The Best Place In This Section For Sale Bill— For Many Reasons—Is The Bulletin, Mt. Joy—Think, Then Act Wilbur Gantz Heads 4-H Baby Beef Club Here Wilbur Gantz, Mount Joy R.D.2 was elected president of the Mount Joy 4-H Baby Beef club at an or- ganization meeting Wednesday even- ing held ‘at tha Garfield ecchool near the borough. The 14 head of Hereford calves, already on feed for display at the Community Show next October, are being financed by the Union National Bank of this place. Full insurance on the ani- mals was taken out by the mem- bers, of $4.50. Other Vice president, Mount Joy RD1: Eshleman, Marietta RDI; treasurer, Leonhard Keck, Columbia RD2; song and game leaders, June Gin- gerich, Lancaster RD1, and Cath- erine Weidman, Mount Joy RDI; and news reporter, Henry Reist, Mt Joy RD1, Frank Weidman, Mount Joy RD1, and Ohmer Gingerich, Lancaster RD1 will serve as adult leaders of the group. SI DROP STATE EMPLOYEE The State Department of Labor and Industry announced the dis- missal Thursday of Ethel M. Baton, of this place. She was a principal typist clerk and received $1,140, per annum. each paying a fee officers elected: Norman Kulp, secretary, Rhelda Our Visiting Nurse Makes Ann'l. Report Mrs. Unckle, the Visiting Nurse in Manheim, Mt. Joy, and Elizabeth- town districts reports 2171 visits made to 449 patients during the past year. 1210 visits were made to Metropolitan Life Insurance patients 75 to John Insurance patients, 306 to patients who were not insured but who paid the entire fee of $1.00 per visit for general care or 50c for minor dressings, 93 to patients who were unable to pay entire fee but who paid a portion of it, and 487 free visits were made. The latter included bedside care, child welfare and educational visits for purposes of teaching personal and public hygiene and giving advice and as- sistance in matters of health pre- vention. $276.00 were collected from pati- ents in fees for service. Calls for the nurse are received at Ruhl’'s Drug Store in Manheim Sloan’s Drug Store in Mt. Joy, the Central Cut Rate Drug Store in Elizabethtown, and the Visiting Nurse Office in Lancaster. The Visiting Nurse Association is a participating agency of the Wel- fare Federation. We wish to express our apprecia- tion to the above mentioned drug- gists and to all agencies and in- dividuals for their cooperation and assistance in helping to make this service possible. Potato-Corn Judging Team Is Selected From a field of 17 boys and girls. all members of the 4-H Corn club sponsored by the Lancaster Cham- ber of Commerce who had survived earlier elimination trials, a potato and a corn judging team, each con- sisting of three members and an alternate, will be chosen to rep- resent Lancaster in the state-wide meeting during the Farm Show at Harrisburg next week. The final contest was conducted Monday eve- ning in the basement of the Federal building here by R. B. Donaldson of State College; H. S. Sloat and M. M. Smith, assistant county agents All 17 eligibles were present and GOVERNOR ANNOUNCES ARBOR AND BIRD DAYS James has announced. He asked “all of our people particularly the school children to observe the dates by encouraging the planting of trees and shrubbery and advancing the cause of reforestation.” MOST - THE ~-M INUOTE WwW E EK LY I LANCASTE R COUNTY The Mount Joy Bulletin VOL. X1, NO. 32 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Morning, January 16, 1941 $1.50 a Year in Advance Hall Asso. Declared A Dividend The Joy Hall Association was held in tne hall building last Thursday evening with these members pres- annual meeting of Mount FLLORIN YOUNG MAN | TO WED DENVER LADY | Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Royer, of y Denver, announce the engagement of their daughter, Floy, to Robert F Fshleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn E. Eshleman, of Florin. Miss Royer the Denver 1934 and was graduated from the Lan- General Hospital Training Nurses, class of 1938. At she is private duty is a graduate of High school clase of caster School for resent doing ent: Messrs. Wm. E. Hendrix, C. D. Carson, M. A. Metzler E. M Barto, Walter Eshleman, R. Fellen- baum, and Jno. E. Schroll. The election of officers for the year resulted as follows: Pres.