The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 13, 1937, Image 6

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x A FRE a golfers of the Lancaster Countr
Oo r i u a r Y | DE Ly oy u r C a r d ab he hey Ee pi News of The

final weekly tournament,
ia a ‘ Dee) Officers were elected for the NE L
ecord ime Basket FOr [nm wm nam: Day From| N pal z

Company, of this place, held a trophy awarded : ois
3 Doggie Roast at the Cove last Wed- k = by D |
ast © CI evening. Those present as € © K | pauvrHN misTorIANS eo alles
were: Mr. and Mrs, Levi Milligan, -. TOUR COUNTY ———
(From page 1) Mr. and Mrs Cy us Gainor, Mr Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balmer . For the second time this year J : i HEE wie A
Mrs. Charles Keath, at Cornwall, on Shel hs Lester os Ne on spent Thursday at the York Fair. Members of the Dauphin County | snow fell at Kane. i stop
> Mrs. Svlvester off, Mr. an IVIrs. . ™ Sn Goh . . 8 \ ra TT Hy RB iti Rt mn OR 5
Saturday of complications, after an ol K ly 7d Carl Hou-| Mr. Christian Aston and daugh- | Historical Society made a tour of Mi unt Joy 3 ommunity Exhibit i/o tere
Hiness od two ears ilen Kaylor, Mr. anc a ter were guests at Lancaster on | Lancaster county Tuesday and were | will be held Oct. 21, 22, 23. a . ; reds
pus ten a bined © ne, Elizabeth Stehman, Almeda |g BY addressed by two members of the Henry Blizniak, 36, a pedestrian, oN J / 4 and
Mr. Gibble was a retired farmer Stauffer. Vera Dissinger and datgh= Sunday. oy NS : “hi J ;
: x dis . a 3 i a | Lancaster storical Society jas yy an auto near Read- - A /
and a former resident of Elstonville, ter. - Lorraine. Kathrvn' Mamma Mrs. Leroy Bates entertained a|L ae iste r ical Soc ley wa killed by an auto near 1 ; ; ; 4 city
but resided with his daughter at], 4 gouohter, Mable Jane, Hilda [few relatives to a doggie roast at The visiting Eroup, hea og by i " ‘ : 5 / / ; a
. ast two and one J+ : AT ) Hon. A. Boyd Hamilton, of Harris-| The Chester Co. Light and Power i / Lot RD ers
Cornwall for the past two and one | pigeon defer, Virginia Eichler, Rho- | her home. i : : . rill 1 l tn "i Bay ; / ; oi :
; i 7 was 3 . hho a Waist ; Kee burg, made their first stop in Mid- | Co. will reduce its electric rates { & £ 7 / 2. you
half years. The body was inter-{.,q; Stehman, Alice Fogie, Evelyn Mr. and Mrs. James eener ’ ) Bi,
red at Elm I D Walker. Martha St 4 + Sunday at Pennbrook with dletown, the second in Bainbridge, | Pec. 1. i . They
dd 3 . weed ¢ alker, Martha Stau- | spent S ay ) . Far nants ta : “
p et om, ore NG Hazel Croll Se pea and from there journeyed to May- After inspecting nearly two mil- Soma WI
or, orence ‘Jaze re the wre addrecced hy | lion cars the state ordered 18,632] i ree me the
JOSEPH ROHRER CHARLES Robert Kling, Earl Derr, Geo. Els- Mrs. I. K. Charles spent several Sowa Where ey fd ised iy desticved oy
Joseph Rohrer Charles, fifty-six, loger, Winfield Randler, Warren [days last week with her neice, bo H or in Ws 4 One youth was killed and 24 nan a i | An
Hershey, died suddenly at 4:45] Sommers, Mildred Erb and Frank | Mys. E. V. McClellan at Mt. Pleas- | Lancaster, C. H. Martin, of Lancas- burt in auto accidents over the Em a : ‘
M W. dnesd ¢ & heart oi- | Walunan A ter, treasurer of the Lancaster so- Mn haul over Wien ab ; time,
of a heart at-| Wahman, ant : veek-enc : Lab
P. M. ecnestiay © eet ll x ; Gusler and | ciety also spoke during the tour. 1. { Ww UF \ : thori
tack suffered while at work at the Mr. and Mrs. John Gusler y ; A Phils. worm ‘and er son ade} | bY 5 : Ti
Hershey Farm Unit 28. He was . children, of Marietta, were Sun- From Maytown the group traveled mitted to passing counterfeit nev) i i : )
1 ed dairym Dr. H A ff r S A t day of Mr. and Mrs, Fred |to Donegal, Manheim, Lititz and YC pa ng counterieit money | a J high
Dy as a dairyman. . HH. ay guesis ile X a! at Coatesville i Wo wn cc? j
mp oye P . a ! thavher Ephrata and at each stop the mem- A oatesvilie, k i i \ 1 If
H. Hostetter, of Hershey, was cal- Leiberher. . oe 8 0 The . 3-story Colonial Country] | : % - ; woul
led, and pronounced death due to . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beamen- | bers were given a talk on the his- Chub near Harrisburg was destrove) | WE i 3 At
a heart attack. Dr. Hostetter had O r i n Oo r derfer and Mrs. David Zerphey | tory of the community. ed by Bro Mondev.. a shit i Hh, < bo laugh
been treating Mr. Charles for a | were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- i The. dam. and bride ot Gala § : : Te \ Si oy wher
ar ] ancaster on olor hia ne ge at S : :
lard Goodman at Lancaster Edgar Hagenberger, clerk extra Harbor will be closed to fisher tev,
heart condition. | |
He was a native of East Donegal e eo | Sunday. ordinary at Brubaker’s store, was off | the next threo. Wwosks on noe ; J Rey:
Mrs. Clarence Myers ¢ < i — . : a
A i e
township and for many years a Mr. and duty several days last week be-|.qunt of making repairs.

