PAGE TWO The Mount Joy Bulletin ESTABLISHED JUNE 1901 Published Every Thursday at Mount Joy, Pa. Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher Subscription Price $1.50 Per Annum Six Months..............75 Cents Single Copies......... vend Cents | Three Months..... ..40 Cents Sample FREE i The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Star | and News, the Landisville Vigil and the Florin News were merged with | the Bulletin, which makes this paper’s circulation practically double that | of the average weekly. EDITORIAL 20 Years AGO sessions at Erismans Sept 2 | Benj. Groff has | school gym, and wll put a first | class | this season. Butcher Harry Kral Be Careful Fishermen We want to warn the fishermen in this locality. The Chief Ey . = : y pi . leg severely scalded. of Police at Oak Park caugnt a 15-pound pike, put it in his | Tio. ice-packed box and next day when he reached in to take it} out and show the fish to a friend it bit him. Now he shows shooting rats at the teeth marks on his hand. erp . : bi , . s Jork on the walls of the new Motto: If you catch any big ones, be sure they're dead. Drie 100 (he Woe . i shoa factory will begin at once. The Cold Old World There never was a time in the history of the world when [and will open a pool room. there were so many homeless people. There are hundreds’ = i 7 . . their second lot of thousands of Jews without homes. When we, of this . vear. country, think of all of these and the heartbreak and un-| Th. Columbia Telephone i happiness such a situation causes we should be truly grate- pany will raise its rates Oct. home, but for a country that does not| H. F. Wolgemuth and hy pur- | . ; Ts chased the entire mill homeless of any group within | Sno I | coal yard ete. of Messrs. J. N. Her- its borders. shey and Son at Florin. The Lancaster plumbers are de- All Depends On The Approach 75¢ per hour. ~ | Harry H. An order days ago by Col. Lynn 7° = S P li . that all 1 modern refrigerator plant. Commissioner of State Motor Police, that a mel Mt. Joy will give her 150° returned the organization be more courteous or get oft the |sldiers and handsome 14-karat gold ring. it is said, of a chance meeting| An E-town farmer discovered a igeon with a nest of tw > recently between Governor Arthur James and a trooper. [There -— 2 st o J peeps, ey . = ww nian “Wa re also several unhatchec I'he Chief Executive was greeted by a grufl voice, “What | ous ander fhe pigeon 2? when he asked directions. Miss Verna C. Chandler is now Our experience has been [teaching at Summer Coorle Oregon, B. Kready Lanc. E 8S. Bank of lock boxes for Union National ful, not only for a seek to glorify the making was issued a few Krall will Adams, bers of sailors, a force. The order was the outcome, do you want’ But then there's the other side. if one is courteous to a State Cop he in turn can scarcely be | Robert otherwise but, give him the “dirt” upon first approach and een for the you can expect further mud-slinging. ts Recs. do: Lard, 3lc and Potatoes $1.75. Taking Undue Advantage Mo od Ms Teoh . : . near town, gave a ; needless we call the attention of our readers to the It is needless we call tient H honor of Roy and Samuel Sheetz. fact that sugar, wheat, corn, and other items so essential Rev. Dr. Bagnsll of Harithure in life, have sharply advanced in price since the outbre ak | will bo the speaker for the mem- This too at a time when people orial service in Mt. Joy Hall. and limited! H. K. Landis and family of, { Rhee ms are attending an 8-day con- | vention at Cedar Point, Ohio. lf Qe of war in foreign countries. have very little, if any work, many on relief capital with which to buy foodstuffs. There is absolutely no necessity for these advances. There | is no shortage whatever and we would suggest that if ise pias ARE AWARDED responsible continue this practice, why shouldn’t the ( | AT STALEY CLAN REUNION ernment step in and call a halt or if necessary, take control | The seventeenth annual Staley | of the situation | reunion was held recently at Long We think it very unfair to take advantage of “week-kneed” excuse to advance the price of sugar. the followin: prayer, Rev. Theodore Snyder, Littlestown: duet, Betty Louise Rider Are You A Blind Shopper? and Anna Louise Staley; There is a game called “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” It} by Ruthanne Bowers, used to be quite popular at parties of young folks. To play [Henry Staley; the game a large drawing of a donkey was fastened on the | | Rider and daughter Players were blindfolded and given the donkey’s