PAGE SIX a THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1939 GAVE A CONCERT Maytown—A concert will be verses about the raindrops. It see given by the direction of E Ww. [to take drops of BUY YOUR MEATS WITH CONFIDENCE AT A & P STORES \ 4 CITY DRESSED FRESH Picnics ! Ib 1. CHUCK ROAST 23 WHOLE OR SHANK HALF FRESH HAM FELIN'S STRATFIELD PURE PORK SAUSAGE FELIN’S COUNTRY STYLE SCRAPPLE SLICED Ib 28 2 Ibs 26c SPICED HAM Ib 1 ie SUNNYFIELD IMPROVED FLAVOR SLICED BACON © rk 2§e Cellophane Wrapped The poets used to write beautiful The Motor gasoline poured "Gerth, in Maytown Center Square |into the automobile tank to enthuse VY hi | Sunday evening, at 8:30 o'clock. | the Present. e IC e P. U. C. POINTS OUT TRUCK ACT CHANGE Persons who knowingly use un- certified truckers are guilty of a misdemeanor and are subject to a S h fine, the Public Utility Commission ! trengt warn:zd today. This has been the law since September 1, 1939, ef- fective date of an amendment made to the Public Utility Law at the Legislative scssion of 1939. The amendment provides that shippers who knowingly and wil- fully, or otherwise fraudulently seek to evade or defeat truck reg- ulation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction subject to a fine of $50 for the first and not more than $100 for any subsequent offense. The amendment in question is pointed out by the commission to k The “motor vchicle strength” of the warring nations of Europe is 3 shown in a statistical study made public by the leystone Automobile 81 A compasison of moter vehicle registrations in warring countries | with those of New York, Pennsyl- vania, Ohio, New Jersey and Mary- discloses that these five States 1,300,760 more vehicles—cars trucks—than France, Germany, 5 Poland, England, Northern Ireland, # Scotland and Wales. Pennsylvania has 160,266 more 0 | shoppers throughout the Common- motor vehicles than Germany, weultlt in order that thev: mav nok while the combined total of New y y subject themselves to penalties for viclation of the public utility law by employing truckers without cer- tificated rights. ® York, Ohio and Maryland exceeds i by 184,110 the registrations of both Bf the British Isles and France. Now Hl Jersey’s total is more than 20 times } the number of vehicles in Poland. On the sidelines, Russia has the % amazingly small number of 85,418 automobilzs and 587,534 trucks for the accommodation of a population in excess of 170,000,000. i Following is the Club's tabulation, #@ based on U. S. Department of Com- = merce statistics. “Total registra- § tion” includes passenger vehicles, fl buses, trucks and Dissel units: Industrial Booklet On Penna. Ready Harrisburg.—The State Depart- ment of Commerce began distribu- Skinless Fillets of COD 2 lbs 29¢ Cherrystone or Medium Clams 100-79c doy 12¢ Cooked and Peeled lb 29¢ Shrimp Butterfish 2 [bs 19¢ Fresh Fresh Regular White Crab Meat lb 29¢ lbs 6&3 gunnyfield 2 Ibs. 6c print Butter THIS IS NATIONAL WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK WEEK Whitehouse Evaporated Milk Accepted by The American Medical Association's Council on Foods. Tall e Approved by Good Housekeeping Cans Bureau. Made Sold & Guaranteed hs by A & P. N PAGE SALAD DRESSING wr §@e wt AG ut Be Sparkle Desserts &P Fancy = Tub | Butter ANN PAGE Macaroni rw A ke Ge Serve Hot or Ccld COCOMALT La 23e UE 43 Agp U NSweet GRAPEFRU © JUICE 4:28, — Sunnyfield Pancake Flour pkgée A & P Soft Twist Bread Ig. sliced loaf 8e Sunnyfield Wheat and pkg 5e Rice Puffs Quick Cooking or Regular Mother’s Oats 2 pkgs 17e¢ A & P Whole Pesied o. 2, oe in 15 ria 59. 