The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 17, 1939, Image 1

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Today, August 17th Will Be A General Holiday | In Town—Our Union S. S. Picnic At Hershey

C. of C. Trying
To Land A
New Industry
Members of our local] Chamber
of Commerce recently interviewed
a representative of a hosiery mill
in New Jersey.
The mill employes one hundred
and fifteen men and women and
the owners are seeking a new loca-
tion because of labor trouble in
Jersey. |
The Chamber of Commerce is
investigating and we sincerely
hope they find a suitable location
should their findings prove satis-
With surrounding towns adding
new stores and industries each
year, our small hamlet, has been
at a standstill so far as new and
different sources of employment
are concerned.
With unemployment at its’ high-
est in years, 115 new jobs would
indeed be welcome.
rt een
Mrs. Martin Strickler, a clerk at
the First National Bank and Trust
Company here, met with an acci-
dent. While visiting a neighbor she
tread thru a porch step and sus-
tained a fractured lower limb near
the knee.

For the Safety
Of Everybody
Motorists who permit any person
to hang on the outside or hitch on
to the rear end of their vehicles are
subject to $25 fine and costs or ten
days in jail under a law passed by
the 1939 State Legislature, accord-
ing to the Lancaster Automobile
Club. The Club points out that
this not only prohibits riding on
running boards, but also pulling
anyone on a bicycle, roller skates,
sled or similar device on public
streets or highways in Pennsylvania.
The Automobile Club explains
the law thus: “Previously these
(Turn to Page 2)
im AD GY Orne
Mr. Elam Bomberger, assistant
cashier at the First National Bank
and Trust Co. here, began his two
weeks vacation Monday.
Mr. Joseph Moore is assisting at
the bank during the absence of Mr.
Bomberger and Mrs. Strickler.
The Ladies’ Adult
Bible Class Met
At Cove Park
Th> Ladies’ Adult Bible Class of
Trinity Lutheran Church, held
their meeting outdoors at the
Cove, on Monday evening.
Supper was served by caterer
Eli Hostetter and was followed by
the regular business meeting.
A most delightful time was held
by all present, including: Mrs. Har-
vey Johnson, Mrs. Harry Nent-
wig, Mrs. Alice Snyder, Mrs.
Carl Sheaffer, Mrs. Floyd Gilbert,
Mrs. B. A. Shupp, Mrs. Melvin
Weaver, Mrs. Howard Bortzfield,
Mrs, Paul Hipple, Mrs. Harriet
orown, Mrs. John Rice, Mrs. Wil-
liam Dillinger, Mrs. John Garlin,
Mrs. Helen Snyder, Mrs. Arthur
Hendrix, Mrs. Ed. Hendrix, Mrs.
Paul Frank, Mrs. Hiram Detwiler,

