ug- the - The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Morning, June 27, 1940 OWL LAFFS TRIM ACCIDENT TOLL LOCAL DEALER URGES BY CHECKUP OF TIRES Interest mn Keeping This Town's Rceord Lew Prompts Offer of Examination After nearly two and a Falf years’ us2 on the cars of average Ameri- cans under all types of driving, survey and test records have shown. declares Mr. Grissinger, local Good- year dealer, that the Marathon tire, has piled up billions of highway miles proving itself an entirely catisfactory product. This is important now, when a large percentage of the middle-class group of Americans is thinking about a trip, or about putting new: A WISE OWL There sure plenty of ex- citement on the Lancaster bus when was it stopped at Rohrerstown on Mon- cation of new tires to older cars with{pPut it back in a row'n it jest look- day....... A lady was about to step on when the bus started and she shouted: “Hey, wait’ till I get my clothes on.” All the passengers craned their necks out the window to stare and the lady lifted a laundry bag onto .......... They sure were disappointed. * » * Speaking of clothes reminds of a lady down Manheim way who calls herself a suburban dressmaker. Caine Why?....Because she works on the outskirts. Aren't I a smart alec? me ® =® = * * Clyde Fenstermacher asked Cappy Mumma why they put the phone wires on such high poles and when Cappy didn’t know ,Clyde supplied: “To keep up the conversation, of course.” * » r * = If anyone has any extra sponges they can spare stop by the tire shop and give them to Mel Weaver. He was painting the fancy work at the new tire shop at Columbia on Mon- day and accidentally spilled his car of nile green paint. Now, the maca- dam approach is green instead of grey as originally planned. * * * * * D:d you know that blondes weig! less than brunettes because blondes have a lighter complexion? * * ® = Which reminds us of an argumen we heard about which is the lighte: a half or a full moon. Sixty con- tended that naturally the half moon was the lighter of the two, bu Beamy says he’s all wrong. + The full moon is twice as light. think there's room for argumen there. * * * * One of the boys asked how you gc about writing a dictionary, anc Hcagy answered: “Aw, it's just like fighting with your wife, one word leads to another. ££ & 58 { Watching a farmer south of towr plant tobacco the other day, I stop- ped to chat with him. One word brought on another and he said that every time anyone mentions to- bacco, he has to laugh about an in- cident that happened last year jusi before tobacco cutting time. 2% % He was in the field, topping to- bacco when a car of lady tourists from out of the state, stopped and asked Lim what crop was planted in that field. He ceurteously re- plied: “These are tobacco plants in full bloom.” And one young lady anxiously remarked: “How interest- And how :con will the cigars on ing! be ripe? - » * * Johnny tells us that marriage is like a railrcad sign. When you see a pretty girl, you stop; then you look, and after you're married you And don't ever get if you value listen. i your signals mixed, your health. * * *® * * “Pll drive,” remarked the wife as she climbed into the back seat. aves treat And how!! - * - » - We just learned of an old maid in town who writes letters to herself and puts then in her mailbox as de- Coys. * * * * * While out in the mountains on Sunday I met a boy of about fifteen who tock size 13 shoes. Kidding him, I asked: “How do you account for the fact that you have such big fect. ...heredity or environment? The lad had probably been kidded about his pedal extremeties before cause he answered: “Environment. You see, I was raised in the foot- hills”........ Next time I'll mind my own business. * * * * » So, dont worry about the future; it may not last long. A WISE OWL eee tll er You can get all the news of this locality for less than three cents a week through The Bulletin. a ~‘fabout how it will vanced to the semi-final round by casings on theeir car to insure against accidents in Summer traffic in powder Aunt Min: “My Reputation’s | Gone An’ I Sure | Feel Fierce!” | | | Lota’a things has happended to | me in my life...but I guess I pretty | near had my worst luck this week! | It come about so innocent-like, too! | There I wuz sittin’ in my kitchen lookin’ up at my kitchen | with all my bakin’ stuff in. Thinks I, Min, it'd be a awful good idea fer ! you to put all those different things like corn starch’'n icin’ sugar'n bak- n stuff in them nice handy little glass jars..... bein’ all alike they'd look awful nice when tive failures may be the be- ginning of a great deal of trouble. “Opportunity {o spread the appli- an attractive proposition is vided in the two tire sets which we are offer- ing,” Mr. Grissinger continued. “Largest per-centage of tire replace- ment is either for two or four tires, seldom for one or three he point- cd out, “and figures show that the pro- and four - ‘majority of tire buyers would per- fer to purchase either two or four rather than just one, which is us- ually all they can afford, if they ‘buy a good grade tire made by a recognized manufacturer. “That's why our two or four Marathon offer is important to people who are watchful of their budgets and who want: at the same time to buy tested merchandise. That's why the Marathon’s record is worth considering. “In addition there’s the l.fetime guarantee which makes it an even better proposition. Tire inspection costs nothing and is good safety pre- caution to take. We'll be pleased to look cover tires for wheel align- ment, unequalized braking and so on to insure getting the most miles out of tires, as well as to point out which ones are dangerous and require re- slacing.” ee errr THE LOW DOWN FROM HICKORY GROVE For the first time in years our boys there in old Prodigal Town are doing something that most averybody can agree is O. K. What they are doing is spending —spending is their dish—but this anything It is knows turn out, spending for defense. Qur U. S. A. would be sitting pretty and in the driver's seat right now, if some of the money poured into rat-holes had been put into most anything except what it was put into. Just in powerhouses alone, Uncle Sambo has dumped 2 billion. And a big part of that 2 billion is a white elephant. But even the devil should have which nobody pect him to reform. good sense on preparedness in Congress should not lull us into another coma. If we are half-way smart we will welcome our Prodi- gals home this fall—and then kcep ‘em home. November is not far off. Yours with the low down. te RHEEMS CARNIVAL The second carnival of the sea- son of the Rheems Fire Co. will be held Sat., June 29. The program wil consist of the following: Hughes Silver King, Cat and Dog Circus, a swell show for the children. time it is not for a big-in-a-poke}.. his dues—but nobody needs to ex-f... This flash of}...’ settin’ in a row on that shelf. Well, I felt kind’a active, so I up and got all the stuff sorted outn! ed awful tidy'n neat. I always did have a hankerin’ fer law'n order in the kitchen. Then in plops a letter frum cousin Liz frum Marietter. Sez she, “Min, how about comin’ up fer a spell... we’'z goin’a have a outdoor social fer the Ladies’ Aidn if you come, maybe you'd bake us one of them grand cakes. Sure, thinks I... why not... a body gotta be in circulation ‘er even your relatives starts fer- gettin’ you. So I started in think- in’ I'd wear my pretty summer dress what I cut down a little at the neck so I would look kind'a evenish.... | then I thought. . (I'll make ’em one of my grand up standin’ cakes... every body raves over how high'n grand they gets'n I'll icin’ it all over with my favorite flavor.... chocolit icin’...... I sure wuz lookin” forward to that there Ladies’ Aid social’n then come Tuesday’'n I got busy bakin’. Every- thing went grand... I wuz that happy I got to singin’ all them old familiar church songs’n my sorta warbled’n I wuz reachin’ all them highs jest grand. I plops tie cake in the oven in a jiffy'n set down ‘o ruminate over how many cakes Ii baked in my day. Some folks sed [ wuz a little stuck-up on my cake bakin, but why not...when a body gets good at sumpin’ it makes a per- son feel a little proudish... Then come time fer to take the cake out’a the oven ...thinks I, bet it's wonderful... 