The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 21, 1939, Image 8

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Girl Scouts
Hostesses To
On Monday

the Gl

entertained their
and several members of the Scout
Committee at a Christmas Party in
the Legion Home.
mother, a entertaining
gram was presented. It
group singing by
cordion numbers by Vera Eby,
exylophone selections by Pauline
Edwards and a violin solo by Ar
orget all your cares and worries . ..
each Scout introduced her
this day is for fun! "'Tis the Season to

the Scouts, ac- |
be Jolly" and also friendly, happy, joy-
ous and kind.

Warta. A very play
was presented by 3rown. |
Pauline Edwards, and |

What fun it is to look at the Christ-
Rachael Garber. The play
the fact that regardless of how much
wealth, rank or honor are
for love of a mother, th
this love far
one might
things. The sing
Carols by the entire
followed by dainty rei
hot chocolate
sacrificed |
mas tree . .. to see in its myriad lights
profits of
reward {
| and gleamings, reflections of activities
exceed any
receive from

that make Christmas the most enjoyable

eshments of
and cookies. Eacl
Scout corved her
new members, who had passed their
day of the year.
George Brown presented the
Tenderfoot test, with their pins and
Jean Zimmerman received her Sec-
ond Class pin. She isthe only Sec-
ond Class Scout in the troop.
You see mounds of presents, of wrap-
pings, of eager faces —you see a group
Everyone received a
Christmas tree favor
made by the
on the floor that turns out to be Dad and
About fifty-five people were pres-
Miss Elizabeth Heilig, Miss Paul- |
afine Heilig and Miss bildred Zink,
and assistants, deserve
and of credit for the work
x . . .
year, are doing with this group.
Son, enjoying the Christmas train.
see smiles and gladness, laughter, fun in
which every one joins. Relax and enjoy

a. nn
= Re
Let nothing y
Was born on
When we wer
(0 tidings of con
A blessed Ang
And unlo certair
How that in Bet
The Son of (i
Each other no
This holy tide ol
All other does
God Rest You
Merry, Gentlemen
God rest vou merrie, gentlemen,
Yemember Christ our Saviour
To save us all rom Satan’s pow’r
Comfort and joy,
O tidings of comfort and joy!
I'rom God our Heav'nly Father,
Brought tidings of the same:
Now to the Lord sing praises,
All you within this place,
And with true love and brotherhood
ou dismay,
Christmas Day,
¢ gone astray;
ifort and joy,
el came;
1 Shepherds
hlehem was born
wd by Name.
w embrace;
* Christmas



News in This
Kraybill’'s Mennonite Church
8:30 Sunday School
Mt. Joy Mennonite Church
9:00 Sunday School
7:30 Evangelistic sermon.
Donegal Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor
Church School 9:00.
Mount Joy Methodist Church
C. Lyle Thomas, Minister
9:30 a. m. Church School
7:00 P. M., Christmas Exercises
Church of God
Rev. G. F. Broske, Pastor
Sunday School at 9:30.
Morning Worship at 10:30
Evening Service, 7:30 p. m.
Prayer Service Wednesday even-
ing 7:30 p. m.
Church of Ged
Landisville, Pa.
Rev. Raymond Daihl, Pastor
Church School 9:15 A, M.
Morning Service 10:30 A, M.
C. E. Societies 6:45 P. M.
Evening service 7:30 P. M.
Zion Lutheran Church
Landisville, Penna,
Rev. William L. Ziegenfus, Pastor
Sunday, Dec. 17

N. Stauffer, Frank H. I
liam Weldon
Young, Marian Neiss, Mary Billow,
Earl Zink, Maris L. Anna Mae Eby. Ruth Gainor, Lou-

Gainor, Curtis IL. Reisch, Robert Rohert Pentzel, Rev.
Hostetter, Ellis H. Fellenabum, »nd Ezra Ranck, Barbara and
Christ Herr, Harry Beamenderfer, <, Winifred Latchford and
Daniel Will, Harv Greenawal and Mrs

Robert Hostetter.

