. The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thiirsday Morning, December 4, 1941 five | Meeting at West Willow The Nov. meeting of the Lanc.| County Firemen's Association was held on Friday evening in the U. B.| Church, at West Willow where the! West Willow Fire Company was the host. A. S. Nissley, President of “the llccal company welcomed the Asso- (ciation in a few well chosen words. A marimba solo by Miss Dorothy Sherk and an accordian solo by! $32 HOUSE ay 20 S0 VUHRE. TS A 4 GONNA BE. SAMPLE KIT J SALESMAN, 7 A ® OWL L LAFFS Co. Firemen | MESCAL IKE st | | | — sk THEY GIMME nus = i; TERRITORY > CLUSIVE _T! oy 7 Te! Rp BUH Zl SAY TW STURE SB ZA\MAIL ORDER) (am ON SY ay And 3 9h NGF oF Tem “BUCKS MINUTE =. ILL SEE WHO'S AT At Least Evervone Seems to Like It Lolly Gags HE ASKED ! TAKE STEPS TO BUSINESS AD SUCCESS 7243 7 HOV OLD L WAS | Miss Betty Rouf were well rendered! — and highly appreciated by the audi- OWLS om . AUNT MIN 5 Twenty-nine companies respond- nts 1% to the roll call and were repre- . While eating at the “diner last!’ scented by one hundred and fifty 5 i 7 . | members. ht : hiker from the west} : A We pe fo ie > bowl of | Paul Z. Knier, Fire Marshal, re- 1 thr T that en- soup. The clerk told him the only Li = 0 fi id or “J : : ngere wor - : kind they had was vegetable. “We- 8 p like'z if laced ” ‘party and entailed a damage of getakle soup? Whats that?” asked i yoked $5700. Mr. Knier stressed the fact the | fast not all fires had been reported lend urged that reports be forth hiker. “Well” said the waiter, "Is 5 ; = 3 rerio the same thing—only. looser!” coming sco that the annual repor ¢ sa ser! 2 EAR can be completed. Fail epoke on fire precention and, Ss Sha who : like, it's Thanksg Uh-huh—She d when I = “i stressed the necessity of utmost care 2 lawn a - down at the & when 4 yo ied in decerating hemes ad churches pou Np . over io the divap, a gol scare [ane the Christmas scasen. Ths hy, Who we oh $e 1cpert was supplemented by George TT I", KX. Erisman who sent consider- The boys who frequent Newcom-| hie literature to the different ers Scrvice Elation are ~cheols of the county. 1 | the loss cf the dugks. You Th: death of fireman Willian I's the kiker. “Ever cat hash’ ths cletk “yeah” answered me, I ain’t a thinkin’ that proper... since Clayt had the hole filled up F:hleman of Lititz was memorijal- in front of the air pump there's nolized in silent tribute. pond there anymore alter a rain! Mr.‘ Benjamin L. Herr of Lam- g0-0-c-0, as Clayt says: “He had tol peter gave an interesting talk | sell the ducks.” ‘Stoo bad} strongly advocating a deeper devo- | 4 tion and praise to Almighty God | Bob was trying awfully hard to!and a full patriotic and conscien- \ start a conversation with an E'town | tious support of our government :n blende when he asked: “Say, pretty.! these perilous times. do you shrink from kissing?” The| The meeting will be blonde stuck her nose in the air|held at Leacock on December 26th and said: “Of course not, if I did I'd| when the Mechanicsburg Fire Com- | be nothing but skin and bones!” pany will be the host. 3 ok ok EK ———————— Well it ain't none’a my affairs I met a fellow from Columbia to-| THE LOW DOWN how people Bankers fer stuff. .I'm ; day who looked awfully odd to me|FROM HICKORY GROVE havin’ sum good cld fashioned thick and finally I figured cut what was| This new election in San Fran- vegetable soup fer my Thanksgivin wrong with him scd asked: “What | cisco shows that the Native Sons dinngr.. crammed up with chopped in the world makes your tongue so there still have their feet on terra “P cabbage n turnupsn corn’n stufi black?” He looked rather ashamed |firma. They don’t like Socialism— 1 jest dares anybody ta cum but explaincd:” I dropped a bottle] two to one. They have just gone i mY {runt door... ta say... ani a of whiskey on a {reshly tarred{on record that Mr. Ickes as a dic- the best smcllin vittles they ever road?” titer is a gle. Mir: Ickes toid