| | Stress Good Nutrition As Defense Need Today nutrition authorities ave stressing the need for guarding the national health in carrying on an effective program of defense. In calling attention to the impcertance of proper food, it is pointed out that a survey has revealed that approxi- mately 45 million of our population are living below the “safety line” of what is considered an adequate diet. What factors ave essential in our foods to assure that the diet fully meets body needs? Protein is nec- essary to build and repair body tissue. There must be vitamins to promote growth and protect Lealth, and calories to supply heat and energy. Minerals, nr as iron, cop- per, phosphorus and calcium, are needed to build blood, bones and teeth. Impertance of Iron In considering the minerals needed, medical “authorities _point to the special importance of iron as a blcod builder. It ranks first among the nutritive elements in| this respect. The iron in the body of an aver- age adult is only about the weight of a penny, but this element is ‘vital to health. Iron enters into the strue- ture of every active body cell. Iron is a constituent of the hemoglobin or red pigment of the 25 trillion or mone red bloed corpuscles, and thus helps to carry oxygen to every part of the body. Foods rich in iron must be added to the diet at six months or earlier and continued throughout life, ac- cording to nutrition authorities. The adult require s at least 12 milli- grams of iron daily Iron Prevents Knotts Iron Sources Shown in New Chart IRON and COPPER Fie RELATIVE AMOUNT of IRON LIVER (beer oz Jr Eo mt it va van HEART 3) doz O Io Hrd EERIE BEEF ? VEAL SE GREENS easy hoz aT BEANS. PEAS. LENTILS Great OZ oo ol NOTE Excellent Source of Copper + Contains Copper O Copper cerient not determined PS IRON and || ; DPE R i deficiency is the principal cause of | of the Ac anemia, was first advanced in 1889. tion, presents 2 In 1849, a serious form of anemia, information on the i The penalty for an incuf Meient iron = as nutritional ized by fatigue, dig and other symptom As early as 400 to 500 RC, condition corresponding io ane vas deseribed by Dar, the Father of Medicine. Itaiian, is given credit as to discover iron in the blc 1747. 'The present view tha hi ia the 1 3 The Afisivs At Florin For Past Week (From Page 1) Sunday. attended. Mrs. Lillian The meeting was largely Mus. George [oF 0780 and daughter. Brenda *¥ea, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ross Ammon, at Gap. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Fry and sons, Junior and Dick, Ralph Mum- per, Mary Funk, Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper spent Sunday at John Bender's at Milton Grove. Mrs. C. A. Melhorn and Hamilton and Mr. Mr. znd Mrs. Miller Wolgemuth visited in York County on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mateer, vis- ited her parents in Perry County over the week end. Mr. ard Mrs. Harvey Lecdom and son, Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Stoll of Camp Hill, Mr. Earl Leedom of Mt. Joy, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Wag- enbach and Mr. Miles Leedom and family of Tlizabethtown were Sun- day callers of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leedom. 67th Anniversary Wm. Dyer cele- Mr. end Mrs, brated their sixty-seventh wed- ding anniversary. Birthdays Congratulations to Mr. Henry Eichler and Mr. Harry Leedom who celebrated their birthdays on Wednesday. Mr. Eichler was 84, and Mr. Leedom says he's not tellin’. Lester H. Brenamen celebrated his birthday today, (April 10th). _ Easter Flowers The Helping Hand Suaday School lass of the United Brethren Church will sell flower plants in the Florin Hall on Friday and Saturday, April 11th and 12th. Missionary Meeting On Tuesday evening, the Mis sionary Society of the Florin U. B. Church meet at the home of Mrs. Lillian Hamilton. Those present were: Mrs. Funk Mrs, Clarence Nissly, Mary Bates, Mrs. John Heisey, Mrs. Arthur Braun, Mrs. Irvin Bishep, Mrs. Nauman and children, Mrs. Jacob Boyer, Mrs. Emma Keener, Mrs. Stark, Mrs. Al Fike, Mrs. Mateer, Mrs. Lizzie Kraybill, Mrs. Augus- tus