Farl W. Mvers (who presided) Clin-
ton Eby, Arthur Sprecher, Walter
Eshleman, Abram Musser, Charles
Latchford, and Albert Piasecki |
see. )r”hth.. pppspp the Rotary

Rotary Club Meeting
eting of
was held on
The regular weekly

noon with thirty-one present.
e music committee had charge
the Merchants Division_ of the


Nancy Bashore, daughter of Mr. Th
and Mrs. Mark Bashore, of Eliza- & ‘he me with Mrs. Walter
bethtown, returned to her home §’ Be re g three piano selec- 4 . hy,
from the Lancaster General Hos- ff , nd also gave the history of Chamber of Commer
pita] after an avpendectomy. Nancy } as Music and lead the if ee

is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Heisey, of this place.
ree ttl A Aree: {
Samuel W. Shearer et al to Jay fi
T. Treadway and wife, premises in|
Mount Joy townshio for $400.
ward Christm xg -
be crippled children at he |W And get a Ticket with each
be given to the Boy: 32
a h
etl} Me [a a Harry Revare, PDUre age
Mr. Richard Heisey and Mis jd and
ba: guests were:
rrisburg; Frank K. Sener,
Irene Gutshall are spending twa ce Snavely, Jr., Lancaster; Floyd | 3
weeks in Blain, Perry County. | Jucher and Lieut. Robt. B. Heilig. |
g,0f Christmas Songs.
nt Jo
»utions were
given by





Shop at All Stores Cooperating with
fer, Mrs. Arthur Braun, Mrs. George
Sherk, Mrs.
Martin Strickler,
Doris Leedom,
Landis Charles,
Shirley Leedom,
Witmer, Barbara Ranck, Mildred
———- En em.
The pupils of the Grand View
School will present their Christmas
ber 22nd, at 7:30 p. m.
Come and spend the eevning with',
us and enjoy our songs, dialogue
Mr. Arthur J. 1.
the distribution of 49 cash prizes
ranging from $1 to $25. It’s a fact
Rohrer, Arlene Musser and Loraine P. M.
Sunday Services.
program on Friday evening, Decem-|Program.
and recitations. Everybody is wel- Night”,
An offering will be lifted.!young people of the Sunday Sq
te is the teacher.|Monday, Christmas Day.
ads and Christmas Carols. |
learn how you can participate in Wednesday J