them smelt. . . Vegetable sup z geod enuf ® x wow : . fer Min Buncle...nourishin’, too... thay werelto get inte heselectrly Folks don’t know how good off they in They tell me the moon is called business, or he would turn off their ols go din a ~~ “Che” because there's always a man lights. Instead of it working out are, Se ane RS: handy. like the Gent said, it worked vice 2.2.22 versa and they turned down Har- SALU NGA A lceal Dad was having a heart to] old, himself. heart iy with his son when tel It was defeat number eight in a asked: I, son how are your raw, which gives a person a hazy Mr. and Mrs. John Dattisman marks?” “They're under water,” notion that maybe San Francisco is entertained the formers parents, replied his offspring. “What do you one too super-fond of the munici- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dattisman, of v water?” inquired the pal idea. Landisville, on Thanksgiving Day. fer dinner... they jest goes in a corner sum placen broods on the lawful hard lot they'z got. Fer the life’a me I can’t see jest what ails folks... it jest proves the more ya got...the more ya want... Now take my friend Jen, fer in- stance... why she wanted rabbit so awful hard, she didn't give her man no peace till he went out’'n shot two ...big ones, too 4 mean 1 nean, slammed. the Govt. into even more experi- Mrs. Annie L. Peifer spent Thurs- 3 ; : ments, it takes no mystic to tell day to Sunday with her son, Paul | Will { I think I've discovered why they! s that we will see new faces there, Peifer and family of Mount Joy. had LE * x 9 +vall it “carving a career’ a Yes . call it “carving a carcer” today. goon November, 1942. Brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peifer because knifing. AT I Day their son and Most shoplii just taking a not’on. * * * * * Paul Stoner shot a large gray fox daughter, Shirley, of Lancaster. while hunting in the Conewago Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rohrer and AE Aa Ra nS Ta A rural woman was telling me of] A West end man defines the her trip to Louisiana when she said: | “crack of dawn” as the sock his | “We were staying at an old plant-| wife gives him when he gets in at | ation one night and the lady of the|four a. m, follcwing children and gu + Mrs, Mary Minnich, Mr. and Mrs. Beni. Kendig and daughter, Betty Jane, ees iid {and son, Robert; Mr. and Mrs. John Kendig and daughter, Vivian, and son, John, Jr. town; Dr. and Mrs. us to our bedroom. “he peinied to the bed and explain-| We're indebted to a kind reader ¢d, “That's a {famous bed. A sugar|who gave us the first laff of the % king once slept in it” And then|deer season. oer | 1ay huspand st down o lie bed and oe. Jerry and Tommy, of Mount Joy, | said, "Yeh, 1 can stiilfeelthe hunps” and the Misses Susuana and Annie Park Eberle was one of the lucky ' 2 533 hunters in the woods the first day, Breneman. 8 Ah, thrift, a wonderful virtue in|who saw a deer. But he suffered Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper had ancestors. an attack of “buck” fever, started to dinner on Thanksgiving Day, 4 PE running after the deer, forgot he Me. and Mrs. John Cooper and son, € 7 A guy {rem near Lititz went to|had a gun and lost his hunting leg- Joan II, of Landisville; Mr. and | i court and asked to have his name in the excitement—Now he’s Mrs. Chester Cooper, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Cooper and changed. The judge inquired: “Well. | home, without a deer and is offering son Russell. ; what is your name?” The guy an-la reward for his leggings, i swered: “Joe Stinks,” The judge hid ©. v0 Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hiestand and Sumhow er other it jest seems sum folks only thinks'a Thanksg' vin’ with their stumachs instecad’a their hearts...’n if ya ask fer if there’z one day in the whole year when a ’'kody oughter use up sum'a their heart bein’ thankful- | ..special this her¢'n... 1941! The other day 1 {wuz a ruminatin’ on stufl’'n I started ‘n thinkin’a them poor critters over | I jest bet none'a them folke'd turn | {down a good mess'a fried scrapple’n] hi : thei 5 win | biled taters fer their { ? dinner... but here ... well, lot'a {olks what ain't gonn’a have turkey pater. Hi s son started toward the| 1 our congressmen there on the Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rankin mov- | Ar Sr vied: 3 ! . 