WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1937 CHEB YA vt $e pee a ge - 1 2 } THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. Cerna gt 4 rg WA yn re + 3 ne ek PA APR re EE po Class III—Baking (covered with cellophane) Yeast Rolls (six on paper 50 35 Butter-Cake, frosted... 0. coves 50 35 Jelly Roll........ Mtr ave rv entire snare takin 50 35 Lemon Meringue Pie... ini hits 50 35 4-H CLOTHING CLUB MARTHA JANE REIST, Chairman Mrs. Frank Nolt, Assistant 25 25 25 25 First Second Third Class $100 $95 $.5 Class ............. ccc 1.00 15 50 1.00 5 75 Class 50 35 25 Class V—Patching (by hand)—One hemmed patch on garment BEL ERs REAR Er sss rss 50 35 4-H ROOM IMPROVEMENT MISS THEORA GINDER, Chairman Mrs. Morris Ginder, Assistant 25 First Second Third Fourth 4H PIG CLUB Pens—Rear Newcomer's Garage JOHN ROLAND, Chairman Prizes—First, $4.00; Second, $3.00; Third, $2.00. Balance of entries $1.00 each. Clase $1.00 a5 35 25 Class H--Dptle 1.00 15 35 25 Class 111—Any other Unit. 1.00 5 35 25 First year exhibitors not winning prizes will receive 25¢c for each class exhibit. Public Sale of Pigs, Saturday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock. Pigs may be re- moved 4:00 o'clock Saturday. 4H LAMB CLUB HAROLD ENDSLOW, Chairman First Second Thi BON $6.00 $5.00 $4. Remaining Pens, each....$2.00 rd 00 Public Sale of Lambs Saturday Afternoon after pig sale. Lambs may be re- rnoved 4 P. M. Saturday. 4-H CLUB CHORUS Mount Joy Farm Show, October 21, 1937 (7:30 P. M.) High School Auditorium HAROLD ENDSLOW, Chairman Miss Mary Strickler, Miss Bertha Erb, Assistants First Second Third vv ivi in steer $10.00 $6.00 $4.00 For balance of Entries, each... vines $1.00 WA Rules and Regulations Contest shall be open to any 4-H Club in Lancaster County. Each club may be represented by only one chorus. Two or more clubs may unite in the selection of the chorus members. All singers, except the director, must be present 4-H club members; the director may or may not be a present 4-H club member. 5. There shall be at least eight members in each chorus. Not more than 16. 6. Chorus may consist of male, female, or a mixed group. A. In case of a mixed chorus, three or four part music is satisfactory. 7. Each chorus must sing two selections; one shall be “Come to the Fair”; the other selection to be picked by the chorus. 8. Books may be used but memorization of numbers is encouraged. 9. Order of performance shall be determined by lot. 10. Time of performance is 7:30 P. M. (S. T.) October 21, 1937, in Mount Joy High School Auditorium. 11. Competent judges will be selected by the Mount Joy Show Chorus Com- mittee and their decision final. 12. Judges will consider the following: A. Appearance to the audience, 1. Stage position 2. Position of books, if any. B. Tone quality. 1. Blending of voices. a. Do they harmonize? 2. Volume. 3. Music expressions and word articulation. C. Selections used. 13. The Secretary of each club sending a chorus for the contest must notify Miss Bertha Erb, Mount Joy, R. No. 1 not later than October 15, 1937. Saturday Afternoon, October 23, at 3 O'clock COMMITTEE MISS MIRIAM BUTZER MISS HELEN PHILLIPS MRS. NELSON NEWCOMER MRS. S. A. HORTON MRS. LESTER E. ROBERTS Babies and children eight years old and under, living in Mount Joy and surrounding countryside may enter. The classification is as follows: First Second Third A. Pretty individual $200 $1.00 $.75 B. Comical GOSIUMES..... cuss 2.00 1.00 95 C. Original Costumes... ci 2.00 1.00 15 D. Attractive Doll Coaches and Baby Coaches........ 2.00 1.00 15 E. Decorated Velocipedes, Express Wagons & Bicycles 2.00 1.00 75 ¥. Best Decorated Float. 3.00 2.00 1.00 Children to be entered in the parade should be registered not later than Thurs day, October 21 at any one of the following places: Lester E. Roberts, Electrical Store. Dr. E. W. Garber’s Drug Store. Lester E. Robert's, Residence Marietta Street. PET PARADE DR. J. N. NEWCOMER, Chairman Saturday, October 23 in procession with the Baby and Bicycle Parades One prize of five dollars will be awarded to the winner of each of the fol-lowing groups. 