The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 11, 1939, Image 1

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Youth Rally To
Be Held Here
Thurs., May 18
The second Youth Rally of the
Young Peoples’ Societies of the
Churches of Mount Joy will be held
on Thursday, May 18, at 7:30 p. m.
in the Bethel Church of God, and
St. Mark's United Brethren Church.
The program is being planned by
the Young Peoples’ Societies of these
two churches. The inspirational pro-
gram of the evening will be held
in the Bethel church and will con-
sist of a religious play, “Pin Holes”,
to be presented by a group of
young people of the Landisville
Church of God; a reading by Miss
Jean Zimmerman, a flute solo by
Miss Mary Billow, and other mem-
The social period of the evening
will be held in the social rooms of
St. Mark’s church and will consist
of games and refreshments, All
young people of town and vicinity
are invited to attend.
or —R
Auto Club

Our Firemen
List Three
Plans for parading on three
occasions were discussed at a
meeting of the Friendship Fire
Company Thursday evening. The
group will parade on Memorial Day
here and at Lancaster and Palmyra
in June. The Hershey Drum Corps
will parade with the company at
Lancaster and the Hanover Drum
Corps will accompany them to Pal-
At the suggestion of Chief Ray
Myers the group voted to parade
without apparatus on Memorial
Day. One hundred pairs of white
gloves will be purchased this month.

Sponsors Big
Safety Parade
The greatest school safety de-
monstration ever held in Lancaster
county is planned for Saturday,
May 20, when more then 2500
boys and girls of the Safety Patrols
will parade in Lancaster. This will
be followed by an entertainment
and rally in the auditorium of the
new MecCaskey High SChool.
The parade and rally will be held
under the auspices of the Lancaster
Automobile Club, which sponsors
and furnishes equipment for the
112 school Patrol units in the city
and county. School bands will
accompany many of the delegations.
Prizes will be awarded by the
Automobile Club for the best
bands, the best safety floats and
(Turn to page 2)
Fred H. Koser, well known
mortician at Landisville, was elect=
éd president of the Lancaster Co-
unty Funeral Directors’ Association
last Thursday.
Mr. Simon Nissley, East Main
street, was elected vice president.
4-H Members
Their Pigs
Forty-two pigs were distributed
among 21 farm boys and girls of
the Mastersonville community on
Saturday at the farm of Elmer
Shelly, Manheim ED2, where the
animals were weighed and assigned
to the 4-H. members.
Each youth received a pair of
pigs which they will feed for ex-
hibit and sale at the inter-county
roundup next September. At this

Custodian Earl Zink reported one
uniform missing.
Elmer Zerphey was elected trustee
of the Company to succeed Roy
(Turn to page 5)
Be i:R=Strrofnt’sc™
Quite a number of folks from this
locality attended the Women’s
Missionary Convention held at
Shamokin last Wednesday. They
were Rev. and Mrs. Ezra Ranck.
Mrs. Robert Hostetter, Mrs. Warren
Bentzel, Mrs. Philip Greiner, Mrs.
Earl Myers, Mrs. Walter Greiner,
Mrs. Nevin Bachman, Mrs. John
Fberle, Miss Maggie Haines, Mrs
Howard Longenecker, Mrs. Frank
Musser, Mrs. Forrest Rarrick, Mrs.
John Booth, Miss Della Breneman,
Mrs. Harry Ney, Miss Elva Lines,
Mrs. Harry Lines, Mrs. Eli Eber-
sole, Mrs. L. C. Sprecher, Mr, Ray-
mond Nissly, Mrs. Fannie Runk,
Mrs. Charles Latchford, Mrs. Wil-
liam Weldon, Mrs. Roy, Zink, Miss
Alice Marie Nissley, Mrs. Norman
Nissley, Mrs. Martin Gerber, and
Miss Virginia Greenawalt

