The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 03, 1941, Image 5

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Morning, April 3, 1941




it sure fits most of the people.






























IKE sys. L HUNTLEY A Pretty Strong Statement N
— i
7] j —WITH—
: Ruhl’
> | Ul S
Z oy
Na Flowers
x 1] y
ns Y —_—
3 UALITY VEGE' . . = Including Hydrangeas, | ffodils, Cineraria, Spire
A WISE OW New Industry [AUNT MIN ] Four Hunting |S E HAVE = || us, Be, Vorns, Sg Sales, Pine,
A ISE oO L Vegetable growers planning 2a DISH and EGG SHELL GARDENS and NOVELTIES !
(From Page 1) (From Page 1) getable growers planning to th
the Nissly-Swiss Chocolate Co. abbit out of a gutter when he put vegetables dn UALITY C O R S A, G E S
: i od ir : storage are urged by specialists of
A tall blonde boy from Florin at Florin. It was leased from the i slipped and fell, his gun was acci- : ; = 8p Bid y TR PB oR
that hit new girl friend th lancaster Shoe. Comes | as it the the Pennsylvania State College to ATS OF YOUR FAVORITE FLOWERS, MADE T0 ORDER
a mechanical genius. He says it's Pa for a period of years with | ground. He testified it was sleet- use only varieties of high quality
like this: Everytime his car stalls the privilege of purchase. The| Here I wuz jest thinkin’ about|ing at the time and the weather and those adapted. to: focal soll wd
. . : > | 0 n]3 tv diss . os pane =
she slaps him and go.” (building has four floors of 21,000 | Cousin Liz frum Marietter'n along | conditions were responsible for the climatic conditions, They also ex
x # 2 & & & square feet and was recently put in] come a letter frum her the other | zecident plain that the culture of these 1
R ays od .
Sa, Al condition contemplating a ten-] day sayin’....“Barrin’ accidents'n | sarieties hel influence ali eo et
es fibre i dt in aps ant. idl es an: “rm A Simon Shoarer Cass iin Ra DES anny
who recently move o a big city : hes ea es) an on Sj x a a WwW oy. |
apartment and the first week when The Firm comin’ down fer to spend the day | Ia Eg he Fo Te The: Derrs bowling team of the est Main St. 0 Mt. J |
the laundry-man came round and The Tidy Products Corporation| with you on Tuesdayn in all likeli- | Vil Ly th abso i > 2 Mt. Joy league clinched the pennant A
. ask for the wet wash the newly wed ¢@me to Columbia exactly four |hood Mrs. Sadie Swank, that awful | 2 > e te iy a a | a at the Lincoln alleys on Tuesday
; bashfully explained: “Don’t be years ago, employing about fifty | nice stylish lady you met up here| ie ig on > hie alge 3, evening.
silly, we have no baby.” people. Today they occupy 37,000] year...she might come along. | Ecler, 2 neighbor, Finals will be played beginning BUY
’ es An i | was wecunded on November 1. er ¥ i SAVE
. * 2 + 3% square feet of floor space there, | too. Bech next Tuesday at 7:30 P. M. v f
Some of these young bloods who employ 210 people and during busy| Well, thinks I...that's ok. I just testified 2 single pellet bani If NOW! 2 NOW? 3
try to imitate every person they S€asons about 260. The firm manu- | feel like chewin’ the rag with rene upper rigat leg.| Police of Buenos Aires are trying|§
: roy 1.1 Shearer sail 3 Ver ting a : |B ;
. hear on the radio would have their factures cleeping garments, ‘bath Cousin Liz'n while I didn’t jest] DE Sng to trace the poisoners of three red, i
bluffs calicd when they show off in oes and snow suits of the better know how about Mrs. Swank with at lacy | hag spoued | volves lie Gaszu’)
: ; i yshwe grades and styles ay her hishfalutin’ airsm wuz|°® their land earlier and that he did wolves of the “Aguara GARDEN GARDEN
front of their girls, claiming they Srades and styles for infants and |her highfalutin’ airsn wuz ily. th 10 Shcimens of A ol hi 3
. om irate any voice and ther have children and sells its products to|all right with me so 1 started in not see Becker before he fired at ani, e only specimens o bole) SUPPLIES sede
. her say: “Well, show me how 4,000 customers thruout the United | gettin’ ready fer to put on sum airs the bird. kind in Argentina.
