The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 22, 1938, Image 6

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ces | Characters: U. B. Sunday School |
Sheriff § Sale Helen—Louise Baker
se Of oe
To be held
AT 2:00 o'clock P. M.
By virtue of several writs of Fieri
Facias and Levari Facias issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas, Lan-
caster County, Pennsylvania, and to
me directed, I will expose to sale by
public vendue or outcry in Court
Room No. 2, atthe Court House, in
the City of Lancaster, Pa., the fol-
lowing described real estate, to wil:
NO. 1
All that certain lot or piece of
ground situated on the Northwest
side of Poplar Street, between
Dorwart and Laurel Streets, in the
City of Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
on which is erected a two story
brick dwelling house, known as
No. 633 on said Poplar Street.
Containing in front on said Pop-
lar Street 18 feet 8 inches and
extending in depth Northwestward-
ly 84 feet, more or less, to a 10
feet wide alley, narrowing on the
Northeastern line to a width of
17 feet 70 inches, more or less,
on said alley.
Bounded on the Northwest by
the said 10 feet wide alley, on
the Southwest by property, now
or late, of Andreas Kirchner, on
the Northeast by property, now or
late, of Joseph Beck, Jr. and on
the Southeast by Poplar Street.
Together with the right to the
use of the 10 feet wide alley on
the Northwest, in common with
the owners of the adjoining prem-
Seized and taken in execution as
property of Herman W. Kirsch.
Mary M. Kirsch, his wife and
Fred G. Kirsch, with notice to
Herman W. Kirsch and Fred G.
Kirsch, present owners and terre
NO. 2
All that certain lot or piece of
ground, whereon is erected atwo
story brick dwelling house No
614, situated on the West side of
North Queen Street, between W.
Frederick and W. New Streets, in
the City of Lancaster, Pennsyl-
vania, and bounded and described
as follows, to wit:
On the North by property, now
or late, of Philip Eiseman, on the
West by property, now or late, of
Mrs. Jane Green, on the South
by property, now or late, of Mrs.
Oliver J. Smith and on the East
by North Queen Street aforesaid.
Containing in front on said
North Queen Street 16 feet 11 in-
ches (which includes one-half of
the width of the two feet and 6
inches, more or less, wide alley
located between the hereby con-
veyed premises and the premises
adjoining on the South) and ex-
tending in deoth of that width
Westwardly, 156 feet 7 inches to
property, now or late, of Mrs. Jane
Seized and taken in execution
as property of Charles S. Biechler.
NO. 3
All that certain lot or piece of
land with two-story brick dwell-
ing house (No. 325) thereon er-
ected, situated on the East side
of Rider Avenue, between Elm
and Maple Avenues, in Lancaster
Township, bounded and described
as follows: On the North and
South by properties now or late
of Maurice W. Eby, on the East
by a 16 feet wide common alley
and on the West by Rider Avenue
Containing in front on Rider
Avenue 21 feet and 6 in. and ex-
tending in depth of that width
eastwardly 148 feet to the 16 ft
wide common alley aforesaid. The
South line of said lot passes through
the middle of the 9 inch cinder
block partition wall, which is a
party wall, between the dwelling
on this lot and the dwelling on
the lot adjoining on the South.
Seized and taken in execution
as the property of Joseph F. Far-
rell and Anna M. Farrell, with
notice to Frank Maxey and Jennie
M. Maxey, his wife, terre tenants.
NO. 4
All that certain lot or piece of
ground with a brick bungalow
thereon erected situated on the
South side of the Lancaster and
Columbia Turnpike in the Town-
ship of Manor, County and State
aforesaid, designated as Lots Nos.
151 and 152 on a certain plan of
lots called West Lancaster.
Containing in front on the South
side of the Lancaster and Colum-
bia Turnpike, forty feet and ex-

(from page 2)
Peggy's Piece—Phyllis Peifer.
Creenbacks—Beverly Ann Myers.
Announcements and Offering.
Offertory, Silent Night, Piano Ac-
cordian by James Piersol.

