d, 1938 1 MOTHS + FLEAS $ + ETC. (Inc) XZ A. TZ ICE neras 0 ishing D effer 1TOWN High St. ne 24-R ri., Sat, lanheim ler ING fer 03R15 LS, LET oy [TH 11 be 1eth- iting eS hy in- con- BE & e 29R THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1938 Our Heartiest Congratulations We want to congratulate each of the following for having reached another birthday: September 19 Miss Mary Charles, on Marietta Street. September 21 Miss Ethel Louise Gebhart, Mt. Joy. September 26 Jerry Kendig, E. Main Street. Jean Loewen, W. Donegal St. Lloyd Kline, Lancaster. George B. Zeller, E. Main St. Charles Mateer, Mount Joy St. September 27 Martin Newcomer, of town. C. Musser Stauffer, E. Main St. Mrs. Hiram Strickler, of Bender's Mill. Mrs. Frank Stark, Marietta St. September 28 Louella Witmer, New Haven St. Henry Erb, of Erisman’s Church. Dr. D. C. Stoner, E. Main St. September 30 Mrs. Calvin Kramer, W. Donegal Street. —_—————————— MISSIONARY WILL SPEAK Miss Edna Lehman, registered nurse, of York, Pa., will speak in the Cross Roads Church, on Sunday morning, September 25th, at el- even o'clock, D. S. T. Miss Lehman expects to sail on September 28th, for London, where she will take a nine months post graduate Medical course, before going to Rhodesia, South Africa as a missionary. A number of folk from this community expect to accompany her to New York, when she sails. CLASSIFIED Insertion. If over five lines, 5¢ per line each insertion, all payable in Schull’s Handmade Chocolates, in bulk or boxed candies. Also but- ter-mints in 3 and 1-lb. boxes. Evening Public Leager for sale. Kulp’s Confectionery, Mount Joy. sep.-22-1t HOUSE FOR RENT-—15 Donegal Springs Road, all conveniences, gar- age. Apply J. A. Bachman, sep.22-tf REWARD — For return of two bags containing medicine, surgical instruments and medical supplies. To Dr. J. N. Newcomer, Mt. Joy, Pa. sep.22-1t-pd FOR SALE—Homer Pipeless Fur- nace. Apply H. L. Brubaker, Done- gal Springs Road, Mt. Joy. sep.22-1t HELP WANTED—Salesman to sell to feed dealers and farmers. Apply to Box 288-B Manheim, Pa. sep.-22-3t WANTED—2 men 18 to 45 for special outdoor work. Can earn $5 a day to start. Splendid future. References. Write R. D. Comly, Room 9—53 N. Duke Street. Lan- caster, Pa. sept.15-2t-pd FOR SALE—S85 acre farm, 4 mile enuth of Mount Jov, along the Mt. Joy and Marietta Pike, Two houses, one a