The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 30, 1941, Image 5

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~ A wiSE OWL Rod & Gun
Well, here we arc with only one
The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County,
Pa., Thursday Morning, January 30, 1941
Handy Gadget at That



Lolly Gags


No a Sn

EE fins a


more day left in January and ther
one-twelfth of 1941 is all ‘shot. This
year I'm being a perfect husband
(?). Already, I'm planning what to
get the little woman for Valentine.
* * * * *
1 can't quite decide whether to
give her a radio for my car or buy
myself a new suit so she'll be proud
ta be scen with me in public. I'll
tell you—its a tought problem.
ss * » ss
One of the element tells
ue that “a hick town is one wher:
there is no place to go that one
#2 iy
While sitting in the arena at the
farm show a farmer sitting in back
of me announced: “I've got @ freak
a t wo-legged
farm. It's
calf.” The sccond farmer
there, kept watching the judge ir
the ring, and replied: “I know you
on my
do. He was over to call on mj
daughter last night.”
% ® 8 =
When a man brings home the
bacon yeu can just bet your last
dime, the little. wife will want the
whole hog.
How RE %
Recently I was standing in line
at the ticket window in the Broad
St.. station at Philadelphia, when an
adorable blonde right in front of
me said to the ticket seller: “I want
a ticket to Chicage.” The ticket
man asked: “By Buffalo?” And
the litile cutie gave him an icy
stare and exclaimed: “O course not!
By train.” ...... heh, heh.
* * * *® »
Can you imagine anything tights:
than a Scotchman saving up to be 2
Not even my
{wo way stretch girdle
% » - .
wifz': new,
A lady riding in a Lancaster bus
talking to another lady across
the aisle when she said: “I'm 2
widow now. My husband was lost
at sea.” The other lady, who was
practical under any circumstance
acked: “Was he insured?” But the
3 3 ‘ ye . al
widow replied: “No, he was a total
* * *® * *
A pessimist thinks that all women
are immortal, and an optimist mere-
ly hopes so.
x % % % 8
“Is horse racing a clean sport?’
asked an old lady of a youth, and
the latter answered: “Well, it cleans
quite a few peopls every day. ..-.
Too, too true.
* * » * *®
Then theres the fellow from E'-
town who met a moneyed widow
and started to pave the way te
feathering his nest by flattery. Th
part she liked most was wher
he told her she reminded him
of a lovely flower............ Anc
then the very next day he sent he:
a century plant. Boy, did she
ok #
In a parked car on cemetery hill
(and T'll bet you kids didn’t know
that I know that’s a favorite spark-
ing place) a certain girl cooed:
“Ah a kiss speaks volumes!” And
her boy friend, always on the alert.
suggested: “Then lets start a lib-
2 % 5%
Then there was the Donegal st
Jady who bought scme ra
pcison at Hostetters hardware store
and was asked if she wanted to take
it with her. Misunderstanding
and thinking it was a joke instead
of an act of courteous service, she
took offeense and walking out of the
tore, exclaimed: No! I'll send the
1ats over for it.”
* * * * *
Have you heard the joke abou
the balcony? No? Well, its just a:
well. It's over your head, anyway
Just to show you I have a chi
off the old block, here’s one from
the off spring.
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
Then he wasn't Fuzzy-Wuzzy?
* * #®
It’s the
were getting worried about John
gotten to place where
The early colonists killed many
heath hens for food. They were «
easy mark for hunters for they
were very slow moving birds. They
were as common on tables as chick-
ens are today. Old records tell us
that the hired men got tired of
cating ‘heath hen. Before they
would work on farms, they made
the owners promise that they
would not serve heath hens more
than twice a week. Of course tne
sturdy, vigorous heath hen could
take care of itself and protect itself
against forest enemies, but could
not withstand the attacks of greedy
By the year 1870, just one snort
century from the days of the colo-
nies, the heath hen had disappear-
ed from the Mainland of the United
States. Only upon Martha’s Vine-
yard Island could flocks of these
birds be found. It was then that
the scientists became deeply inter-
ested in that bird. In 1908 the state’
of Massachusetts came to the rescue
7f the heath henn and tried to save

