The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 02, 1940, Image 5

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Morning, May 2, 1940 fivé
OWL LAFES Our Scouts Amc Mil |



Tics Elisabeth Heilig, Girl Scou 6
¢ g, tL ’ TAG
captain, attended the public mass | Them Hi- Falutin Tora. = STATION
meeting held Monday evening in! SKEDULE
[ Martin Auditorium, the Y.M.CA., | Stair Steps Got :
Lancaster. Us Doan » « £2
This meeting officially opened the
drive for funds for the Girl Scouts! il T { 1 d
Lin oy : qi 0 a gir ve wanted to get a ride
of Lancaster County which will} 2 yi x
Je ok : on one of them movin’ stairways
take place this week. : tee rs
they has in the big citics. I often
Ever since I've ben a young snip

While the local troop is inc : re
dt e the local troop is included | heard folks say they went up on ‘em, =F
mn 1c °C alg 71 3 =F =
5 : am, they will nots, 1 pated to express my ignorance FE
make their driver for financial as- |: : : : ee
oe gnver for financial as- | j, saying’ I nevcr had a ride on ‘em 3 a fe
sistance until later in the month. yet 6 : 2%

Twenty - 1 bd 4 ers 3 .
J nine members of the Well, last week Jenn 1 went down
Girl Scout Troop enjoyed a or of i = TA
J 41 to the big city fer to see somz of our “ IA T E GAME” Hi S
= Tee te the Cox i. cH $ 2 TH 1 TTI == =a |0 a
—BV— I ke to the Cove on Monday even- relations 'n we went through some A > SL alts Seat Y :
ing where they prepared their of them big stor BOA. Rony) intima cpm MAT gi
big stores....a body near re SATURDAYS SHOWS
A WwW I S E O Ww I. supper. g:ts lookin’ at stuff, 'n then





: : 3 ' 6G ' g NTED ND 3 .M
—— Scout captain, Elizabeth Heilig we come all at once on that there Yous 4 Fue (Aso crooxs! | ell WALKED || IF HE HASNT |g EL x YO T H EA iin
; ..tand assistants Pauline Heilis and i ie aint ni You WIITED ME HERE AND Now | Lae Den | BECAUSE EVEN Gor |} “ Gor ON A SATURDAYS
Well, here we are on Daylight; Mildred Zink ‘Accompanied he rele movin Stirs goin’ up jest as quiet You SAY | CANT PLAY BECAUSE He v ig HE'S Too CAR FARE HES | SHOESTRING vie Mount 3 P 6-8-10 P.M.
saving time and 1 don’t know," =~ accompanied the girls. [and glidin’ as could be. Now, sez THE GAMES Full ! Because ey To|| ‘Mm GLAD HIS | ALL NIGHT, | AnD LEAVE nt Joy, Fa.
: L oy : ; fter supper the troop sang cev- 72s vour chance for a Lv Ho" ' AYA Jit || RoosST 1S A TAKIN. 5
! whether I gained or lost time. 1 After supper the troop sang cev-|Jen, here's your chance fer a free WHO'S Goin' To PAY MY HE L (N 3
really don't eral scout songs and had a short |ride 'n I wuz rarin’ ter go CAR FARE HOME ? His ‘Sear Sehr et ado [OCCUPIED THURS. FRI, SAT. — MAY 2.3.4 : A
* x * * > Sire afte they! . We were kind’a loaded down with 3 #7 AND \F | n R k B C C A " J
And maybe Ab Weaver don’t have} 10 heir homes. bundles ’'n it. wuz rainin’ 'n we had 0) HE HADNT
a problem on his hand. He's going BOY SCOUTS our bumbershoots to lug along too, =i BEEN 2 z STARRING —
to write to “Time” zine and| Fourteen Boy Scouts from the|so wa were gettin’ kind'a tired out. HED HAVE | OLIVIER—JOAN FONTAINE
find out how in the world you turn! local troop participated in the Scout |Jen got on firist with her bundles 'n PRESENTED |: Featufly, Starts Saturday at 5:30 P. M.!
a sun dial an hour ahead to put it{rally held at the Armory at Lan-|I held up the rear...... when sum- US wWi'TH !
3 : .“y y oF . —
cn Daylight Saving time. caster” on’ Saturday. pin’ must’a slipped, fer down come MONDAY MAY 6 | TUESDAY MAY 7
* oR KX OK The boys performed. a stunt toJen plop on ma dead weight, 'n “SOUVENIRS PRISCILLA LANE—irk | ! DOUBLE FEATURE !

