1938 —h [ronville, uehanna landed a 0 inches. T 1 from . saves lothes d tub ps the ather- "most plete obuilt how ge do chricity ment E 7 = CEE anh East Donegal Schools Now On Fast Time TAX RATE FIXED AT 12} MILLS AND A BUDGET OF $60,500 WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD —COMMENCEMENT JUNE 3 Schools of East Donegal Town- ship, including the Florin, May- town and Mount Pleasant are op- erating on Daylight Time beginn- ing Tuesday morning, it was de- cided at a meeting of the Town- ship School Board. A $60,500 Budget The Board adopted a budget to- taling $60,500 and fixed the tax rate at 12 1-2 mills and a per capita tax of $3, the same as last year. School Announcements A commencement program for township was adopted as follows: Baccalaureate sermon, May 29; class day, June 1; Junior High school commencement, June 3 at 10 A. M. and Senior High school commencement, June 3 at 8 P. M. The commencement exercises will be held out-of-doors if weather conditions permit. A New Teacher John George Gray, Temple Uni- versity, was elected to teach com- mercial subjects and history in the Township High Schools. It is a new position. Coal Contract Contracts for supply coal to the schools were awarded to Wolge- muth Bros. and Harry Leedom. Bids on janitor and school supplies will be tabulated. An Operetta "The Mikado” For Good Cause ROTARIANS ARE SPONSORING IT FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR PLAYGROUND FUND—TO BE GIVEN THURSDAY, MAY 19 The Rotary Club of this place, will sponsor an operetta “The Mikado,” for the benefit of the Playground Fund, which will be presented by the Olney Singers, of Philadelphia, directed and accompanied by Mr. Frederick E. Starke, in the Mount Joy High School Auditorium, on Thursday evening, May 19th, at eight o'clock, daylight saving time. The program and cast of charact- ers follows: Act. 1. Synopsis of Mu- sic, Chorus of Men, “If You Want To Know Who We Are,” Song, “A Wondering Minstrel I,” Nanki Poo; Song, “Our Great Mikado,” Pish Tush and Chorus of Men; Chorus with solo, “Behold the Lord High Executioneer,” Ko Ko with Chorus (Turn to page 6) A Mr LADIES’ BIBLE CLASS ELECTED ITS OFFICERS class of the Presbyterian church met and elect- ed all officers except a president, who will be elected at the October meeting. Those elected were: vice president, Mrs. S. P. Nissley; secre- tary, Mrs. John Bowman; treasurer, Miss Miriam Engle. Plans for a pic- nic in June were discussed. Mrs. Paul Stoner, Mrs. Elwin March and Mrs. Frank Walter will be in charge. O. K. Snyder Mt. Joy Twp. Tax Collector The court appointed O. K. Sny- der as tax collector of Mount Joy township, to succeed William B. Hamilton, Florin, who died on January 22. In appointing Snyder to the Mount Joy township post, the court refused the petitions of W. Henry Strickler, who had 29 sig- ners, and William L. Thome, who had 18 signers. No reason was given for the choice. Snyder had 12 signers. Others appointed to offices are: Walter Eshleman, judge of elec- tions, West Ward, Mt. Joy borough. He succeeds Maurice Bailey, who resigned because he is secretary of the borough council. tl Ar Since the detour on the Lin- coln Highway at Columbia, the bridge tolls have dropped over The Ladies’ Bible MOST VOL. XXXVII NO. 50 Sportsmen's Association Met Mon. Nite PLACED YELLOW PERCH IN BIG AND LITTLE CHICKIES—ASK- ED FOR CAT FISH—WILL RE- CEIVE 500 PHEASANT CHICKS SOON. The Mount Joy Sportsmen's As- sociation met Monday evening in the Council Chamber for the regu- lar monthly meeting. All officers were present, The Fish Committee reported re- ceiving a stocking of yellow perch on May 4th which were placed in both Big and Little Chickies Creeks A motion was made that the sec- retary write to the Fish Commiss- ioners requesting cat fish and bass to be stocked in the Little Chickies Creek. Mr. Chas, Vogle reported receiv- ing word from the state saying it had approved the Association’s ap- plication for day old pheasant chicks