The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 03, 1940, Image 3

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Morning, October 3, 1940

















od Orphans’ Court Lenser, County of Lancaster,| 1939. The first and final Account | ks
ik and State of Pennsylvania, de-| of Stanley R. Geib, executor. Thi S ti LANDIS Vi LLE Th Aff i 9
Auditing Notices ceased. (No. 58. MILLER, Ida, deceased, No IS ec ion 's e airs f
OCTOBER TERM, 1940 No. 28. FRYMYER, Amelia, g 36, November Torm, 1939. The | N
To all legatees, creditors and oth- Ne = Japvary Torn, goin; Fp fox Socom of Jacob | umerous Society Met At Florin For
e irst and final account o gl ¢., administraior, ey as : .
Notice men foll First National Bank and Trust |NO- 59. McFALLS, John E, de- Wedd The Ladies’ Aid Society of Zion D
Romo id hat be oa 408 Company of Mount Joy, executor. | 20 g, Noo March Te, INgs Lutheran Church, held their ast Week
fl office of the Register of Wills in | NO- 29. FOREMAN, Bessie, de- E Morals aay of Ham Miriam W. Brandt meeting on Tuesday evening at F
J 2nd for the county of Lancaster | ceased, No. 36, February Term. The Conestoga National Bank of | Guy E. Shultz the home of Mrs. Wm. King. Mem-| | Cumbre
and that the same will be present- 1939. First and final account of | Lancaster, administrators Mr and Mrs Walter H. Brondt bers present were: Mrs. Herr, Mrs, | the week end with her parents,
5 iW» ne Orne Court of said os Ag Mo. 60. PETERS, Samuel B., de- | of Mount Jov B.D Lorre re the Lestella Hoffman, Miss Ruth Hoff- | after being on a business trip to
3 nty for confirmation and for | No. 30. , Anna ., deceased, | ceas No. 51, March 940. | fe 43 1, announce 1a 3 Mrs hog Mease. Mrs. | Susquehanns: . eo. dove
Git of Xo alien 3 2 ir No 2, March ar at gsased, Jo 7 larch Town 1 ii of their dedgiiter, Miriam man, Be Chas. Mease, rs, Susquehanna Co. for three days. $7
D hows to the creditors, legates, first account of B. Frank Kready,| Elizabethtown Trust Company.| W. to Guy FE. Shultz, of North Frank Shank, Mys. Chas. Habeck- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Breneman, ~~
next of kin, heirs'and others legal- executor. | administrator c. t. a. © | Franklin street, Lancaster, whith |<” Mrs. Mary Creider, Mrs. Lewis/ visited friends in Epluata. on Sun- Sk
ly entitled thereto on the dates |No. 31. GRAYBILL, Isaac E, a No. 61. PATTERSON, Margaret, | took place on September 14 at Win- | MS Mrs. Snavely and Mrs. W.| day.
7 herein after designated, at ten | presumed decedent, No. 64, deceased, No. 84, February Term. Ww Va The : er on woes Y Li Ziegenfus, The 'Sporismen’s. :
o'clock EST. in the forenoon, for | ust Term, 1939. The first and fin-| 1940. F and f account of Hester. Ye. NS YY Cake > 1 Spon Sm will
which purpose said accounts will | al account of Chester A. Buckw ia John H. May, administrator. performed by the Rev. Stephen Pe arg Rennes Sale hold a meeting in the Florin Halll =
be called for audit and distribution ter, administrator. Yio. 62. REIST, Nathan E., deceas- | Fhistinger, in the Reformed church. The Choir of Zion Lutheran|on Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
by said Court, in the order named, | No. 32. GREBINGER, Charles G,| ed, No. 92, Febru: wy Term, 1940. | They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Church will hold a Rummage Sale Mr. and Mrs. A. PE Fry, cof
f SR Sims, in the Orphans’ | deceased, No. 55, May Term, 1924.1 Te fist and account of | Bart F. Sheehy, of Columbia, bro- | on October 31 and November 1 in Palmyra and Mr. E. H. Morton, of
oom. on the 4th floor of the Account of Ed. E. Grebinger, ex-| Quay E. Enck, e utor. her-iv 1 sister of the bride- | Lancaster at the corner of Vine i ici
Court House in the City of Lan- ecutor of the last will and testa- No. 63. SCHWEAGER, Freder- there ang Sigter oT TE vd Sc tl e : Str 8... TY Colombia, visite Mrs. Bertha
caster, DS ment of Chartes G. Grebinger, late | ick, deceased, No. 47, August | iy eile on South ig ser } > ne Shumaker on Sunday.
