The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 07, 1938, Image 4

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1 ity Com sior
The famous “Witness Trez2” in ihe 3 of the Donegal
Presbyterian Church, Lancaster County, still stands there today
160 years after the incident responsible for its name,

Donegal’s s Witness Tree
| dinary newspaper type, then it is
[highly probable that you have a
| reading fault, Dr. Emmett A. Betts,
| research professor of edycation and
| head of the reading clinic
| Pennsylvania State College, main-
| tains Sy
The normal number of oye)
{ “jump” in reading each two-inch
{ line of newspaper type is between
| three and five. A person in reading
| does not slide his eyes
| lines as many imagine. In fact, eyes
| are motionless 96 per
| time spent in reading.

Heard Vows Of Patriots
“Witness | services were interrupted by a mes- |
tourists | senger who rode to the door and an- |
| nounced that the British would soon
Tree” of
gather today where 150 years ago |
invade Pennsylvania.
Gathering around the tree outside
the church, the members and of-
witnss to | ficers of the congregation formed a
their minister inside,
for Inde- |
pioneer patriots assembled to swear
loyalty to the new United States.
That venerable
stirring events of the Revolutionary
| circle, placed,
d forced him to cheer
war, still grows vigorously in Done-
. | 4 ie
gal churchyard near Mount Joy |pendence. Then joining hands all
only about eight miles from Co- |pledged their lives and fortunes to |
lumbia. the cause of the colonies.
—Spared. by woodsmen clearing |
land for the Donegal Presbyterian |D.A.R., of which Columbia is a |
Church in 1719, the great tree stood | part, has taken its name from this |
tall above the church when the Rev. | huge oak.
Collin McFarquhar came from| Another historic Pennsylvania |
Scotland to preach there a half cen-
tury later.
For a number of
McFarquhar conducted his
peacefully, praying each Sunday for
the King of the
custom. cils there.
Then the Revolutionary War They even revisited it long after
broke out but the Rev. McFarquhar had been driven from their
continued to pray for the King of | homes there by the advancement of
England, against whom | white civilization.
bers of his congregation were fight- Probably more than 500 years old,
ing. | the tree is 88 feet high, and more
One in June of 1777, the than 17 feet in circumference.
north of route 73 near Reading,
Berks county.
| | ley,
the Rev. |

| and healing of
England as was branch, and held their great coun- |
the mem-

Author Urges Parents To
Help Children Marry

McEvoy Says “Yes "To Age- in years but a child in experience.
Old Question In Current | He has never done a man’s work,
Article; Rose Wilder Takes |, place—but yet he is a man.
Negative Side Arguments. |1ysnot his fault that he hasn't work-
ed; it's not his fault that he hasnt
The old but ever new question of | | carned his own living, and it’s not
whether parents should help their |b 1s fault it that he’s a man and in
| love
children marry before the children |
are financially able to support a
home is the subject of a lively argu- |
ment between two famous authors— |
J. P. McEvoy and Rose Wilder Lane |
—in the current issue of woman’s |
day magazine.
“Should parents heip their child-
ren to marry?” asks Mr. McEvoy,
and then proceeds to convince you
that they should, “That
pretty silly to our forefathers—
certainly no one ever accused ther hem |
of coddling their offspring. But we |¢
Not blaming the boy who cannot
support a family but who wishes to
1, nevertheless,
responsibility |

get marri
Wilder puts
:arely on the parents.

“In my view,” she writes, “there
is no excuse for the parents whose |
on is unable to be responsibile for |
1 life when he is old enough |
nty years at least