and barring all accidents the Association will receive 500 which is the number applied for, Two applications for membership were received and accepted. A motion was made and passed for a Volunteer Committee to hold a Snake Hunt in the Donegal and Charles Run on Saturday, May 14th, starting at 10 A. M, (DT). A motion was also made for the secretary to ask the Fish Commis- sion for a showing of movies for the next meeting, which will be held June 13th. All visitors are welcome to come to these meetings. ret Qe FOOD AND SAMPLE FAIR TO BE HELD AT LANDISVILLE The Ladies Aid Society, of the Lutheran Church, of Landisville, will hold a Food and Sample Fair, at the Landisville Fire Hall, on Thursday, May 19th from 6:30 to 10:30. Manufacturer's samples free. Demonstrations, amusements for everybody. Refreshments, admission 15c. Combination Surprise For Local Couple A very lovely combination birth- day surprise and Mother's Day party was held on Sunday morn- ing at the home of Mrs. Bard Bigler, at East Petersburg, in honor of her mother the 70th birthday of her father, Mr. E. M. Barto, of town. All the children and grand- children were present and spent a very pleasant day. These attended: Mr. and Mrs. George Barto and children * Thelma and Harold of Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. Park Neiss and children Park, Marian, Jean, Ross and Asher, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eby and children Vera and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Barto, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barto, William Barto, George Neiss, all of Mt. Joy; Anna Barto, Lan- caster; Mr. and Mrs. Bard Bigler and children Janet and Earl —— BAN FIRE WORKS Supervisors of West Hempfield township has joined with Lancaster city in an effort to make the Fourth of July a safe and sane celebration. The supervisors approved a reso- lution banning the sale and use of fireworks except under expert supervision. OUR MARKET CONTINUES Due to the rumor circulated here the past week, we are pleased to inform the public, that the usual Saturday afternoon markets will continue. Open- ing at two o'clock D. S. T. Read the ad on another page. $3,000 in 15 days. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE ‘The Mount Joy Bulletin WEEKLY I N LANCASTE uation Exercises June R COUNTY MOUNT JOY, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1938 P. W. C. MET WITH PEOPLE AT SALUNGA ON APPROVAL The Public Utility Commission Thursday morning met fifty proper- ty owners at Salunga and discussed the matter of improving a bridge and its approaches over the Penn- sylvania Railroad at the east end of Salunga. Representatives of the P. U, C. canvassed property owners for the purpose of determining whether or not they wished to have the chan- ges made. The P. U. C. representatives ex- plained that there is a possibility of another meeting in this proposed change but gave no date and an- nounced the session as “continued.” They said property owners express- ed sentiment favoring the improve- ments. Farm Women Flower Show At Donegal The Farm Women’s Society, Num- ber 8, will hold its annual flower show Thursday and Friday, June 2 and 3 in the Cheerio Club house near historic Donegal church. The Farm Women, veterans in successful Flower Shows, have ap- pointed Miss Mabel Heisey, of Eliz- abethtown R. D., general chairman of the show, Miss Heisey is chair- man of the garden committee, a de- partment of the society which has many diversified aims toward the betterment of rural living condi- tions. In this design, cultural de- velopment on the farm has an im- portant place and the study of flow- ers and floral arrangements is a ma- jor component of it, Mrs, Walter Engle, of Elizabeth- town, is in charge of registration and urges all exhibitors to get in touch with her as soon as possible after publication of the schedule which will be in the near future. Miss Anna Keller, of Elizabethtown, R. D., will be the hostess and will