The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 19, 1941, Image 3

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Morning,
June 19, 1941














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When in reed of Printing. (any-

correspondence in such cases that

those who or enjoy banqueting | are leaned free ¢ charge to a



n yone



9:30 a. m.,, day School.


ETS HERE SATURDAY IS Section s eeds Recorae e Str kl CLIVER SNYDER 70 >» : 5
The Mt. Joy Sixteeners associa- Si IC er | ATTEND “SAFARI Relig IOUS Three Meals Daily Plan |
tion wii its 5 : al RR i : !
33 i 51h srl te Nu merous Frank F. and Ella Germer liver Sayder, son of Mr. and Generally Followed Here 5
Mo: 10s oo ior Ag ~ |] ) z A 3 i hre i
ifon in the American Legion Home Thomas L. and Vern E. Stohler, oo eunion I | Mrs. O. K. Snyder, of town, re New ! Thi The three- meal.a-day plan is the i
here, Saturday, June 21, WwW ddi in 1 Joy for $150. been selected as the y Scout from | S Nn iS generally W in this coun- : }
: : : y t iceal ¢ » need 0 7
nization is composed of e ing S Irvin W. and Naomi Z. Busses «Hershe Park the local troop who = attend th it e need of J
ns Cioil War vote rs whe Wes Grace Betttand Elise Z "Wiser property dn Y Safari’ to ke held at zard Oo mm Li n i Y | A
ended the Joy Soldiers’ Or-| Arthur M. Painter Donegal township. The thirty-second a |Ranch, York County, ae fp m=
ot boa 1 I t y-second annual reunion Fi'a :
shan sch unti ww wore 18 vears “ - v p TI] . . aay Se ‘lav J IQ RT ANT n
| To dt i hey weve 1 yours Grace PhArnhard, daughter Fannie B. and Lester B. Brubaker °f the Strickler family will be held day and Saturday. NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE t
The Those ne ve Fe trans- 1 of and Mrs. Flmer Bernhard. of | to Irvin L. and Mary Bishop, lot in at Hershey Park, Hershey, Saturday | 1 4 e host is Col. Mahlon N. CHURCHES IN MT. JOY AND 3
te Mite all ' av) Flival : ” : * ] Haines, ‘oe event will 1 [ HR ENTIRE 38 &¢ }
2 White Hall, Chester | Elizabethtc R. D. 1. and Don-| Mount Joy township for $100. June 21. | a , and the event will be fea- THE ENTIRE SURRCUNBDING
Iniontown, ete. after the} al 3 . i tured by sccu activities: and | ‘ MITNTTV
: 3 iter t ald R. Painter, 1 of Arthur M Albert G. and Sue Mary Strickler The program to be rendered in|. 2 i at © TY aha ai COMMUNITY. {
ol was cle Painter, of Flizabethtown rare Was 3 he theatre t} y rodec on night which will rn
Te : 3 were | lot in East Donegal township. the theatre there -at 2 p. m. follows: be t 1 } or
program follows: 10 a. m.| marrie d Thursday afternoon at t} : = I open to the public. Scouts neos 3p.