would sound
has been obstructing his

child's natural development. He has
human rights
ed his son the

spoil our children— so we are told al life, of liberty inseparable from
We overfeed them, overpet them ibility, and of pursuit of
ss with all the disasters in-
to what pursuit......
overeducate them, overprotect them, | hz
up to a point—and then we kick
them right out on their faces. We | ©I
drop them from whatever limb we | yc
happen to be on, like a monkey | th
dropping a stick that he’s tired of. | sibilities too heavy for their
‘So you want to get married, eh? ength. I hope to be able to give
we say— Well, go ahead, but don't a the the same help—in collegeor in
expect any help from us.” One can | marriage—that I would give any
forgive the puzzled look on the |human being in the same circum-
youngsters face at this point. If ever | | stances. And on the same basis, I|
he needed help he needs it now. In | con sider it an insult to an adult hu- |
fact, he needs it now more than man being to offer to ‘subsidize’ him.
ever he needed it before. | And if my boys are not adult hu-
“The farmer’s boy could and did | man beings when they are twenty
earn his keep almost from the time | years old, then I have shortened
he could walk. But your boy and |their lives as much as if I had cut
my boy fresh out of college isa man {them short with a bullet.”

hope my boys will marry
s. If, after the age of twenty,
ing financial respon-

/ are carry
- 4
and he is not equipped to take a|
five times as you read a line of or-
for the Cou
that the samgy
the Orphans’
for confirmatin and for distribu-
tion of the blanco therein shown
to the creditor;
{ heirs and offers
| thereto on thesdates hereinafter de- | M
signated, at
the forenoon,#
said accounts will be called for au-
dit and
in the Court Room on the
4th floor of the Court House in the
City of Lancgster,
The rol and partial account of
Harry B aser,
No > USSER, W. J., deceased,
| No.
| first and Fnal account of Raymond
| H. Ht William J. Busser, Jr,
{ executor.
ceased, Ng. 49,
i The first ard final account of Mar-
tin H. Whj
iNo. 7,
| first and account of Augusta
W. William A. Buck-
ius, executos,
| No. 7. BARNETT, Joseph E, de-
ceased, No. 74,
| The first and final account of George
The Witness Tree Chapter of the W. Hensel, J, administrator.
| Martin Luther Betz, executor.
i tree is the Sacred Oak of Oley Vai- | deceaded, nk August Term, 1937.
First and fin!
and Bertha }
Indians anciently sought wisdom | gq Noi? November Tord
illness beneath its | 1936. The firgh and final account of
{ The first and final account of Paul-
‘ine A. Shepfand B. Frank Shopf,

of |
{ and el account of Henry Volk and
| second and partial account of Sue

If your eyes jump more than
at the
along the
cent of the

i¥ Term, 1938
To all creditors and
Notice is gigen that the following
accounts filed in the of-|1
fice of the refer of Wills in and
fy of Lancaster and
will be presented to
urt of said county
: legatees, next of kin,
legally entitled
t8h o'clock E. S. T. in
or which purpose
ation by said Court,
in the order Haraed, at such times,
April 18, 1938
ruary Term, 1936. The
No. 5. BYESIIONG, Emma F.,
June Term,
, executor.
Kate, deceased,
Term, 1928. The
No. 6.

Farmers Bank and Tru
of Lancaster,
the use of Emma IL.
No. 46, September Terr
and final account of A
No. 52, May Term, 198.
and final
ceased, No. 55,
First and final accouny of The Con-
estoga National Bankgof Lancaster,
ed, No. 63, June Term,
count of Samuel S. Hess: trustee to
ed, No. 80, December Term, 1935.
The first and final account of M. W.
Maynard, executor.
No. 28, MARTIN, Sarah J. de-
cceased, No. 1, August Term, 1937.
First and final account of Joseph D.
Martin and Roy M. Scott, executors.
No. 29. MILLER, John H., deceas-
ted, No. 78, March Term, 1837. The
first and final account Ethelbert
Miller and Kathryn M. § inefrock,
ceased, No.
The third

Mellinger, ‘executors.
No. 31. NOLL,
No. 86, February Term, 1387. First
and final account of Alger . Shirk,
No. 32. NUSZ, Oscar eceased,
No. 19, September Term, #836. The
first and final account of { Eharles A
Bair, executor.
No. 33. PETERS, Rob] H., de-
ceased, No. 4, September erm, 1927.
The first and final accouit of John
H. Peters, administrator. |
No. 34. STOVER, Cec
ed, No. 9, March Term, #937. Final
account of Elmer Stovergexecutor.
N., deceased, No. 100 hy Term,
1922. First and final of
rustee for

