The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 21, 1940, Image 3

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The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Morning, March 21, 1940
Sheriff’s Sale Sa le Register
wi tf
For quick results try the
letin’s classified columns.

To Be Called By
ee C. S. FRANK, Auctioneer

| sard roof brick dwellings, Nos. 465,
| 567 and 469 Rockland there-
jon erected, adjoining lands now or

VEE y a Paul R. Garber . izabe
Mount Joy, Pa. Rates for this column are 25¢ pe: ( | late of John W. Hoehm and of Mi- au Carlet, Jr., Elizabeth- a
Good Fri i 5 | |chael Isecovitz. Containing in fr town R. D. 2, charged with failure
A Fri, March 22-Mt. Joy,|Mmsertion. If over five lines, 5c per | Secovits, Lontainmg yn iron ; me rel
annual Community sale by € § line each insertion, all payable in |on Rockland Street 53, 10 in- If you want a notice or your sale OPICS to yield the right of way, was
3 Frank & Bro. : * | advance. : To be held ches and extennding in depth of | inserted in this register weekly from {{] | prosecuted as the result of an ac- SIMON P. NISSLEY
fore ; Sat, Mar. 2 in Mt' Jov. houses Ee Friday, April 12, 1940 hat widd, 78 Jest, 5 jhe now until day of sale. ABSOLUTE- cident in which William J. See MARY G. NISSLEV
Aiki old goods by Mrs. ili : | Td Stork h Inorthwest line an et, 2 inches = : rome
arriage Saturday, Mors a es EASTER HAMS: - Tenderized : Jt 2:00 v'dlock P. M. . . on the southeast line. LY FREE, send or phone us yeur | FARMER IMPORTANT thirty-one, Lancaster R. D. 3 | FUNERAL DIRECTORS
nusual H: n New| Hams, boneless, 37c lb.; with small By virtue of several writs of Fieri Rei : : sale date and when v = ad ris knock : Mount Joy, Pa.
sad aven St, Mount Jov. house Ey aa = ins TL ovarl Faia: tec ! Seized and taken in execution you ere reacy, N GAN RAT was knocked down and his son, |
iF t Joy. household|bone 33¢ a Ib. Wittle’s Store, Flor- : Facias, Levari Facias issued out of : : 1 : : N GAME PROGRAM : {
o goods by Mrs. Grant Marshall. fin Phone Mt. Joy 908 R a 1 the Court of Common Pleas, Lanc asproperty of Sara L Us print your hills. That's the BR : Abe Jour Yor st Prive]
TAX : oy 3.51.1 +d | Co. Pa, and to me directed. I will Fens ot Be Bl, 4 Mon cheapest advertising you can get. - and Chestnut streets, Saturday
: RDINANCE 3-2 Be io sale bY public Ven Isecovitz, deceased, defendant and FAs ye x7 7 hi
AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOR- = a Bot Now 5 pr Sara I. Isecovitz, Soudell Isecovitz | March 21—Start Aid Sportsmen With Wild ; i
OUGH OF MOUNT Joy. cou. | FOR SALE Singer Sewing Ma- | Court House, in the City of Isceovitz and Carl Iseco- Mmch 23-Swrtingl Life Restoration Plan Yor quick resulls fry the BUL-
ean MONWEALTH OF PENNSYL- id Large Pad, Sale caster, Pa. the following described vitz, terre tenants and real owners. | 8t 10 a. m, at his place of busi- g : letin’s classified columns,
an YAN, fixing the tax rate for Gos ad Gost Range, | real estate, to wit: NO. 16 ness at Rheems, horses, mules, By JAY N. DARLING |
wie! the fiscal year, 194¢ a ova to be used in peep! - | cows, bulls, heifers, hogs aa A N. DH! JANG . CaN 3 !
4 BE IT C y . 0, house. Wm. Leggore, Middletown. NO. 12 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or od fore 083, NOW and The key figure in any program of Tp Be Called BY |
A ORDAINED AND ENACT- 3.21.2 ALL THOSE TWO CERTAIN ! Piece of ground, situated on the | US€ farm machinery, ete, byl aie a yy G. K. WAGNER, Auctioneer
TETRA ED, and it is hereby ordained and gis lots or pieces of land, with a brick !South side of Columbia Avenue, | Reist R. Mummau. vig > hn. Yun Every Thursday night, Sale at|
ro, Shacted by the Council of the| FOR SALE—1939 Model A Ford | bungalow thereon erected, situated between Coral Strezt and Ruby : Bes x : ® he orti Beverly Twin Market at 7 o'clock. | )
orough of Mount Joy, Common- Coupe, in very good running con- {in the Township of East Lamp ter, Street, in the City of Lancaster, Thursday, March 21—On th f he a: ms Dot Good Fri. Mar. 25, near 3, Joy] i
wealth of Pennsylvania: dition. Tires almost new, good |County of Lancaster, and State of Pa., having thereon erected a two} _ =“. —On the pre-| © “ e outdoors sought by the great | community sale of cows and hogs, Between Elizabethtown and Hershey
SECTION 1: That a tax be and|paint. Apply Norman Heisey Gar- | Pennsylvania, and bounded and de- (Story and mansard roof-d brick {uses In Manor twp., on the road | of small-game hunters of [by C.S. Frank and Bro. Sale at .
the same is hereby levied on all age, E. Main St., Mt. Joy. 3-21-tf | scribe as follows, to wit: | dwelling house, No. 676 COLUM- | from Washingtonboro to Cresswell, the Untied States. Without a muti | 12:30 o'cloak, : Every Thursday Night
) property and occupations within NO. 1. BEGINNING at the | BIA AVENUE aforeseid, and oth- | one-fourth mile from the latter, er- ally benaticial relationship between Sat, Mar. 23, at Beverly Twin
the said Borough subject to taxation FOR SALE—Few Fundred bush-{Southeast corner thereof, an iron improvements. tire lot of household goods by Sue farmer and sportsman, all conserva- Market, 300 hogs, fruit in season. | Tq 0
for Borough purposes for the fiscal [els of barley at 68c per bu. Call lpin in the middle of a public a BOUNDED on the North by Co- Foo» Sus tion endeavor devoted 10 the in- | poultry, lot of baby chicks. Sale| prUIT, POULTRY, HARDWARE,
crease of upland game fails of its |at 12:30.
ete, =
year 1940, as follows: Mt. Joy 39-R-6. Samuel K. Nissly,

