE AID FOR TUITION Approximately 1,000 school dis- tricts in 65 counties share a total of $1,428,474 in State aid approved on Thursday, as reimbursements for high school tuition paid during the 1940-41 school year. Payments to Lancaster County total $23,280.25, to be distributed locally as follows: Conoy township $170.23; East Hempfield township $91.10; Elizabethtown, $29.23; Mount Joy township, $1,716.35; Mountville boro, $985,94; Rapho Township, $2,- 326.80; West Donegal township, $1,- 284.39. Planned A First Aid Class Here A meeting to organize classes in First Aid under the direction of Earl Walters was held in the audi- torium of the high school Wednes- day evening. Mrs, John Gates, chairman of Nurses and First Aid for home de- fense of the borough, received the applicatiors for Red Cross first aid classes: The initial classes for this course in the borough are being held this week. Those ladies listed for in- struction, starting Tuesday, Jan- uary 20th, are: Mrs. Lester Roberts, Mrs. Walter Eshleman, Mrs. Howard Garber Mrs. James Schaeffer, Mrs. Clar- (Turn to Page 2) AD rr HAS A NEW JOB Guy Myers, former messenger- janitor at the Union National Mt. Joy Bank, has accepted a position at the Gerberich Payne Shoe fac- tory. Bro- rere es LETTERS GRANTED Coral Gruber, East Donegal township, is the executrix of John B. Martin, late of East Donegal township. AMERICAN LEGION AUX. MAKES DONATIONS The American Legion Auxiliary met in regular monthly session at the American Legion Home, last week, with Mrs. W. S. Kuhns, pre- siding. The following donations were made: $5.00 to Red Cross; $6.00 to special rehabilitation; $5.00 for ad in annual; $6.00 to Natienal re- habilitation; $6.00 to National child welfare; $1049 ordered paid for Christmas presents to families of veterans. On Monday, Feb. 2, the next card party will be held at the American Legion Home, with Mrs. Clarence Newcomer and Miss Esther Henry the hostesses. Held Praise and Consecration ServiceAtBossler's A Praise and Consecration serv- ice, in Thanksgiving for the appar- ent progress made in saving of the Donegal section for farming was held at Bossler’s Mennonite church Sunday evening with several hun- dred merabers attending. Rev. Martin Kraybill, who lives near the church and whose home would alse be affected if an ex- plosives plant was built, delivered the sermon. Rev. Simon Landis who conducted a prayer service on Friday, was among the clergymen who spoke. The text and theme of the meet- ing was from the Psalms: “God is our refuge—a very present help in time of trouble.” The hymns were in keeping with the spirit of thank- fulness: “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and “God of our strength, en- throned Above.” eet @ Qe. ee ANNUAL ORGANIZATION OF UNION NATL BANK The annual reorganization' meet- ing was held last Thursday at the Union National Mount Joy Bank and resulted as ‘follows: Martin S Musser, president; John B. Nissly vice president; Harry N. Nissly cashier, trust officer and secretary of the board; Karl S. Krall, assist- ant cashier and assistant trust of- ficer; Victor Shank, John D. New- comer and Norman H. Sprecher, tellers; Lennius Longenecker, Les- ter Hostetter and Miss Mary Sher- er, clerks; Mrs. Ruth Coble Kray- bill. stenographer and clerk; Isaiah Sumpman, messenger and _ clerk; Arnold and Bricker, solicitors, I A Qe 22 MEMBERS ATTENDED The Ushers League of the United Brethren Church, held their meet- ing last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. Maris Gainor, cn Old Market Street. Twenty-two members were pres- ent. The spezker of the evening was Rev. Hollingsworth, of the U B. Church, of Elizabethtown, who spoke on Evangelism. The Gainor sisters rendered a duet and refresh- ments were served by the host. Two Classes In First Aid Instruction Two classes in First Aid instruc- tion are being held this week in