mn a gd PLA Chat a oF the | S. R. Zug and wife to Joseph D. Devotions, Rev. Warren Strickler fiom the Yor! oy Donegal Pre terian Church \
ation and visit to the old] Florin Church of the Brethren by Holi 5 YC Brunnerville. Pa: oo Shs res area will § Rev. C. B. Seg D.D., Pastor \
onl: mr : 5 > ollinger, tract in Mastersonville nerville, Pa; Remarks by the at 1 | wn ka J
chool: noon. business session, fol- | the Rev. John Brubaker. Donald] «Presid y : Blend. Church 5 \ ere §
lowed by memorial a Robbin J 7 Mi for $200 (Deed dated April 1, 1886.) President, Rev. Walter H. Gable | A special insicna will } od Gi 5 0
J y orid . - ybbins, Viour y, and Miss | el: x 3 York Pa.: Memori: ois Mave 3 $e ISIE Wi ne award- ae hill A
parted sixteeners; 5 , supper; 7 Martha of Maggie S. Meashey and Joszpk - 4 3 : orial Servic e, Mary led to each scout znd leader at- | sebuisiod Me 5 7 27
p. m., social program. were the i mts. Thov <All to. | Meashey, her husband, to Abraham 18 : trickler, Wrightsville, Pa.;|{ending the avent. In addition tc in i hone Chttrch prote [nner Circle
A ide’ in Fl het H. Shenk, premises in Masterson- Recitations, Dawn Fern Strickler. | {he scouting features, th Landisville, Pa. fu 1 for the
Any person who attended the| pee Fwtlte ii Maytown, Pa.; Mary Sprenkle, Hel jes irs eatures, there will June 22 Sr for the
chool, and those who were em- cba lam Pa.; Address, Blu {a photographic cont=:t and arn essay Odd. ALM iy use uj | We've been asked, ‘Do
: : > ? : : Sates iam, a.; 4 SS, SS e | caste af Talal ice A, NM. a final source | ’
loyed in the institution are in- [Miss Ethel V. Heller Feather”, Aztec Indian; Violin Solo fo 1 15,9001 BF Walon five Te b ton ( oe \ | havelto belong to the
vied to attend. Jay H. Haldeman : ay, DP will be awarded. : Tha cass
J. Tevin Miler. Columbia, is IT. Halde: EM | oe alrs Ben Same York Pa.; Piano Solo | —_——— Salunga Methost Church a g8s s inner circle of depositors
J. Irvin Miller, Lo;umbia, 15 ine vay £8 an, con of Mr. anc orcas Gable, York, Pa.; Pictures of | Rev. W. Fr: 2 ini i
oh a : . W. Frank Carpenter, Minister 4
president. Mrs. Lillian Hoppsley. | Mrs. Edward H siderian.. of Lawn - Switzedlond, Mary. Strickler { LIMA BEAN CLUB MET : pentes, finister {qi 1 in orderito get a personal
a yl rs ! ; S ‘ , Mary rickler, Mt | fa 10:00 a. m., Church School. we are loan at Your bank?2'
Vilkensburg, is the secretary. Mrs. | and Mis el V. Heller, of town orin or Joy Pa.: Business: Song, “God Be | A meeting of the 4-H Lima Bean 11:00 a . C : ye 1 $ r |i
ie CO ) ’ nS, Ley Ul > UU a. ommunior eal. v i :
Lewis Siller, Mt. Joy, and Mrs. Ethel | were tinted. in Wits You": Cenediction Club was held at the home of Mae munion, 8 : Hl | NO. O § 5 IL
. 2 2) U . i i nimi savor. SSW atiy Oa | .
Weaver, rk, are the committee on | morning, at 6:30 o'cle k at the par Past Week Pr} ill ded | Longenccker tt gent Sor : A For S Ee
the prograt ( . I rizes will be awarded to the old- Fillies Mot oy Me is } 2nd US 8 Tec well- ervice i i
he program. I of the First Church of God est person vorhaeet hild, larg Wien Dave war Pre. R : iy : y Motors being, In soumpge find i ioe iA sail
i ey son, } 2 , larges - : 1 “arpenter, Ministe = di tei)
Sun, = n Elizabethtown by the pastor, Rev Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hess and sons family i] ot Se | sident. The program included the ev. W. Frank Carpenter, Minister more of the protein + h giv if you ned money for a
TWO YOUNG MEN ARE J. O. Wei After the ceremony |of Ephrata visited N y nd atest i couple | chowing of slides and talk bv Mr 9:30 a. m. Church Se hool. us a start toward w we sound come in
A “ray , EVR 1 4 Ty ) - ale Sie Norman ber- present and registered. 5 ¥ of "0 “ “hiit Sa . he
ARRESTED FOR LARCENY they left for a tour through the New | cole and family on Sunday g | H. S. Sload, on the destroying of in- 7:30 p. m., Chiidre Day Serv- Wn Sal) and apply—whether you