Shelter, Mrs. Park Shetter, Mrs. Buckwalter and daughter. Stella Haldeman, Ellen Jane Mus-~ selman, Mrs. Oscar Rider and Mary Hamilton, Miss Nancy Schule, daughter of LIr. and Mrs. Adolph Schule, who is a student of State Teachers Col- lege West Chester, has returned home for the Egcster vacation, which began on Saturday, April 5th and will end on Tuesday, April 15th. Miss Schule is a Freshman stud- ent, enrolled in the Elementary Curriculum. Miss Frances Fackler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fackler, Florin, who is a student State Teachers Col- yis a condi ton n known | known as pernicious anemia, was | content of our com: desericed. ih the year 1934, Drs. |iron of foods is heiter util Minct, 1h and Whipple were | presence of small amo awar a in medi -| per. Liver, which hea ver | recognized as pre-emi sof 1 Mu fi { and Mrs. | }' will has { the morning Our Heartiest SALUNGA Congratulations Mrs. Annie L. Peifer spent Satur- We want to congratulate each of day and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.| the following for having reached Amos Longenecker and family, Eli-| another birthday: zabethtown, R. April 15th The “Wide Awake Class” of the! Mrs. C. Longenecker, N. Barbara Methodist Sunday School was en- | Street. tertained by their teacher, Mus. April 17th Walter Peifer last Thursday even-| Dorothy Kaylor, W. Main St. ing at her home. The following] Ruth Young, on Delta Street. officers were elected: Pres. Carli Mrs. Samuel Young, Florin, Pa. Way, V. Pres, Loretta Sweitzer,| Jerome Brubaker, town. Sec, Walter Blessing, Treas., Paul] April 18th Yackley. It was decided to hold] Robert Hostetter, Donegal Street. the class meeting the first Thursday of the month. Eunch was served. Those present were: Orlean Bles- sing, Carl Way, Jack Longenecker,] Mrs. Paul Yackley, Walter Blessing. Mr. and Mis. Edward Barto and! en ald Shectz, Main St and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Quinn of . Chester Ney, east of town. { Lancaster were the guests of Mr. Valter Peifer eso Board perty of the sold afternoon April 19th Quinton Amspacker,; Town. April 21st Sam Stayer, of Millersville, | | formerly of town. late Minnie at public sale by Harry purchased for $2,362.00. (From page 1) attendance and activity report of. March and same was ordered filed. He also presented the calendar the opening of school and vacations was Esh- by Mr. end was i {or Amos Musser The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancasier County, Pa., Thursday Morning, Aprd 10, 1941 | Salunga | for the next school term and same Easter program jn| was adopted. at 9:30 o'clock. Each | The board decided to ask for | { class will take part. | supply bids at the May meeting; and azreed to adopt Da ylight Sav-| ing Time. | On April 18th the Hyde Marion- | | | | The Methedist Church of ! ve an | A Gale eee way to boost by local news There is no better | your business than f { paper advertisi ng. ettes will present “Jack and the i Vv Ge Tor. i DS | Bean Stalk” in the high school : er, pastor of St. | auditorium. This is a feature Mic diag s Lutheran cd, church officiat- sponsored by the board for the en-| i tertainment. of the children. Tax Collector Metzler reported $561.75 as collections during March. | Mrs, Ni Columbia ssley iz a graduate of the | High school and is em- It’s Always | FAIR WEATHER | When You're Insured With WM. YOUNG PHONE 2405 — MARIETTA, PA. | bright eon : i a Toa tiren if the Menghini an! i ian l lege at West Chester, has home for the Haster vacation. Miss Fackler is a Senior, enrolled in the Health Education "‘Curricu- Jum. She has been very active in camps activities and is a member of the following: Glee Club, Wom- Dormority Council, «Quad An- gles, Advisory Board, Sports. Man- ager of the Women's Athletic Asso- ciation, Valykrie Club and the Young Women's Christian Associa- tion. IRONVILLE The Girl's Otterbein Guild of thef United Brethren Church will meet in the social room of the church en Tuesday ecvening zt 7:30. The president, Miss Frances Mummaw, will k2 in charge of the program. Th-~ Irenviile Junjor Sewing