The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 13, 1941, Image 1

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Annual American Red Cross Roll Call, Mar. 17 to Apr.

The Mount J oy Bulletin

VOL. XL, NO. 40
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Morning, March 13, 1941
Community Remembrance
Com. to Bid Boys Farewell;
Request Relatives to Keep

Fire Company Congratulations!
Held It's Mar. |] |
Thursday evening.
to hold tho
vice in the
tional church on NM
in the
ready to function.
secrctary of tha
appointed to fill
MAR 16
cay : I
Friendship held
its regular mq
mezting Friday
Council chamber
It was decided

Evangelical Congrega-
rch 16.
collact funds
districts for a new |
that they are!
Lester Mumma

committee to
vacancy cre-

ated by the resignation of 0. K
Snyder from this committee.
The company ext:nded a vote of
thanks to Clay Stauffer for the MILTON S. BOWMAN
use of his truck in excavating for Of tis boro, who will celebrate
(Turn to Page 2) his Eighty-third Birthday,
Sunn March 16
34 Aifend
—— Qe
With spring and spring house-
cleaning just arcund the comer, .
Mr. Herman Boyer is endeavoring Bible Class
to make the latter event a pleas- .
ure for housewives of this com- M 1
munity. ee ing
Mr. Boyer is preparing a Spring| The Sisterhood Bible Class of St.
Mark's United Brethren Church
held its regular monthly meeting
on Thursday evening, March 6th
with twenty-six members and eight
visitors present.
The Scripture was read by Mrs.
J. Statler Kuhn and Mrs. Eli Ben-
tzel led the group in prayer. The
Sale for Boyer's Home Furnishings
Store, and with the specials he is
offering in furniture and beddings
every home can afford some new
furnishings whether suites, chairs,
spreads or window shades.
Take advantage of these offers,
buy some new article of furniture
and add to the attractiveness of class then sang three hymns after
your home. You can buy themj which the minutes of the previous
reasonably at Boyer’s. Watch for
meeting were read and approved.
Mrs. Wm. Weldon, treasurer, pre-
sented her report as did the chair-
lady of the flower fund. The busi-
their big four-page circulars-~then
their store!

ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE | ness meeting then adjourned and
The annual Memorial Service of | was followed by a social hour.
Friendship Fire Co. No. 1, will be Mrs. Kuhns and Mrs. Norman
held ‘in the Evangckical Thngre- (Turn to page 4)
gational Church on Sunday even-
ing March 16th. W. DONEGAL SALE
Judge Schaeffer, presiding in Or-
phans’ Court, handed down a de-
cree dismissing exceptions filed by
Winfield L. Heisey, of Rheems, to
the public sale of a property in
West Donegal township.
The property was bought by the
Maytown National bank for $8750,
and Heisey offered $9,000. The
court pointed out that Heisey had
ofler with a
Mt. Joy's Red
Cross Quota
Is $500.00
Mr. Clyde E. Gerberich, chair-
man of District No. 1 of the Ameri-
can Red Cross, called a meeting of
the local workers on Monday | not accompanied his
evening. bond, and stated that the $250 ad-
ditional offer was not sufficient to
delay the sale.
The property, containing 113 acres
was part of the estate of Jacob E.
Shelly, late of West Donegal town-
BR nL 6
The Hershey Industrial School
Glee Club will present a program
in the high school auditorium, on
Thursday evening, April 3rd, at
eight o'clock, benefit of the Mount
Joy Branch of the Needle Work
Guild of America.
Tickets 25¢ and 15c.
rm Al I
Leroy B. Breneman,
roll call, addressed the meeting and
explained, among other things, be-
cause of the increased demand on
the Red Cross largely due to the
National Defense program, the Red
Cross is connected with
This particular drive is to secure
membership funds to carry on the
regular work of the
The quota for the county district
is $8,000 and Mount Joy's quota is
$500. Many other districts are de-
finitely planning to double their
There will be a meeting of Red
(Turn to Page 2)
meee) Gemeente
in charge of
no. ionger

BIRTHS Rev. R. M. Shoemaker, Metho-
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Melhorn,| dist pastor at Marietta, was
Florin, announce the birth of a; moved to Morton, Pa. and Rew.
Hackman from Grove to Marietta
ret rrr
Phares S. Ginder, Mt. Joy R. D
2, executor of Amos G. Ginder, late
of w. Joy township,
daughter Saturday at the Lancas-
ter General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Thomas,
on West Main Street, announce the
birth of a son Saturday at the
L: ancaster Genergl Hospital.