1. ‘The most original showing of the pet or animal entered. $5.00 2. The most aristocratic looking pet or animal entered. ...Award $5.00 3. The best mongrel (Cross-breed) of any pet or animal en- i vie is cs cnt vas Award $5.00 4. The best team of pets or animals entered including horses, dogs or animals of any sort, that is, the best pair of dogs, team of horses or organized unit of animals, fowls, reptiles, ele. hcludetl. cer ss Award $5.00 Entrants should register their names and addresses before Wednesday, Oc tober 20th at one of the following places: Lester E. Robert's Electrical Store, 27 E. Main Street. Dr. E. W. Garber’s Pharmacy, East Main Street. Frank Tyndall's Store, W. Main Street. Dr. J. N. Newcomer's Residence, 218 East Main Street. Contestants do not have to register or declare what their entry will be prior to the time of the parade but their names should be registered before that time. 4 Bu No age limit is placed for contestants. Everyone is weldome. Early registration is urged but no one will be excluded. Farm Sho TTT TST SSS See ee eee a ee et et eat tet. EE EE EF ee ee RE ee Ing Money Offered At Lancaster County’s Leadi Prize TTT TT TTT TTT TT SSS SS TSS SSS STS TTT TT oo se eee eee eee Premium List of 16th Annual Community Exhibit 1—High School boys and girls " 2—Grade School boys 3—Grade School girls PRIZES First Second Third For best decorated in each $2.50 $1.50 $1.00 Most unique in each QiVISON. 75 .50 25 BICYCLE PARADE Saturday 2:00 P. M., October 23 » C. CASPER KREIDER, Chairman Robert Hostetter, E. F. Gochenauer, Assistants Special prizes for classes having the largest representation in division $5.00 $3.00 First Second Third Fourth $2.50 $1.00 To compete for first prize fifty percent of riders must be in line, Any one from Mount Joy Public Schools Any 2 wheeled street bicycle. For the Best Arranged or Most Beautiful Booth First—$10.00 A Booster Banquet for the 1938 show, will be held in the Mount Joy High School, Thursday evening, October 28th, at 7 o'clock. Tickets 75c. This banquet is for the purpose of discussing a bigger and better show for 1938. Special program of entertainment will be given including group singing, Slight of Hand performance, special music. Mr. J. Hensel French, Secretary of State Agriculture, will be the speaker. Be sure to get your ticket. A. S. HORTON, Chairman MRS. JAY G. MRS. LESTER ROBERTS tp ELIGIBILITY BOOTH PRIZES Second—$5.00 Third—$2.50 BOOSTER BANQUET THE COMMITTEE MRS. J. NELSON NEWCOMER MRS. CLARENCE NEWCOMER MR. JOSEPH SHEAFFER EICHERLY FIRST ANNUAL LANCASTER COUNTY Eliminations—10:00 A. M. 2. CLEANLINESS OF HUSKING—AIl husks shall be removed in so far as TIME—S8 MINUTES: Each contestant shall be given a trial period of 8 SCORE—Scores in the elimination contest will be by count of the num- PENALTIES—Two ears will be deducted for each one missed in the elim- AWARDS—The fifteen contestants scoring highest in the elimination SET BE. CORN HUSKING CONTEST To Be Held On FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22nd On the Roy Hoffman Farm, } Mile South of Mount Joy Final Contest 1:00 P. M. GENERAL RULES ELIGIBILITY —Entries in this contest will be limited to Lancaster Coun- ty farmers and their regular employes. TIME—80 minutes for final contest. Time out will be granted only for emergencies and never for accidents to a husker’s personal equipment. EQUIPMENT—Wagons with standard double boxes and as uniform in height as possible and drawn by tractors or horses, if wet weather, will be furnished for each husker. Bank boards shall extend approximately 36 inches above the top of double boxes. DISTRIBUTION OF EQUIPMENT AND PLOTS—AIl wagons and plots to be husked will be numbered ‘and their distribution to contestants}’ will be by drawing lots. HUSKING—Each contestant will husk two rows at a time. Contestants are required to take all the corn on these two rows even though some of the stalks lean over into adjoining rows. The gleaners will glean only the two rows being husked. If a husker persists in robbing a third row, the officials, if they see fit, can disqualify or penalize him. DRIVERS—The driver of each tractor or horse will be under the husk- er’s direction and shall keep the wagon at such distance from contest- ant as will be of the greatest help to the husker. COACHING—Coaching by husker’s friends will not be permitted. At- tempts to “rattle” a husker will not be tolerated by officials. Straight- ening out stalks ahead of a husker will not be permitted. Judges, at their discretion, may disqualify a husker whose friends disregard this rule, : PENALTIES GLEANINGS—For each pound of merchantable corn left by the husker on the two rows he is husking, or which misses the wagon, or is left lying on the ground between his two rows, the husker will be docked 3 pounds. Example: if his gleanings weigh 10 pounds, 30 pounds will be deducted. Gleaners will pick up all loose corn which the husker leaves and all corn that misses the wagon, and will pick and husk all corn the husker leaves on the two rows being covered, including nubbins and moldy corn. These gleanings will be sorted by the gleanings judge who will throw out ears which, in his judgment, no husker would pick and which he considers non-merchantable. No gleaning will be done on turns, but huskers may husk as they please while wagon is turning. possible. Each contestant will be allowed a maximum tolerance of 3 ounces of husks to 100 pounds of corn. For each additional ounce of husks 5 per cent will be deducted from the total weight of corn husked. PRIZES No contestant shall be eligible for a prize unless he continues husking the entire 80 minute period of the final contest. The winner will be determined by adding deductions for ears missed and for excess husks and subtracting this total from the gross weight of corn husked by each contestant. Winners of the final contest will be awarded the following prizes: First prize, $15.00; second, $7.00; third, $5.00; fourth, $4.00; fifth and sixth, $3.00 each; seventh to fifteenth, $2.00 each. ELIMINATION TRIALS Owing to the number of applicants the number of entries in the final contest will be limited to the fifteen highest scoring huskers in the elimination trials. Contestants are requested to report on the field at 10:00 A. M. for trial husking. minutes during which time he shall have an opportunity to demon- strate his ability by the number of ears he is capable of husking in that time. ber of ears husked. ination trials. Three per cent of the total count will be deducted for each extra ounce of husks left on corn above the 3 ounce tolerance permitted by the rules of the final contest. trials will complete in the final contest beginning at 1:00 P. M. A spec- ial prize will be awarded to the husker who husks the largest number of ears in the official period during the elimination trials. Applicants please report to JOHN ROLAND, Mount Joy, R. D. 1 Ba ER So hh Aw as - SRR EBB ERR ak L. E. Roberts cab this new Double-X Philco. See how its Inclined Control Panel enables ease and grace . . . sitting or standing! Not@how one twirl of the Automatic Tuning Dial brifigs in your station . . . instantly, perfectly! Finer'@igreign reception . . . glorious tone . . . gorgeoulcabinet . . . everything you could wish for! 3% you to 8 PHILCO aA A*— vith "Mnclined Control Panel, Wy Tuning, Inclined Sanding Board, Conr Grglad Speaker, 4-F ¢ Tonk Control, Phileo Fore eign ing System. Beau- tiful walnut cabinet.§ Other Doukle-X Philcos, less ial EASY TERMS Sold only with Philco High. 3 Efficiency Aerial to insure greas est foreign reception. LESTER E. ROBERTS 25 E. Main St. Telephone 22.3 Mount Joy, Pa. ww