'n then my bad luck wuz revealed right to my face .there it lay flatter’n a pancake. ..! My heart started in thumpin’ sum- nin’ awful... Fer heaven sakes sez [, what'n the wide world come over the thing! Never I'z bakin’ cakes such a lookin’ ome to my view. voice since been cake Well, thinks I...maybe it's good anyhow. I iced her over'n off 1 went to Marietter sadder'n my cake... but Min never gives up! “There it is”, sez I to Liz... “t’aint much fer looks but it oughta taste good”! “Sure” .“I often seen ’em flat like that” n when they started dishin’ up the cakes every body kind’a steered shy’a that one I fetched. then when they wuz gettin’ kind" a slack! - on cakes people hada take with my heart sez she mne. | First thing I knowed folks wuz] makin’ a bee-line fer the water! bucket. ..lookin’ lle as if their puckered up...n’ Min Buncle, mouthes wuz al then it come to me”... fer lands sakes... you wenlUn put in that there powdered alum fer, bakin’ powder'n now look at them! Something entirely new. Also the Sunshine Revue, pretty girls with gorgeous costumes, featuring Three White Flashes, sensations on the art funny fellows who rock the audi- ence with laughter. Jake and, Jerry, almost the World's greatest wrestlers. ! Don’t miss this show, cats, and amusements. Gt ZINK REACHES FINALS AT SCRANTON MEET Frank Zink, of town, advanced to tne final round of the Scranton Tennis Club junior championships Sunday when he downed Holmes Cathall, of Scranton, 8-6, 8-6. Seeded number two, Zink had ad- games drawing a bye and obtaining a default. The final round will be played next Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at Scranton. j ts cot ee CARNIVAL JUNE 29th ! The Volunteer Fire Company, of Landisville will on Saturday, June 29th. Music, good eats. Admission and parking free. re eee Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. of tumbling. Shorty and His, Radio Rascals, comedy, superb music. The Koch Brothers, two Istandin-up cakes’s sure gone with) poor sufferin’ souls...n I wenin| hid back of a bush fer {i> rost of the evenin’n. When it got duok 1 sez to 1iz..... “Liz, my head zor? aches, Guess I'll be goin'n. No| body sed “stay” they all seemed tog agree that home's the best place fer Min Buncle...’n I bet frum this day on they'll blame me fer playin’| a trick! My reputation as a baker of the wind! I feel fierce! | “What A Life” { Gretna Theatre, Mt. LITITZ SPRING PARK | MESCAL IKE By S.L. HUNTLEY On, Loo ou | Ay LADDER! ZL 350 SHucks! CANT NOTHIN HURT YUH FER WARREN DOUGLAS who plays radio’s Henry Aldrich in , now playing at the Gretna. The Gretna Players Have you ever wanted to see your radio favorites in person? “What A Life”, which opens night for a week's run at the Gretna, | § brings you Henry Aldrich of the famous Aldrich family, around which revolves one of the most popular daily broadcasts on the This is the hilarious play which] ren for over a year made Ezra Stone a star, and rocket- cd the lovable Ald: first place the listeners. ch family in hearts of Now is your chance to see and follow cn the adventures of his high-school car- eer. Henry the high-schocl invites highest girl to a dance and can't pay for the tickets, is covered cartoning the outraged fac- is implicated in the theft band : i ied ulty members, engages in a fight in| the sell his tennis raque principal’s office, and to relicve his financial embarassment. | Aldrich | is a typical problematic high- school | |B Warren Douglas as Henry little Sheila Bromley. that this play | the most popular | Gretna be remembered | boy, and his is played by; charming There’s no doubt will prove to be production of the and it will certainly as the funniest. ee rn Stimulate your business by adver= thing) kindly remember the Bulletin | ~ REFRESHING Gretna Ocean Sand Beach! Mountain Water} Many Regulation Diving Boards! Life Guards! 3 Lake was drained and refilled with sparkling mountain wWter. 3 = THURSRAY, JULY 4 AFTES NOON N and th, 1946 NU YLAN ANNUAL 7000 Candles — HON. WIL Secretary of Internal STREAK of Lancaster—Concerts frem PUNCH Three 3rd ANNUAL More Prints Than Ever AM 8S. nly Display airs—Guest Speaker, AN Shows—3:00-4:45-56% PHOTOGRA from U. S. and BABY PARADE — 4:30 P. 1 Gigantic FIREWORKS Di D of CANDLES of Its America LIVENGOOD, JR. 9:30 P. Kind in M. 