fi Bh
Bruce Brown defines an intellec-|show the efficiency and cool-headed- | there we wuz goin’ up that escu-

tual as a peyson who i. educated sdnesy with which a scout’ is taught lator thing like two ten pins, fect by ih 0 | “MAN WHO WOULDN'T
beyond his intelligence. te act in cases cf emergency. This|first....layin’ on the flat of our VAY! BETTER GET TALK”
$$ x4 » particular stunt emphasized First |backs! gl OUTSIDE A FOR THE IRISH Ny > A
A near by husband was having] Aid and Life Saving measures. Help, aid, succor shoutzd Jen... 2) A FEW OF THES! With—Al 3 hah, 4 DENNIS MOORE

quite a family spat so—he threaten-] Scoutmaster Robert Hostetter ac-{’n all I could think of wuz her
ed his wife by saying: “I think, companied the boys to the Rally. |clothes gettin’ caught in the top

Bi cLsE Youll Go
toe soper| | WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY — MAY 8-9


since you treat be sp badly, I'll com-| Twelve Boy Scouts attended the]and both of us bein’ wound up fer | > di i AND YouR
mit suicide.” And his wife, refusing] regular weekly meeting on Mon-|dear life! Then all of a sudden it| 3 5 © BM WIFE WONT SHIRLEY TEMPLE &
to be scared, answered: “Good. But|day evening. stopped goin’ up’n we were layin’ < KNOW You. ; IN N\
turn off the gas when youre] Mr. Carryl Stauffer gave an il-|With our heads down on that thing | \ —— “ ‘uy :
through.” lustrated talk on birds and scout goin’ no wheres. When I jumped | Co — EG _— T H E B L U E B | R
i Te leader, Robert Hostetter showed a|up'n turned around there wuz about | rs
: : . . sy | IN TECHNICOLOR
i We have just learned from picture on “Man and Pro-|two hundred people standin’ look- N
i “horseless” equestrienne that thelgress.” in’ as if the circus train wuz there “We Te. w= J « TV
. car A : - ; ees — SAT. MAT. —
a correct footwear to don with riding] A bird hike was planned for] ---n a kind gentleman sed, “Ladies, EXT RA | x aL f ONLY CHAPTER
breeches are “saddle” shoes. Wednesday, May 8th. maybe we'd better go up in the | | Risser, Henry L. Haines, C. F. Hol- ZORRO’S FIGHTING LEGION”
52% v2 —_ —_—_,,,, -sSsePFToLeL elevator 'n g:t checked over...your! ® | lenbaugh, Charles Watts and Geo.
Remember the time when the]HI TENNIS TEAM OPENS nerves musta got quite a shock!... | Behind i he I ‘uture Waller. ee -
: 3] NC ? ker elevator goer ! re ll Q Un em i a 2
telephone used to be a cenvenience?| WITH A VICTORY n two meeker elevator goers-up- | | eee
ve, 1 > M y Hivh se | Pers never were took no place. 1 r YT ur | EAST DONEGAL DOWNS
oe Good Sa De om es is el 4 my heart A be De fer BY ELIZABETH M. GARBER ‘F&M ACADEMY 3-1 DON'T FORGET
2 % * iis team opened its feason ed- J 5 > > | VL ty 9 ® eo 0
Which reminds us........ we have ie i it an 8-1 vic-|Mminutes at a time, 'n Jen, she wuz, (Rescarch Assistant to Senator James J. Davis) The East Donegal High School

that white she lookad like a corpse. |
a man on our line who, every time]tory over the Franklin and Maret
he wants to talks to himself, callsjshall Academy team in a match!
his own number on the telephone.played on the Mecunt Joy courts.
# 2.2 2» The county team won all the sin-
TO, THAT FAMOUS - - - - -
Tu urkey Dinner

It jest goes to show that when a For the fourth month of the year sar and iS not only superior in wilt | County Le
So St. ; os : ey | : 5 { Se
body ain’t brung up fer to travel| 1940 the Department of Agriculture! resistance but produces a better
on high-falutin things, they'd better | r
gue- continued their fast
: : : race in a non-league game Tuesday
eports: { product for canning than certain : :
hoof it up the st:ps. No body need Was | virietiss formerly used. afternoon and turned back the F.
“What's good for bit-}gies and the first two doubles, de- * in the Orient, plus war in

never say excluator to Jenn me as| Tp and M. Academy nine, 3 to 1, a
‘ | i .
creates a condition under! Spring planting is underway.

which soybeans from the United | Nine million workers—farm family} Maytown.

