PAGE EIGHT Mount Joy Penna. § THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, | Twenty years have passed since the firing of the last gun... but this nation has not forgotten the men who served their country. The twentieth anniver- sary of the Armistice finds their memory as bright as it was in 1918. Let's keep on remembering the armies of ’18, they did immortal deeds in the line of J. B. HOSTETTER AND SON | duty. — And twenty years after ...... Twenty years is a long time. | It is long enough to forget the names of childhood friends ..c.... to forget i Mount Joy Panna | once-familiar faces. But it is not a long enough time to forget the sacrifices Mount Joy of our boys. That memory is eternal. NEWCOMER'S SERVICE STATION + Penna. COMPLIMENTS OF D. B. BRUBAKER Mount Joy, Pa. UNION NATIONAL MT. JOY BANK Mount Joy | HASSINGER & RISSER PONTIAC SALES AND SERVICE 233 Elizabethtown PHONE BS LINCOLN 2 KUL s ae ed and omgs SHOE REPAIR | 5 Yen 3 ues Much water has "flown over the dam” J. G. Eicherly AND NEWS STAND TRIMMER'S 5¢ - 10c to $1.00 Store CONFECTIONERY H s. NEWCOMER & SON, Inc OLDSMOBILE and CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE IDA MAE BEAUTY SHOPPE ee a vey R | In CENTRAL CUT RATE i { | | Garber’ S Pharmacy ! Fiwood Martin have changed... but the passage of STORE . § time has not lessened the gratitude MOUNT JOY DEPARTMENT STORE | | | of a thankful nation. It will always ror TTT ere J vr Treat REMEMBER. to bb ia a bo lt a SB CE RE NE Bt Hd A ral a ak a = iia aad Ea a Ee ws a BS SER Tn SE SiS Se BS Es es ; Hadi Lo EE a i aed Te oe Co oats RE i a COMPLIMENTS OF HARRY LEEDOM FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST SCHOCK INDEPENDENT OIL Mount Joy, Pa. COMPANY COMPANY er = iy == aa ia htt is { KELVINATOR PRODUCTS | | i JAMES B. SPANGLER H. H. KRAL So I L Mount Joy, Pa | Mount Joy, Pa. Mount Joy Penna. | Mount Joy Penna. | | : | | ‘ remem a a miei moe I I Ee ENE ===S=T==< N a r EEE Loos, Arras, Somme, Chateau Thierry, Verdun, Argonne, Belleau Wood. . .. .all those famous, ( mortal memory. The monstrous armies were 5 slowly sent home to begin the fight of peace. i MI LLS Let’s honor those men who fought for a cause and, at the same time, use the memory of those terrible years as an object lesson of the bless- mune ~ RS er i i bloody battles were history, and the men who Hes > 3 7% i STEHMAN & NEU HAUSER fought them, living and dead, became an im- ESH LEMAN BROTHERS ings of peace. — 1 - The Town sent a far erson and S at 8 ¢ ditori “Th an e well | ment. ber of adviso The a lary thur Hazel ter, . Binnej ence CELE} Mr. West his sev day, N The “a turk York, Those Mr. ar Mr. a and M man ar We GRAN] Amos izabetht ously b in beha daughte fourteer by Chi State M In de mitted a heari before fault of to the « LOCAL Miss | Mr. and Frank § feminine presente P. McC: ter, on § Caskey Clu Big A bun tained i tributed 9 a.m. Harry EF The 1 club for Any fa county, clusive, care for the clu around 4 grain fee for the | All ch ing mus before h at the ing. Lea are: Vi bethtown Marietta Elizabeth assistant caster p The pi members round-uj A numb sold at mainder risburg