PAGE, =o Light Th at t Mu ia, er 5 = pr dN i! ul HR) A = AS TR Sn A EST MNS mn pe y much like an ange The was referred to Rocks ote i who desigr dt this year’ g came the answer of Bacl Mr. Ke “Have you ever seen an Help to Protect Your Home from Tuberculosis The angel? of an angel.” des sign is my Young Girls Waging Health Comeback at Sanatorium im is the om on . Seals are ena bling a TIE GAL I I IE HAPPY CHRISTMAS requir tubercu and ir starting them on n th er Christmas Soe Ti 1 ng mine HAY I berculosis 1s stil} reatest Killer of + and takes gign from m changed for mail no letter—send ated with the Christ be and Local Tuberculosls tions in the United States IBUY 3 CHRISTMAS SEALS An Early Buyer One of t ke first buyers of Christ- in this country was a little new vshoy in Philadelphia on the counter “Gimme one! and AAAANANR AA Designed by R mous artist, this pe the strength and r reads “Tuberculosis — J able are characteristic © > work. “Protect Your Home Christmas Seals Tuberculosis” is the theme and the | | HELP TO PROTECT YOUR HOME FROM TUBERCULQSIS outstretched arm is a symbol of that protection. — ot em ft | For Better or Worse By RAY HILL (McClure Syndicate.) WNU Service, L — $I IVE hundred dollars,” Barry Coleman was saying; ‘‘five hun- dred dollars—and, Titi, they're all ours!” He spread the bills fanlike in her lap. “Not bad, eh, dear?’ he went on. “‘Soon—a year or two more—and we'll have enough. Then . . .” Barry finished the thought with a kiss. Titi McArthur snuggled closer to him and unconsciously permitted one hand to sift through the money. She loved Barry dearly. And this , money—why, every bill was a mon- umental symbol of his sacrifice at the altar of his great love for her. “Oh, I'm so happy,” she mur- mured. “But why must we wait so long? Let's get married tomorrow”’ “We've waited one whole year,” he said. ‘Let's be patient till we { have enough to furnish our own i home and be able to: pay our own way." Gathering: the money Barry bundled it neatly into hand. “Keep this, Precious,” said, And now I'll run along. day tomorrow.” “Seems to me you've always got a busy day ahead,” said Jimmy, Titi’s brother, coming into the room. “Incidentally,” he continued, ‘just why do you work so hard and what's it get you? If you'd cash in on some of these tips I give you...” “Thanks, anyway,” Barry smiled; “I'm not a betting man.” “You could make yourself some easy dough,” Jimmy persisted. ‘Tomorrow, for instance, I happen to know it’s in the bag for Robin- son to win in the third. The odds will be terrific.” Long after Barry had gone Titi sat on her bed and counted the five hundred dollars. Her mind everlast- ingly jumped back to what Jimmy had said about Robinson. “Next morning as usual Jimmy read the sports pages at the break- fast table. ‘Too bad Barry won't go for some of my tips,” he said. “Es- pecially that one I gave him last night. This’ Robinson can’t lose. Pop Smith got that from Al New- man himself. Why, say, Pop even gave me the dope on playing the jockeys instead of the horses and I've cleaned up regularly ever since.” Over and over again Titi pictured Barry Coleman's struggle during the past year. And if Jimmy was right this money—this five hundred dollars—could be multiplied so quickly that their worries would be over. When she won they could be married right away. If shelost. . . Titi picked up the paper Jimmy had been reading. Racing Entries —the headline leaped from the sport page to catch her eye. She found herself looking for Robinson in the third race at each of the five tracks listed. Nowhere could she find a horse of that name. Suddenly she recalled