, deceas-

who died March 2, 1938. %
ARTicle 2 OrphansgCourt
No. 36. SHELLEY, Hapry H., de-
ceased, No. 51, March erm, 1935.
First and final account Annie C.
Melbert, executrix. 2
No. 37. STONER, Tsragl, deceased,
1937. First
JA. Landis,

, deceased,
The first
Jonathan IH.
No. 38, TODD, Sus:
account of
No. 39. TROSTLE, fRachel, de-
No. 1. BE R, Charles, No. 105, ceased, No. 82, April gTerm, 1937.
August Term, 1937. The rst and|The first and final accdnt of James
final & f Gertrude M. Beck- Lorah, administrator.
a lr Stan 1" No. 40. WIEBUSH, John W., de-
No. 2. BAKER, Nathan, de- ceased, No. 67, June Term, 1937.
ceased, 103, August Term, 1937. First and final accougt of John C.
— i The oY B41 final account of Owen|Wiebush and Paul A. iebush, ex-
Hershey, gxecutor. ecutors. Ca
No. 3. SALTHASER, John F., de-] , No- 41 WOLGEMURH, Lizzie C.,
ceased, 64, June Term, 1937. deceased, No. 106, Term,
1937. The first and fipal account of
Jacob G. Wolgemuth,
No. 42. WILSON, &
Term, 1937.
No. 43. HESS, Frandgs C., deceas-
1937. Ac-
cell real estate.
Register of Wills and Clerk
of the Orphan’s Court

February Term, 1937.
- 8. BE , Jacob, also Jacob,
, deceased;iNo. 22, August Term,
The figst and final account of
account of P. M. Stief
gdrich, executors.
No. 10. CAPP, Daisie le Reu S,,
Kathleen Marg Capp, surviving ex-
No. 11. CHARLESTON, Harry M.,
deceased, No. 5, April Term, 1927
executors. 25
No. 12. DUSEL, Anna M., also
known as Anma, deceased, No. 56,
August Term, 3937. First and final
account of Matgaret E. Dusel, ad-
ministratrix. %
No. 13. EBY Ephraim N., deceas-
ed, No. 71, Apsil Term, 1937. The
first and final account of Amelia F.
Eby and Elmer Eby, executors.
No. 14. ECKMAN, Mary A. de-
ceased, No. 28 September Term,
1937. First ang final account of
Horace R. Eckmgn, administrator.
No: JI EAG Lizzie, deceased,
No. March Term, 1936. Second |
Frank S. Bucks, gxecutors.
No. 16. ERB, Mary Jane, deceased,
No. 102, May erm, 1934. The
W. Erb Glisson, executrix.
No. 17, FOOSE, Margaret G., de-
ceased, No. 8, September, 1937.
First and final adeount of William
H. Foose, executo
No. 18. FURLO Elizabeth E.}!
deceased, No. 50, Be ptember Term,
1937. The first ang final account of
Warren W. Wor rest, executor.
No. 19. GOOD, Caroline, deceased,
| No. 19° April Tern; 1937. The first
{ and final account Anna M. Good,
| administratrix.
No. 20. GOOD, Jagob S., deceased,
No. 55, February 1932. The!
final account of Frank K. Good and
Elizabeth K. Goodexecutors
No. 21. HOERGER Charles, de-
ceased, No. 96, Mazggh Term, 1937.!
First and final ageount of Katie
No. 22. HERSHEY, Jacob N., de-
ceased, No. 3 ptember Term,
1937. The first and Partial account of
Lizzie Z. Hershey aid Mary E. Mar-
tin, executrices.
No. 23, HERTZLER, Samuel H,
deceased, No. 103, March Term ,1936.
The first account of Mary C. Hertz-
| ler and Henry K. @ber, executors.
No. 24. LEISEY, €atherine C., de-
ceased, No. 108, August Term, 1937.
First and final accdunt of George J.