tail | [closing hymn, with instructions to walk over to the wall and pin the tail | Til We Meet Again.” President H. G. Staley on the donkey. Some hit the nose, some the ear and some | , Short: the donkey's leg, while others missed:it altogether. |also gave an address on “Washing- Folks who attempt to buy groceries and other merchan- |ton, the Nation’s Capital.” It was such a Opening cornet Stella Betty duet, Louise; wall. dise without blindfolded. Without reading the advertisements, scanning | the shopping columns, comparing price s, comparing value 8 bowing: they have no way of knowing what is being offered for the |}. week except by spending a great deal of time going from Leen, awarded io the fol- Oldest man, Sylvester Far- Mary Staley; Mr. and Mrs. Prizes were oldest woman, {oldest married couple, store to store and shopping. { Har: 'y Staley; youngest married | Why not lift the blindfold and read the advertisements in Mr. and Mrs. Merle Iren- | derff; youngest boy, Jimmy Staley, the Bl merchants are not 'LLETIN by the town’s progressive merchants. These asking vou to waste your time by blind | They are telling you each week the choice offer- PANKS ARE SUBJECT merchandise they have secured for your con- TO THE IDLE TAX Shopping through the advertisements is the | Banks which are members of the | easier and a lot more satisfactory and youngest girl, Joyce Staley. shopping. ings on new sideration. j Federal Reserve System must pay | than modern way. It's | HAPPENINGS | EN LONG AGO wm The Mennonites will hold three ep >nted the high | basketball team on the floor | $ 1, had his left Dunk was shot in the arm | when he and Harvey Stoner were | Paul Leese of Harrisburg rented ¢ |th he basement of the Mt. Joy Hall | | {= installed property, : | install a, accepted the Intell, ati - i Butter, 55c¢; , Brown, | : Ee reception in | store stock to Messrs. Bernhart and | | i | Park with approximately 100 mem- | | bers presznt. The program included | Schock’s coal yards is nearing com- Staley { United Brethren | combination treasure hunt-hike 1 ‘God Be With You | presided | me=tiing, and | organiz ed by Rev. | Mr. Warren Bentzel. {were divided into [w | i | seeking them. { Latchford. After | DISH AT CHURCH HOUSE THE MOUNT JOY RULLETIN. MOUN | 33 3 Years 4 Ago | The Madeira coach works of Angora goats was sold at | Every precaution will be taken to 1.00. Dr. Henry ! Columbia, killed 29 ! snalzcs in his meadow. have gone back to work ! Amos Gibble’s Meadow. a good old-fashioned winter. in Donegal and Conoy. | 40 i books were sold {the P. R. R. station at Lancaster. The Stoever i f Mt. Joy, hema of Charles W. Witmer, | set fire to a rug, | extinguished. | The residence of | William Weidman at totally destroyed by fire. At the Council Longenecker stated, the appointed to special | committee purchasing the Dell could do noth- ing and asked that the committe2 be discharged. | There is some talk of placing a ! double door in the center {the Post Office, instead of the pre- ent two doors. Sam Hollinger was | bridge over Brubaker run, with an engine, when the structure gave minor parts of the i way, but only engine were broken. R. D Irwin, has disposed of his l Gable. | A Mt. Joy street resident claims jit isn’t the pig sty on the alley rear that smells so loud, but it is | dec: ayed sour-krout that was deb i posited on the brush heap. Roy EBaker of Dillsburg and Bessee Wittle of Florin, were united in marriage. Mrs. Elizabeth Lehman will soon celebrate here 103rd birthday. A large coal elevator at Clarence pletion. A 20th Century iden, — INTERMEDIATE SOCIETY piano solo | HOLDS TREASURE HUNT reading by | The Intermediate Society of the church held Thursday evening. The hunt, with the treasure hid- | den at th> Cove, was very cleverly Ezra Ranck and | The members three sections. first reading the advertisements are buying |voted to retain the officers of the ore section hiked to the Cove via |p rbara street, one via the Old | bn rket | Fairview street. re hidden on the routes and the | grand time | street, and the other by Letters or clues, voung folks had a The prize, a box of Bachman checolates, was found was enjoyed. a iti lg —— SOCIAL HELD gie roast The Ladies’ Aid Society of Trin- = EE SE SS —_—= at Mil- ton Grove was sold to H. H. Nissley. At the Lancaster stock yards aw: tchman for the Breneman, of near copperhead The moulders of the Grey Iron Weaver's | The Union picnic of the Milton jBrove Sunday School was held in ather prophets are perdicting Over 80 acres of tobacco are be- ing farmed on the Hoffman farms | [$.75. Electric Light Co., was granted a charter. A kerosene lamp exploded at the which | The smallest hobby, | and was quickly {the pieces in the exhibit. i Postmaster, Florin was | meeting Mr. negotiate | success of the Curt A 3 "3 ‘o 1 Tet With A. B. Stoner in reference 10 | bends on the exhibitors. Let me | | ‘ . hear about your if you have front of > | satis crossing: a [for the time mext week. ited the Misses Sr., spent Sunday a 2 | Frysinger last | | Mrs. Emmauel Myers Lewis Saturday evening. Mrs. Gainor who is spending sev- joe! weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ris- bridgs spent the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brandt. by Dickie | the hunt a dog-| 8 © | Christian Brown of Carlisle Crowded Foy West Main street, for baked goods, flowers, etc. ; . j unemployment compensation tax in |ity Lutheran church held their hopping blindfolded. | Pennsylvaniia, the Dauphin County |opening meeting at the church , { Cour i t Thursday, with a cov- Fairs And The American System The ruling of President Judge | dish social. The president, ! Frank B. Wickersham held that !] Sam Krall, presided. is being treated to two magnificient York and San Francisco. Millions of them. And to the thoughtful visitor, a great deal more than colorful This year America world’s fairs, at Ney citizens are visiting these fairs must appear as there should be no distinction be- | tween banks and trust companies not members of the Federal Reserve and those within the system. he non-members are and exciting shows they are living testimonials to our ! subject to | 24% : i : Ry 3 the tax. | traditional economic system based on the freest possible | 4 on } | | THAT WAS TOMATO JUICE will see Ten tens of tomatoes enroute to, play of individual initiative and enterprise. At the great industrial exhibits at the fairs you vividly presented the achievements which are responsible for Carlisle from Lancaster were scat- living, the highest by far in the highway, tered along the Lemoyne our American standard near Harrisburg, when a truck over- entire world. Out of the work of millions of hands and - . . - . turned. brains, working in a free society, has come this epochal | : - progress. Electric power, radio, railroad, automobile, cloth- | GranTED A DIVORCE Florence P. H:nderson, Marietta, { was granted a divorce Friday from Edgar M. Aldan, Dela- ware county, on grounds of in- ing—every exhibit is a monument to the American system private enterprise. It is fitting that the two fairs should be this time. For, to an extent never before known in our his- tory, this American system of ours has been under attack. The greatest achievements of private industry have been minimized. The very foundation been undermined. Individualism has been held up to scorn and ridicule. Business has been reviled. Back of this cam- | paign against the American system is a determined attempt to put in its place a system based upon some foreign “ism.” Well, one can hardly believe the American people will fall or city. for this. A century and a half ago we were among the least hibitin in operation at dig i of the powers— today we are stones of democracy have prise f from the work of free takings. is shown, too, all stores, the industries, the All of America is a g proudly the fruits of t and son, Peter, the greatest power on eart men, engaged in free It is all shown magnificiently at the around you, service Those who attend:=d were: Mrs. |fruits, | Koder, Mrs. Arthur Hendrix, Mrs. | W. R. Heilig, Mrs. Perey Heilig, |k Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. D. C. Stoner, isc Mrs. Lewis Sillers, Mrs. Sg Neal, Mrs. Rebecca Hipple, Mrs. Alice Snyder, Mrs. Nora Derr, | Alice Longenecker, Miss Flo | and Mrs. Stambaugh. Three visitors were Rev. Koder and Pauline Krall. IP A SEPT 30th IS DEADLINE September 30th is the d:adline acceptance of um payments growers who wish to insure | 1540 winter wheat crop, the | rop Insurance Corpora- te} announced today. That rc oder progress has come from private er under- fairs. And wherever vou live—in the | companies he American system. s.wing, ete. from Pennsyl- | the airplane contests | Matiests, is yoraich and money were found in a in vour town | Louisville: Ky. great and continuous fair, ex- News For Hobbyists some information on nd of the exhibit. hobby cr Ed. Ream Service 1 vou probably know by Newcomer's hobby exhibit. insure hibits at all times. This year there visions iyear. The rules are the same. The {division with the prizes are the | following: The neatsst arranged hobby, $2.00, $1.00 