also have charge of securing the judges. Mrs. Abner H. Risser and Mrs. Guy Stuart Hoffman, both of Bainbridge, R. D., are in charge of publicity, Miss Bertha Erb, of Mt. Joy, R. D, is president of the so- ciety. The fifth-fourth Com- mencement exercises, of the class of 1938, of Mount Joy High School will be held on Thursday evening, annual June 2nd, at 8 o'clock, in the high school auditorium. A class of forty-five will be gra- duated, at which time The Honor- able James J. Davis, United States Senator of Pennsylvania, will de- liver the address. Three members of the class, Pauline Reba Nissly, Barbara Eli- zabeth Fellenbaum and Catherine Zeller will give the student ad- dresses on The Constitution of the United States. Other class members are: Mary K. Barnhart, Charles Bennett, Frances W. Bowman, Helen C. Breneman, Julia Isabelle Brooks, William Broske, M. Luella College, Eugene W. Crider, Mabel H. Det- Commencement Exercises Here Thurs., June 2 wiler, Helen I. Eisenberger, Miriam L. Ellis, Chester C. Engle, David W. Garber, Margaret Garber, Hazel A. Garlin, Vivian M. Germer, Enid M. Habecker, Vera O. Haines, Ruth Hamilton, Florence E. Heisey, Mary Ruth Hertzler, Winifred M. Latch- ford, Martin H. Liggins, Elwood C. Mateer, Clyde R. Miller, Anna May Miner, Adin W. Mumma, Kathryn KR. Nissley, Albert H. Peifer, Don- ald E. Peifer, Raymond J. Pennell, Florence M. Schneider, Mary L. Smith, Jay R. Snyder, Martha A. Snyder, Evelyn D. Washstetter, Mary J. Wagner, Frank F. Walter, Philip A. Wolfe, Thelma G. Zink, Samuel L. Zurin and Rhoda S. Kaylor. Class officers: President, Albert H. Peifer; vice president, Catha- rine Zeller; secretary, Mary Ruth Hertzler; treasurer, Barbara Fel- lenbaum. Here are some facts in connec- tion with Memorial Day Contri- bution Collections. Budget .;....0. 0 0 $800.00 Collected to date ..... 467.04 Bal. from last year ... 212.93 $679.97 Additional amt. needed $120,03 many more contribute and if the solicitors have not seen such persons: they are urged to send their contribution Still Need $120 To Balance Our Memorial Day Budget like to actually collect at least $800.00 this year so as to leave untouched the balance carried over from last year because a balance with which to start the next year’s program is always very helpful. Contributions have been received from 196 different contributors, By districts the. contributions arg as The Finance Committee would follows: Contributors Amount District No. 1—P. L. Stoner, Capt. 8 $ 78.50 No. 2—Gibney Diffenderfer, Capt. 17 26.50 2 No. 3—Clyde Eshleman, Capt. 36 44.45 ” No. 4—Clarence Newcomer, Capt. 38 34.70 2 No. 5—Paris Hostetter No Report ” No. 6—H. E. Garber, Capt. 57 124.69 » No. 7—Dr. 0. G. Longenecker, Capt. 21 32.20 General—H. M. Stauffer, Treasurer 19 126.00 Total 196 $467.04 It is evident that there are direct to H. H. Stauffer, Treasurer, people who want to|or through one of the captains. It is to be hoped that several tributed before Memorial Day. [area dollars more will be con- 29 PROSECUTED Twenty-nine motorists were pros- ecuted in this section for violations over the week-end. Among them was only one from this vicinity. G. E. Eshleman, Elizabethtown R. 1, is charged with speeding over an intersection. — STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL The Ladies’ Guild of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, invite YOU to attend the Strawberry Festival to be held Saturday, May 28th from 5 to 8 P. M. J. Hawthorne 19. This Boro An Aviator MADE HIS FIRST TRIP OF 75 MILES QUITE SUCCESSFULLY ON SUNDAY—WILL SOON GET PRIVATE LICENSE. John Hawthorne, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hawthorne, East Main St., town, is a member of our air-minded generation. An aviation enthusiast since his grade school days, when he model- ed airplanes from discarded furni- ture, John is fast nearing the at- tainment of his goal—receiving his private pilot's license. He started his actual four years ago, under the tutelage of