baseball team, leaders of the North-

ing fingernails?” And Mary prom-|faulting the third doubles after ”
il ied. “Share teath? Sd ; 5a ong as we're got our senses. .cause
ptly replied: “Sharp teeth)...... each team had won one set. Ener
Isn't. sh helnful little thing? The results: it ain't no safz way to travel, nohow! - : ' { a PT ) T EV RYONE IS TALKING ABOUT
sit she a helplul little thing: 1e results: rr rt States gain in the European mar-| workers and hired hands—are in
tt SINGLES—Zirk, Mount Joy, de- ket From October 1939 through! the field Farmers repor oy |
= yd Ys ket. I ob 193¢ g 5. ¢ port they | ' 16}
: a 7
One way we can suggest for a girl} feated Hager, 6-1, 6-0; Fellenbaum, . * mn | January 1940 the United States| intend to plant less corn and more} DON T MISS THIS NEW EVERY N HT BUT MONDAY
to get in deep water is to try to] Mount Joy, defeated Kraybill, wi Babies Protected from 1B. sold more than 10 million bushels! soybeans this year, less tobacco, | SERIAL STORY | ® XN
neck ii 3-3; Newcomer, Mount Joy, de- s and we than 7 mile) fewer ore suring whez : 4 or
k ! 0-J ewcom x it J é nd more than 7 mil |x wer peanuts, more spring wheat, | “The Golden Stranger,” gripping i AT 9
foster 8a, 85; Batty Derhy | is of soybean oil in Eur-|more flax-seed, more grain sorg-| story of love and hidden treasure, i essin r 5 0 e
We have a snappy little blonde ]Mount Joy, defeated Behney, 8-6,} | op i ut four times as much as! hums. { begins on May 12th in i
vho frequents “The Jitter Bug|4-6, 6-2; Hostetter, Mount Joy, de- in the corresponding months a, mT . FF = )
wh Br 2 i Tue a = Bu » if ) 3 oe J the eotresponding Jo 1th a: The general level of farm wage | TheAmerican Weekly
s HI ARG a DOY enc: Wn: leate endig, b-1; ils, Mit. year earlier The Netherlands is yates advanced about twice as much | The big magazine distributed I

wanted to settle down and own a}Jjoy, defeated Wasserstrom, 6-2, 6-1.
buyer of Unite 1! 2s usual from January 1st to April | with the
nd took more than 1st. Farm wage rates on April 1st| Baltimore American
On Sale at All Newsstands!

So, she gave him a] DOUBLES—Zink and Ellis, Mt.
house ie.
good start. She gave him defeated Hager and Owens,
“gate”. 6-1, 6-2; Newcomer and Fellen-

res. | were the highest April 1st figure |
tatistics disclose! since 1931, The increase is attri-

) rd
2B Baum. MM y feate. rave p x : { 1 : :
baum, Mount Joy, defeated Kray » of effects of the war| buted largely to a decline in the!
Down in Maryland on Sunde: ill ¢ Behnev. 6-2. 6-4: Jasser- | x . |
Down in Mar on Sunday bill and Behney, 6-2, 6-4; W asset m other exports of do-| supply of farm labor and to an in-
ywerheard this conversation: Al str and Smith, ademy | : :
overhea ¢ strom and Smith, Academy, defeat mes farm products. For {obac-| crease in the demand. On April |

rhite man remarked: “Sam,, I heardjed WT: ~tter. 1-6. 6- = Hae . . | :
white man rei ed Derr and Hostetter, 1-6, 6-4, 6-0 eo, fruits, and lard the offects have] Ist the number of persons working