thence along in same by land of M.

lumbia Ave., on the East by pro-
Lancaster County, Pa., and known
Sat.. Apr. 6,
2 Beverly Twin PAINTS, BUTCHER

Tax rate for general Borough pur- Mt. Joy R. 2. Located 2'2 mi. north {Barbara Zook and Harry Frank |Ferty now or late of Elizabeth W. in prime object — the guarantee of
poss, tha sum of seven (7) mills on of Mt. Joy. 3-21-1t respectively, North thirty - bing | Groff, on the W:st by property Bild Sou PRESIDENT [sport to the general publie, Lg m a Fry, | 100.000 Baby Chicks Every Wesle
f ac ar of assess aluation: scrips. Aft rh a Fi | + late of ary Le ar . , also Known as No. 105 : : . | fruit, lot o aby hicks. Sale at | :
each dollar of assessed valuation: WANTED Woman or bo {degrees fifty-s:ven minutes West, | NOW OI late of Mary L. Lehman, SOUTH PRESIDENT Aare 2 It is true that the farmer has {19.39 ¢'clock. iby chic le aH G. K. WAGNER
tween the age of 25 and 40 years,
for gen:ral housework.
85, c/o M. B.,, Mount Joy
For other purposes as follows:-
Single persons (Not Property
Holders) $1.00 each
Married persons (Not Property

Write Box |!
Iseven and nine-tenths perches to |
an iron pin in said road, being
thirty-three fzet and eleven inches
{from Harry Frank’s frame house

on the South by a ten foot wide
common alley.
TOGETHER with and subject to
wall and alley rights as recorded

been the victim of the hoodlum type
of hunter, and it is up to organized
sportsmen to combat the evil of tres-
pass on cultivated lands.
3 BEGINNING at a poirt on Pre-i-
dent Avenue 114.218 feet, more or
less, North of the North-ast inter-
section of President
Sat., Apr. 20,
Market, afternoon
Sale at 12:30 o'clock. {
at Beverly Tovir |
and baby |

Holders) each FOR cize child's corner; thence by Purpart No. 2, |in Deed Book T, Vol. 26, Page 203. Avenues, thence Nort} and Watson | = Excessive clearing and grazing | Ascension Day Sale, Thurs, May |
making a total tax rate for all Bor-|orib and hich chair. Apply 131 iSouth fifty-six degrees and twenty Seized and taken in execution as |’ Ps, North alc ng Presi- | have, at times, worked to the injury |2, at Beverly Twin Market Aft r-
; ply : der.t Avenue 38.072 fezt, more or : y i wt: oo GETS REVENGE
ough purposes of Seven (7) Mills. [Frank St.. Mt. Joy. mar-21-1t-pd

minutes ten and forty-four
property of Marie W. Klebsch and
of the farmer through cutting down
less, tr