Mrs. Irwin Smith, Mrs. Robert
Metzler, Mrs. Theda Young, Mrs.
Wm. Batzel, Miss Anna Keener,
Miss Beatrice Pennypacker, Mrs.
Joseph Breneman, Miss Bernice
Myers, Mrs. James Neal, Mrs. Har-
vey Hercleroth, Mrs. Alice Longe-
necker, Mrs. Tillie Landvater, Miss
Flo Smith, Mrs. Clyde Eshleman,
Mrs. Nora Derr and Mrs. Harold
day evening with Messrs.
16th Annual
The sixteenth annual reunion of
Fairview school, Mount Joy town-
ship, will be held on Saturday,
August 19, at tha Fairview school
Pupils, former pupils, teachers,
patrons, and friends are cordially
invited to attend. There will be
free transportation from Elizabeth-
town if committee is informed.
The program will be as follows:
Song, “America;” invocation, Oscar
Brinser; remarks by chairman;
music, school, “The Old School
House on the Hill;” reading Albert
Eshenbaugh; ladies’ quartette; ad-
dress, Ralph R. Frey; violin solo,
Clarence Greiner; reading, Mrs.
Adam Steager; playette, “Please
Pass the Cream,” Dorothy Longe-
necker, Farl Greiner; address, Levi
C. Hershey; music, ladies’ quartette;
business period, reports of treasurer
and resolution committee, election
of officers; closing.
The officers are: I. W. Eshleman,
chairman; C. R. Frey, secretary; J.
H. Stern, treasurer.
Committee of arrangements: Wil-
liam Diffenbaugh, Harry Olweiler,
I. FE. Shoop, Victor Longenecker,
C. R. Frey, J. H. Stern, and Harry
A eee.
The members of the Landisville
and Salunga Sewing club, were en-
tertained Thursday at the Stehman
cottage, near Safe Harbor, by Mrs.
P. B. Stehman.
Those in the party included: Mrs.
John Bender and daughter Virginia
Ruth, Mrs. Benjamin Kendig, Mrs.
John Greider, of Salunga; Mrs.
Mark Nolt, Mrs. John Trayer, Mrs.
Frank Daugherty, Mrs. Earle
Stauffer and Miss Ruth Hoffman,
of Landisville and Miss Mildred
Stehman, daughter of the hostess.
A ——
The regular August meeting of
the Mount Joy Building and Loan
Association wa. id last Wednes-
baum, Bomberger, Walters, Eby and
Schroll present.
The secretary reported the re-
ceipts for July were $2,603.94 and
that 91% shares of stock of the
new series were sold.
One new first mortgage loan was
etl) eee
The Ushers’ League of the St.
Mark’s United Brethren church met
Thursday evening at the home of
Earl Myers on the Strickler farm
south of town. Twenty-eight per-
sons attended the meeting and en-
joyed an evening of soft ball and
quoit pitching. The next meeting
of the group will be held at the
home of John Booth on Delta street,
Thursday, September 14.
rt AAG i
School busses will be inspected
thruout the county August 23.
Here they will be inspected on the
Marietta pike at the boro limits.
ee Ase
After it was learned that he was
$26,000 short in his accounts a 44-
year-old bank clerk at Pittsburgh

shot himself.

Mrs. L. C. S precher Hostess
To United Breth’n Bible Class
The Sisterhood Bible Class of
the United Brethren Church re-
cently held their August meeting
at the home of Mrs. L. C. Sprech-
Mrs. Frank Musser presided over
the meeting. The program includ-
ed three songs by the class, the
reading of the 23rd chapter of
Levicitus, by Mrs. Musser, sheer
which she asked question: We |
the Bible. The Lord's Prayt| _.
repeated, Mrs. Earl Myers "| _—
reading, “Said Day Dreams
Sprecher then recited “The
ows Fear.” After the rea
the minutes, the treasurer's !

and the flower fund report were
all approved.
The class approved to hold a pic-
nic at the Cove in September. De-
licious refreshments were served
by the hostess, to. the following
members present: Mrs. John
Shank, Mrs. Perry Bates, Mrs.
Charles Barrick, Mrs. Martin
Gerber, Mrs. Marshall Gemberling,
Mrs. Charles Latchford, Mrs. Roy
Zink, Mrs. William Weldon, Mrs.
Earl Myers, Mrs. John Eberle,
Mrs. Frank Musser, Mrs. L. C.
Sprecher, Miss Maggie Haines,
Miss Virginia Greenawalt, Mrs.
Walter Greiner and one visitor,
Mrs. Norman Sprecher,

The Mount Joy Bulletin


Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Workman, on
Marietta St., have as their guest
for the week,
Mr. Joscph M. Workman, of New-
ark, Ohio. Mr. Workman will soon
reach his 91st year and has chosen
this “youthful” age to do some
extensive traveling.
Having been employed by the
B and O Railroad fifty-three
years he became a pensioner of
same at the age of 79 years.
He spent the past winter in
Florida and then visited a widowed
daughter-in-law in Sault St. Marie,
Last Thursday at St. Clairsville,
Ohio he head:d the Workman Re-
union and accompanied Dr. Work-
man on his trip back to town by
After spending the week here Mr.
Workman will visit in Elizabeth,
New Jersey and “do” the New
York World's Fair, bezfore return-
ing to his home in Ohio.
392 Pupils
Bible School
The Bible school of the Mount
Joy Mennonite church closed its
two week’s session Friday
ing with special programs in each
of the classrooms. Superintendent
Elam S. Hess reported a total en-
rollment of 392 pupils with an
average daily pupil attendance of
353, an encrease of 55 over last
year. The total average attendance
of teachers, pupils and visitors was
Of the enrollment, 252 maintain-
ed perfect attendance for the two
weeks. The superintendent report-
ed that a total of 7,460 Bible verses
were memorized by the group,
Dorothy May Brubaker leading the
junior department with 211 and
Adlene Miller leading the primary
group with 64.
The school this year was divided
into twenty-six classes with twenty
-eight teachers in charge of in-
struction. Officers for the school
were: Elam S. Hess, superinten-
dent; Herbert Brubaker, secretary,
and Elam Bomberger, treasurer.
Brief News Of
The Day From
Local Dailies
Philadelphia is deluged with
counterfeit $5 bills.
Charles E. Cramer, 26, of Holt-
wood, has mysteriously disappear-
A $20,000 fire