Jessie Jones, of Lancaster. He received his first student pi- lot’s license two years ago. This enables him to fly “solo” anywhere, and each week he flys to Mount Joy and vicinity, in order to get (Turn to page 2) A A rr David Dunn, Shamokin coal dea- ler, was fined at Columbia for training giving short weight. Baccalaureate Service, for the Class of 1938, of Mount Joy High School, be evening, May twenty-ninth seven-thirty o'clock, daylight sav- ing time, in the High School Au- ditorium. The Baccalaureate Service under the auspices of the Trinity Lu- theran Church. Order of Service, The Reverend C. C. Reeder, presiding. Processional Hymn—1. Invocation—The Reverend C. B. Segelken, D. D. Responsive Reading—Psalm 119: 1-16. The Reverend O. L. Mease, will held on Sunday at MRS. LANDIS MARTIN, A RAPHO TEACHER, RESIGNED Rapho Twp. School Board met in regular session Friday night. Amos N. Shelley was elected Treasurer for the coming year beginning July 1st. Tax collector Shenk turned over $215.00 and reported $5000.00 out- standing. The budget for coming year was not prepared at request of the Superintendent. Mrs. Landis Martin, Teacher at Fairview School has resigned. Bills totalling $577 were paid. A OVERLOADED TRUCK On Monday evening Officer Zer- vhey and Motor Policeman Oboile, prosecuted Walter Delsite, of Dan- ville, Pa, for driving an over- loaded truck. A fine and costs of $5225 were paid. A AA The Columbia barbers cannot be induced to go on fast time. The “Baccalaureate Services For Class of ’38 Sun., May 29 SST D, DD A nt he m—“Beautiful Savior”, Choir, Trinity Lutheran Church, Christiansen. Scripture Lesson—The Reverend G. F. Broske. Hymn—2, The Sermon to the Graduates— The Rev. W. L. Koder. Prayer—The Rev. W. J. Watts. Anthem—“Be Not Afraid”—from “Elijah”, Choir, Trinity Lutheran Church, Mendelssohn. Hymn-3. Benediction—The Rev. C. C. Reeder. Recessional Hymn—4. OFFICER ZERPHEY'S ACTIVITIES DURING THE PAST WEEK Last Thursday Chief Officer El- mer Zerphey prosecuted Louise Lapkin, of Harrisburg, for i proper passing. m- Lappin attempted to pass a car at an intersection as another car, traveling in the opposite direction was making a left hand turn at the same intersection. Harry H. Nissly, of this boro, was arrested by Officer Zerphey, last Friday, on a warrant from Charles R. Doebler, Lancaster al- derman, for passing a bad check. The check, for the amount of $1500, was passed to M L Young, Lancaster R. D. He was released on making res- titution and payment of the costs. A A A DEEDS RECORDED Sallie A. Reich's executor to Lizzie H. Nissley and Samuel R. Nissley, premises in East Donegal township for $1,750. $1.50 LESTER ROLAND HEADS THE RED ROSE 4-H PIG CLUB The Red Rose 4-H Pig club was organized with 19 members at a meeting last evening at the farm of David Witmer, Mount Joy, RDI, with M, M. Smith, assistant county agent, in charge. These officers were elected: President, Lester Roland; vice preseident, George Reich; secretary-treasurer, Helen Martin; news reporter, Jay Reich; song and game leaders, John Ro- land and Harry Hershey, and local leaders, John Roland and Harry Hershey. It was voted to secure Chester White pigs and place them on feed beginning May 28th. The club will exhibit its animals at the Mt. Joy Farm Show in October, where they will be sold at public auction. 2662 Head Rapho Cattle Are Tested The area testing of cattle in Rapho township is completed and appended is the report: North District By Dr. Boyd and R. H. Moyer —117 premises were visited, 868 cattle tested and 12 reactors were found. Middle District By Drs. E. W. and J. N. New- comer—128 premises were visited. 