1 : Ru) Ls Ved door and exclaimed: ‘Below Potomac don't savy the ed into their new home on Brandt Tos gi Ap oe oo : ¢ level, Dad” — And then the writing on the wall & they put Boulevard last Thursday. where they're fightin’ them warsn | A © Ww le SHOT A GRAY FOX Mr. and Mrs. John Peifer and | hills on Thanksgiving morning. re Lois and Mary Lou, and | Here's a short, short stery..... —_ Tet sons, Guy, Clair rn! Gene Dale, A bargain is 2 good buy. A 200d-1 There is no better way to boost were tae gues's of latters bye is a farewell. A farewell is tq your business than by local news- brother, Mr. Jacob and | part. To part is to leave. My girl paper advertising. family, of Lititz, for Ye iia left me without a good-bye. She tll GO ‘giving Holiday. Wes no bargain Tye Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. | Dr. J. S. Kendig gave his annu: Thanksgiving Day dinner to the | Harry Kendig and sons, Newt, | : 3 i > : 3 auchter. arolv oF ritorta: a smile and exclaimed: “Well, I} I'd like to know how we can daughter, Carolyn, were entertain- 1 i t ; don’t blame you. What do you want | please the world when we have such ed by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton q 5 to change it to?” And the guy an-|a hard time satisfying our own Druecker of Lancaster, on Thanks- swered: “Charlie.” ........ Well —| family. giving. § 2 that’s different. * * 3 ® Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peifer of $3 22> The shortest distance between two. OW and Mr. and Mrs. Edward After being engaged to the same | points is a straight line but a lot of Bato, of Lancaster, spent Thanks- girl for twenty-two years a fellow women don’t believe it when S1ViD8 Day at Shartlesville and near Bamford wrote this poem — [they are repeating gossip, Reading. | We arrel about the slightest * + 5 Miss Sadic Horst was the gusts | The youngster who delights in ©f her sister, Mrs. Samuel Brandt, I'm alt upset and harried; snowballs and ski-pants never fig- ©f near Mount Joy, for Thanksgiv- | We're getting on each other's nerves | ures he will ever go to Florida to ing Day. i It's times that we got married. keep warm in the winter. Mis. Abraham of Beartown | iE Poor Fellow, he's sunk. ‘8. 9% 3 spent several days last week with | %.% The picket of all pickets was the her son-in-law, Mr. Ear] Martin | While passing a munitions plent! chap stationed in front of a drug and family. | down in Jersey I heard a rifle say: | store who, when he ran out of Mr. Lynn Martin spent the | “Mom, where’s Pop?” And the rifle’s| cigarettes, when inside the store and Thanksgiving Holiday with his | “Mom, replied: “He's in Europe, | bought some! father, Mr. Earl Martin. | dear; he’s a big gun now. ” J A WISE OWL Dr. J. S. Kendig and daughter, | ev you have to do so muchi, gq gjcters, it won't be long. as their guests on Thanksgiving afternoon, ¢ days with her parents Harry T. Herr Peifer, ine ila lis, ed her. Mrs. Mary Minnich, and fon | Weal Nelson, Bove Last 1 and family spe ith Mr. 2 r of Florin, LANDISY honing | Byron J. nied hy Mrs. He nr: +1155 d sylvania, Penn State, on Sunday, aite ing the holidays with their parents, rs, Paul S. Baker. and Mrs. . and Mrs. Mr. Mr. fus, Hiestand, | 1 aa Mrs. Cora Angstadt, o town, visit dan Angstadt and {or vate S The i and y evening. Bowman, of Lanean ening for Iliinois. several days, the Samuel heme of Mrs. of Zion Lutheran Church held their THE GREAT BIG, DULL BULK OF THE. NATION WILL RUB ITS SLEEPY EYES AND TRY To MAKE OUT wHY THERE SHOULD BE A WAR += + « THE PULP T WiLL wARILY | AND CA OBJECT- | Ey ry LITTLE HANDFUL | FOR WAR LD WM) THEN THE HANDFUL WitL SHOUT LOUDER AND PRESENTLY SUCH [oars WiLL CEASE To OPEN NEXT THE STATESMEN | wiLL INVENT CHEAP LIES PUTTING THE BLAME ON THE NATION THAT 15 ATTACKED AND EVERY MAN WiLL BE GLAD OF THOSE CONSCIENCE SOOTHING FALSITIES AND WiLL DILIGENTLY STUDY THEM AND REFUSE TO EXAMINE ANY REFUTATION OF THEM AND "ne ob any HONEST AN UP THE WAR CRY ! SHOUT 1T3ELF HOARSE QPEN HIS MOUTH : AND HE WiLL BY AND BY CONVINCE. HIMSELF THAT THE WAR 1S JUST AND wikL THANK GOD FOR THE BETTER SLEEP HE ENJOYS AFTER THIS PROCESS OF GROTESQUE SELF DECEPTION = MAazn Twarn - 1898 GOO HESS AMERICA — portsmen 5 os Will Elect Officers Mon. to enlist the ighbors swprised her + Box Mis. all those who so kindly remember- wishes to thank Hoi Pons c. 8, 1941, at 8:00 P. M. the Legion Home. ‘ y attend this meeting o cast ther vote for officers for the n will hold its’ Samuel an Society will be obse phia, I Winfic ld Ro i of Hipple and R. Alva G Bender John Zink, Willis mittee is directors of the 5 € Tuberculos: Sc : \iclhorn and Jack were tl GR JOY TRAVELERS Y DEFEATED ENCL A Travelers had easy del} and other prominent giving STerhart D. Cres 2 Cor tre sman and wife, struggle indifference and compla- ney. To con- quer tuberculo- sis is to protect families and homes. Support Penn State, Sunday | spending the holi- | She 1 was accompa- eee 5G SHOT 10 PT. BUCK mas y Elizabeth Baker to the University coming county, Jack Germer, David Golden Anniversary In 1892 the initial step was taken active interest of the tuberculos the Pennsylvani y 6-9, 1942 rs at the Bellevue- The 38th annual me Wo tional Tuberculosis A in eonjur Tuberculosis and Association, representatives of ernmental, medical, civic, we professional cit id i, 1 \v 1 ort, Ph.D. pr m ia Tuberculosis 8 etn ie AC Fa 32 The fi an uni the Christ Seal Sale JER ay is an investment in public crsonal health which amoun “life insurance.” ONT T w Arr Too LONG. WWE HAVE i. Stauffer HED & BUILDIN ages & Walks | Phone: Res, 36! A-Ray Service Fri. TilI8 Fr. M, s through the ganization of the Pennsy Society for the Prevention of culosis. The leader was Dr, ence F. Flick and the om formed by him and his ass Philadelphia gre tuberculosis prevention and movement that spread bie the country. The 50th anniversary neering fight and the org RD MBN ROT 2 AY Ty ’S FUNNY How Folks Store Stuff In An Attic =~ When They 5 Can Cash In hAW. ANT r AD. RED REE into the volun CLARENCE S. anu Stimulate your puslnessby rare ing in the Bulletin. OPTOMETRIST n St. MY. JOY, PA LMYRA, PA. Bank Building L, Wed. and Fri > to 5 P. ML UALITY world. Th siitute for il. Milk... for MOUNT JOY, HONE 907-K- A > | PASTEURIZED [J ask FOR MILK AND > XX CREAN Tom BOTTRE CREAM HAM WAT HE r Fountain Pens Chime Clocks A HR MOOSE THEATRE HTOWN, PA. A A EE TE RS NR ST Re re AL ERR TRS Ls tide 5 i I EXAMINATION OF THE EYES Tue., Fri,, Sal. Evenings 7 - 8 YES EAMINED—GLASSES FITTED J O Y MATINEE $A TURDAYS , bagged a beautiful ten- r made the kil] the morn- ing of the first day of the deer sea- visited ; Others in the party mond Gilbert, Christ Kinsey, John ON P, NISSLEY Mount Joy, Pa. T H FAT RE | rine THURSDA Y. , Charles Bailey, family Albert Hiestand, Vednesday afternoon. MANHEIM 163 S. Charlotte St. Telephone 11-J ly 12 guage guns may be Evenings by appointment In IDR ea E a a. 3 RE B Chanute Field, Rantoul, guests of Pri- 3 | Lutheran Church will hold a Ba- ol Squadron, » Christmas Sale in the Landis- Army. Late GOOD Zion Lutheran Church met Lestella Hoffman, Tuesday evening. The Women's A sauer kez wt supy There will re a gift table 2, cakes and candy. BEE ant a | S EXAMINED d C. Killheffer {ETRIST Wed., Thurs. Tues T WiLL PO, YOU NO“ Ya RE A 4 Py vi AN RE. Cc 2 v OC i7c INCLUDE TAX EC Sh AEA A 0. M405 AN AE WN 5 57 TSTMS WO RURDAY, DEC. 5 — § IZABETHTOWN 15 E. High 8 jephone 24-F | Fri, Sat anhelm | = ee LT ATRL RS 2:00 P. Mm. SERGEANT YORK” DAY, DEC. 10 — 1} THE RAF GRABLE — IN — A _SATL NO. Bi ATE iNEE ONL X GIRL" ul