and $.75. The oddest hobby, land $.75. The largest hobby, $2.00, $1.00 and | “1 the matter of building a $10,- | This does not mean the largest at | number of pieces, | the picces in the exhibit. $2.00, $1.00 and $.75. | This does not mean the smallest [number of pieces, but the size of If you desire any other informa- tion that has not been mentioned as yet, I will be more than pleas- ed to have you call on me, or if | you have any criticism do not be | afraid to add that, because the | lobby exhibit de- any. As for the model Airplane exhibit, {there is little I can say this week. IT am now working on the rules and | are finished and | as soon as they I will other publish them, information on airplane show and ex- factory along with | the model hibit. Since this is all the information being, JOS. SHAEFFER. Newtown Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Risser vis- Clara, Ruth and Mary Hoffman of Grantham on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher, with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Garner. Mrs. Daniel Moore, Mrs. C. M. Nissly of Mount Joy and Mr. Har- vey Shenk of Baltimore, visited Mrs. Violet Senabrook of Columbia Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. afternoon. Samuel Peiffer, | Miss Dorothy Brady and Mr. John | Sunday with Mr. Finefrock of New spent ind Mrs. John Providence. Mr. and Mrs. and family Wesley Eierman of Baltimore called on and Mrs. Mr. Maris Gainor and daughters, and Irma spent Sunday with Strickler of New Providence. oe Charlotte Stumm of Bain- week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert t Sunday with Mr. Brandt and Mrs. (From page 1) S. H. Miller's store room for T JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. Well for this week I can give you the Hobby As the situation stands now, tha exhibit will be in the form- property, rear of Station. As now at a [recent me:ting the committees re- spensible for the Farm Show, have | me permission to hire a night the safe keeping of the ex- will be four di- i The instead of the three as last $2.00, $1.00 | | ple of Mount Joy to vote favorably | Mr. but the size of out. The annex will be used large- "ordered purchased. The company look for me | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1939 fighting helmets and two dozen rubber caps. Fire Chief Ray Our Fire Co. High Grade Myers reported | (From pace 1) . {four fires during August with a planned for the near future with 2 total damage of $2,370. Only one] se ars vicw of establishing a system of re- the borough. | : 1 | of the fires was in porting fire calls accurately by | Because of a misunderstanding at plelephane. A consisting [one of the fires, a special meeting {of Fire Chief Ray Myers, Robert | ot the | Kunkel Kk d of the board of > hg tar] Zink was named | | Kunkel and Ear] Zink was na dO os wa oad to investigate the matter. | George Groff, president of the AtBargain Prices All cars trade-in on later models, NO used taxicabs and wrecked officers |- Two invitations to parade were | company, won the door prize cars in our Used Car Stock. received by the company, one par- |p. meeting. ade at Erie and the other at Sink- | ——— 1938 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, ling Springs. The company accepted «y* SECRETARY RESIGNS the invitation to parade at Sinking | > ; arry y zer, Associate { Springs, Saturday, September 30. 5 Harry Bei Sc serete oF i The parade committee reported two Sous Coin . sr | prizes won during the month, $60 at state X. 1 Patil Ag > Oxford and $40 at Malvern quarters at Elizabethtown, has re- : 1 had i signed to accept a pastorate in the reported tha he rot Pennsylvania Eldership of the . _.... | Fast Pennsylvania Eldership c Sed Fens a nee Plus vi Churches of God it has been an- pons be paid to he widow, Mrs. : . ; nounced by the state secretary, Basie Soham. re ne File C. Dix. His resignation Bes aske 0 Investigate 1e matter o i I ® .omes effective Sept. 30. honorary members and list the ones | o . in the group. A Eis letter { RETURNED TO PHILADELPHIA and Mrs. Wilbur Beahm re- turned to Philadelphia Saturday, af- {000 es NE th st fe ths annex to the present re com- | ler spending e pas ew months he home of Mr and was ordered sent in fown, Mrs, Elvin Baker. | . purposes and as | Mr. Beahm, a former teacher in { the local high school, is now a meme- Philadelphia teaching (8 Cyl) 1938 CHEVROLET COUPE 1926 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1936 FORD SEDAN trustecs 1836 CIIEV. TRUCK 1'2 TONS (New Body) 1534 CHEV. TRUCK TON 1934 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK 12 TON H. S. NEWCOMER 30%, Inc. MOUNT JOY asking the pco- pany building ly for recreation Phone 20 an adequate place of meeting. Two new gas masks and a bog ber of the to carry the flags to parades were staff. HOW ARE YOUR SHOES: DON'T WAIT TGO LONG BRING THEM IN Ee Subscribe for The Bulletin. =| City Shoe Repairing Co. 