ember AVER 's, ine ly and ars or 1ighest work. ie 29R ne last car in P that ACCI- ee se) RCO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1037 BY A WISE OWL Well, Red, thing there. just 21 more shopping days Christmas. you've got some=- But remember, there's es til One of our town blondes de- cided to go in for chicken raising. So she bought a hundred chicks from Shelly. After one week she called Shelly up and complained: “All my baby chicks are dying.” Surprised, Shelly asked: “What are you feeding them?” And the dear sweet thing, very naively, exclaimed: “Feeding them? Why, nothing. I supposed the old hen gave them all the milk they needed.” Dick Bates says, “That the straight and narrow road is no road to go to town on.” During the family “conflab” on Sunday, one of the relations asked: “Say, by the way, what became of that missionary who had the Ph. D, LL.D and B. A” And another of the number, responded: “Oh, the cannibals made alphabet soup out of him.”..... ‘Stew bad! John Brubaker says: “The best way to make a long story short, is to walk out on a long-winded story teller. Monday evening I went to visit an old married couple but when I stood at the door ready to knock I heard the following: “Wo- man, if you were any dumber, you'd be drawing down a fortune from a sideshow as the dumbest human in the world.” And his wife retorted: “Well, I'd only be there because you'd be too darn dumb to apply for the job your- OWL LAFFS! JOY VARSITY | MOUNT JOLTS ALUMNI, 45-38 The Mount Joy High School basketball team turned back their | Alumni 45 to 38, Friday night on the Mount Joy High floor, While | the J-Vee defeated the Junior High | School 46 to 23. Mount Joy H, S. EF. Th IS 8 2 18 Criden BS 10 0 20 Palen, QO I + 5 Eshleman, G, ........... oO ¢ 0 CH 6 ¢ BPenniell Ch 1 ¢o 2 +. 20 5 4 Alumni G FN Li. Hostetter, PF. ........ 1 1 3 Bagkenstoe, PF. .......... 3S G0 § Mailers © ............. 1 ¢. 3 Smith, G. .............. 0 0 0 Schneider, G. .......... 1 ¢ 2 Eshleman, C. Q a § Heilig, FP, © ¢ ¢ Weidman, F- ........... 2 ¢ 4 Dillinger, G. g OC ¢ Buller, F. 4 1 9 EF .............. ?! ¢ 32 Charles, F. ....,........ 0 ¢ B. Hostetter, G. ......... 1 0 2 Brown, B® .............. FP & 2 Totals. 18 2 38 Referee, John Borger; scorekee- per, Arntz; timekeeper, Kochenour. Mount Joy J-Vees G. FN Webb, F. 0 I } Zink, EF, ................ S$ 0 ¢ Sumpman, F, ........... 2 1 5 Hostetler, FP, : = 3 Ellis, F, 1 6 2 C Miller F. ........... O 0 0 Kaw oC. .............. gS & € Rretzing,. G. 3 0 6 Myers, 1 6 2 Balley,. GQ. .............. $ > 3 S. Miller, G 1 0 2 Mecklev. GG. ............ 0 6 ¢ Totals oii 21 4 46 Mt. Joy Jr. H. S. » BE. TL Zn ............... 4 IT 9 Brown, F ............. 1 0 2 Germen, FB. 0 0 0 Newcoomer, C. ......... 2 tr 5 Eshleman, CG: ¢ 6 Zellers, ©, .............. gO 1 Fenstermacher, G. ...... Oo 0 ¢ Totals 0 3 1 Referee, J. Hostetter; scorekeeper, J. Germer; timekeeper, C. Zink. AA On E. DONEGAL TWP. DRIBBLERS DEFEATED BY MANHEIM TWP. The East Donegal High School dribblers were defeated by the Man- heim Township High School basket- ball team by a score of 34 to 20 on the Neffsville court, Tuesday night. In the preliminary game the Man- heim Township J-Vees won over the East Donegal J-Vees by a score of 35 to 16. Dealers Must Report Sales Of Used Cars Harrisburg, Pa.—Automobile deal- ers were warned today by Secretary of Revenue J. Griffith Boardman that in the future the Bureau of Motor Vehicles must be notified of every used car sold outside the State. The warning came as a result of the mailing of applications for 1938 license plates to the owners of all vehicles registered in Pennsylvania. Immediately after the release of the applications, hundreds were return- ed to the bureau with letters from the apparent owners advising that the cars in question had been traded in on exchange for new cars. Investigation by the department revealed the fact that many automo- hile dealers were violating