Part of Martha's Vineyard Island’
was set aside as a heath hen reser-
vation, where the birds were given
full protection. At the time, the |
heath hen numbered less than one!
hundred. By 1916 they had in-
creased to fully two thousand. Lov-
ers of the wild and helpless creat-
ures believed that the heath hens
had been saved. But they could
not the terrible disaster
that swept through the reservation
in Moy of that year. A raging fire]
in the forest brush burned the
nests; the young and the faithful |
mother, hens that would not flee|
and leave the young fledgings be-
tind, Few of the heath hens sur-
vived did their numbers in-
crease as new underbruch grew up
in place of the charred blackened |
ruins left by the fire.
Little by little the
decreased in number. In spring of
1927 just 13 birds were counted,
and in April of the following year
only three were seen. By the fall,
only two birds could be found, and
in December of that year but one
Now even this heath hen has dis-|
appeared. It has not been seen.
since March of 1232. Sadly scien-!
tists have watched one more species
vanish from the earth. They real-
ize the passing of the heath hen
was caused by man’s ruthless de-

heath hens
struction. |
The same fate that befell the]
heath hen is threatening our own|
Bob White, Quail, (Partridge).!
Some of the older hunters can well
remember when the Bob Whites]
were plentiful in all of Pennsyl- |
vania, as well as in most all the
other states in the Union, but with!
each passing year the Bob Whites
are getting less and less.
The Pennsylvania Game Com-
mission is trying as best they can
to restore the Bob White, last year
there were 18 pairs of these birds,
in pairs, liberated in the Columbia
section. These birds were pen
raised, all in tip-top condition
when liberated early last spring,
yet nct one covey of Bob Whites
could be said were reared by these
stocked birds.
Fellow sportsmen you know how
scarce these birds are. Don’t you
think it would be a wise thing to
place this bird on the protected
list until they would increase in
numbers to such extent that they
would be in no danger of passing
out of existence the
heath hen.
Isn't it worth more to hear this
game bird whistling, “Bob White,
Bob White”,
along with
in the early spring

We've told you how he puts a
leash on a big red rooster and takes
him walking. Remember? Well
on Sunday He put the rooster on a
sled and took it coasting. Next week
we expect to see him doll it up
in a snow suit and take it ice skat-
ing on the bird bath.

Basket Ball

Mount Joy G. E. Il. | ° |
Weidman, forward ..... 2 3 7 |
Pennell, forward ...... 0 0 J
3camy, forward ...... 5 1 1! 1 always looked easv-like, writs
Forry, center ......... 1 0 20 1 pie
Brown, guard ~......- 1 0 2|in’ on them there typewriters.
Forry, guard .......... 1 0 2|a body had to do was to push down
Buller, guard ......... 2 Y > on them there letters in a row’n the
—————— | first thing stuff wuz printed on the
Totals 12 5.291 oaper os neat as anything.
Lancaster G. F. T.| ; 2
Buckwalter, forward .. 4 0 8 I always did have a hankerin’ fer
Newswanger, forward . 5 0 10 cnec’a them there typewriter mach-
Bowman, center ...... 2 2 12 | ines. They kind’a took my eye, sc
Drumm, guard’ ........ 7 1 15 | wiren the aman ‘come ‘round to. my
Lenhart, guard 1 0 2
sed he wuz sellin’ second
5 47 | hand type writers awful cheap I
“| door’n
Teams Won Lost Pct.
Mount Joy ........: 6 2 750 BREEDING COSTS
Marietta 6 2 750
Rothsville ........... 6 3 667
> {Fast Donegal ....... 5 3 625
Elizabethtown ...... 4 4 500
East Hempfield ..... 2 7 222
Manheim Boro ...... 0 8 .000

