The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 27, 1940, Image 3

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The Fifth Column Worker

HE TAKES all America has to
offer with a smile and awaits a
chance to return the favor with a
machine gun.
HE COILS in the flag, hides in
the quartet singing the national
anthem and crouches behind the
Bill of Rights.
HE ACCEPTS your invitation
to dinner and makes a mental
blueprint of your home so he can
return and snatch the silver.
HE LETS you help him on with
his coat while he plans to steal
your shirt.
HE LETS you pay his golf fee
while he figures out how much
powder it would take to blow up
the clubhouse.
here,” while planning to help the
HE BECOMES your week-end enemy do it. . aa
house fies and spends mos of | jm 1S THE KIND of rode
target for bombers the children’s Wo vould help frors the
worl i Tanke good Samaritan, ask the Samari-
tan to wait for him in the corner
HE APPLAUDS America First drug store and then bomb the
programs and laughs himself to drug store.
sleep over the fact his face didn’t HE RENDERS evil for good,
betray him. thinks the doublecross is the
HE STANDS when “The Star- noblest work of man and eats
Spangled Banner” is played, but with his knife because he never
eases his conscience by assuring wants to have to depend on a fork
himself that he was tired of sit- when the time comes to stab his
ting, anyhow. host.
If you want a notice or your sale
inserted in this register weekly from
now until day of sale. ABSOLUTE-
LY FREE, send or phone us your
sale date and when you sre ready,
HE LOOKS like a man, but
performs like a rattlesnake.
HE SHAKES your hand while
his wandering eye measures you
for a knife in the back.
HE IS THE SKUNK that walks
like a man, the hyena that
waltzes like a patriot and the rat
that masquerades as a human
HE EXPRESSES astonishment
at the genius of American indus-
try, but puts in plenty of time
reporting back to the enemy on
weak spots for attack.
hand that feeds him, but eats the
other hand for dessert.
HE SAYS, “It can’t happen

let us print your bills. That's the
cheapest advertising you can get.
Saturday, July 6—On the corner
of Market and Woed Streets, Flor-
in, lot 40x200 with 2%. Story Dwell-
a 2-story korn and the
Household goods by
Nissley. C. S. Frank
ing House,
entire lot of
Miss Anna
(From Page 1)
Garber, Marlene Halbleib, Betty
Jane Hendrix, Jcanne Kramer,
Donald Martin, Jchn Miller, Bev-
erly Ann Myers, Marlyn Myers,
Myers, James Newcomer,
Shirley May Schneider, Thelma
Mae Shirk, Marion Smith, Helen
Sprout, Geraldine Starr, Reta Ston-
er, Donald . Thome, Jaquelin Zel-

100,000 Baby Chicks Every Week | leis, Peggy Zerphey, Marlene Zim-
G. K. WAGNER nwerman.
: EEE IEE Mrs. Peifer,
Second Grade:
Big All Day an
Evening Sale
July 4th, 1940
200 Head of
inoculated and ear-tagged. Bring
V¢ have the hogs. Come and see for


your truck and crates for hogs.




Have your brooder houses ready; we will ha
breeds. Come early to get the breed you wakt.
White Pekin Ducklings;
Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
of Each Week; Lot Pullets any Chickens:
Lot Other Poultry.
Implements; Furniture of all kinds; 15 Truckloads d
Dry Goods, Hardware, Nursery Stock of all kinds; Shribbery and Fruit
Trees; 200 bus. Potatoes; Apples; Brooms; Full ine Groceries;
Forks, Rakes, Hoes; Candy and $1,000 worth of New Haydware. A line
of New Oakes Poultry and Chick Feeders and Fountains, New Electric
Breoder Stoves.
Honey by comb and bucket,
other articles.
Anycne having any livestock or anything else to sell, bifng same on
day of sale or before. Everybody come, spend the day
with us. Sale starts 11 a. m. Evening sale starts 6 o'clock.

Fruit in season;

Lot New and Used thousand

sters, pretzel, peanut or candy men allowed.
Sale rain or shine. We cell for cash and pay cash.


50,000 Chicks, Ducklings, Turkey Poults for sale every day at above pla
I have a big fruit, dry goods, baby chick auction every Thursda
night at 7 o'clock. Everybody come. We always have something né
every week. Chicks will be sold all day long and in the evening. Hog)
sold at 2.30. Poultry before Hogs.