the law which requires them to apply for titles for their used cars within 15 days or notify the department with- in 10 days that they are holding such cars for resale. Boardman stated that the depart- ment was immediately tightening up on the enforcement of this provision of the law and that steps would be taken to check up on dealers’ used car stocks. Where a used car is taken in trade and then resold outside the State without the dealer taking title in his own name, the department will in the future require the dealer to file the Dealer’s Notification form T-29. Heretofore, in the absence of such notification, the records of the bu- reau continued to show these vehi- cles as still being owned by the or- iginal owners because certificates of title. cannot be cancelled by the de- partment until definite information is received as to the disposition of the vehicles. Ms THE LOW DOWN FROM HICKORY GROVE Sure is a raft of gassin’ and talk goin’ on, pro and con as you might say, about this here big business versus the little feller. But the whole argument, it kinda looks off-center and squee-gee, and is maybe just bein’ stirred up so as to let some duck get himself elected to something, during the confusion. . I always figured that business is just business—Ilike if you have some- thing like maybe a laundry and wash THE MOUNT Calico, Silk, Cashmere Names From Other Lands Many of our names for cloth come to us from the Orient, observes a writer in the Kansas City Star, Cali- co is from Calicut, India, the city from which it was first imported. Doubtless at first the term used was Calicut cloth, but phrases often shrink in usage, and calico was an easy evolution. Madras, also in In- dia, gave us the cloth which bears its name. This was first made from silk and cotton, but the name is ap- plied to the same weave in cotton also, a fabric which is much used for men’s shirts. Damask is from Damascus, noted long ago for its fine steel blades and for its silks. Damask is characterized by woven designs which represent flowers or conventional figures. It was origi- nally made of silk, but the same name was later applied to the same weave in silk, cotton, rayon or wool used for hangings and upholsteries, and to linen woven for table napery and towels. The word silk we should expect to be associated with China, and it is but the name has come to us jn a roundabout way. The Anglo-Saxon was seoloc, from the Latin sericum, from Greek serikon, literally Seric stuff, from Seres, the Greek name for the Chinese. Cashmere comes from the name of a city in Tibet. From a close inner wool of the Cashmere goats were woven a fine dress fabric and beautiful shawls. Muslin comes from Mawsil, in Mesopotamia, the city where it was first made. Nankeen got its name from the Chinese city, Nanking. Linsey-woolsey is an old English name from linsel, linen, and wolsye, wool. Many woolen fabrics bear English names, such as melton, from a town of that name in Leices- tershire, and worsted, from a town in Norfolk. Broadcloth was so called because this fine fabric was woven wider than ordinary woolens. Flannel is a word of doubtful origin, but is found in similar form in French, | Spanish and the Scandinavian tongues. Linen is an Anglo-Saxon word derived from lin, the old word for flax. never call flax lin, but seldom say flaxseed and nearly always say, linseed oil. Ri Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. It is rather odd that we | HAVE YOUR SUNDAY DINNER HOTEL PENRYN "% PENRYN, PA. ». JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA, MANY LOCAL HUNTERS IN CAMP FOR DEER SEASON The Low Down | From Hickory Grove || Among the many local hunters in camps for the opening of the deer season were: By 1ZZY WISE Messrs. Ray Myers, Harry Derr, | — ANNUAL ELECTION ——— The annual election of officers of Friendship Fire Company will be held tomorrow (Thursday) even- ing in the Fire House, \ Roy Sheaffer, Ray Hesslet, Bain- I