Sweetest Chimes are Ringing—
Nancy Leggoe, Marianne Leggoe.
My Report—Mae Weidman.
ian Peifer, Marcelline Zerphy.
Richard Mumper.
My Gift—Evelyn Lertch.
Helen Thomas.
A Trip to Bethlehem—Alice Bis-
hop, Phyllis Peifer.
Secretary’s report.
Hymn, Joy to the World.
Benediction, Rev. Reeder.
When the Light Shone, by Reta

veyed premises are party walls.
sewer that enters into Ruby Street
in common with others entitled
as property of Clarence P. Gray-
NO. 6
All that certain lot of land sit-
uated on the North side of Fourth
Street between Pearl Street and
South West End Avenue in the
City of Lancaster, County of Lan-
caster and State of Pennsylvania.
having thereon erected a brick
dwelling house known as No. 825
Fourth Street, bounded and de-
scribed as follows, to witi—
Beginning at a point on the
West side of an Eighteen (18) feet
wide common alley, One hundred
and thirty-one (131) feet from
the West side of Pearl Street, and
thence containing in front on
Fourth Street aforesaid from that
point Westwardly a distance of
Twenty (20) feet, more or less,
and extending in depth of that
width ~~ Northwardly, Eighty-four
(84) feet, more or less, to a Six-
teen (16) feet wide common al-

and on the West by property now
or late of John C. Hager. Jr.
The Western boundary line
passes through the middle of a
brick party wall between the pre-
mises herein described and those
adjoining on the West.
Together with the right to use
the Eighteen (18) feet wide com-
mon alley on the West and the
Sixteen (16) feet wide common
alley on the North in common
with others entitled thereto.
Seized and taken in execution as
rroperty of Jacob H. Danner and
Annie Danner, Mortgagors, Wil-
liam Danner, Fxecutor of Jacob
H. Danner, deceased, Ruth Eberts.
Rebecca Huegel, Fred Danner, Wil-
liam Danner and Edgar Danner.
legatees and devisees of Jacob H.
Danner, deceased and real own-
Jean Mumper, Nancy Mumper,
The Best Christmas—Joe Coover.
The Meaning of Christmas—Mar-
A Merry Christmas Messenger—
The Heart of Christmas--Helen
Fmenheiser, Marcelline Zerphy,
Mae Weidman, Barbara Bates, Flo-
rence Kaylor, Margaret Kramer,
Dalzell. Directed by Mrs. Walter
The brick walls on the East and
West sides of the herein con-
Together with and subject to the
right and privilege of using the
Seized and taken in execution
Ben—Richard Mumper.
Maid—Evelyn Lertch
Mary—Anna Mumper,
Star—Dorothy Kaylor
Angels—Almeda Kaylor, Ethc
Singer—Mildred Geib
ald Peifer, Paul Hostetter.
ald Arntz, Rev. Reeder.
King—Harry Walters, Jr.
Slave—Ammon Hoffer, Jr.
Old Man—George Albright
Accordianist—Charles Piersol
Poor Girl—Evelyn Lertch
U. B. Sunday School
Dec. 25 at 9:30.
Song by. the School.
Responsive reading.
Prayer by Pastor.
Song by School.
Beginners’ Dept,
Kec.—My Present, Shirley Eby.
Rec.—Warning, Dickie Keppel.

| Geneveive Zimmerman,
Ann Schofield.
Shirley Hawthorne.

Rec.—Candies and Toys,
Rec.—My Papa’s Stocking,
Rec.—Greetings, Nancy G
Rec.— Christmas Bells,
Ashenfelter, ’
Rec.—A Treat, Richard S
Rec.—Welcome, Joyce Gar
Rec. —Christmas Greeting,
ley Schneider.
Solo—Julia Witmer.
Exercise—Tales of Santa
Marlene Halbleib, Maryl
comer, Nancy Hetrick, Peg
land, Peggy Zerphey.
Exercise—The Message
Bells, Jacquelyn Zeller, C