destroyed four
mushrooms houses at Kennett
288 graduated at the Summer
session of State College.
There will be 299 bridges on
Dream Highway between Harrisburg
and Pittsburgh.
The authorities at Washington
have estimated that the drought cut
the nation’s corn crop by 110,907,
000 bushels.
Of the 836,210 public school tea-
chers in the United States more
than half, or 56.6 percent serve in
rural areas.
tl A
Mrs. Martha Sauder, on New
Haven srteet, celebrated her sev-
enty-sixth birthday last Wednes-
day. She received many beauti-
ful remembrance cards and some
lovely gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Sheetz at-
tended the State American Legion
Convention at . Williamsport last
Friday. Mr. Sheetz was the dele-
gate of the Post here.
nil lle ——
Zerphsy Bros, local painters,
Monday recieved the contract to
repaint and paper the interior of
the church of the Brethren at

of the clan present.
the former’s uncle.
"becama> alarming.

The regular August mecting of
Mount Joy Boro Council was held ,
Monday evening with all members
except Mr. Keller precent.
A the
resolution authorizing
County Commissioners to place the |
option of voting for or against a
proposed addition to the fire house
the election ballot was passed.
The boro will bear the extra ex-
pense. The cost of the addition
shall not exceed $10,000. The fire-
men reported they have $2,000 in
their building fund toward the an-
Tax Metzler
Was Buried
At Sea
I. W. Musser, of Florin, Secretary
of the Foreign Mission Board of the
Brethren in Christ church, received
a cablegram Tuesday, stating that
Miss Martha Shenk, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Shenk, of
Mastersonville, had died on a boat
while enroute home from South
Africa, where she was doing mis-
sionary work. The message stated
that the body buried at sea
several days from
starting port.
Miss Shenk was accompanied by
made his
several other
on their way home
She left this country as a mission-
ary to Africa the beginning of 1939
and soon after her arrival in their
distant country, she became af-
flicted with an ailment that finally
The officials in
charge decided to send her home
with several other missionaries
who were granted a furlough. The
trip evidently too strenuous
which resulted in her death after
several days on the high seas.
The many friends of Miss Shenk
will be grieved to learn of this un-
usual death. The parents have the
sympathy of their friends.
et en
Friendship Fire company won se-
cond prize for the company with
ths most men in line including the
musical unit, in a parade sponsored |
by the Oxford Fire company Fri- |
day night. They were accompanied |
by the Columbia Drum Corp. There
were twenty-two companies in line |
from three states.
Mr. James Neal met with a very!
painful accident while
the sole of a shoe at the Gerberich
Payne Shoe Company last Thurs-
The knife he was using slipged
off the sole and pierced his chest |
Dr. John Gates |
on the right side.
treated the wound and Mr. Neal
is quite improved, but is off duty.
tl A ne
Newcomers Store
every boy a chance to try his skill
at building a model airplane or
ship. The big are
worth trying for and
who completes his entry will re-
ceive at least a prize. See |
their ad on page 5 and stop in at
the store for further details.
Mr. Irving
was arrested Monday
Constable Zerphey for
every boy
evening by
failing to
before |
missionaries who are |
on furlough. |
trimming |
offering |
really |
Swarr, of near town, |
Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday Morning, - August 17th, 1939
ill Erect Another
avilion In Boro’s
ove Park Soon
Fire Company's Annex Goes
Before the Voters in September
Constable Zerphy Recommends
Traffic Lights on Main Street
regular monthly report of the out-
standing taxes.
Burgess Keener reported having
collected $11.50 during July.
Mr. Hendrix, of the Street Com-
mittee reported work started on
the West Donegal street improve-
Mr. Krall, of the Water Commit-
tce, reported that the bore should
excavate a large basin on the acre
of ground it owns near the pump-
ing station. This would give addi-
tional] water storage during the
dry weather. This excavating
would give employment to idle men.
(Turn to Page 2)