was scribblin’ not so long ago | bridge; Harry Hendrix and several ‘ about how I married Mrs, Jo there | Florin hunters, who left Sunday in Topeka, and about where all I {for Pine Grove Furnace, Cumber- had traveled, and about my politics | land Co. and such. So a Texas editor, he Mr, Dan Brubaker, local mer- wrote me an open letter. chant is on a hunting trip to the And this Texas feller he says he mountains. thinks I must be a Hoover democrat, The editor and Abner Weaver And he also intimates that the sheriff | @'¢ among tthe nimrods in the may have had something to do with woods Ss is George Croft, my kinda extensive travelin’. And George Mumper, A. D. Garber, would not be surprised if this duck Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mumper, - had. some: ex= James Berrier, Ed Ream, Paul Diff- perience. his ownsell, bat I would enderfer, Mr, and Mrs. Norman fike to meet the gent. Mateer and son, Jimmy, Christ Mumma, Lee Hassinger and Eu- So one of these days I am gonna . fill up the old tank and amble down Rene Garber, ali EDent the first day at Camp Ream in Perry County. there and look this person up, and also another person, who is a V. P. of the U. S, and if I can locate him, maybe he can help me on my bud- EE A GIFT SUGGESTION When you can’t think what to buy for Father or Mother, “THE MOUNT get. And I will listen to him, but = Es. pb iid Uncle Sambo don't. Joy BULLEN Tor ® year—$1.50. And I have trouble makin’ ends meet, because stuff is high and most of it is high on account of taxes. And one tax that riles me up most, it is the 4 or 5 or 6 cents on gaso- line—and I will ask the V. P. about that. Yours, with the low down, Tasty, Temptihg ender Chicken Platter 60c COURTEOUS SERVICE “rT Stimulate your business by adver- tising in the Bulletin. NB x Ham COOKING" UDITORIU : i rer ‘ Marietta heagthe TONIGHT ONLY! 25.00 in prizes a Play * ra! $20.00 Cash Jackpot! A ichard Cromwell in THE ROAD BACK" TH marietta. Ka Monte Carlo” URSDAY FEATURES—2 fs Trevor. in LE 9% 0 Bil “Outlaws arzan'' Se Monday Bargain Mati ri 2:15 P. Jean “WILD Extra: 3 Doors Open 1 Pg Regular Saturday Sh@® FROM HEAVEN" ALSO— i le Talbot in UND LIMITED” He Colbert in IN PARIS” 1 Cody in of the Rafge"” rial—Chapté No.9 M. Adults 15¢ #% Withers in Ha and WOLLY” Stages Comedy buy for Father or Mother— IE A GIFT SUGG When you can't MOUNT JOY BULLETIN for & reor—$1.50, Prompt Service Mount Joy, Pa. MANHEIM 19 W. Steigel St. Telephone 11-J Mon., Wed,, Thurs. Evenings by appointment In Manhel Tues., Pri, THEATRE Manheim , December 1.2 Dunne, Cary Grant Matinee M Th 0 in Saturdays 00Se eaire | TRUTH? and | Holidays | ELIZABETHTOWN ; 2.P. M. ¥y December 3rd hh Delores DeifRio, George Sanders 5 > Evenings 2 Shows 7and 9 P. M, Saturday 6-8-9:30 P. M. Wed. Thyrs., Dec. 1-2 PaukMuni in 7 THE LIFE OF “EMILE ZOEA” gp) James aE Hunt i ANNAPOLIS ATE? Saturday, Ded Jeanette Ma Allan Jo in Fri. Sat., Dec. 3-4 Jeanette McDonald in THE “FIR EFLY” MONDAY, DECEMBER 6th Warner Oland in “CHAREIE CHAN ON BROADWAY” 2 P. M. and Contiki ous | Showing from 2h Tuesday, December 7th TWO FEATURES Weg. Thurs., Dec. 8-9 H. S. RISSE Mount Joy, Pa. Phone : | A 3 1 Asthma Cause phlegm that causes strangling, Asthma attacks, the doctor's prescripti Mendaco removes the cause of your agony. No smokes, no dopes, no injections. UPHOLSTERING Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Have your living room suite or odd chair recovered for Christmas. Large selection of samples. SPECIAL Dining room chairs recovered with beautiful material........ each $1.00 Called for and delivered free LLOYD HALDEMAN Phone 38-X Columbia 050 Spruce St. Columbia, Pa. dec.1-1t-p By dissolving and removing mucus or Mon. Tues., December 67 100 shirts a day, it would be kind of | self... ..... So, I didn’t bother ne : i is : | Tracy ; 0. knocking. I just sneaked quietly Manheim Twp. H. 8. G. F MT, big job, and be bigger business “THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA" “BORNEO” SE A years : Garlin, B............. serve 9 Ran it 1 h X hn younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar- away. Myers, F 6 12 than if you only washed 10 shirts. with \ ’ and 3 anteed ‘completely satisfactory oF money a ae sau siete ates : Tl ack. your druggis! out asl a Grill, F 9 1 19 And if you have a shirt and should Paul Muni, Gale Sonderguard “HOT WATER” | “BIG CRY” Mendato 108 CH Don’t suffer another Every day is a new leaf in the Date snr yeas send it to a little laundry and it! - : | i day. The guarantee protects you. life of a tree surgeon. Lehman, F................. 1 0 home spick and span and ev- | TR EAA TE TTT Fi wi i afore, 2 is 1 3 erything O. K,, you will stick by | | z iF r i Up at the dance at E'town on 1 mer, the feller who did the good job. Gh xT ¥ Ee Fo A | 3 Fy i= 35 Tntorenat’l © Aw 4 WY Rx 2 i semis a & h 1 ’ : \ Fater-na artoon Co., 2 i Friday night, a femme, lovely to L Hess, 0 0 0 And maybe I do not savvey eco- = HAT LITTLE CANE ra TE a Bs By 5 —t IK | » Ni lock at but awkward: to dance 0 0 Ob omics, like it is in some books or is TT a Sa > fis G rms if Ti i with, remarked: “My, this dance Parmer, Girvan, 1 0 2 preached around, but she seems to | in every style ® 2 TREE DOCTORS TAT NM HIS GAME, ere ete at sr { Fé y floor is certainly slippery.” And Miller, 0 0 Oye aif big business is just an out- | Phone Manheim No. 9068-J Z ~TONO HAVE ALOBADY BERN CALLED ss pr i Greiner gritted his teeth and Shaub, G............... 0 0 0 fit that grew big, from a small start, | . A A "AWAY = AND Now 7 Sl // } nie — ervous Aching smilingly said: “It isn’t the dance [Hess, 0 0 Olpecause it did a good job—and didn’t | Warren Shirk, Prop. 23 cASH ME (N, — 7 A RANE OP Are You Bin Doms ii suffer floor. I just had my shoes shined.” — — send your shirt back with maybe 7 THE PHONE CALL DANKER — 74 ALL THREE OF } or Swollen Joints? Do you Get Up Nights, oa i Total 1 2 M4 LZ NEN o0vYy suffer from Burning Passages, Frequent oster: + | MC cea And you Lindemuth would- otals half the buttons off J : J WAS Fof ‘mm SoryY nM QQ Headaches, Leg Pains, Backache, Dizzin : E D 1 Tw G. F. Tl . Clams every day during the week 2 i & Pufly Eyelids, Loss of Appetite and Be. i n't be a pal and cut in, either. onega p. nde Yours, with the low down, DR. SOOFUS,— BUT | MUST . ie Z \ WINNEMS ~ If so, the true cause often may be Io a Walters, F.......,.cc.c00.- Q 6 oO : =< THIS 1D THE a developed in the body during colds, or by C M v Ronald, F Cd 0 0 " HE SS WANTED Go LAST TIME 8 bad or tonsils thas need removing. et appy Mumma says: “You can Ronald, F................. RE. wns = hE > AT THE HOSPITAL A DoeTO2 7K I tack he de cate mem- have a barrel of fun with a pint.” |Hippey, 2 1 5% RE RT RTT RE FEAR SA RR A mr IMMEDIATE LY- PLAYS UNH ME THE DocTonRs ry ae And Johnny Zeager agreed say- (Herr, P................ seal Oi 2 x8 WHEN (‘MIN MADE A CLEAN can't help much because thiey'e ont fie: the msm ing: “Yeh, most people don’t care | Mumper, C................ 5 0 10 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS AT 5 5 | lI i | A HEALTHY Jon oF Ta cota 183 Botts snd Tek prove : about a bird in the hand. What | Eshleman, G............... 1 1 3s | 9 3 4 CONDITION - NIN actory in 1 week and be exactly the TERS AE San oo KOLP'S CONFECTIONERY CENTS LEFT | | Didnt heed ot mane Bale fuses 3 y 3 | THE GAME." Siss-tex) today. The guarantee protects Shank, iin dg 0 © ORC To 2 ee . you. Copr. 1937 The Knox Co. Listening to the Army-Navy — = Prince ACCO IN GIFT CANS WERE READY bey G Wash 5 ey game on Saturday, one of the fire MOLES. is ain 9 2 20 Pings Ng Be I a Edgeworth 2 For a en ARE YOU ONLY A laddies, J. Roy Eshleman, said: Score by periods: § UND WE cia 1 2 es id SH SALTED NUTS -Q In the game it’s grit.” And Red | Manheim Twp. H. S.....6 10 9 9-34 Walnut Kernels, Mixed Nuts, Cashews and Peanuts 3 THREE UARTER WIFE? Mateer exclaimed: “Yeh, but in |E. Donegal Twp. H. S...3 3 