TH, 1938 han any ly. Day antly on 1 up and through h crowd- hem the member, xamined ie us for er 20713 I3R15 tals est an more lectric ion of lustry 1kes a 5 and up-to- odern, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH, 1938 mses OWL LAFFS "10 wr woo, rep A WISE OWL Here's a little neat summing up that I don’t think you should miss. A fellow from Florin has it all fi- gured out. He allows that “Girls love fur coats, a fur coat costs a lot, but a lot is a piece of land, and land is dirt. Therefore—girls love dirt.”....See-e-e? Monday evening F met Beamy, Bates, J. Roy and seven or eight other firemen walking back Market St. with a length of fire hose wrap- ped around them. I asked, “Where do you fellows think you're going with that hose?” And Bates ans- wered: “Aw, one of the fellows got married and were going to give him a shower.” A junk peddler was driving out Barbara Street when he called to a spinster standing in front of her home, “Any old bottles you'd like to sell lady?” And the lady sourly replied: “Do I look as though I drank beer?” And the junk dealer promptly asked: “Any vinegar bot- tles you'd like to sell?” Did you krow that moths aren't really figthing “hen they make the fur fly? One of our more daring Freshmen walked into class this morning wearing a coat which truly outdid Joseph’s. The clash of colors al- most made a noise. The chap just couldn’t have hoped to get by with- out some comment, but, perhaps nothing like what he actually did get from one of those ever-present As the intre- pia onc en...&d, said ‘heckler ex- claimed: “My gosh! That's the first time I've seen a sunset with but- tons!” A certain housewife on Donegal Street says: “All men are not home- less, but some are home less than others.” A young farmer had his city girl out to his home for dinner on Sun- day. After the meal he was show- ing her the sights of the farm, when he explained, “And another thing, we have a bull on this farm that gets mad as heck when he sces pink.” And the girl friend exclaim- ed: “Gee! I thought it was red that made bulls angry.” And her farmer friend laughingly answered: “Ha, ha! This bull's a sissy.” And now, a bit of advice to the tired housewife—“On getting rid of a husband, if at first you don’t suc- ceed, try—try a gun.” One of our rural teachers tells us of this little incident that hap- hened in her school recently. One of the pupils had written, “I love teacher,” in big white letters, on the blackboard at lunch time. When school was called, the teacher called the classe’s attention to the writing, and asked: “Who is responsible for that?” One little fel- lov ointed to an eighth grade boy a> the guilty party. The teacher said: “George, you're the guilty par- ty, you will remain for one hour with me after school.” And George beamingly announced: “You see kids, it pays to dvertiase.”—We heartily agree. who is a About the only type of girl has any use for a windy guy flat tire. The post office corner crowd was discussing a friend's coming mar- riage, when one fellow remarked: “You know, that girl Ben's to mar- ry is certainly accomplished. She can swim, dance, play golf, drive and sing.” And another stander- on-the-corner added: “Yeh, they should get along fine—you know Ben can cook.” Well, to illiterate, it is getting worse and worser, the way that bunch of practical jokers down at the barber shop are acting up. Last week John Brubaker, (he’s much better thank you), went into the a shave. While he was Mt. Joy Junior Leading The North. League DEFEATED ROTHSVILLE IN A GOOD GAME FRIDAY NIGHT 30-27—EAST = HEMPFIELD IN SECOND PLACE The Mount Joy passers took the lead in the Northern Junior High School Basketball League, Friday, when they downed the Rothsville outfit by a narrow 30 to 27 score. | Newcomer paced the winners with 15 points. Marietta knocked East Hemp- field out of a tie for first place when they defeated the latter quintet 25 to 16 on the Landis- ville court. In a third loop fray the Eliza- bethtown lads gained a 32 to 19 victory over the East Donegal passers. Rothsville Jr. H. S. G F TL Moin, 3. g. 0 0 Lecking, S 0 6 HH, Weidlér, c............ 2g. 2 ¢ Mentzer, 2... 7 1.15 00, 0 4 Grube, f................. CC 0 0 BE. Weidler, 2...........; a Totals. ................ 2 3 27 Mount Joy Jr. H. S. G F T. Zink, anna un 4 2.0 Hawthorne, £............. 9 60 0 Newcomer, e............. $F 15 1-1} 3 Zellers, 2 2 Brown,’ 0 0 0 Fenstermacher, g......... 9 6.0 Totals 0.00 12 6 30 NORTHERN JR. HI STANDING Teams W. L.'P.C. Mount Joy ........... 7-3 700 East Hempfield ....... 