The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 15, 1937, Image 2

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The Mount Joy Bulletin
2, wy sp NI <=
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher] -_ re TT "
, Subscription Price $1.50 Per Annum hx $Y y go" £0 Nl . |
(RER Monts. cue caso 75 Cents Single Copies............ 3 Cents :
Three Months. .......... 40 Cents Sample Copies E |
i The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Star |
and News, the Landisville Vigil and the Florin News were merged with |
the Bulletin, which makes this paper's circulation practically double that | |
of the average weekly.
cc NE \ : Sa : ; 3 > ¥. ooh
« When Dr. T. W. Musick, head of the Department of Busi- 3 saan TETRA a id nto] oy Pinay ¢
ness Administration at Elizabethtown College addressed our | NN 8 3 apd
Rotarians last Tuesday, he spoke on “Our Unburied Dead.” : 3 :
If only a much larger audience could have heard his dis- Be \ : : A ; Spe ELE
course. Evidently there are many unburied dead. We arein I XJ : 3 = % yt 3 Un
most hearty accord with Dr. Musick's remarks. tl : : Gi : :
A wills
The P. P. & L. is having about as much trouble with the 5 Wi 7h, .
State as industry has with the government. The mayor at Li i = os :
Bethlehem went before the PWA and complained that their ER St el a ; pe Ln ee R.
rates are too high while R. J. Beamish challenged complex : Sa Ee Nn 3 oh No ; sei asta es g CA 4
rate schedules at Allentown. He claims that the P. P. &.L. Soi 2
has paid a half million dollars annually to the Lehigh Valley |
I'ransit company since 1928 for an emergency plant which T T l k B R E A D M 0 d & rn Stre amlin e Wr app e r
he claims is not okey. ow n a in ad ®
Seemingly the remark of a native Lancaster countain of
To g "Op agai "OVEeS mie—2"T ife ic si o "18 Ss
German decent again proves true Life is nosing but trials TRE planes spas the comple Over: YOU CAN'T MISS THE NEW ;
and tribulations.”
A Brand New Flavorful Bread night! Streamline trains flash like rockets TOWN TALK BREAD 3 wh
over humming rails! Streamline cars whizz
THE WAY TO RECOVERY Styled to a 1938 Package along the highways! Because . . . . Stream- See the new Town Talk Display at your Re
: Just so long as the United States government keeps me od] lining saves time! grocers’. You can't miss it. It's there . 3
ing nto industry, that much longer and worse will it make ™N~ 3 THE WHEATLAND BAKERS (Lancaster easy to see, easy to buy, a pleasure to serve. $
things. ; = County Owned agd Operated) offer you a Town Talk isthe bread in the white wrap- C
Industry is to absorb the idle and would employ a great > 3 brand new leaf . . as modern as tomorrow . . i ¢
Sa HAC « Se . . dis Naturally. itis per with the red end . . . your guarantee o
majority, but when told how many hours each person may SE as flavorful as a new dessert. Naturally, itis irs fiosliness “every. time
iF : in: ; i xtre or xtra freshness every
be employed, how much wage he or she shall receive—in fact packaged in a bright medern streamline havoranc e -
everything connected therewith is regulated except the air wrapper for instant identification. you buy it. 50
they breathe—no business man can prosper. “Bill” Warner, in
president of the National Association of Manufacturers, said : SSE : WHEATLAND BAKERS. Inc. ol
a_ mouthful Thursday in New York. He said if the Govern-
po” 4 Lancaster Cotqty Owned and Operated

nient keeps its hands off wages, hours and price regulations eS SRE SIS Reverse Lancaster 7138 ]
igdustry can and will safely make a great expansion program. Re
- Ny sup
- par. 26383 a ; > x oy S > E
The safest way to burn trash is in an incinerator. But even :
then, constant care must be taken.
In one instance, a man who had lighted some papers in an lhe, S,
incinerator, attempted to push them down and put more in. > Sr 1 ; M
The flames ignited the sleeve of his shirt and burned him seri- C
ously. In another case, a woman was watching trash burn in a om 4 = :
an incinerator which was too full. The wind veered, the flames The Streamlined train eliminates all un- The TOWN TALK Streamline \
jenited her clothing. She was so badiv burned that she died necessary decoration to increase speed wrapper eliminates all necessary )
ignited her clothing. She was so badly burned that she died | 2 alice decoration to speed up identification
iB agony. #80 in the store.
