The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 18, 1941, Image 5

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Morning, December 18, 1941
\FFS For Hunters MESCAL 1 xa - Dis a Be, pe Jn In That Case You Never Can Tell | TAKE STEPS




- and -


Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.

| |
Richard Baumgardner ° caught

what is believed to be the largest
crappie bass landed in Pennsylva-
nia waters during the 1941 fishing)
season. It weighed 3% pounds and
Dr. R. M. Balderson

































It we 85 E. Main St. MT. JOY, PA |
| was caught the last day of ‘the fish-
i ing season. PALMYRA, PA.
{ PN 1 fishing Falmyra Bank Building
| November 30th ended the fishing Mon., Tues, Wed. and Fri,
ee i season for all game fish, and the to 12 A. M. P.M
. . (Trade ers Rog U 9 Mai OF 07 ep
| fishermen are once again turning 42% uation » 7 = 8 I
es one
their attention to sucker fishing. |" er 2 5
v « ’ + yr + I ox MOUNT JOY
BV... | Such old saying as “You can’t COUNTY H. S. SECTION 1 HOW ARE 3 YOUR SHOES | 85 Bust Main Street
WL [eee vie nd et pet) AUNT MIN WE be | SOA Too Soe, || a A Set
A WISE O LL il that lays the golden Blizabsthuown 2 0.10 BRING THEM IN Sat. 1:90-5:50
kill the goose at y trated His " ® East Donegal ........ 2 13 a oy | ip an
eggs”, etc, was demonstra ; Marietta cours 5 C Sh R C
he . : ey 11 | Lity Diice Lo.
sis : nel of wont year during the deer season when 3 ; ut. Joy ...... 00 3 i
I sure could ll a a of you! ° i Manheim: B 0 1 00¢ 30 SOUTH QUEEN Sve |
ladies what Santa Claus is gonna thousands of hunters from Penn- : : Cy on MO reer 3 000 LANCASTER, I : WE HAVE
is Pie i» . : ; ; i : Rothsville ........... J NC! ER, PENN | vie. vie
; kring you, but I can keep secrets. | {sylvania were sadly disappointed East Hempfield ...... 0 2 000 :
: : 1 ing fr ne ifte +
wm I saw local hubbics shopping in the after spending from ns fifteen Well si thse Set wht 10 Mt. Joy H. Bes CT | Q U A L | TY.
— funniest departments and I'l wager days in the mountains, only to come \; 0 5 no Glo yer =n a’hody 2 = |
1.1 o he ta yas ; . Pellenbaum, F' ........ . 7
2 some of the “fineries” they bought ‘home without Pele usual quota of kind’a wishes they wuz awiu! rich Nye, F oily 0 0 Samuel N. Stauf 10 | 3
» weren't for their wives. the king of the, Pennsylvania game, this here time...closz up ta Zink, FP i : J ¥
MALE DEER : : St rere 2
® . > : 2 : DEER : 2s!...I never seen nuthin Gemberling, Cia 0 0 0 CRUSHED & BUILDING :
You know, I've found out that A few years ago all the organized [ike how n r pretty things a'body Zerphey, G ig 0 : ~
n you can borrew zil the money you |cdeer clubs came home with their wants'a get fer folks'z right before | Breneman, G ........- 9 0 & i O IN E
i want at a bank if you can prove 1o| limit of the male deer, and it was Christmas! | Totals 14 4 32 CONCRETE BLOCKS. SILLS, th Meat df ot
i ym Vol n't need it. Stunt .onsidere: viok at a z ie 0 OME Cag nat ps AY, AOCAS,
A them you don't need Bt. WY. considered no trick at all for an 1 nods out a great hig long lista Rothsville I. S. cH AND LINTELS West Mais St. Mt. J
RoR 9 individug some. Rome. willl ass re : 3 T i
» o 04 is re individual comme home Will a things I wanted ta git fer sum folks | ¥ Wedd 3 NMACADAM | Si { ’ oy
3» Recently in Spee court ine! puck, Some hunters have said they 1 known I started in goin’ through | Bo: bare = F a > 0 4 for Driveways, Garages & Walks |
judge annayiiced: * Ten Says > te left male deer go by without shoot- (ho stoves where everything is all | Weidlo Taw 5 8 aa ' He
” i dolla a; And = porting bi mi ing because they knew they would trimmed up fer Christmas'n i : 4 00.0 00, 2 1 5 | { Phone: Res. 903R14 Quarry 903R15 Hig in Hi {li
2 i said: “11 take the moncy, Ju get another with a larger rack. honest I kad the grandest time! Wide World). i : (INP): | Frmyer, ER ; turn
4 3 J Ax inate oo ir in an Ln- . . 1 v 11 1 M
8 teas: Rew Jes 8 bird 1 on un All this was changed with the Sumhcw er other ... when folks HOSTESS Juanita I WAR LEADERS — President Manuel | Muth, G ..........0.... 0: 0
1 3 1 cad = Js - { iam 1 er}
| gilded cage. © wi Alam. ese Mio i! zk me what I want fer Christmas| uanita ks- | Quezon of the Philippines (left), pictured Fi 2 To !