Edward L. Kline, nineteen, of { England States. Mr. Haldeman is as ; The Officers sects, alto vocal and instrumental | Eon Silat aad 1 regularly Bank here or not
Landicville. and =o seventeen-year-jcmployed in the Hershey Depart Mr. “and Mrs, "John Rose and son, President, Rev, Walter H. Gable | selections were given hy the group hich should t be encour- | || A
Ts Sb spi a3 Yo : p oh i reid T ig Bo ronville J c he stomach needs food af
old youth were arrested Friday night | ment Store, Hershey. John left Saturday for Indiana York, Pa. Vice President, P. K | The next meeting will be held on Ironville U. Church its 12 or ote hours of rest
Motor Policeman M. F rn where they will spent this coming Strickler, Lancaster, Pa.; Secretary, July Sih, at the home of Mary Jane 9:30 A. M. Sun School gE inn fea
aia y 1- 1c 1 . : : dee X 1 Sh
City Dectective John | Grace Bernt yor. Alice Strickler, Mount Joy, Pa.-|Hess. Cl an Endeavor at 7 p. m. When i 1 f inti
3 ctive John ace Bernhard : yr { . en in need of Printing. (any- Fi N alB k
(auffman on a charge of larceny. | Denald Painter The Missionary Society will hold Assistant Secretary, Mertie K. Bil-| —_—————— Regular worship in charge of the thing) kindly remember the Bulle da | ‘rst at ¢ an
: 3 . | actay Y vr > ry y vp vid > hie Ullell
posted $500 bail for a hearing Mics: Grace. Bernhard, daiiahts: their meeting at the Cove on Sat- let, Manchester, Pa.; Treasurer, . pastor, Rev. R. G. Bec 7:30 ae |
} 3 1 : pea Mardy aaughter M: op ‘ickler. A a Lis? Si m —
cfore Alderman Hubert Miller and | of Mr. Elmer Bernhar | urday, June 21st. Mame Strickler, Hellam, Pa. [ Ton} Lisa, Mrs, Siddors ERLE : ' & Trust C mpany
aid, the boy will 1 : of Mr. Elmer Berrhard, of near County Representatives | Mona Lisa and Mrs. Siddons are rier Sul for the Bulletin |
fice boy will be petition- | Rheems, and Mr. Donald Pairsier Mr. and Mis, Micheel Wagon. Cumberland, Lawre J. Strick- the subjects of two of the world's Zion Lutheran CI i MOUNT
tC juvenile court. scn of Mr. Arthur Paiiter, of Eliza- | Lach called on the latters brother, " ie |Z most famous portraits. Mona Lisa es al X rom Clireeh 1 I ry { Member Federal posit In.
olic ire be thiown 2 married in th { George Wagenbach at Silver Spring ler; Dauphin, Marion hoy Lan- | was the third wife of a Florentine, Landisville, Pa. 5 { surance Corpofiatien
eth vn, Q mairirie. ne hd ~ © Bie ar, SA weit . xr rps AR i
wrist watch Florin Church of the B i i on Friday afternoon caster, Jacob Strickler; .banon. | Francesco Del Giocondo. She was Rev. Wm. L. Ziegenfus, Pastor fi
lorit “hurch of the oi} at | OF ridgay a on, : : d
Land, valued at $50, belonging to] { el X : 7 1 M 1 M H 1 Mary Strickler; Perry, 5 Eliza- | painted by Leonardo da Vinci dur- Charles Habecker, Supt >! |
Fey ngmng tof four o'clock on Thursday after i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eichler 3 20} 7 I ¢
Harold Be 302 Ice ave. while he : or 3 y afternoon, 2 en y Eichler of heth Hench; Philadelphia, Raymond | ling a residence at Florence from Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. T :
: es ! June 12th, by Rev. Join Brubaker, | Fittsburgh called on his father Mr g. Strickler: Somerset, Mrs. Laura | | 1503 to 1506. Though he worked on 7230 © 11. Ve gS YY, 2
n tw z mS ivr : EE . er; rset, Mrs, Laure : : :30 p. m, Vesper Service. ;
ys the two 1 aown- | of Florin. Henry Eichler and his sister, Mrs § Witmer; West Moreland, M | the portrait for four years he never I por. ba 7:30 1 Y Pe tin 1s BANK LOANS
oas . : san * ; West Moreland, Mrs | ¢ i re z Tan 4 a Prot
: 30a: told Miss Martha Young, of Elizabeth- | Martin Liggins, over the week end he é considered that he had finished it. : 1: Trine 25 TEA 2
police that his watch was lying on a| town and Mr. Donald Robbi Mr. William Eichler of Provi _ouraine Gashorn; York, Mrs, D. M | This Mona Lisa, or “La Joconde,” Bint Presbyterian Church y 3 j
v > x ( and wir. lionaic cbbins virs € ‘nier oO ithoy : bird) I'e 1€ 1 J y.