21, 1940. of the Cit of Lancaster, Pa. | Term, 1902. The second account | Third street, Columbia. Salo wis he hexdiine weed Mr. Mrs i
No.1. ABEL, Robert, deceased, No. deceased. y of The Keystone National Bank, Mrs. Shultz was employed at the previous at Garvin's Store. Ei ond Mrs. Henry Brondt, of
19, December Term, 1932. Second | No. 33. GRAYBILL, Menno S., de-| of Manheim, Pa. trustee in the | Kreider Shoe factory, Elizabeth- Re-Dedication Service aan Aston, called on George
2 Arnal Joe of A. T. Stein, ceased, No. 68, September Term, seine of Frederick Schweager, | own: and Mr Shultz works at the On Sunday, October 20th, the re- Vogie ard family.
ministrator d. b. n. c. t. a. 1930. First and final account of | late of the Township of Penn, Ee de ee adication service. o Lo thane The Wo s Ai iety
No. 2. ARNOLD, May B, de- The Farmers National Bank and| Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Columbia Malleable Castings Com- dedication service of the A mr hag Soon met
ceased, No. 7, April Term, 1940. | Trust Company of New Holland, | deceased. | panty. Chineh will fake. piace with anf > ty Mums NEW KIND OF TIRE WITH
The first and final account of substituted guardian for the use No. 64. SHELLY, Anna W., de- | interesting program, now being | © G. Kauffman,
Berks County Trust Company, | of Howard W. Graybill in the es-| ceased, No. 35, February Term, | Miss: Mary. Rohiver prepared. On Thursday, October] Misses Maude and Pauline Bul- Li FE-SAV
administrators. tate of Menno S. Graybill, late| 1940. The first and final account | . + borer 17. Communion service and on and Me. Merle Buller visited ER TREAD
nN No. 3. BEECHER, William, de- of Upper I.eacock Township, Lan-| of Amos S. Shelly, administrator. | Ned E. Sterling oy I he Yi ; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller, of
A ceased, No. 26, March Term, 1940. | caster County, Pa., deceased. {No. 65. SHREINER, Mary E., de- Miss Mary Rohrer, daughter of | day. October 18 the Young People’ Gi York Sund a WILL GIVE YOU
First and final account of Andrew | No. 34. GARRETSON, Mae E., de-| ceased, No. 14, April Term, 1903. | Mr. and Mrs. Fnos B. Rohrer, of service. I} ion evening,
HH. Vogel, administrator. ceased, No. 6, March Term, 1940. First and final account of John S. | town, became the bride of Ned E This Sunday, October 6, oe NE na Natl mudd QUICKEST, SAFEST
No. 4. BRUBAKER, Rachel E,, de- First and final account of Doro-| Cochran, Mary C. Sprecher, Flora | o, S f M wy 1 Mrs Ww. church will observe Harvest Home | the U. B. Conference at the Trinity
ceased,” No. 39, March Term, 1940. | thea G. Royer, Patience M. Gar-| M. Cochran and Alma S. Mueller, | Se ©) Sono Wil Service | U. B. Church, Lebanon, on Mon-
First and inal account of Ellis F. | retson and Josephine E. Garret-| executors of the last will and | [+ Sterling, of 614 Fast Chestnut A | day, Tuesday and Wednesday
Brubaker, ‘administrator. son, administratrices. testament of Alma S. Cochran, | Street Lancaster, last Saturday after- | A shower wis and Mrs J We
No. 5. BLANNING, Kate E, de- |No. 35. GARVIN. M. T. deccased,| who was trustee to maintain |noon at Hagerstown, Md. The |in the fire hall, by Mr. and Mrs. Ed.| © Te TC IS A.D. ai. HAD ON WET
ceased, No. 71, April Term, 1939. No. 15, Seotember Term, 1936.| grave of Mary E. Shreiner in or- | ceremony was performed by the | Kline Jr, in honor of their daughter | tended the funeral of Mr. Garber’s
The first and final account of First and final account of F.| cer, under the last will and testa- | Roy Mr Tosecher £ tl Metl lict | and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Russal | Aunt, Mrs. Sarah Loy, of Loys- SLi PPERY ROADS
First National Bank and Trust Lyman Windolph, Dr. E. T. Priz- | ment of Mary E. Shreiner, de- | Joy mn os CASI phe 00st King, who were recently married ville, Perry Co., on Monday.