2 pkgs 23¢ Apricots Can Rennet Powders Junket fRunnyfield Oats Beechnut and Red Men Tobaces 2g pkgs 25¢ Silver Dust 5: Soap Powder pkg21ie 69 ars C lge pkg 18¢€ Octagon Soap Chips pkg 21¢ Octaaon Toilet Soap Light House Cleanse® 3 cans idc With purchase of Ige. Snow get a Ige. cake of Ivory Soap for 1e With purchase cf 3 cakes at regular price you get 1 cake Jergen’s Soap for 1e cake §e box Ivory U.S. Ho, 250 cre io, zoos ah NEW py POTATOES 15-33 California BRUSSEL SPROUTS ..°. 15¢ S. No. 1 SWEET POTATOES 6 Ibs 19¢ Seedless or | Ib 6¢ lge head 19e TOKAY GRAPES Snow White Caulifiower California Valencia Oranges 288’s dozen 19e€ a ——— Sept. 23 These prices effective through close of business Sat., ALY pkgs 10 tion of a booklet graphically por- Total Population | {als pt i | Country Regist'n Popu’n per Vehicle traying Pennsylvania's varied in- | Germany 1816,200 77.028433 42] dustrial advantages in specific France 2.251.300 41.905.168 17 .Fngland ~~ 2,076,869 38173950 18] terms. | N. Ireland 51.516 1,279,753 25] Within the next month approxi- < 3.98 1a 19000 % mately 50,000 copies will have been Poland 44300 34.769,450 784( placed upon desks of businessmen Registrations in the five States which far surpass those of the war- ring nations are: Pennsylvania, 1,976,466; New Jersey, 1,000,684; Maryland, 395,347; New York, 2,- 584.123; Ohio, 1,870,249. The population per vehicle in these States ranges from 4 in Ohio to 5.9 in Pennsylvania. throughout the country, Secretary of Commerce Richard P. Brown announced. The booklet is being sent direct to key executives of thousands of industries in this and other states, citing advantages for the location here of a new business or a new plant, and the rich eastern market of which Pennsylvania iz SY the center. EEMS The first copies are being sent RH to 556 newspapers. Other copies will go tomore than 1100 banks, Mr. and Mrs. Reuber Emenheiser | 1500 businessmen’s associations, 325 visited with friends in York county | Chambers of Commerce in Penn- n Wednesday. sylvania, public utility companies, Mr. and Mrs. Elder Gibbons and [railway industrial agents, (rade ‘family attended a church conven- |journals, librarics, colleges, Penn- ion on Sunday which was held in |[sylvania members of Congress, erry County. members of the Legislature, and Mr. and Mrs. Allin Ober visited | 8thér persons in key places in in- with Mrs, Lizzie Brandt at Man- | dustrial, financial, commercial and 1eim on Sunday afternoon. public life. Misses Elizabeth and Kathryn { Thirty-nine manufacturing indus- | Gebhart, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. | tries in which Pennsylvania holds Noah Gebhart of this place, spent | first rank in the nation, are listed. he week end with friends at Mount | Showing that Pennsylvania's 10,- Joy. 000,000 population has a ready Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Zimmerman | market at the doorstep of incoming family and Mrs. Harry Gish, | industries, the Department's book- visited with friends near Goods |let announces there are 140 pro- hurch on Sunday afternoon. ducts used in larger quartities in Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bechtold en- | Pennsylvania than are manufactur- ‘ertained to a doggie roastin honor {ed in this State. This excess con- f their daughter, Nancy. The fol- | sumption, the Departments reports, lowing friends helped czlebrate the | amounts to more than $1,200,000,000 occasion: Jean and Dorothy My- |a year. Production within the ers, Jean Sipling, Martha Jane and | State in quantities large enough 10 Anna Mae Sipling, Mary and Mir- | meet Pennsylvania’s demand, the iam Shelly, Doris Murphy, Betty | Department estimates, would pro- Pyle, Jane Leedom, Jeanett: and |vide jobs for more than 150,000 Thelma Heisey, Richard Miller, |additional wage earners. Patsy and Jean Murphy. As other advantages which Penn- Mrs. Annie