tafe? States. ’a my own fer the occasion..... Edward Nissley Case |
money talk.
5 % eo Will Open Friday Thinks I. Min, better put your; Shaffer reserved his decision for
. With so much music in restaur- Several weeks ago an advertise- | best foot forward fer this here|ten days in the cases of Edward Dr. R. M. Balderson TESTED SEEDS GIVE
ants today, (i's a toss up between ment for help was inserted in The special guest comin’ with Liz Nissley, fifty-two, 535 Locust St, OPTOMETRIST
y adios and nickleodions), we can BULLETIN with the understanding | she’s stylish as anything’n she s Columbia, and Harry D. Shenk, dain St. MT. JOY, PA B E Pe T E R R E S U L T S '
readily understand where they getithat if the firm could get about 40 known all aroundw fer her wonder- | thirty-eight, 353 East Chestnut To .
the din in dinner. or 50 experienced sewing machine ful cookin’...... Street. Nissley, who admitted fig- Palm hy Bank 2A ine Ng
* x x x * operators, our town would be con- Then I started in ponderin’ on| uring in two previous hunting acci- Aton. Tued PV ed. ana Fi. 2
. 3 . : al or a a : As haves fap dirtier a da ia hd 1 3 By Buc success of your 1911 garden de-
We're curious to know if there is sidered as a location. More than! what to have fer dinner'n supper'n| dents, accidentally shot his nephew, || 9 to 12 A, M. 1tos P.M || Re
afd : io number anh tor | first thing I knowed uz gettin’ | Ravmond Nissley, eightee i 7 to 8 PL ! We
a man in town so controlled thatithat number applied for positions, jHiist thing 1 wuz Raymond Nisley, eighteen, Colum- Phone a pend$sin a large measure upon the
he can hit the furnace door with his The new plant will open Friday that worked up all the pleasure| bia, R. D. 1, in the left leg while] MOUNT JOY yy SPADE
reps ie hn tear oF wouldn't} : : MOUNT . % ES :
coal shovel and not swear, just aof this week and if at all possible wuz glartia © week ff... eouldn't] were hinting at the latter's 85 East Main Street HOSE: sun-resisting (quality of “the seeds you use and the high. carly
\ little. will start with forty employees. | mare out what io have co I got out| home November 4. Shenk acci- Thur., 9:30-12:30—1:30-5:30 ! cover andl extra > Wy northern
$4 3% They expect to have seventy-five all my fancy books with the | gantally wounded Claude A. Mow- Sat. 1:30-5:30—6:30-7:30 : Xn. SC completeness ofgour equipment. Our he n
But we're a heap sight more the pay roll by May 15th. preity pictures’a stuff in n I got er thirty-five, Lancaster R. D. 6, rr tough inner tube. Ft. andle
curious to know who the woman is No Piece Working settled on about : dozen different! Joh legs while gunning near | j—————" 1 seeds are depend: they’ve
3 i isc “% ae Sind by the time 1 wuz! ' 9 t SPRINKLER : 2 “ VIG
in Mount Joy who is so mean, that The firm operates steadily thru-}"™ : | Gettysburg. reln > ! SPRINKLER : 2- : Sal : IGOR
when she dreams she has a quarrel out the year and alle hs cos work done lookin’ through them Ci J i Coos Ho dy Neighbor! whilfiing come {rom lested s tock Play safe Sood
3 viii Tr r head wuz woozy J ou're going to be awiully sorry | 4 a 2 : 3
with her husband she won’t speak by the weck. The minimum female Sc i a wy ahr we] Russell Yingst, Manheim faile OMA | ler; Covers g98¢c by using only these gu: antes iceds! lawns &
to him all the next day....... If you wage is 35 cents an hour and male $0 lecide n jest bei Ay- | on Voanring a |B 12-ft. are: tables.