NO. 7
All that certain lot or piece of
ground situated on the South side
of East Frederick Street, between
North Duke and North Qucen
Streets in the City of Lancaster,
Pa, having thereon erected two
2-story brick dwelling houses
numbered and known as Nos. 36-
26% East Frederick Street.
Containing in front on the
South side of East Frederick St.
19 feet and 2} inches and extend-
ing in depth Southwardly the dis-
fance of 36 feet, then widening on
the East to the width of 20 feet
and 63 inches the further dis-
tance of 45 feet.
Bounded on the North by East
Frederick Street; on the South
Zeller, Thelma Sherk, Charlotte
Song—Little Baby in a Manger,
Beginners’ Dept.
Primary Dept.
Exercise—Boys, A Christmas
Rec.—Elwood Stark.
Lullaby—Helen Booth.
Exercise—Girls, What Will You
Rec.—Geo. Halbleib.
Exercise—Gifts, by five boys.
Rec.—The Children Sing, Lor-
raine Kuhn.
Exercise — Christmas Wishes,
Three Girls.
A Christmas Prayer—Mary Fitz-

and East by property now or late
of L. B. Keiper; and on the West
by property now or late of Sarah
Goldberg. !
Together with the use of a 2,

tending in depth Southwardly of
that width, one hundred and
twenty feet to a fifteen feet wide
common alley.
Bounded on the East by prop-|
erty now or late of Aaron B
Adams; on the South by said fif-
teen feet wide common alley; on
the West by Lot No. 153, and on
the North by the Lancaster and
Columbia Turnpike.
Seized and taken in execution]
as property of Ida M. Tripple.
NO. 5
All that certain three-story
brick dwelling and lot or piece
of ground thereto belonging sit-;
uated No. 849 Manor Street, Lan-
caster City of Pennsylvania.
Containing in front on Manor |
Street, fifteen (15) feet and two!
(2) inches, more or less, and ex-
tending in denth on the East side
sixty-eight (63) feet, more or less.
and on the West side fifty-five (335)
feet, more or less, to Ruby Street.
Fronting on Ruby Street twenty
(20) feet and five (5) inches, more |
or less.
Street; on the South by Manor
and other improvements, situate
lying and being on the South West!
corner of Union and Third Streets Hershey
in the Borough of Columbia. | :
County of Lancaster, and State of |
Union Street, thirty three
more or less and extending in|
depth of that width along Third)
one hundred and twenty- | Miss Eby’s Class.
feet to Alley “L.”
Bounded on the North West by | Hostetter’s Class
said Union Street, on the North| 3 alo
Fast by said Third Street, on the!
South East by s»id alley “L” and |
on the South East by premises
of the Estate of John P. Fraak |
Bounded on the North by Ruby| deceased.
feet, 8 inches wide alley along}
the Eastern boundary line, and
the right to build over the said
Seized and taken in execution as
property of Harry Edelson. i
NO. 3
All that certain lot or piece of]

land, having thereon erected al
brick store and dwelling houses

Containing in front on said |

Seized and taken in execution
Street; on the East by property| as the property of Paul Heine.
of Abraham L. Leaman, and oni
the West by property of John |
ley Schofield.
| win,
hard Hershey.
feet| fering, Mrs. Eberley’s Class.
Mr. Sprecher’s Class.
{ Mr. Reisch’s Class.
Rec.—My Christmas Wish, Shir-
Drama—Eyes and Ye See Not.
Rec.—Ready and Willing, Joyce
Rec.—Harry Baughman,
Rec.—Lee Ranck.
Exercise—Victorious Christmas
Rec.—Edgar Bergman.
Rec.—Something for Daddy, Ric-
Rec.—A Closing Piece, Richard
Song by school.
Junior Dept.
Exercise—Nature’s Christmas Of
Exercise—A Way of Behaving,
Exercise—Told by a Tree, Mr
Recitation—Clarence Weldon.
Exercise— Christmas Questions,
Exercise—A Christmas Prayer,
Remarks by the Pastor.
Song by the School.
Carolers—Alice Bishop, Shirley
Weber, Phyilis Peifer, Helen Em-
Shepherds—Robert Arntz, Don-
Wise Men—Cletus Kaylor, Ger-
Heralds—Bruce Myers, Irvin My-
Crippled Child—Harold Holmes
Program committee: Mrs. C. C.
Reeder, Mrs. Walter Brandt, Mrs.
John Leggoe and Miss Ethel Barto.
St. Mark’s United Brethren Sun-
day School will render the follow-
ing program on Sunday morning,
Rec.—On the Air, Billie Tyndall
Rec.—A Word of Cheer, Shirley
Rec.—Dad’s Present, William
Rec.—A Queer Christmas, Joan
Rec.—Greetings, Patsy Ann
Rec—How do You do, Robert
Christmas Secret—Marlene and
Christmas, Mary
Rec.—A Coming Preacher, Ashur
Rec.—The Best of Greetings,
Exercise—Jesus, Marlyn Ludwig,
Patsy Ann Schroll, Joan Halbleib,
Bounded on the North by said Nancy Musser, Shirley Leed
Sixteen (16) feet wide common| Solo—Bonnie Bigler.
alley; on the East by said Eigh- |
teen (18) feet wide common alley;| _,. :
on the South by said Fourth Street; | Fitzkee.
Rec.—My Job, Sonny Wa