Enterline is spending |sylvania offers to industry, the several days this week with Dr. |booklet cites: and Mrs. Dorsey Butterbaugh at| An ample supply of highly skil- lizabethtown, led and unskilled labor. Mr. and Mrs. Phares Brandt Available industrial sites, ideally called on Rev. and Mrs. John Bru- |located, with ample water supply ibaker at Florin. and abundant low-cost power. Mrs. Harry Longenecker and Vast supplies of raw materials daughter and Mrs. Elmer Hoover |and fuel, almost at the factory spent Saturday morning at Lan- |door. caster, Convenient distribution to large | DS Wi markets within twenty-four hours’ OFFICERS ARE ELECTED delivery distance, with rapid trans- BY BAINBRIDGE CLASS portation by rail, highway, water | The Senior Class of the Bain- |or air. bridge High School elected the| Unexcelled banking facilities and following officers to serve for the | favorable insurance rates. 1939-1940 term: President, Robert! Attractive residential areas, and Wilhelm; vice president, Albert!numerous entertainment and recrea- Garban; secretary Verna Sipling [tional centers. and treasurer, Edith Good. Moderate living costs and out- The patrol officers elected are: |standing development of public Captain, Joseph Eshleman and jhealth, education and culture. Lieutenant, Elwood Raber. The; Favorable real estate tax rates, guards elected for two weeks are |below the average of many large Helen Gutshall, Yvonne Campbell, | industrial centers in other states. Donald Huggins, Edward Fitzkee | No general sales tax and no per- ,and Robert Wilhelm. sond] income tax. | TT sw A State administration endeavor- THEY MADE US LIE ing to increase employment, en- | In last week's issue we copied an | courage industry, and reduce the ,article headed “Concerning Ficti- [cost of government. tious Expens:s” from a Lancaster| In preparation for inquiries re- |paper, taking it for granted, that |sulting from distribution of the was correct. | booklet, the Department during the It stated Solon V. Barr, of this {summer months has made an in- |boro, former senior interviewer of | ventory of what the various cities |the office, etc.” Mr. Barr informed and boroughs have to offer incom- jus that the word “former” was |ing industries. The inventory lists 'superfluous. We are pleased to say | available sites and buildngs, trans- Ihe capably fills the position at pre- | portation facilities, labor and water sent. supply, tax rates, school and hous- Ape: ing accommodations, and other de- Many accidents take place in the |tails to provide an immediate an- homes, though the people arent in |swer to specific inquiries regarding i 1 | i i | i { i | i i i I { i RULES BAD TIRES OFF J EASIEST CREDIT IN I YOU'VE EVER HAD ON ANY ROAD you the the quickest non-skid stope you've ever had! UST look at the new kind of tire that Goodrich engineers have perfected to ; provide you with greater non-skid —greater 4 And here’s more safety that you get —at safety, comfort and relaxation when you're < no extra cost—when you ride on the new driving over wet, slippery roads. * Goodrich Silvertown Tires. It’s the famous Note the specially designed tread. It’s % Golden Ply that has already given thou- broader, flatter, deeper —gives you maxi- sands real protection against the dangers ot mum contact with the road. It’s called the = high-speed blow-outs. We are really con- Life-Saver Tread because that’s whatitis— > vinced that Goodrich Silvertowns are “the a life-saver! Those never-ending spiral bars ; safest things on wheels.” But before we ask you see, sweep across the road like a rapid- { you to decide on Silvertowns we ask you'to fire battery of windshield wipers—dry the -. ride on Silvertowns surface under your tires as you drive—give ~~ Come in today. IMAGINE! THE AMAZING LIFE-SAVER TREAD SWEEPS WET ROADS SO DRY YOU CAN ACTUALLY LIGHT A MATCH ON THE TRACK IT LEAVES! FOR SAFETY TOMORROW GET SILVERTOWNS TODAY QUICK EASY CREDIT TO EVERYONE Are Your Tires me Legal? SEPT. 1, 1939 Replace Worn Tires Now With SAFE NEW GOODRICH TIRES THE ROAD TOWN ACTS LIKE A RAPID-FIRE BATTERY OF WINDSHIELD WIPERS — Sweeps the water right and left —forces it out through deep drainage grooves —makes a DRY TRACK y for the rubber to grip. Sas Silvertown LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY TREAD SKID BLOW-0UT PROTECTION PROTECTION I 414 Locust St., Coluinbia Phone 299 Open Evenings Till 9 P. M. E. GARBER 208 E. Main St., Mt. Joy | Phone 222 Open Evenings Till 9:30 P. M. 50TH ANNUAL CONV ENTION | LETTERS GRANTED enrolled at Elizabe LANCASTER CO. C. E. U. B. Frank Greider. October 12-14 are the dates set | ministrator of Elizabeth R. Greider [the for the fiftieth annual convention [late of Mount Joy. of the Lancaster County Christian Mary Orendorf auditorium Hemperly, of | Jane Withers, of to in Covenant United Brethren Church | W. Orendorf, at Lancaster. ship. late of Conoy town- Harmon There will be an all-day session thruout the convention for which |DESTROYS SLOT MACHINE a very interesting program has been prepared. Warren A Shirk at White Oak. He tuition. He wants recovered $8.26 from the machine. |inarian. The money was turned over to the An effort will be made to reg- ister 1500 delegates. ——ll Ee Many women are studying parlia- | county treasurer. mentary law. They will probably Tn be able soon to show that their | ENROLLED AT E'TOWN husbands are out of order. Among the three Freshmen, rible licking when age stamps. Monday evening, were Miss Anna Endeavar Union which will be held | Conoy township, executrix of George Grosh Mt. Joy R. D. 2. AMBITIONS—DETERMINED “Red” Smith, rode a mule 330 miles to a college Sheriff Tom C. Shirk Monday de- {in eleven days and then sold the stroyed a slot machine seized from |animal to pay part of his college Mon. ell Ent The statesmen have to take a ter- their pictures are put on the post- thtown College, Mount Joy, ad- who attended a welcome social in | living, if you don’t read the news- § gymnasium last | poner ads telling how the cost can be reduced? Dr. R. M. Balderson OPTOMETRIST 85 E. Main St. MT. JOY, PA. PALMYRA, PA. Palmyra Bank Building Tues.,, Wed, and Fri. Sto 12 A M, f tod B.'M 7 to 8 P. Mi Phone 8 MOUNT JOY 85 East Main Street Thur,, 9:30-12:30—1:30-5:30 6:30 to 7:30 :30—6:30-7:30 wn, and Vivian aged 18, to be a veter- they die and Sat, 1:30-5 ORDER COAL NOW! 4 PRICES ARE GOING UP! | The Extra Heating Comfort with Less Fuel BUY | SUSQUEHANNA ANTHRACITE COAL Les Phone 114 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. them enough to constitute a very |facilities to meet partcular require- serious risk. ments. J | | HARRY LEEDOM OCTOBER 19-20-21, ANY PERSON WISHING BOOTH SPACE FOR THE MT. JOY COMMUNITY EXHIBIT 1939 SEE ter E. Roberts AT ONCE Why complain about the cost of | of t Par held ever cers year Leec las, Secr cher Trea of tk Ray Mem H 1 Th cente facili Presi mitte Pyle the | at th The T. A. Octok hand. App local ure d. St. In The copal the cl 6:30 o group ers for St. Mz: Mrs. elected ciety Brethr Thursd THRE! +ONE 1 Ralpl was pr ing St collisio biles ir Chief said Hz another Comsey caster, and th owned Main s Haye: before Hendrix and pa Other phey be Holmes, driving, Philade! The At Pa: Mrs. ill at th Mrs. | called © Vogle o Quite advantag cursion Miss end wi Greenaw John from the will ret Mr. ar called of Stauffert Mr. ai son, Bill Ret Tc Two cl Lancaste made by and appc sion of tl ship of t The wi First Cl closed w for three ion servi The loc in eleven