818 cattle tested and 15 reactors found. South District By Dr. Graybill, Dr. Rosenberg, 111 premises were visited, 976 cattle tested and 9 reactors found. Mr. Ammon Bucher, chairman of the Testing committee reports 36 reactors 2662 cattle tested and found. Bh. BAINBRIDGE FIRE CO. TO HOLD FESTIVAL AND CARNIVAL A gala Festival and Carnival will be held on Saturday and Monday, May 28 and 30th at the Bainbridge Fire House, under the auspices of the Fire company, proceeds to be used to purchase fire equipment. The Bainbridge band will furnish the music for both days. A good time is in store for everyone. aL . MISS CHARLES HOSTESS Miss Mary Charles, Marietta St., entertained the Ladies’ Bible Class, of Trinity Lutheran Church, Monday evening. After the meeting a delicious served to fifteen on regu- lar most luncheon was class members, at a very attractive luncheon table. rll Pauline Nissly Was Crowned May Queen Friday night, May 6, members of the School board, faculty, stu- dents, and friends spent a very enjoyable evening dancing to the music of Ira Bowman and his or- chestra at the May Hop. Spring bouquets of bridal wreath and iris decorated the front of the stage and the doors in the rear. A throne draped with white satin over which was placed an arbor of white crepe paper accentuated with multi-colored tulips was pro- vided for the Queen of the May Hop. During intermission, Broske, Master of Ceremonies, in- troduced the Queen of the May William attendants. ago, was Pauline Nissly; her maid of honor, Vivian Germer; and the attendants, Ruth Hertzler, Miriam Ellis, Peggy Garber, and Catherine Breneman. The queen was presented with a beautiful spring bouquet and each of the attendants received a corsage of pink rose buds. This group walked in processior toward the throne where the queen was crowned by the Maid of Honor Refreshments were then served to the court as well as tc the rest of the folks who attended the dance. 356 premises visited in the twp, | Hop, the Maid of Honor and the | The queen, chosen by | the pupils of this school, a week ! A YEAR IN ADVANCE se si. The Affair In General Landisvi Graduatt Thurs., Jund BACCALAUREATE SERVICES EAST HEMPFIELD TWP. HI SCHOOL WILL BE SUNDAY EVENING, MAY 29 HEI The Baccalaureate sery the East Hempfield Tow; school, at Landisville, in the High School Briefly Told INTERESTING H APP ENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN- TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO HAVE LITTLE TIME TO READ 950 lbs. of iron pipe was stolen at Lancaster. Mrs. Annie Hoffman is ill ather home on North Barbara St. There was a crowd of 10,000 at the Lancaster airport Sunday. Mr. John Gantz was removed to the Lancaster County Hospital, Jacob Lefevre, 54, of Lancaster, was arrested as a relief Chiseler. Two Columbians slightly hurt in an auto crash at Falmouth. Over at Columbia a fisherman caught a Mallard duck on a fishing line. Some of our county farmers have already started planting to- bacco. Registration shows 54,367 Re- publicans and 27,850 Democrats in Lancaster Co. Annie B. Ream, of this boro, is the administratrix of Ed Ream, late of Mt. Joy. Carl Hartzell’s station at Lancaster was robbed for a third time within a year. A second forgery charge has been lodged against Chas. W. Le- fevre, 23, of Denver. Two truckers at Ephrata were arrested for the highway with too wide a load. The driver's license of Edward J. Blake, Elizabethtown were gas appearing on withh eleven | others, was withdrawn last week Twenty-six school children held a parade and carried banners against “fast” time at Columbia, got to school at 9 daylight time and were marked late. Mrs. Lottie Mentzer, 46, East Earl R. 2, of driving while intoxicated, fined $200 and costs and sentenced to three months in jail. tl AI BANK FILED OBJECTIONS TO TRUSTEE'S FINAL ACCOUNT convicted was Objections were filed to the first and final account of the Farmers Bank and Trust Company as trustee of the Mortgage Pool of the Trust Department of the Far- mers Trust Company. The First National Bank and Trust Company of this place, filed Sunday, May 29, at 7, td Rev. Thomas, pastor gg gic mdi: Joy and Salunga M. E. church will deliver the sermon. Commencement, June 2 The commencement exercises will be held in the High school auditorium, Thursday evening, June 2, at 7:30 