= yourself . . . have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! REFRAIN: esr Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Elson
A N + raditional Xnghs arol. |Hauenstein, Superintendent.
ewrown ea tH ;
: Service, 7:30 P. M.
Te RN I IEE BANTEAY Th Dato A on a
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey KING'S DAUGHTER CLASS |EAST DONEGAL TO PRESENT y= Siste rhood Salonga Methodist Church
and son, Jimmie, of Mt. Joy visited| The King’s Daughter Bible Class THE FIFTH ANNUAL ain : 4 1 —~ 0 Our Card C. Lyle Thomas, Minister
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moore. [of the Church of God met at the CAROL SERVICE W 1 I X Ol | Pl KE A E H F | P i (From Page 1) 9:30 A. M., Church School
Mrs. Amos Sheaffer and son |home of Mrs. Lulu Stauffer where | The whual iearol Service of the if id 20 Sa 14 A - unison, “Joy To the World”; Scrip-} The Christmas exercises will be
Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Lester they held a covered dish social. Fast Donegal Township schools will i — mT Er 3 as et or ‘ure reading, Mrs. Kuhn; song, "0 held in conjunction with the Church
Scheaffer of Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs.| The class members presented he phesented this Thursday evening, ye F 11.1, : | I {OSE » Little Town of Bethlehem”, Lord’s|g.hool.
Irvin Witmer, Jr. and son, Jackie, ' their teacher, Mrs. Garth Snyder, December 21, at 8 P. M. in the = i The Week °rayer, unison; reading, by Mrs| 10:30 a, m. Morning Worship
Miss Pearl Geltmacher were Sun- |with an electric waffle iron. auditerium of the High School in 9 ~ - NEY Q yA OVE me © John Booth, entitled “Christmas
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin | Fairy Sister gifts were exchanged Maytown, Two hundred voites will hd Cl IRIS | M LRN I IA KE 1 S . | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rettew spent) pyerywhere”; reading, “Christmas| Reformed Mennonite Church
Witmer, Sr. find the teacher ols presented sac participate during the evening. The B the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Starlight”; by Mrs. Latchford; solo, Christian S. Nolt, Pastor
Mr. and Mrs. John Fogie, Jr., and | member with a sift groups that will perform on the i rn R | Hoffmaster. Sy Mrs. Witmer, entitled, “The In- Landisville, Pa.
daughter, Anna May of Mountville, A very enjoyable evening TR Cb are te Senior High Schoo! The Christmas Season is rapidly approaching and plans are RN Mr. and Mrs, James Neal and|fant Jesus”; Song, “Silent Night” Sunday, December 24, 1939
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. had by all present that included: [Bred Corus, The Junior High being made 0 agoin distribute ba skats to the less fortunate citizens # Mrs. Annie Zerphey spent Sunday|in unison. . There will be services at 10 o'clock’
John Fogie, Sr. {Mrs Mary Walker. Mrs: Lula Stat. See Che on the Grade of or rs rite : BR witth Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kolp at{ The reading of the minutes and}, ,, © ¢ er}
rs. Si ridy, Mr cob. re? a x Schoo Chorus the Elementary [yg ©“ © EE on on t reports fr the various com-
Mrs Simon Eridy, » Jeeob fer, Mrs. Fanny Schaeffer, Mrs. |p i1ding in Maytown. Reverend Prior to last year, each church and organization did this char- Donegal. fhe ep from ¥ and a i
Minnich and Mr. Jacob Risser lI Rohrer, Mrs. Lillie Sauder, Miss |g: oT ee : C18 FOF; 10 “ast your, each hind Oi Mr. Reuben Shellenberger, Mari- mittee chairman Were given and ap» Trinity Lutheran Church