Even though “Hotty” Zink, Mari- i
etta’s barber, offered each player a
free hair cut, those Marietta high
lads couldn't win. from the locals,

although they did = give them a
scare from the first to the final
whistle. Our town boys won by
the narrow margin of one point in

tos 7 : 14. R. Brown, Y, d Funk 18, 15.
5, in a game with the Mt. Joy | Winger d Germer 16, 9. W. Brown
Travelers. |d Funk 18, 17. Pennell 4 R. Brown
1-19, 9, 10. Winger d Funk 14, 12.
There is no better way to boost | Pennell d Alexander -19, 15, 19. R.
your busiaess than by local news- Bn 3%. i Ww
aper ad fe | : er an
Paper a vertising. __|Brown d Germer and Pennell 9, 15.
Mt. Joy Reds 10, Y Trinagles 0
Mt. Joy Blues 10, F. & M. 6

rr eres
than to shoot it in the fall. |
Have you ever felt just a bit |
remorseful after having killed a Bob |
White, to think that you have] Ym
endeared the life- of a beautiful BASKET BALL
feathered friend whose cheery] The Columbia Barons defeated
“Bob White, Bob White” is loved|the Maytown Reserves 24-18.
by all who know him? The Marietta Firemen defeated

Help to save the Bob White. | the Maytown Fire Company 40-30.
This Week's Calendar
| Thursday, Feb. 6th.