Hufford, administrgor.
No. 25. McGLINY; C. Alfred, de-
ceased, No. 83, Ap#il Term, 1837.
First and final accofint of Walter §.
dition Exponas
Court of Common Pleas, Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania, and to me di-
rected, I will expose to sale by pub-
lic vendue or outcry in Court Room
No. 2,
City of Lancaster, Pa.,
a Of we
To be held
FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1938
At 2:00 o'clock P. M.
By virtue of several writs of Fieri
Facias and Levari Facias and Ven-
issued out of the
at the Court House in the
the follow-
ing described real estate. to wit:
(No. 2%)
All that certain lotzof ground sit-
uate and being in the town of Mar-
ietta, Donegal Township, Lancaster
County, Pennsylvanid, (laid out by
Duffy and chaffy) and
numbered in the gegeral plan of
said Town by mu one hundred
and seventy-five 5) containing
in front on DS States, now
called West Market Street, thirty-
seven (37) feet and gxtending back
in depth to an alley; two hundred
(200) feet and being bounded on
the North by United States Street,
now called West Magket Street; on
the East by lot numpered one hun-
dred and seventy-faur (174); on
the South by a public alley; and on
the West by lot numbered one hun-
dred and seventy-six (176) now
owned by Harry BHIL
Having thereon ected a two and
fame dwelling
one-half story
house No. 545 West Market Street,
Marietta, Pa.
Seized and taker) fin execution as
property of Mattie and Ralph
Gohn, her husban uth notice to
Mattie Gohn, presé owner and
terre tenant.
\ sold
(Ni )
All that certain 3: or piece of
land situated on Southeast sid>
of State Street, N@ttheast of James
Street, as laid outipn the City Plan
of the City of @icaster aforesaid,

‘having therecn ergeted a two story
stone and ae e 1g house,
known as e Street,
bounded an a * desi bed as follows
to wit:
On the Nort hegt by property
now or late of JG Hay Brown an
George B. Willsom§ on the Scuth-

east by property Sow or late of
Charles M. Groen on the South-
west by property how or late of
Malcolm Albert Rieser, and on the
the Northwest by", State Street a-
Containing in Rt on said Staite
Street, thirty-seven (37) feet six
(§ inches, more oy less, and ex-
tending in’ depth "of that ‘width
Southeastwardly one hundred : and
eighty-four (184) feet, more or

McGlinn, administrator.
No. 26. Malen W.,
ceased, No. 65, June Term, 1937. The,
first and final account of Harriett S.
Mohler, executrix.
No. 27, MAYNARD, E. H, deceas-
less, to the middle of the twenty
de- 1 (20) feet wide common alley here-
inafter mentioned.
The Southwest line of the lot is
parallel with and two hundred nad
twenty-five (225) feet six (6) inches

Northeast of the Northeast line
West James Street, as laid out
the plan of the City: of Lancaster
Subject to various restriction
and alley rights.
Seized and taken in execution
property of Samuel W. Blankm?
and Sayde B. Blankman, his wj
with notice to Samuel W. Blan
man, present owner and terre fg
late of John M. Shultz and the a-
bove described land North 89% de-
grees East 15.5 perches to a post
and stones, a corner of land now
ox late of Emma Groff, and by the
same South 871% degrees East 11.5
perches to a post and stones and
by the same South 15} degrees Ww.
31.3 perches to a gum tree and S.
[ 20} degrees West, 35.7 perches to
| the place of beginning.
| Containing 9 acres and 60 per-
! ches.
Excepting and reserving out of
the land within above boundaries
all of the land on the West side of
the public road so that the middle
of said road shall be the division
7: line between the premises herein
h and the land now or late of Ezra
d | Wiggins and Kate Smith.
| Seized and taken in execution as
- | property of John Appel, Jr.
(No. 32)
All! that certain lot or piece of
Jos a pa tony: {land on which is erected > two-
aoe Stone: thence by on Ba go | story ;brick building with store
a | room ‘thereon, situate on the Nor-
late of Levi Shenk south bY - | theast® corner of East Chestnut and
five degrees west thirty-four I'- | North Lime Streets, in the City of
rd a ig Wa POL a
courses of said creek ninety-séven | Containing in front on said East
PM ea perches to the | { Chestnut Street, twenty-one feet
eg {and three inches (21 ft. 3 in.) and
Containing fifteen and one- fart a i hes of that yo
eres; ke northward to a four (4 ft.) feet
Wl oH = in executigh AS | wide common alley seventy-one
property © Mary B. Sigerist feet and nine inches (71 ft. 9 in.).
and Clarence H. Siegrist. Bounded on the North by said
(No: 30) 2 four feet wide common alley, on
All that certain tract of lang, sit- | the East by property now or late
uate in Millersville Lan- | of John Shook, on the South by
caster Co., Pa. with two-storgibrick said East Chestnut St, and on the
i tree; thence by land now or