0 A x Fin w antlerless deer esason neties oy iy ia rt tela Lopez, chosen as at Manila with Lt. Gen. Douglas Mac- Tolls ©. 1 3 23 i
i f sow a Tard c a =i cnly does were killed but most all I plum cant think’a nuthin ees “Miss Latin America Arthur, who commands all U. S.. Army a Se -e:by Periods |
Sw A Ture: G0 RE the young bucks as well. Don’t Well... I do have everything a’hody for annual New Year’s | forces in the East. i] Joy ‘H. L409 9 10532
» weeniz place at Lanc for lunch place all the blame on the Gamé needs’n it jest scems ta me, Christ- Bes R: ois sville i 8S 9: 577 5-53
a ih on Stade w= place « he blame he ; oSes a CER | a
» while shopping on Saturday, so Ij tai ut place the blame mas'z more fer givin'n fer gittin’ } FOR DEFENSE- | Referee, John Borger.
3 te 5. Thoy had | Commission. But place the blam fornia. id oral
» thpught Y¢ go in tao. 149 where it belongs. Put the blame 2nyways...Take fer instance them Joining nationa eerie
: ved and start: y eat wher > ne Me Ce +. y xr
8 been scrved and start=d to eat when mm the follows who sh he anter- poor little tackers livin’ down the program of U. S. | Mt. Joy J-V
» It { dc wen “Waiter | OD the feilows who shot the anter Office of Educa G GTi
: nearc ne mai ve TX 3 . 3 ive a hate ’ sittin’ ha - & 1
= tastes And ihol|less deer. He is the fellow who sireet a pi Tm gittin® them tion to train youth Wile g 8
5 —thi oup tastes ie. Lio ih § . : qr ary ide to ke chivers 3 i wilson, Fed ive |
Nn 4 led “You should his own sport and in most sum warm duds to keep the shiver ih for war industries, | Bender. F 2 0 4 | eq
waiter od. > should com- i e near al) | Ber » Foo... |
0 0 struck with a whole} S25es he will tell you “I hunt for off... I got the stuff pretty near Frankfort, Ky., Roberts, C 4 1 9! i
i plain oe Ne we © 7 77 | SPORT and not for meat.” bought up'n I jest guess I'm gonna class gets instruc- || |Brown, G ....... SEE. 9 2 | | Qur ¥ PI LK
» kettleful of the stuff. 2 in " put it all in a big cartoon’n tote it ti : reldi } G 2 1 2 We Practice :
Fon hw The Columbia Fish and Game fons in welding lj “iy ib. ¥ 0-0 0 hes oO 3 aj ermanent job as
i 1 ati : tvad 357 rabbit down ta them the night before from expert at |! 1D, Say 0 3 0 i
ate me how the lads of | sociatior ust received 252 rabbits ' qiily i > > a ais ix i g
» It sure beats me how the lads of | sociation j receiv DONS | 302 they don't lose no Schenley Distillers {Penrell, I" .. $ 9 2 All Branches Of Dentistry || manager of your health,
today think up such fast answers from Missouri, which were stocked r.. vs awful hard in Bl plant where st § uu g 8 ha
. a Santa... Ss awlul © n re stu- i Ge all n Cc 0 ) -
he : wo with grownups er | in this section. Sits Ss a ! allagher vo rv 3 16
when talking wits grownups, Ao} b believin’ in sumpin’ what you never i dents meet four {| | McClellan, Foo 0 0 0 AR kay Ser vic | Employ our health
instance x an wn office versons who have row boats , . : i : | J : :
i“ instance, I was in an uplow 1 C ae persons ¢ To) is kin ses’'n what never cums!...'N I ¥ nights weekly. { Sumpman, Bs 0 0 0 Open Mon, Wed, Fri. TIS P.M. || worker, and vou'll
when a youth applied for = 3p that pre still in the river would be Know it folks sed there wuz a Santa (Link) —— | Gibbons, C slicers es sins 0 h .