Company, of Elizabethtown, Pa., er and Farmers Bank and Trust| ceased. | Episcopal corel of Hagerstown. Gu sts wi a Mis "| Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Campbell 7
executor. 3 Company of Lancaster, trustees|No. €6. SHREINER, Mary E., de- The bride wore a grown of black Tests Wer: My and Mims. J isi a and Mr y pee
No. 6. BENNETT, Mary M, de-| for the use of Clara Baer McCul-| ceased, No. 14, April Term, 1903. | velvet and had a corsage of gar- R. King, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. King, | Visite Mr. and Mrs. John Brandt
ceased, No. 97, February Term, lough (who died August 19, 1940) | First and final account of John S.| denias. Miss Jean Sweeney, of |Jr- Mr. and Mrs. William King, | near Chiques Church on Sunday.
1940. First and final account of in the state of M. T. Garvin, late| Cochran, Mary C. Sprecher, Flora | Hagerstown, was maid of honor and | Mr. and Mrs. Adam King, SS Mr. Maurice Crowl, Miss Ethel
William E. Bennett, Harry T.| of the City of Lancaster, County | M. Cochran and Alma S. Mueller, | WEE a ¢ | Elizabeth King, Miss Ella King, Clarence Heisey and Miss \
Bennett and Lester V. Gram, ex- of Lancaster and State of Penn-| executors of the last will and | Wore Wine yelvei and a Corsage © ; re J EIA
2 Lm and Mrs. Harvey Reidenbach, Hn | Irene Bailey spent Sunday visiting
ecutors. sylvania, deceased. testament of Alma S. Cochran, | YOS€S. : ‘ : | M ; ROAD DRYER
No. 7. BURNS, Anna Gegg, de- | No. 36. GRABILL, Samuel R., de-| who was trustee for the use of | Mr. Daniel R. Shupp Jr, of|VIn King, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | AE and Mrs. Elmer Bailey at Al 17's A fF
ceased, No. 2, April Term, 1932. | ceased, No. 68, May Term, 1933.| Alma S. Cochran, under the last | Hagerstown, was best man. Webb, Robert G. Webb, Mr. and |exandria, Va. Like a battery os
The first and final account of the | The sixth and partial account of | will and testament of Mary E.| Following the ceremony, a recep- | Mrs. Addison Habacker, Morris T.| Mrs. Sarah Fissel, Mrs. Samuel ars me the
Fulton National Bank of Lancas- the Conestoga National Bank of | Shreiner, deceased. | tion ‘was held at the horte of the Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Yohe and Miss Patience Yohe, of ter right and left—
ter, guardian of William J. Kiely, | Lancaster, executor. No. 67. SWARR, Charles J. de-|, . y Webb, ‘Jr, and family; Mrs. Joh | Columbia visited M d M adry track for
in the estate of Anna Gegg, | No. 37. GREBINGER, Emma A, | ceased, No. 58, September Term, | bridegroom’s uncle and aunt, Mr.) We€BD, JI. & Shy IS: om 3 Visio Tan = pg to grip.