‘Mt. Joy Day
At New York
‘World's Fair
the World's
is Saturday,
Mount Joy Day at
Fair. And the date
September 23rd.
Thanks to our local Chamber of
Commerce, who is sponsoring the!
move, Mount Joyans and nearby
folks can go to the New York |
World's Fair, on a special excur-
sion train for only $5.15.
This includes your fare to and
from New York, admission to the
Fair grounds, a bus trip over the |
| fair grounds and the terminal fee.
| The price for children up to 12
years will be $3.00.
Considering all
included, this is a very nominal
fee to see the greatest fair the
world has ever known.
Every man, woman, and child,
(Turn to Page 2)
rere QA
Friday evening, Aug.

the admissions
of Mr. Kuhn's 61st birthday.
Later in the evening a package
surprize also was featured. Those
present beside the family were: Mr.
Hershey and children, Mr.
Walter Kuhn of Manheim, Mr.
Mrs Elwood Martin and sons.
A number of lovely gifts were
| recieved from present and
from a few persons who were not

Our Card
Basket For
- The Week
Mr. John Miller and
{spent Sunday at Carlisle.
Mr. William Bachman and Sam-
{uel Ober spent Saturday at Lan-
| caster.
week-end at her
heim street.
| Mr. and Mrs. John
| spending the week
| York World’s Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Myer, of
Route 3, Lititz, called on friends
in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich spent


Arlene Rider spent the
home on Man-
Eberle are
at the New
|the week-end with Mr. and
| Walter Ramsey at Paxtang.
| Miss Barbara Anne Walters and
}Miss Ethel Barto spent the week-
(Turn to page 3)
Joseph G. Kopecki, of Bainbridge,
{has made application for a divorce
| from Christina K. Brady, address
The sixteenth annual reunion of jappear on a summons for improper | unknown, subpoena for divorce on
the Joseph W. Charles family was passing.
held Wednesday with 103 members Squire Hendrix and paid a $10 fine jon April 10,
| and $3.66 costs.
the grounds of desertion; married
1934, separated on
March 10, 1938.


The engagement of Miss Dorothy
Rengier, daughter of Mrs. Alice W.
Brubaker, of Lawn, and the late
Carl F. Rengier, to W. Scott Heisey,
of Rheems, son of Mrs. Susan G.
Heisey, was announced at a dinner
party, at her home in Lawn, on
Saturday evening.
Miss Rengier
Millersville State
and teacher in the Palmyra
schools. Mr. Heisey owns and
operates a quarry in Rheems.
Guests at the dinner included:
Mrs. Susan Heisey, Mr. and Mrs.
A. R. Brubaker, Mr. and Mrs. Jchn
Leggoe and daughters,
Mary Ann, of Lemoyne; Mr. and
Mrs. John D. Weaver, of Lancas-
ter; Mr. and Mrs. August Lerbscher,
of Lancaster; Mrs. Edith Brubaker,
of Lawn; Harold Rewnolds and W.
Scott Heisey, of Rheems.
Home-comng Day Services will
be held in the Milton Grove Evan-
gelical Church, on Sunday, August
20th at two and seven o'clock,
is a graduate of
Teachers’ college
is a
Nancy and |

(Standard Time).
Rev. E. M. Moyer,
the Milton Grove
now pastor of Slatedale, an Emer-
ald charge, will be the guest speak-
formerly of
by the Choir of the Ono Evangeli-
cal Church at the afternoon ser-
vices and by the Arpheus Male
Quartette of East Petersburg in the

Mrs. Harry R. Kuhn gave a surprise |
! chicken and waffel supper in honor |
and Mrs. Cyrus Foreman, Mr. and |
Mrs. Mahlon Foreman, Mrs. Christ |
and Mrs. |
I aT ,k r6io-t{ pj p>pop»
burg was arrested
i Thursday by Chief of Police Elmer |
| Zerphey, of town, on a warrant
charging him with issuing a bad
{check for less than $5.
Prosecution was prefered by C.
K. Newcomer, proprietor of a ser-
vice station here bz=fore Justice of |
Special music will be furnished |p, ns sustained while frying crab