the Richland Club rooms. There are fifty people listed for these classes, twenty-five in Tuesday's classes and twenty-five in Thursday’s clas- ses. These fifty persons are the only group requested to report on these nights and were chosen in the numerical order in which their names were given to Mrs. John Gates. After February 1st, additional classes in First Aid will be held Wednesday ; and Friday afternoons This Week and evenings. Persons who have already registered for this course are requested to inform Mrs. Gates of their preference of afternoon or evening classes and which of the two days would be most conven- ient. When your name is reached on the list you will be notified when to report for instruction. To date approximately 140 per- sons have applied for the ten-week course, Your willingness to be of some service is greatly appreciated. You will be called as promptly as possible. Harris Doesn't Know What Will | Hoppen If This Is The Only and Most Advantageous Site Avail- able; A delegation of Lancaster county farmers and businessmen made a fervent plea to the War Depa-tme nt | last Thursday that the Federal government abandon any plan locate an explosive plant in Donegal section and apparently won the sympathy of Lieut.-Col Harris, in charge of sites. tell the your people not to worry,” Harris told the group at the con- clusion of the interview. “You can assure your people there’s no tention of taking that site imme- diately.” Farlier in the interview, he said: “We have not decided to put the plant at Marietta. It is strictly a study. Its only on paper. I can’t conceive of a plant going there at this minute. But I want to empha- size that I don’t know what will happen in six months, or a year. These days we don’t know.” The obvious softening of the Col- onel’s attitude as the interview pro- gressed and H. N. Nissly, of this boro, Rep. J. R. Kinzer, Senator J. J. Davis and others, stated the case (Turn to Page 4) 2 Persons Injured InAuto-TruckCrash Near Florin Mon. Two persons were injured when a truck and an automobile collided on a road between Marietta and Florin about 1:30 p. m. Monday State Motor Police reported. Those injured include Earl Gelt- macher, 20, Columbia R. 1, who was admitted to St. Joseph's Hos- pital suffering an injured left thumb and brush burns of the head and right knee; and Jay H, Gibble, 22 Mount Joy R. 1, who suffered a lac- eration of the head. Both were treated at the scene by a physician According to Private P. P. Oresz- ko, the truck operated by Gibble and the auto driven by Geltmacher were going in opposite directions Following the impact Gibble was thrown to the highway and knock- ed unconscious, but later was re- vived. Both vehicles were badly damaged, Private Oreszko stated. in- MR. AND MRS, BIGLER ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bigler, of 258 West Main St, entertained at bridge party at their home on Sat- urday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Strickler, Mr and Mrs. Robert Hostetter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eshelman, Mr. and Mrs Carl Sheaffer. Prizes were won by Mrs. Martin Strickler, Mr. Clyde Eshelman, Mrs. Robert Hostetter and Mr. Martin Strickler. en LUTHERAN LADIES’ AID TO HOLD CLAM SUPPER The Ladies’ Aid Society of Trin- = lity Lutheran Church will hold « clam supper on Saturday, January 31st, from 5 to 8 o'clock in the Parish House. The menu will consist of deviled clams, peas or sugar beets, cold slaw, bread and butter, coffee Tickets 35c. Pie and cake extra. eel Ae. MEETING FRIDAY NITE A meeting of the Air Raid War- dens and Assistants, Auxiliary Fire- men and Auxiliary Police, will be held on Friday evening in the high schocl at 7:00 o'clock. etl ATTENDANT AT WEDDING Mrs. J. Wade Bingaman, of town, was one of the attendants at the Moseman-Jones wedding in St. Paul's Reformed church, Lancas- ter, one day