p. m. (ST) The speaker will be Dr. Paul Leinbach, D. D., of Philadelphia. Class Day exercises will be held June 1, 1:30 p. m. (ST) in the High school auditorium. The programs for the various services have not yet been com- pleted. Board Elects Teachers At the regular meeting of the East Hempfield township high school board recently, the follow- ing teachers were elected: Mrs. Carolina Greider, of Landis=~ ville, as Commercial teacher, in the High school. Miss Greider will be graduated from Temple University, in June, with a B. S. degree in Commercial Education. Miss Genevieve Simpkins, of Rohrerstown, was elected teacher of the fifth and sixth grades in the Elementary school. Miss Simp- kins, is a graduate of Millersville State college, with a B. S. degree, in Elementary Education. Leg. Auxiliary Held Meeting Tuesday Evg. The American Legion Auxiliary and the Executive Committee held regular monthly meeting at the Legion Home Tuesday evening with Mrs. Rae Brown, presiding with Mrs. B. A. Shupp and Mrs. Frank Germer, hostesses. A Mount Joy boy will be sent to the Keystone Camp, at Indiantown Gap, in August, by the Auxiliary. Fifty pans of candy will be sent to the Coatesville Hospital and forty-eight favors to the Oteen Hos- pital, at Oteen, South Carolina, for Memorial Day. The Ladies voted to take a five dollar space in the annual. Miss Esther Henry, gave a report of a meeting of the Girl Scout Troop Leaders, held at the St. Pe- ters Reformed Church, at Lancaster, Miss Tuey, of the Girl Scout Head- quarters, addressed the meeting. The Auxiliary attend the Junior High School Commencement on June 1st, to present their medal. A Tri-County Council meeting will be held at Quarryville, on June 14. Any member wishing to attend please contact Mrs. Rae Brown. theix will objections to the account, which was scheduled to be confirmed | absolutely on May 20. A hearing | is to be fixed on the objections, but no date was set by the court |on Tuesday | The First National Bank and Trust Company also filed objec- | tions as trustee in the estate of | John H. Euohl, deceased, and | Anna Katie idministratrix | {of Emma Schilling | ———— el CO | THREE CAR COLLISION | On Tuesday evening, an unusual | accident occuryed, at the intersec- | tion of Donegal Springs R-ad and [ Chocolate Avenue, when Mr. Jay G. Eicherly, of this place, drivi a Chevrolet Coach, going east the Donegal Road, and Mr. Edw | E. Greider, 738 Locust Street, Co- { lumbia, driving a Ford truck, going | { South on Chocolate Avenue, col- {lided at the intersection, clashing | {into a parked car, owned by Roy | | Nissly, R. D. 1, which was in front | The occu- escaped while the | | cars were slightly damaged. ss vm li LANDSCAPED HIS LAWN | The residence of Mr. Roy Zink | of the Nissly residence. i Ht pants injury, |on Marietta Street has been beau- | tified by the remov~' of all the {old shrubbery. » { have replaced the old with very | attractive evergreens. i A een. SUIT STARTED Mae W. Beamesderfer vs. Annie | B. Ream, both of this boro, ad- | ministratrix of Edward Ream, also tknown as Ed Ream, summons in | assumpsit. i —— | Dr. M. A. Becker, well known nurserymen i | Benjamin R. Bender, seventy After the business meeting a movie was shown on “How To Make Ice Cream” which, proved quite interesting to the ladies. Mortuary Record For Past Week MANY OF OUR BEST KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THAT GREAT BEYOND WITH- IN THE PAST WEEK Samuel J. Hiestand, 73, of Co- lumbia, died Friday at St. Joseph's Hospital. Abram Garrett, 66, was dead in the cellar of his home Lancaster. BENJAMIN R. BENDER a retired farmer, died Monds complications, after an illne Je six months, at the home son-in-law and daughter, M { Mrs. Aaron R. Hess, New E | He was a member of the : Mennonite church. He is survived by the f oe children: Lillie, wife of Hess, with Yhom he lived; Seg Mount Joy 'R. D. 2; Charle Landisville; ‘one othe; dentist and big game hunter, died fat Lancaster aged 73.