—Wm. E. Hendrix. V. Pres—C. D. Carson. Secretary-Monager—M. ler. Janitor—Dan Schroll. Auditors—Jno. E. Schroll C,. D. Carson and R. Fellenbaum. The auditors report for 1940 was accepted and or- A. Metz- presented, read dered recorded. Upon motion a dividend for $75 in favor of each of the four owning lodges was declared. The salaries of the secretary- manager and janitor were made same as last year. Upon motion it was decided to hold a turkey supper at Caterer Hostetter's next Friday evening. There was then some general discussion after which the Associa- tion adjourned. CR CONDITION IMPROVED INDEPENDENT BUYERS OUT While the “big” tobacco buyers in the county are trying to bargain with growers to buy their crops by bas- ing the price or quality, a few in- dependent buyer have offered 15% and 5, Several crops were sold at that figure, Auto Mishaps Around Here During Week The auto accidents in this locality ovar the week end are appended: Both Prosecuted Owen B. Bricker, and Chester B Stoner, both of Marietta charged with reckless driving, were pro- secuted by Motor Police as the re- sult of a two car collision just west of Marietta on Saturday. Both cars were damaged. Another Collision Smith Simmons, Philadelphia, charged with failing to yield the right of way, was prosecuted by Motor Police after colliding with a car operated by Kenneth Shearer, Columbia R. D. 2 at Lancaster. AM A AB SPARKS ‘SET FIRE TO WASH HOUSE NEAR GOODS Sparks from an open fire place set fire to the wash house on the farm of C. R. Good, near Good's Church, west of Elizabethtown, at 1:30 p. m, Tuesday. Members of the family extinguished the blaze with buckets of water from the well before arrival of the Eliza- bethtown Fire company. Damage was estimated at about $25. ret Mrmr April 4 and 18 of this year will be Arbor and Bird Days, Governor the 8 representatives on the teams will be known when their judging cards are scored, and are expected to be completed within a few days. The final contestants were: Potato judging squad: David Bucher, Quarryville RD1; Ray Mil- ler, Lititz RD2; William Stober.| Ephrata RD1; Helen Martin, Mount| Joy RDI1; Earl Shelly, RD2; Richard Zook, Mount Joy RD1;| Edward Shelly, Manheim RD2; Ab-' Blensinger, East Main street, and boro, was one of four received at the | office of Recorder of Deeds at Lan- ner Coulson, Lancaster RDS; Harold Zook, Lancaster RDM4. A Gp Rr nt nursing in Lancaster. Mr. Eshleman received a B. S Degree in Commercial Education from the Elizabethtown college, class of 1939, and formerly taught at the South Whitehall High school, Allen- town, At present he is associated with the Penn Mutual Life Company of Philadelphia, The wedding will take place in the near future. ————— Auto Club's New Year Message S. Edward Gable, president of the Lane. Automobile Club looks to 1941 as a year of increasing gains for this organization, In a New Year mess- Insurance the January issue of Lancaster Motoist, he reviews the progress cl 1940 and calls an all to aid in mak- ing 1941 an even better year. The message follows: A new Year under year that starts with business and industry at record or near-record levels, Under the impetus of a broad national defense program the co- untry is running in high gear, with full speed ahead. “Attune to the times, the Lan- caster Automobile Club looks to 1941 ay a year for record growth, ac- complishments and service. Your Club stands ready to serve its mem- bers, the community in general and the nation in every possible way. “The past year was a good one for your Club. Our renewal rate in 1940 was 952 percent, which is higher than it has ever been. We admitted 980 new members. Total paid up membership at the close of the year was 14,033, a gain of 340 for the twelve - month period. “The year 1941, however, should bring even greater gains, Despite large membership, there are than 20,000 eligible Lancaster County is our still motorists in who do not belong. Let's goodly number of these Club this year. In this every mem- ber can help. Every member get at least one new member in 1941” Brief News Of The Day From Local Dailies were hurt more get a into the Eden—Seven persons and two autos burned after a crash near here Sunday. Lancaster—Roscoe S. Schnader, 53 salesman, missing. His clothes and auto were found on the river bank at Pequea, Joe Penner, is comedian of “Wanna Buy a Duck” and “You Nasty Man” fame, died suddenly Friday while asleep at a Philadel- phia hotel. Ephrata—Chas M. Hackman, 23- year-old son of a Mennonite min- ister, who was slugged, placed in his burning auto is dead. William Red- cay admitted the killing because Hackman won his girl's affection. 