iTOWN 1igh St 24-R Sat, lanheim lL ne ri, KE] Joy EWA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1939 _———————————— CLASSIFIED Rates for this column are 25¢ per Insertion. If over five ltnes, 5¢ per ine each insertion, all payable in advance, NOTICE—The insurance in the Donegal and Conoy Fire Insurance | Company is now due and payable to the local agent, Mr, J. Harry Miller, East Donegal Street Mount Joy. If unpaid Nov. 1st your policy is sus- pended, 10-26-3t FOR SALE: Good single-barrel gun. Apply C. H. Eby North Bar- he St., Mount Joy. Phone 904- R-: Oct. 26-1t-p. LOST: 32x6 truck tire and wheel. Finder notify Anthony Pormell, Tunkhannock, Pa. Oct. 26-1t1p NEW GOLD PLATED: Free Dish unit, on display at H. B. Wittles Store, Florin. Get your coupons. Phone 908-R-5. Orders delivered. Oct. 26-1t-p. NICE FALLEN APPLES: Pick up what you want. Stayman, Rome, Delicious and Grimes at 20c per bu. Henry F. Garber, Phone Mt. Joy 919 R4 Oct. 26-1t LICENSED TAXIDERMIST: All work guaranteed, prices reasonable. Burnell. Buch, 227 South Orchard St., Manheim, Pa. Oct. 26- -5t FOR, SALE: Timothy, Clover, Al- falfa, Ray, car or truck load. Write H. D. Mead, Westfield, New York for prices. Oct. 26-2t GUNS FOR SALE — New and used. Located opposite Florin or- phanage at Cross Road cemetery. Elmer Rice, gunsmith, Florin. Religious News In This Community NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY. Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Church School 9:00. Church of God Rev. G. F. Broske, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30. Morning Worship at 10:30 Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer Service Wednesday even- ing 7:30 p. m. Church of the Brethren Florin Sunday School, 8:30 A. M. Evening Worship, 7:30 P. M. Rheems, Pa. Sunday School, 9:00 A. M. Morning Worship, 10:00 A. M. Green Tree Sunday School, 8:30 A. M. St. Elizabeth Mission E izabethtown, Pa. Rev. Wm. J. Watts, Pastor 21st Sunday After Trinity Oct, 12-3t-pd. PAPERHANGING: Prices reason- able. R. B. Boson, Route 1, Mt. Joy. Phone 907- “sw sept. 5- tf. Ive fen to drive a Néw Nash. R U" TRIMBLE, Elizabethtown. sept. 14-39-tf FOR SALE: Good used brick. Apply Jacob B. Strickler, Phone Mt. Joy 909-R-12. July -8-24-tf CUSTOM Cider Making Daily at Fairview Orchards, Florin. Elmer Snyder. Phone Mt. Joy 214-R-2. aug.23-tf ——————————————————————————— PEACHES: We will have York! County Peaches at our stand he- tween Florin and Meunt Joy. C. S. Frank & Bro. Aug. 24-tf w hv don’t vou trade your car jon a NEW NASH at TRIMBLES', El- izabe thtown. sept. 14- 39- tf FOR SALE: 2% story frame all conveniences, 2-car garage, lko- cated 325 East Main St., Mt. Joy. Apply Ira C. Mann, 37 M.,, Mt. Joy. 19--2-tf. WANTED — Your next roll of films, send 25 cents and get 8 Velyet Waxed Prints and free enlargement courans. Our 21st year in business. Capital City Photo Service, Box 53. Harrisburg, Pa. may-19-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Matilda Z. Landvater ate of Florin, Pa., deceased. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the bs Sf signed, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediat e payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersioned, re- siding »t P. O Box 183 Florin, Pa. JACOB R. LANDVATER, Adm. Willis G. Kndig, Att'y. Oct. 11-6t PUBLIC SALE — OF A— Decivable Property SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1939 The undersigned will sell at pub- lic sale, on Main Street in the Vil- lage of Florin Twa Lots of Ground Each 45%x200 feet, on one is erected Twn and One-half Story FRAVIE HOUSE. SLATE ROOF, Electric Lights and * Bath. This house could be mile into a double house with lit- tle expense, THREE GARAGES