le 4 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1938 TR CHECKING UP LIGHTING CONDITIONS IN THE HOMES In the homes where the safe- guarding of eyesight is looked upon by the parents as a duty, this is the time of the year when at- tention is given to the revamping of the lighting arrangements. With darkness coming along a little earlier each evening and the young- sters faced with a lot of homework in order to keep up with their studies, the amount of light under which studies are purchased, games played, or recreation indulged in, it is recognized may have a far- reaching effect in the years to come. The startling number of child- ren of school age who are required to wear glasses to correct defec- tive vision prompts thinking par- ents to take steps to insure ade- quate lighting conditions in the home. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE—New Hampshire Red Pullets. Ready to lay. Call William Thome, Mount Joy 129J4. nov.-24-1t FOR SALE—A Double House at 237-39 North Hanover Street, Eliza- bethtown, or FOR RENT—North side of double house at 239 North Hanover Street, Elizabethtown. Six rooms and bath, all conveniences. Inquire Kulp’s Confectionery and News Stand, 39 East Main Street, Mount Joy, or call Mount Joy 66M. nov.24-1t LOST—One complete tire and wheel for 1936 Chevrolet. Black with smooth tire. Reward. Call El- wood Martin, Mount Joy 14M. nov.-24-1t VOTE OF THANKS—We desire to thank our relatives and friends for their kindness, words of sym- pathy and floral offerings in our late bereavement. Mrs, Florence Pennell and Family. nov. 1t WANTED—A middle aed 4 woman for house keeping. Good home for richt party. Write Post Office Box 146 Florin, Pa. nov.24-1t-p FOR SALE—Kelsey furnace, reg- ulator, hen cages, refrigerator, hrooder stove, electric heater. Apply Musser Bros. Mount Joy. nov.24-tf FOR SALE—Needlework, home made candy. maiden hair ferns. Dec, i-z2- Rhoda R. Eby, 20 Poplar Street, Mount Joy. nov.24-1t-p WANTED—Young girl or lady mnder 35 to do general housework. Prefer plain person. Must be well recommended. Compensation $5.00 ner week, nlus room and board. Phos 28517 any Mrs. Esth- » Mumma Landis, 1025 Wheatland Ave, La incaster, Pa, nov.-24-1t FOR SAIE—Jewel Heater in good condition. Mrs. Lizzie Fisher, Flor- in, Pa. nov.-17- 3t- -pd FOR SALE Green top, dark red heets, also turnips by the bushel. I B. Breneman, R. 2; Manheim, Pa. nov.17-2t-p FOR SALE—Ducks and Geese. Phone Marietta 44R2, Norman Stauffer, Mt. Joy R 1. nov.17-3t-p FOR SALE—Apnles and Cider. Daily at Fairview Orchards, Florin, Pa. Elmer R. Snyder. Phone 214R2 oct.-20-tf FOR. GOOD RADIO SERVICE— Car or Home Sets. Call Franklin King, 108 W. Main St, Mt. Joy. Pa. Phone 27R. aug.18-tf WANTED — Your next roll of films, send 25 cents and get 8 Velvet Waxed Prints and free enlargement roupons. Our 21st year in business. Papital City Photo Service, 412 \Tarket Street, Harrisburg, Pa. may-19-tf DISCHARGE OF DOWER NOTICE To the heirs and legal representa- tives of Christian Stoler, Jacob Stol- er, Barbara (Martin) Saylors and Nancv Eberle. notice is hereby given that Robert F. Vanderslice presented his Petition to the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster County averring that Christian Leib died seized of a cer- tain lot er piece of land situate, ly- ing and being in Mount Joy Town- shin, County, bounded and limited as follows to wit: FRONTING Scuthward on the Lan- caster. Elizabethtown and Middle- town Turnpike, Northward by the Harricburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster Railroad, Eastward by an allev. adjoining the village of Richland, containing about one acre, beine the same more or less, upon which land a certain dower in the sum of $41.00 remains a lien of rec- ord. That said Court has issued a citation reauiring you and each of vou, and any other person interested in said dower charge, to appear in said Court op December 15, 1938 =t 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause, if any. why said dower charge of $41. chould not be satisfied and dis- charged. In default of appearance bv any person in interest. said dow- or charoe of $41.00, and lien will be catisfied by order of said Court. TOM C. SHIRK, Sheriff william C. Rehm, Atty. nov.