Maytown called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilma Faton. Mrs. Sah act ly Tenge the St. Joys ¥ itable work individually with the result that a number of duplica- Betta Street, spent Sunday at Lan- oroved, at which time the ladies Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor
Clayton Risser. man, Mrs. Harry Tyson, Miss Anna een Ny 3 hy Te : hions caster as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. lecided to give the Bo 9:30 A. M. Sunday School.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shenk, Mr. | Hoffer, Mrs. Christ Charles, Miss I 44 attend PU. 1s Last year a general committee was organized to take charge PA Allen Weaver. i The next meeting will x » Se 10:45 A. M., Morning Worship.
Bape Shenk and Mrs. fini You's Betty Charles, Mrs. Garth Snyder, 1 rr ———— ¥ of this work collectively for the community and this arrangement Rn James Meyers, a freshman at oe hoe of Me Rey Zink the first 7.00 P. M., Christmas Program,
o incaster spent Sunday with Mr. fare. John Sliver, Mrs. Harry Leib, | HEADS FRUIT GROWERS ¥ worked out very satisfactorily. A committee has been appointed A Findlay College, Findlay, Ohio is in January, ives Sunday, December 24
and Mrs. Samuel Peiffer. ime. Taro, Gras Ce Pate) “ha ¥ front the Chamber: of Commetcailto Rave of the work this Bi. i : Vins Games were played and refresh-|~p istmas Day, December 25 3
: : Mrs. Harvey Stoner, Mrs. Daisy! J Carlton Schuldt. orchardist at from the Chamber nerce have 3 spending the Christmas vacation nee Mrs) :
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Resh, Mr. and Sprout, Mrs. Hurvey Hawthorne, irr ey x wi pe a year and they solicit your co-operation. ®' with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. ments Ser oe ln TS 6:30 A. M., Early Service. i
Ss ayt lisser calle: Mr. fe jine Mas > Homes, abe /n, y 2 : illia ric , . i arei- i nL
Mrs. Clay ton Ri er called on Mr. Mrs. G. F. Broske, Mrs. Eli Smeltz- |, .c elected ssident of the Lane- | Donations of groceries, vegetables, and fruits will be received A! Arthur Meyers, 15 Lumber Street. Suivi; Me we :
and Mrs. Nathan Brookhart of ] i : was elected president of the anc- | § onations of groceries, vegetables, a ults € ay | : ner, Mrs. Ezra Ranck, Mrs. Joseph Trinit Evangelical Congr tion
C 1 Sund fer, Mrs. Blanch Parson, Mrs. Har-|,cter County Fruit Growers at the American Legion Home (today), Thursday, December 21st | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heisey and Wit Mrs. S 1 Weaver, Mrs nity ge ongresa
ye > Su av. : ¢ y S SSO- c 1 an g Or ay), ursday, St, | 3 4 n 1 ig
Orpwa. on uh ay _.. {vey Dillman, Mrs. Mae Cover, Mrs. ciation at their annual meeting held i after 9:00 A. M EB Florence and Richard Dil-| "meh Yrs ante : on 1 rs Church i.
Mrs. John Fogie, Mrs. Irvin Wit- io" 1 Gaibe Mrs 5 y a VSN £3 Ns a : «1. | John Eberle, Miss Laura Kolp, Mrs | Rey, Clarence C. Reeder, Minister
Samuel Geibe, Mrs. Lizzie Witmy- |. Lancaster Thursday $x i linger spent Sunday at Elizabeth : ol
mer, Mrs. John Haines and Mrs.| =~. Alc: CH os ca JB joey. Will vou please assist in this good cause? es ey A Walter Greiner, Mrs. Earl Meyers SUNDAY: . |
ler Ir Alvin Sides, Mi Mae E y he f daugh
i . : te ler, Mrs. / Sides, Miss Mae nM G2 = > town visiting the former’s daugh- «Willi Weld Mrs Anns
Frank Nissly of Mt. Joy spe "| Shrener, Mrs. Mary Stover Mrs. ise 3 i ® ter, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bashore Ms, I iam econ, Aus. AMNEL 9:30 Sunday School
Tuesday at Lancaster. Mae Mye My : M nro Lind Pf Ths A REP SER PE TE RE RAR EPSPS TE TOPE REESE REPS MEIER | OT Te * |Newcomer, Mrs. Darvin Pennell] 10.30 Christmas Service
i Mae Myers, Mrs. Monroe Linde-| :