ncon and night sale. 300 hogs, 10,- |

5 SECTION 2: That any ordinance, | ——— - —- | hundredths perches to an iron pin; Henry P. Klebsch, with notice to 5 oe @ M4 fest wide common ai- the supply of helpful wildlife. The 000 baby chicks ducklings turkey | How a harrassed woman married
or part of ordinance, conflicting with] FOR RENT OR SALE: 5 room {South forty-seven degrees and fif- | Grorge S. Weidman and Fmma W. dey: thence Eastward along came drainage a Yas cinta poults, poultry, fruit raat the family of to save his life, but
this ordinance be and the same is|Bungaiow, all conveniences. in |teen minutes West four perch:s to | Weidman, real owners and terre | 97.53 feet move © less. to promertv Sores shat haved ee pee d the | dry goods, furniture, autos. Sale |when she. tle her husband took
hereby repealed insofar as the same [Landisville. Apply R. G. Buel Jan iron pin; and thence by land of | tenants. 3 1 2 Buckwalter; thence South | lowered po phish, ble z a from 12 noon to 11 p. m. | her over his knees. Now the court
\ affects this ordinance. Landisville. --21-1t-pd |Amos Zook North, eighty-two de- NO. 17 pong some 579207 feet. tore or wrecked the h di hd Decoration Day Sale, Thurs., May | has soothed the pains of her bruises
\ Adopted this 4th day of Marchi 0 = grees and fourteen minut:s East, ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, par- 108, Io property of Herbert Ll "roy . Opes 0 any Roe eT 130, at Beverly Twin Market, after- | Read this story 1 th March 31 t
A. D., 1940 FOR RENT—House, 6 rooms and [sixteen and six-tenths perches to [cel or tract of land, situated in the Shaub; thence: Westwardly along | °° well as dosiroying VASL SOWYCeS {noon ond night. 300 hogs, 150001; re f Sry mie ®
WM. E. HENDRIX, bath, Wood, St., Florin, Pa. Apply |the place of beginning. Township of Providence, County of S2me and through the middle of a | °f in fur, fish aud wil 1oWl. chicks, ducklings, "turkey | peg.
President of Council. Mervin Messick, Phcne Mt. Joy, CONTAINING sixty perch:s. Lancaster and State of Pennsylvania, or party wall between this Nas 5 wat galing in poults, poultry, fruit, implements, TheAmericanWeekly
7” Approved thic 15th day of March 905- fv 39: 2 mar-21-1t NO. 2. BEGINNING at an iron | bounded and described, %as follows ye mg and the _Shaub dwelling | 5¢¢ pests wou Be Jost were it not {dry goods. Sale from 12:30 to 11 The big magazine distributed
A. D., 1940. TTD Gath. a oT - |pin in a public road, said pin being |to wit:- (adjoining on the South 9753 fee, | for the given hy birds. Rodent Pp. with the
J. G. KEENER. FOR SALE: Choice line of thirty-four feet and eleven inches| EEGINNING at 4 in a line ViCre or less, to President Avenue pests are kept down by birds of | Thurs. July 4, afternoon and night
2 __ |Easter Flowers, at Grcenawalts |. : Gi at a post, In a ne .,.. .... Bodin tric » tee cole , i ent S00 | Balti A i
3121-1t Burgess, ‘aus. als lors. for Cn from the Northwest corner of |of land now or late of Hiram Peo- the place of beginning. prey. In certain areas the skunk, |sale at Beverly Twin Market. 200, altimore merican
a $2 2 Os es i ut Harry Frank's house and a corner ! ples; thence by the same, South Seized and taken in execution as | a heavy insect feeder and one of the Bogs, Zon hicks, poultry, iy On Sale at All Newsstands!
