SS= bia ille THURSDAY, JULY 7h, OWL L/ LAFFS £3 i) li, . hl ial] Ts WN 4 N A WISE OWL Spent the last few days ou: on the farm, and boy, what I mean, that’s the life! Up at 4 in the morning, a breakfast fit for a king's banquet and a hard day’s work in the fields. Do these old muscles ache? Friday evening after the wheat was all cut and the hay hauled ir, we were sitting on the porch telling jokes and swopping experiences,imennis Tournament Wednesday. when the hired boy looked up at the |g. 1 1in Zink, seeded namber one sky and asked: What's a ihe boys tounrey, defeated And I answered: “A star with alp pat Harbach of Reading 6-1, tail.” Then another fellow said: 6-1, to ¢nter the finals in Kis divi- “Name one.” And the farmer’s lit- tle 8 year old boy piped up with! “Mickey Mouse.” Here's Officer Zerphey’s version of “The Village Blacksmith.” Under the weeping willow trees, The village speed trap stands, The natives laugh to see such sport And the constable rubs his hands. But not to be shadowed by the poetic efforts of others. Roy Sheetz sends in this little ditty: “Is politics are? Or are they is? I asked a man With a political phiz. And he answered me Without a pause: “Real politics Today are was! As th old whizzes say! “Many a true word is spoken in jest.” Where, oh where, has real politics gone? One of these “rookies” who haunt our fair town in their ghost cars, stopped a speeding lady driver from town and queried: “Say, where's the fire?” ‘And the lady, (you all known her very well) focusing her big brown eyes on the patrolman sweetly said: “In your eyes, you great big gorgeous policeman.” Who-o0-, who-o0-o0! Burwood Zellers defines ‘college bred” as being made from the flour of youth and the dough of old age. I'm afraid we don’t appreciate our youth of today. We have a genius among us. A member of the shorthand and typing class of last year. From his invention he hopes to make his fortune. He has invented an extra key for a typewriter. When you don’t know how to spell a word you hit that key, and it makes a blur that might be an e, an a, or almost anything else you like...... We feel sure this little key will be a stenographer’s paradise. During Johnny Fellenbaum’s stay in the south, he quite often took small excursions throughout the countryside to see it's curiosities. One day he came upon a ragged and bare foot fellow sitting on the steps of a tumbledown shack. Feeling sure it would be interesting to talk to the fellow Johnny started the fol- Jowing conversation: “How’s your ection coming on? “Ain’t got none.” “Didn't you plant any?” “Nope, Fraid of the boll weevils.” “Well, hows your corn?” “Didn’t plant none: ’Fraid wa'n’t going to be no rain.” “Well, how are your potatoes?” “Ain't got none, Scairt o’potato bugs.” “Really, what did you plant?” “Nothin.” I jest played safe.” 9” there In a small summer colony the peo- ple were rehearsing for a home talent presentation of Noah's Ark. Dozens of people and animals were running about. But above the con- fusion could be heard the shrieks of the electrician.” What lights shall I use? What lights shall I use? “And one of the characters of the heavens called: “The flood lights, You sap.” Sunday, a Florin family was at Gettysburg. One lady walked: up to a large tent and asked: “May I see the General today? “The lieu- If a thing you break is broken, Would a thing you take be token? why not the next? 1938 Mount Joy Netters Made Clean Sweep (from page 1) junior doubles division 6-4, 6-4 and 9-7. The sixth title was won by Zink and Clarence New- comer in the boys’ doubles tourna- ment. This pair defeated the combination of Harbach and Salve of Reading after a hard fought three set battle, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. After losing the first set, the Mount Joy pair settled down to some steady tennis to sweep their