Samuel Dock, eight year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dock, of
town, is recuperating favorably from
a mastoid operation at the Lan-
caster General Hospital.
This is the boy’s second mastoid
operation, having had his first one
when he was a year old.
There will be a rehearsal of the
Men’s Chorus. for Memorial Day
held in the Mount Joy High School
Auditorium on next Tuesday even-
ing May 16.
Men of all choirs of all churches,
and all singers are urged to attend.
exhibit the local swine will be | SUDDENLY ILL
shown in competition with pigs
raised by 4-H children in Dauphin
county which will be fed over the
same period of time and under
rules to be supervised by the agri-
cultural extension workers of both
The pigs were six to eight weeks
old and averaged 30 to 35 pounds.
Donald Reist, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Reist, south of town,
and a student in the 8th grade
became ill suddenly while attend-
ing school Tuesday morning.
He was removed to the office
of Dr. Wm. Workman who treat-
ed him for acute heat exhaustion.
mt rs A Ast
The state suspended fourteen

Harold H. Snyder, of this boro, |drivers’ licenses from this locality
was fined $5 and costs for ignoring | last week. Among them were Wm.
a stop sign at Lancaster. - The la. Edyo, Columbia R. 1 and Amos
charge was brought by State Motor | 'R. Bricker, Manheim R. 1. Both
Policeman. charged with reckless driving.

California Folks Motor East To Visit
Relatives and Friends In This Section
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Nissley of | throughout this county.
Pasadena, California, arrived in Mt.
In speaking of their visit here
Joy via auto, last Saturday, and [they said that they are delighted
expect to spend some time here, [to note so much of beauty and of
visiting many places familiar to [substantial improvements in Mount
them as former residents of these |Joy and its environs.
parts, renewing old friendships
They are most enthusiastic in
and later on seeing the New York jall of their observations and ex-
Fair. periences round and about here.
Mr. Nissley is a brother of Mrs: [For the present they are located
Fianna Reist of Marietta St., while [at 152 New Haven street.
Mrs. Nissley, whose maiden name
We welcome them and hope
was Kraybill, is closely related |their stay in our midst will be a
with many families of that name 'most enjoyable one.

The Mount J oy Bulletin


Mount vp
Great Preparations For Our
Decoration Day Celebration
| and get-to-gether for old friends.
Richard P. Lindemuth, twenty-
one, of Maytown, was injured Fri-
control and struck a bridge span-
ning the Conewago creek on the
Harrisburg pike about two miles
north of Elizabethtown.
Lindemuth was treated at the of-
fice of Dr. T. M. Thompson, Eliza-
bethtown, for multiple lacerations
of the face and leg and bruises of
the chest. The former told State
Motor Police that the accident
occurred when his foot accelerator
E. Hamphield
Elects Its
S. Teachers
The East Hempfield
school directors retained the present
nine-mill tax and $2 per capita tax
in a tentative budget adopted for
the term of 1939-40 at the monthly
meeting held in the Landisville
High school building Wednesday
Frederick Smedley of Columbia.
was elected as an additional teacher
in the Landisville grade schools,
bringing the number on the grade
staff to seven. He will teach the
seventh grade. Miss Joel Boyd, of
Manheim, was named as a sub-
stitute teacher in the Landisville
grades to replace Miss Ruth Long,
who has been granted a leave dur-
ing the 1939-40 term. Miss Kathryn
Graybill, of Lanc. was elected to
teach the fifth and sixth grades at
East Petersburg. She replaces Miss
Mary Givler who will teach in the
Manheim schools during the 1939-
40 term,
Daniel B. Graybill was elected
treasurer of the board for the com-
ing year. He will replace Titus
Brubaker whose term expires in
July. Otto Eckert, president of the
board, presided.
C. of C. Will
June 19
Our Chamber of Commerce com-
mittee met in the High school
Monday evening with a good re-
presentation present.
The bylaws of the Chamber
were approved and membership
blanks were given the committee
members for distribution.
A meeting for the purpose of
affecting a permanent organization
will be held in the Council Cham-
ber Monday evening, June 19. Un-
til that time the committee ex-
pects to have a large number of