tide, Nolte. :
Pageant to be presented by the
young people of St. Mark’s United
Brethren Sunday School, Christmas, |

December 25, at 8:00 p. m. in the |
large basement room of the church. |
Directed by Mrs. J. Nelson New- |
Title—" The Seeking Wise Man",
by Valeria R. Lehman.
A pageant with familiar Xmas
Prophetess—Miss Jean Zimmer-
Man—Mr. Jay Sherk.
Caspar, Sage of Teharan—Mr.
George Rehrer.
Dana—Miss Martha Fitzkee.
Neva—Miss Mary Habecker.
Cain, and young shepherd—DMr.
Clyde Zink.
Hesiah—Mr. Lester Hostetter,
Mother Mary—Miss Ruth Hertz-
Music will be furnished by
members of the Choir, Mrs. Robert
Hostetter, directing.
Properties Committee, Warren
Bentzel, Maris Gainor, Alvin Big-
ler, and Lester Eshleman.
Costumes Committee — Misses
Edna Newcomer and Helen Bates.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
7:00 P. M. Christmas Eve.
Children’s Christmas Service
Processional Hymn 72—“O come,
ll ye faithful”
Opening Sentences.
Versicles and Responses.
Prayers and Blessing.
Short Address—The Rector.
Children’s Play—Love Came
Down At Christmas by Ruth Hays.
A Mother—Arlene Hendrix.
Harry—Richard Brown.
Isabel —Nancy Germer.
Sam—Betty Carpenter.
Lucy—Marshall Dussinger.

town of Bethlehem”
Kindergarten & Primary Grades
A Christmas Proclamation—Nancy
Recitation—“My Plan” — Frank-
lin Zimmerman.

Betty Hendrix.

Song—This is what we all
do, Joyce Ellis and Primary cl
Lize.—God’s Gifts,Mary Lou Eliis
Rec.—Christmas Cheer, Donald |:

Rec.—Daddy’s Purse, Marguerite
Rec.—Merry Christmas, Cynthia
Rec.—Almost Forgotten, Benja-
‘min Brown.
Rec.—The Filled Stocking, Peggy
Hendrix, :
Kec—My Room I Would Have
Given Thee, Jean Schneider. |
Rec.—Goodbye, Come Oftener, |
Fred Germer.
Farewell Message—Harold and |

Carol—Gather around the Xmas
Distribution of gifts. I
Carol—Fareweli to thee, O Xmas |
Prayers and Benediction.
Recessional Hymn 551—The First |
11:15 P. M.—Christmas Eve. Sing-
ing of Christmas Carols (Choir)
11-30 P. M. Christmas Eve, The |
Midnight Choral Eucharist.
Organ Prelude—Adeste Fideles,
Loret. |

Choir Frocessional—Hymn #72.
Introit—Hymn 89. I
The Summary of the Law.
The Kyrie—Brown.