NOTICE TO VOTERS s. Divin Smith, Mt. or pd |of Purpart No. 1 hirein; thence | seventy-cight degrees West, fifty. Rroperty of Charles E. Johnson, |few enemies of burrowing grubs, is ~#oodls, furniture. Sale from
The Registrars for Permanent|— ~~ the same, South fifty-seven |eight and fifty-five hundredths per-| NO. 19 nighly important to agriculture. Oth- Bpollpn
Registration of Electors in Boroughs] ANNUAL MEETING: A meet- degrees fifty-three minutes West, | ches to a post on the South side of ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or vie OM
and Townships will sit at the below|ing of the Shareholders of the Mt. ten and forty-four hundredths |a public road and a corner of land of and, situated on the Nort Vermin ay De Vastly move Nelo. ?
mentioned Polling Places on the date !Joy Building & Loan Asso., will be perches to an iron pin; thence | now or late of Hiram Peoples thence’ of Fast Chestnut Street and U1. than HORNA 1 he Termes, °
designated: held in the Lobby of the First Na- continuing along the same, South on the South side of said road and North Plum Street. In ihe ty of The assembling of source-materi-
< 10:00 A. M. TO 10:00 P. M. Bank & Truce Co. Buy, on forty-eight degrees, ten minutes along land now or late of Samuel aforesaid, and having | 2! foF education, in schools and col-
tof (Eastern Standard Time) Wednesday, Apr. 3rd, ar 7:00 p. m. West four perches to an iron pin, | Book and Samuel Stoneroads, North (hoyeon erected a two-story brick leges, in the basic principles of con-
4 to receive new registrations, change [Shareholders are urged te attend. [3 corner of land of Amos Zook; forty-six degrees East, twenty-seven cra and dwelling house, No. 359 | Servation is the function of a com- . ’
nd of party enrollment and removal no- 3-14-3¢ | thence along the same, North forty- 2d perghiss to 3 post, an Fast Chestnut Street, bounded and { mittee established by the National 14 0g ale Sat P M Mar 23 40
1 tices for the Primary Election, April — a; one degrees fifty minutes West five orth Sixty-seven and one half de= decorihed as follows. to wit: wildlife federation. 9 . 9 ’
23. 1940. FOR RENT—8 room house with land nine-tenths perches to an iron | Brees East, twenty-five and eight BEGINNING ot the
; Voters who become of age on or[bath, heat and light at 103 West pin on the bank of ths Conestoga perches 02 post interscetion of East Chestnut and Perfect Percheron At 12:00 O'clock Sharp ot Beverly Twin Market, on Pike Fiom
y : S thle ates : bolv iver: e i a f Ids sa u road and on a line of the > 3 i
: before Ap 24 1940 > be lige Plain Bee a Jy. Annis Crema Rives Sine Oe og dn L ia Bont of he Philadel- North : Plum Stress; thence ex-| Twelve ler ding live stock judges Elizabethtown to Hershey
to register and cast their first vote|walt's Garage, W. Main St. ) 3 grees, He 1 tending nerthwardly along the West | recently collaoorated in setting
April 23, 1940. mar-14-2t | twenty-two minutes East sixteen | Phia and Reading Railroad, thence ij. of North Plum Street ninety| the Perch on standard
but Electors who are REGISTERED z and two hundred and fourteen |along said Railroad South siXty- (90) foct and n'ne (9) inches fo a fie Percheron stander? Jeponed 200 HOGS AND SHOATS
for need not heed this notice UNLESS| FOR SALE—-2 story frame |thousandths perches to an iron pin |Seven and one-half degrees East |g... (4) feet wide common alley: TH