op- ponents off their feet in the re- maining two sets. ' These titles made a clean sweep for the Mount Joy entries as Miss Betty Derr won the girls’ singles [tourney and combined with Miss’ Jeanette Hipple, also of Mount Joy, to win the girls’ doubles title on Thursday. Two Mount Joy tennis players entered the finals in their divi- sions of the first annual Reading sion and Miss Betty Derr defeated Miss Louise Apprich of Wyomiss- ing 6-1, 6-2 to enter the girls’ finals. Both had won matches Tuesday afternoon to enter the semi-final round. Clarence Newcomer, of town, seeded number four in the boys’ division, was forced to default to Robert Harbach of Reading be- cause of illness. Zink met Bruce Mayer of Allentown in the final match of this division. Eugene Crider of town, seeded number one in the junior division, staged a mighty comeback to de- feat Edward Kling, number two man on the Allentown High School tennis team this year. Trailing two games to four and love-forty in the seventh game of the second set, Crider began a steady drive to pull the second set out of the fire by a score of 7 to 5 and went on to win the third set 6-2, The final score was 3-6, 7-5, 6-2. In the girls’ doubles play, only four teams are entered. Miss Betty Derr paired with Miss Jeanette Hipple to defeat Miss Louise Ap- prich and Miss Jane Hartman of Wyomissing 6-2, 6-2. In the junior doubles tourney Crider and Rork defeated Klink and Berry of Allentown 6-4, 6-3 in a first round match. In this tourney the Lancaster county pair are seeded number one, ll A sy AT LANDISVILLE The Landisville Fire Company will hold a carnival on Saturday, July 16th, with plenty of enter- tainment and fun for everyone. Mrs, Myers (nee Dorothy Rosen- berger) and her Marimba Band will entertain. There will be many good things to eat and lots of games of all kinds. Admission and parking free. A CR When in need of Printing. (any- thing) kindly remember the Bulletin General is ill.” Then the lady con- tinued. “May I ask what made him ill.” And the soldier replied: “Oh, just things in General.” “Charley” Roth is inviting all his friends to a roast chicken dinner, any time now. Some kind friend furnished the chicken, but Charley hasn't found out who it was, he found the fowl in his car. Methinks someone lost it....... I'll have mine with chestnut filling, barber-cue. This was the conversation be- tween a Sporting Hill couple as they came out of the movies: Hubby said: “I locked the car before we left it and now, darn it, I've lost the keys.” And wifie sweetly soothed! “Never mind, dear, it's a lovely evening, we can ride home in the rumble seat.”...... Take her away! And now I leave you with— Old books, old shoes, Old friends—but folks Don’t always seem to like Old jokes. Now for the first installment of “If So, Why Not?” If water you freeze is frozen, Is the maiden you squeeze, then squozen? - There'll be more of those next week, and the next and the next, so LOCAL SPORTSMEN PROTEST AN OPEN DOE SEASON The Mount Joy Sportsmen's As- sociation held a special meeting in the council chambers of the Fire Hall Thursday night at which time they drew up a petition to protest the possibility of an open season against hen pheasants and doe deer for the coming hunting season. It was decided at the meeting to send the protest to the State Game Commission. Affiliated Sportsmen’s Association of Lan- caster County and all clubs in the county to also protest. Handsome Player Louis Tanno, is not os one of the most popular but also one of the most handsome members of the A E. Scott Gretna Players Company, and many fans look forward to his i place to \ At Twin Oaks When you looking for a take the entire family for an evening of good, clean fun plus exceptional entertainment, don’t hesitate, go to Twin Oaks on the Ironville Pike. This Sunday, July 10th, the