Jimmy's remarks about betting on jockeys. She searched again. There, at Latonia in the third, Jockey W. Robinson was scheduled to ride a horse named Lover's Prayer! Lover's Prayer! The very name of the horse dispersed all further doubt. Forthwith she secured the money from her bureau drawer and was speeding to Pop Smith's cigar store on Second street. “I'm Jimmy McArthur’s sister,” she explained to Smith, “‘and I want to place a bet on Lover's Prayer in the third race at Latonia.” Smith cautioned Titi the borse didn’t have a chance to win. Then, when he learned the size of the bet he tried to have her play it across the board. “To win,” Titi insisted. “Okay, Lady,” Smith said. your funeral.” “Please don’t ever mention this to my brother.” When she had taken less than a dozen steps Titi realized she was becoming very weak at the knees. Dazedly she wandered into a motion picture house. It was five o’clock when the show ended. On the verge of collapse she rushed into Pop Smith’s. “Did I win?’ she fairly screamed. “Did you win?” that worthy re- | peated. “I'll say you won. What a cleanup! That nag ped $10.90. Here's your $5,450 . * * he “pg Titi was as nervous as when Barry called that night. “I've been so foolish, Barry,” she sobbed, as she told Barry the story, “but I do so want to get married right away.” Barry kissed her gently, “You're forgiven, sweetheart,” he suid, “‘and we'll get married tomorrew. Only e me that you'll wever bet a cat returning home from the stuck his hbad in the {door and “Glad you didn’t take me up on that tip, Barry, old | kid, or you'd have gone to the clean- | ers, too. That rat Robinson crossed | the boys and took a dive in the first j round tonight. Giltner never even { prize fight THE MOU! together | her | “then we'll both know it’s safe. | Got a busy | | hit him! Some Joke, ch boss?” ‘Joke nothing,” Barry srapp ved. “Get a glass of water quickly— Titi’s fainted!™ C. Gerberich { (From Page 1) the use of a room for group meet- ings of the Boys Club, a youths organization. The W. P. A. was granted the use of the gymnasium for a harmonica band and a basket i ball team. A local basketball team granted the use of the was also gymnasium. Tax Metzler reported $444.15 as his collections for Nov- amber. He was granted tax exon- erations of $492.45 for the 1938 tax The exeronerations were | collector duplicate. from town, persons receiving dup- | licate notices, etc. : vy] Metzler authorized to file liens in the count house before Dec- | | | | was 31 for unpaid property taxes | 1936 duplicate. Bill $941.27 were approved and payment ordered. The adjourned Sine die and another meeting immedia- | tely called the organization of | the new board. Mr. Clyde Gerberich 4 amounting to meeting was for was elected president and Mr, Al- | bert Seiler was elected vice pre- HA UMBE (Ladies | . sident, Mr. Zeller T JOY BULLETIN.-MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. both to serve for and Mr. Seiler tock THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 193% Se ai —— one year. their TIES SHIRTS SCARFS BELTS : HOSIERY \ GLOVES \BATH ROBES RUSPENDERS N\DKERCHIEFS MICKIE SAYS— | IF YOU WERE HIRIN' A SALESMAN, YOU'D WANT SOMEBODY 'AT LOOKED IMPORTANT N PACKED SOME GOOD OL PRESTIGE AND DIGNITY = SAME WAY \V/ ITH PRINTED SALES- MANSHIP, OR ADS = caused by deaths, residents moving | THEM'RE MORE, IMPORTANT IN QUR NEWSPAPER- SWEATERS Gents) 1 PIECE FRI SEE OUR STORE % Eshleman Brot Remember, Qur Tickets Are Ggod For The Bicycle As Well As The $150.00 in Cash. IN .BUSINESS AGAIN Mr. Clarence Herr on the Harrisburg pike Mcunt Joy and Florin, Mr. this station, You can get the Sunoco gas and oils here. Be certificates of election. | The board then adjourned. et GO Gp As has again taken charge of his service station between "their oath of office and presented Sam Ludwig is the exper- ienced mechanic now working at] new Blue UNIVERSAL This Christmas give an Under- wood Poriable every purse. 