» After considerable qu : ioning in wise if they would take them out *a he never cum 4. bring me nuthin! bY: | Wolgemuth, i SR 0 0 g work m much bett tor.
which the youth had little to hisicf the water before the ice freezes 1 know pretty i I'd kird'a Total 19 9 93 | y
. = nee anid: “Mv: 1ad iol her : : yor : i { Olas vo a ris re pad & “3 | ) D IR
i? credit, the boss saad: | My lad, do|them in. Last year a large num= hink sumpin wuzn't right about it. Rothsviile J-V 7 | i eo
JB you know I started I'fe as a bare-|ber of boats were frozen in the ica It's kinda funny... but I found i G G T S FUND Y | CLARENCE S. GREIDER Prop
5 oh Le " . ~ . LARENC *REIDER, .
footed boy? And the lad retali-|and the skaters used them for fire= sut jt ain't so much what ya give a | Mellinger, F' ........ v3 0 8 MOUNT JOY. PA
ated: “Well, sir, I wasn't born with | god. put i's how va sive it... Zook, F .............. 1 0 2 How Folks / VE UY. TA
hoos” Most all of us who br : IT Donnely, F ........... 2 0 4 PHONE 907-R-3
sh . Tost all of us who are frequent 1 ya give it begrudgin-like ... it | Kouffman, c 0 9 0 Store Stuff
* % oF 3d 3 < Bly A Se
visitors at the river bow at'zin’t give right...but if ya give it Risser 0 1 1 . | io )
2 at aint gat... ya Gi 3 IRisser, ! CLI ~~ 1
“You know, 1 always throw mY Wrightsville and at Columbia, can with all yer heart'n yer glad yu kin i i. |Grube, G 0 0 0 In An Attic a | PASTEURIZED ASK FOR /
self into whatever I undertake, recognize a stranger pretty quickly, sive it...then it’s a nice gift'n ; = + 2 cy | | Mumma, C Rh i 3 When They / | MILK AND - CREAM TOR
1 a Senior } is ne wid : : oe , ) STRANGE BIRD—The ° ing Wing” ready for tes t ho, at Ha - Spangler, G .......... 2
boasted a Senior boy to his new! ticularly if they : a strange makes evervbody feel better'n hap- Daas : y p a aw | panger, CREAM BOTTLE ~ =
Taare nica” esha the I o y if they act in a strange makes everybody fe c Sry op thorne, Calif. - Submerged engines with pusher-type propellers || ree Can Cash In ON V
dale. roars Ges can fig : or pes manner. Now that we picr...I'd rather git a cracker br one power unique plane, which is minus conventional fuselage and tail. 31 With A WA N AD pe
bored date, "why dont you dif aj at war if you see strange per- in two rfum sumbody what jest — — | Scove by Periods: a — a,
ditch.” ...... Of course, it wasonly] go acting strangely at the river couldn't keep back {rum givin’ it... ae Mt. Joy J-V ..... S 7 1% 2- a Bhi TONG PI so ———————
a : . rads pny : . ' : Ti i SHE © . theville J-V. ..0 5 7
a suggesuon. in the vicinity of either the Rail- than ta git a big box’a candy frum DON 1 FORGET ‘F lammenwerfer’ Used in Roth ol 3 y :
££ x 0% 0K : 3 . ; = Roieree, Crider.