nearby shelf and was gone after the | nyrount J : > or ec FH J duu} te Gilbert. | is the pride of the Louvre. It was jRev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor — ; HOW ARE YOUR SHOES
Mount Joy were the attendan ce, a aug 1 ee 7
two left the establishment. Police : «Oy Were: (he atiendanis. f . 1 pn ig “013 Program Committee stolen from the gallery August 22, C od) School at 9:30 ( DON'T WAIT TOO LONG.
as visited friends here last week. : | as sequently recov- XR : | | CC OTHER
aid the watch was recovercd. At and Ms x B. J. Strickler, Ray De Venney | 1911, but was subsequently recov Morning Worship and Sermon, R M i i ti BRING THEM IN.
Dorothy Louise Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nentwig spent and Mary F. Strickler | ered. 10:30 aigerson | : Ss
y avd obs the week end in Readir ar : Mrs. Sarah Si as Jo ~ { " EAGT C R C
oy - 3 John David Dickson | the € end in Reading. Recsplion and Registration | Mrs. Sarah Siddons was a cele- No Evening Service PTOMETRIST ity eparing 0.
if A D Miss Dorothy Louise Lauer | Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Breneman.| pay. and Mrs, Homer H. Strickler brated Engisheacivess, born of 4 85 E. Mair MT. JOY, PA | 30 SOUTH™S [Rey STREET
daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. Robert R | of Elizabethtown spent Father's Day mqna St tells. : A © | famous stage family. She lived © er gee : {
Rates for . Ty. hl 8. honey fico in x : na Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. Irving | from 1755 to 1831, and for 30 years Church of God
ates for this column are 25c pet | I auer, of 216 Herr Street, Harris | with their con, Lester H. Breneman Reaist. Mrs : | ; : ! y , en
insertion. If over five lines, 5c per | | 2 Street, Harris- | ated. Taivily eist, Mrs. Elmer Quickel, Mrs | until her retirement in 1812, she Rev. G. F. Broske, Pastor 1 im} sl ing
line each insertion, all payable in ue rg gs David Dan Ralph Mumper of Fort Belvoir Bicaheth Wenger snd Chorley 'B | Londen as te greatest | Sunday School at 9:30. ! Mole Ti : |
advance n of Mr. a Mrs, David Dick- vs be Strickler | actress of her time. Her most i Ti a [ to 12 A, M.
e. ok Dn : . Morning Worship at 10:3 | ' |
; con. of 7023 River Rood. Neville Is.) who is visiting his parents a | famous role was as Lady Macbeth. E ibs Vo Bip 1:30, 0 $2 Unfortunate Predictions
ANT : . i ie rnd Wire CIO Mire Si : ve Tw sire T Lvening orsnip, 7:30 p. m. | hong
ENT room apart- | land, Pittsburgh, wer : | Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper, spent | “Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse OILAP
L nn apat ittsburgh, were married at aan ONS {ou i tr Ton aver Service 7 1 | r
we porch, yard : three o'clock Saturday af ly Jonday and Tuesday at Atlantic CHIDREN'S DAY | is one of Sir Joshua Reynolds’ best | Prayer Service Wednesday MOUNT . : ophetess
13! S. Kuhn, 4 Jun 1h. rt ios. A: iC and returned to Camp on AT METHODIST { gai = | Se am oot env. Bore ne
Spi v nh : utheran | ___ : "HURC SUNDAY mes A Emme — Thur 0-1 1:30-5:3 ungarian fortune teller made Hit-
peng 4p | Church, here. The Rev. Lester Wednesday. gi Rey SUNDAY ‘ai ; . Sa 30- -7:30 ler so nervous by their accuracy
>! oder past {1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rudy of Wilke he Methodist Sunday School will SALU NGA Catch of Gad gt he had her put in a concentra
soder, pastor o h ' AVL THE * Rds 30 aie | . toeila . fom a. — 2 ac | ed
NOTICE The person who picked | formed the double ring ceremony | -Barre visited Mrs. J. Y. Kline on present their annual Children’s Day | Landisville, Pa. ES — | tie camp. Read this unusual
up the fountain pen at the accide The cousls v 4 od 11 2 | gaturday Exercises on Sunday evening, June | Rev. Raymond Daihi, Pastor Feiss BE i i BA a story in the June 29th issue of
1e ple was attende Mrs [70 4 , = y = il. |
orin on Friday please return si oe by JM S| "or. end Mrs Luke Keefer, of 22nd, at seven thirty o'clock. Mrs. Annie L. Peif nt Mod 9:15 A. M., Sunday School. 0 TheA .