1 ticket with every account 25 E. Main St. Mt, Joy, 1 ticket with each 50c pu§chase Store Co-operating with Merch- ants § Division of the CHamber of Comnferce vO OD RORTABLE Kl G20 Typewriter... WHH CASE a model for | every purpose BUDGET at a price for TERMS 50c p&id on LESTER E. ROBERTS P NEURITES: Minutes i whiny both ONE YEAR OLD zelebrated her versary on Wednesday, 6. ee JAILED FOR COURT Omen Wagner, - A TR a rH ov i A YEAR LEE In Your Home > NT PLN ¥ BUSINE ES Rose Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Williams, of town, December of Bainbridge, | charged with assault with intent to EL Or [kill by his wife, was jailed for court first birthday anni- | following a hearing before Justice of the Peace I. Oliver Fry, of Bain- bridge, Tuesday. State Motor Police- | man Harry E. Fitzgerald, who made | the i threatened | i A ‘ROUND GIF” Co osts $2.00 A Month [4 An Extension Telephong only said Wagner his wife with a knife arrest, recently gun, nd a Subscribe for The Bulletin, ROTA I 1 c A Month # NTHRU OUR Nas ATE TE oi oF PP rr ~~ FLORIN PENNA. \ DiS = - — oa GIFTS FOR | |§ LUNCHEONMSETS | GROCERIES A [IZ is eee FATHER & SON RE IIL TE TERE Ts EERE RAE 7K 7, be TREAT OE TERT TEBE TE TT Rand PERRET TERETE OE TET; BRING YOUR = CHILDREN RE TO SEE = Tt09 P.M. And Will Visit All Stored, Co-operating With The Merchants Divigion Of The Chamber Of Commerce HE WILL HAVE GIFTS FOR THE KIDDIES Tie Santa Claus IN \ PERSON He Will Be in Town SATURDAY DEC. 9 FROM 2 to 4 P. M. i 69e to $1.19 SCARF And \ Flano Flour, 12 Ib. bag 34¢ Swans Dewn Baking TIES, HOSE, PAJAMAS © BATH ROBES SHIRTS 0 oar qb LIVING ROOM SETS | “Flour ........... 25¢ 5 ¥ Fancy Colored Tablecloths i MEN'S & BOY bn A 49¢ to $1.15 \ Donegal Coffee,. . .1b. 27¢ OYE 5 Sui i 3 : NF orney’s Favorite, Ib. 23¢ = ” i PILLOW CASES % a oasted Each Wesie JACKETS ¥ Snowy white linen % round as you buy it % 2 s 69¢ to $1.50 per Set BX Peaches, $2.98 and up i can jeg re De i FIP i 8 LINEN TABLE SETS | piers Asparagus | SNOW SUITS | | » tips and cuts wn Rie REASONABLY PRICED $1.69 to $5.95 fg 2 ¥ 2 CANS 23e Select them now le the next i : TOILET And FRANGQ AMERICAN gold spall" 8 | MANICURE SETS SPAGHETTI — 4 iY 25¢ & 50c 3 CANS 25¢ 2 nd Wy Srey Sox Shurfine Peas, fancy ige A A Very Colorful % a Bly TURKISH le 38 .arge Assortment of i ni BATHROOM SETS Js € Candies 5 8 _ AT ALL PRICES Jal 990, % Z3¢, 252 # LADIES’ Delicious Hel: i £1 SILK HMOUSECOATS Chocolates. . . . . ib. 380 " 2 ¥ $2.25 AN ASSORTMENT OF %& By A Perteet oi FRESH NUT MEATS | : hE TH >" Nand GAMES | ey HANDEKERCHIEFS AN EXCEPTIONAL LINE For all ages i ¥ For Ladies and Men—AIl colors | OF CHINESE STAR 2 25¢ & 49¢ VERY ATTRACTIVE CHECKERS 50c& $1 fs RNa — ieee eee T A % br » 5; # LAYS & GL A $5 A CONJPLETE LINE & SILK and 5 5 WOOL CHINA STORY, BOOKS & Pd SCARFS || GIFT PIECES and Cig-Outs £3 50¢ to $1 Se & 2 2 : THIS STORE CO-OPERATING WITH THE MOUNT JOY CHAMBER OF COMMER A A mn 2 THUR Se Re NEWS CHU THE CoN Kra 9:00, 10:04 Sunda; Thes 10 o'cl Re Sunday 9:30 Rev. Sunday Sung Hau Mornir Rev Chui Mor Even > Sune for Even Pray ing 7: School study. Evan ing ne United I 9:30 10:30 6:30 ior So men tc Meu c Thursd 7:00 our set 6:00 7:00 Monday Chilc poned 7:30 hold tl House. St. I Sunda 9:60 10:15 mon: © Free”. 6:20 meeting © 7:30