building, 24 x 32", located at rear
of Lutheran Church property. Ap-
ply at Lutheran parsonage.
they Fave moved or desire to
change their party affiliation.
Anyone living in any Borough or

in the public road, the place of be-
ginning. Containing thirty-eight
and six hundred and twenty-cight
twelve perches to a post; thence a
division line separating this land
from land now or late of H. R.
agreed on medium size, short legs,
thick bodies, heavy bones, short,
straight backs, deep ribs, long, level
croup, heavy muscles, moderately
the nce extending along the South
«ide of said common alley West-
wardly thirty-cne (31) feet to lands

any Township in Lancaster County mar-14-2t-pd | thousandths perches. Heagy and Aaron Groff, South fif- row or late of Maria Bowman: 3
i ANY: at any of the below = gees Seized and taken in execution as | teen and one-half degrees East 4 extending by smd straight hocks, and reasonably long,
ed places on the day designated |, FOR SALE- 215 Story double property of Herbert Pontz. twelve and one-tenth perches 10, couthwa diy forty (40) fest d sloping pasterns. Such a horse has
> tee AF Fic. istration Office, Court|™ ick house. 7 rooms on each side, the place of Beginning. | eleven (11) inches: tnd thence and| jife, action and alertness, and he
or in the Regisita $y "“lwith all conveniences. Located at NO. 13 CONTAINING four acres andj } s; and thence East. ¢an turn around without breakin
House, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, ev-11o1" columbia Ave, Mt. Joy. B. F.! ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of| thirty-nine perches, ne: Lardy by lands now or of i 2
sv day up to and including March Yas : Gs thirty-nine perches, neat measure np, Bowman seven (7) feet a dl down a dozen hills of corn.
ery day up to and | Mate Peltor. 3-7-tf| land with a dweliing and other allowatices for. variation 7h they PY own 58 7) feet an The best that grow from Franklin, Lancaster and Dauphin Coun-
23, 1940 during office hours—38:00 a. - - buildings erected thereon, situate | needle along said Railroad track. 7; e (5) inches. and thenee con- H. Murry. Edgar F. Funk. auct ties. A real bunch for your Spring Sales. Don't miss this ss a
m. to 5:00 p. m. and Saturday 8:00] FOR SALE: 10 head of sucking| on the East side of Prince Street, Seized and taken in execution as ind ng hy said land now or late of | or ? hows : on’t miss this sale. AA
to 12 noon (Eastern Standard Time), nigs and 12 more by February 15.|betw:en Orange and Chestnut | property of Charles F. Hess. | Maria Rowman Southwardly forty- a ogs inoculated. Bring trucks and crates along. We have the kind
i ThA de 268 Varvin E. Garner, Route 1, Mt. Joy. | Streets, in the City of Lancaster, | [ne “wy feet and ten (10 inches | Thursday, March 21—At his place | you are looking for. Also 4 Sets New Harness, Front Gears, Bridles
.ust Street—Thursday, March 21.|P: an-18- ari! mn as : VO. 1 {more or lees, to the North side of finese ¢ ve sual lar aliors, Siraps 4
Locust Stresi~ Toysdey Maze Pa. jan-18-tf being known as No. 119 North N 1. A ag ri Bee po 0 fie North side of of business at Rheems, usual large | Halters, Straps, Hardware, Fruit, Dry Goods, Apples, Poultry, and
Elizabethtown—Friendly Fire Co, ee = Prince Street, bounded and de- o. 1. ALL A CERTAIN ; Chestnut Street: thence ex- Spring Al sale of live stock, farm | Fresh Meats
wr. Hall—Tuesday, March 19. . Pole Bone Los bs scribed as follows, to wit: lot of tnd with thie 2-siory brick Hans i, he North side of Basil hi > d far " li b gids
Manheim Boro—Property of Wm. [sale at reasonable prices, along Wo. BEGINNING at a point in th? dwelling house therecn erected, iestnut Street Eastwardly twenty- an SUDD 158 y = oo . . 3
So H. Gibble. W. High Street—Thurs- Note Suet Pr Ardy Ja East side of North Prine Street, | Situated on the North side of ia (23) feet and seven (7) in-|Reist Mummau. Watch for ihs ad. 5 GOOD COAL BABY CHICK BROODERS it
, I arch 21. Musser, a-14-1 So Ini > of z leat 2 '| West New Street, between Market ches to the place of beginning. — / ; 'e sale everv Te :
dey, Mosh Bol Chamber, Cen- Ww fhe middle Hoy fet ang i pnd Prince eo io Ae City and POUNDED on the North i said! Thursday, Mar. 21—On the road Ve Riso have sale Syery Thursday Night for all kinds of goods and
ANTED Your next roll of}inc Provale S Lancaster. Pa. and four (4) feet wide common alley; on Sans eB. ad | poultry. We also receive lots of chicks and are booking orders every

tral Hall—Monday, March 18.
: ... [ilms, = 25 cents ¢ c Te
Mount Joy Boro—Friendshio Fire 1 send 25 cents and get 8 Velvet

mar-21-1t | West Donegal St., Mt. Joy. jan-18-tf

undersigned, ted > :
thereto are requested to make im- Phone 929-R-16,
i ay se having xine
mediate payment. and those having] “WANTED, Men or women for
ime or dems 5 ains same : :
cloims or demands against the “room or board in private home, all

premises hereby described and the
premises adjoining on the North;
th- same Southward, seventeen and
seven-tenths feet to a point, a cor-
thence along the sams, Northward
seventeen and fifty-five hundredths
feet to the place of b:ginning.
BOUNDED on the North by pro-
County of
numbered 35 WEST NEW STREET
‘+t of land being in the middle of
the party wall between the herein
described premises and the
ices adjoining on the Wrst.
BOUNDED the North
on by the

the South bv East Chestaut Street: | leading from Washingtonboro to
nicce of land situate in the City of | the borough limits, Mt. Joy, on the
I ancaster, Pennsylvania, having|road leading to the Mt. Joy ceme-

North Marshal. St,
of Fast Orange St
with the Sonth ‘
with the South 23—On
Haven Street,
5 Saturday, the |
hne eet, in the
City of Lancaster aforesaid, extend. | Premises at 31