: Too 3 Wittel. Flor : te Fleisher. of Harrisburg, | Np, ¢ Mrs. L Ys wale is Mrs, Annie Li, eifer spent Wed 7 y 0 :
5 1. 8. Wikel, Fiori, Pa | Ralph McMas! { Pitts. | Viillersburg visited C. A. Melhorn The public is cordially invited to|pesday to Thursday with her | 10:30 4, 3, Morning Wesshiy ES EXAMINED g ingricanWeellly
a er | and family on Saturday enjoy this evening with the child- |g, ht M A N A P. M,, Christian " AL the big magazine distributed with the
ER EN an imily on Saturday. : aad daughter, Mrs. Amos Newcomer, roti er) Smeg
WANTED- Reliable boy to carry powder bl { Mr. Francis Browning's Mother, of ren, The following is the program |pount Joy, R. 1 Dr 1 Til Baltimore
yapers fin Raeems. Write P. O. Box Dig + i roinin | nding ti to be presented: hale >, M., Eveninig Worsh o 2 d Kil ie eff
Mt Jou. la | Virginia ic spending some time here > The Woman's Society for M, Eveninig W 1p €1 Sunday American
3 6-19-1tp : Mr. and Mrs. Jose sh Hostetter ar Oren prelude, Miss Esther Wal- | o * 1 I 0) ST |
wa — and a corsage of gardenias, Her = °° ye» Di los Yale Song by the C “ tian Service met last We .. zy i RIS {On Sale at AU Newsstands
for local and | matron of honor, chose dusty rose |: attending confzrence in California a 5; bong oy Jae ongregation, “0, | in the home of Mrs. Amo St. Mary's Catholic Church MANHEIM I1ZABETHTOWN : : -“
1 We have | with navy acceszories and a being held by the Church of the ion Haste Responsive reading. | Newcomer, Mount Joy, R. 1. and | Mount Joy 163 S. Charlotte E.Highst | di
well as for | of oa olen B82 | The Bread of Life”; Prayer, Song |. opened by the presid at Me Father Phillip Gergen, Pastor Pal phone one 24-R
] cars. Haug : A in 1 by the Congregati “Te » The = Pedy Tass every Sunday n Th ay Mon, We I'ht q Se
clein. Lin We i jot The bride is a graduate of William | Mr. and Mrs, Harry Barnhart, of i io! ga Jor, Tell Me The Mary Minnich. After the regula Mast eve: Sunday morning af Evenings b h Pp
Neon v al | > > 1: : Bry > 1. “ 2 Dale : =venings by appointment Ir
farm or home for you. Penn High School, Harrisburg class | Elizabethtown spent Sunday with tory 02. sus : Reeltation, A | business, Mrs. Willi: Fackler, Ju 10:00 a ne Y Smo In TER
resi —_— 1936. Ar is is : . |their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pau Little Maids Greeting”, Peggy Ann| ted the “Sis oavd Evening devotions are held the JH REE
gy : [ 936. And is a. granddaughter, | Kline; ccitati GA mY 0, | presented the subject “Stewards ol . 5a i WEE
"OR American flags, all | r ap | M Tol FE Soh Hl | Shutter ine; Recitation, “A Tiny Tot", | 1. Temple of G pi second and lourth Sundays of each — =
3 % . | of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Schr 5 jon . ~ a emple 0 10d. he mite NES Oh x = -_— Ey
izes, dri hunting ete., order | fin of oll, of | Messi A.D. Garber, George Clayton lee Waltz; Recitation, opened 4 Me x | month at 7:30 p. m 1