Chicken House, Hog Sty All the buildings are in good condition. A mimber of fruit trees and grape vines are on the premises. Any person wishing to view prop- erty prior to day of sale will please call on the undersigned. Sale to be held on the premises, Saturdav, November 4th, 1939, at 1:30 o'clock. when terms and condi- tions will b» made known bv JOHN D. BRUBAKER Dures, Auct. Zeller, Clerk Walter Claude PUBLIC SALE OF Desirable Residence Proverty SATURDAY, OQCTORER 28th, 1939 AT 2:00 O'CLOCK P. M. On the vremises in Salunga, East Hempfield Township, Lancaster Co., Pa, Int of Ground frontine 80 feet more or less on the South side of the Lancaster- Harris- burg State Highway, extending in depth 208 feet to 2 16 feet wide common alley. The imorovements are a Two and One-Half Story BRICK HOUSE laid out in convenient rooms ® with 211 modern conven- FRAME BANK BARN AND jences: | Sermon. "| Sunday, October 29. Thursday: Sunday: p. m. program: — Illustrated Lecture by, 8:00 A. M. Morning Prayer and Mt, Joy Methodist Church C. Lyle Thomas, Minister 9:30 A. M., Church School. 7:30 Evening Worship with Dr. Galloway Tyson as speaker. Salunga Methodist Church C. Lyle Thomas, Minister October 29. Church School. Sunday, 9:30 A. M, and Church. Zion Lutheran Church Landisville, Penna, Rev. William L. Ziegenfus, Pastor Sunday, October 29, 1939 Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Elson Hauenstein, Superintendent. 7:30 P. M, Vesper service. First Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church Scheol, 9:30. Morning Worship and Sermon 10:30. _ Evening Worship and Sermon, Kraybill's Mennonite 1:00, Sunday School. Mount Joy— 9:00, Sunday School. 7:15, Song Service. 7:45, Sermon. Friday Evening— 7:15, Sunday Meeting. 8:00, Bible Study. Church School Workers: Evangelical Congregational Church Rev. Clarence C. Reeder, Minister. Sunday, October 29, 1939. 9:30 Sunday School. 10:30 Morning Worship. 7:30 Evening Worship. Monday—7:30, Choir Rehearsal; Tuesday—Young People’s Hallowe’- Trinity en party at parsonage; Wednesday —4:15, Mission Band; 7:30, Prayer and Praise Service; Thursday— Ladies’ Eible Class Hallowe'en party at parsonage; Friday—Mis- sion Band Hallowe'en party at the parsonage. Trinity Lutheran Church ev. W. L. Koder, Pastor Sunday, October 29 9:30 A. M. Sunday School. 10:45 A. M., Morning Worship. 6:00 P. M.—Senior Luther League. 7:00 P. M.—Vespers. Monday afternoon: 4:00 P. M. Children of the church. Wednesday: 7:30 P. M. Church Council at the parsonage. Meeting of the Ladies Aid Society. St. Mark’s United Brethren » Rev. Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor Sunday School 9:00 a. m. Morning Worship 10:15 a. m. Christian Endeavor meetings 6:30 World Missions Advancement Day Pastor | Rally Day observed with a bined servine mith Sunday Srhool AX “THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, Moun LEADERSHIP TRAINING SCHOOL'S FIRST SESSION On October 30, at seven o'clock in the evening, the Mount Joy Com- munity Leadership Training School will have its first session. The school is meeting early on its first evening, so that the pupils will be able to complete their registration. Classes will begin at seven-thirty. The school will be held in the Mt. Joy United Brethren Church. Four courses are being offered at this school: “Ways of Teaching,” which Rev. Ezra Ranck will teach; ‘Guiding The Religious Growth of Primary Children,” which Miss June Smith will teach; “How To Find and Use Source Materials For Juniors,” of which Miss Anna E. Reese, will be the teacher; and “Guiding Youth’s Approach To Religion,” of which Rev. Alfred L. Creager is the teacher. This is the first year of this Community Training School and the administration is