The Affairs
At Florin For
Past Week
(From Page 1)
uncle Mr. and Mrs. C. F.. Wise-
garver of Mt. Joy last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Smith, of
Blain ars spending the week with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mateer.
Miss Stella Washstetter, Miss
Lizzie Brubaker visited Mr. and Mrs
Clarence Wiley at Hershey on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogel and son
Billie spent the weekend in Lan-
caster visiting Mr. and, Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller,
Misses Maude, Pauline Buller and
Merle Buller spent Sunday at At-
lantic City.
Mr. Henry F. Breneman, of Neffs-
ville Home, is spending several days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Clay-
ton Ereneman.
Mr. William Rice broke three
fingers on his left hand last week
when a heavy lid fell on his hand
while working at the Florin Foun-
Mr. and Mrs. A. D Garber are
spending the week at Phila. visiting
their son and daughter in law Dr.
and Mrs. D. W. Garber. Mr. Gar-
ber is also attending the Republican
Mr. and Mrs. Wagenbach of Lan-
Mrs. Gertrude Groff and
grandscn Charles of Mount Joy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruhl of town
visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wag-
enbach on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper, Mr
and Mrs. A. D. Garber, Mr. and Mrs
Clarence Hallinger, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Mumper and Mr. and Mrs
Faul Diffenderfer spent the week
end at Camp Buck Ridge in Perry
Sewing C'rcle Met
The regular meeting of the sewing
circle of the Junior League of the
U. B. Church met at the homz of
Zeldo Gehman. Those present were
Naney Garber, Marianna Ney, Janet
Eecck, Mildred Gebhart, Helen Loraw,
June McGarvey, Dorothy Farmer,
Anna Mary Leinart, Betty Jane
Arndt, Ellen Jean Musselman, Aud-
rey Schroll, Fredine Geleman, Mrs.
Fred Gelman and the teacher Mrs
Clarence Nissley.
Annual Pien'c

The Missionary Society of the U !
B. Church held their annual picnic
at the Cove near LIount Joy on
Saturday. Games were played and
prizes won by the following:
Fvelyn Fike, A. E. Shetter, Robert
Niscly, Arthur Braun, Mre. Winfizld
Randler and Hazel Forry. The cake ;
to Mrs.
to Mrs
walk prize was awarded
Irwin Bishop. Gifts
George Vogel as the oldest person
persent and to Garry Epler as the

ant. Nancy Barnhart, Warren
Bates, Sarah Brown, Joy Mae Bul-
ler, June Conner, Howard Frick,
James Hcernafius, Richard Krall,
Lorraine Kuhns, Miriam Locwen,
Abbydine Markley, Mabel Jane
Mumma, Nancy Mumper, Harold
Musser, Nancy Myers, Peggy
Randler, Mildred Rohrer, Melissa
Strickler, Franklin Sprout, Frank
Tyndall, Jean Wagner.
Third Grade: Miss Mabel Jane
Miller and Arlene Milligan, teach-
ers. Merlin Funk, Nancy Jane
Funk, Dorothy Garber, Evelyn Mae
Groff, Daniel Gohn, George Halb-
leib, Phyllis Hoffman, Mary Jane
Krall, Jean Loewen, Corrine Mark-
ley, James Markley, Dolores Miller,
Jeanne Mumper, Jeanne Myers,
Jane Anderson, Nancy Shaeffer,
Donald Starr, Shannon Stauffer,
Banks Wagner, Esther Waltz, Helen
Fourth Grade: Mr, Harlan My-
ers, teacher and Anna Coen, assist-
ant. Betty Carpenter, Robert Con-
ner, Billy Conrad, Elanda Dyer,
Robert Funk, Ruth Groff, Norman
Linton, David Loewen, Richard
Martin, Marion Peiffer, Edward
Pennel, Helen Snyder, Billy Stoh-
ler, Margarette Young.
Juniors: Rev. Watts, Mrs. Watts,
teachers and Eleanor Brown, assist-
ant. Barbara Bates, John Crider,
Anna Cunningham, Lorreine Dis-
singer, Francanna Funk, Charles
Groff, Joe Habecker, Doris Kramer,
Margaret Kramer, Richard Mump-
er, Bruce Myers, Phylis Peifer,
Charles Piersol, Robert Rye, Cora
Shaeffer, Roy Shaeffer, Nancy
Smith, Phylis Snyder, Marta
Sprout, John Walters, Mary Ellen
Walters, Bernard Zimmerman.
Intermediates : Rev. Koeder,
teacher. Betty Pauline Balmer,
Mildred Barrick, John E. Booth,
Abie Geltmacher, Catherine Leib,
Freddie Loewen, Marcia McGann,
Irvin Myers, Robert A. Pennel,

Fern Sears, Adelaide Workman.

on Our Budget Plan
® What a ‘break’! This liberal trade-in offer comes just at
the right time to give you extra tire safety for that holiday
trip and the months of summer driving ahead. You get the
Life-Saver Tread that will give you the quickest non-skid
stops you've ever had! You get maximum blow-out pro-
tection with the famous Golden Ply!
Remember, you can make your own long, easy terms
and still take advantage of the liberal trade-in allowance.
‘What could be fairer to your safety and your pocketbook?
See us today.
Sale ends Midnight, July 3rd
The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Morning, June 27, 1940

Don’t miss this chance to
get Golden Ply blow-out
protection at a price that's
really low for this famous
With old tire
safety feature,
Small extra charge on budget plan sales.