Local Affairs
In General
Briefly Told
The town of Pequea is erecting
25 street lights.
Sarah Kilhefer, Ephrata, had her
hand crushed in a clothes wringer.
Thirty-four their
motorists lost
drivers’ licenses in this area last
A marker in honor of General
Sutter was unveiled at Lititz Sat-
The Lorah clan held its sixth
annual reunion at Gerhart's Park,
The 14th annual reunion of the
Ney family was held at Stoverdale
on Sunday.
The Shank
third annual
next Sunday.
Tha annual farm show
ment at Ephrata has decided to ban
will hold its
reunion at
all gambling devices.
Thirty-nine motorists were
secuted this section over
week-end for various violations.
Th: bank at Quarryville receiv-
in the
congregation, | eq ten forged checks within a few
weeks. They range from $8 to $80.
Mrs. Raymond Swigler, Columbia,
in the hospital there suffering
Charles Bender, 14, Lititz, was
| badly cut about the arms and body
| when
ha crashed barbed
into a
| wire fence on his bicycle.
Charles R. Jefferson, held
Florida for the murder of a young
{lady a week ago, is one of the two
| E. R. Moore, fifty-five, of Harris- | yh, attacked a 13-year-old Col-

in Camp Hill girl in 1926 and was sent
to the reformatory for 15 years
tn AMR A Ant
Walter L. Ebersole Post Nu. 185
{ will hold its second annual picnic




COUNTY Mr. Frank Germer
Nominated For
Post Commander
Frank Germer was nominated for
the post ' of commander of the
Walter S. Ebersole Post 185 of the
American Legion of Mount Joy at
$1. 50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE | pe monthly meeting of the group
1 ld Thursday evening in the
Legion Home on Marietta avenue.
Other nominations include: Charles
Latchford, first vice commander; P.
'B. Heilig, second vice commander;
H. O. O'Neil, adjutant; B. A. Shupp,
finance officer,
Raymond Nissley, historian; Law+
rence Kramer, sergeant at arms;
Clyde Eshleman, chaplain; Earl
Miller, Roy B. Sheetz and Albert
Myers, trustees.
Ten persons attended the meeting
which was presided over by Albert
Myers, commander of the post for
the past two years. The officers will
be elected at the September meet-
ing of the post, which will be held
Thursday, September 14,

Record In
This Section
John Geistwite, 65, died at his
home in Columbia.
Mrs. Margaret Keys, 66, of Co=
Cora May Swarmer, 56, wife of
Valentine Swarmer, died at Mari=
etta Thursday.
Edward Hohenadel, 40, Columbia,
died from gun shot wounds sus=
tained while hunting groundhogs.
Mrs. Mabe] F. Campbell, 50, wife
of former deputy county controller
Arthur E. Campbell, ended her life
by gas at her home at Lancaster.
Joseph G. Forney, secretary of
the Lancaster Auto Club for many
years died Tuesday aged 63 years.
Lee G. Forney, Florin merchant, and
Mrs. T. N. Hostetter, formerly of
Florin, are brother and sister.
died at the County Hos=-
Mrs. Fannie Eby Trout
Mrs. Fannie Eby Trout, eighty-
six, died at her home on North
Main street, Manheim, Friday morn=
(Tum to page 3)