anxious to have it succeed. All persons who have not registered, or who would be interested in becoming a student are urged to see Rev. C. L. Thomas, the Dean, or any of the Sunday School Superintendents or Minis- ters. ! If you want a notice ot your sale inserted in this register weekly from now until day of sale. ABSOLUTE- LY FREE, send or phone us your sale date and when you are ready, let us print your bills. That's the cheapest advertising you can get. Saturday, October 28 — On the premises at 116 East Front Street, Marietta, large lot of household goods by Margaret Brenner. Geo. S. Vogle, Auctioneer. 28—On the a lot of are erected a bank barn, garage, te, by Simon N. Hertzler, execu- tor of the estate of Katie B. Hertz- ler, deceased. C. S. Frank, auct. See advertisement, Saturday, October nremises in Salunga, ground on which rick house, Saturday, November 4-—On the oremises in the village of Florin, two lots of ground on one of which are erected a frame house, three garages, etc., by John D. Brubaker. Dupes, auct. See advertisement. Saturday, Nov. 11—On the prem- ‘ses in Rapho township, 2% miles north of Mount Joy and 4 miles west of Manheim between the Manheim road, between the Man- hzim road and the Back Run road, ~ntire lot of household goods and a few shares of stock by Irvin W. Bricker and Ira M. Bricker and Tra M. Bricker, executors of Amos Bricker deceased. C. S. Frank, auct. Saturday, Nov. 25—On the pre- mises in Rapho township about 2} miles north of Mount Joy and 4 miles west of Manheim, between ‘he Manheim Road and the Back Run road, 4 horses, 6 cows, bull, chickens and entire lot of farm im- olements by Irvin W. Bricker, Ira M. Bricker, executors of Amos Bricker, deceased and Irvin W. Bricker. C. S. Frank, auct. Saturday, December 2—On the nremises on Chocolate Avenue, Florin, real estate and personal property. Modern home at valu- able location, by Mrs. Annie Lutz. EE RALLY DAY Rally Day will be observed in the Church of God this coming Sunday morning, October 29 at 9:30 a. m. The program to be presented will be: Opening Hymn, School; Pray- er, Dr. A. P. Stover; Reading of Lesson and Comments, Mr. Shatto, Superintendent; Hymn, School; Sunday School Offering and Mark- ing of Attendance; Song, Children; Trombone Solo, Jay Barnhart; Trio, Mrs. Mumper, Mrs. Brosks and Mrs. Divet; Regular Church Offer- ing: Rally Day Address, Dr. F. R. Weller, Elizabethtown College; Presentation of Gifts; Anthem, by the Choir; Report of Secretary; Hymn, School; Benediction, Rev. G. F. Broske. 21st Sunday after Trinity 9:15 A. M. Church School. 10:30 A. M. Evensong, admission service and sermon, in charge of the Young Peoples Fellowship. GARAGE. a ood condition Rev. Chester 0. Goodman, Hum-|Wednesday—Nov. 1, All Saints Day a gi Boi a location is| melstown, 7.30 p. m. 7:30 A. M. Holy Eucharist. gate Wednesday: 6:30 P. M. Choir Rehearsal. ox Je to he held on the premises.| po. Service 7:30 p. m. 7:30 P. M. St. Mary’s Guild. Sat urda ¥ Oct co T5098 2% Official Board meeting 8:30 p. m.|Thursday, Nov. 2, All Soul’s Day. P. M. when CO Thursday: 7:30 A. M. Holy Eucharist. known by SIMON N. HERTZLER Sisterhood Bible Class meeting at Friday, Nov. 3 Executor of the estate of Katie B.| home of Mrs. Earl Myers, 7:30 p. m.| 6:15 P. M. Junior Acolytes. Herézler. deceased. Saturday, Nov. 4: Cc S. Frank, Auct. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Isaac R. Herr, Att'y. Oct. 12-3t. Rev. Wm, J. Watts 5 P. M. to 8 P. M. Oyster Supper, in Church basement. i Sale Register! NT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. ! [REF Mortuary Record In This Section (From page 1) Lititz; Bertha, at home; Eva, wife of Arthur Bingeman; Beulah, wife of Irvin Stoner; Leah, wife of Leon Irvin; Ella, wife of Elam Ginder, and Adam, all of Manheim. Also a sister, Mrs. Thomas Nagle of Myerstown; 31 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. The funeral will be held this afternoon at the Mount Hope Church of the Brethren. Mrs. Sadie F. Aston Mrs. Sadie F. Aston, seventy-two, widow of B. Frank Aston, died at 4:30 Monday at her home in Sal- unga. She was a member of the Salunga Mennonite Church. She was a daughter of the late John and Mary Brubaker Weidman. She was the last of her family and is survived only by nieces and nep- hews, The funeral will be held form the Salunga Mennonite Church this af- ternoon at two o'clock with inter- ment in the cemetery adjoining. | ! william Diffenderfer William T. Diffenderfer, fifty-six, of 36 Fairview avenue, formerly of 304 East Main street, Lancaster General Hospital follow- ing an illness of two months. He was born in Lancaster, the son of the late Samuel and Eliza- beth Stiffe] Diffenderfer and was a resident of our boro for twenty-five vears. He was a member of the White Cross Lodge, No. 354, Nights of Pythias of Altoona. He is survived by his wife, who was May Reinhard, and the fol- lowing children: S. Fred, of Lan- caster; W. Gibney, of town; and Mary E, at home; also two broth- ers, Harry S., of East St. Louis, Ill., Walter C., of Harrisburg; sister, and one Edna, wife of Israel Rohrer, of Lancaster. The funeral was held from the home of his son, Gibney, 31 South Market street, Sunday afternoon with interment in the Mount Joy cemetery. Our Card Basket For The Waek (From page 1) has returned to her home after spending a few days with her sis- ter, Mrs. Fanny Runk, of town. Mr. Wesley Curgan, of Philadel- phia, a former resident here, was in town on Thursday, he was ac- companied by his son, J. H. Cur- gan, with whom he resides. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hoffer and children, Kenneth, Charlotte, and Joyce, of Manheim, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Esh- leman, on South Barbara St. SALUNGA Mrs. Annie Peifer spent Saturday afternoon and evening with her son, Paul and family of Mount Joy. On Sunday, Mrs. Peifer was enter- tained by her daughter, Mrs. Amos Newcomer, Mount Joy, R-2. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peifer were entertained Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harrold at Spring Grove, York County. The Ten Mile Inn, York County, was sold at Public Sale Saturday ! afternoon at a fair price by Edith C. Peifer for the estate of Mabel B. Norris. Mrs. Winfree Nelson Neal of Berwyn, Md. her father, Dr. J. S. Kendig. Nelson spent Sunday also with the Kendig family returning to Berwyn | and are visiting | Mr. | son, ~~ CRI THANK-OFFERING SERVICE The Women’s Missionary Society of Trinity Lutheran Church will hold a Thank-Offering Service in the Church on Sunday evening, November 12th at seven o'clock. Miss Rebecca Greist, a returned Missionary, will speak on China. —— Gere in the evening. | ANNUAL INGATHERING The annual ingathering of the! local branch of the Needle Work | Guild of America, will be held at | the American Legion Home Wednesday and Thursday, Novem- ber 8th and Sth. —— 0 SECOND GROWTH OF APPLES Mrs. Felker, Frank Street, town, on | brought to this office a limb from a apple tree, bearing the second | growth of fruit this season. J died at the | | jailed him: | much if you will kindly give me per- | mission to come to Claremont so I | can attend movies once in a while. | to money. | the pitiful plight of an Iowan who is | his clerking job because handling $5 | daughter, Evelyn and Mr. Warren Auchenbach of Reading were Sun- day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Risser. Mr. and