road Bridge or the lumbia- sumbody what begrudged it ... So | 4 Ra »
A smart “allic” from near 1 2 Ait Alvi ever > Co uw Lae i : T a ~ause, well | | Killing Locust Swarm Other 51 hos 3 i iH AM ; LTO N, E LG i N an d
Asmar: Call, oy Wrightsville bridge, report it at what I gives I ¢ ...because, well | ¢ § RET Few ha ues are so devastatin Mraietta H. S. 25, East Donegal |
ras parked a g¢ the post oilce i : . 1s Mer 5 staal ON} ¥ 5 Ba CW plagues are sc evastating |
Q was parked along ihe post iy iy | once to the city police or to the becaus see...l like givin’! ‘N| THE SOLDIERS | in hell effects as a swarm ot Io. 1H. 9. 27. : ne WA LTHAM WATCHES
an cflort fo make a pick-up. Se that will .be stationed at if a ’b uns outa stuff fer ta fill | { custs. When in flight they throw ! Elizabethtown 35, East Hempiieic ,
ir cute tricks came along In le tly EE i : 2 h llowa we 2 in Tra
d one of jy She wa Boks a ide, ba iong the ese points. up st why, there's nuthin | Wy ; SE i | a definite shadow across the face of Ba wn J-V 40, E. Hempfield J-V iheral Allowance for Your Old Watch in Trade
; and he called: ride, TT rf UB in the world more fillin'n pop corn | wusands of Seldier boys Will the sun and, when they land, all | gibi lind ee Sheaif i
: ‘ ’ . ¥ { : io. ir ‘1 Tass Ae roma EME, 12. edgier Pens
And the girl as 5 try it, onct...’n pretty nea: i receive Christmas Gifts within the; edible vegetation for miles around East Donegal J-V 19, Marietta ! i
hi d: fi ! lig y vt few reek anv will be ver-! is swoured 1 yvattor as us i edt gids gi -
To which he qui 2 > IRONVI LLE everybody likes the staff! What I'm | next few weeks. Many will be gevouss 11n az Hatter of 1 les. 13. | Chime Clocks
1 I am.” So our gal friend answered: givin’ ain't cost’ much... but it] s attractive, but how useful to a| 4 oe 10 mile — | Elsctiie Clocks, Also
i : " 81v ail s bie { and 20 miles 3: 4 ’ ~
“Say ‘hell o the or me. 3 bai ey 0 Sodiv vail i | at £217 TRS TN
2 3 eli : ; ; Doris Weaver, returned from 100ks big... I kin hardly wait ta] The folowi li i | One of the 1 spectacular ways | COAST GUARD SEEKS MEX | Alarm Clocks
—was he cut 1? seh Ct The folowing list of really accep- | ey he : ? a : . : Y 1
Boy—wa : ou Xu a visit at Detroit Mich. giv it | ol e ng fo 3 oy : a will | of killing off such a locust swarm The Eulletin was requesicd tog
® row : . eee GG ee table gifts for the boy at camp will ae mr yt: 1 3
| We h iy ros David Rettew, is suffering con- i : hat 1 3 nd. is by use of the Flammenwerfer, or | publish the followicg bi DON WwW GCRRECHT Mount Jovy, Pa
We have a ga as. end NOL rit piso rid: A Tonsi | give you an In kle what to se flame n, used by the Germans | Fs 3 heine made !