| for ex-service men at
the Peace Arthur Hendrix. { Bonus Cottage south of town on | COVE PARK
Hie was jalled for a hearing | Sunday, Sept 10. This will be an | A number of local residents en=
e was given a hearing before |, all day affair and the entertain- joyed a corn roast at the Cove, last
Squire Hendrix Monday and in de- [ment committee is providing ample | iday evening. Those present
| fault of $300 bail was |amusement for all. We know the j were: Mrs. Maggie Way, Mr. and
to jail for his appearance at court. | fellows will have their usual good !Mrs. Ed. Hendrix, Mr. ari Mrs.
m— eset | tine. Arthur Mumma, Mr. and Mrs.
| MR. AND MRS. SPRECHER | | Warren Greenawalt, Mr. and Mrs.
TENDERED A SURPRISE {John Miller, Mrs. Annie Miller.
| Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sprecher of | The Affairs Mrs. Harry Caslow, Miss Maude
Florin were tendered a surprise | | Schneider, Betty Miller, Elizabeth
party on Thursday evening, August | | Mumma, Ray Mumma, Warren
10th, in honor of their 46th wedding | At Florin For | Greenawalt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
anniversary. Supper was served on | { Hendrix, Mrs. George Scheinder,
the lawn. Those present were Mr Pa st Week | Mrs. Lizzie Geltmacher, Patricia
and Mrs. Norman Sprecher of Mt. | [and Virginia Harlocker, of Carlisle,
Joy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Clayton| Miss Gerlitzki will celebrate her | and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thacher
! Sprecher and children Dorothy, | birthday on Saturday, August 19th. | of Colorado Springs, Colorado.
{Gilbert and Kenneth of Leacock | Mrs. White and childern, of Mari- ——— —
ond Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D.|etta spent Monday in town with | ANNUAL CORN ROAST
{ Sprecher of Lancaster. | friends. Womens Democratic Club of Lan-
iti Un | Mrs. Clayton Breneman returned | City and County will hold
{MARRIAGE LICENSES {home from spending a week at Mt. | {heir annual corn roast at William=
Elwood R. Ulrich, Manheim R. D. | Gretna. | sons park, Lancaster, Thursday
1 and Dorothy J. Smelter, Mt. Joy.| Mr. George Scholing, of Middle- | Aug. 31, at 7:30 p. m., pavilion No:
Harlan E. Poole, Columbia and !town, visited Mrs. Ella Washetetter |3
Helen C. Wagner, of this boro. {on Monday. A ieee
Harvey A. Frey, Elizabethtown,| Mr. Henry Wolgemuth and Robert
and Elva M. Stone, Elizabethtown |Nissly are spending a few days at | Visited By The Stork
R. D. 1. the World’s Fair. Mr 1 Mrs. Donald Kellon, of
———— eee | Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffer, of Mount town mnounce the birth of a son
MEETING AT BONUS COTTAGE (Turn to page 4) I: e Lancaster General
el err
The Walter S. Ebersole Post 185
of the American Legion will en-
officers Thursday evening, August
17, at Bonus cottage, owned by Roy
B. Sheetz south of town.
Barbara Baylor, of Mt. Joy,
died July 31, gave the balance of
her estate to the person who took |
care of her in her last illness. Roy |
B. Sheetz was granted letters of |
administration ec. t. a:
rl A ee
C. S. Frank & Bro., will haye
sale of Tioga and Perry County
cows at their place of business on
Friday, August 18th. They will
also sell fruit, merchandise,
weet) mmm.
Jacob E. Brubaker, Jr., Henry E.
Brubaker and Daniel E. Brubaker,
all of East Donegal township, exec-
utors of Jacob E. Brubaker, late
of East Donegal township.
Tha Mount Joy A. M. E. Sunday

School will hold its annual picnic
at William's Grove Park, above
tertain the county committee and |
Frank Newcomer, R
D. 2, suffered a fractured left arm |
in a fall last night. He was treated |S
at the Columbia Hospital
= ee Elie
At Sunbury lives a girl 13 ye
old who is married and as a
s-old daug ghte r

m month

went on
George W.
duty again Monday

fter a week's absence due to sicke
ness. 4
sm i —
d a 2-story frame

mbia a ia_Tuesday night.
Foch Dan Held Its Annudl
Reunion At Cove Sunday

The annual reunion of the Foch
clan was held at the -
day with a good att s
and contests were d

Schneider received

the you t
{ Mrs Elizabet
member of the f y, received
plant, although she was not able
to be present on account of sick-
| ness.
The following were present: Mr
and Mrs. Park Neiss, Mr. and Mrs
C. G. Eby, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Barto, Mr. and Mrs Arthur |
| Schneider, Park, Marion,
i ~
r Neiss, Vera and
rry Walter, Jr.
R ss and Ashe

and Mrs.
Irs. George Schneider,
Wm. Hendrix, Mr.
rv Walters, Mr. and
Caslow, Miriam and

, Henry and Maude
er Dorothy Bennett and
Hendrix, Jr. all of town;
Mr. and Mrs. George Barto and
Barto, of Elizabethtown;
i Mrs. Frank Schneider and
{Darlene Schneider of Salunga;
Miss Ruth Hockenberry and Mr,
Jean, Forrest Schneider of Lancaster,