Mrs. York, visited Mr. Shenk. Mrs. Emma Givens and son, Rob- ert, Mr. and Mrs. William Givens and daughters of Middletown, Mr, and Mrs. John Gingrich of Florin, Samuel Snyder of and Mrs. Samuel Mrs. Violet Shenabrook and son, Gordon, of Columbia, Mrs. Ida Eis! rice Frysinger and daughter, Eve-! lyn, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moore, Miss Grace Gamber of Manheim, | spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Abram Gamber. Mrs. John Haines, Mrs. Ray My- ers and son, Marlyn of Mt. Joy, vis-| ited ‘Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Sherrick, of Middletown. | © Preaching services will be held by Rev. Harold Peiffer Sunday! evening at 7 o'clock. Miss Helen Tate of York, spent Thursday with Miss Vera Haines. | Mrs. Bernard Parola of Fhiladel-| spent Sunday with her par- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fogie, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Fogie and daughter, Anna May of Mountville, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Fogie, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brandt and daughters, Helen and Miriam and son, Richard, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koser of Schaefferstown. Mr. and Mrs. Risser Strickler of New Providence were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maris Gainor. phia, ents, | { Breneman, Past Week (From page 1) of the Peace H. B. Wittel the past | week were: Arthur Butt Morgan | Jr., by Penna. Motor Police L. A. | Mazakas, for improper passing; also | The Affairs | John Felizzie, of Philadelphia by | Penna Motor Police, E. B. Keller | for speeding. { Mr. and Mrs, John E. Eshleman entertained the following guests on enberger of Kinderhook, Mrs. O. K. | Sunday: Dr. and Mrs. Forest Wel- Greenawalt and daughters, Ida and ler and children, Forestine and Virginia of Mount Joy. Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers and sons, David, Robert and | Richard and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton | Miss Floy Miss | Orpha Echleman, of Lancaster and’ Mr. Robert F. Eshelman of Allen- town. Royer, rties will public sale, on Nov. ' 4th, the Rev. John D. Brubaker, nd on Dec. 2nd Mrs. Annie Lutz property on Chocolate avenue. The Florin Grammar School won several prizes at the Farm Show for Penmanship, 3rd; drawing, Ist; Project, 2nd. Two valuable be put up at town pro the Farmers who want Safety zone signs may seiure them from Thomas Stohler, George Sillers, Wesley Wittle and Ray Lupold of Mt. Joy and Chas. Vogel at Florin. ———a————— GIRL SCOUT FOOD SALE The local Girl Scout troop will hold a food sale on Saturday morn- ing, October 28, starting at 9:30 a. m., in the O. M. Donavan building, on East Main Street. Delicious pies, cakes, potato salad, candies, and baked beans will be on sale. Remember the date and please patronize the Girl Scouts, a most Mr. and Mrs. John Schupp of Lebanon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan- iel Derr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brandt and daughter, June Marie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Slesser of Elizabethtown. tll em Bonnie Blue Flag The Bonnie Blue flag was made of silk by the ladies of Jackson, Miss., and is said to have inspired the famous battle song of that name. The flag was presented tc W. S. Barry, president of the con- vention that adopted the ordinance of secession in the house of repre- sentatives at Jackson, Miss., Janu- ary 9, 1861. It had a white ground with magnolia trees in the center; a blue field in the upper left-hand corner with a star in the center. It was finished with a red border with red fringe at the extremity of the flag. American Eagle The American eagle, sometimes