s Dress Shope
Purchased Eshleman Property
Lancaster | now located in the Donovan build-
two-story frame | ing.
The second floor apartment above
as 68 East Main Street, town, to the store will be remodeled and
will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
James L. and Katherine Sheaffer, | Sheaffer. The interior of the dwel-
of town, for the estate of Emma| Jing itself will be. remodelled and
Eshleman. made into first and second floor
The Sheaffers contemplate apartments.
ernizing the storeroom, which will] ' The present Kitty's Dress Shoppe
be occupied in a month or six| will celebrate it’s first anniversary
Charles F. Bowman,
realtor, sold the
dwelling and store property, known

| of Messiah Bible College,

Board Will
Send Ten 19th, a
| fever gy:
7:30 P. M. Rev. E. B.
Lancaster, a

| Joseph C. Witmer, Mt. Joy, Ray G. has} been in use for the past eighty
| Heisey, Florin and Robert G. Bry-| Yes
an, Bainbridge. The road extends eastwardly for
DE ce 4 of a mile from the end of town-
SCHOOL WILL SPONSOR ship road No. 825 to the western!
ST. PATRICK'S DANCE bank of Chicques Creek where it
A St. Patrick’s dance will be|ends along the properties of Jacob
sponsored by the local high school | Brubaker and Ezra H. Engle. Both
in the school gymnasium on Fri-| the property owners have agreed
day evening, March 14. | te release their rights to any dam-
Music for the evening will be| ages, the supervisors claim. Judge
furnished by Jimmy Shenk and his | Oliver S. Schaeffer appointed Sum-
orctestra. Dancing will be from | ner V. Hosterman, Linnaeous R.
8:30 to 11:30. Admission will be! Reist and Parke N. Ammon as view-
thirty-five cents, ers to inspect the read.
James Eshleman is
the committee arranging the dance
There will be a number of prize:
awarded during the dance and re-
freshments will be sold during in-
HS: hh»bbolbinn
chairman of | ~The supervisors claim the road is
no longer necessary.
Brief News Of
The Day From
Local Dailies

At a special meeting of Boro
i i vening, a con- on
Soap Mondsy e 5 ae Isaac R. Rummel, 79, was burned
act for planning and zoning ow : : : ;
tract F hing @ 11 to death in his home at Highville.
ro was presented by town| : =
entire boro p ” 3,500 bus drivers on 27 routes
planner, Mr, Black. Same was re- : a .
iid : went out on a strike in New York
fered to the solicitor for approval. City
Two hundred dollars was donat- ee ;
: The W. P. A, ordered a 48 hour
de to Friendship Fire Company. sh
i : 1 week for all workers starting Mon-
There being no other business of de
. . ay.
importance the meeting adjourned oe .
I e BLO Andes Anderson, 55, fell 30 feet
On Sunday evening, March 16th
7:30 P. M., the Ladies’ Chorus
under the
direction of Frances A. Smith, will
appear at the Mt. Pleasant Breth-
ren in Christ Church, located twe
off a wall at Coatesville and was
By April 1,
Middletown will have
The Post-Gazette, one of Pitts-
burg’s dailies, suspended publica-
tion for the present on account of
the Aviation plant at
4500 on its

a strike.
miles north of Mount Joy. : :
Einar Barfod, former State in-
surance commissioner, was arrest-
An Effort To
Purchase A
New Pumper
Appended is a request from the
committee of Friendship Fire Com-
pany No. 1, of this boro:
All are called to help to purchase
a new pumger to replace ours which
is worn out. We want to maintain
the efficient fire equipment which
is recognized by those far and near
as one of the best.
We are the guardians to save the
property and lives in this commun-
ed at Phila,
ing nearly
Elmer G. Brownstown
banker, was sentenced to the peni-
tentiary at Lewisburg for three
vear for embezzling $10,000.
Federal Hcusing representatives
will make a survey of Middletown
this week. They are considering
the erection of 450 homes there.
Frank Waring, 82, and his wife,
56, Rochester, N. Y., escaped death
at Harrisburg when their car skid-
ded went thru the guard rail and
rolled into the river.
rasp. él II >»°bb.or
charged with embezzl-