Agnes Dei—Brown.

quite complete
1 y

When they are 1

cup shortening
PO =

“0 litte | AYER!
he Good Cheer class of the
| United Brethren church was held
on Tuesday evening
with Mrs. Greenawalt, Mrs. .-Mum-
Rec—An Important Message, | 15.

sey. Bates,
Rec.—A Christmas Smile, Garry | Edna
eltmacher, Mrs. Dewey Horna-

Christmes party at the Garden

{ pany, was in charge of arrange-
George Heisey. i nares

sed along Pennsylvania's high-



The Collect, Epistle. | kis
Sequence- Hymn 84. | :
The Gospel. |
Gloria and Laus Tibi. Erown.
Sermon—Hymn 74. | Gle
Sermon—The Rector. i. 3
Cffertory Anthem — Christmas- | Car
owth and resistance to disease.
ht, | The latter is credited with the
| rrovention of ridkets.

1/, teaspoon lemon extract
cups flour
, teaspoon soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
rs QO WW
15 teaspoon salt
15 cup canned fruit juice
| cup chopped candied pineapple
1 cup chopped candied cherries


Check Below And See If You Have
Any Ot fhe Signs
Quivering nerves can make you old and
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with—can keep you awake nights and rob
you of good health, good times and jobs.
Don’t let yourself “go” like that. Start
taking a good, reliable tonic—one made espe=
cially for women. And could you ask for any-
thing whose benefits have been better proved
than a E. Pinkham’s 3 ih
Ye herbs and roots of | without fail from your i mil- §
Pinkham’s Compeund help Nature calm | lion Yomen lays writen inletters.eporting
your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, wander] e . vik E.3 ni
3 istres: emale - past 60 years Lydia E. m's
od Mp distress {fom Temels fare Vegetable Gompound, 18s helpe grateful
Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this | women go “smiling thru ordeal
He Compound TODAY Why not let it help YOU?

Closing Out Entire Stock :
At from 10 to 50% off regular Prices
1 cup thir liced citron
2 cups chopped raisins ie STOCK CONSISTS OF
1 cup chopped nuts 1 |
6 egg Whites ¥ WAGONS SCOOTERS
Cream and shortening.

Add whole rs and beat thor-
ughly. Add lemon extract. Sift
yur, soda, baking powder and salt
oether. Add to creamed mix-
ure, alternately with fruit juice.
Add chopped fruits and® nuts.
Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites.
Bake in well-greased tube pan in

oven (325°F.) about 1%
field: 1 large cake ¢

, Vera Eby, Mary Elizabeth
-ohey, Doris Zink, Alice Marie!
Good Cheer Class
The annual Christmas party of
the home of Mrs. Warren

Bruce Pennell, and Mrs.
Schroll as hostesses. Miss
Eby had the devotions.
't Hostetter played a
election on the flute.
st Barr
class sang carols. As
Old St. Nicholas,
red and presented

k gave a read-

refreshments were ser-

wing: Mrs. Joseph
e Reigle, Paul Frey,
wthorne, Herbert Tyndal,
wrles Eby, Mrs. Albert
Bruce Pennell, Mrs.
le, Mrs. Paul Alexander,
Reisch, Mrs. Robert

Mrs. Norman Sprecher,
niel Willis, Mrs. Margaret
Mrs. Frank Germer, Mrs.
eard, Mrs. Clinton Eby,
Varren Bentzel, Mrs. Abram
, Mrs. Alvin Eigler, Mrs. John
Il, Mrs. Bruce Pennell, Mrs.

Mr. Forrest Barr-
beth Eby, Miss Anna
Miss Anna Barto, Miss
cher, Miss Maud
hneider, Miss Alice Marie Nissly,
Ida Greenawalt, Miss Ruth
Iiss Mary Billow and Mrs.
were guests.

Le Blane Party
nployes of the Le Blane Cor-

vere entertained at a

aurant recently Ben
president of the com-
for the affair. Fifty-five
were present.
Auxiliary Party
nembers of the Friendship
Auxiliary enter-
auxiliary from Eliza-

at a Christmas party
Seventy-two persons !

id you know that more ihan
illion guard rail rosts are
s each year? These are cut
from locust trees, say Penn
A locust tree
moderately fertile soil

flten be large enough to make
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A. and D are most es-
The former promotes

All Bicycles At Sacrificed Prices
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The Mount Joy Bulletin |


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