The National Board of Fire Underwriters advises against
burning trash, even in an incinerator, if any wind at all is ; M
blowing. 36, Wheatland Bakers, } Cl
“Much clothing worn today is made partly of compositions | 2
that ignite easily and burn furiously. Accordingly, greater |? . dE
- v . { J \ |
care must be taken to avoid the danger of setting clothing on | WwW by L A NE ih whe . . A ol Mt.
= ’ as » WwW 2 N ARME
fie. Load your incinerator, but don’t stuff it. Once the fire airer ora rirenas | >
2 te. oop os a3 Feri s ihc ry Rr Core 2 : : of . | EEE EES TITERS TRIE v :
is"Started, Jet it burn down before adding more. Stay well out Was Elected The radio ranks today as mere of N ei g h b ors as = Ee SE FR Check Chevro ets fo 10
of reach of the flames and keep children at a distance. an in the life of the farmer : DINETTE a = = SY deli, . ow and
: han the city dwellers. In ad | sien i <red prices 54
Fire claims thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of Le C P e {than the city dwellers. In addition N O Boro! 3 : : a Td i
a Sapa das Foire RE iol ire 0. r S. to all the entertainment or educa- ear ur | EE SE 8 5 vC As
dellars annually in America. Keep your family clear of this | tional features of radio service en- : ] 7 £5 AN Sakae Cheek, the Small cash 8
toll! (From page 1) { joyed by city listeners, the farmer (From Page 1) hd § rE SR 2alance remginin ft, = ship
. -—-— : hei director: | with a radio Has the advantage of | : = | RAF i sh her RRS trading your getter 5
: hove HEC": | weather reports, which are broad- | Forry, Amos N. Shelly, Arthur | iE LS Pel Si Present + Salu
FIRE CONTROL IN RURAL AMERICA $ ider. dele. | €35t several times a day, by means | Nisley, Sey Tae By mek Lal Rae heck w
. : . . : Laff: whinh ka ie : vn | Marti i r, Maurlc tauiler, | & aa OER = = a 5 :
On a comparative basis, fire occurs oftener in smaller com- | gate to State Ass rs Theeting: 1 al ie is better able to plan ja De 0h Stents | Sa £ i Month | the low = 9:3
“yw - ph . - 3 3 nls WOrk—1to Kr y 3 C 7 3 y eX : > : on = bc 2 § 4 J
munities than in larger cities. Figures compiled by the Na- {J. Roy Es t Lav oy Siow he Be ar | Henry A. Kaylor, Raymond Hos- | CEE % —_=r we
Ze : : ov 8 t ay, cut an ash n, | ’ SE “Seki | EX: i ance
tional Board of Fire Underwriters show that where 9.92 fires | =} his corn, take steps to prevent | Harry ng ihn ain
: . . = 4 1 : : S gk, Al b, ayne B. | SEX oR
per 1,000 population occur annually in towns of 20,000-50,000 | 3; ak telegate: s to his crops and live- | hank bert . 4 | B {Sait LS TA Tas R ESu LT: 6:4:
Jami a. % pt : Brains ! | stock from high winds. frost. hail | Feters, Irvin Gruber, Jacob K. FE Re Sin ’ : =
population, the rate drops to 8.39 in cities in the 250,000-500,- i Sort teary gine insect invas. | Ober Aaron L. Musser, Park M.| fH SS Soe area Youll be ANE 4
s nS, insect invas- |, ier J. Earl Brubaker. Harvey g aa Ese D witha time.
000 bracket, and to 6 in metropolises housing 500,000 or 3 Sie ions, etc. The broadcasts of actual
{ Sumpman, Richard Miller, J. Earl Oat tn = Rae y = CHEVROLET 1 ay 3 7:3
mere people. rs of the ent ih 3h Jon gd. peices © | Witmer, Chester Ney, Jacob G. | EB : 3
The per capita fire loss in the 20,000-50,000 classification in | e fran BT Sa | Snyder, Paris B. Gruber, J. Edgar | : The 8 STE wv Ch Pa St.