We sincerely hope the solicitors
will receive every consideration
when they approach you for your
We should have at least one
hundred members on organization
night, June 19.
Two children Jerre Schroll, aged
five, and Martin Russell Bless, |
aged four, both of Elizabethtown,
were badly bitten by a mad dog. !
Dr. J. N. Newcomer, of town, ha
the dog's head sent to ai
where it was found the cannine |
suffered from rabies.
es A rn
A safer and saner Fourth of
sylvania Tuesday after the State |
Senate approved, 45 to 2, the
Hamilton-Tahl bill to prohibit sale
and use of fireworks.
AA Arr {
Edgar D. Snavely, Manheim R. |
D. 2, and Anna S. Musser. Eliza- |
bethtown R. D. 3.

day when his car careened out of
If our Memorial Day celebration
exceed all former
Nothing is being left un-
done to make it a big success.
organizations, civic clubs,
scout troops and the school children
are making elaborate plans for the
s and special services ar
, our folks make the
an annual home-coming
of Rapho township is to receive a
bequest of $500 from the estate of
» who died in Manheim
according to his will
which was placed on record in the

Henry S. Dourte, Lebanon R. D. 5;
Rapho township,
named executors and
were granted letters Thursday.

A Pharmacy
To Open Here
Thurs. May 18
one week from
7, May 18—there will open
an entirely new,
and one of the most modern phar-
+ business here
s Prescription Pharmacy.
When we say new we mean that
very thing, as the building,
and furnishings are all new.
The pharmacy is located one door
side of East Main Street.
and fixtures are now being placed.
The store will have and up to
complete line of drugs and sick-
baby department, which will speci-
alize on baby foods,
booths will also be installed.
The proprietor,
hails from West Grove, but has been
pharmacies at
and Washington,
employed. in leading
Haverford, Penna.,
eral GG
Livina McDannel, of Mount Joy
gave her estate to her three child-
and Emmert R.
1. The two sons were ap-
pointed executors.
reel I.
uel R. McDannel
members who will be eligible to |

Male Chorus
Grantham, Pa. will
render a program in the Maytown
Bible College,
o'clock, daylight saving time.

near Lancaster,
Planted 150 acres of potatoes.

a., Thursday Morning, May 1939
Highlights of the day have been
announced by the committee to in-
clude a band concert and decoration
of graves in the morning; a pro-
gram at the high school and street
parade in the afternoon with a
carnival at the borough park all
The celebration arranged by the
Citizens Memorial Day committee,
H. O. O'Neil, chairman; H. M.
Stauffer, treasurer, and Mrs. Clyde
(Turn to page 3
Is Crowned
May Queen
Mount Joy High school crowned
its May Queen, Izella Brown, at
the annual May Hop at the school
last Friday evening. Miss Brown
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Brown, of our boro.
Betty Ann Newcomer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence New-
comer, was runner-up for the
honor and served as maid-of-hon-
or for the Queen. The other mem-
bers cof the court were Doris
‘Hickernell, Jane Habecker, Doris
Hendrix and Jeanette Hipple.
Two hundred persons attended
1the dance held in the high school
gymnasium. The queen and her
attendants were presented with
flowers by Jack Germer, a mem-
ber of the dance committee. A
procession to the throne preceded
the crowning ceremony.
‘ This was the second year for
the event here, last year’s queen
being Miss Pauline Nissly, now a
student at Millersville State
Teachers’ College. Both years the
queen and her attendants were
elected by the student body at
the school.
Brief News Of
The Day From
Local Dailies
100,000 members of the American
Legion will begin their poppy sole
May 26.
Allen Lorah, aged four weeks, of
Reading, had ten teeth pulled by
a dentist.
Clyde Dennis, 27, near Parkes-
burg, was arrested for stealing 75
fruit trees.
3000 acres of woodland was
burned over in the Pocono moun-
tains before it was extinguished.
The 13th annual convention of
the Penna. Federation of Demo-
cratic women opened at Harrisburg
A man at Harrisburg was fined
$10. He took his case to court and
won but had to pay the costs which
were $97.85.
Floyd E. McBride, Marietta, has
enlisted in 2 the U S. Army.

