The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 07, 1939, Image 8

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we —
ed wt e business his pro- | miles and gave employment to 59,-
The WEEK'S NE Chrysler Head :..' ri Sat
nL 2g (From page 1) { Rejoined “He plays golf aborminshly; His
URRENT EVENTS PHOTOGR APHED FOR arias Keller, one-time horse dealer. “Shortly after Chrysler left Gen- | plant is his playhouse. He is in his
“Keller graduated from Mount cral Motros, Keller became execu- | office at Detroit at 9 o'clock in the
~ J I i i N Joy High School in 1903 at the head vice-president of Chevrolet { morning and as soon as the mail is
j2 a class of five. Some of the de- but when Chrysler called him to cleared from his desk he is in the
tails of Keller's school life were lost cl h di 1 in tl :
AOE BOO vs- | shops s i Ss
| when fire destroyed the records of become general manager of Chrys | shops spen ing hours in the engin


standing candidate for the job.-—|with him in Detroit.”
Keller, who was then president of
the Dodge Company.
{ Rellman Company and helped pro-
{duce food choppers and other
household gadgets. Then there oc- |
curred an event in the Keller fam-'
ily that almost changed the destiny iosity, sometimes profane, he had |
f the industrial genius. handled the complete problem of the | City Shoe ring Co.

{the Mount Joy Schools, but former ler, Bele a or iene fhe | ering department—still following Bi .
y ZA ao associates well ‘recall the earnest Man Who A given him his start in; p; burning interest in mechanies. i :
: : ol} = the auto industr ya GA Se
= | youth who played baseball and led “wi Welto i ct 1 dl “He is married and the father of i
in class room activities. | ich iter irysler steppe two sons. His mother, the former ul 3 4 3
“Soon after his graduation, Koller 280 28 president of his company | © A Having purchased the stock of the well known,
vent to work regularly for the [OOF Yeurs ago, there was one out. | Carrie Thuma, Marietta, resides RY old established Firm
XY J 5
“Competent, full of studious elite |
We have lo offér, subject lo prior sale at ridiculously


| Joined Evangelists Dodge plant—sales, labor and al a low prices— \
father thousand other problems—in his | 30 SOUTH QUEEN S a : itn Tey ~
Holler father, menher of he unruffled stride. In Walter Chrys- | LANCAS” , PENNA. 4 ANDIRONS, FIRE SCREENS, GAS AND ELECTRIC
Mcunt Joy Methodist Church, was ler’ nk: thera Was loube ihe i ud
‘eeply impressed by a revival cam- bi SPER bi a ot wid 4 I'IRE PLACE LOGS MANTELS, BUILT IN
cond by Chapman and | =~ °° 5 SIA [CIN + Ni :
En So mad by g aE steer a motor giant which last year | Kid A al gt MEDICINE CABINETS with bevel plate glass Mirror
| er, g eVE 211Sts. r »
“So enthusiastic was the elder Kel- old $516,830.03 worth of automo- i fronts, TONS OF MIS SCELL ANEOUS TILE,

Clean Oui Acids


LAW—Photo shows un-
employed American Sea
men checking in for @
night's lodging at YMCA
New York. Shipping Pro-
hibited by repeal of em:


and other articles too numerous If inter-
ested list your wants and call carly while our stock is
Yar ag,
an interestj
ture made Sri
soldiers jn German
territory, The Pair are
shown with a large
can of Munich beer.
follow in the footsteps of the two
rreachers. Young Keller became
ccretary to the two evangelists and
:ccompanied them to England |
where, according to his friends, he
remained for about a year and a
ler that he decided his son shold |



or Bin Pa
| a ses the diuretic action of t! hie Doctor's 5 pre- |
scription Cystex helps the Kidneys cl u
at it’s best.