Totals .. venir de. 22 a 1 a humdinger.
Score by pericds: SL 3 | didn’t cee no harm in lookin’ at it. Sms hat Dove. 2
MT. JOY & ar ¢ 12 14 aid He sed...“Now lady, this here mt. Joy H. S. G. F TL. Purina Experimental Farm turkey
RANCASTSY id soot # 29%! machine is perfect in every detail..|Gemberling, forward . 7 2 16! hen No. 520 laid 219 eggs in a 292.
Referee: iii |it has some few years of wear’n Zink, forward ........ 2 is day period.
fis 4 Sol tf wi ewcomer, center ie
WESTERN COUNTY LEAGUE (1 bulla genet) will last you © hieman, guard ...... 2 o 8 Tab ihe ‘efficiency of pkey]
Mt. Joy Merchants G F.M fer a long time. . |Hawthorne, guard 2 0 4! breeder production can be improved |
Crider, forward ...... 5 0 10' Shucks, thinks I, a body does Heisey, guard ......... 0 0 0 tremendously is shown by the results
Germer, forward ...... 1 0 2 have a awful lot’a writin'n stuff to : .at the Purina Experimental Farm at
Backenstoe, forward .. 1 0 2 | do. Wnritin’ to Cousin Liz in Mari-! Total vol 5 47| Gray Summit, Missouri.
Browne, center ....... 1 3 Wi. niin reports fer ihe Misi orca IL 8 G. F. TL| According to G.P. Plaisance, man-
Walters, center ........ 0 0 winn er the Libhart, forward .. 3 0. '6} ager of the Turkey Department, the
Garber, guard ........ 3 1 7fionary sooiely not to say jottin' Gq pibhart, forward ... 4 5 13 | turkey breeder flock at the Purina
Zink, goard 2 3 7!down things fer to get at the storeiKeller, center ........ 5 1 11} Experimental Farm produces around
Cillinger, guard ....... 0 2 2|'n stuff. My writinz been Denlinger, guard ...... 4 1 9! 60 eggs per hen during the months
g g | i - |
Greiner, guard ........ 0 0 0 \worse'n worse anyways these days. Sload, guard .......... 3 1 7 of March, April, and May, whereas
— 1 keeps puttin’ too many curls on Snyder, guard ......... 0 0 according to available data, the
Total ce. vd 19 8 47 | i country’s average for these same
Irenville G. FF 1 Bre» : | Total 19 8 46! three months, which are the princi-
R. Frey, forward ...... 2 0 4| When the man saw I liked the| Score by periods: pal months when the average turkeys
3 Y
Neal, forward ......... r 0 2 locks ’'a the typewriter he sed, (MT. JOY ........ 6 15 18 847 | do thelr laying, is 45 to 50 eggs.
Scions, seen 1 0 &|“Lady, jest keep this machine here Shots 3B 13 '9—46| wrne significance of these com-
Moss : Ged 9 0 3 under your own roof till tomor- hoher Darr, parative figures is revealed when one
! ar J 5 10|rown then give me your decision.” considers that last year approxi-
Mutua, guird de ; 2 Thinks I, that ’s fair. It looks | MY Joy J-V G. F. TL! mately more than 32,000,000 turkeys
hi coor oy So Teed Fellenbaum, forward . 7 2 16, were marketed from about 40,000,-
Totals 22 4 1 0. Re 0 ig 20 38 0: i i J forward ........ 4 1 9 000 hatched”, Plaisance says. On
RR he? To Ws As soon as the man left starte { Hallgren, forward ..... 0 0 0 the basis of the average turkey hen
thats has in writin’. Thinks I hope this here | Stoner, center ........ 2 0 4, producing 40 to 45 eggs per year
: | machine's good at spellin’ fer spell i Roberts, center ....... 0 0 0 during the laying season instead of
IRN JUNIOFK bos : 3 i x : .
NORTHERN Jo 08 [inn me fell out in the third grade Heiser gerd } ’ 2 60 eggs, it would require approxi-
Mazrietia a. HS. G. F. T.|I started in writin’ to Cousin Liz. | 7g, Ry. a terre 1 0 bsg] mately 400,000 more hens. In terms
Drager, forward ...... 3 0 6|Thinkss I, Lizll think I'm gettin’ | Zinman, guard 1 0 of feed this would mean that it
Simmons, forward .... 6 0 12| up in the world, mebby she’ll think |Shupp, forward ...... 0 0 0 il gn Be Fao Hoe
Waities, i id raises ! 3 : I have a secretary 'er sumpin’...’n Bender forward ...... 0 1 1! carloads ed—approximately 1000
uby, guard .......... t's 5 (McClellan, guard ..... 1 2 >
Bishop, guard ........ © 1 1 then the trouble begun. Them there Lob, gutter 0 ° o Feeding, management, sanitation,
Cray, guard .........; 2 1 5|letters got all mixed up among |Beamenderfer, guard .. 2 0 4 and breeding are responsible for the
| the way that type-| _ increased egg production attained at
Totals 12 5 29] yriter started in spellin’ wuz aj <Total 19 4 42 the Purina Experimental Farm from
Mi. Joy Ir. H. H. GG | caution! {Marietta J-V G. F. Tl. the turkey breeder flock, Plaisance
Zink, forward ........ ! 1 3 My finger action wuz kind’a good. ‘Reutter, forward ...... 4 (0 8 asserts. “Our original breeding flock
Wilson, forward ...... 8 a ‘cause when I wuz a youngster we Weaver, forward ..... 4 0 8 Was selected some years ago from a
Alexander, center ..... 0 0 0 nd. IS i 2 1 ated i Shank, forward ....... 0 0 o flock of poults hatched from eggs
Breneman, guard ..... 4 3 11/had a oid square planon {Boyer, center ......... 1 2 4 purchased at random the previous
Gainer, guard ......... 0 0 0|play a lot on it. But Pop com-;C. Corral, guard .... © 0 0 spring. We had no advance infor-
Xendig, forward ...... 0 0 0! plained so about the noise... sed |Gibble, guard ......... 0 0 0. mation concerning their ability to |
SR oman] a 8 0 9 | he, “Min you can’t: carry a tune no {Shillow, gudrd ........ 0 0 0 | lay. Proper feeding and management