36, age to the membership, published in, | THE WINNERS IN OUR ANNUAL BABY CONTEST Congratulations to Mothers and Dads tle 1941 in your homes. you the were chosen to have swell parents and whese timely ar-| for our| Congratulations to wi such! rival made them eligible annual contest. 1st PRIZE—MTr. | Musselman, and Mrs. Howard Landisville, an- nounced the birth of a daughter, on January 5th. Dr. J. Trout Herr was the attending physician. The Musselman’s will receive one | year's subscription to THE BULLE- TIN. 2rd PRIZE—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Funk IL, of Florin, announced the birth of a son on January 6th. Dr. H. C. Kendig, of toewn, was the at- tending physician. The Funk's will receive six month's subscription to THE BULLETIN. 3rd PRIZE—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brubaker, Mt. Joy R. D. 1, an- nounced the birth of a daughter on of January Tth. Dr. John Gates, of town, was the physician. The Brubaker’s will receive three month's subscription to THE BUL- LETIN. en ere tn gf Geen mee. Local Affairs In General Briefly Told Marietta boro fixed its tax rate at 12 mills. $250 in jewelry was stolen {rom of Carl FF, Woerner, Lan- caster R. 5. David H. Weaver, New Holland, butchered a 3-yearold that weighed 936 pounds. An autd owned by John D. Floyd Manheim, was stolen from its park- ing place at Lancaster. Eight men were.grabbed in a poker gamd in, a pool room at New Hol- All were fined $11.25 and costs each. Mrs. Martha Hensley, Lancaster Route 6, was badly bitten in the leg by a dog she required hos- pital treatment. eee ll GQ QU en SCOUT LEADERS WILL MEET HERE NEXT MONDAY Miss Catherine the home hog land. SO Seltzer, local quarters, Community Building, Lan- caster, will be present at the re- gular weekly meeting of the local Girl Scout troop next Monday even- | ing, January 20. { Leaders of scout troops and troop | committees from Landisville, Man- | heim and Elizabethtown will also be | present. | he purpose of Miss Seltzers visit | is to see how the regular troop| meeting is conducted. { Ie | lucky | who have a Lit-| bs ibies directress from the Girl Scout Head- | | sick list. | TURKEY DINNER {IN HONOR OF | MAHLON FUHRMAN Mrs, Mahlon Fuhrman entertain- fifteen guests at birthday, turkey dinner in | ho of her hLu-bund, post office employee. The a postponed local dinner was Hos- noted for its served at teller’'s banquet hall, These present were: {John Trout, Adam Mrs. Allen Zinn, all of Maytown: I Mrs. Cletus Kaylor and fre Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs [Cyrus Fuhrman; Mr. and Mrs, Harr | { [ tit | tasty cuisine, | Mr, and Mrs | "ne | Trout, Mr. and i 1 | Mr. and R. Kuhn and son, Russell all o! | town; and Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon | Fuhrman. The guest of honor received a | user of nice gifts. Local Banks Elect Their Directors The various banks thruout this section elected their directors for the present year Tuesday. First National Bank & Trust Co, Mount Joy Clyde Gerberich, Amos N. Mus- ser, Henry H. Eby, Amos H. Risser, Joseph B. Hostetter, Dr. E. W. New- Elmer E. Brown, Daniel M. and Elwin A. March. Elect Officers Immediately following the elec- tion, the directors organized as follows: Henry H. Eby, president; E. A. March, vice-president; Dr. E. W. Newcomer, secretary; C. R. Shirk, executive vice-president; R. Fellenbaum, cashier; E. M. Bom- Lerger, assistant’ cashier: ! Warren H. Bentzel and Joseph T. M. Brene- man, tellers; Jahn B. Toppin, book- keeper; Margaret G. Miller, steno- (Turn to Page 2) eet Cra. WAS CO-CHAIRMAN Mrs. Karl