i derzble pain, account of being in- YW he: nsils A new appeal is ing made la
! swears 3 “fs Pa » 1 % > List boing Vhen To Shouldn't { ( Th ese items wer compiled with the British Tommy on the : A Cosi ]
SW { jured while unloading pig iron : Ine . ) ‘nlistments in the U. 0. LOaSiA
No wonder she swears. oh Col ie a pig Jon tt Come Out, , Do octor Advis €S | interest cf the soldiers in view. 21 lande A portable cyl- | :
4 C C a vy a Malle: s {Mne oO iva fA 3 ) No ac
* 2 x 2 | th Ca ting Co! poy ter’ Cigarettes: They never have too | Inder containing paraffin is carried | 0“ WAR - r py rr ——
5 he d nok IR backed into a polel sj oy i | on the ba and attached to the immediately i HOURS FOR EXAMINATION OF THE EYES
nts 21% or men and ne A He many. tp - tii og : = is y ” o
Pants same cff, falling on Mr. tile od 5 in i ’ va inder th of hose at the e Lieutenant Commander Ira E | Daily—9 A. M. - 5 P. M. Tue., Fri, Sat. Evenings 7 - 8
women. Women are made for men & i> Bt afier | Razor blades. Always need them. of whic divector of the vessrve
. et : fcur iy to caich 1 alte ) i 2 “od Eckridge, rece i > Ie AVEC + rE \ CTC TIT
Jot for pants. When a man pants for | Never sec have enough } de ( | BR YES EAMII hee ADDED ¥
net for pants 1 Yvhen 2 mal pe The Women's Bible Class will a8 recent tonsiliectomy, according to | Ne) op Sem to Rs 1 Th Us andi} a) Bed for the Philadelphia district, said |§ EYES EAMINED—GLASSES FITTED
a woman and a woman pants for aj, Rr 2 warning issued by . | Sewing kits. Save tailors’ bills and | sho of | Er ile
hold their December meeting the re = 4 i 3 3 applications from men 17 to 35 years CaN ot
man, that makes a pair of pants a ad Setng | partment of a well-known life in- | help to keep uriforms neat, and | Ta inte st swarm with | © SAME DAY SERVICE ON RROKEN LIENS
’ 2 ) _{ church basement tonight, when they _ . = Ss ! ’ 1 ; a thrilli nd imt | old are being taken.
Pants are like molasses, they are “ill their 4 surance company. they've got to be neat. | 2 n is a thrilling and impres- |
iE vill exchange ir Christmas gifts] Recor ireds of! o | sive experienc he pe
thinner in hot weather and thicker : g 2 Records of ma s of | gohan. The more you use, the e experience, The pests arg
% . Tt i Laon end hold a covered dish social. d in hospitals : need mowed down in swathes as the roar
in ¢ sather. re ha ee 4 hii more y ced. : i :
in cold weat 1e1 s 'flie. Oratige Blossom. ¢ | 4 he you Jae ; 2 1. | ing flame bites into the densel
much discussion as to whether pants zicet, ab the Yorke Socks. Make em warm enough, | packed devouring hordes. But suc
is singular or plural; but it seems to 0% d a much hi r | big enough and soft. are the tremendous numbers thg
n men weal plural he fe among patients who Shoes brushes and shoe cleaning even this mass murder does ng
rane ge ; ; et
- hen th dor ular 1 i Eg to removed, the | kits Neatness. -Send them in com-| greatly deplete their ranks.
’ want to make the pants last Me. a and Mrs. Loos Frey, moved 10 rep rt Pe pact kits for easy packing. | Poison appears to be the most
a «1. | Bausman’s and Mr. and Mrs. Nor-! The for infantil 4 tn 3 11. | ficient killer. In Egypt rice bra
» the coat first. ....... Simple, a, . : y { Fountain pens, Ink in bottle spills. : ; d
man Seigrist and family moved in- paralys utbre Is fro | ct Soldie lead oe sweelened with molasses and py
it’ 7 i hange purses. Soldiers lead ac- or .
Ss 1 PE to the house vacated by Mr. Frey. June to November, with the peak | purse a ia win soned with arsenic, has proved ve
James Garber and Clayton Grei. number of cases usually reached in | tive lives, run the risk ol I0SINE] effective.
“I wish I was in the Army, “‘sigh- dor. have onlistott br the air deb August. Having the children’s ton- | change from their pockets.