Burns, late of the City of Lan- deceased, No. 16, August Term,| 1929. First and final account of | and Mrs. Daniel R. Shupp. Roth, Mrs. Charles Shenk, Mrs. H A= | Samuel Crowl on Monday. t
Wok i Pennsylvania, deceased. 1938. First and final account of | Farmers Bank and Trust Com- | Upon their return from a wed- | old Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. How- | Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hess enter-
vo. 8. BENDER, Jacob S., de- Caroline Benner and Harvey C. pany of Lancaster, administrator | ding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling and family, Mr. and Mrs. | tained on « Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Td eh ie Jo HERSHEY And N fa SHAUBACH, And 1 | will oh in Hagerstown, Md. | Richard Ziegler and family, Mr. and | Ira Hess and daughter, Myra, Mr. THE SAME TIRE YOU SAW
irst an nal account of Maur- | No. 38. 'RSHEY, ndrew B., |No. ndrew, de- | Sik Ca Ave Charles ; irc. EB SY 2 rg qi a
ie RB. Bender, sdrinisiraior, No. 5 March Terral consed. No, 42, October "erm, | where Mr. Sterling is associated | Mrs. Chiatiey Smith, Mes, E New | and Mrs. [Philip Ruhl, Mr. and JI MMY LYNCH
No. 9. BUCHER, Jacob R., deceas- 1940. The first account of Owen | 1939. First and final account of | With tha Fairchild Aircraft corpor- geome’ Mrs. Alice Kine, Mr snd Mes, Slavin Brubgher, Mr, and
ed, No. 8, January Term, 1938. P. Bricker, ancillary administrator | Jacob W. Graybill, executor. | ation. Mrs. Victor Snyder ard family, Mrs. | Mrs, Elam Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra AKD HIS
The third and final account of | of Andrew B. Hershey, late of (No. 62. SWA 5, John H., de- | Harry Miller, Ed. Kline, Sr., Fedelis | Hess and ‘children, Wilbur, Robert,
John H. Bucher and Jacob H. the City of East Greenville, Ohio. } 0. 3 December Term, | es Wharton, Mrs. Della Fogel, Mrs. Leroy and Ira and Misses Elizabeth
Bucher, executors. No. 39. HERSHEY, Arna M., de- | First and final account of | Anne Ruth Weidler { Elizabeth Smith, Mrs. Russel Chapin | and M: wv H : si : R
No. 10. BUCHER Mary B., de- ceased, Ne. 75, March Term, 1940. Raymond Primas and Guy Woods, | 9+ Richard Nissley 1 pe 5 2 i Kins Joh pn Aly. oes, :
ceased, No. 100, Mar. Term. 1340. The first and final account of H.| executors. { Mis: Anna Ruth Weidler, daugh- ay ie Anna 1 TE Mee Many, Samo we cele- USE AT THE
The first and final account of | Rine Hershey, administrator. No. 70. SWARR, No. 37. Novem- |{er of Mr. and Mrs, John G. Weid-|J2¢0P Weidler, Miss Haver-| rate her, birthday on Monday, Oc- N
trait John H. Bucher and Jacob H. | No. 40. HEISER: Samuel B.. de- har Term, 1924, and SCHROED- ler of. fei RD. 1. and J stick, Robtrt Kline, Geraldine Kline, | 7. ew York World's Faip!
y Bucher, administrators. ceased, No. 61, August Term, . 3, February Term, 1934, | dN 4 an Ela King, Nancy King, Roma King, | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gigel and > -
No. 11. BOYLE, Jennie M., de- 1939. The first and final account First and final account | Nissley, son oi Mr and TAPS | Mv and Mrs, Edward Kline I ravi th Sy
ceased, No. 75, June Term, 1934. of Harry H. Heiser, ex ., of Farmers k and Trust Com- | Harvey Nissley, of Landisville, wer J A ee | daughters, Betty and Bonnie, and
log : | : . . Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Weaver were] j izabe wie EY
Third and final account of George | Mo. 41. HESS, Katie, deceased. I any of Lancaster. substituted married Sunday afternoon at the . . | Mrs. Elizabeth Hawks, of Lancas-
A. Young and The Conestoga Na- | 60, Nevember Term, 1939. TF suardian of Jane K. Locher, in |home of the bride. The R=v. William Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ter, Mrs. Arthur Bricker and son.