Club met at the home cf Miss Jean Al- Mcnday evening. The councilor, Miss Carolyn Mummaw, supervised the juniors during their meeting. The Loy:l Sons S. S. Class of the United Brethren Church met regular monthly the home of Luther Ulrich. dent, Kenneth Rettew, charge the business meeting The hosts, Jay Siegler and Harcld lbright scrved refreshments to the following: Paul Metzger, Luth- er Ulrish, Kenneth and Wilbur Ret- tew, Chester Albright,’ Melvin For- noff, Glenn Kauffman, Benj. Haver- stick, Jonas Eaby, George Roberts, Andrew Musser, Donald Staley and Richard Garber. Miss Hazel Fornoff and Donzld Staley, students at Lebanon Valley Colicge, are id carried sweet peas 3uinbridge, R. D. 1, and Merl J | A Revel April 10, Mw. and Mrs Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ji Sates will reside on Donegal stre | Miller, of West Bainbridge street, | HHS bor Elizabethtown, were married at 8| _ i o'clock Thursday morning, April 3 |* rachael Rettew by Bishop Noah Risser at hic home Bes ster E. Garber | near Deodate. m of Miss Rachael) The couple were attended by Miss daughier of Mr. and Mrs. Florence Mili of ] Rettew, Manheim R. D. 2, R. D. end Henry Stauffer, ] i r E. Garber, son of Mrs. etta BR. D. | Grace Garbgr, Raecms, [ After the ceremony Myre, and Movs | 8&2 19 ‘clock tured Miiler left on a wedding til) : cl n terian Florida. On their return they Joy. The cz reside in their apartment on W n performed by the Rev. Bainbridge street, Elizabethtown C egelkon, D. D., Pas- Lernera Birk in Lercy Mi. Ni c Mr. and , Charles Bir oi! © & Garber is a Kinderhook, announce the morviags i ie of Mount Joy High School. graduated from nf their daughter, Leonora, was M. Ni son of Mr, and’ - m High School, attend- Scott of Landis x or Business College, and which tcok plice Aust 10, 1943 } i office of the ! Ma The Rev, Miil ing Co., Rheems, | . Here's striking view of famous Randolph WINGS OVER TEXAS . Field, near San Antonio, Tex., figuratively and literally buzzing with activity as 900 cadets of this “West Point Of The Air” sprout wings for the Army Air Corps closing service will be held and] which includes a trumpet duet, t vocal music by the Girl's Chorus | and the benediction. A Qe Trinity Lutheran Church on Satur- | 2 day, April 26. We'll make you real | hungry with the menu next week | eet Ql .. U. B. CHURCH NOTES A SUNRISE SERVICE AT DONEGAL CIIURCH Something unusual in a Church | Service will be the Sunrise Service! at Donegal Preshyterian. Church, Donegal Springs, . Sunday morning at six o'clock. The service will be opened by a| trumpet duet outside the church. | The program will then be rendered | {indoors and includes singing by the | Girl's Chorus and address by Dr. Segelken. | The audience will then proceed | to the large spring there, where the | You aie invited. | A CHICKEN PATTIE SUPPER Hold that appetite for a chicken | to be given at the | parish house here by the choir of pattie supper The public is cordially invited to! an early morning Easter Service, to! held at the Reservoir. The ser- is being planned by the Inter- | of the he Endeavor Church. United Brethren Stimulate your brriness by adver- | tising in the Bulletin. Der Bes 1 Bre Bee den TRADE NOW FOR A 1941 "Durand Candy Beautifully Wrapped EASTER BASKETS $1.00 Containing Fine Assort- ment of Chocolates .. Qt. 4.1. 20020 y 7 pa | Jumbo Jelly Eggs 15¢ Ib. Cocoanut Cream Eggs Bo-$2.50 Cecoanut Cream Rabbits 36 : Easter Cards Come in and look over our com- plete line of HALLMARK cards. TONY WONS READS THEM ON THE RADIO Sloan's Pharmacy JOY THEATRE BLDG. PHONE 80 Dr. R. M. Balde | 85 E. Main St. SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. OPTOMETRIST MT. JG PALMYRA, PA Palmyra Bank Bal Mon., Tues, Wed. a 9to 12 A. M. i Me Phone 8 ; MOUNT JOY 3 85 East Main Street Thur., 9:30-12:30--1:30-56:3 Sa¢, 1:30-5:30—6:30-7:30 S : MACADAM “= for Driveways, Garages & Walk Phone: Res. 903R14 : 3 MOUNT JOY, PA. ~ Le <9 WE HAVE..... © 5 QUALITY 5 M EATS : KRALL'S Meat Market ‘West Main St., Mt. Joy == & Au "CALLING All HEADS" = In Need of Giamorizing Ws Step Up To Greater Beauly ~—With A— ¥ Manicure €