; ask me that's being pretty doggone re js 0 ents. All reruk ~ lselfn settin’ before them sum’a my to appear for a hearing. He was) 6 A ss - es
iil hi 2 I doggone ane is. A CONE, il Tague ex good old plain cookin’n when the} Shed in the accident in which Har- oui ove! an gil” | 8 .
| unfair. ir ployees arc given seven holi- re Ge en to Be here my | 0ld Romberger, Manheim R. D. 2, Soles Pound Sack N,
3 days on which the factory dees not > = Yr 1 Sl Hetil y leg or rember 10, 2 i
You'll have to admit the Axis was operate, with pay each year house looked all preitied up... well | Tee i fe = Ne ll SSR a § PHONE 68 LAWN SEED $450 Ng
abet ye Jog $e 'd worked like e! 22. le acciden occurred whi € |
running a lot smoother before if No Foreign Help girs. 14 worked Whe nate) We Sec om SIE DNS. AUDITORIUM | ree
rae ay. i 5 uff...even dusted o e | ¥Ingst was easa i = : |
wes Greeced. ‘ise is ™ a tat va artificial flowers standin’ on | his hunting coat, hs hand acciden- | MAYTOWN, PA | 8
only local help will be employed.} | | ally jarring the =un and causing) | 8
Toss aus % 1 oly : oh gn nv tally jarring th g and causing - - |
avis fps fom bk three spe vicing floorladies tl & good time ont tol it to be discharged. Yingst will be | Fri, A Evenings | ! o °
now it to be a fact that girdles will be brought here to instruct the a Dt va | 8
keen a lot of them from telling the wr 1 be ought here to instruct the: vy our friendsn when we) five days to furnish Yensoits | A Pri \d and 5 |B MOUNT JOY, PA.
e i ? operators. Pe Wael aot back to the house near dinner |to the State why he was unable to | PB " |
. ay Weekly oils 8 |
i . me vou could smell the aroma’a|ve present. x
$50 5's oes will be aid + time you cod | isang Sn 3 > «
“Said the spider to the fly” — MA w i ye page “| delicious boiled cabbage'n ham] —- oe CAST ( OF IPERS SONS
5) i foreet mar 4 yon Priday mor iid Their pay! in’ to greet a’body...UM...UM Bagdad, Iraq, ordered its movie | BENEFIT or — | E
Ont forget your Seu will include Thursdey's w no| ed 1 Swank umpin’ awful theatres to change their program :
ie oS V swank... n awiu heatres C eir programs | A
Pv 2s» time being held back as is the cus- | Leon enctin hore... ’n wel : : pro 2 Maytown Fire Co. ||}
“Say your girl friend just stole yom at many plants. £ ogen ORIN DOR on Thursdays instead of Saturdays. | | 8
mY vith ® oomplnined a local 3 pi ot Gown to our meal'a boiled cab- | eet G0
i Ye oir al Aud the pe i : i wuz sins if |
5 y pa. Mi ve are please say that this! ~ : - it wr ARTI TR, i
latter answered: “That's all t we Lo prea ed to say that inf | Cousin Lizn Mrs. Swank sed it wuz I |g
ter i 5 : T Sh ki ‘nlant is locating in our ermmunity] onc’a the things they like best in| EVENINGS J O Y MATINSE
he’s worth any man > time.”..... without any financial aid whatever. ! oil the world! | ARIS " SATURDAYS
Well, then, why worry? 4 ho time salicitine anything sud ml fe o Wwe. wa wuz havin' f : . AND | 8
* Haw free rout, dic. ust By st ; 2 w 3 SATURDAYS HOLIDAYS | 18