PR FR a FE RE TR FT i A PE FP SS Sp Tr Pi Su TU a Fo Fan 0)

claim, %
bargo act, they hal 7 Zeller ve eo Excess Acids. This plus the pailiativ ork of | %
E99 thom thelr jobs. half. Only Keller can tell why mey easily make you \
the life had no lure for his impetu- person in just a few days. Fr BR
I e 8 antee of money VY
ous nature. But he returned to the I |§ ° ®
Unite ates : got a i i itts— oh
United States and got a job in Pitts i Elizabethtown, Penna. Phone, 29R
burgh with the Westinghouse Elec- i
tric and Manufacturing Company.
“While he worked in the shops,
Keller continued his studies in a
school operated by the Westing- |
house Company. Y OU HAVE A FIRE
Continues Local Contacts

Tests of the energy content of grape-
fruit as part of ideal diet for footballers
are held in New York Insiitute of Die-
tetics Stan Spellman, Long Island
University star, locks on. It's touchdown
for Spellman for every two glasses of
Florida's famed juice.
Keller has never lost contact J ne di ical t e st Ss reve a !
with old-time friends in Mount Joy. ) PHO NE i 8 6 how thousands of WOMEN
. !
Some years ago when the Friend-
ip he So Rend a i mere cn HAVE BFEN
service truck, O. K. Snyder wiote
to Keller for some advice in select- YO U AR E R o B B BE D ABLE 10





3 ‘ng a machi ller replie ee | i
f 3 13 : % hill Sage Ke da Tee If you feel tired out, limp, listless, which your body uses directly for 2 fiy
44 days ‘ater with an olter io supply PH © N E moody, depres oo] your nerves energy to help build up more physi- 2] fa
i i 3 the chassis. are constantly on edge and you're cal resistance and thus help calm 4 cli
ts CE - ; osing your boy friends to more jittery nerves, lessen fermale func- fr
CORNHUSKING “CHAM? : 5 Records show that Keller made attractive, peppy women-—SNAP {ional distress and give you joyful ] re
3] 3 i: 7 . nN ine enercyv ths i to
Lawrence Pitzer, ny 2 Gi his entry into the automobile busi- soins {me oo oF i P! No ma likes a dull, ener sar reflected ic
v ana farmer. a IMPORTANT in {oq ness a8 works for Buick All you may need is a good reliable Over 1,000,000 women have re- i
w king © fas oday’s He was then 36 ye: old an > WwW tonic. If so, just try famous Lydia E. ported marvelous benefits from n
Sie Be by oulshucking i scheme ig bedice i} i x ears old and lok i © U A N Tr R E S u L Xr S Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Pinkham’s Compound. Results le:
huskers he national detail, For evening the hog the foremanship of one of tiie Chi- made especially for women. Let it shoald delight you! Telephone yourg {0
all others ee with @ Tou is apped” on f, cago Creat Western Railroad shops stimulate gastrie juices to help dru; ist sis Joy Son sortie: wi
finis! Ww om AT: A i J and assimilate more wholesome foo LL WO! NG. A
of 28.29 bushels ond ii to shoulders Waiter Chrysler called Keller PHONE 4 - 5 ; se
net to eves qr ‘The : , to
ty-mi ® gath- The best man behind a lathe’ and
of corn for an €ig ered at the shoulders, a : | Ei

ute session: : $ : | ing free, Skiry ig very full, 1 4 52 tome Vovrs Joy mi WANT | S
c om a retin THE BULLETI ADS. ||| Everybody, Everywhere, Reads ‘‘The Bulletin" cas

UNDERWATER ELECTRICIAN.—Frank Meier of College Point, N. Y., comes by his diving naturally I am a machinist by trade.
® for his father has been a deep water diver for many years. Frank is studying electrical engineering & _...}- "From the moment Kclier enter-1 Joy
== with the Internaticnal Correspondence Schools to prepare himself to do power plant repair work Fm —— —
—= under water, which calls for plenty of training. % =

Albert A. [1 Everybody [With thar
Greenawalt's | Protect Them
We want our many patrons and
friends to bear in mind that the
Bulletin is co-operating with Monnt
Joy and Florin merchants thereby
assisting in making possible the
giving away of $150 cash.

Trip To Florida oti
It is the urgent request of our
Chamber of Commerce that child-
| ren refrain from damaging in

The following was written by Mr.
Albert A. Greenawalt on his recent |
trip thru Florida:
any way, the trees and decora- Every patron for job printing,
tions placed on the street corners }!advertising or subscription, paying
My tour was one of observation as