week. Get your orders in at once so we can arrange to have the Chicks,

: Waxed Prints and free enlargement bsnl : . 2 > ji i .
3 Co. Blde., N. Market Street—Friday, cotrans. Our 2st vear in Ar thence Eastwardly in a line in the CONTAINING in front on the on we F st bv North Plum Street: | Cresswell, one-fourth mile from the Ducklings and Turkey Poults, when you want them. All breeds. We
March 22. 0 Capital City Photo Service, Box 53,| middle of the said alley and. in the North side of West New Street 19 nnd % {He Wer by lands now or latter, in Manor Township, full line | have more orders booked now for this time of the new year than .We
Mountville—Fire lg, Pa. may-19-tf | middle of the party wall over the {feet 1 inch, more or liss and ex- ae of Mar’a Bowman. : { of household goods by Sue H. Mur- | ayer had other vears this Iv 7 a
dev. March 20. - said ally, a distance of one hun- tending in depth of that width Seized and taken in execution as'yy Funk, Auct. i= : i SI Years LNS gariy. The terms for above are cash.
REGISTRATION COMMISSION IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR |dred and twenty-three and five | Northward 8412 feet, more or less, | the property of Paul H. Wirth and] ” ? If any one has anything to sell, bring it to our sales. We sell for cash
G. Graybill Diehm, SELL REAL ESTATE—That’'s my | hundredths feet to a point in line {10 a 10 feet wide common alley Else J. Wirth. . 5 i and pay cash. Don’t miss these sales. There is always something sold
| H. R. Metzler, business. Have farms, dwellings, | of property of Dombach and Bis- from Princz to Market | NO. 20 Copd Friday, March 22—Afternoon you need. :
i Fred W. Wagner. business places, etc. B. F. Peffler,|gsinger Motor Company; thence by Street. The East line of the said| ALL THAT CERTAIN Iot or| nd evening, on the premises at

ve v FOR SALE: During next two Ail, eer: ins 7 J
ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE ner of the said adjoining property, | described premises and the prem- |thcreon erected a 2% story brick] te hh : Waener & Voele, A
f : ato reeks: Pr. 1 es 12 yrs : : 3 5 J: ei $C 0 «2 K | tery big annual comn ty sale 5 ogle, Aucts. ne
Estate of John G. Eberle, late Ae Pr ae 2.0 iT znd thence further by the same] !9CS adjoining on the East, and the dwell’'ng house. known as No. 546 | Cir J Thiviog Te ; gr gi of 2 . ag rr
Mount Joy, deceased. : .d/ments, Feeders Dosis Stoves, | Westward, one hundred and twen- | West line thereof being in the | FAST ORANGE STREET, bounded SOWS, Savy ciness nu
Letters of administration on said. , S, ooder tv three & five hundredths feet | middle of a 2 feet 10 inches wide { and deceribed as follows: merchandise, ete., by C. S. Frank
: b wanted to cap; and other articles. Roy ty-three and five hundredths leet as follows: i I
estate haivng been grante dobted|G. Heisey, R. D. 3 Elizabethtown, | to North Prinee Street a foresaid; | common alley and party wall BFGINNING AT A POINT in,and Bro. B I C S A E
all persons indebte above the same between th» herein | the inf~rsection of the West line of



will present them without deloyconveniences. Apply W. M. M,, P.O. | perty now or late of Fannie Hol- aforesaid 10 feet wide common al- | ing along the South line of said East | Mt. Joy, household goods, by Mrs. dersigned will offer at public sale at his farm
for settlement Io 1 er S77 Box 85, Mt. Joy. 3-7-3t| on the East and South by ley; on the East by property of Orange Street West 22 feet 7% in-|Philip Greiner, C. S. Frank, Auct at Granville, Mifflin County, Pa., the following:
residing in Mount Joy, Pepa, I TTT tor ty of Dombach d Bissing- | Abraham L. Ranck; on the South | ches to a point in a line of land|g
CORA S. EBERLE, FOR SALE: 16 ft. closed hay Property. 9. omba an by. Wes Ne ; Street: and on the re oy 1: J A a 2s of lanC|Sgle at 1 p. m. FOUR BLACK
WITMER EBERLE, flats. on low down wagon, rubber er Motor Company, and on the |bV est New ret; and on e now or late of D. Claire Lefever: a
Ir 058, PIN Wem gi W:st by North Prince Street, West by property of Charles thence bv the same South, through Ww Perche HORS
in BE. McCollough Ir : jes. D3 dot OF 4¢ | aforesaid. Uhland. | the middle of the division wall be-| Saturday, March 23—On the pre- ron
A ay rh 1 200-0] 0 Seized and taken in execution as| No. 2. ALL THAT tween the dwelling erected on the|mises in the village of Maytown, a | No. 1-JOVE, a Registered Stallion coming 4 yrs., a
# : — | NEW Brick ater - alls, wi _ | lot or piece of land situated on the herein described nremises and dwelling sn SOW viv very promisi i ovker. rv 17 v
rn hen 7 S, Y €s an the: we > se. > re- . YO( ) r, m Zl
2 sp oR [SEY a Hoy W Rep ab property of I= Moka ye ae East ot South Arn Street. bee | dwelling now of Yate of hy 4 bs rick dwelling house, store ware hh ] ker. ny 12 yr. old boy
ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI ate Roof. Most Modern itchen | tice to R. am 3 uto Supply utl ia] ne |e g now or late the said house and other improvements by 5 -GRAY MARE, coming 8 yrs.,
Estate of Oscar S. Sheetz, late of and Bath. Just Built. Corner lot. | Company, now R. and G. Supply | tween East King and ester Clarie Lefev er. 151 feet 6 inches to Annie © Heistond, solo heir of J Yor hid 1.600 heavy in foal, tame and gentle. No.
Mount Joy Township, deceased. Positively going to sell at a big| Company, Inc, real owner and Streets, in the City of Lancaster, la 10 feet wide alley, thence East} Annie Stand, £0le neir or Jonn RE c 6 vrs.. weighs 1,400 lbs, works any-
Letters of Administration on said loss. Act quickly. B. F. Peffler,|terre tenant. Pennsylvania, having thereon er slong eid alley 2 feet 7% inches H. Shank and Martha S. Shank. C.| . No 4 _GELDING, 14 yrs., a good worker,
estate having been granted to the realtor, 53 W. Donegal St., Mt. Joy. NO. 14 ected a 3-story brick dwelling | to the West line of North Marshall|B. Epler, auct. | 1 ~eighs 1.600 lbs.
d = indebted| 3-7-tf . house krown as No. 39 SOUTH | Street: thence along the West line |
undersigned, all persons >
thereto are requested to make im-