"YA Irvin Smith, 108 | h ylace. i . . “ erty AIL E Littl Bov's . > . cre opene at 11S meeting an
{ny . Miutiner. 2 W ; a e oy’s Piece Dicky Mark: : :
6-19-1tp | The bridesy is of | Mumper and Paul Diffenderfer be and fo : la nice sum was realized. 'The host- St Elizabeth Missi {
—2 | Coraopolis H schrol. Ho attohd. the week end at Buck DY mary and beginners; | cco. Newcomer d Miss | St Mession |
Ye Hi 0 » attend- | itt} : NY. . ., | esses, IMs Newcome an Mise pe 4
Coolerators (Ice | te C 11 } : “| camp, Perry County. Recitation, No" Better Friend”, Alice Strick le- | |
ea Stat olleg: where he was 4, orn J ’ WT eames - Whi i > a 2 3
sell 1 oy he ap. er of tho football . Mrs. Ella Easton returned home Bobby Miller; A. Little White Daisy hunch Ven W. J Watts, B.D., Rector |
£2 or} of the B ov: | after spending several months with/ Dovis Linton; On Sunday”, Bev-|yr.. wary Minnich y Juve 2%
ik gma Sally sire te erly Ann Mark; Exercise, “A Word |p. iro. io say ond § \fter T {
~ | E He i with the joc: in Harrisburg. ’ | Peifer, Mrs. W. Fac |B
: e llatec h the | 5 3 fF Warning” as State 5 Tr ais, We, 4 tH A A Y |
$ Woman for | at Pittsburg) | Paxton Browning returned from of Warning”, Robert Hetrick, John PB Stohman. Mi : 00 M., Moi Ll
nera ” A . [ “orporation at Pittsburgh. | : 5 Bs : nap cries ie as y . Stehman, 1 J :
fol M nt J apply > oo | Afier- Auvust 10th. they will | Georgia and is spending some time Wagner, Charles Waltz and Bruce comer, Mrs. M M. Hewce n
Box 64 ou oy. Al Augcu h, el HE : : > : x : ibn] J 11 Tes 1 ars. Aro ANS, 2 ( {
ws f-5-1 | Ve oi Vome fa Plttehurith | with Francis Browning and family Be Recitation by Luella Engle ‘| Amos Newcomer, Tn !
FOR Two- wheeled trailor. . | The Women’s Bible Class of the Song by the Primary and Beginners | st richer Mrs. Har St. Luke's Episcopal Chueh £3 HIS POOR CHAP
a | Il er, Mrs, n y y |
Apply O. K. oe Caer Meda, Gorivle Holes P { United Brethren Church held a Part 2 Mrs. Walter Peifey he Yen. W. J. Watts, B.D., Rector |
| Gertiude Helen Pothke | Fusiness meeting seid ror Song by the Congregation, “I NE Blane | Sunday 22 WOULD LIKE TO
6-333¢ | tain. Helmet meeting on Tuesday even- J greg n, Mrs. Marty |
woot | ay ing at the home of Mrs, Emma Think When I Read”; Recitation, { “4 = ET Sed Aft ADVERTISE" *FOR |
: WAN TED --Man or Boy to ell | : 1 a venerable Old Augustus I conser. : “Happy Welcome”, Anna Glad- ¢ ’ ¥ his 9:15 a. n S : T™HE U. S. MARI NES! A
hoes OT anly Jack | Futheran Church at Trappe a., | 2 rolter:: Recitation " son, eal 1 20 A M : F YOU NEE
Horney Gora: #7 Mar ag Jacl : : be Pay The Home Builder Class ren- felter; Recitation “Come To Sunday |. parwyn, Mc 10:30 A. M, M pt | Open Mon., Wed IF You N D HELF
St Me a amou autheran Shrine. was ela la, M. : “ n IM fear To
ek wi Br ; Uthergn was the { dered several songs at the Father's School, Mable Jane Mumma; Ex-| 0 pean | Sel TRY Y OUR WANT ADS
SCENE PT ; . : . sta 1 Gay.