(No. 29)
All that certain tract of
land, together with a two- St
By |
frame dwelling house, frame in|
and other improvements there
erected, situate in the Townshi
Rapho, County of Lancaster
State of Pennsylvania, bour i
Beginning at a post on the r
bank of Ch hjcquesatunsa Creek
extending thence by land now's
late of Christian Shirk north
one degrees east two perches
post; thence by land now or 4

dwelling hotse thereon. 8. West by Nerth Lime St., aforesaid.
Beginning at a post; thence: ‘along Seized and taken in execution as
Manor Ave. South 53} deggees W. |property of Vincent Banzhof and
Theresa Banzhof, his wife with no-
tice to Vincent Banzhof,
owner and terre tenant.
(No. 33)
74 ft. to the middle of ani alley;
thence by the same courseg19% ft.
to a post; thence by land ef Sam-
vel Shenk, North 45 degrees West,
€8 ft. to a post; fence by same N.| Aj] that certain lot of ground on
53% degrees East, 21 ft. ¥ a post; | the South side of West Vine St,
thence along same North £45 de- | Lancaster, Pa., with two-story brick
grees West, 117 ft. to a pdst; then-
ce by the same north 53 degrees
East, 67% ft. to a post; thence by
land late of John Lehman! South 45
house thereon erected, being No.
520 W. Vine Street.
Containing in front on said West
Vine Street 26 feet 4 inches, more
degrees East, 68 feet, 14 inches to for less, and extending in depth
a post; thence by the sanje North 43 | southward 94 feet to property of
degrees East, 7 ft, to a post; thence
by the same South 54} degrees East,
116% ft. to the place of Beginning.
Containing I 3-8 of an gee.
Seized and taken in ig as |
Haagen, Ex- | this was formerly a part,
property of George C.
ecutor of Walter C. Zo@k, deceased | the West by property now or late
and Minnie I. Zook. r§al owner. |f Philip Burger.
(No. 31) 3
All that certain lot OF’ piece of
land situate in the Byiship of | tin and Isaac J, Martin,
Providence, Lancaster €e. ith | band, with notice to Minnie M.
the improvements thefon erec Beppler now known as Minnie M.
bounded and or an follov ppler Martin present owner
Purpart No. 1. Begghning at a|terre tenant.
stone a corner of landinow or late |
of Elias Winters 5; thee by thei All that certafn lot or piece of
same South 37 East 13.7|]and situate on the South side of
perches to a stone ang. South 28} | West Orange Street, between North
degrees West, 289 pliches to a! Mulberry and North Charlotte
stone; thence South 22 degrees E.! Streets, in the city of Lancaster,
which this was formerly a part.
Bounded on the East by property
now or late of J. Phillip Kirchner;
on the South by property now or
late of Albert W. Koenig of which

NO, 54

and on|H
Seized and taken in execution ag
property of Minnie B. Beppler Mar=#g.
her hus- {+
and | §

