OWL LAFES A WISE OWL I was invited to a party on Sat-| urday night and when the liquid refreshments had been passed one| of the guests remarked: “This gin-! ger ale doesn’t taste like ginger ale.”| And the hostess (a flighty, tittering blonde) confessed: “Oh! I forgot to put the gin in it.” - * * * * Sometimes a takes a wife but she turns out to be man for a mate, a skipper. * * ® » A fellow from the Back Run went to Philadel when he registered at a asked: “Mow much are your rooms The hotel clerk answered: “Two dollars up to seven.” The Back Run- ner said: “Fine! I'm leaving at six.” 2 + 2 * » over night: hotel he phia to stay Recently had the pleasure of hear- ing some Arctic explorers who had just returned from the vaste regions. The asked: south this winter?” And the other answered : “Yup. Going down tc Iceland.” one - - = * I naively asked: “Was it cold up in the Arctic?” And one of the ex- plorers exclaimed: “Cold? Cold? Why when I first came home and the doctor took out my appendix—|] it was chapped.” $2 5 5 And then the other cne added: “Why the cold in the Arctic was sc that couldn’t pat ow I queried: “Why not?” He intense we dogs.” explained: wagged them.” * * * * * ’ And I learned from them that it, was the dogs, that accompanied the Byrd expedition to the South Pole that first discovered the pole. * % % @& 8 One of our cute little femmes Lad a date with a Sporting Hill \ boy. After several hours of sitting \ at opposite ends of the divan, the ‘girl asked: “Do you want to start »| Min, frozen|* Going]; “Their tails were frozen] so stiff that they broke off if they} then the piano playin’ MESCAL IKE Howe, pss 1 BRAN 372 By S.L. HUNTLEY OW, TELL ME | DID YOU LIKE vv? ~~ The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Morning, November 7, 1940 And Not Enough i in Between SEEMED TO PWAL, TH COVERS FAR APART BE TOO, Aunt Min: “This Here Public Spearin’s Sure Ziad 3 Embarrasin I just guess I wuzn't cut out fer public speakin’ no how some folks gets right up’n sez the grand- ed up if I jest has a couple’a words to say in front’a people! I wuzn't hankerin’ after the joba introducin’ that visitin’ speaker any- ways...but they all shushed the job on to me bein’ president’a the Ladies’ Aid'n sed... “Ah, come on, ’tain’t nuthin’... jest get up’n say this here’s Mrs. Plane who'z come all the way from Highspire fer to bring us a message...’N then sit down quick’n the rest’s all up to her'n she'll start right in talkin’. Well, I got myself all rigged up pretty’s I could...I wore my red silk'n I plunked some pretty arti- ficial flowers on my left side near the top'n I felt kind’a good. . . Thinks I, wonder what this here Mrs. Plane ‘ooks like...wonder if she’s awful highfalutin'n stuff...’N then in she some. We wuz to sit at the speakers able, where all the officers sits... we thought we might as well put on he agg like other people does...so we rigged up the speaker's table pretty with candles’n stuff. I wuz enterpd into the spirit'a the evenin’ jo0dn when they sed “Min this here's Mrs. Plane...I wuz flabber- sasted...Thinks I... it's gonna take wo whole chairs fer to sit this lady she’d awful in needa reducin’ ..but I didn’t let on nohow...'N started inn first thing I kowed there wuz a beautiful little bouquet’a flowers at my place'n in front'a the wisitin’ lady. Well, I didn’t have no room no place fer to pin my flowers on, see- in’ how she put hers on her boosom ...fer I had sewed my artifical flowers on my dress...so quick as a flash I yanked them flowers they gave me up'n stuck ’em right over the Thonopreph fe nv loft ear with a hair pin. ..Y felt 3 Ye Sa y o = ie awful good with them sweet-smell- assie disgustedly answered: about time you started something?” * * * * » Someone described “Shorty” Engle as that guy up at Krall’s who is sc small that if he were a garter it would choke him. . - » * 3» Uncle John hasn't been making much progress with his rooster training. Since he can’t train it to walk on a leash he thought of something else. Now, he wants tc borrow our bird dog and try to teach the rooster to point pheasants by letting it watch the dog in action. What next? * * *® * - Milt