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. [approved the purchas of six fire We Practice All Branches Of Dentistry If there is the slightest bit of extra room in your home, use it! it pay you dividends by with money-saving goods from Bru- X-Ray Service Open Mon.,, Wed., Fri. Till 8 Fr. M. Make stocking it foods and dry baker's. Luncheon avg | Mother s Oats loge rks 2c With China Premium large can 21c|Heinz Soups can 15¢ 2 cans for 29¢ | Samuel N. Stauffer CRUSHED & BUILDING STONE CONCRETE BLOCKS, SILLS, AND LINTELS Pineapple, Jack @ Jill Gelatin pke.5¢| Sal mon 2 cans 29¢ MACADAM S B enn 7 | Silver Floss foros for Driveways, Gareges & Walks oup beans ound 7c | | Sauer Kraut 2 Ga 23¢ ——— — Phone: Res. 903R14 Quarry 903R15 Peppy Nub and Chalet MOUNT JOY, PA. 29 vd. 7 5¢ Just the thing Prints Ideal for School Dresses Velvet Green, Blue & Black This is what you need for that sport skirt or Jacket. to trim that new fall plaid. Outings yd. 10c & 19¢|Modess - - - - 20c 27 in. and 36 in. wide Layette Cloth Diapers [Kleenex - - - - 29c¢ pkg. of 12 $1.25 | | Cystex may easily make you feel like a ne: FREE DELIVERY! person in just a few days. Try C ystex ur D. B. BRUBAKER DEPT. STORE | Fiat isfied, Cystex costs only 3c a dose MOUNT JOY, PA. Kidneys Musi (lean Oui Adds Excess Acids and poisonous wastes in blood are removed chiefly thru 9 millien’ delicate Kidney tubes or filters. And I organic and non-systemic disorders of Kidneys or Bladder may cause Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circles Ul 1= der Eyes, Dizziness, Backache, Swollen Ankles, or Burning Passages. In many such cases the diuretic action of the Doctor’s pre- scription Cystex helps the Kidneys clean out Excess Acids. This plus the palliative work of Plain White Pkg. of 500 Ariat and the guarautee protects you. When in need of Printing. (any- { thing) kindly remember the Bulletis; Hassinger & Risser’s Garage for vegetables, etc. Hostetter building, former mar- ct house, New Haven street for hool work, ete. Drug Store for display | of dolls. H S. Newcomer & Son's show | {room for the 4-H Work Display. | wi . : : | The cuminittee is now trying to | . . | find a suitable location for corn, | potatoes, wheat, tooacco, etc. If ro ! building is available, a large tent will be procured. It was decided to hold the Push- applications and |mobile contests Friday evening and Saturday ai- ernoon, locations to be announced later on. The closing dat> for advertise- nts was set for September 23rd. | MARIETTA MAN MISSING E Linwood Corpman Jr. repre- senting the Gilliland Labortories at missing. His clothing, locke at Tucker Lake, near Monday. H> is 37 if vears old. He was found and had been accidntally drowned. { “We thought we couldn’t afford to own a home...” { | i 0 { i" ( { 0 i n i ( . . nl { ) But the Building & Loan i i rn proved we were wrong! i if 0 ih i 0 c - 1) i Are you yourself the benefits of home ownership be- i i \ i cause you believe you can’t afford to buy or build a home?__ i 1 . > = i i Because you haven't a sizeable bank account or aren't earning i! i i : : i a weekly salary that goes into three figures? If these are the Let Us Help You = Finance | i Your HENRY G. CARPENTER, V. Pres. reasons you can disregard them; for the B & L Plan enables Hora! i" you to own a home even though your weekly income is not { f large. A down payment and a reasonably secure income are i i the oniy requirements. Investigate! { ft Lb hE 2 | Mount Joy Building & Loan Association | Mount Joy buriding oan Association J UNDER SUPERVISION OF STATE BANKING DEPARTMENT JNO. E. SCHROLL, Pres. E. M. BOMBERGER, Sec. R. FELLENBAUM, Treas. | THUF gener: childr 85 Mt FOF walnu daven, EA FOF Resery ground Harry WAI alone, for lig adjace essary. FOR Ray S \'% Al Nash. reriend for inf FOR home venien Will Se 85 EC FOR Apply Joy 90 PEA County tween Frank CUS Fairvie Snyder WAN films, ¢ Waxed coupon Capital Harrist FOR with br West N or appl FOR house with 6- barns gravel acres O of Uni Noah S ADM Estate Fast He Pa. de Letter estate 1 vndersi thereto mediate will pr for rcett residing N. W, william E? Fetate — of East Letters tate ba there are diate 3 Ol will nres cottlemer siding i" 7 Subscr