On ws dnesday evening, March
County Court Congrat
Disposes of ||

| missionary from India, will show
Volunteers j colored movies of missionary work Local Cases
Two men in the Blizabethtown| in India in th: Mount Joy Church The following cases of local in-
area volunteered under the Selec- | of God. Preceding the movies terest were disposed of by the court
tive Service law Monday, making a | Rev. Levefer will x relate” exper’! po week.
total of ten volunteers in County | ences, : and disclose information Nine persons, including a woman,
District Not whe will leave for perigining to customs and life in pleaded guilty to drunken driving
induction Tuesday, March 18. gern! of the Indian people with Five were sent to jail in default of
The Mount Joy headquarters said which lie workes: payment of fines and costs. Among
the: new volunteers are Paul HI All are invited to attend: and we | them was Clyde J. Smith, of Co.
Brinser, Elizabethtown and Junior urge those who are interested in lumbia, who was arrested here by
S. Sweigart, Elizabethtown R. 1. Missionary work not to miss this| Chief Zerphy on Jan. 25. ;
and their action will enable the| Two Support Orders
district to send an all-volunteer rare = C. Joseph Sullivan, Siliinen
group for its first March call. An-| upervisors "agreed to pay $75 a month to his
other group will leave about ten | { wife, Genevieve, Salunga, for the
days later. Ask The Court support of three children.
Others leaving at the same time, | Mrs. Saloma S. Musser, Mt. Joy
all volunteers, are Martin cane, To Abandon Road i R. D. 1, daughter and only child of
Bainbridge, Clyde Gerberich, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Lenhard, of
Mt. Joy, Clarence Burris, Mt. Joy| Supervisors of East Donegal Mt Joy, R.D.1, agreed to pay $5
R. 1, Benjamin S. Nissley, Manhe im | Township Tuesday asked the court | weekly for their support. : |
|R. 1, James A. Phillips, Mt. Joy, { to. abandon a township road which | ——— Ee
Mrs. Martha and Lillie Sauders
entertained at a turkey dinner at
| their home on New Haven St.
{ March 8th.
| The guests included: Mr, and
Mrs. Harry Myers, of Harrisburg;
Mrs. John Myers, Miss Florence
Curran, New York; Mr. and Mrs
Cyrus McCurdy, of Bainbridge;
Mr. and Mrs. William Curran, of
Elizabethtown; Mr, and Mrs.
Roman Myers, of Lancaster; Doris
and Ruth Hershour and Mrs. Harry
Weidman, Sr.
who celebrated his
Eighty - second Birthday
Monday, March 10

G. A. and F. M. Wagman, Dallas-
town, York county, were low
ders for rebuilding the last unim-
proved link in the highway between
Lancaster and Marietta borough,
the State Department of Highways
announced Friday.
The Wagmans bid $45,574 for the
tl A aio work which includes: Building
SPRING VACATION about .75 mile of road, east of the
STARTS FRIDAY, MARCH 14th borough; removal of the covered
bridge over Chickies creek near
Tomorrow, Friday, March 14th
the local schools will close at the
end of the regular school day and
classes will not reconvene ‘until,
Monday, March 24th.
It's Spring Vacation and both
teachers and pupils welcome this
recess with equal eagerness.
———— Een
Mrs. O. K. Snyder, of town, won
first prize of $10 at cash night at
Sentz's mill and the elimination of
the sharp curve near that point.

Stanley Moyer
Named Rapho
School Director
Rapho Township School
held their monthly
meeting on
Joy Theatre on Tuesday. Paul|Friday evening.
Wagner, also of town received $5;] Stanley Moyer, acting secretary,
Bill Duncan, of Maytown $5 and] was appointed a director and sec-
Irvin Witmer, Mount Joy R. 1, $5.| retary, to fill the vacancy, caused
——- errs by the death of J. W. Moyer, his
Mr. O. K. Greenawalt has re- Mrs. Paul Erb, is the substitute
turned to his home on Marietta St. | teacher at Pleasant Place School,
after undergoing treatment at the [for Miss Suie Snyder, who was in-
Lancaster General Hospital. jured in a fall.
SEA The treasurer reported receiving

the State Appropriation of $3,410.00,
and $800.00 of 1940 tax. Also sal-
aries, tuitions and transportation to
the amount of $3,000.00 was paid.
The Red Cross committee of
Rapho Township, will canvass
schools, stores and filling stations,
north of the Harrisburg Pike and is
composed of David Spickler,
Mrs. Stauffer's
Insurance Case
Was Settled
Settlement was announced in the
case of Mrs. Lizzie B. Stauffer, Eli-
zabethtown, R. D. 1, against the
Pennsylvania Thresherman and
Farmers’ Mutual Casualty Insur-
ance company, in which Mrs. Stauf-

fer sought benefits for a policy on|retary-treasurer road supervisors,
the life of her late husband, David|R. 3; Stanley Moyer, secretary of
Y. Stauffer. School board, Manheim R 2, Am-
The firm issued a disability policy | mon Bucher, Manheim, R. 2.
on the late man’s life on April 19, ry
1938, according to the papers filed.| DR. FRITZ SPOKE
He removed “a hair or hairs” from| County Treasurer Dr. B. Scott
his nose, and died March 3, 1939, of | Fritz, of Marietta, Addressed the
students of the East Donegal High