-17-4t SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY . DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. premises 20 N. Grant St, Man- heim, real estate and personal property by Isaac B. Breneman, executor of Hettie Eby, deceased. | Miller, auect. dence of the late Miss Rose Shu- man, in Maytown, public sale of household goods and valuable an- tiques, by Mrs. Lillian S. Meyncke. Sale at 12 M. Walter Dupes, Auct. your business than by local news paper advertising. Er ar. - Ce The Lancaster THE BULLETIN OF PRICES showing to change for the week. week. medium to good 12.00 to 12.50. 8.50. steady at 9.50 to 10.00, medium to good 8.00 to 9.00 common 6.00 to 7.00, bucks 1.00 lower. Receipts: 600 cattle, 32 calves, 365 hogs, 42 sheep Good and choice 7.50-8.25 Fair to good 6.75-7.50 Cutter common and med. 5.50-6.75 VEALERS Good and choice 12.00-12.50 Medium 10.00-11.50 Cull and common 6.00-7.00 FEEDER AND STOCKER CATTLE Good and choice 9.00-10.00 Fair to good 7.50-9.00 Medium to fair 6.75-7.50 Common and medium 5.75-6.75 HOGS Good and choice SHEEP 8.25-8.50 Choice lambs 9.50-10.00 Medium and good lambs 7.50-8.50 6.00-7.00 2.00-4.00 1.00 lower Common lambs Ewes (all weights) Bucks (all weights) Sale Register| If you want a notice ot your sale inserted in this register weekly from now until day of sale. ABSOLUTE- LY FREE, send or phone us your sale date and when you are ready let us print your bills. That's the cheapest advertising you can get. Every Thursday night, at Bev- erly, at 7 P. M., public auction of Poultry, Fruit, Dry goods, 50,- 000 Chicks, Ducklings and Turkey Poults by G. K. Wagner. Saturday, Nov. 26—On the prem- ises in Mt. Joy township, along the road leading from Mount Pleasant Church to Milton Grove, near the former, a tract of land of nearly 2 acres with dwelling, frame barn, ete. by the First National Bank and] Trust Co. of Mt. Joy. C. S. Fark, auct. See advertisement. Friday, Dec. 2—At their place of | business near Mount Joy, sale of Potter and Cumberland County | cows by C. S. Frank & Bro. Saturday, December 3—On the Saturday, Dec. 3rd—At the resi- — Aen ee. There is no better way to boost Donegal Township, deceased. EXFCUTOR’S NOTICE Chas. Executor ¥|. Workman, Atty. oct.-20-6t Stock Market CORRECT INFORMATION FUR- NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR CLASSES, GRADES AND RANGE Fat steers and heifers closing the week at prices 10 to 25 higher than week ago, moderate receipts here this week, is the reason for this slight improvement in values. Cows and bulls in fair demand at prices Stockers and Feeders in moderate receipts, all grades commanding firm prices, instances 25 higher for the Calves in light run this A. M., very little done, few early sales re- ported at ready prices. Choice 11.00 Hogs in fair supply, demand fair, selling at steady prices, choice West- ern at 9.00 to 925, locals 8.00 to Lambs in light supply, selling money or see more? for a good cause, the Mount Joy High School Alumni Association. Lets make it a big success. out and enjoy an evening of en- tertainment, besides you may be the lucky one to get the radio. the town, STEERS Choice 9.25-9.75 Good 8.50-9.25 Medium 7.25-8.25 Common 6.50-7.00 « HEIFERS Choice 8.00-8.75 Good 7.75-8.00 Medium 5.75-6.75 Common 5.00-5.75 COWS Choice 6.25-6.75 Good 5.50-6.25 Medium 5.00-5.75 Low cutter and cutter 3.50-5.00 BULLS THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. NEW CLUB MEMBERS RECEIVE HEREFORD STEERS ON SAT. Thirty-eight boys and girls re- ceived Hereford steers at the dis- tribution for the 1939 Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef club held Saturday at the farm of George Endslow, Marietta, R. D. 1. drawn by lot and averaged 425 pounds. They will be placed on heavy grain feed beginning Jan. first and fed for exhibition at the Pennsylvania Farm Show in 1940. The members of the new club will organize and elect officers shortly after the 1938 Red Rose group is disbanded following the Harrisburg farm show in January. Those in this vicinity who received steers on Saturday. Harry Dyer, Elizabethtown R.D. 3; George, James, William and D. Ker FEndslow, Marietta R. D. 1; Marlin and Wilbur Gantz, Mount Joy R. D. 2; James Landis, Rohr- erstown; Dorothy Longenecker, Elizabethtown