4 10—20 : » + x > or : » 2 Tm TER V EN, because they are men, can spinach it’s terrible. Referee, Edward Haller, F. & 181 or MINES a Dive understand 3 Bo me ibe —_— scorekeeper, Fred Behmer; time- CEDAR CHESTS, _or without Candy [5 boi dl ony “three weeks a s today. A proud new Papa told a friend, | keeper, Dave Haislip; time of per- CIGARS and CIGARETTES a month and a hell cat the rest of that the only thing most baby |; i ; 3 0 the time. 1a he only ng mo aby | jods, 8 minutes. Attractively boxed for Christmassgiiways a good gift n No matter how your back aches doctors hz i omm with the i 7 » —— don’ their Bills. «| Twp. J-V's G. F. Tg “CLEAR TOY CANDIES, COCOANUT 3hi, PEANUT BRITTLE 3 PRC Reedy Le storks, is the size o Ir DIS: 5 4 19 ¥ WALNUT CHIPS wn For three generations one ws Yauseh, 0 0 O¢ er n has told another how to go “smil- A Dutra sree gil was oe | ey x D1 cr cons SACI) ‘ ES ThE Seo. Bir VES Ac WMeshy, Be. iii = 5 SOLS ! 's Vogetable Con 7 ways crying the blues because ev- Role. FP 0 2 hah is helps Nature tone up i A erytime she saw her reflection it C..... 6 2 14 DURAND’S and SCHULL’S CANDIES In 1 Ib. ¥gift Packages % thus lessening the discomforts from Js i ot eer. Monday, a Miller, RL 0 2 BOXED CANDIES FOR CHRISTMAS i 5 which riend o ers rushed up to me 8 > Ib. and i ordeals of life: 1. Turning from and shouted: “Helen’s finally Hien © ? ! : hd 1 16, Packages 5 1b. Boxes 98¢ to i A 8 giro womanliood. 2, Pre. re © ¢ ; paring for motherhood. 3. Ap- bad Se Fh ok a Banshof, G................ 3 0 2 CHRISTMAS CARDS sold individually or by the box Pe THe as wite S oe Be A take LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S “yeah, what did, she do?” And the g POCKETBOOKS and BILLFOLDS 25¢ to $4 95 » VEGETABLE COMPOUND and $ : Wotals os. 15 5 35|% In attractive new styles ° 38 Go * Smiling Through.” girl friend explained: “She washed E D 1 F. TI ¥ va her mirror”. ...... Its “fly time” | Twp. J-V Tg | TA RR DB BS AS A TP ETAT TPS PARA PTS TRAE EN HOW she found a cure. 110) Berar seen i OFTEN CAN YOu Sibling. F...............5, oO 9-0 Many a gal whose morals are rts 70 YOU KNOW WHY - - - There 1s Such A Thing As False Economy? Drawn for tis paper By Fish) - KISS AND MAKE UP? oak is just waiting to be axed. eidigh, C. .............. g 00 1 - TT — — — Snyder, Ge. crannies © 0 0 3 i ELL | fiqUESS wil) EW busbands can understand 1 4 -Nour- PONT KID YOUR SELF i i r why a wife should turn from a Dumb Doras not so dumb apy- Nel 5. 5 Cer g 1 Granny! DO NOU & 0 THINKING 1D 5 (708 Ahoy pleasant companion ee shrew i Va oy eves su S ™ Gon GUN STAND ME UV | . or one whole week in every mon more. She told me her boy friend Ob: Sr 2 0.2 Re $ coral | FOR Ty FOR THs = R { { You can say “I'm sorry” and took her to a movie last night erner, JUST TO Fix a5 LITTLE ¥OB jiu SHEE 7 N kiss and make up easier before and they necked ‘ol through oe ~~ tone ett [| (“0 iste (eile mn | Simei picture. So I asked: “Are you { Totals .................. 6 4 16 A PLUMBER! Y ff BS BLUB hn You going again soon?” And she re- Score by periods: SN = For three generations one woman “a plied: You bet. On Friday night | Manheim Twp. V-Vs. 11 113 10-35 2 7 N eR | PE a at with Pink when there's a double—feature.” | E. Donegal J-V’s......... 6514-16 ER | hams Vegetable Compound. n 3 ei Hi EI ps Nature tone up = ake Referee, H. Suter; scorekeeper, |S EET ED ® Sysiom A piece of friendly advice. On | Fred Behmer; timekeeper, Dave To il the functional disorders which getting rid of a husband, if at first | Halslip; time of periods, 8 minutes." a, | Youm mest Jn the thie St. you don’t succeed, iry, try a gun. Teese), IT girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre- OR When in need of Printing. (any- Hie fifi Money is filthy Iucre and it| thing) kindly remember the Bulletin’ NOTE -THERE fT talks, but any girl will listen to Tr WAYS OF BENG SOR i —A WISE OWL Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. { dirt.