Honor Guard Keeps Watch Over Shrine MOST | {cx a year—on Memorial | Day—eyes of the nation focus on a ‘tomb in Arlington National Cemetery in Wash- ington, D. C., on which is in- scribed: “Here rests in hon- ored glory an American soldier known but to God.” That those soldiers who died in ser- vice of their country shall be | constantly remembered, the United States Army maintains a perpetual vigil over the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. On guard at all times is one soldier. The sentry detail includes three shifts of four men each. Each shift is on duty 12 hours, then is off duty 24. This sentry marches 30 paces a minute, keeps the post for two hours, then is relieved for four. While waiting to go on duty, this private answers the questions of two sightseers. He and the 11 others of his detail will serve for 15 days, then be replaced by new sentries. During bad weather guards use the sentry box instead of march- ing back and forth before the tomb. At all other times regulations pro- vide that sentries shall stand guard outside. placing a floral wreath on the tomb is a time-honored gesture of reverence and commemoration. E ach year, in this way, many visit itaries pay their Svateful re- 4 | make | | Memorial Day At Mt. Joy | Parade—Exercises—Band Concerts—Carnival The tion the usual big event. all. Come to Mount real quaintances and tertain you. for Afternoon High Prelude ...:.... 0.00... Star Spangled Banner ..... Prayer ....... 0... 00 va Male Chorus--A. Lanna Dear Land of Jean Sibelius Reading America 1... .... Saari Ei Memorial Day Address ... The Church of the Holy Music under directidt of Ralph 1 General Citize H. O. O'Neil Chairman Mrs. C. F. Eshleman—Sec'y. H. M. Stauffer—Finance Frank Germer—Parade Patsy Groff Girls Mibs Champion Patsy Groff was acclaimed the Girls Mibs Champion at the com- sietion of the fons rounds of play. The tou nament started with sixteen girls competing for the title. The winners in the first ~ound of play and those who were de- feated are: Pauline Edwards de- feated Dorothy Schatz, 7-4, 7-6. Patsy Groff defeated Mary Zer- phey, 7-3, 7-0. Fay Kice defeated Dorothy Mil- ler, 7-5, 7-3. Arlene Breneman defeated Ruth (Turn to page 6) A re Myers, son of Mrs. Mild- red West Main St, sufier- d a painful wound in the leg last Thursday, when he was bitten by a Jog while playing baseball. The dog is owned by Avery Engle. The Affairs At Florin For Past Week Myra Booth is qquite ill at this writing. Richard Gephart celebrated his 3th birthday on May 19th. Mrs. Earl Ressler is spending some time visiting friends at Erie. Miss Helen Baker celebrated her seventeenth birthday on Monday, Mrs. Paul Greenawalt was taken Irvin Mivers, to the St. Joseph's Hospital on Monday. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bernhart entertained a number of guests to dinner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Morton and family, of Columbia visited Mrs. Bertha Shumaker on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frank spent the week end at Philadelphia with Mr. Frank’s brother, Albert and family. Daniel B. Brubaker and family, moved from Mt. Joy to the Jac. D. Strickler property, corner Donegal Springs Road and Chocolate Av. Robert Eshleman who will grad- uate from Elizabethtown College in June, has been appointed on the faculty at the Whitehall high school UP-TO - | VOL. XXXVIII NO. 52 as for strangers we'd say School Auditorium, 1:30 P. M. Lebanon Valley College Melody by W. Owen Arranged by Danial Protheroc. Home (Tone Poem from Finlandia) by i Acoli’ s Gettysburg Speech) Dr. Male Chorus—A—To Thee, O Country— (National Hymn) by Julius Eichberg; B-—God Bless America—by Irving Berlin Selection .............Lebanon Valley College Girls Band Benediction ....... dian wi Rev. GB, Segelken BD. D. Taps Pianist... .... 0 ..... Lia ase Miss Bihel Moore