A guard, ey 9 couldn’t even carry 2a 1% Corral, guard ....... 0 0 0 brought out their inherited ability
7 SUID tren “ltune in a bucket” But this here | artin, guard ........ 0 0 0 | to produce lots of eggs.”
| 2 |J. Smith, forward ..... OO 0 o0'Pp ’s NOTE: rey
Totals 13 4 30|typewriter wuz different... I fay. fr forward 0 0 of pITOR’s NOTE: The turkey breed-
MARIETTA JR. .. 8 12 5 4-29|hit the letters o. k. but when they |K. Smith, forward 0 1 1 er ration fed to the breeder flock at
MT. JOY JR. ..... 8 9 7 6-30|wuz on the paper they looked dif- ts | the Purina Experimental Farm is
i OA eer | rect Total... 9 3 a1! handled locally by our distributor of
JUNIOR HIGH GAME Jiotent. nd with thet letter to! Score by | checkerboard feeds
East Hempfield won 22-20 over| ©. oC. hour'n | MT- JOY J-V .. 10 8 11 13-42] lie: db iE
East Donegal. -The score: | cousin, Liz fer nigh on to a hour'n papers jv 11 6 2 2-21]
E. Donegal Jr. H. S. G. F. TI | then I got disgusted'n I packed the Referee: H. Weidman. 8 IRO NVI LLE
Wittel, forward 4 0 8! {typewriter up in the case’n set it a
5 YI
Hershey, forward ..... 0 0 0 besides the front door fer the man Other League Scores: —
Bare, forward ...-.: 2 0 4! comen get itn then I went tc| Rothsville 32, E-town 28. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blottin-
Wolgemulh, 2 0 g my tablet'n I started in writin’ sen- | E. Donezal 3 E. Hempfield 26. | berger and daughters, Kathryn and
Bailey; Sal enn, g 2 I sorta liked the way J J-V Scores: | Arlene, Robert Hughes of Berwyn,
Tressler, guard 1 0 , 1 started in Liz's letter it wuz, 2 Rotheville 3 J Pe. and Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Heisey
Ss LL... 211 started nr iz’s cee . Donegal 21, i CN
Morton, guard ........ 0 0 0! “Dear Cousin Liz, I now take my 12k Hempfield 20. [2 Loans were the guests of Mr,
Arnold, forward ...... 0 0 81 nail ni ha fet to jot down some : {and Mrs. C. M. Kauffman.
te Bn a a ” °N I knew J. oy TRIMS LITITZ, 47-46; Op Saturday evening February
Total Li. oy | 2 the recent haj 5 WN SW IMt. Joy H. S. G. FF. MN} ot Te "RM he C1 Cn
" on i 5h 2 3 2 deep down in my heart I'd never | Gemberling, forward... 7 4 is; at 7:45 P. M. the Loyal Sons's
IJ. Snavely, a 9 3 | been able to write such a high- | Zink, forward... 4 1 9 Sunday school c 15S taught by Paul
Weidler, forward ..... 2 1 5 | falutin’ thought on that there dumb Newcomer, center .... 9 0 18! Metzger, will hold a speliing bee
W. Snavely, center .... 3 1 7| typewriter! Rshleman, gua ..... ) 0 0, in ths schol house, Ore
Habecker, guard ...... 0 0 0 the old sayin’..... this here | Hawthorne, guard .... 1 0 2jof the main features will be a
Brands, guard ........ 1 0 age z the mination'a the? © 21 5 rae risa eka
ee : ee 0 Oo weaaing, enna.
Totals... i. 4 99 human race. Lititz H. S. G F a y Of 8
Eid by periods: ss: 8 2 —_————— Stark, forward ........ 4 0 g|ments will be sold during the even-
E. HEMPFIELD ... 4 6 6 6-—22|CO. TENNIS LEAGUE Brown, forward ....... 2 0 aj:
E. DONEGAL JR. .. 6 2 2 1020 | Appended are games played by Reist, forward ........ 7 3 35 George Campbell, John Fox, Sr,
Referee: Walters. | our local teams last waels Cie i chases 4 0 8 land Ruth Albright are celebrating
TE $e Mt. Joy Reds 5, Dukes 5 achman, guard ...... 3 1 birthdays this wee
a 3 > ” = Long, guard .......... | their birthdays this week.
iid Sf TO | Dues Es ovary Maren, gusrd : 9 | The Ironville UECE will be re-
ME TH {14, 16. ; 18, 2), pf RIEL, BEATE nts boo rt pn
Sr : 16. Shank, D. d Kulp 16, 15. Divet Guz, guard L000 0 0 gj presented with 25 members at the
1m the history of 4 Herr 8, 13, 14. Shank d Somer _| West Branch CE banquet in the
bowling in Mount Joy, has there|-9, 13, 18. Evans d Kulp 17, 14. ls 2 46 Mountville UB church on Tuesday
been a colored team appear on our Divet d Shank 19, 19. Evans S Beh Patios: wp | evening.
local alleys. |Jomer 16, 21. Kulp d Herr -11, 15, LITITZ H. S. 9 7 16 30 Services in the Ironville UB
But, this Friday evening, Janu-| DOUBLES: Herr and Evans d Referee: Phil Lowell. ? | church this week, Wednesday a
ary 3lst, at, 8:00 P. M. the team Djvet and Somer 12, 22. | 4:15 PM Catechetical cl at 7:30
frem the Harrisburg Colored Y Circles 8, Mt. Joy Blues 2 In the preliminary game our Frayer service by the pas in-
Y.M.CA., will appear on the Lin-| SINGLES: Winger, Y, d Pennell |J-V’s lost to Lititz J-V’s 33-41. | day, Sunday school at 9:30 2e-
; 5 OW: ormer 12 : oe
coln Bowling Alleys, East Main | 1% 15. W. Brown, Y, d Germer 12, gular worship by the pastor at 10:30
DEEDS RECORDED { with reception of members, CE at
Emily E. Gingrich and Christian’ 7:00 PM Ruth Albright, president, a
S. Gingrich to Christian K. Aston’ play will be
and wife, premises on Lumber | the history of the CE society or-
street, Mount Joy. | ganized by Dr. Clark and his wife
Earl B. Walters and wife et al of Portland Or n, sixty years ago
to Albert G. Walters, two-third in-! se
terest in property on Market street, E. DONEGAL HI-Y WINS
Florin. iY The Fat Donegal
Albert G. Walters and wife to ball team defeated the East Donegal
Mabel W. Shank and transferred to Y. Farm five 44-24.
presented, outlining