vad 5 mer kholder. | i | rt A nt pt 2 TT TI STAI TIE TIE A ATI IE AT I TIE I ATI 7 A ert rt 2 2 2 2 sa | Mrs. c +) isha "OCT:
Mr. and Bre, Elmer Burkholder, |, th, Mrs. Roy Hoffman, Mrs. | ye BE PE RE Oh Bl Sl GE GR OS BR Sl OR Gl EER BE GE RE BE GE QE ph Spr nS Sp SA Si SpE SR Mrs. Hazel Clemont Mrs. Parkel 7:30 Christmas Program. i
and son, Melvin of East Earl an Vern Sioler Mrs. Mis | Neiss, Miss Virginia Greenawalt |TUESDAY: a
Mr. and Mrs. Risser Strickler and | Frank Hershov. Mrs. Kate Berne Mrs. Frank Musser, Mrs. Eli 7.30 Young Peoples Meeting
daughters Joyce and Phoebe of |, | Gr nA 8 eX | zel, Mrs. Martin Gerber, Mrs. Abner|{ WEDNESDAY:
> wart, Miss Mae Zeller. | RY / ’ AX: a
New Providence were Sunday guests | HM bo 3 Hershey, Mrs. John Beamensderfer.| 4.15 Mission Band Pageant. oh
of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gainor. | (R / Mrs. Abram Musser, Mrs. Eli Eber- : . ig sls
Mr. rs id ag ae. of BUFFET LUNCHEON 3 sole, Mrs. Paul Stark, Mrs. Frank Drover snd
Lebanon, were Sunday guests of FOR U. B. CHURCH CHOIR 8 Watson, Mrs Howard Longenecker, First Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Derr. Last Sunday evening, after the i k Mrs. L. C. Sprecher, Mrs. John|gey. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor
reel eee. Presentation of a cantata in the Shank, Mrs. Harry Beamenderfer.] Church School, 9:30
USHERS LEAGUE | United Brethren Church, Rev. and Mrs. Charles Latchford, Mrs. Fannie Morning Worship and Sermon
ENTERTAINED { Mrs. Ezra Ranck and Mr. and Mrs. Runk, Mrs John Longenecker, Mrs.|19.30
i The Ushers League of the St | Robert Hostetter entert ined the 3 J Tacob Geltmacher, Mrs. Roy Sheaf- Evening Worship at 7:30 Christ-
Mark's United Brethren Church meibers of the choir at a buffet 4 fer, Mrs. Harry Leedom, Mrs. Harry], os Services by the Church School.
held their Christmas meeting at the ; luncheon at the pasonage. 3 Lines, Miss Elva Lines, Mrs. Harry The Pageant “The Holy Nativity”
home of Warren Bentzel on New | Those present were: Mr. and 3 Ney, Mrs. Marshall Gemberliing, li] be presented by the Members
Haven Street, Thursday. | Mrs. Warren Bentzel, Mr. and Mrs. x Mrs. Charles Barrick, Mrs. Roy|of the Church and the Church
gue had as their guest r Walter Greiner, Mr. and Mrs. Cur- 3% Zink, Mrs. Ezra Newcomer, Mrs. School.
Rev. J. Allen Ranck of Allentown, tis Reisch, A. N. Stauffer, H. N. a! Smeltzer, Mrs. Charles
a brother of the past Nissly, mond Nissly, Mr. and ¥! Wealand, and Mrs. John Booth. United Brethren Church, Florin, Pa.
After the busi Mrs. Jav Shirk. Betty Ann Doebler, Wl The visitors were: Mrs. Harvey]. Rev. I. W. Funk. Pastor
served a Juneh Janet Nissly, Evelyn Kuhn, Mir- 3 Miller, Maude Conrad, Miss Mae| g.390 A, M. Sunday School
Rev. Ezra H. Ranck I im Greider, Mary Hostetter. Mary W 8 Hinkle, Mrs. Galen Rohrer, Mrs.| 19.390 A. M. Morning Worship
Ranck, Fdward C. We Habecker, Jean Derr, Thelma Elmer Heisey, Mrs. Edna Eckner, 6:30 P. M. Intermediate and Sen-
Mrs. Harry Nissly, Mrs. Frank Hof- ior Societies.
7:15 P. M. Evening Worship.
Schneider, Mrs. Ed. Barto, Miss Ella Christmas Morning
6:30 A. M., Prayer and Praise
Weldon, service.
7:15 P. M., Christmas exercises
Cathrine Barrick, Helen Booth, Julia by Sunday School.
Prayer Meeting Thursday at 7:30

St. Mark’s United Brethren
Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor
9:00 a. m. Sunday School
9:30 a. m. Children’s Christ
6:30 p. m. Junior and Interm
te Christian Endeaver meeting
7:30 p. m., Pageant, “One
presented by a grou
6:30 a. m., Candlelight Servi]
7:30 p. m., Prayer Service. }

and there’s no catch {o it either.


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