known as the bald eagle, is no more bereft of hirsute adornment than the Seven Sutherland Sisters. He mere- ly has white feathers on his head which makes him look bald from a distance. The American eagle has many characteristics which make him a particularly fitting national bird. In the first place, he is the only eagle peculiar to this country. Then, too, the American eagle not known to leave our continent ex- cept to the nearby Siberian coast opposite Alaska. is All the Comforts of Jail A prisoner sentenced to the county farm near Claremont, N. H., pon- dered long on the limitations of his new abode. There was no adequate entertainment. Finally a solution came to him, a simple one. He sat down and penned the following to Judge Albert D. Leahy, who had “You will favor me very Hoping this will meet with your ap- proval, I thank you.”’ The judge’s re- ply demonstrated the solution was too simple. Allergic to Money Money, seemingly, is allergic to a great many men. But rare, indeed, is it to find a man who is allergic But such a man has been found. Iowa unemployment compen- sation officials recently described allergic to money. He had to quit and $10 bills caused his hands to break out in a rash. Airline Hostesses Girls who want to be airline host- esses, and can meet the qualifi | tions, may expect salarie from $85 to $135 a n penses while away worthy organization. —————— SAUER KRAUT SUPPER The Hi-Gem Class of the Metho- dist Church will hold a sauer kraut cupper from 5 to 7 p. m. in the | basement of the church on Satur- dav, October 28. For a real Lancaster County sup- per attend this affair. etl © Ee The United Zion children will hold a Lovefeast at Sporting Hill Saturday evening. Everybody is husking six acres of corn which he intends feeding to his 32 hogs and then expects to retire. He does | paper advertising. FEEDING 32 HEAD HOGS not know yet where he’ will reside, Newtown Isaac B. Breneman, Manheim, R-2 | but has had a number of offers. . at the age of 74, is almost through Ye Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Rhoads and At Florin For There is no better way to boo! invited to attend. Only 25c¢ Pe Dozer APPLE SPECIAL Grimes Golden, Staman Winesap, : Roman Beauty, York Imperial, Baldwin 10- to $1. 00 Per Bushel wiching nice J Anyone at 20c¢ per bushel E. MELHORN WORLD'S FAIR JUBILEE EXCURSION. Sunday, October 29 Take advantage of this final Sunda excursion train direc! ic the Fair be fora it closes. A* this low tare Fair Admission — 5 or Adul ye. for ch dren-—can be purchased with railicod SPECIAL THROUGH COACH TRAIN $3.35 ROUND TRIP MOUNT JOY to NEW YORK Properiicnofe fares from other poinfs Children 5 i» 12 half-foro Elizabethtown .. Lv. Mount Joy . Lv. Lancaster “es Ar. New York (Penna. Sta.) . & : Ar. World's Fair Sta... «+. ¢ 4 + 10: RETURNING, Lv. World's Fair Sta. Lv.New York (Penna. Sta.) Tickets may be purchased in advance and at all sta- tions 11% hours prior fo train time Sunday morning, GRAND MARDI GRAS WEEK at the FAIR October 23 to 29, inclusive Children's Circus Parade, Shows and Fireworks. Special Gershwin Memorial Program at Swing Mardi Gras Casino. Consult Agents for further details. Lv. “rt From Pennsylvenia Stas tion, New York, to World's Fair Station, 10¢ addition- al each way. apples—cheap—may pick up select windfalls MOUNT JOY FES survey by the U. S. tion disclosed last we the small number e time, there are freq in this field because r girls marry after a co | short time on the job | | A i CONVENTION AT HERSHEY | The Women's Missionary Society | of the Lancaster Conference will hold their convention Hershey with Holy Trinity Lutheran | Church as host, with all Sessions held at the Community House. at The BULLETIN MOUNT JOY