SPENCER CORSETAIRE: Call | picturesque wed- | Day Program, given in the Church €f¢ise, crowning the Saviour| : foll adi 1] | Tih
vial: ling ) ” | > /ing ladies d the tol
interline, 318 S. Spruce | #18 On afternoon, June| God at Maytown on Sunday. Four Girls; Esther Waltz, Anna]. . Be Diloyma 2 Trinity Lutheran Church
St ae, for figure two o'clock, when Miss Ger- | > Mae Gibbons, Marie Rider _and nttial Res Cs the | Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor
Phon® A elon Potbike, of Mr. | : sville High Wed! onder uso 2 i
BE es at oder : ; hte Mr. . Anna Cunnginham; Recitation, | |
Join club at Modern Style Shop*§ a: Mrs Richard Pothke of this ; I for the or ng of ad :
ro nl chord poke of vis | OCA airs “Wat dukes A Happy Duy’, Betty sae 130 a. m—Sunday S
ple was united in arriace Wr . Sew roject: IVITS. ary Ni = T |
— , was united in marriage to Mi Marks; Recitation, “Leaving the Dok 15 Morning V |
TEACHING SPECIALTY: Instru- | Han pe Imstadt. of Bronxville, N.| n Luggage, Martha Gibbons; Exercise | Mrz. Levi Peifer, Mrs. J. M. New-| i : 4
ment npet. Trombone, Clar-| Y e Rev. W. O. Fegley e Eo i > ‘| coer and Mrs. Walter | a |
ne, a ev. 4 D. D. | “Hams : ador's Eves. coer and Mrs. Wa reler | 90 n 3 Tr A
t. Drum: sle. instruments | pastor of the church | n ra Beneath Ou Leader's Eyes x | Mr. and Me. St Cooper. | igo Pp am, ih £3 oS |
riched. Hess Music 296 {© The 1 em : . boys, John Crider, Banks Wagner, fos ay A Ye PE 1 will meet e Px 2
Market, Elizabethtown, Pa. Tc i >! oe WHO was given ih mae Briefly old Norman Linton, John Walters, BI Mrs closer: and Sea —— 1
riage by her fe or, 1] 1 lovely : : Tr. and Mrs. som 1 i sor Mois 3
guy y her father, looked lovely in| old Holmes and Richard Kline; Re- 3 nd Mr john Coc per a» oy Flerin U. B. Church [
SADIE VF vou t to sell ERE Demassei with| A new diess factory will soon citation, “The Children’s Friend” ohn the of Landiswite, at Rev. I. W. Funk, Pastor
3 IH you want to sell | sweetheart n e and a shirred| open at Eph: i ; 9 ' | tended the Walk re-union at the Ye air
| ABM yo SS Re Ros So Ses i ; 4 } red) oF a Ephrata. It will employ Charlotte Bennett; Exercises, “Meet- bs Ry ye ein 9:30 M. 3 xr Sol
Hau uA i r which she wore a power | 2hcut 250 workers, ing the Master”, Five girls: Evelyn Pitmer Cottage al Pequc 10:30 I. M \ |
mis Jalal of the same material. A| William Sheaffer, 21, Lancaster Young, Mabel Jane Mumma, Beai- Mr. and Mrs. Walter 7 M. Es v i
ECT a LOTS for hat of white milan com- | sustained a broken back in an autc rice Miller, Betty Boyd and Marian town; Mr. and Mrs. Les toy 7 P.M 1 i W ater Heating
acble prices, along 8.| glletcd this attractive ‘ras : , ye I vim, Mr. and Cl ; ee 3 .