40 perches to a stoned corner of|County of Lancaster and State of
land now or late of gi seph Funk; | Pennsylvania, having thereon erect-
thence by the same North 73} de-|ed a two story a
grees East 30 perchesgto a stone; prick dwelling house with two story
thence North 13} degrees West 21.5
perches to a post and North 75] de-
East 46 perchesito gq heap of
stone; thence by land now or late]
of Rudolph Herr, Nosh 143 degrees ! side of West Orange Street aforesaid |
West, 23.5 perches to a post and N. la corner of property now or late of
55 degrees East 48 perches to a Fannie F. Fries, thence extending
black oak in Jie offfand formerly | Southwardly along said premises a
of James A. Steele; thenca by land | distance of 122 feet to a point in line
now or late of Howard Withers S.|of land now or late of Harriet
53} degrees East, 378 perches to a | Snodgrass; thence extending West-
stone and North 334° degrees West | wardly along said premises a dis-
26 perches to a stondtin line of land! | tance of 18 ft. 6 in. to a point a cor-
now or late of Elag¥ Book; thence | ner of property now or late of Wal-
by the same She Bow degrees W.|ter M. Dunlap; thence extending
54 perches to the Beginning.
Containing 40 acrg® more or less,

and through the middie of a 2 feet
excepting and resef¥ing out of the | 6 inches wide joint alley and a 9 | [8
above descr ibed trgét a triangular {inch brick party, partition wall over
piece thereof containing 4.093 acres |the same between the buildings
more or less, whighk John Gerhart erected on said premises next ad-
by Deed dated July 9, 1903, and re- i joining the same on the West, a diz-
corded in the Office of | tance of 122 feet to a point on the |
Lancaster County Deed Book E, | South side of West Orange Street!
Vol. 17, Page 339, ranted and con- | aforesaid; thence extending East- |
veyed to the Penngylvania Railroad wardly along the South side of West | :
Company, its sugessors and as-|OQrange Street a distance of 18 feet | ¥
signs. 6 inches to the place of beginning.
The ig thereon are 2| Subject to alley and wall agree-
2% story frame dwelling house and |ments..
frame barn. Seized and taken in as
Purpart No. 28 Beginning at a | property of Bernardine C. King and
stone a corner now or late | John King, her husband; Minnie
of Mary Armstropg and in a line | McEvoy, widow and execltrix of
of the above des@fibed tract; then- | John W. McEvoy, deceased; Charles
ce by the same orth 76} degrees | T. McEvoy, Single, Theresa: McEvey
East 15 perches a stone; thence | Banzhof and Vincent Banzhof, For
North 11% degree’ East 21 perches | husband and Walter McEvoy; single
to a stone; land now or! with notice to Bernardine iC: King,
late of or North 513% 2 | Minnie McEvoy widow de-
degrees East, 6.1%erches to a stone | visee under the will of John W, Mc-
thence North 82:degrees East 38.2 | Evoy, deceased Charles T. McEvoy,
perches to a stofg: thence by land | Theresa McEvoy Banzhof and Wal-
now or late of § Gochenauer, S. 1|ter D. McEvoy, present owners and
degree East 35.6 $erches to a stone; | Terre Tenants. b
thence by land mw oF late of John
; Soul » degrees W.
perches tof tho hi
NO. 35
No. 1. All that certain Ipt of
of be- ground on which is erectedia 1}
{Fos} Stucco Bungalow, situafgd on
16% “acres and 85 per-|the South side of Wood Streetin the
: Cot | village of Florin, Township of “East
. at a Donegal, County of Lancaste¥ and
stone in a line of.Jand now or late | State of Pennsylvania.
of Elias thence by the| Containing in front on said Wood
same North 87 degrees West 16 Street 51 feet and in
perches to a stone; thence by the depth of that width 162 fet® an
same North 87 degrees West 15 | alley.
perches to a stofie; thence by the Bounded on the North by Food
fir ribed tract South 84 de-! Street; on the East by propertyznow
grees w 38 perches to a stone; or late of Martin R. Nissley; aff the
thence South 54 (degrees West 6 South by an alley and on thegVest
¢ ; to a stone; thence North %

by Chocolate Avenue.