tional Bank of Laneaster, execu- | and final account of Miriam the estates of S.| 1. Ziegenfus, pastor of Zion Luth- Mrs. Emanuel Gibble, near Ruhl’s| Bobby, of Elizabethtown; Mr. and
tors. | Hess, executrix. Swarr, late of the City of Lan-| hoon dieu ila eleva Church. Mrs Car Se Som
Ne 2. BRAME, Afote Wary, de- {20 25 Huiry, foul cori Goes of Store| Chueh, Londisville, perform. [L000 evening, Me avd] ih Yeon Po i
ceased, No. 8, October Term, 1939. | ceased, No. 42, December Term,| of Penns i decease sd, and | €C. Hae ceremony, M : Paul We: ee ts stained: = tint Hers aan Ron
First and final acount of Katie | 1923. Fourth and final account neis E. Schroede , late of Lan- | iss Betty Weidler, a sister of the] MTS: f ey saver Sat amed 10) and family.
C. Henkel, Helen J. Danz and | of The Central National Bank of | caster, Pennsylvania, deceased. was the maid of honor. dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Hol-| Mpg, Lillian Hamilton, Mrs. Ben-
Annie Helfrich, executrices. | Columbia, guardian of Helen C.|No. 71. SHIRK, John 8, dec sed, | Willi iam D. Kendig, of Salunga.|linger and children, Shelba, Jean|jamin Kauffman, Mrs. Arthur
No. 13. CORNMAN, Jr, E. L, de- | Hartman, Lucille A. Hartn n| No. 48, Augudt Term, 1939. First | lou wan Pe tess werelund: Dobby, of near Chigres/ py icker, and son, Bobby, spent
ceased, No. 1, October Term, 1939. | and Harold J. Hartman, mi id | final account of Noah N.| Was Dr nan iy on : Church Mr and Mrs. Howard! Tuesday 3 h Mr. iis d Mrs Ross
The first and final account of Is- | children of Henry Hartman, oe , administrator. | John J. Weidler, a brother of the) “Hb f Sal Mr. | Soy PAG ue
abelle A. Cornman, administra-| of the Bo:\ugh of Columbia. in I No. SHERTZE i Charles M., | bride, and Benjamin F. Stoner, of Ginder and Gene o alunga, Mr. jammer, of Gap.
trix. | the Count y of L: r and Sta , No. 73, December Term. | Elizabethtown. and Mrs. Earl Ginder and son,| Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper
No. M D. Ye de- | of Pennsylvania, deceased. and fina account of J Mics Cardlyn Greider, of Landis- Donald of town. | nt son, Ralph and Miss Mary 3
ceased, No. 12, December Term, No. 43. HUBERT, John, deceased, >s Jhertzer ‘and Charles H. | ji. layed the wedding marches Foed Sale Today Funk. visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer
1939. Th first and final account | No. 26, December Term, 1939. i Shertzer, executors. jie, Dayed 1° Wecamg aren: Pie Holt fn 2 | ie : > i
of Ruth E. McSherry, executrix. First and final account of Farm- [No. 73. URBAN, Kate, deceased | and incidental Ruse, A the Pir Jolt Jom 2 19 O} Rustler, of Cpe Come i ToD AY and get
No. 15. COLLIER, Ada, deceased, | ers Bank and Trust Company, of | No. 78, March Term, 1940. First | A wedding dinner was served to|P. M, by Mrs. Dahl's Class. Many| and Co., on Sunday. up” demonsieation of
4 No. 21, February Term, 1940. First Lancaster. administrator. and final account of Stella H. | fifty guests after the ceremony. good things to eat will be on sale,| Miss Blanch Shetter spent the
| and final account of The Central | No. 4. HERSHEY, John N., de-| Dickersheid. executrix. | Upe their return from a brief wed- | consisting of potato and fruit| week end with her parents, Mr.
i National Bank of Columbia, Ecorse. No. 112, March Term, [Ne 7, WARFEL, David B, de- | ging trip, the couple will at salad, vegetable soup, ppies, cakes,| and Mrs. George Shetter.