R. D. 3; James Eshleman, Mt. Joy R. D. 2; Pa- tricia Swords, Columbia R. D. 2; William Risser, Bainbridge; David and Robert Hess, Marietta. — Home Town Movies By Alumni Asso. (From page 1) Tickets are now on sale thruout and if you have not been asked and are afraid you will not be able to get one, see cither one of the following and they will be able to supply you with tickets: Joseph Shaeffer, Gerald Arntz, Harold Backenstoe and Helen Bates. Tickets will also be on sale at the auditorium the nights of the show. Children will purchase their tickets at the auditorium as there are no children’s tickets on sale beforehand. We are also going to have sound narration with the movies, by that we mean we have gone to the expense of obtaining a complete sound system, from which we will “roadcast music as well as notes ind comments. We are sure this entire show will be most interesting and a very enjoyable evening can be spent for the sum of 20c. So rush out and get that ticket or tickets, we will be looking for you. OC WHO, WRoYE 19, WROTE 1%) “From The Land Of The Sky 8 Blue Water” HL — Fromthe Land of the Sky ESCENDANT of a long line of Revolutionary War patriots, the composer of “At Dawning”. “From The Land Of The Sky Blue Water”, “Dark Dancers Of The Mardi Gras” etc., etc, first saw the light of day in Johnstown, Pa. His great-grandfather built the first pipe organ west of the Alleghanies, so it was natural that that should be the first instrument he studied. He became a church organist in Pittsburgh. music critic of the “Pittsburgh Dispatch”. director of ymusic at the Wolcott Conservatory in Denver and the University of Southern California. He studied Indian music at the Omaha Indian Reservation and at Winnebag: He : wrote a number of Indian songs Estate of Hettie Eby late of East|anq later lectured on Indian a The lyrics to much of his music Letters testamentary on said es-|were written by Nelle Richmond tate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate pavment. and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the nindersigned, resid- mg at Manheim. R. 2. Pa Eberhart. AS.CA.P He is 3 member of the American Society of Composers, Authors snd Publishers. the National Institats of Arts and Letters, Doctor of Muxis (he University of Southern Cals toruia and Wolcott Conservatory = 3 ¥:32 in Denver He resides in Sa. ISAAC B. BRENEMAN, Maso. California 4113 name is | The steers were Besides it is Come League. speak on the contrast of Commun- ism with Christianity. The minister will speak on the topic, “Have You A House Or A Home?” Sunday, Nov. 20: | votional Service. | | { dies Aid Society will meet at the | home of Mrs. Sadie Mateer North | Market Street, at 7:30 o'clock. the parsonage. All” John J. Thomas. ted Donkey” Religious News in This Community NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY Kraybill's Mennonite Church 8:00 Sunday School. Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor Church School 9:30, Amos R. Gish, Superintendent. St. Elizabeth Mission Elizabethtown, Pa. Rev. Wm. J. Watts, Rector First Sunday In Advent 7:30 P. M. Evensong and Address. Reformed Mennonite Church Christian S. Nolt, Pastor Landisville, Pa. There will be services next Sun- day morning, Nov. 27th at ten o'clock. Salunga Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. C. Lyle Thomas, Minister 9:30 A. M, Church School, 10:30 Morning Worship. The service of Holy Communion will be opened. Mount Joy Mennonite Church 8:30 Sunday School. 9:00 Communion Service. 7:30 Young Peoples meeting. Sat. 2:00 P. M. Preparatory Ser- vice. Friday evening: 7:15 Bible study. United Brethren Church, Florin, Pa. Rev. I. W. Funk, Pastor Sunday School Session 9:30. Morning Worship 10:30 P. M. Sunday Evening Christian En- deavor Services. Evening Worship 7:15 P. M. Church of God Landisville, Pa. Rev. Raymond Daihl, Pastor Church School 9:15 A. M. Morning Service 10:30 A. M. C. E. Societies 6:45 P. M. Evening Service 7:30 P. M. First Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D. D., Pastor Church School 9:30, F. B. Walter, Superintendent. Morning Worship and Sermon 10:30. Evening Worship and Sermon 7:30. Special Service in interest of Young people in charge of Mrs. Sweetland’s Sunday School Class. Service Wednesday evening at 7:30. Church of God Rev. G. F. Broske, Pastor Thurs. Junior Choir practice 6:15 Sunday School at 9:30. Morning Worship at 10:30. C. E. Society at 6:30. Evening Worship at 7:30. Wed. 7:30 P. M. Union Thanks- giving service in Trinity Lutheran Church. Mt. Joy Methodist Episcopal Church C. Lyle Thomas, Minister 9:30 A. M., Church School. 