management is again offering two groups of seasoned troupers, who are “tops” in their own entertainment. The Aerial Cowdens, a family of born aerialists,. have a sensa- tional act that will thrill every- one with it’s daringness. The spec- tacular act supreme on the double trapeze is dashing and exciting. This troup features both lady and gent performers. Then, for those who like music and comedy the Bluestone Ramb- will entertain. They feature Sunny Boy Christ who delights every personage. The Cooper boys, accordionists, whose playing ability is among the best, as all their followers can testify. Tony Mar- and Baby Fay Good, the latter, the darling of all entertain- And last but not least roll- riotous Snowball, the black face comedian, who chases away your are lers iana ers. icking, “blues.” Treat yourself to a real theatre performance at the tiny price of Go to Twin Oaks. —_——D At Rheems The Rises Tire k Fire cannot 15¢. performances with keen pleasure. This is his second season at the Gretna Theatre, Mount Gretna. Mr. | Tanno is presented in a featured | role this week in the comedy, “Turn | to the Right” which will be pre- sented for the first time tonight, and | will continue until next Wednesday night, July 13th, inc. “Turn to the Right,” the famous John Golden comedy, is a riot of laughter and will be enjoyed by every member of the family. ~~ sl OUR LOCAL JUNIOR NINE EASILY DEFEATED LITTZ The Mount Joy Juniors topped the Lititz Juniors 12 to 2 to break the leadership deadlock in the Western County American Legion Junior Baseball League on the local dia- mond, Wednesday evening, ! In winning the game Mount Joy has six victories against one loss, with Lititz having five and two. Mount Joy Jrs. Lititz Jrs.—Minnick 2. Three base hits—Eshleman, Crider. Two base hits—Craig, Eshleman, G. Gillum. Zink. Stolen bases—C. Gillum, Minnich, G. Gillum. Base on balls —Off Craig 1, Kutz 3. Struck out— By Craig 8, Kutz 8. Umpires—Carpenter and Clinger. aie A Miers i AT HOPELAND The County Convention and Picnic of the P. O. S. of A, will be held at Hopeland Park, Hope- land, Pa., on Saturday, August 6th. The convention will be held | 10:00 A. M. to 2 P. M. DST and | at 2:30 P. M,, the 50th anniversary program of the Lancaster County Association P. O. S. of A will be held in the United Brethren church. Mr. Charles B. Helms, State Sec- retary will deliver the address. At six o'clock the parade and also flag presentation by Eugene F. Hendricks, State Treasurer. Music will be furnished by the P. O. S. of A Band of Hanover, consisting of forty men, including a German Band. The speaker for the evening will be the Hon. Gabriel H. Moyer, National Past President, of Lebanon. eal A Arr John Fleckenstine, supervisor, at Marietta, announced that a new softball league has | been organized, including teams of | playground tenant answered: “I'm sorry, the —A WISE OWL! Marietta, Maytown, Columbia, Washington Boro and Newtown. | Texas ab r h o a CC. QGillum, K........ 4 2310 Crider, 2D 51101 Penwell, ¢........... 4 21840 GQ. Gillum, -1b....... 4 22 8 0 IND, SS... 42302 Kretzing, of......... 3101.0 Eshleman, 3b........ 41211 Germer, 0; 4 0010 Craig, 4 111% 3 Totals 36121321 17 Lititz Jrs. ab r hoa Yooush, i............ 4 1200 KHZ, 4 001% sdams.c............ 4 009 0 Herr, ef: ............ 4 11 2 0 Stark, 1b............ 302 4 04 Brumbaugh, 3b...... 30021 2; Minnich, :2b......... 30710 1} Ritz, 'SS, 3 001 6 Bachman, ri 4 003 0 Riing wf ............ 60000 z-Haines ............ 0000 Totals ........... 33 2 621 12% z-Batted for Kurtz in Tth. MT. JOY JRS. . 007 014 0—12 | LITITZ - JBS. ..... 