6 3 ..67 Elizabethtown ........ 5 4 556 Manheim Boro ....... 4 5 44 Rothsville ............. 4 5 44 East Donegal ........ 4 6 .400 Marleita ..........%.. T % 1325 Our Junior High defeated EI- izabethtown here last evening 36- 31 in a good game. Legion Auxl'y Held Meeting Tuesday Nite (From page 1) Hollida, at Confluence, Pa. “adopted family.” The Auxiliary was very well their pleased with the report, from Miss Mildred Zink, of the Girl Scout Troup, which the Auxiliary spon- sors. Miss Elizabeth Heilig. scout- master and Misses Pauline Heilig and Mildred Zink, assistants, have been doing commendable work. Some of the scouts have had their Tests while others have received their badges. On February 28 the Executive Committee will meet at the Legion Home, with Mrs. Sam Eshleman and Mrs. Rebecca Hipple hostesses. A meeting of the Bi-County Council will be held at Lancaster on Tuesday, March 8th. The execu- tive meeting will be held at eleven o'clock and dinner at twelve o’- clock. Any members wishing to attend this meeting, please notify Mrs. Rae Brown. The next regular meeting of the Legion Auxiliary will be held Tu- esday, March 8th. Akron’s basket ball team easily defeated Maytown Tuesday night 57-25. E. Donegal High defeated Man- heim in a regular league game 28-19. East Donegal Jr. High defeated Manheim Jr. High 21-11 on Tues- day evening. ———— Gr II The Spring run of sap from maple trees has already started in Somerset Co. having a hot towel, one of those comics removed his shoes. When John was all prettied up and ready for his shoes they were no where to be found. Then someone suggested that he might look next door at the Lincoln Shoe Repair shop, because shoes just naturally are found there. So John, in his stockinged feet, walk- ed next door and sure enough there were his shoes, with a nice new pair of heels that Raymond had been instructed to put on. And John had to pay up before he could get his shoes out of hock. Now who do you suppose took them over there? By the way, who's hat do we have in our window? I've a hunch. Don and Dick said the nearest way to Mt. Joy from Mastersonville is by Lancaster, 9 hrs. to be exact. A WISE OWL THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. TO MEET MONDAY, FEB. 14 Monday evening, February 14 at 7:30, the Mount Joy Sportsmen’s As- sociation will hold its regular mon- thly meeting in the Council Cham- ber at which time a representative of the Pennsylvania Game Commis- sion will entertain with Motion Pictures. All men interested in wild life and hunting are invited to attend this meeting. Cy ———— MASTERSONVLLE GUN CLUB ELECTS ITS OFFICERS At the regular monthly meeting of the Mastersonville Rod and Gun Club, the following officers were el- ected for the year: president, Elmer Shelly; secretary, Chas. Kauffman; treasurer, Aaron Ruhl; game war- den, Stanley Ruhl. Several crates of rabbits were purchased for re-stocking. Wrestling At Manheim This Saturday finds the banks closed due to the fact a legal holiday, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, is commemorated. How- ever, Manheim will be wide open Saturday night in view of the fact the Manheim Athletic Club wrest- ling team will stack its charges against that of the famous Balti- more Y. M. C. A. wrestling team on the Manheim High School mats. The first bout is scheduled for 8 oclock P. M. With but two days remaining the local charges are practicing in earnest and pre- paring to their fullest extent to extend the invading grapplers a hearty and welcome invitation into the borough wrestling tactics em- ployed by the man who have dom- inated the mats for the Manheim A. C. in the past years. As in years gone by the famous Baltimore aggregation will be rep- resented on the mats by an ex- ceptionally strong team. Accord- ing to word receive the Baltimore management the follow- ing men are likely to be used: Gilbert Redmond, Milton Andes, Doug Lee, Johnny Eareckson, Ed Blake, Shaduk, Don Might and Johnny Schaaf. The majority of the men listed are South Atlantic A. A. U. Champions. Johnny Ear- eckson, known the country over, is one of the most clever wrestle to ever don a pair of grappling tights. He is a South Atlantic Champion, former National A. A.U. Champion, former United States Olympic team star and the present 135 pound National Y. M. C. A. Champion. Eareckson besides his unusual tactics displayed by him during a bout, puts on a show by himself in which he does what is called shadow wrestling. This act acclaimed by many, has been from filmed and shown in various theatres throughout the