of the Peace Richard S. Daveler | The regular monthly meeting of
Marietta. Daveler said the charge | ihe Mount Joy Building and Loan
was perferred by D. B. Brubaker,
of this place, following an auto-
mobile accident in which the lat-
ter's car was badly damaged.
Mrs. Herbert Tyndall,
Chestnut St.,
| Association was held last Wednes-
| day evening with all directors ex-
cept ong, present.
| The secretary
| ceipts were over
613 West | { month of February.
Lancaster, underwent| It was reported that the third
an operation Tuesday morning at] series of installment stock amount-
St. Joseph's Hospital. |ing to $10,000 will mature April 1
Mrs. Tyndall will ‘be remember-| and will be paid. Of that amount
ed as Lillian Felker, of town. only $400 represents a mortgage
rr, | the balance being paid in cash to
SUIT STARTED | the shareholders.
Raymond D. Shearer, vs. David| The following directors were
E. - Greenawalt, summons in as-| nominated for the coming year:

reported the re-
$2,800 for the

weeks, by Kitty's Dress Shoppe,| on Saturday, March 15th,

sumpsit, | Messrs. R. Fellenbaum, Henry H

ity as well as tnose of the sur- a “streptococcic mixed type of in-
rounding country districts. There | Wild geese in large flocks are| fection”, Mrs. Stauffer alleged. She|School at Maytown in assembly
will be solicitbrs call to see vou | leaving their southern sought the value of the policy, $1,-| Friday. He poke on “County Poli-
shortly. | grounds and heading north, reports} 000, as well as medical and funeral] tical Organization”.
IS | tell us. Nature's best evidence thatjexpenses totaling $122.50. Terms of ert
LOCAL RESIDENT HAS | Spring is not t so far away. settlement were not MUFFLER WAS BAD
MARIETTAN JAILED — a eee State Policeman Daniel Gibbons
alph Malson, Marietta, was perferred charges against Ray-
Pha wan ee vs Mont Joy Building & Loan Association Wil oe son
five days in default of a fine and 1, for driving a car with
costs on a charge of reckless driv- Pay Out $10, 000 To Shareholders April First muffler. He was ordered to ap-
ing when arraigned before Justice | pear before a squire.
Eby, J. Willis Freed, Elam Bom-
berger, Christ Walters, Dr. E. W.
Newcomer, Grant Gerberich and
Jno E. Schroll. Nominations re-
main open until the shareholders
have an opportunity to name addi-
tional directors at the annual
meeting preceding election next
The Association has enjoyed an-
David Wentzel, residing
Thomas Retaurant, left
last Thursday for Can-
ada, to join with the Canadian Air
at the
this place,
York, founded in 1741, will have
other successful year and at pre-}a special celebration of its 200th
sent has <0 many demands for|birthday, according to the State
mortgage money that it must bor-
row in order to meet these re.
A new series of stock will be
opened again in April following
the usual custom of opening a new
series every six months.
Department of Commerce.
—— Eee
An acre of woodland and was
burned over at Holtwood. The
supposition is the fire was started
by sparks from a railroad engine.