ou gi «ut in the fracas last night.”{ bv def: : ‘ i ny i
You got out in the fra last night."t by default been de y unfavorable. I'he | on farms was estimated at 9,797,000. |
And the colered gent hastened o re- ete future will « milar 1 M th 8,000,000 d Pa,
i 1 1 3 ALUAYC 711 S€C Similic i on More an 8, yoys and | — feet
ply: “Oh, no, suh, boss I jes only|MOUNT JOY LEADS ar es aL : 3 | : 3 | SUNDAY. MAY 5
SS a he arm.” INTER-COUNTY H. S. TENNIS | Farly Diagnosis Campaign this fruits and vegetables as) girls have received 4-H Club May 5 VER 0
got cut on the arm. dd > oe hi month urges use of X-ray to protec place t Bont reiting ; { S Es
ra ny ! ges us X-ray to protec restriclions upon {raining since the work became R YAL WN Spl
Te: W 1 Pet babies and young mothers from | inno The. elimination of Den-| nation-wide th 1014. A new vearly NE
We've just been introduced to the; RIS {> 4e * | tuberculosis, onsets fl Sh RL dude os Ye i iW <
of J ? ts he’ oO pessimistic Mount Joy ........ 6 0 1.000 { = {mark as a source of food supplies | enrollment peak was reached in i RAM RS ec,
of pe he's s 2SSIMIS a $0 = ao | the ATH : doit 1 5 ia oes #
ign hi oy py Elizabethiown Svein » 1 pa : y i N' I | fer the es may improve United 1939 with more than 1,381,500 boys | Nove ty, Comedy Ng A ROVE Uys
Th Le POEs 11 su Jd reese $ 30 The forty ales oh .. | Stotes expert market for pork and! and girls belonging to some 79,500 | [8 its type in the EIN \ 3A
crackers. Col aes i 2 y-eig'ith a a iT } 2 0 : ho di Hos,
i aa [Manheim .......... 0 0 000 | of the Pennsylvan cvaporated milk { 4-H Ciubs in the 48 States, Alaska, mise gs ry LL , BiG CARS
) Society is i f fruit for the next 2 Hawaii And Puerto ico. ‘he » y ia 3
Ti a ccupl guys in g ue ee ¢ Noor d Pueric Ric ; T 2 Book Yenr Picnics Early %, BB
ne that Narrow 0 000 port, a) n rected to be general-| membership is made up of rural ; : d
Sg Sede an Ta : 2 : SD eakers, ly smaller than those of recent boys and girls between the ages of | ger
they cant ey part their ka ianhel 6 B00 of industry, vil an those of al 10 and. 20° ver |
Bt 4% 9 _— cational Departments, 8 a OSE OL 84 RIC yer i "HOW ARE YOUR SHOES:
toi : Storage holdings of! : An Ses
And when Sam | a Florin] Only three matches were play-| cal Society, nursing to! olaings ol] A free copy of any of these new DON"E WAIT TOO LONG
man whether wv troubled cd in the Inter-County High School| sanatoria, clmicians | and pen 8 cil us publications may be obtained from BRING, THEM N UNDAY, MAY 5
with a squeak in the rear of by Tennis Laegue during the first oa ne ost ng rapidly deplet- | the Department of Agriculture, | GG Sh R.
1 iti PCs 5 e erg 165513 s temperature cn | Washington Py: ME
car, the man explained; “Oh, no, my, week of competition because the| gp COREE [Ue 8 1 at ae RD ity Shoe Repairing Co. FIRST RACE, 200 P.M.,E.D.S.T.
wife alwa its in front with me.” rain and cold weather made it im- jeet for a symposium ¢ partic dr % le prospeci n Farm Fences, Bulletin, No. 1832.1 30 SOUTH QUEEN ST uy
20 {possible to get cows into shape. pated in by representa of five | 2° 7Of a arly peach crop.| poyse Cleaning, Bulletin, No. 1834. LANCASTER, PENNA. ™ Gen. Admission, 50¢ % - - - Grandstand, 50c

Strawberry production is indicated
+ Ih x7 1 y + + x .
to be slightly below that of a year

yin family had a house full In the three matches Middletown groups especially concerned with Land Use and Soil Conservation,
A certa
i i ask rere ing ibar
of guests on Sunday when the little' defeated Manheim Township 6-0 at| the task of overcoming tuber-
& | » Sis
girl explained to them: “That rug Middletown, Mount Joy defeated i ag ) : he
= . 1¢ ennsyivania The greatest number
he floor is » that grandmother, Middletown 6-0 at Mount Joy and| . °. Ribs 120! The gre: numbel
on the floor is one that grandmothe c Spelety I= the oldent Organization gale gram ©
hooked.”........And now the guests) Elizabethtown defeated Columbia of its" kind and plans arnotable lar. For us Stand 85 E. Maly St. MT. JOY, PA
wont speak to them anymore be-'5 to 1 at Elizabethtown. fiftieth anniversary meeting in|. sadhana pi : | PARMYRA, PA
Se Er 2 n March an ontinues Tous ! YRA, .
caused the grandmother was al 1942, in March and continues through MAY f OWN Palmer ah. Build
1 | ii 2 1K i
IBIOUNT JOY NETSIERS June and July. Wei cua