: 4A er, have enlisted i > a epart- ie cy or. ; : : a
ed a local lad. “Who doesn’t?” asked ment of the US A part out is y if there arc any Pocket knives. Varied uses.
his pal and the reply was, “The : ig my. of polio in the vicinity, the | poet flashlights. For after “lights Isaac Newion Absentminded
. TH ed report suggests, and in such cir- | From time to time 7 bse
my!’ seems he had ju righ y o 1 it. me, we obse
Army! Seger It seems Just | right, Just tell her I'm glad I didn’t cumstances the operation should be ot . : Gbvlou someone who is ‘“‘absent-minde
{ been rejected. we a come.” postponed, unless the tonsils are so aying paras. DY ous. jor hear about something done
gr r= 2 322» diseased ox otherwise abnormal that Pocket combs. in cases, please! queh a person. A few months
Many a maid has snared a man| A bachelor is a sportsman who! the need for immediate removal is | for convenience. newspapers carried the report {
only to lose him by opening her|plays at the game of love and urgent : Cigarette lighters. More con-} an American college professor
| trap, manages to maintain his amateur In general, T€C- | venient than matches. j to the attic to repair a trapd
: 2.9 3.9. standing. ords as are available indicale a yw. uno paper. Makes it casier to] After working for some time,
Sn a Bi standing eine vigher susceptibility to infantile hie to home thought the job was dene, but cf
Here's the pay- i fo A lie paralysis among children without rosie ger 10 Wn ome. | not get out of the attic. He
ara St. man figured that if high test] Want a little poetry ..... . well, their tonsils, than among those with | Books. Murder pi oferred ‘over oie down the trapdoor
» gas stepped knocking in his car it] here tis anyway. tonsils intact, the report states, | romance. couldn't open it. The profe
cught to work the same way ona his] A little bird sits on a tree sugg esis t tae tonsils have | Clothes brushes. Neatness, called for help, and his daugh
] wife, so-0-0 he put a spoonful in| Now he flies away a Jef nite prot otective and | Underwear. Obvious. boy friend came to the reg
as > 2 : yn ie should only be removed if a men- | = knocking at the trapdoor u
his wife's coffee. ... I ol heard | Life is like that oc th hooith i Obvious. Ear I nt
1 i verked, e she e today., gone tomorrow hi ‘mre ald sie aged ys are always hun-
how I werhed, but I hope s Here tod 1 » gone temorrow Child {wo years old are the age ! The famous Isaac Newton sel
doesn’t light a cigareite, A little bird sits on a tree 1 st fre ntly stricken by | to have been absent-minded in :
Rx® Now he scratches himself -« pa! iralysis, the report siaies. { way. Among the stories about
“I must buy some more worm me- | Life is that way ig 40 20 “polio Magazines. especially famous scientist is one which
dicine,” remarked a farmer to a new | Lousy. So He hooves OH yours i picture and news. of a time when he went into
: | 3 lowever, some adults are ihe Lite wail dee kitchen to boil mn egg
5 1onal d store. 2 she SA -rem g kits, with clean-| Kitchen n egg. He m
clerk in a local drug store and she ten in every epidemic. Spat ls, Wath cled to time it With his put
asked: “Is your worm sick, I'm so And so, as the bum said when he Moder n methods of treatment, in- | ing fluid. Saves en glean i cook came in and noticed he
i sorry.” tossed his cigar in the gutter: n cluding hydrotherapy and: massage, | Unbreakable mirrors. Obv the egg in his hand and his ws
: t th 1 of 4 are getting complete cures in nu- | met Wifi th Se fan ang his watd
at the end of my rope: are geting X ! = 1e water.
Mary was trying to ditch an un- Be 99's cases and 2 Seay A new auto loaded on a carrier
458 a ur tand of this disease | : : > i
wanted date so she had her kid sis-! Don't forget to send me a Christ- sliggosts that it Soon Bo | was badly damaged at the railroad You can get all the news of
ter answef the door, and she apolo-| mas present: Fll be awful disap-| under control. ©" | under pass west of Lancaster. locality for less than three ce
gize.;“Im sorry, but Mary said pointed if you don’t. rsa ees gr week through The Bulletin.
to tell you she is not at home”! And tPA. 2 2 When in need of Printing. (any- When in need of Printing. (any- ———
the date ahswered: “That's quite all; A WISE OWL thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | thing) kindly remember the Bulletin Patronize Bulletin Advertiser