last week. Other Plots Now Being Considered. Pad | ‘ a] { Brief News Of “The Day From Local Dailies This is the week of | Farm Show at Harrisburg. | The State withdrew the lof 246 motorists last week. { Arthur J. Valentine, 34, was ) struck by an auto and killed at Highspire. While inflating a the State licenses tire, Howard Young, 24, was struck by the rim and killed, Schools, taprooms and liquor stores will be closed Feb, 16—regi- stration day. Six soldiers were hurt when their car ran into a truck on the Super highway. At present there are only thirty types of automobiles manufactured in the United States, (Turn to page 6) en rior etl Meese OUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ELECTED OFFICERS MONDAY The Chamber of Commerce met on Monday evening and held their election resulting as follows: Presi- dent, John Booth; first vice presi- dent, Clarence S.Newcomer; secre- tary, Maurice Bailey; treasurer, H. N. Nissly. President Booth named H. N. Nissly continuing chairman on the special committee, opposing the location of a munitions dump in the Donegal area. re ee et Gs Pi AUXILIARY’'S PLAY BIG SUCCESS The home talent play, “Headin’ Hellywood,” presented by the La- dies Auxiliary of Friendship Fire Company last Wednesday and Thursday, was very well received by the public. There cellent attendance both nights. Lots of hard work and long hours were put into the preparation of the play and all to be complimented on the excellent re- was an ex- concerned are sult, rl A Mise wi Nurse Made 1947 Visits to 405 Patients Mrs. Unkle, the Visiting nurse in the Mt. Joy, Manheim, and Eliza- bethtown districts of the Lancaster Visiting Nurse Association, reports 1.047 visits made to 405 patients during the past year. 927 visits were made to Metropolitan patients 116 to John Hancock patients, and 496 to patients who were not in- sured but who paid a portion of it. Free visits totaling 378 were made. These latter included bedside care, child welfare and educational visits (Turn to page 4) nnn Al A — CHILD INJURED BY MOVING AUTO TUESDAY Shirley Kunkle, 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Kunkle, of 205, North Barbara Street, town, was injured by a car, driven by Harold Cover, 59 So. Poplar street, Elizabethtown, who was driving a Pontiac Sedan on North Barbara at Frank Street, Tuesday afternoon 3:45 P. M. The child was struck hy the rear right fender of the car, when crossing the street from the west to the east side. She was taken to the office of Dr. D. C. Stoner and treated for injuries. Elmer Zerphey, chief of police | investigated. © _— skull D., sustained a fractured when struck by an auto It cost $3,067.78 to guard the Co- lumbia bridge the first 15 days of this month. That amount was paid to 45 men. H. B. Witmer, Lancaster, was rested after trying to evade police MISS LANDIS, MISSIONARY, RETURNING TO AFRICA Miss Alice Landis, of Elizabeth- town, who was aboard the steamer Zamzam when it was torpedoed and in the Atlantic ocean some menths ago, while on her way to ar- Africa, as a missionary, left Lan- i 4 caster on Thursday in another ef- while going 80 mph on the Co- fort to reach Africa. Miss Landis lumbia plke. who previously spent five years in Ephraim Morton, Columbia bar- the Kenya Colony, Africa, expects ber, a mative of Florin, was slight- to get across safely this time. {ly injured when his car collided Passage was refused and she re- with a truck-trailer, turned frem Brooklyn this week. Paul Green, 34, New Holland etl LANDISVEH_LE INVENTOR GRANIED PATENT The U, S. Patent Office Monday announced the award of a patent / - Simon B. Minnich, of Landisville on a baling press found to incor- porate seven claims of new fea- tures. In an application filed with the Patent Office at Washington | on Main St. August 9, 1939, the inventor assign-| Mr, Isaiah Sumpman of town, ac- ed the right to the use