cquntry. Another clever adds comedy to any meet is Might the Baltimore 175 poun entry. Might employs what is commonly known as the rough stuff and has the fans on their feet throughout the entire bout. The blond warrior again promises to display the courage he has shown in the previous meets wrestled this season by the Bal- timore team. To speak of the strength of the Baltimore team one must ment- tion the fact that the Maryland outfit is the present National Y. M. C. A. team champions and were runner-ups to Oklahoma University for the National A.A. U. team champions title last year. The Baltimore matmen lost the title by one-half point. To match the strength of the invading maulers, Coach Hollo- baugh of the Manheim A. C. has gotten together a team which will match not only the strength and strategy of the Eareckson coached men but also the speed needed in the grappling wars today. The probable line-up is very uncer- tain at the present, however, it shall be released within a day or two. To learn more of the meet and also the local line-up read your daily papers. It is anticipated a crowd of 600 people will make their appearance inthe High School gymnasium Saturday night. _——e———————— CARD PARTY WINNERS Winners at the American Legion Card Party on Monday evening at the Legion Home are as follows: Door Prize: Mrs. John Jacob Herr. Bridge: Mrs. James Krall, Jno. W. Greiner, Jacob Zeller, Mrs. Walter T. Brown, Bigler Mumma, Mrs. Russell Halbleib. Mrs. Jno. G. Longenecker, Mrs. J. N. New- comer. Pinochle: Miss Jacques Miller. Esther Henvy, Zeller, 500: George Germer and George Leaders Won From Locals Friday Nite GH TEAM'S PGOR GUARDING GIVES VISITORS BIG LEAD IN FIRST HALY —LEADERS OUTSCORED IN FINAL With a little closer guarding Mount Joy High would have easily defeated the league leaders here Friday evening. They let Roths- ville get a 25-10 lead in the first half, then came back and out- ccored them in the second. Our J-Vees had the Rothsville J-Vees licked easily at half time but they finished strong and won 25-23. Rothsville H. S. G = uj Groff, £.......... conus 4 1-9 A TR EL 5 212 Carvell, os 6 113 Riscinger, 0 0 0 Mense, 8 0 9 Huber, ¢....... vk ss 2 2 6 Totals... 17 6 40 Mount Joy H. S. G F TL Sumpman, = oO 6 0 Crider, £......... 000000 7 4:18 Peifer, 1 0 2 Eshleman, 0 1 21 Bennett, g......... 00 2 2 5 Germer, 3 0:86 Totals 13.6 32 Score by Periods: MT. JOY H. S. ...3 7 913-32 ROTHSVILLE H.S. 1411 2 13—40 Referee, Albright; timekeeper, Kreider; scorekeeper, Bainhart; time of periods, 8 minutes. SECTION NO. 1 STANDING Teams WwW. 1. PC Rothsville ............ 9. 1 “908 Elizabethtown ........ 8:2 718 Marietta .............. 5 4 55 Mount Joy ........... 5 5 5M Past Donegal ......... 5 5 .500 Manheim Boro ....... 2 7 220i East Hempfield ....... 0 0 000 Other Scores E. Donegal J-V. won from Manheim J-V. 15-9. Marietta 20, E. Hempfield 11. E. Hempfield J-V 25, Marietta J-V 22 E'town 33, E. Donegal 15. pp town J-V 28, E. Donegal J-V. Elizabethtown defeated Mt. Joy High last evening 55-36 while our J-V won 27-26. Dee Subscribe for The Bulletin. ELECTRIC & : ACETYLENE WELDING ALL KIND HASSINGER & Mount Joy, Pa. Mt. Joy 85 or E'town sep.1 HOW OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? EW busbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion into a shrew for one whole week in every month. You can say “I'm sorry’ and kiss and make up easier before marriage than after. Be wise. If you want to hold your husband, you won't be a three-quarter wife. For three gererationsone woman has told another how to go ‘‘smil- ing through’ with Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. I helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre- paring for motherhood. 3. Ap- proaching “middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go ‘Smiling Through," OST of the simple every day desserts can be varied in a thousand ways. Well, dozens any- way! For in- stance, it’s pos- sible to serve blancmange fla. vored in many So SAS different, de- 4 lightful ways. It can be further varied by being served with dif- ferent cooked fruits and with different sauces. And if you've never tried coconut blancmange, you've missed one of the most popular varieties of this old-fashioned dessert. Coconut Blancmange 1% cup sugar, 51 tablespoons flour; 3% teaspoon salt; 2 cups milk; 1 cup shredded coconut; 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten; 1 tea- spoon vanilla. Combine sugar, flour, and salt in top of double boiler; add milk grad- ually, mixing thoroughly. Place over rapidly boiling