'S BAND to 10:30 P. M,, (DS.T.) SALON reign Lands IC Admission 35¢ Largest Program Ever Offered from 2 to 11 P. M. Bring you Children under 12 Free ree king Continuous r supper and spend toe day. \ for the Money; on Broadway | | | | J into | Wi radio| ¢ i | a flesh- | Hf and-blood, real-boy, Henry Aldrich, | i stage the riotous | to IB season, | SUNDAY, Heard" Over DANCING - F-R-E-E See Them In NOVELTY 5 ACTS——STAGE BAND - Shows Aft. & THE FOUR OBOLINKS & REVUE ith Ben Bernie & Don Bestor NB ROCKY SPRINGS PARK Lancaster, Pa. JUNE 30 Complete Show! EDY - ACRO-BALANCING ARTISTS—35 ACTS son! FREE MOVIES! BATHING ! FIREWORKS ! Every Tues., and Shorts! Reserved Seats - - - 5c RIDES ! Visit Lancaster's Most Popular Playground ! ) Kiddies’ Day At The Pool Every Tues. & Fri. WITH HIS HORSE TO Free Every Sa Wed., Thurs., DANCING ! ! AND ENTIRE WESTERN COMPAN COMEDY—MUSICAL AND SINGING SPECIAL STAGE FACILITIES WILL BE ERECTED FOR TONY 11, TO PERFORM ! GREATEST SHOW APPEARING IN THESE “PARTS! PLUS—THE HEAL GINGER w EXTRA ! or EN SPECIAL FOR ADULTS - 25c | | | | instruments, calls | | | RSDA LAREST FRIDAY -SA JAMES CAGNEY—ANN "TORR Monday, July 1 ROBERT YOUNG —r "FLORIAN" WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY, LY 3-4 MATINEE THURSDAY WALLACE CARAVAN COWBOY AND COWGIRL hy PE TERTAINERS ! MATINEE J O Y EVENINGS SATURD SHOWS AND 7 AND 9:00 P. M HOLIDRYS SATURDAYS 2:00 P. P.M Mount Joy, Pa. FULLY AIR - CONDITIONED Y, JUNE 27th OGERS——JOEL McCREA—in— IMROSE PATH" ISSUE—“MARCH OF TIME’ DAY, JUNE 28-29 ERIDAN—PAT O'BRIEN—in— ZONE" . Tuesday, July 2 POUBLE FEATURE ! NO: 1—GENE AUTRY. “GABCHO SERENADE” NO. 2, — “ADVENTURE IN “DIAMONDS” 2:00 ¥ in—- BEERY "20 MULE TEAM" EXTRA! FREE! SAT. MAT. ONLY !— CHAPTER 4 5 “DRUMS OF FU MANCHU? FREE! FREE! 1c COMIC BOOKS FREE TO ALL KIDDIES SATU RDAY Mary N BE FIRE COMPANY PRESENTS ON Saturday Night, June 29 Hughes Stver King Cat & Dog Circus Something Entirely New A Swell Show For Whe Children -:- a THE SUNSHINE REVUE Pretty Girls "With Gorgeous Costumes ——FBATURING THREE WI Sensations On The TE FLASHES Art Of Tumbling SHORTY & HIS Comedy DIO RASCALS Superb HE Music THE KOICH BR Those Two Funny Fellows Who Rock The Aud HERS ces With Laughter JAKE AND JERRY, Almost The World's Greatest Wrestlers —DON'T MISS THIS BIG SHOW Come Early........... First Show GCAMES PARKING FREE ADMISSION ........ 25 CENTS EATS TPM... 3. AMUSEM CHILDR vee Adm. 10, : HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Dead Animals BY" po GEO. LAMPARTER’S.. SONS Rockland St., Lancaster, Pais, TELEPHONE LANCASTER 24157 an, Pian 19151040 2555 EVERY YEAR FOR 25 YEARS more pecple have ridden on Geod- year Tires than on any olher kind, FOR OUR GREAT MARATHON BUY 2—-BUY 4-AND SAVE] SIZE Set of 4 Set of 2 6.00-16 33550 1 gs WHEN BOUGHT i ETS 4 Bb ids, hi 525 01 550.17 $35.35 313.15 | IN PROPORTION, Cash +79 oF 500-19 27.75 14.25 6.25 or 650-16 44.05 22.60 5.25 or 550-18 32.20 16.55 prices with your old tires. White sidéwalls slightly highest. . } The MARATHON TIRE Bes GUARANTEE is introduced only 26 THEY MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Our Goodyear Tires mire guar- anteed in writing for their FULL LIFE, without! time or mileage limits, | EASY EASY-PAY terms “Pav AS LITTLE AS ¢A WEEK per fire 0 12 to 20 waeks to pay’ Small carrying charg months ago, and already it's a leader. ADDED SAFETY-LONGER MILE- what you get in Mara- thon. That's why it's un- surpassed for value at any price. Marathon Tires are built to outperform so- called “first line” tires sold by chain stores, or other tires, in the same price class. We advise you to buy at this low sale price at once, because this sale lasts only 10 more days. GOODYEAL MEANS GOOD WEAR-AT LO * ‘NEW ALL-AMERICAN TIRE A great Goodyear value for the lowest pric: 6 6 now $ ONLY 6. 66 size 5.25/550817 4.75/5.00-13 $595. $495 Cash prides with your old tire G00CD WEAR Low cosy: Expert mouniing at no extra charge! COODYEADR MEANS PHONE 192 East Main St.