: those having EXCELLENT STORE PROPERTY {and tract of land with dwelling, coribed as follows: | the Flace of Beginning. :
Te Pe Te vex Mount Joy for rent. Central | barn and other farm buildings and © CONTAINING in front on the] Seized and taken in exccution zs [USES in Manor Twp, at Central Pure Bred & Registered Holstein Friesian
will present them without delay Nal Make Sires, met
settlement to the undersigned, of First Nationa an and Trust
3 Elias S. Sheetz, io and diagonally across the street
Mount Joy, Pa. frm the Post Office. Used as a
Mary S. Bradley, dry goods and grocery store for the
R. D. 2 Mount Joy. Pa., Past 27 years. First floor is 35x90

improvements thereon erected,
situated in Colerain township, Lan-
caster County, Pa., on and along
tha Octoraro Creek forming the
boundary line between Lancaster
and Chester Counties, and adjoin-
bounded and de-
East side of said South Ann Street,
17 feet 6 inches, and extending in
depth of that width Eastwar ly 109
fect. more or less. to property now
or late of Sau: L. Solomon. The
line forming the Southern bound-

| property of Elizabeth Thomas Rorer.
thereof North 151 6 inches to
Thursday March 28—On the pre
Manor, 2 miles south of Mountville,
NO. livestock and farm implements by
ALI, THAT CERTAIN tract of |A. B. Kilheffer. Ed. Funk, Auct.
land situated on the North side of ed |
th~ Old Road. in East Saturday, March 30—On the pre- |



. and Bangs accredited; 12 Cows in Milk, 3
and 5 Yearling Heifers, 5 females under
This is an exceptionally
. The herd sire a 3 vr. old, good enough
ntle; His sire,

r service.

cae Also second floor and basement. | 8. 0 uns | Lampeter fo ds el Zins Te
John L. Hamaker Administrators poo about Feb. 15. Apply to Be mn Coe 8 Gry extending through the midds Ccunty, Pa., having thereon ervect- en New Haven street, Mount , who was a WwW De ay a
gon Ly ! §.22._6t First National Bank and Trust Com- | cide Hayes Permock. and Samuel of a 9 inches wide party wal. ! ff {oi a stucco and other jJoy, entire lot of household goods at 2 vrs. 5 mos. 14 dos. The dam a daughie
ney or Mt. Joy. feb-1-tf Whiteside, ’ thereof lying on tha remiss heres improvements. bounded and de- |by Mrs. Grant Marshall. C.S. Frank, | 2 Burke Jewel Or msby, brother to King Bess >
PUBLIC SALE CONTAINING 129 acres, 74 per- jn desing sd 3 rg oi follows, to Win Auct. | Pieterje, the twice All American Bull. Here
MT. JOY BOROUGH RESIDENCE |ches more or less, and being form- i F180 140" line forming BEGINNING at a point s from show dams with good production; a
ATT E N TION Tt a ore es residence of Loonda €. Lamborn 3 e he fi; snd Se v ouiends Cld Philadelphia Road Soturdet. March 30-On the! » suit the most critical buyer.
STAY \T and being the same premises de- |. he orthern boundary <Xienas g.,thwest corner tt yr = cows good enough to show. 2nd and 3rd prize
SATURDAY, MARCH 30th, 1940
Two and One-Half Story Frame
| |Hot Water Heat, Property Recently
Remodeled Inside, R:-painted and
Repapered, Large Front and Side
For one of these fine
1937 Chev. Panel $295