3 guardian of Elizabeth Kathleen 1940. The first and final account , No. 90, April Term. 1940. | ly after Ociobay 19. relia | read ot { a ie 1 Shelly Gh | J
: Collier, administrator. of Christian N. Hershey, execu- and final account of Wesley | ome ailer Detober 12 in Landis- | red beet eR _ Mr. ‘end Mrs. Samuel Shelly Cn <Q de ae COM
i | No. 16. COCHRAN, Harry B, de- tor. Tarfel, trustee to sell real estate | Ville. visited Mr. and Mrs. Levi Heisey 5 ————
A ceased, No. 1, January Term, | No. 45. JOHNSON, Kirk, deceas-| for distribution in the estate of | The bride is a graduate of the NEWTOWN | on Monday. @
1936. Phi and final Soom of ed, No. 72, May Term, 1939. The | David B. Warfel, late of the East Hempfield Township High Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper
i John S. ochran and Paul A. second account of Adam Z.| Township of Conestoga, County | and attended the Lancaster Mrs 1 9 ve OWN
1 i use or the a? of Mocre and Nelson: C. Johnson, | of Lancaster and State of Penn- Boonie 2 She uty 3 ' fod 3 = rie Sela ee (4
Alma S. Cochran, under the last executors. sylvania. imme | Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Shuman, | we 5
"1 will and testament of Harry B.| No. 46. KING. Louis E. deceased, we 75. WARFEL, Adeline H,, "RE The bridegroom is a graduate of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Lindemuth of Club meeting at Cornwall Monday with LIFE SAVER TREAD
i Cochran, deceased. | No. 85, March Term, 1940. The | ceased, No. 63. March Term, 1940. | the East Hempfield Township High Me vou os Sarda visitors of | evening. (George said: “and was
1 ¢ | No, 17. COOPER, Amelia, deceas- fie and feat gecount of Paul E. | and Toad account of Wesley | school and Franklin and Marshall Mr. ag Myre. Daniel Pere that a good show”). THREE WAYS TO BUY!
| | = Ro, 44, Yo Term, 1940. King, administrator. | fel, executor. | college. > i Ha Bie M Mr. and Mrs. E. James Ruther- c Y 3
The first an nal account of | No. 47. KAUTZ. Lucinda M.. de- |No. 76. DEEDS OF TRUST, WAR- | iy Si Misses era aines Ella ae| per = 4 -— : =
¥ Samuel Bechtold, administrator. ceased, No. 102, March Term NER. William E.. et al. No. 79, | Weaver of Lancaster, Betty Cam- | ford and daughter, Florence, of ash Charge Account — Budget Plan i;
§ No. 18. CICCONE, Frank P, de- 1940. First and final account of | October Term, 1935. First and | SALUNGA cron. of Wast Willow, Emily Linton National Park, N. J. spent Sunday 5
fi ceased. No. 32, December Term, | Peter Mohr, executor. final account of Farmers Bank | f Kirkwood, Susanne Habecker of | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- 3
SF 1939. The first and final account | No. 48. KOCH, William, deceased, | and Trust Company of Lancas- | to Woo a Tx Liggins. Py | KE GARBER %
of Rose C. Gross, administratrix. | No. 78, February Term, 1940.| ter, succeeding trustee for the| __. : Were overnignt guos's lin ; 2
SF No. DOWNS. dik Bs deceas- | First and final account of Wayne | use of Edith E. Wanner, (now | 2 Mis Ps ere Yount Joy, R.| of Miss Helen Tate of York. ay, Dusen ue Bs Bh @ @ $3
,- BBE ed, No. 37, ctober Term, 1939.! S. Martin. administrator. Edith E. Wanner Eshenshade),|2, called on her old neighbors on| ppp, Harry Geltmacher and | 5 3 fo
Se The first and final account of | No. 49. LYNCH, Mary M. deceas-| under Deeds of Trust dated June | Saturchy. daughters, Anna Mary and Edna| Philadelphia spent Sunday at the Zot ® Man 52. 312-320 CHESTNUT ST. Ve
8 John C. Downs, administrator. ed, No. 17, March Term, 1940.| 6, 1928 and November 30, 1928, | Mr. Lehman Washburn, Lancas- Songs Mitts | home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lig- MT. JOY, PA. COLUMBIA, PA. 2
N Cc a i 11: Ww Hak. +01 WE > | May of Marietta spent Sunday Se
No. 20. DRUCKENBROD, Isaac, The first and final account of H.| of William E. Wanner, Nora A.| _ | Sondey @ Mel : | gins. © ¥-
i deceased, No. 66, May Term, 1931.| K. Dorsheimer, administrator. Mentzer, Emma C. Mentzer, | 1 Was a Sunday guest with Mz. with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gelt- | = A bi hd t hold on = yy