Demmy says he’s very opto- mistic about the future, but he’s a little worried....... cause he’s not tan his optimism is justified. * * * * . Did you see that dear ole’ lady walkin’ around town on Hallowe'en night? She was so sweet and quite and reserved until...... she walked) under Sheetz’s windows and got “ducked” Boy! Did she let off steam! Now, Becky, the boys were) only havin’ fun — Besides — you shouldn't go round ringin' people’ s| door bells then things like that] wouldn’t happen. * > . - - One of the free-for-alls Ij ever witnessed was the peanut scramble for masqueraders in Dar- renkamp’s ‘oyster house. considering lost hats, torn cosit scratched legs and tramped f gers| everybody had a swell time. When it was all over the crushed pea- nut shells and confetti on the floor{— looked like Sloppy Joes. * ®* x * = best ” AT INO If any of you gals were “dated up” by a slick, dapper dressed sport an Hallowe'en night, don’t be too dis- appointed if he doesn’t turn ug ‘cause it was a certain West Main St. lady who lives just about five doors above the bank. * * % =» Well, did you vote the right way? Did the election suit you? Me- I just {and ins in’ posies up there on my head... thinks I, Min, you're sure decked out with fragrance tonight! .., 'N then scein’ some'n the ladies sorta smilin’ at me...it jest dawned on me....... I plum fergot that lady's name. ..! My heart started in thumpin’ fierce!... Oh, fer land sakes thinks I... what's her name?...The time’ soon arrivin’ fer me to get up’n in- troduce her to all this here gather- in'n I can’t think’a her name!...'N then it dawned on me... I kowed it wuz sumpin’ about flyin’ mach- ines..’n I gets up'n sez..Ladies, it affords me happinessn honor to present to you Mrs. Blimp!” 'N I'll never ferget the look she give me... “I beg your pardon my dear, sez she... I may be slightly oversize. harldy do I deserve the name'a Blimp...it's Plane...if you please”. ..’N from then on I felt reduced to a atom in chagrin'n humiliation. I'll never go in fer public speak- in’ no more...’N I still feel a little (sick in my from it! GE —— {LOCAL BASKET BALL TEAM IS “RARIN’” TO GO The Mount Joy basketball team has organized for the coming year interested in booking with independent in the county. They are willing to enter the Class B county league if arrangements can be made. The team consists of form- + high school players and is man- os by Jack Bennett, South Mar- ket street. are games other sat on the fence till i it was all ove: and then fell on the winning side It saves a lot of argument. * x x» Gerberich, (Clyde, Jr.) our West Main Street big game hunter spent all day Saturday in the field and what I mean he cer- tainly bagged a hunter's prize. One whole day’s work netted him ex- actly—one pigeon. Clippy A WISE OWL est things'n stuff but I get all mix-| High School Basketball Schedule Twenty-eight candidates, six of them lettermen from last season, reported to Coach C. Casper Krei- der at the first basketball practice of the year at Mount Joy High school, Monday. This year the team has hopes of bettering its record of last year when nine victories and three defeats earned them a second place tie with Elizabethtown in Section No. 1 of the County League. Lettermen around whom the team will probably be built are Clarence Newcomer, center, Frank- lin Zink, Marshall Gemberling and Robert Hawthorne, and James Zeller and James Eshleman guards. These men with the ex- ception of Gemberling have played together under Coach Kreider since forwards, they left the eighth grade. Those who reported for the initial drill were: Seniors, Lloyd Swarr, Robert Germer, Robert Haw- thorne, James Eshleman, Franklir Zink, James Wolfe, Clyde Fenster- macher, Bruce Brown and Clarence Newcomer; juniors, Clayton Heisey, Asher Beamenderfer, Marshall Gem- berling, Winfield Zerphy, Harold Fellenbaum, Ragnar Hallgren, Ken- neth Ney, Paul Stauffer, Mack Shupp and Robert Stoner; sopho- mores, Harold Bender, Robert Pen- nell, Jack McClellan, Russell Leib Clarence Roth, William Gibbons, James Roberts and Gerald Sheetz. The team will open the season Friday, November 15, when