Class Day and Commencement
Fri., May 26—Thurs., June 1

then Commencement,
climax to high school
days are big events in the lives of
July was virtually assured Penn- | :
no exception and this
{ year the class day exercises Friday,
May 26, will feature three one-act
| plays and presentation of awards.
The baccalaureate sermon will he
the school au-
. Grafflin, of White Plains,
{ New York, will give the address at

the commencement exercises.
Dr. Arthur P. Mylin, county su-
perintendent of schools will present
the diplomas to the graduating class |
of Mt. Joy High School during the |
commencement exercises which will
be at 8 o'clock Thursday, June 1.
Miss Bernice Metzler, Miss Cath-
erine Ney and Robert Nissly, have
been chosen to give the student ad-
dresses which will center around the |
(Turn to page 3)

School Activities: Class Day May 26; Baccalaureate ue 28; Graduation Exercises June 1

Mothers’ Day
Next Sunday
a number of pro-

Miss Kathryn Houseal was crown-
ed Queen at the May Day program
of the East Donegal Township
cchools at Maytown Friday. Miss
Houseal, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Houseal, was selected
from five candidates.
A day crowded with events con-
centrated more than 1,000 parents,
friends and pupils at the school.
A field day and track meet was
held during the afternoon and that
evening a program of magic was
given at the auditorium.
lf A
The following from this vicin-
ity spent from Friday to Sunday
evening at Buck Ridge Camp, Perry
Co., where they are remodeling
that well known Rising Mountain
resort: Messrs A. D. Garber, George
Mumper, Paul Diffenderfer, James
M. Berrier, Clarence Hollinger,
Clyde Mumper, and Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Mateer and son Jimmy,
W. E. Good, Elizahethtown, has
brought action for workmen's
compensation from J. M. Brightbill,
Elizabethtown, for whom he was
working when he delivered a
china closet to the Chester Brin-
ser residence in Rheems, Feb. 9
Local Affairs
In General
Briefly Told
There are 89 aliens on the relief
in Lancaster Co.
Two counterfieit half dollars were
passed at Lancaster last week.
There are seven applicants for
the postmastership at Paradise.

burg, was jailed on a bad check
A garment factory to employ
sixty people will soon open at
R. R. Hollinger, 67, Lititz painter,
broke his leg.
The entire shingle roof burned off |
the home of Albert F. Hersh at
New Danville.
administrator of Mary A. Stoner, |?
late of Lancaster.
jailed two days for not sending |
his son to school
A field roller passed over 5-
but he wasn’t hurt.
from the farm of Charles Winters,
near New Providence.
stroyed by fire Saturday.
Mrs. Erm& Findley, 29, New
cut off in a potato planter.
At a public sale at Neffsville on
$35 and a corner cupboard $59.
and his brother, 16, badly injured
when an auto hit their motorcycle
near Quarryville.
-mes i. h4——L
wedding anniversary on Thursday,
May 11th.

Dorsett, formerly of Landisville,
was given to a man to wash. To
date he hasn't returned it.
ian crrk iti
Robert Garner, Manheim and

}inning fray 10 to 6.

Our High school league team lost pal is
“Sesqui-Centennial of the {5 Maytown Tuesday p. m. ir a 6-

The Junior Class
Will Be Hosts
To The Seniors
Next Monday evening, May 15, in
the school gymnasium at 8 o'clock,
the Junior class will be hosts to the
senior class and faculty members at
the annual party.
Russell Sumpman, president of
the Junior class, and Robert Nissly,
president of the Senior class, are
working on arrangements with the

+ of Mother's Day
Trinity Evangelical
Congregational Church
Congre gational !
+ of its mothers { of
. {0
During the hour of the Sunday |
citation and special music i

Richard Mumper,
The children of
y Department will sing.