of his in-|cepted the position of janitor-mes- vention to Minnich Machine Work: at the Union National Mt. of Landisville. {Joy Bank. On Monday, January 19 | Mr, Sumpman would have com- N T | pleted thirty-three years of service 0] race Oo {with this firm. . | Heirs, a Lot | salesman for the firm. has accepted {a position at the Marietta Army Here Is Sold ™——— ——— cold at the January sheriff sales | COMMUNITY EXHIBIT Friday on execution brought There will be an organization through a borough tax lien meeting of Mount Joy's Community | Exhibit committee in the Mt. Joy chased for $321 by Harry E. Derr, | High School Tuesday 320 Marietta Ave., this boro. 27, at eight o elock. : The taxes remained unpaid on | At this time 3 directors will be |elected and President Garber yearsfl and heirs of Nancy Camp- Bell and. huis of Jolin McCarran, ested in livestock to pone this reputed owners, had decide iH os located or heard from was shot in the abdomen His Route 1, while eating supper and died. | assailant was a negro neighbor. rallies ronson CHANGE IN EMPLOYES AT H. & NEWCOMER & SON Several changes in persnonel have recently taken place at the H. S. Newcomer & Son hardware store Mr. Earl “Hammy” Myers, auto A vacant lot on W. Donegal St. | ORGANIZ: ATION MEETING amounting to only $2.86, was pur- | ; evening, Jan the property for a number of | al {gently requests all who are inter- meeting. It must be what part livestock will take | 1942 exhibit. owners or not been for s 0S, i yf : or the past 112 years, it was an- | Don’t forget the time and place nounced. However, several distant | ASE. cousins of the deceased persons | ee ele were represented by B. J. Myers | JOHN McCURDY HONORED but did mot purchase the tract. | oN HIS 76TH BIRTHDAY Total taxes, including all charges, | John McCurdy of Maytown, amounted to $168.50. The differ- entertained on Sunday at his home ence between the charges and sale|;, honor of his seventy-sixth bre will revert to heirs, if 1o- | birthday. His two daughters, Mrs. cated. was ; | Alvin Eakin, of Mechanicsburg, as was the least number of | and Mrs. Henry Earhart, of May- 3 eriff sales, ten, sold in Lancas- | town, and their families were r county for many years. | present. Mr. McCurdy is a vete- —_———— Don- farmed a the {ran tobacco farmer in East RAY MYERS, OF TOWN, NAMED ON COMMITTEE | crop of tobacco each year for At a meeting of the Southern| past forty years. Firemen's Association held at a anon, Thursday evening, those | WATER RENT NOTICES present heard an interesting talk by | FOR THIS YEAR ARE OUT { egal township, having Arthur W. Espey, head of the Fire- | Collector of water rents, Maurice mary Training School at Harris- |. Bailey, sent out the annual wa- we | . : Ig. : {ter rent notices this week. On all Committees were appointed for rents paid before March 1st, an the year at which time Ray Myers | abatement of five per cent will be local fire chief, was named as a | allowed. The full amount will be member of the law and legislative | required during March and after committee. {April 1st, five per cent will be Te | added. LCCAL MANUFACTURERS Appeals wili be heard in the WILL ASSIST IN THE | Council. Chamber the first Tuesday SALE OF DEFENSE BONDS in February at 7:20 P. M. A number of industrial firms | AE ad throughout the county have expres- | CHURCH BUYS A BOND sed a willingness to cooperate in|EVERY TIME A MEMBER the sale of U. S. Defense bonds. {ENTERS U. S. SERVICE Those in our boro who signed are| Members of the Smithville as follows: Gerberich-Payne Shoe | Church of God Sunday pledged Co.. George Brown Sons, Inc, | themselves to buy a Defense Bond Schock Independent Oil Co. and every time a young man of the con- Grey Iron Casting Co. | gregation enlists or is _— ev Li service. OLD-FASHIONED BEE ee ere An old-fashioned called inte will be held at the Rheems School{ One hour before he was