grees Bis 235 5 perches to a| No. 2. All that certain Be of
>» degrees East ground with a 2} story frame Bouse
S © a black oak; thence erected thereon, situated . the
East 43 perches South side of the Lancastéf®and
pla ning. | Harrisburg Turnpike, now Ag. S.
Containing 10:acres and 100 per-1 { Highway Route 230, in the Silage
ches. | of Florin aforesaid. “SE
Purpart No.4. Beginning at a Containing in front on said,

thence by way Route 25 feet and exten in
a small run

and mansard roof | 8
brick back building, known as No. |#
336 West Orange Street, and bound- | §
ed and described as follows, to wit: |
Beginning at a post on the South
Northwardly along said premises |§
on the West hy property of Benja-
min W. Brown,
No. 3. All fithat certain lot of
ground on Which is erected a 13
story frame dwelling house situate
on the South &ide of the Lancaster
and Harrisbufg Turnpike, now U.S.
Highway Rouf@ 230, in the Village
of Florin, afoygsaid.
Containing i front on said High-
way Route 37 jet and extending in
depth of that idth Southward 200
feet to a publigh a
Bounded on j
S. Highway Rojite 230; on the East
: on the South by
by a public a ¥
a public alley on the West by

ing Lot No. 2
Taken and sei in execution as
the property of Chistian V. Kinsey.
NO ri
All that certain
ground, situate on 1
of Ferdinand and
Manheim Borough,
ty, Pa., whereon is e
tile bungalow, bouxg
scribed as follows, to “Mi
Containing in front A
at or piece of
le S. W. corner
Wolf Streets,
dinand Street 100 feet®nd extend-
ing of that width in depth South-
ward along S. Wolf Streét 57 feet.
Bounded on the N. by#Ferdi nand
Street, Eastward by said S. Wolf
Street, Southward by pfoperty of
John R. Pfautz, and Westward by
property of William H. Noggle.
Seized and taken in exegution as
property of William R. Noggle.
NO. 37 4
All that certain tract or
land, situated on the North
Fifth Street, between Pearl
de of


7TH, 1039

and West End Avenue, in the city
and County of Lancaster, Pa, on
which is erected a 2} story brick
dwelling house with brick back
building, known as No. 835 Fifth
Street, bounded and described as
Containing in front on said Fifth
Street, 16 feet ad extending in depth
of that Width, Northwardly, 84 ft.
and 3 in, {more or less.
Bounded on the East by property
now or latetof Ellwood W. Groff, on
the North land now or late of
Henry Drachibar, on the West by
property now or late of Frank
Kniebuhler and on the South by
said Fifth Street.
The East lig of these premises
passes throughé the center of the
brick party pagtition wall between
these premises and the premises
known as No. 83§ Fifth Street.
The West line of these premises
passes through the center of the 2
feeti 6 inches wide: alley and the
brick party partition wall erected
over the said alley; between these
premises and the prémises immedi-
ately adjoining on thg, West.
Together with the
common with the ot
thereto, the aforesaid 2
scribed premises, ar of the
said alley being on the hegein de-
scribed premises.
Seized and taken in exect
property of Elwood W. Gro
notice to Oscar. Stout, real
and terre tenant.


Rockland St., Lancaster, Ba

Check Below And See If You Have
Any Of The Signs
Quivering nerves ean make you old and
haggard looking, cranky and hard to live
with—can keep you awake nights and rob
you of good health, good times and jobs.
Don’t let 3 yourself “go” like that. Stari
e tonie—one made espe=
n. And cou !d you ask for any-
e been better proved
E. Pipkham's


your shriek ing
and help lessen disiress
tional disorders,
: Make a note NOW to zet a bottle of this
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from female fu c=

without fail from your druggist. Over a mil-
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For the past 69 years L ydia E. Pinkham's
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Why aot let it help YOU?

Remember, please—when you take a Smith Brothers Cough Dro
(Two kinds—Black or Menthoi—5¢), you get an cxtra hed
SmithBros. CoughDreps arethe onlydrops centainingVITAMINA
This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous
membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections.

land now or late of Em ma Groff depth of that width Southw dly
South 803 degrees West, 3.9 perches 200 feet to a public alley. ¢
tong on the West side of al! Bounded on the North by sid U.
ring run; thence by land now or S. Highway Route 230; on t ast
te of John M. Shultz, South 82 by other property of C. V. ey;
degrees West 25 perches to a chesi- on the South by a public alleg*and

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