as free water es, rent, etc. usu-} oy a esnd time playin’ i
tor they't arriec won Anc i i such a good ime piayn I 6-3-10 P.M. 2:00 P. M. | 0
hi or ie) wink od i a. : > ily asked for by new industries. checkers'n stuff that it jest couldn’t |} Mount Joy, Pa. : | &
women joi A DE The Firm's History | seem possible the day wuz that far | THURS . a | J
on earth. All they say i= op i aoe : I3 j / 3r |
wR i oe 3 x 2 3 y The writer visited the 7! sone when I went out to set the a URSDAY, APRIL 3rd
Suy us this an uy i hat. Products plant at Columbia Tues- la ini’ room table with all my fancy Chan ROMERO—VIRGINIA
# ; ’ : ign yg
day and was sad with the clean! gx Mrs. Swank cum on out to d i |
It didn’t take 1 me lonz te find out y ane : x 9 ! j fixing cum on 0% TALLY %, D; A RK An HAN DSOME {
that “Cha ife’s bu and heat wen conditions | me'n she sed..."Let’s eat oul in the | |
ha haras it!” was my wife's buy i 1 er at v i S : ™ if
words And they Ye: While there we 2 kitchen... it's kinda cozy eatin in I DAR. SATURDAY. APRIL 4th - 5th 3
Airis esas yes J hay IT Vears « og ritehen.” Mm we did ’ it jest | 2 act 1 A 7S : ; 3 |
I pews wit Dave. Tu yours i je en Ese hy wl JAMES CAGNEY—OLIVIA DcHAVILLAND—in— 8
pn . ‘plant wes net closed on { a the best meais ever €’ ne Fr x %
never saw the mail I get the first of Gh | WE aay ot {hat | 8 3
every It has paid Christmas ten I went to hed that STRA ERR Y BL ON DE: 8 MADE Up PRETTY
ry n Sn Ete iil an ih es ea : - wre rem
Re Bi] 1% posh mde vp say snd BY MONDAY, APL Fi — | | EASTER EASTER
D think the radio will ever Jis is not guarantecd. ain't always the fancy fixins what | WAYNE MORE i" ¥ FRANCES LANGFORD i yb
o you think the radio will ev a i sine ae AY I ANCES NG i §
woke ih iene of the newspaper? The firm holds an annual picnic, | makes fer folks enjoyin themselves IN Tn y 4 <
- in as at" asually the first week in August a person feels more ge 1 "13 \
crsonally, 1 ssy defititely NOL... 154i 3 2 Damn | "The Quarterba K Dreaming O i
Pen A ar Ye ne a te for all its employees at which time kh honest'n without put- 2 Q ¢ hn ng uf Lo ad 0
So the ih a > the hushands and children cof th ote tin’ on airs...n it ain’t co much | TUESDAY, APRIL Sth—=2 FEATURES ! | 8 x Qe = 15¢ to 98e
er ea workers are invited. Last year 700| trouble, neither! { SIDNEY TOLER 8
3 : Nive attended the picnic at Rocky i | n" sr 7 . se eT
Tl bet the guy who said nothing : : YE r ’ i
Ws 5% ¥ endif. doy Springs at which time the fro Rich raspberries were gathered MURDER OVE R NEW, Y ORK 8 E A S T oc R E AS 1 E Rn EA
is impossible never tried to play a” os ; aia te November A AO Tr
lide trombone in a telephone booth supplied TOL sta the } in Chesiure, A ey Hoe KEN MURRAY—in—"A NIGHT AT ARROL'S” | 3
4 8.9 y's festivities with a cor ist ; | R D S i G G S B
I jut read a poem in which children were supplied with| Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY, APRIL “Win - 10th | 8
pont claire that a gil in only a tickets, wees re HUMPHREY BOGART—IDA LUPINO—inte— 1B 3 CA AGE DEVICIOUS Ma oa Fal A SIZE AM