to be House next Wednesday, January | turned over to the U, S. District 28th, at 8:00 o'clock. There will|Attorney, be two spelling and one general in-|Route 3, conscientious formation classes. Admission, chil-|changed his mind and was sent to dren-15¢ and adults 25e, {a work eamp instead of jail, } f part of 1939 and 1940 spelling bee | OBJECTOR CHANGES MIND \ He Martin B. Martin, Lititz j Schaefer who ordered objector to run concurrently with a simila: Victory Book Campaign Here This Week «na Next Let's Keep ’Em Reading Mount Joy is in the midst of the the Mortuary REV. CARPENTER SPOKE Victory Book Campaign, pur- pose of which is to collect bocks TO ROTARIANS 1 | Aft ; : 2 TANS TUESDAY OCa airs for our soldiers, sailors and mar Recor In Rav. W.. Frank Carpenter, pastor ines as a supplement to the library of the local Methoidst Church, ad- | In General services maintained by the Army . . Sw ae Pept Be on and Navy in forts camps, posts, IS ection hd : ‘5 8 Bri fl T Id stations and on ships. To provide ir i a “{ John H. Hinkle, 56, died at Mari-~ Fellowship, : rie Y Oo { reading matter for the U. S, O. ott d iin e, 56, died at Mari i The Testing was in charge of Four large flood lights will be) houses outside the camps and for i a A 5 Re tis the Fellowship committee, | ted he Cohimbia: bridge the American Marine Library As- arvey James Rapp, aged three Six viding Botariens, W. W. erected on the Columbia bridge. months. died at: Marietta S Ss rians Sooiati C s, died at Mz a. gj We wer. Paul M. Grubb, J, K. -Gar- George D. Boggs, Elizabzthtown’s an oh Ci Mabel R. wife of William Shiff- id Abner H. il Semana) Jie seston eelehrated his Soh | cponscred by the American Library = died aged 61 yo ibble, all of izabethtown, and | } rips od Mrs, izabet ewswanger, ag Acsociaticn, the American 2 Wm, Geysclman, of Lititz, and | George Sigel Kipe, 49, Lancaster | and the United States organ gan- | vears, died at Lane twenty-seven local clubmen Stare dealer, committed sui- ization for National Defense, Inc. | caster ; ; present. : cide by gas. Mrs. Oliver G. Longenecker, our Ida C. Lichty, widow of Amos D. The club will not hold a noon Nearly 100 attended a meeting of | local chairman, has appointed the Lichty, died at the home of her funeheon i Tuesday but wililthe deputy fire wardens at Neffs- [following captains, who are re- | SOM, Robert, Manheim R. 1. She ave Ladies Night at the Hoste! | ville Thursday night. {sponsible for their group of solici- | was aged 77 years. ter Banquet ha'l. John Booth. 70, Quarryville R.}ters in certain sections of town: | | Harry R. Landvater i Harry R. Landvater, 63, of Her- ishey R. D. 2, died Wednesday at { the Hershey Hospital, of a compli= | cation of diseases. He was a mem- «vr of the Mennonite church. He (Turn to Page 3) im lll iene | MOUNT JOY HALL ASSN | HELD ANNUAL BANQUET | The annual banquet of the Mount legislation {Joy Hall Association was held at entire nation to advance clocks one | Eli Hostetter's banquet hall, on | (Turn to Page 6) Daylight Saving Bill Approved; In Effect Monday, February 3 Daylight Time pt Wartime Saving cause the | which may four to conserve electrical energy for essential North Barbara St., last Friday eve= production Was ap- | ying and proved its usual success. proved finally by Congress Thurs- | The menu included roast turkey day amid quips that it would | with all the trimmings, fried oy- serve no useful purpose. | sters, mince pie and ice cream. With only a few minutes’ de-| Those present were: Messrs, Wm. bate, the House dispatched to |E. Hendrix. M. A. Metzler, Chas. D. President Roosevelt, a bill, to be | Carson, William Ellis, Geo. Zeller, effective 20 days after he approves Ed. M. Barto, R. Fellenbaum, Wal- Eshleman and Jno. E. Schroll. a LANCASTER CO. MUCH IN EVIDENCE AT SHOW Lancaster county, as usual, is winning the lion’s share of pre- miums at the State