: A on - >: > 3 wh : i cipal market centers Ph ax a - :
$1749, as against $1.36 in over-500,000 group. While : Oi, TRY ble farmer to adjust his sales j Gish, Levi B. Snyder youll know \ Rev
| Myers, nd ad a uel ip. ! = . 2
tics are not available for communities of less than 20,000; 5° 3s GDB t id purchases in accord with cur- Mice 5 Toe Sere M20 BF the outstanding value for 1938 Su
Blok a 2 So: siti g ie Toff. wage re Bas rent market conditions. 73 : ¥ i oe 3 3 a Fale
Hao a ne Hoth fe Ca |: of food and to | conditions 3 Levi M. Kopp, M. W. Shearer, um ea 5 ; a
ures per 1, yeople anc e per capita loss are materially | : ai i Diniel O. Brubaker, Harrison G11 “6 : 1 : ren’
higher. | HUDSON MOTOR CO. SWEARS | Mller Hiram Witmer Paul Sauble, i Ee = ! oe as audit
&'ire waste is a grave problem to all the country—and it is sen ; red While going to a | BY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING {Allan Shearer, Harry G. Miller, ! - a — eae LC Te (To 08 that Chevrolet is i) oo
m@re than ordinarily grave in our smaller cities, towns and | is H { Orville Miller, Paris Ober, Samuel : : 3 i i oun
or 3 or : : : To Fy 0 W t Ar | of the Hudson Moior | G shi n FEY shieman ~~ FT] und:
villages. And on farms, where efficient fire-fighting equip- S : 1 of the Hudson Motor Fy Ea Sui Beeman ein dite : & 2 that gives you all these modern Som
ic oof in: » a fire : ; > of RINE “sh 3 | Henry . Miller, aul S. Miller, E Ea ; . . oR 1
ment is often unobtainable, a fire that would be of small con Catal ate the rst | Refer ‘Stones. Stoner. Pad RLU at such low delivered prices: The
sequence in a well protected city may turn out to be a disast- it : ; tic and type of sdver. |G Miller Samus Nisdey, Ie ~~ Sh na
« Loss of human and animal life through fire is likewise | th u nity. for the iRoforcer tag. Bricker. Irvin Bricker Elvi: Brick. aa a
high in our rural areas. i 18 up voted to vite the | ifact: , they naturally deserve, er, Amos Strickler, Cyrus Geib, 3 : re 2 VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE at 7:
Any community or district, no matter how small in popu- | aux the com to attend | according to our thinking, the ma- {Levi Brubaker, Joseph Gish, Wil- | | \ : 5 TN ET UE The
lation, can quickly and simply reduce its fire loss. Fire mar- | meeting in Ja in the | jor share of Hudsons advertising {liam Longenecker, Daniel Brene- | | : wh : vice
shals can instruct citizens in the proper technique of inspect- | Mount Jo: a VES : This share, in the {man and Daniel Wolgemuth. (FE : os : IIE CaN Christ
ing property with a view to eliminating hazards, and litera- | to | twas Fine years that Hudson has frs. Miller assisted by Mss. | | ats : he
tuge is available on the subject. “Spruce up” campaigns to a, | J ar A a] 0 2 Ge Stem was. | ALL-SILENT, .ALL-STEEL BODIES on SH
Te 1) T WwW mem ag Sl, 20 a year, or a total ner, rs. Irvin Gruber, rs. Ray- say :
tear down useless buildings, keep vacant lots clear, etc., are | mitted to | $46,102,031." i Mes ui bid SS 3 FISHER NG DRAFT VENTILATION ts Wh
a great help in ridding the community of some of the gravest | equipment for the pool table was| Think that over Mrs. J. H. Hollinger, Mrs. | [ESE sai : ; : a big
dangers. And in the matter of fire protection, many small j ordered pr ed. | who does nol believe in | Harry Zerphey, Mrs. Walter Zer- | [IEEE ; : TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH ry
towns and farming communities have proven it practical to] otion pictur f activities in | advertising. { phey, Mrs. Cyrus Geib, Mrs. Elam | ae a = oh
finance district fire-fighting organizations which are strateg- | Mo -ear | { Sherer, Mrs. Annie Enterline and | *On Master De Luxe models only. CHEVRQLET MOTOR DIVISION Be yeu
ically located where they may serve a wide surrounding terri- | will be shown x sor- | There is no better way to boost | Mrs. Harrison Miller. So Phat General Motors Sales , MICHIGAN | Abe
- 2 : chin of OTAGO n the | vour Susi 3 F $s 3 a :
tory swiftly and efliciently when fire breaks out. The cost of | =P of the company in the | your Susivess than by local news- | RAR : 3 RE
: 3 a Ul 3 [new year. edi. Sroly the | GIFT SU A . :
this, is the light of the service rendered, is insignificant. [ew year . Proceeds. from the {paper adveriising | SUGGESTION : platin
: f fire is that almaest al fires | 2% will probably be used to i rr When you can’t think what to buy | S NEWCOMER : 3 ton.
One of the greatest tragedies of fire is that almost all fires sist in the welfare work of the Stimulate your husiness by adver- fer Father or Mother, “THE MOUNT . » & SON, Inc. :
are preventable. : company. tising in the Bulletin. JOY BULLETIN for a year—S$1.50. MOUNT oy, p A 8
’ .