id ia er mea lso custom v tho Rr E AGENCY i PER- ED OR Sn 4 AL
rag, a bone and a hank of hair... It is also ous mary lor the lum 28 4 EXCLUSIVE Se "HIGH SIERRA" SONALLY ! > 1! a x HOLLOW PLEASE EVER
that case I'm changing jobs. From '© hold a Thanksgiving Dance on AA WE Oa hod HOCOLATE ! ASE 3
ving Wve for af o OBE “st V0 GVIR 48 VIAS . a
my Teper 4 a AE Xx RA! SAT. MAT. O31 Yeni \PTER NO 5 for 58 — 3 for 5€ 283
«ss 2 = ind their mates. At this time a % ! Po © Se » 1€¢
oa Sul nes 1s Gives FINER QUALITY » “MY: STERIOUS # 2 for 5¢ — Se each Q to ©
Nine little doggies buffet supper is served. | 5
t oggice
Sizzling on the plate, The Management CANDIES ! AE t — EE rm
Ia came the soldiers = The Tidy Preducts Corporation ER EE ES AS EE AEE COM PLETE WINE OF 3
hae o Business office at 135 Wet > Ne
Then they were ate. has a business office at 135 West Many Pop ar Assortments ky yo
® % x % * 136th Street, New York City. AS oR aw ib. 60c MPORTANT NOTICE | CHOCO LATE EASTER NOV mh
And then there's the soldier who Mr. deck Trilling is general man- Butter ms D n R U B E N ST T @) NE k MADRE FROM HERSHEY'S C “HOCOLATEY
cot himself chucked into the brig of Jae plant at Columbia and; ps UXE ASSORTED ..... Ih. 6c Optometrist — Eyesight Specialist 5 rrr sms ta :
because the top kick told him he will also have charge of the branch Selections Fron 80 Varieties : Pe FREE! > Pu Al l
ought to be a shining evample so here. ASSORTED CHOCOLATES. 1b. 60c AFTER YES ia BETHTOWN 5 © Names i on { Faster
he went out and got lit up. We welcome this new industry Creams and CheWey Centers ua I es 0 Tom
% % to our midst and wich un- fr and CHEWEY Ih. Ge NEW AND CoM PLETE LIN
. . £ ang HD. . RB
1 We know that spring is just limited suce ARD and CHEWEYR ches, Ero.” | OFFICE HOURS :— Bgily: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. §|l§ RAYON WEAR ANKL E 10
: > xe of bd i A
around the corner. Last Thursday cong on a nice new strawberry one od NUTS ... Ih. 0c Evenings: 7to 8 P. My (Tues. - Fri. - Sat.) 2 IN SOLID COLORS : STRIPE S. Son
a certain lady of Salunga was out Eut it’s true, so help me! Choice Fruits and Nuts RR Chocslats Same: Day Service Lenses 4 25¢ and 29c | ————
with the younger element flying E50 as MOUNT VERNON ...... 1h. 50¢ Complete Lens Grinding®gn Premises ; Kg INEXPENSIVE AND PRACTI REAL ALL ES IN LADIE
Ee Wo sort that As os all Shy fan: of About . 20 Varieties EVES EXAMINED—CONVENIENT TERMG—GLASSES FITIED #8 Al - ARMENTS = R! - i OSE 20c — 3c a
was sor however) PE I'd now like to own a| THE CHOICE OF DR. B L R UBEN | & + ST vw - be
ip was ho Sav nice big bunch of $2 bill KNOW BETTER CANDY —WFOR . . . h O N E i$ | MISSES’ A T
I still can’t conceive of two local SE ¥ : OPTOMETRIST he ; -
hn) epye + ; Yes. This may be a smail world. TYND A LL’S MOOSE THEATRE BLDG. ame J BIA SLI PS at Economy Prices 28e — © v= NCE Ci
ness men on a trip and one Oi p,,¢ k ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. dye >
: i

them trading a licked off ice cream,