Lot 50 ft.x180 ft.
on Rear Alley.


scribed in mortgage given by
Lancaster, Pa, in Mortgage Book
No. 190, page 306.
cutrix of the
Lamborn, deceased, mortgagor, and
Annie F. Lamborn, Eth:! E. Lam-
Benjamin L. Lamborn, devisees,
terre tenants and real owners.

through the middie of a 2 feet 6
inches wide allev extending Fast-

the middl> of the same, half there-
of lying on the premises h
described and the other half lyi:

Ann Street; on the North by pro-
perty now or late of I. K. Umble;
now or
the South by

Pr pry am.
extending along premises at 225 Marietta Avenue,

row or late of Annie W. Hutton;
thence North 80 degrees 130 min-
utes, West, 41 ft. and 5 in. to a
etc., by Thomas H. and May Mar-
shall Price. Sale at 3:30 p. m.,, C.

Saturday, April 6—On the pre-|
to a point in th» Old Philadelphia |
mises on the road leading from
Road: snd thence in and alone the |
nd 8 inches to the places of Be- | oq, gy Metzler. 1:00 P. M. Dupes

| ale Saturday, March 30th, 1940 st by property now cor : io de | ; : ’
1932 Chev.1,T Panel $159 Bale A ye born. Marguerite R. Lamborn and jon the East by nropert) caid Old Philadelphia Road, South|Mt. Joy to Manheim, near Erisman’s 54 t ’
2 at 3:30 P. M. on the premises. Orn lat= of Saul L. Soloman; and On gy jagree- 130 minutes East, 43 feet, Church, household goods by Mrs. MARCH 75th, 1940, at I JCLOCR-

Fair Canada Bred. Real
- L 1 3 » Ae 3 5 on «
i Lambo late of Err Ban > de- | in the Borough of Mt. Joy, story in th The young stock are some
[| 7 Rooms and Bath, Commodious | Leon C. Lamborn to Clarence M.| ; from said South Ann S Si West. 173 feet and 8 inches i+ Ny aa how and br :
Sav nev by Trading Now ||Dwelling House, Composition Ro ¢ | Ortlip, dated June 8, 1918 and re- | wardly from i n rate] over ass West, 173 fect and b Inches frame house, lot 50 ft. by 180 ft. show prospects and promising producers. If in need
ave money DY ading | ling Ilouse, Lomp Oh ded in the Ri der’'s Offi t and the party wah erecie VET | {oc an iron pin in a line of property
corded in the Recorder's ce a {hot water heat, hardwood floors,
of good Holsteins, don’t miss this sale.

hes. Hardwcod Fl . Lar Seizzd and taken in execution as es: "on the es, V Ls J ! ; Save. Shoo Seine 7 i .
| De : Wig veh Most property of Anna A. Lamborn, also Ne ig Preiss On 16s gg n lands ow or S38 > Jase |S Frank, Auct. i a Co ES
a : i j z - | North. : : , I. Fieming; thence Sout c= | a ye ; .
| [Desirable Location. known as Annie E Lamborn exe: | on the West by South | joe Fast) 173 feet and 6 inches Also CHICKENS, HARNESS, FARM MACHINERY,
ETC. Terms of sale:
paying discount.
2% Don't forget the date and time of sale—MONDAY,
Credit to 8 mos. purchaser

MAY MARSHALL PRICE, late of Emma Dinkelberg. Tine
Owners. NO. 15 No. 3. ALL THAT CERTAIN ° ized and taken in execution a Auct. erie ie Of vad 3 : 3
. . oa Asani . ¢ . De a RT . red ar aken in eXxXecutuion 3a | Gran rille is 65 miles West of Harrisbu 3 55 miles
Wiggins Chev rolet Co. ca Fo Au. , 3-21-28 | ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of of land with 3-story brick property of Georgz E. Jones and, ’- i east of Altoona, on Route 103. Busses or PRR.
| T. Roberts Appel. Atty. 3-21-28 iland on the north:ast side of Rock- | jing house thereon erected, pocella E. Jones. | Turn useless articles about your | Trains at Lewistown every hour. Ten Cent ride to
og USED CAR LOT ! : : {land Street, northwest of Chester |, “ihe East sid> of President Ave. | | . og farm -
5205. PRINCE ST. LANC., Pa. || Stimulate your businessby adver in the Clty of Lanvaster, {North of Watson Avenue in Colon- | W. D. LEED | home lois cach. Advertise them 3 "EATS will be provided on the farm at reasonable
: He ‘| tising in the Bulletin. 1 Pa, with three two-story and man- |i.» Park, Lancaster Township, { Sheriff cur classified column. rates. No Fo foe Allowed.