Genuine Goodrich Golden Ply



$729 0
-40~4.50.23 :
With 0id Tire
plan sales,
Note the low price
for this typical Good.
rich value! Every
Standard Tire is
double-cured for
extra toughness,

ules 7 88 Small extra charge on budget

Here's another sensational offer to celebrate
* |

the 4th. Genuine, full-dimension, Goddrich- LIFETIME
built Commanders priced right down aslow GUARANT
as $4.95 (4.75-5.00-19). We're practically Every tire of ki
giving these tires away, so hurry in beforé 5 Suaranteeq po
they're sold out. Only 4 tires to a customer. oRects in workmaperct from
2aship and
Above prices for cash and include your old tires. oJ as 49
Small extra charge on budget plan sales.

312-20 Chestnut St., Columbia, Pa.
Phone, 399
208 E. Main St., Mt. Joy
Phone 222

9 , auditorium,
Mrs. Thompson and son, Bobby, | following: Alexanc Ramsey, a
| . 1 1 ~ |
are receiving treatment at the | Pusiness man, played by Rev. R. H |
Lancaster Hospital. | Daihl; Emma Ramsey, his wife, |
sons, and Myrtle Greider are
spending a week at Ocean City.
brought bouquets on Friday and |butterfly, Dorothy Rohrer, Peggy
distributed them to the shut-ins| Watson, a bitiness gir}, F:arle
and to the State Hospital at Eliza- | Paihl, Parviz Dehesh, a Persian
bethicwn. Norman Bender Jr.
Ahead” will be presented by the | aon,
Yolijwa Club, of
God on Friday evening, June 28th | ihe
in the East Hempfield High Sehool | Pennasylvania, Watkins Glenn, Ni-

A silver offering will,

In the cast of cka
rs are the

Mr. and Mrs. Farle Mumma and | Dorothy Edwards, Bob Ramsey, their
son, Samuel Eender, Bayard Jor-
| dan, Rams t Horst;
Distributed Bouquets | Audrey Jo
The pupils of the Bible School | Greiner; Sheilla Mervine, a social |
partner Rol
an, his dau

, Nancy

Religious Drama Four Day Trip
A religious drama, “The Years|.on, Donald left last Friday morn-
Donald left last Friday mtm-
on an interesting auto trip to
Ice Mine, Canyon, of
the Church of

| they visited
y evening.

to the carnival for supper and
main for the evening.
| are expecting you,
along the Lake route to (
to Pittsburgh
the Institute of
nology, Museum and the

*2 | may receive one of the donations.
Contr bution | Kline.
A $10 contribution
Sunday night
Bible School toward the Red Cross
War Relief fund.
The money was
Agnes Bentley, executive secretary! {oastmaster was Phares
thence to I
returning home Mon-
Carnival Saturday

r County chapter. | Songs were led by Gecrge Shenk.
spoke on
Red Cross” at
Hv i vars :
Children it was decided that the associa-
+ | tion would purchase a picture for
in. the Church of | the High School and have foot
lights installed on the stage.
the meetin

Toasts were given by Rev. A. E.
Cooper, John Swarr, David Gray-
bill and G. Earhart, of the school
also by Prof. Hackman,
ot. Other | Amos Herr and Miss Mary Caroline
it, Phares | Greider, of the school faculty; John
; Ethel { Herr, George Shenk, Mrs. Warren
Howard) Aungst and Faust Hoffman.
ee etl Cen.
Alumni Officers |
bert Horst
was elected presi-
t of the East Hempfi

ld Town-
As:ocia- board,

to bring the
The firemen
so be there, you |

Steinkompf and tre:
> pregram included One mistaken idea of efficiency is
A. E. Cooper; followed by that it is only a search for the little
address of welcome, by the presi- [short cuts in business, in industry,
dent Kenneth Brubaker. Prof. Ar-|and in life. Personal Efficiency is
thur A. Hackman presented the | fuller living. It means much more
class of 1940 to the association. The | than mere short cuts, but the short
Stehman. cuts are often helpful.
was received
from the Vacation | hy
raised by col-
presented to Miss


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