Wes! Lampeter will be entertained on the Mount Joy court. The following Friday the alumni will be played with Wrightsville following, Tues- day, November 26, at Wrightsville. The league season opens Friday December 3, at Maytown when East Donegal, Traditional rivals of the red and white, will be played. The complete schedule is as fol- lows: Nov. 15, West Lampeter at home. 22, Alumni at home. 26, Wrightsville away. Dec. 3, East Donegal away. 6, Marietta away. 10, Manheim Boro at home. 13, East Hempfield at home. 20, Elizabethtown away. Jan. 3, Rothsville away. 7, Lititz away. 10, East Donegal at home. 17, Annville at home. 24, Marietta at home. 28, Lititz at home. 31, East Hempfield away. Feb. 7, Elizabethtown at home. 14, Manheim Boro away. 21, _Rothsville at home. IRONVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Albright. Miriam Heagy and Richard Snyder. motored over the Dream Highway to Irwin and return on Sunday. John A. Kauffman, has returned home, after being at the General Hospital for several weeks. Drew Mummaw is still a patient in the General Hospital Lancaster, with a broken arm. A regular meeting of the school board of West Hempfield town- ship, will be held in the Norwood school house on Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kauffman, and Glenn, Benjamin Weaver and Char- les Gingrich, motored over the Dream Highway to Somerset and return on Sunday afternoon. Services in the Ironville UB church on Sunday. Sunday school at 9:30 AM Regular worship by the pastor Rev R. G. Becktel at 10:30 A. M. C. E. a 6:45 P. M. Mrs. Gordon Mummaw president, Jacob Kauff- man leader, at 7:30 P. M. the choir of the church will give a musical with a number extra talent assist- ing. On Wednesday evening at 7:30 P. M. a prayer service will be held in the Ironville UB church, with Geo. Rost, leader. ———— er SESSION HERE NOV. 7th A session of the Leaders’ Train- ing Course of the Susquehannock | District Boy Scouts will be held in Pennsylvania’s small game season For many it opened an hour earlier as opened Friday, Nov. 1 at 9 a. m. they just couldnt wait. The usual large army of hunters were afield and just why so many strangers flock into this section is difficult to explain. nearly all adjoining counties, Dauphin, Lebanon and York coun- ties, limited around Mount Joy. In one corn field there were at least thirty hunters who took turns in squads of five each to cross that Gunners from also field. The gunners found the usual abundance of pheasants, rabbits scarce except in spots, very few quail and more grey squirrels than usual in the wooded sections. Appended is a partial list of their success: Rab. Pheas. Chief of Police Elmer ZerpDREY 1 2 Wallace Zerphey ...... 2 2 Jerry Rendig .......... 2 2 Dr, J. N. Newcomer 4 2 Dr. John S. Gates ..... 2 1 Hen Schatz ........., 1 1 Sheetz Mrs. Roy Sheetz ....... 2 {Roy Sheetz ........¢... 4 | ory | Ed Weaver ............. 1 tJack Germer .......... 1 {John Roth | Warren Snyder John Germer .......... 1 {Charles Bailey ......... 1 | Peter Good 4 { William Dommel, Jr. .. 4 { William Dommel, Sr. .. 1 Martin Nentwig 1 Ray Myers 3 Harry Caslow 1 Leon Alleman 4 Simon dissley ......... 3 S.A 0 Clarence Grissinger .... 1 Dr. O. G. Longenecker .. 0 | Newpher Smeltzer ..... 2 Rev. W. IL. Koder ...... 1 2 0 3 2 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 ON 2 2 | 2) 1 Dr. W. L. Shoop ...... Elwood Martin Lioyd Swarr Leaman Swarr Paul Stoner Robert Stoner Rcescoe Hassinger Joseph Schroll ......... Tim Schroll Lester Mumma Daniel Fackler Roy Spahr James Berrier DO DO © bb ed fd ed ed DD ed Cd bd DOS DS DDS DO BONO National Corn Husking Champion The Corn Belt acclaimed a national husking champion in Irvin new Bauman Illinois farmer who became! the nation’s top “farm athlete” on his third try at Davenport, Iowa. He bested 20 opponents in the 17th National Cornhusking cham- pionships yesterday to capture the title that eluded him in 1935 and 1938, when he finished second. Bauman, a slend>r 27-year-old tenant farmer, set a record of 46.71 for the event. The old mark of 41.52 was“established in 1935. The new king of the nubbin pickers operates a 