6:30 P. M., Intermediate Epworth 6:45 P. M., Young People’s For- um. Mr. Richard Comly will 7:30 Evening Worship. We will observe “Family Night.” Trinity Lutheran Church Will Come.” Mrs. Lottie Barratt Sermon, “The Patient Christ.” MONDAY: — 7:30 Choir Rehearsal. TUESDAY: — 7:30 Young Peoples Service. 7:30 Men's Bible Class. WEDNESDAY: — 4:15 Mission Band. 7:30 Prayer & Praise. St. Mark’s United Brethren in Christ Rev. Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor Sunday, Nov. 27. Sunday School 9:00 a. m. Morning Worship 10:15 a. m. Junior Choir Rehearsal 1:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor Meetings 6:00 ms Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, November 30: Service—7:30 p. m. Friday, December 2: Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p. m. St. Lukes Episcopal Church Rev, Wm. J. Watts, Rector First Sunday In Advent 7:30 A.M. Holy Eucharist. Break- fast immediately after service for young people. 9:15 Church School. 10:30 A. M. Prayer, Litany & Sermon. 7:00 P. M. Young Peoples Fell- owship. Monday, Nov. 28: 7:00 P. M. Ping Pong Pumas ment, Wednesday, Nov. Feast of Saint Andrew. 7:30 A. M. Holy Eucharist. 6:30 P. M. Choir Rehearsal. Thursday, Dec. 1: 7:00 P. M. Order of Sir Galahad. STORE LEAFY CROPS Home gardeners often store celery and Chinese cabbage in cold cellars, coldframes, or tren- ches while endive is either stored by one of these methods or cov- ered in the row with waterproof paper and straw. Vegetable gard- eners at the Pennsylvania State College say that it is essential to keep the roots moist. | Before Placing Your Order Elsewhere FOR SAND, CEMENT CRUSHED or BUILDING STONE —CALL— Samuel N. Stauffer Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 903R15 Also Manufacturer of CONCRETE BLOCKS. SILLS, AND LINTELS PAGE THREE F.H. Musser's Twenty-fifth Anniversary (From page 1) tained to a five o'clock luncheon. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Musser Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Amos |" Musser Jr., Rev. Ranck and daughter, Barbara and son, Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sprecher, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Strickler, of Mount Joy; Mr. and and Mrs. Ezra Mrs, Norman Bear, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Warfel, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stehman and son, Bobby all of Sa- lunga; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ken- dig of Willow Street; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dombach and Mr. and Mus. Jay Dombach, of Landisville, _—— a There is no better way to boost your business than by local news. paper advertising. NEURITIS RELIEVE PAIN IN FEW MINUTES To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis, Risumstism, Neuralgia or Lumbago in a few minutes, get the Doctor's formula NURITO. Dependable—no opiates, no nar- cotics. Does the work quickly—must relieve worst pain, to your satisfaction in a few minutes or money back at Druggists. Don’t suffer, Use NURITO on this guarantee today. Thanksgiving Week SPECIALS 1937 Ford Fordor Sedan Trunk, Original Blue paint is good. Upholstery is clean. Tires are above average. Priced low for ONLY $474 1937 Ford “60” Coupe Driver reports 22 to 28 miles per gallon on this model. Motor is excep- tionally snappy. Equipped with heater and defrost- er. An unusual buy at $359 Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor | 9:30 A. M. Sunday School. 10:45 A. M. Morning Worship. 6:00 P. M. Luther League De- 7:00 P. M. Vesper Service. Thursday, December 1, the La-! Catechetical class will meet at Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church Rev. Clarence C. Reeder, Minister Sunday, Nov. 27, 1938 9:30 Sunday School. 10:30 Morning Worship. Anthem, “Crown Him Lord of Junior Sermon, “The Disconten- Sermon, “What A Man” 7:30 Evening Worship. 