Free Parking - Tax \- Free Programs
Choice seats now on sale at Park Offic Modern Army and Navy
Store, 408 Market St., Harrisburg, and Bl s Cigar Store,
N George St., Yor
Park Opens Saturday, MAY 4th
FREE Rides and Amusements to Schoo 6. P.
| Marketing of Commercial Let- | Dr. R. M. =f

tuce, Technical Bulletin, No. 712. | OPTOMETRIST

during and

r Saylor


% lTop MIDDLETOWN, 6-0 THE FIFTH DEFEAT ¥rozen anole slices fm
§ + vs is the The Ladies’ Aid and Missionary
Did you ever ses mb chop”| Mount Joy opened its Inter-Coun- Mt. Joy High school suffered its] 1S the lates
ciety of the Reformed Church

at the Depart

Haines, Mrs. George Waler, Ms.
2 o i Hen oral? tv Hs Jb 3 SEH consi a brian: i Mani
wood? Or r a “wise crack” ty High School Tennis League sea-| fifth defeat in a row Tuesday at 4 Sots held a covered dish for Free \ets— Stirs: hr Aor ain
a board? Or go to a show and son by downing Middletown 6-0 on| the hands of E'town. The core was | at Seatte, the censistory. of tho Chueh oor i \ MOV] an
. 119% 1 Toy 2 - 5 ] os tne CcConsIsior) . > hy. Moor 3 id a [ammoth disp 8
listen io a “curtain call’? ........ the Mount Joy courts Friday even-| 5.0. Our team is now in last place It is ved th | J ax
Well, neither did I! ing. The county team did not drop| in the league. probably be able to sell even mor = hn Hart presided, Mrs. Henr: F ] R E WwW 0 R K S

rv * * a set in winning the match from Lititz defeated E. Hempfield 9 to apple pies if they could buy apple
A rew slant on an old :ithe Middletown team which Tues-| 5, ready sliced and retaining the | George Houseal, Mrs. C. E. Hollen-
One man’s ss is another man’sjday evening defeated Manheim —— ee fresh tart flas fruit j [| baugh, Miss Kathryn Houseal, Miss
umbreHa. township at Middletown 6-0. ETOWN WAS SECOND the tree. The at | Emily Shireman and Mrs. Joseph
oratory report
1 1s i Ie to | H follenbangh tock part in the pros} 3 OY TN - FOR A .
pack ohio andi Ser Henry Haines, president, of a J. LLU D GLASS OF BEER
{ Missionary, and Mrs. C. C. Hicks,
| president of Ladies’ Aid, had charge
© 2% 5 9 The results are as follows: Elizabethtown High school’s mix-
1 from Lancaster to-] Singles—Zink, Mount Joy, de-!ed qued quartet placed second in
day who told me he makes his liv-|feated Wall 6-1, 6-0; Fellenbaum,| the state finals of the Forensic and| yet have
_ wrinkles. Naturally,! Mount Joy, defeated Daily 6-2, Music league contests at Harris-| not discole
are you a beauty|Newcomer, Mount Joy, defeated burg on Saturday. They were the



eC And the smarty 6-0, 6-3; Hostetter, Mount{ only county competitors to win been introduc n-| of the lunchecn. men
swered: “No, I'm a clothes presser.”{Joy defeated Neagle 6-3, 6-3. places. mercial variety Other guests present were: Fan- T
* % ¥ % 3 DouBLES- Zink and Ellis, Mt. —- >. characteristics e E. Diebler, Mrs. J. G. Hart, |
And so, dear readers, it is my very] Joy, defeated Wall and Shupnp 6-0 | DEEDS ness, :early mat i Henry B. Haines,: Mrs \ e arme rs’ i it
candid opinion that.......if a man ic 3: Newcomer and Fellenbaum,| Frank N. and Willis N. Baer, ex-| sistance and it is t | r, Mrs. William E. May- |} We Pracice. h IR (ndwig Steckel. Prov. IOUNT
let's 2 woman make a worm fe him fo Joy, defeated Roach and] ecutors of Emma E. Baer, to Susan| texture and quality, than its par- i ers, Mrs. Edgar Mayers, M { Ud ¥ i
he deserves to squirm. | Neag sle 6-0, 6-2. S. Breneman, lot in Salunga, for|ent varieties. : Charles Watts, Sallie Shire All Branches Of Deni THURSDAY avd FRIDAY—PE EARL. NIG HTS
A WISE OWL ute $3.300. Commercial growers in the Paci- | Ethel Culp, Mrs. Isaac Carpenter, | X: Ra Se a | TE,
ree Qn Jou can get all the news of this ey A nn inn fic coast region have a new variety Elizabeth and Annie Brandt, Mrs. { Yy rvice ,
When in need of Printing. (an 1-1 locality for less than three cents a Stimulate your business by adver- | of tomato that is resistant to wilt.| Katie Sload, Mrs. Barbara Welch- Open Mon., Wed., Fri. Till Spr. M. |! Pork- Sauer Kraut Every F ri.- Sats Nights
{3 \

shing) kindly remember the Bulletin| week through The Bulletin. j thing) kindly remember the Bulletin. } The new variety is known as Es-' ans, Mrs. Charles G. Hicks, Ii