Zook scored
Alber oo ey : :
Albert G. Walters and wife, prem-|17 points for the losing team while
ises on Market street, Florin. | Sperla scored 15 for the victors,
0 CBR eee —t— tM

When in need of Printing. (any- | Stimulate your business by adyer=
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin J lising in the Bulletin.

[ER |
The Columbia Telephone Co. has
secured the services of Mr. Charles

Saturday, Feb. 1st
: ! A. Carl as Telephone Consultant,
lon A 1 oe
George YW ri who will temporarily take over the
ae 1789 ¢ UNCC Management of the company, suc-
alls, . | .
New England Sporimen’s ceeding the late Mr. H. A. Oberdorf.
Boat Show, Feb. 1st to 9th. Mr. Carl has a wide experience
Feb. 2 d as a telephone man, is well known
c dl i Dev. (I case. v over the entire State, has been with
andiemas Day (Incase you | he Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsyl-
didn’t know, that’s ground-! : :
vania for quite a number of years,
hog Day). and prior to that time was Vice
Monday, Feb. 3 3 | President and General Manager of
Nation Market Week, te the Penn State Telephone Co. lo-
Feb 8th.
cated in Lancaster, Pa.
National Business Show in HT
New York, to Feb, 8th. You can get all the news of this
Mendel:sohne Birthday born locality for less than three cents'a
in 1809. weck through The Bulletin.
entered unior |
in 1788. w
etl © Wm )
The Parents Band Club, of town ; :
at 8:00 P. M., in the High School Ru S i
auditorium. ®
will hold a public card party on
The proceeds will be used for a } y
werthy cause. 3 KRALL Meat

Thursday evening, February 20th

Plan now to attend this dard .
party. West Main St., Mt. Jo
etl Cee.
When in nced of Printing. (any- | &
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin A
— ||'Dr. R. M. Balderson
You Can't | | % OPTOMETRIST
Tell Em Like | || 8 E."WMain St. MT. JOY, PA
This Use A | | ea
Want Ad Palmyré, Bank Building
Mon., Tue Wed. and Fri
1] 9to 12 A, M. Wy 1to5 PM
& 7 to 8 PRL
0 i Phone 8
(3) | 85 East Main Str
“d)] Thur., 9:30-12:30—1:30-5:
Sa‘. 1:30-5:30—6:30-7:30 X

Pr, Harold C. Kiltheffer
163 S. Charlotte "&¢, 15 E. High St
Telephone 11-J .
Mon., Wed., Thurs. Tués Fri, Bat
Evenings by appointment in Manheim
" Hi |

What This Place
Needs, Folks, Is
A Few Good
Ads In This





AND 7 AND 9:00 P. M.
2:00 P.M. M 6-8-10 P.M.
ount Joy, Pa.
msec ees,


MON.. FEB. 3rd TUES., FEB. 4th
-IN | Dick Powell - - Joan Blondell