200 000 0— 2 Errors: Mt. Joy Jrs—Zink 2. be discouraged, because of the rain on their previous carnival dates, but are going ahead with final preparations for another car- nival this Saturday evening, July Sth. The main features will be the Rough Riders. The best musicians ever heard over WEEU Reading. You surely heard them over radio, and if you didn’t see them in person last year at Rheems, now is your chance. Also Frank and Mary, of York, singers of your favorite songs. There will be refreshments and amusements for all. Parking and children free. Gate prizes will be awarded. Be there at seven o'clock standard time. We'll expect you. Also keep in mind, that at their ; Carnival of July 23rd, the Rheems Fire Company will donate a four- door Willys-Sedan. ll Ee Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. line of The Low Down From Hickory Grove By IZZY WISE The latest thing just off the griddle—red-hot—it is a U. S. broadcasting system. So I reckon the mails, they must be too slow. And the Government with a radio, it could clar.p down quick on a farmer in Illinois, or some place, if he is objecting to some person with a slide-rule telling him just where and how to plant a coupla hills of corn. They could have a farmer in jail via radio, lots quicker than by R. F: D. And if they send out word on Monday to plant more, because the weather is dry, and then it rains and they want the farmer to plant less, you see how hard it is to get something done—by mail. But the Government, it is gett- ing its foot into everybody's door— and it is not just the farmer they are after. If they can tell a farmer when to wean a calf, what is to keep ’em from telling me when to change my underwear—if I maybe i tta bt Eh L134 RRIDAY, JULY 8 9 P. M. REL and HARDY SS MISS” Poesn’t Pay Series Cartoon Free D es to Ladies Joan BlondelR Melvin Douglas ‘THERE'S THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. happen to have some, sometime. | am glad to see you are half-way So my neighbor he says, Jo, I beginning to wake up. PAGE FIVE When in need of Printing. (any= thing) kindly remember the Bulletin Betty og RHE EM . The most beautiful out door stage in Northern Lancaster County THE BEST OF PROGRAMS SA Singers of Your Fave HO It Is Worth Your While To DAY EVENING, JULY 9, 1938 Hl HEEMS FIRE COMPANY PRESENTS We Assure You A Real SHOW ADMISSION 15¢ STARTS 7:30 P. PLENTY OF GOOD SEATING ROOM GOODWAY AMPLIFICATION! PLENTY OF EATS! Arizona Kid RADIO STARS!! HIS AND GENUINE C Admission TWIN OAKS IRONVILLE, PED PENNA. SUNDAY, JU IULY 10%h STONE \E RAMBLERS FEATURING ¥ BOY CHRIST—TONY. MARIANA WER BOYS—BABY FAY GOOD : BLACK FACE COMEDIAN AND THE HR ACULAR—SENSATIONAL p ERF ORMERS OME-ONE AND i M DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME THEATRE! ADULTS 25c SA DULTS 20c JOY .7 AND 9:00'P. M. t SATURDAYS EVENINGS; SHOWS. 6-8:10 PiM, ount Joy, Penna, * UNDER: 12 YRS. 106 ALWAYS ° and HEALTHFULLY - LAST TIMES NELS ON Bik FRIDAY, JULY 8 BETTE DAVIS "‘JEZEB HENRY FONDA GEORGE BRENT Mon.-Tue., July 11-12| Wed.-Th8 ROBERT TA FRANCHOT ROBERT YOUNG MARGARET SU "THREE COMRADES" %! EXTRA! SAT. MAT. ONLY CHAPTER 10 EL’ YLOR in "YELLOW LLAVAN “LONE RANGER” COURAGEOUS" i. SPENCER TRACY AME BARTHOLOMEW Y ROONEY h, July 13-14 NJ GOMERY Jf PAUL A. MARTIN MANHEIM “Ng 19 W. ; 8 peor eri | sg | Mount Joy, Pa. Me i 4 ma & ALITY J COMING SOON! “ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD” “CRIME SCHOOL"— MAY KIND... The Shop with Phone 29R “THAT LITTLE GAME’- “YOU AND ME"— ..ANY TIME. Established 1916 COCOANUT GROVE WELDING .ANY WHERE HE FORGOT HIS Bufore Placing Your Order \ Elsewhere FO AND, CEMENT CRUSH or BUILDING —CA Samuel N. Sta Mount Joy, Pa. Phot: Also Manufacturer of: CONCRETE BLOCKS, S AND LINTELS EXCUSE HOME rom A Ol GAME N WHEN You LBFT You SAID You WERE GoING To LODGE. 7 < ueLLo, WIFe ! ARE “YoU UP Yer ? a (well, \ How was Lop GE LODGE ? LODGE ? OH LODGE! (S THAT WHAT ou SAD LODGE. OH, WAS ALL TY wy HIS i = Th > GUN 8 000 ko i of, aE hr 3 KISS ~E | TOOMY. + THCUGHT 1 “ap oS xX OF MUGS, mis pope By Fls ] = si WIND PP gv alte