' i First and final account of Har- | No. 50. LEH, Homer D., deceased,| Chester A. Wanner and Martin | and Mrs. Walter Peifer. macher, Sr. { HEY DY a Xe £3
i iE { oi Dryland, administrator, d. Mo, 3, Lyme Term, = First YRC Ee { Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Pettit ols Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gibble and | Sunday in honor of Mr. Mike Kles- —_— 3
hh. C. La an nal account o armers | No. 77. ENGER, os C., de-|ed to Lewistown, Pa. this wee r lay | singer. he
3 No. 21. DRUCKENBROD, Mary, Bank and Trust Company -of | ceased, No. 24, November Term,| The charter meeting of the Wom- Te tra at re ot Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Neff and AIR RAID WARNING! hi
i“ deceased, No. 49, February Term, Lancaster, administrator d. b. n. 1939. The first and final account| ,_ £ Ch vdstian Services guests - 0 or 2 snr 2 = daughter, Marilyn, of Lancaster, . 1
SEF 1940. First and final account cf ct a of Lydia M. Wenger, executrix. Cs Society, © Beeblor wf Washington Boro. Sundav. with Me. and Mrs! You can bring down insect air raiders for i
4 Harold Druckenbrod, also known | No. 51. LEIB, Charlotte F., de-|No. 78. WENGER, John W. de-|Was held Monday evening in the| fis Gloria Haines spent the| SPent Sunday wi k ith Sinclair P.D. I Ss eo
as Harold Drybread, executor. ceased, No. 11, Avril Term, 1940. | ceased, No. 61, November Term. | Methodist Church, the Rev. Frank| end with Miss Dolores Win- Clarence Hollinger. I, saps with Sinclair P.D, Insect Spray. Toe
# No. 22. DIXON, Laura, deceased,{ The first and final account of T.| 1939. First and final account of | Carpenter presiding. The follow- ters of Manheim The Helping Hand Sunday School, death-tested on live insects to make sure Lg
No. 29, March Term, 1940. First | Roberts Avpel, executor. Annie B. Wenger and John An- | ing officers were elected: Presi- Mr and Mrs. Coltinadhor Class, held their meeting at the' that every batch has full killing strength. J
i and final account of J. W. Mc- | No. 52. LEHMAN, Ezra H., de-| drew Wenger. executors. i ar. rh mek TE home of Zelda Gehman, on Tues-' . .
Sparran. executor. ceased, No. 61, August Term, 1920. INo. 79. WENGER, John W., de- | dent Mrs. Mary Minnich Vice and children, Betty, Doris and de Odiob 1 Th resent’ P.D. kills flies, moths, Mosques, roaches,
| No. 23. DUMONT, Frederick F.| First and final account of First| ceased, No. 61, November Term, | President, Miss Alice Strickler;|y oud visited Mr. Charles Béaston| SCO er Of press; { ants, bedbugs, fleas, gnats. Ask for
y deceased. No. 64, June Term, 1939. National Bank and Trust Coem- 1939. First ond final account of | Recording Secretary, Mrs. Phares| ¢ Florinel Sunday. | were: Marion Beck, Laura Beck, Ne, P.D. at drug or hardware Stores OF
First and partial account of the pany of Elizabethtown, Pa, and | Annie B. Wenger and John An- | Stehman, Corresponding Secretary, eae Helen Emenheiser, June McGar-| sit 8 i
Easton Trust Company, executor. I. T. Madeira, substituted guard- | drew Wenger, executors and trus- | prrs Amos Newcomer: Treasurer a : | vey, Dorothy Farmer, Lillian at your Sinclair Dealer. N=
No. 24. DOURTE, John, deceased, ians of Harold R. Lehman, a| tee: under the Revised Price Act. |, eT °F LEGION CARD PARTY | ley. Kathrine Hocker, Pauline! ZN
No. 32, May Term, 1939. The | minor. [Ns 83 ZIMMERMAN. Annie | Mee, Norman Beart Secvesay off for the first public oar] Borer Both B Helen Lovow lat: H
first and final account of Henry | No. 53. MURR. Amos D., deceas- | deceased. No. 93. March Term. | Literature and Publications, Mrs. 2 ot 4 Ldn Ar es | 3 2 let, erthn Bretz, Helon OTaw, Let me deliver fo your 1g rm
S. Dourte, Monroe S. Dourte, oh ed, No. 9. March Term. 1940. | 1932. First and final account of | William Fackler, Sr.; Secretary of party of the Bt wes Mildred Gebhart, and Fredire 5
John S. Dourte, executors. Fivet ond Banal sccourt of Boss J. "The Fyrmers National Bank and | Local Church Activities, Mrs. Wal- Legion home, Monday, October 7.| Gehman. Copyrighted 1940 by Sinclair Refining Compeny (Ine.)