’ Quartette composed of Al-
+ of the morning
(Turn to page 3)
lf Qn
Robert Leiberher,
Mrs. Fred Leiberher,
vania Railroad
morning, May
6th. From 5:45
boys had breakfast at the Daven-
Special left Harrisburg at 6:20 A.
M. and arrived at New York at 9:50
walked through

train for the Fair Grounds arriving
[at 10:30 A. M. Here the boys board-
and compentent
[ took them on a tour of the grounds.
| After the conducted tour the boys
| were free to visit any
| wished to see.
Representatives of the Telegraph
John H. Myers 35, East Peters- |
fell off the roof of a house and |
were on hand to advise them on
their Sight seeing rips,
H. N. Nissly, of this place, is the [and left New York at 11: 25 P. M:
| M. tied but Nore and with mem-
Harry Maisells, Lancaster R3, was |
ally crammed with
| every corner of the earth.
This was truly a gr: i
year- old Roy Latham, of Bellbank | and one which Robert wil
Thirty-one chickens were stolen | 5: :
After attending the 180th District
Conference of Rotary

The Shaum skating rink near |
Brownstown, was completely des-
| Among them was Mus.
Providence, had the end of a finger |
———— Eee
Saturday a lustre pitcher brought |
: X to : sing farmers
Clarence Denlinger, 17, was killed 200 gol iarmers I
raising his new
imonths ago the barn on this f
{was destroyed by
eel Wie So
Wilma I. Eaton,
baby chix, ¢
Mr. and Mrs. William Shaeffer |
will celebrate their thirty-seventh | of
gp Fred Letberher s Collection of
An green coupe owned by Esther | Handker eg

Clarence D. Gibble, Manheim R 2
{had their drivers licenses suspend- |
{ed by the state.

respondent in Ohio sent

ascistance of the following com-
mittees: invitations, Mary Belle
| Fores, Mabel Jane Engle, Dorothy
| Detwiler; refreshments, Elsie May
| Lengenecker, Miriam Shank, James
| Hostette r and Mary Forney; enter-
|tainment, Warren Kuhn, Eleanor
Stoner, Mildred Hamilton, Ruth Rye
{and Dorothy Newcomer.
rl en
Tuesday's report from our Board
s | of Health numbers fourteen cases
Scarlet Fever quarantined.
Those tagged this week thus far
are: Mrs. George Halbleib, Billy
and Marlene Garber, children of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Garber, and
Sarah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Brown.
eee tll) MEI
‘Record In
This Section
Harry C. Fetter, 47, died at Man-
Elsie M. Stauffer, aged six weeks,
died at Marietta.
Edward L. Brock, 64, died Thurs-
day at Marietta.
Harry S. Shank, 65, of
town, died Monday.
Magdaline, wife of John Wall,
38, died at Columbia.
John R, Shellenberger, 66, died
Sunday at Marietta.
John R. Shellenberger, 66, of
Marietta, died Sunday morning.
Mrs. Margaret Magdaline Barley,
40, wife of Frank Barley, of Co-
lumbia, died last week.
Bard B. Bigler, 46, died at East
Petersburg. Alvin Bigler on west
Main street, is a brother.
Gabriel H. Moyer, 65, very well
known here, fell dead while cross-
(Turn to page 2)
The members of the Washing=
tonboro Tomato Growers’ Asso-
ciation will plant 85 acres this year.
There are 2,500 acres under con-
tract in Lancaster Co. with the
Campbell Soup Co. this year.
+ We Still Need

$176.78 For
Memorial Day
Today $176.78 additional is re-
quired for Memorial Day to total
the $1,000.00.
The committee appeals to all our
ritizens who have not responded to
| send their contribution promptly
[to one of the following:
George B. Zeller, Simon P. Nis-
sley, Clyde Eshleman, Clarence S.
Newcomer, Albert Myers, Howard
E. Garber, John W. Greiner or H.
{| M. Stauffer, treasurer.

force of more than |
C. S. Frank & Bro. will hold a
| public sale on Friday, May 12, at
TP. M. S. T, They will sell a lot
njof cows, shoats fruit, merchandise,

lI ree
Daniel Kauffman, Silver Spring,
was prosecuted at Lancaster for

rec ckless driving.
Continually Growing
made in Checko-Slovakia and
1 r sending one from a
no longer exists.
newest souvenir hanky is
a hugs one from the New York
World's Fair with different build-
d [ings stamped on it.
A “pen friend” in Paris, France,
ts Mrs. Leiberher to cor-

Each day brings new hankies
land interesting letters and Mrs.
ciberher answers each one.