160 acre Central Illinois farm near Eureka, is married and | has one child, a boy of three. He won the Illinois State title twice, but this year finished second to Ecus Vaughn of Piatt county The latter scored 41.62 for fifth place in the National derby, A Qn MARIETTA STORE SOLD On Saturday afternoon Mary C. Sheetz, trustee in the estate of Hon- oria Ulman, deceased, sold two lots of ground with a one- story frame store property in Marietta. Same was purchased by Richard Daveler for $355.00. Mr. C. S. Frank was the auctioneer. erm ——— i Gi Politics acquaints a man with strange bedfellows. A deer ran thru a plate glass win- dow of an Erie business place. A ringneck pheasant flew thru an open window of a Lancaster home Monday. C. R. Mowrer, Lancaster, was ac- cidentally shot in the leg while hunting in Adams Co. Francis W. Baumgardner, 33 Mechanicsburg R 3, was found dead in the woods near New Cumberland. He was accidentally shot. Four Mount Joy high school teachers bagged a pheasant on the way to institute Friday when the bird flew against the side of the car driven by C. H. Glad- felter. They gave the bird to a boy who lived nearby. morning John Zink, of town, bird by hand after a several minutes through a field. It had been wounded by some hunter, caught a chase of corn- Simon Nissly and John Booth, of town closed the windows of their car on the way home from hunting to make sure a bird would not fly in, Earlier in the day the men had seen a bird fly into a field and they walked the field hunting for it. When they were nearly ready to give up the hunt, Simon stepped on the neck of the bird which was hiding. When Calvin Kramer, local postal employe, left for the hunt, his wife told him to be sure to get some- thing they could eat ior supper. His fellow whrkers asked Calvin's daughter Friday evening how her daddy made out. She replied “Mother had to go to the but- cher’s.” Curley Hendrix has a doggone funny story to tell about how he tried to save a little rabbit's life Ask him about it. Quite a number of hunters are seeing a large buck deer near town during the past ten days but den’t let them kid you. The writer has a full sized mount standing in the his game propagation looks real it fools bushes area and it most of em, on SO An Mount Joy High School here No- vember 7, Subscribe for the Bulletin, CIRCUS CLOWNS TO ACT AT AUTO CLUB SHOW Stunts by professional clowns wili be an added attraction at the annual fall entertainment and membership rally to be held by the Lancaster Automobile Club in Maple Grove field house on Friday evening, Nov- ember, 15. The clowns, formerly | circus performers, will begin their | frolic while the audience is being) seated and will continue at intervals | throughout the evening. | The clown show will be one cf the | seven-act vaudeville | performance booked from high- | class theatrical circuits. Comedy | skits, . song and dance acts and | novelty numbers will be included in this program. A concert by the Armstrong Male Chorus, comprised of fifty Arm- strong plant employees under the leadership of Albert H. Spinner. will be the opening attraction on the program, An orchestra directed by | Ernie Stanziola will play. | The entertainment and rally will be open to members of the Club and their wives. Motorists who joined the Club the past month and mem- bers who secured a new member during the month will be honor guests, occupying reserved seats. eee tll) Gere THE LOCAL HUNTERS PAY FOR THEIR ERRORS Nine hunters paid fines totaling $105 as the annual small-game hunt- ing season got underway in the co- unty Friday. County Game Protector John M. Haverstick, while checking autos at the Columbia-Wrightsville bridge, said he stopped an auto bearing four York county hunters who had load- ed guns in their auto. All of them were fined $25 each, he said. Deputy game wardens also fined other hunters in other sections of the county $1 each for wearing un- signed licenses, Haverstick said. i A Merman PUBLIC DANCE, NOV. 29th The Young People’s Fellowship, of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church will hold a public dance on Friday | evening, November 