Farm Show, Harrisburg this week. To date the from blue ribbon roosters—yes that the time govern- {ter transpotration it, requiring ing interstate all government and business he ad- vanced one hour. re GY re 3 COMMUNITY FAIRS GET $1,771 STATE AID fairs in Lan- total of Three community : winners range received a bantam caster county cattle to $1,771 in appropriations from the : State Department of Agriculture, it | even home-made jelly. was announced this week at Har- Our farmers won 68 of the 75 risburg { tobacco awards. A Columbia 4-H Mt. Joy got $456, Ephrata, $673, youth has the champion lamb apportion | While county entives in other de- and Lititz $621. The { ment is made on the basis of prem- | partments shared equally as well. I with $2,000 as the maxi- woe Milt Weaver Loses Leg at iumg paid, mum for 0 FOX CHASE FROM THE SIEGRIST CAFE JAN. 31 On Saturday, January 31, an- . other fox chase will be held at ( otton Mill the Siegrist Cafe, located along | the Lancaster and Marietta Pike. | Milton Weaver, 42, Newtown, Co- The large male fox will pe | lumbia R. 1, suffered a crushed left dropped at 2:30 o'clock. { leg when he was caught in a wool All donations towards this fox | picker at the George Brown's Sons chase will be given to the Ameri- | Inc., mill at p. m. last Friday, here, can Red Cross. | W eaver was admitted to the Lan- eel flies j caster General Hospital where ANNIVERSARIES physicians amputated the crushed FRAN nN . portion of the leg, below Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | > : ele elow the knee, 5 “| His condition is regarded as fair. Elmer Brown who celebrated their a | Attendants twenty-seventh wedding anniver- | . 4 | was assisting other cary on Friday, Jan. 16. I Core moving processed wool Also to Mr. and Mrs, thorne, Marietta Avenue, learned that Weaver workmen in re- from the his foot caught in an opening in the machine and it H. F. Haw- | hi "| machine when who will | | celebrate their fortieth anniversary ! : 3 Fid J on {was crushed by a roll contaning on Jdday, Jan. Lo. Yin a : ol : i teeth used in shredding the wool. i They were unable to explain how slipped into the | opening which is a foot and a half Council at | above the floor level. Monday it | rl A I meee blackout in| OQCAL FOLKS JUDGES 10:15 P. M | AT STATE FARM SHOW { APPROVE BLACKOUT FOR MT. JOY JAN. 30 The State Defense Harrisburg, announced { Weaver's foot appreved a practice Mount Joy from 10 to on Friday, Jan. 30th. me ee nll AG Among those from this locality i who were selected as judges on the | 4-H teams at the State Farm Show, Schock Inde- | Harrisburg, this week, are: SUIT IS STARTED Charles Wright vs, pendent Qil Company, appeal by| Corn judging—Ralph Snyder, of the defendant from the judgment | Manheim R. 2, and Ella Martin, of of J. Edward Wetzel, alderman.| Mount Joy R. 1. given in faver of the plaintiff on| Potato judging—Helen Martin, Mount Joy R. 1. ember 29, 1941, for Mis. Harry Leib Hostess To King’s Daughters Bible Class =! Daughters Bible | Class of the Church of God met | at the home of Mrs. Harry Leib bs Tuesday evening. The regular | The King's iD C AR DE ALE R SENTENCED TO JAIL John M. Davis, former Harris pleadec burg used-cay dealer, transacted and re- served to the follow- to W.| ing Mrs. G. F. Broske, Mrs. Ray- Salunga, in the latter | mond Cover, Mrs. Harvey Dill« | man, Mrs. Anna Lump, Mrs, -C. R. Charles, Mrs. Mary Walker, Mrs. business was - charges Bully to brought by an King in com 1 with selling two stolen cars freshments 1ection | J. Staley, was fined $100 and costs and sentenced to 2% to 5 years in the] Garth Snyder, Mrs. Elsie Grove, Eastern Penitentiary by Judge | Mrs. Blanche Parson, Mrs. John the sentence | Sprout, Mrs. Monroe | Mrs. John Barnhart, 6m, Mrs: sentence imposed by the Dauphin | Lizzie Wintermyer, Miss Aang | Hoffer and Mrs. Hanoy Leib. == County court on Jan, 6.