1936 Ford Fordor Sedan This black deluxe Trunk del is equipped with heater and very good tire Car has been checked throughout, A real value for $379 1932 C hevrolet Coupe p model with 1sed transpor- f Act quickly if you want this one for ONLY $50 k buys if you act quickly GARDEN SPOT MOTOR CO. N. Prince & James Streets LANCASTER, PA. Anthem, “Some Glad Day He PUBLIC SALE Of Household Goods INCLUDING MANY Valuable Antiques To be held at the home of the late Miss Rose Shuman. Saturday, Dee. 3, ’38 IN MAYTOWN, LANC., CO. PA. Commencing at 12:00 o’clock M. Eight-dav Grandfather Clock. name John Filber, Yorktown; Mahogany and Maple Side-board, Fine lot of Tables. Chairs and Sofa, Very Small Mahogany Inlaid Piano, made in Maytown by Gotleib Stralheim about 1800: Four-poster Bed, Etc.: Lot of China and Glassware, many pieces are Antioue; Linens, Cover- lets, Quilts and Shawls; Pewter, Sil- ver, Brass and Iron Pieces, Pictures, Mirrors and Ornaments and many other articles too numerous to men- tion. Sale conditions to be made by MRS. LILLIAN S, MEYNCKE Walter Dupes, Auct. Henry Bruner, Atty. nov-24-2t PUBLIC SALE fe REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, NOV. 26. 1938 The undersigned will sell at pub- lic sale on the premises in Mount Joy Township, along the road lead- ing from Mt. Pleasant Church to Milton Grove, near the former place, the following to wit: A TRACT OF LAND Fronting 492 feet on a public road and extending in depth of that width 170 feet, situate as above described and being approximately 2 ACRES. e improvements thereon are a 2, STORY FRA ME La DWELLING HOUSE with Frame Attachment 20x28 feet, FRAME BARN 26x32 Feet, with Frame Attachment 12x18 feet. POULTRY HOUSE 12x20 feet. All these buildings except the poultry house are under slate roofs. This property has all modern con- veniences including light, heat, bath, ete. It was erected by the late Amos Wolgemuth and is well constructed. property. : There is fruit on the premises prior to day of sale will please call at the First National Bank and Trust Company, Mount Joy. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P. M., on Saturday, Nov. 26. 1938, when terms and conditions will be made known by FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY Mount Joy, Penna. C. S. Frank, Auct. FOR SALE Or RENT ing and raising poultry. exposure and good drainage. Lime- stone soil, small timber tract, along a hard road and very convenient to markets. It is the former Miller Wolgemuth property. Dec. 1, 1938. Will be sold reasonable or will rent with the privilege. 10-ACRE Truck & Poultry Farm In East Donegal Twp. 21,-STORY Frame Dwelling SUMMER HOUSE, SLATE ROOFS, ELECTRIC LIGHT, ETC. FRAME BANK BARN With CORN CRIB. WAGON SHED. PIG STY, GARAGE, SEVERAL POULTRY HOUSES, ETC. This is an ideal place for truck- Southern Possession If interested see E. M. BOMBERGER Secretary Mt. Joy Building & Loan Association. Mount Joy, Pa. i nov.-24-tf “Thanksgiving Vesper” On November 30, at seven-thirty, “Thanksgiving Vesper.” I * the occasion will on Fifth Stre et Come is to show pic- tures of the section in which he works, a locality which was con- | breeding section in Philadelphia.” Admittance to this meeting is to | be gained only by each person bringing two pounds of sugar. This will be given to Rev. Mr. | Levit for his work with this un=- derprivileged group. Rev. Levit was raised in the slums of Chicago, was converted to the Christian faith from Juda- ism, and has a most interes 1g story. The public has in- vited to this service. ON THIS WE DESIRE TO SAY TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS OF THIS SECTION “We Thank You” BRUBAKER’S DEPARTMENT MOUNT JOY STORE WE WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY bE oni CAL A THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE HASSINGER & RISSER MOUNT JOY This is the former Abram A. Koser 1933 The property is very pleasantly lo- cated. Persons wishing to view same WE TRULY HAVE REASON TO BE THANKFUL FOR OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS L. G. FORNEY & CO. FLORIN nov.-17-2t|| SET ASIDE TO GIVE Thank All Our Cust- The Many Years We Have Served Them. B. HOSTETTER & SON MOUNT JOY A DAY THANKS And We Sincerely omers For Their Patronage During i 3 { { : i 5 3 A asi