Aument, of Lancaster, the former Dorothy Schock, of town, was co-chairman in charge of the program for the joint session of the Juniors and Seniors of Donegal Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The session was held Tuesday evening at the Iris Club. EE PHEASANT CAUSES TROUBLE Mr. and Mrs, George Weaver had an unusual experience on Sunday while driving thru Sporting Hill when a hen pheasant flew into the windshield and fell to the floor. Mr Weaver has a cut on his face from the glass. The Affairs At Florin For Past Week Mr. R. R. Breneman, of Eliza- bethtown visited Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hershey on Wednesday. Mrs. Emma Keener is | comer, Wolgemuth on the Mr. and Mrs. Clark Berrier, of Mount Joy, spent Sunday with Mr. { Brinser and daughter, Kathleen of {IN THEFT OF RIFLE and Mrs. George Mumper. Mr. and Mrs. John Bender and son, Benjamin, Junior and Leroy, of Milton Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Leon (Tum to page 3) i LOCAL MAN ARRESTED Claude Valentine, Mount Joy R. money, to increase the facilities of library which public library. school FOR ITS LIBRARY Of the many good uses made of the Clarence Schock Trust Fund New Holland has decided its is also a Eee. Manheim NOTARY IS REAPPOINTED The commission of Miss Annie C Corn Judging squad: Norma Pat- | caster. terson, Kirkwood; Galen Hosler,! this RA Manheim RD3; Enos Heisey, Eph- JANITOR SHOOTS HIMSELF rata RDI; Catherine Hart and Mary Dogrr, Quarryville RDI; Ross Cramer, 60, janitor and fire- William man at the Lancaster Postoffice, sho’ Bainbridge RDI1; James Sing-. himself thru the mouth with a 38 er, Elizajpethtown RD3. nheim RD2; and Dale Kreiner, ! calibre revolver. skull, It fractured his Some mean cuss ‘planted’ a number of live cartridges among a lot of blanks being used for maneu- ver work at Fort Dix. The discov- ery was made before they were used. eal TOUGH LUCK Ralph Wall, who was the only draftee from town, to leave Mon- day with other conscriptees from County Draft Board No. 1, was unable to pass his physical exam- ination and upon rejection for ser- vice in the peace-time army, turned to his home here. et MME GAME SEASON'S TOLL Twenty-five hunters were killed re- UNDERWENT OPERATION | D. 1, was aboprehended by Deputy FOR REMOVAL OF STEEL Sheriff Abe Lane on a fugitive war- David Christophel, thirty-five, of | rant and committed to the Lancaster Mount Joy, underwent an opera- county prison, pending the arrival of tion at St. Joseph’s hospital Friday authorities from Salem, Ohio. night for the removal of a piece of; Valentine charged with grand lar- steel imbedded in his neck. ceny, is accused of stealing a rifle Attendants said Christophel, an | valued at &73. Lane said Val- employe at the Jerome Rhoads gar- | entine worked at Salem last summer, age, 217 N. Prince st., Lancaster was TTT WOE placing lining on the brakes of an| MIRRAGE LICENSES auto when a fragment chipped from| Edwin P. Myers and Grace Shenk the brake drum and struck him. both of this boro. ~~ Edwin P. Myers and Grace Shenk, both of this boro. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Campbell of Wayne, Pa. announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Lee, at the Bryn Mawr hospital, on Sunday Jan. 12th. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Martin (“Red”) Metzler, of town, announced the in this state during the hunting J season. Last year the toll was 22. Mrs. Campbell will be remem-|birth of a daughter ox Monday, { Joseph Doyle and Austin H. Hum- | mer, Elizabethtown; Lester Miller { ‘Mr. Clayton B. Keller, very well | known dealer, died at 6:30 o. m. Saturday in the Harrisburg | City hospital of iniuries suffer Tuesday when struck hy a m hi truck ai Amity Hall. Pa., an account ! of which appeared in these column: last week, He was walking across the high- way to his automchile when siruck according to motor police who in- vestigated at that time, fered a back injury, fracture. Policeman Nicholas Zicchiarelli of the Duncsnnon substation said the driver of the truck was LeMuar Cook, of Duncannon. Mr. Keller a well known figure in his calling, was a member of the firm of J. B. Keller