water and cook 10 minutes, or until thick, stirring constantly. Add coconut, and cool. Fold in egg whites and vanilla; turn into individual molds. Chill Unmold and garnish with tart jelly Serves 6. Stimulate your business by adver- tising in the Bulletin. ob -~ y ® TEPAY and FRIDAY Extra Attraction on Stage Friday! role Lombard deric March g Sacred” Technicolor) “Not (Alli SARURDAY Loy Franclgot Tone “MAN -PROOF" Free Gifts he Ladies! Big 4-hour Matinee! Extra Mat. only: lenn Moris in “Tarzan's Re ge” Also Serial Chapter an ace Reel MONDAY and TUESDAY Monday Bargain tinee 2:15 P. M. Nelson Eddy, Eleanor Powell “ROSALIE WEDNESDAY Extra Attraction on Stag Leslie Howard Bette Davis "It's Love I'm After. East Donegal School Board Met Fri. Nite (From page 1) change in the bus route at Mari- etta. The principal’s report was read, approv- ed and filed. grade school heating system. YUDITORIU THEATRE Manheim Thurs., Feb. 9-10 Joan Blondell in 52ND STREE} with 3 lan Hunter, Leo Cagillo Zasu Pitts, Kenny B ® KRALL'S 2% West Main St., Mt. Joy Mr. Brandt of the Supply Com- mittee reported some repairs to the The board awarded a contract to J. P. Lilly, of Harrisburg, to place shades in the sky light of the audi- torium. The Elizabethtown Gas Co. was ordered also to change the piping into the school. Henry H. Herr of Lancaster was directed to make same changes in the water system to insure a better and more even Phone 72R MT. JOY, PA. PAGE FIVE supply of water. 4 A new standard mailing machine duplicator was purchased from F. H. Hessenberger, of Harrisburg. rte A An DID YOU KNOW? That one-tenth of all the hunting licenses issued in the United States in 1937 were in Pennsylvania, the number being 601,349. This army of hunters slaughtered 4269 tons of game. Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. MANHEIM 19 W. Steigel St. Telephone 11-J Mon., Wed., Thurs. ECRZABETHTOWN E. High St Evenings by appointment In Ma STOP JTTER'S PARK AT Moose Theatre| ELIZABETHTOWN Evenings 2 Shows 7and 9 P. M. Saturday 6-8-9:30 P. M. “EVERY DAY'S A ms Wanted FOR (DEPT. 2B) 62 GRAND CENTRAL ANN NEW YORK, N.Y. RE YOUR SHOES: AIT TOO LONG B THEM IN CITY OE REPAIRI CO. 30 SOUTH QUEEN § LANCASTER, PENNA. HO DO SPECIAL PRICES ———— HASSINGER & RI HOLIDAY” Fri. Sat, Feb. 11-12 Carole Lombard in “TRUE CONFESSION” MONDAY and TUESDAY, FBBRUARY 14 and 15 Gary Cooper in “SOUL T SEA” Lewis Stone mn * “YOU'RE ONLY YOUNG ONCE” Wednesday, February 16th| Thursday, prem. ARE YOU ONLY A THREE-QUARTER WIFE? EN, because they are men, can never understand a three- quarter wife—a wife who is all love and kindness three weeks in a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don'’t J take it out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told another how to go “‘smil- ing through" with Lydia E. Pink- ham’'s Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap- proaching “middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go “Smiling Through." Help Kidneys Don't Take Drastic Drugs Your Kidneys contain 9 million tiny tub or filters which may be endangered by neg lect or drastic, irritating drugs. Be careful. If functional disorders of the Kidneys or Bladder make you suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circles Under Eyes, Dizziness, Backache, Swollen Joints, Excess Acidity, or Burning Passages, don’t rely on ordinary medicines. Fight such troubles with the doctor's prescrip- tion Cystex. Cystex starts working in 3 hours and must prove entirely satisfactory in 1 week, and be exactly the medicine you need or money back is guaranteed. Tele- phone your druggist for Cystex (Siss-tex) today. The guarantee protect 1937 The Knox Co. p 3. 15% Cops 0 YOU KNOW WHY -- - Naboby Ever Wins In a Poker Game?" iNTERNATIONAL Cartoon Co, N.Y. 369° “THAT LITTLE CAME” Inter-nat’l Cartoon Co., B. Link i ALL EVENING THE HOST HAS BEEN RAVING ABOUT HIS NEW FOLDING CARD TABLE ,~ LAYING STRESS ON THE FACT THAT (T WAS VERY STABLE AN EVERYTHING, : AND THEN +r —— He Ho I'M GLAD ' t DIDN'T GEE wize “STAY” WHAT nee ed Drawn for this paper to HAPPENED > ] ? Neo 7 ™ prs xX \ . ae? TS nN = =r oy % o » (pO) 0 ~ a yen. = ¥ - ZZ Zz. Brea. or Mn $) 8 SI 2 ) oN NN 7 BAN YH W 2 ~~ rl 6) oa \ s \ E \ A \ TITHE : TIA = — = Fn = Pe — = — N = == = = 3 il —m—m ———— 14 = ss —— 7 a —_— NS 7 —_— a at f — 7 — 2 — — € Zi == = == = A AEE = TN — == = == == =N ===5 1 By Fisher ne SEE NOU FOR. Tal MUCH AMD CAL. (LL COME NOu THI OF Hat’ aD | OVE THREE ACES AND AFTER THE LAME — YOU KNOW LEE wr. an + Had a \ 1 Dont | win | Loot Hits a | WELL. 1 jjoen tii Know 1