well as intersting for me. The trip | of Main Street. an account or any portion thereof,
covered approximately a little more | Parents should impress upon | will receive a ticket for every fifty
than three thousand miles, concern- || children the fact that these | cents in cash paid us.
ing climatic conditions, and beau- | decorations serve a purpose dur- This ticket entitles you to parti-
tiful citrus groves, lakes, palm cocoa |} jo the Yule season. cipate in the distribution of the
groves are all ideal to behold. 1 Let's all protect them, forty-nine cash prizes to be given
being a tiller of the soil was mostly | away.
interested in that which grew out This order starts Saturday, De-
of the soil. Therefore I was glad to SURPRISE SHOWER GIVEN ember: 2nd.
visit Dr. Philips’ Citrus groves and ; COUPLE IN NEW HOME Remember, you don’t have to be
the Packing house, which includes | A surprise shower was held in| present to Win It sour rams Is
e thousand acres. honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradley | selected, you'll get the money, no
jtrus fruit is very plentiful such i; {hojy newly furnished home in {matter where you live- with one
grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, | nfaytown recently. =xception: We will not deliver your
cocoa nuts. The same apples Re‘reshments were served to the |cash to Germany at pres +.
Pennsylvania. I enjoyed this im- |, ollowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Bradley, Mrs, Robert Meads, daugh- | FOUR PERSONS INJUR
ter Julia, sons Jay and Kenneth, |IN AUTO CRASH SUN..

in contrast of the moral

nquency of the city and bathing
h whic tll the Devil's = len Ce
bh which I ctll the Devil's play Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheaffer and | Four persons were inju. me
ground or Modern Babylon laughter, Mary Jane, Mrs. Sherman | seriously, when a car in whic ey


I have not found a Dlace that I Shaoffer and son Harold, Mr. and | were riding overturned follow . { a
love like good old Lancaste
Pa. I want )
hound Bus lines
ervices such
Hlustrating the Special Six
4-Door Touring Sedan $876*

Mrs. Harry Borman and son, Mrs. | collision one mile west of East
. daughters, Leola and | Petersburg at 11:30 a. m. Sunday.
Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. The injured are: Daniel Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin ) sixty- four, Landisville, admitted to
€ P I
1 I found
a hurry
ra Ishler, Miss Ber-!St. Joseph's hospital in a serious
Miss Mary McKonley, Jo- | condition suffering a possible frac-
ess, safeness and cou

people nowhere as nn

bersole, Alvin Horst, all of | tured <kull
htown: Mr. and Mrs. Amos | Mrs. ce Christ, thirty-three,
+ and son, of Bel Air; Miss | Landisville,
ffer and Edward Rrandt, | pital suffering lacerations of the
y our busse
do every one
and right shoulder;
travel faster.
much good to take one trip to
admitted to the hos-



ALBERT A. GE REENAWALT f Geo. O'Connor, of | ac h husband, Edwin thirty-
NY and Mrs. Robert Kreid- | five, ator of one car, sprained
A friend is ne who W alls : of Marticvi 1 Donald Christ, five abra-
when the rest of the world walks A very wyable evening was | s of the left hand, were treated
: pent by all. Games were played jot the hospital
1 raved io Motor Policemar 3 w : a .
and prizes awarded to he Wises a 2 og re ose TAKE one look at a 1940 Pontiac and added room born of added length and \
| ANNOUNCE DAIRY i Ci travel on route 722 you'll know why motoring America width; an engine that works miracles with
| “SHORT COURSES land one t Abram B. Ear- acclaims it the style sensation of the year. everymileand every gallon of gas —quality
The 1940 dairy manufacturing | kart, « R. D. 2, which From that sparkling front-end with its #hrough and through! Here's a low-priced

nnsylvania ownship
January 8
February 17.
distinctive Silver Streak to the gracefully car that steps you right up into the head
moulded trunk, it's got whatittakesto be of the “class.” Better go see it today!
the Nations Number One Beauty. And
impact caused



Il over several |

{ Information may be obtained by | times, he said. Passing motorists |
Dr. C. D. Dahle who is
rge of the dairy manufactur-
ad v AND UP *delivered at Pontiac, Mich. Transpor-
matching that beauty is infinitely more tation based on rail rates, state and local taxes (if
thai you'd ever expect at a price so close any), optional equipment —white sidewall tires and
accessories—extra. Prices subject to change with-
ved the injured to the hos- |
Watch for Mount Joy and Florin's | to the lowest: a richand luxuriousinterior; out notice. General Motors terms to suit your purse.

lB —

ing short courses.
ee. ee ee CG Ae re

Subscribe for The Bulletin.
of Example is a powerful stimuiant, {veal Santa’ Claus. He is giving
con ane eee HASSINGER & RISSER a se i
jer capacity, er avior, and |
{ higher thoughts.