and Brother. He was a member of the Luther- an n church, and sul- chock, and leg Injuries Prove Fatal To Local Business Man { Born in Dauphin county, he was fa son of the late Martin and Fianna 3 | Baker Keller, | He his wife, the | former Alma Brinser, and a daugh- | ter, Marguerite Also these brothers and sisters; Mrs. John Eby Wichita, Kan; F. B. Keller, is curvived by at home. Schuyl- kill Haven: H. B. Keller, Mrs, J. N Olweiler, Mrs. Ella and Miss Fmma B. Keller, all of Flizabeth- town. Messrs, Ray Keller, South Mar- ket street, and Councilman Robert Keller, Fast Main strect, are neph- ews and are associated with the deceased in the cattle business. Deceased was 59 years old. The funeral held from the Nissly funeral home on East Main street Wednesday afternoon with in- terment in the Moun t Joy was Desirous of keeping our many readers posted, appended are two rumors freely discussed about town during the past week. We tried to checki but those who really know were “mum,” we'll give you the news for what it is worth. Sheet Metal Plant It is rumored that a sheet metal plant is desirous of locating in our boro and that the former malt house building, now owned by H. S. New- SO Et They’ re Only Rumors Folks Don’t Take Them Seriously comer & Son on North Market! st, is being considered. A Chocolate Factory We heard about town that Mr. Kline, who recently resigned from the Kline Chocolate Company, at Elizabethtown, has or will rent the former Nissly-Swiss Chocolate Com-~ pany building at Florin and em- bark in business there. We sincerely hope both these rumors come true. Local Corn Club Boys Make Good Eight boys and two girls won first prizes of $5 each as the best corn-growers in their respective corn clubs Saturday at the annual round-up of 4-H club members at the Hotel Brunswick. At the same time, in a corn and potato judging contest, David Buch- er, Quarryville, ranked first for the $5 prize, Ray Miller, Lititz, second and Willie Stober, Ephrata, third. The girls who rated highest for general accomplishment their (Turn to page 2) BE CHILD FALLS OUT REAR DOOR OF AN AUTO Herbert Frey, three Elizabeth- town R. D. 3, was admitted to St. Joseph’s hospital suffering a frac- tured skull and lacerations of the head after he fell out of an auto at 11:30 a. m. Sunday, According to Dr. H. C. Kendig, of town who ordered the child's re- moval to the hospital, he was rid- ing in a car operated by his father Harold, on the road from Mount Joy to Manheim, near Erisman’s church, when he fell out a rea door. in etl Gress: SCHOCK FUND WILL BE USED FOR FURNISHINGS Furnishings for the new grade school building at Lampeter, for- merly the Reformed Mennonite church, will be purchased with the $358.80 which the West Lampeter Township school board has receiv- ed from Clarence Schock, of this boro. The fund is part of the $20,- 020 contribution distributed to 62 county school districts, which was announced last week. errr tll Geren EIGHT MEN DRAWN BY CO. DRAFT BOARD County Draft Board No. 1 listed eight men who were drafted Mon- day. Three replacement are avail- able in case any of them fail to pass Those drawn were Jerome Hetrick Kermit Hilton, Joseph S. Stasko and Joseph M. Hautz, Manheim and Ralph W. Wall, of this boro. LETTERS GRANTED Clarence S. Newcomer and Emily Newcomer Eby, of Pittsburgh, and Anna Virginia Lane, town, ex- ecutors of Ella Viola Newcomer bered as Iva Shoop, of this place. {January 13th. USHERS’ LEAGUE MET TUESDAY EVENING The Ushers’ League of St. Mark's United Brethren church met Tues- day evening, at the home of Paris Hostetter, The guest speaker was the Rev, W, L. Koder, of Trinity Lutheran church. His subject was “God Bless Amenica.” Rev. Ezra Ranck offered the prayer. Mr. Lloyd Kline, of Lancaster, a former member of the league, a visitor and gave a short talk. Members present at the meetins Norman Sprecher, Curtis Abram Stauffer, Edward Weaver Farl Zink Lester Hostetter Raymond Nissly, Arthur Sprecher Walter Eshleman, Harry Beamesder- fer, Jay Sherk, Frank Musser, Rev Ezra Ranck, Rev, W. L. Koder and Paris Hostetter. ASS E. DONEGAL PUPILS WHO WON LETTERS Soccer letters for participating in the sport