$1.50 a Year in Adve) on Boys’ Addresses
Community Remembrance Committee met Tuesday
in the High School with representalives there from
Elizabethtown and Manheim. It was decided to have each
town in County Draft Board No. 1 represented at the
Legion Home on Tuesday morning of next week at 6:45
A. M. to give the boys who are leaving for Camp, a hand
shake and their weli wishes,
each time there
will be any boys leaving. Come out to see the boys off.
Watch the BULLETIN for later dates on which time
there will be boys leaving for Camp.
ieft and are
Corps, are very busily engaged.
They will continue to be represented
Committee on packing boxes for our boys who
the Army, Navy or Marine
The most difficult problem
Lave, is securing the proper address of the boys.
or friend who left for the ser-
won't you kindly send his home address as well as his
address to Mr. Wm. E. Nilrauer, Mt. Joy, Pa.
il is the committees wish that not one boy will be mis=
sed but we must have your co-operation in this instance, se
that this can be accomplished.
Local Affairs
In General
Briefly Told
The hotel at Martindale was sold
for $4,250.
have leaving for
1! you have any relative
last service
Record In
This Section
William Boys, 70, of Columbia;
died at St. Joseph's Hospital.
A new market house has been| Dr Elmore R. Miller, 72, former
opened at Ephrata. county coroner, died at Ephrata.
George Haldeman, 16, near Lititz,| John F. Haas, 61, of Marietts,
fell in a barn and broke his leg died early Monday at St. Joseph's
The New Holland Fire Co. is Hospital.
considering the erection of a new| William A. Glatfelter, 70, of Co=
hall. lumbia, died Friday. He was a
Bank director George P. Resh.| native of Marietta.
Marietta, celebrated his 83rd birth- ——
day. Mrs. John Aldinger
Three Lancaster men purchased Mrs. Lizzie Aldinger, sevent
a lower end farm to breed running we, Wile of John Aldinge og
horses. lin I i ,
Elizabethtown R. D., died day
The Iris Club will hold its annual ot her “ei She had fe for
Spring Flower Show at Lancaster|,.. 1 Mrs. Aldinger was a
May 15-16. : daughter of the late Elias and °
The seventh annual Lancaster{~ . _ . ad
Catharine Kreiser and was a mem-
Antiques show will be held March ber of the Brethren church. Be
17th to 21st. sides her husband, she is survived
Friday and Saturday's snow was (Tum to Page 6) J
(Turn to Page 3) aes tli mr +L
eee tll) Ieee \
Toe U. 8. Array. Recraiting Stas Clarence Blyer, janitor at the
mat ncaster reported eight Cerberich-Payne | Shoe Company

plant here, charged with assauls
ordered to

voung men had enlisted during the
and battery, was

week. Thos from this locality : } ;
™ x : 1 | the costs when he ar i
were: Thomas H. Carmitchell, e co Wi appeared before
: a | Justice of the ace Ar r i
Manheim Route 1, attached to the 8 the eace Arthur J. Hen
drix Monday night.
Blyer was prosecuted by Harold
Service Unit at
Landis, of
Karl E. Landisville,

to the 40th Ordin Co. P. Tesh plant. foreman. Chief of
Aberdeen, Proving Grounds, Md; aoe. Hmer Zerphy arrested Biyer
Elwood D. Dietz, Maytown, attach- an argument in whic
ed to the Air Corps, Sates. blows Were exchanged.
The members of the Senior class
» of the local high school attended a
At Florin For session in naturalization court at
the Lancaster Court House last
Past Week
Miss Edna Martin and Mrs. Mar-
Miss Fredine Gehman is ill with|iha Smith accompanied the group.
La Grippe. Fifty people were admitted to
The Ladies’ Aid met at the home| United States citizenship at this



of Mrs. Ira Funk. session which was attended by the
Miss Doris Leedom celebrated | largest crowd ever to witness these
her birthday on Tuesday. | proceedings. :
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gehman spent] rll Mae
Tuesday night in Lancaster. FARM WOMEN NO. 8
Mrs. Harry Lee spent Mon- | MEET SATURDAY
day afterncon at Elizabethtown. { A meeting of Farm Women No. §
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hostetter { will be held on Saturday, March
son returned after spending at two o'clock at the home of
eral weeks in Florida. Clarenc> Reist. Several in=
The pupils of n ng garden talks will be given.
Y Scho 3! witnessed he Y. | I ea
“Je anie” at Maytown h| AN OPERATION TODAY
School Norman “Toots” Mateer will un=
7 3 r nd|dergo an appendectomy today
Mrs. M: artin IL. Ney was mi | (Thursday) at St. Joseph’s Hog-
Bradford Coker labama | Lancaster.

at Elkton, Md., on y. At 1 e | Gi
present they will reside at Leeds} BOY'S LEG BROKEN
Alabama | While assisting to push a truck
eS OW tuck in the snow, George Swei-
CAR UPSET NEAR TOWN: { gart, 15, Manheim Route 3, suffer-
DRIVER IN HOSPITAL ! ured right leg.
Heisey's Garage, on East Main, ——= EE
Street, was called on Sunday tc {| BURGESS ISSUES
tow in a car that was involved in|
Burgess Wm. E. Hendrix, pro-
claims the period of the 1041
Annual American Red Cross
Roll Call, March 17 to April 1.
All men and women of the Mt.
The car, |
firm, |
an accident east of town.
belonging to a
was turned over
and lying on its]
top when garagemen arrived. The |
driver was admitted to a Lancaster |
ospital with roken ar d|
Hospital w ith a broken arm and {| Joy Borough should support the
other injuries. The cause of the|f ol, "oo threugh the local
accident was not learned. chapter.
d c i -
The first electric razors produced Read the Proclamation by Bur.

of an American firm.

gess Hendrix on another iA
i We 4} atents exit
in Germany were under the patents of this iste,