29th, in the high school auditorium. | Music will be furnished by a well known orchestra. Admission | will be thirty-five cents and a prize’ will be given. RN i A NOVEL IDEA Some time ago features of a the - Marticville campaign. It resulted in the col- ection of One Mile of Penuies. They | received 168,960 coppers. reel Aree Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. Methodist Church started a SICO| SQ GASOLINE § BY UL CTA ITS QUALITY FLL TTC SHEL Columbia 318 Cherry St, Elizabethtown E. Summit G N. Hanover Sts one block east of U 5. Rout open in November, Ephrata N. State & Pine 5t3, Cap OnU.S SERVICE STATIONS In Lancaster County Route 30 and 230. Lancaster Lititz Pike & Keller Ave, Opp. Stock Yards, on Route 222 Lancaster 850 5. Prince 5t, U. 5. Route 222. Lancaster N. Frankiin St., Opp. McCaskey H. 5, open in November Lancaster Harrisburg Pike, U. § 23 Op old & © grounds, Bouts 2 Lititz Lincoln Ave. & Apple St, two blocks east of N. Broad St. Manheim S. Hozei St. near U S. Asbes one block east of Route 72. Mount joy Mt. Joy St., West of Barbara, one block north of Route 230. Quarryville W. State St., on U. S. Route 222 TWO MEN CHARGED WITH THEFT CF DOGS Charged with the theft of two hunting dogs in recent weeks, Her- bert Garrison, 19, and Noah Via, both of Elizabethtown R. D., werc held for court Tuesday night in $1000 bail each at a hearing before Justice of the Peace Milton P. Gatchel of Middletown. Garrison and Via are each charged with two counts of They were arrested by Police. larceny. State Motor HOW ARE YOUR SHOES: DON'T WAIT TOO LONG BRING THEM IN City Shoe Repairing Co. 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. Recipes EveryHousewife Wants To Try i splendid meal | suggestions contributed by some of | America’s famous culinary experts, | A collection of A regular feature of wife’s Food Almanack appearing in TheAmericanWeekly the big magazine distributed with the Baltimore Sunday American On Sale at All Newsstands! RE HRT RTD Dr. R. M. Balderson OPTOMETRIST 85 E. Main St. MT. JOY, PA PALMYRA, PA. Palmyra Bank Building Mon.,* Tues., Wed. and Fri. Sto12 A, M. 1to05P. 7108 P M, M. Phone 8 MOUNT JOY 85 Kast Main Street Thur., 9:30-12:30—1:30-5:30 Sat. 1:30-5:30—6:30-7:30 WE HAVE..... QUALITY MEATS ® KRALL'S Meat Market West Main St., Mt. Joy the House- | When in need of Printing. (any« tising in the Bulletin. RT ED Dr. Harold C. Killheffer OPTOMETRIST ELIZABETHTOWN 15 E. High St Telephone 24-R MANHEIM 163 S. Charlotte St. Telephone 11-J Mon., Wed., Thurs. Tues., Fri, Sat, Evenings by appointment In Manheim ES 5 Be a Lae Emm 1 EO Samuel N. Stauffer | CRUSHED & BUILDING | STONE CONCRETE BLOCKS, SILLS, AND LINTELS MACADAM for Driveways, Garages & Walks Phone: Res. 903R14 Quarry 903R15 MOUNT JOY, PA. Wagon J And Peddlers This fast moving brand of Hand Soap has sold in the | area around Philadelphia up [to 15 years. Territory now open. Inquiries welcome. Connecticut, Can, Hartford, Conn. 0-5-12t DR. MORMAN DR. J. PARMAN We Practice All Branches Of Dentistry X-Ray Service Open Mon., Wed., Fri. Till $ ©. M. MATINEE J 5 Y EVENINGS SATURDAYS SHOWS i AND 7 AND 9:00 P. M. R i SATURDAYS :00 P. M. 6-8-10 P.M. Mount Joy, Pa. HEALTHFULLY AIR - CONDITIONED THURSDAY, NOVEMBER "KIT CARSON" JON HALL—LYNN BARI 7th FRI - SAT., NOV. 8 - 9 "BRIGHAM YOUNG FRONTIERSMAN" TYRONE POWER LINDA DARNELL MON. - TUE., NOV. 11 - 12 LEW AYRES LIONEL BARRYMORE wins Y "DR. KILDARE GOES HOME" CASH NIGHT) SAT. MA EXTRA! , 10¢c C FARMERS’ WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th - 14th : PAT O’BRIEN—in— "KNUTE ROCKNE All American’ “ADVENTURES OF RED RYDER” Comic Books To All Kiddies ! INN HOTEL OPPOSITE STOCK YARDS T. ONLY!—CHAPTER #9 OYST Also Friday & Saturday Made Made Home Home - - = WE SPECIALIZE Chicken Chili ALL KINDS OF COLD BEER, W WINES : & LIQUORS BAR-B-Q SANDWICHES also FRESH SHRIMP were by 1 clude No. | Na holdi were Th amon The week Order No. T—12 R. 14-8 Bai 20—1¢ Mo 23—2 Eas 282 Mas Dor 44-2 Plu 47-3] Mai 50-—27 har 51—2¢ 316 56-—2¢ Ww. 59. —2¢ Mas 78—3( Mat 9-3: mye §4—2¢ mat Q7 sha §(—31 ERS in all Styles CLAM SOUP Cl AIS eamed IN -- - Poipie Con Carne SANDWICHES