at East Donegal Townshiy High school, Maytown, during the past season were won by Calvin Smith, Earl Koser, John Leas, Dale White, Harry Oberholtzer, Hoffman Charles, Lloyd Stoner, Robert John- son, Martin Barr, Raphael Nies Clayton White, Edward Haines, Robert Fackler, Carrol Yohn, Rob- ert McMullen and Robert Barr. EE New Tobacco Buying Plan Is Outlined Plans for marketing county’s tobacco according to qual- ity’ of the individual crops were ap- proved by forty growers who at- was were: Reich, Lancaster tended a special meeting held at Lancaster. The plan will be submitted tc buyers. Here is a summary of the pro- posed plan: 1. Sample to be drawn on the farms of men who cooperate in the plan, the samples to represent fair- ly, honestly and ttruthflully each crop and the various types in each on a ratio basis. 2. Local men, disinterested but competent tobacco judges, to take (Tum to page 5) a CONGRATULATIONS. Mr. Christ Gerber, formerly of town, now residing R2, Manheim celebrated his sixty-second birthday on Tuesday Jan. 14th. Mr. Gerber expects to move back to town in the Spring, at his home Large Truck Wheel Ran Thru Fence At Reed's House Early Monday morning a very unusual accident occurred here and fortunately one was on the sidewalk at the time. A large wheel presumably off a dual wheel truck, left the truck in front of the postoffice. The wheel jumped over the curh, rolled | across the sidewnll®, ihru the hedge "in front of the © postofiice lawn, crashed thru the picket fence sat the C. E. Reed property, banged against the house and then rolled back alcng the building where it stopped as though some one had leaned it against the house. ne) no cnly damage was the broken fence and the black house. A State Policeman removed the wheel about roon that same day. tire mark on the Mortuary Record In This Section Lewis Cashore, 79, died at Marietta Monday. Benjamin F. Long, 85, Rohrerstown. Coleman H. Fry, died Sunday. Frederick Foehlinger, 56, Colum bia, died early Friday morning. John H. Long, 65, Elizabethtown, died at St. Joseph's Hospital Mon- day. John A. Ryan, 56, Columbia died at the Lancaster County hospital Thursday. died at 73, of Columbia, Mrs Annie Brandt Mrs. Annie Brandt, formerly of Mastersonville, died at the home of George Greiner Palmyra. Mrs. Elizabeth G. Brandt Mrs. Elizabeth Greiner Brandt, eighty-six, who died Thursday even- ing at the home of her nephew George B. Greiner, Manheim R. I. (Turn to Page 6) Concerning The Sick And Afflicted Mr. Joseph Hershey, has been confined to his bed since last Set- urday, and is under the care of @ physician. Mr. Henry Stauffer is critically ill at his home on East Main St. His condition is unchanged at this writing. Mrs. Harry Tyson, on Mount Joy St., underwent a major operation at Baker Hospital, Lancaster, last Tuesday. She is improving nicely at this writing. Withers, E. Main to the St. Jos- Mrs. Samuel St., was removed eph’s Hospital, by ambulance, on Sunday. She has been ill for sometime and Saturday her condi- tion became so serious as 10 Wars. rant her removal to the hospital. (Turn to page 6) eee net ee MR. JACOB BOYER BUYS FLORIN PROPERTY Saturday afternoon auctioneer C. S. Frank sold the real estate and personal property of Mr. Irwin Bishop, of Florin, at public sale. The former included a lot 40x200 feet on Church Street with a 1% story frame house, 3-car concrete block garage, hog pen. chicken house, etc. Same was purchased by Mr. Jacob Bover for $1,400.00. BUILDING NEW HOUSE ON MARIETTA STREET This week J. Nissley Brubakee broke ground for the erection of a fine new and modern home on a lot on the west side of the Mari- etta pike near the Eberle cemetery. He purchased the land from John E. Melhorn. This is an exceptionally fine re- sidential location and is the fire’ house to be built along this highway in the boro. MID-WINTER SALE Kitty’s Dress Shoppe, at 83 East Main St., is featuring a mid-winter sale, January 14th to 2lst, that i quite worthwhile. Many items have been greatly reduced and all are first class mer chandise. late of this place. Bn shit on New Haven street. > visit will be a Drop in and look around, your profitable one. - i