ie Sortie Fo go 5 C i Same | cl ash at Cornwall Sunday. Cunningham; Remarks and offering Manhe i he ae Prayer Ms : anda Space Heating
arm was added to the picture y | Fire by lightning destroyed a Song bv the Congregation “Savior Dietrich oi Larcaster i iH TION £
aon f ha : 1 . x ! Se 4 4 RR 1 | | 1 De T
5 corsage of baby inths and or- barn, hog stables, 4 pigs and 140 Like a Shepherd,” Benediction dey at Betterton | | St. Mark’s United Brethren | Us Jor example: — The
) Your next roll. of | chids and t pre » of a white | chickens near New Holland Sunday == es ed on the Chesapeake Bay. | Ezra H. Ranck, P lux Gas Refrigerators sold
25 cents and get 8 Velvet | ,,, book. in the hand Forte . 2 is 4 4 : zra H. Ranck, Pastor tll in vet a They can't
3 Boe book, in the hands of the] Cash totaling $38 and a number of Mr. and Mrs. Ru Sunday Services
cin business. | articles were stolen from’ choir Ul mn SSO on Russell were on | 9:00
C x 53, happy couple was attended rooms in four Lancaster city chur- y Port Deposit, Md. ia 15 {
tr "pa. a may -tf | by r. and Mrs. Clyde Brill, of | ches on Sunday. (From page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Verne er { i
WANTED: Representative to look town Mrs. Brill Mos attired in a| -— guest speaker aud will have some- | tertained at a rty at th in rural communities.
f wr manazine subscription in. Princess gown of blue and white, . thing to say of intérest to every- home, Monday lo } . |
be Tount Joy, and vicinity. poplin, with a tan Baku hat and | 3 | XK Members cne. Following the banquet, danc-| Mrs. Henry Hiestand erect W ¥ |
mily orders subscriptions. | wore a of gardenias. | ing will be enjoyed—the orches- new and improved st Ss i dy
ars ro Wy 3 » S V ANC n V = i 1-0 > :
Hundreds of dollars are spent fo After the wedding dinner at the | (From Page 1) tra—twelve pisces-"Fat Shonk” | the front of her prope v rustproof steel tank in
hem ea fall and winter in this| «cover Tea iii ; piece of road at the end of North As y bh i gm BL Sed clams serv A is piped into your home.
viel Instructions and i Clover Tea Rcom” in Pottstown , As you remember at last year’s S 1 ( ’
v n S anc oquip- Pa. Mr. ond M . : | Barbara Street which is in Mount business ti i in Peoj t | (you don't ever have
a Guaranteed lowest rates a. Mr. and Is elmstadt left on a | 3 T hi : : usiness meeting the future dues
. . y y ras 5 se a 3%
riodicals. domestic and | honeymoon t to New York and oy owhs hip was discussed and to the association have been aban- it 4
. Represent the oldest maga- Atlantic City. | referred for study to a special com- doned so don’t let “dues due” keen | o'cl EDL o ‘|
oe ngoney in the United States. Dl mittee. you away Resp jo pe bed p.m. N Q |
i | “ 3 away. Nev for
+ a growing and permanent | The suggestion was mad £ Roney ui nl
A . > ae | e sug as made that the ; son’ at FR |
in whole or spare time. Tr. and Mrs. Ellis Leaman spent | members it the If you haven't returned your [Girl Scout day a Bl
Af de res © MOORE-COTTRELL, Inc.| Monday with Mr. and C. A. Doug- { nT e secure card, please dy» so immediately. | son {xn Fis . : Bl
N . US- | copies of the recent circulars descri ; 2 ely. [son Pack, Lar Trinity Evangelical Congr
Naples Road, North Cohocton, New | las in Randallstown, Md Es ChE sdescrib- Your guests do not have to be| A new deposit ke from the Tra 4 | 3
y . | in t "iy > : ‘ Sees . A new deposit i ed |
York. ee rae |i 2 1€ Sa of this community alumni of Mt. Joy High, in fact, the | Lancaster Library has been receiv- Rais Church Cortland, N.
eine and enclose them with o 3 } i Tr a ett Te A ad ev. E. L. Ramer, Pastor 4 Phone:
out of town committee urg invitations of | ed by Mrs. Levi Peifer. Thee books Jun “oo | =r
Une <z {
! 3
| 1

etin’s classified columns,
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin
might prove of interest,
with the association.
desiring to read them.

}] 1030 A.M. rship