No. 25. EBERLY, Hettie, M, de- | Kemmerle, administrator. | Trust Company of New Holland. | io. Poifer. The Second Wednes-]| 3 being made. Mrs. B. A. Shupp.| Refreshments were served and E LUTZ Eli
cased, No. 12, March Term, 1940. |[No. 54 MYERS. S. Nora, deceas- | New Holland, Pa., guardian of Fg : as desienated | 22% president of the auxiliary, and | prizes were won by Zelda Gehman ® @® izabethtown, Pa.
The first and final account of | ed, No. 79, March Term. 1940. Anpra M. Zimmerman, a minor. | day of the month was designate Mrs. J. Statler Kuhn, president-elect |. 4 Helen Lo
Jacob Williams, executor. | First and final account of Wil- No. 81. EATON, Henrietta E.. de- | as the meeting night: and these of the group, will be hostesses. The = Ne Fie Millersville St Teach
{no 26. EBERLY, Annie G, de- | liam M. Myers, administrator ceased, No. 98, February Term, | meetings will be held in the homes. group, 1 | i orev} e State Teachers College EYES EXA
Pd i ceased. No. 99, March Term, 1940. je 55. MISHKIN, Mary, deca | 1946. The first and final account | The first meeting of the society mushy hr ithe sof 2 a | MAYTOWN YOUNG LADY'S and is teaching in the elementary MINED
The first ond snd) acer of | ed, No. 68, fo Term, Fy: of B. Warrene Henwood, adminis- | will be held October 9th. month throughout the winter months. | ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED «chool at Maytown. The Rev. Foer- 3
Royse 5. Ma Matilda © RS d, Second nid final sceoun © yo Smere ta Gene Myers is a student at the Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Straley, of{ster is studying at the Gettysburg Dr. Harold C. Ki ffer
No. 21. ERB, ase man Mishkin, administrator ec. t] ADAM Z. MOORE, : : ‘ About the only time some lel- Lutheran Seminar d 3
No. 35. March Term, 1909. First | a Register of Wills and Clerk | Junior High School, Mt. [ j. y | Maytown, announce the engage- onary WW 5 So OPTOME
and final acccunt of Farmers |No. 56, MULL, Isaac P.. deceased. 'sep-27-4t of Orphans’ Court. | lows get to open their mouths is| nent of their daughter, Mary Ellen of Christ Lutheran church, Logan- a ? -
Bank and Trust Company of Lan- | No. 40, June Term, 1926. Second A short time after he was indicted | when they yawn. to the Rev. John D. Foerster, son|ville. JOY ELIZABE
caster, Pennsylvania, succeeding | and final account of John Rank, | There is no better way to boost by the Grand Jury, George J. Geb- of Mrs. Lewis J. Foerster, of Johns- —_ Toa 3 SE = =
: trustee of Jacob B. Erb (who died | _execut our business than by local hot | if A Turk Whale is bei
July 14, 1940) _ in the estate of [No. 57, Ferm, Maggie K. db y local news- hu shot himself on (his ‘wi os} merican investments in Turkey | town. 3 is being tested as -
aN of the City of cease) January Term, ; paper grave with a .32 revolver. now total nearly $25,000,000. J Mjss Straley is a graduate of stitute -— ©
> <& Aa