resident of this boro, and a mem- (From page 1) and Mr. and Mrs. George Bowens cause of illness. He is about again re pe af : ed / 1 .
ber of Trinity Lutheran church, Summers Point, N. J. is spending and son were guests oF Ax ur | and on duty. Dorothy Betsel calobrated. orl : ie i 3 open
here. He was a son of the late a few dave with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mathias and family at Palmyra on ————— birthday on Saturday. 5 Se move
Joseph and Mary Rohrer Charles. | 5 Witte]. Sunday. : WILL LEAD PARADE : ; 3 3 SE In
He is survived by his wife, who | : Miss Mary Shires, of Harrisburg, The American Legion Drum and : ome / 2 3 thiu
was Mae Manning before marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Alpert Roth, re- {called at our office on Monday. Bugle Corps No. 372, of Columbia, i a : Gn : a | get t
and these brothers and sisters: turned home after spending Some | che is a former resident of Florin | will lead the parade here Sat- SIMON P. NISSLEY : She Sean - 4 have
Harry Charles, of town; Esther, at Mississippi visiting, Mrs.) sng will move to Lansdale in the urday and play in the evening. MARY G. NISSLEY a wove
Amanda Rutt. near future. re eee FUNERAL DIRECTORS ar Jas
wife of Harry Rohrer, Manheim R.
D. 2; and Christian Charles and| Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogle, Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McClellan| Joy's Community Exhibit Mount Joy, Pa.
Miss Mary Charles, both of this [George Vogle, Mildred Gephart and and children spent the weekend at |i) pe held Oct. 21, 22 23. hk oii \
Chas. Vogle, spent Sunday at|New York City, visiting the for- =

place. 5 - = = rm &
Services will be held at the | Baltimore, Md. mers brother-in-law, who is quite 5 2
Sheetz funeral home, here, at 2:30 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heisey and [ill PET PARADE i ay
P. M. Saturday and interment in | children, of Michigan, called on| Among the many Mount Joyians DR. J. N. NEWCOMER, Chairman + ‘Br § |
the Mount Joy cemetery. C. A. Melhorn’s and Miss Lizzie who attended the York Fair last Saturday, October 23 in procession with the Baby and Bicycle Parades 7 H w= 1
— Herr on Sunday. week were: Mr. and Mrs. James : ; on 5 5 ; i f
3 Ke Mr d Mrs. “Bud” G One prize of five dollars will be awarded to the winner of each of the EA -. n
MRS. SAMUEL L. FREY The Shinning Star Class of the Sener, Ml. an rs. Buds bar} gol lowing groups. UN oo 4 #
Mrs. Marguerite Schock, wife of | Florin U. B. Sunday School held or and Miss Jane Rice, all of 1. The most original showing of animal red $5 : Bh :
Samuel L. Frey, of Marietta, died | their meeting on Monday evening Sow, i Mos Snowing of the pe oy puma i { , A LAR(
1 Saturd jor fer } flat the home of Miss Kathryn] MI and Mrs. Oliver Ober and| 2. The most aristocratic looking pet or animal entered. ...Award $5. i 3 T 4 j ZEN
ate Saturday night at her home o Miss | Side R: A Mav dl 3 The Post sre] of 2 . ote 3 &
complications. Hocker. en, 3 ra ay an e ne best mongre ross-breed) of any pet or animal en- FE : 3 3 —MO
Lathry a im; Pe 8 Sess trite sees esate ard $5 ; Lb 3 ; : :
She was a daughter of the late| Up-to-date there has been over ne 2 Sh on lou: Mr. and tered : : yr Award $5001 1 1} JA { ; 3 OR
© P id Suse Linderidth joie Hundred dollars contribated Mrs. en earer and children . The best team of pets or animals entered including horses, J : ‘ !
ory += an usan ingermuih handre contribuicd to} Anna Mae, Harold, Elsie Marie dogs or animals of any sort, that is, the best pair of dogs i i : 3 { 3
Schock and resided in Marietta most | the corner stone laying at thelp i Eugene. Richard. Jay Allen Frade Susp Suivi Un el 1’ J | 4 8
: c s ard, 'SeS or organize animals 1s, re 2S i :
of her life. She was a member and | new Florin U. B. Sunday School and stor Ober were Sunda Lo OF unis of animals, fowls, eson) I fe - Welt
active worker in the First Presby- | Chapel. The roof is now being eo oe 5 ey gle. eluded. cil irae fun shinies pits attains Award $5.00] |: 1 TEE) A nesda;
terian church and Sunday school, [Placed on the construction. Mrs C B Keller Mrs H GQ iy Entrants should register their names and addresses before Wednesday, Marks
being the teacher of the women's Bi- | Tonight at the Florin Hall. a|ters. Mrs H. B Arily Harold ‘Back October 20th at one of the following places: a I ig
: : : a LS Z ack- i ree
ble class until quite recently. She community sale at 6:30 and a pub- | anstoe and Harry Walters, Jr., spent Lester E. Robert’s Electrical Store, 27 E. Main Street. BT Tose.
was also identified with the Ladies’ | lic sale of valuable real estate will Saturday with Miss Merriel Jean Dr. E. W. Garber’s Pharmacy, East Main Street. ih pe 9 ization
Aid and Missionary societies. For be held at 8 o'clock. The property Nissley and Miss Marguerite Keller Frank Tyndall's Store, W. Main Street. ER WV Uo ll | al, BL NES ; The
several years she was affiliated with |is a double 2-story frame house, | 44 Temple University, Philadelphia. Dr. J. N. Newcomer's Residence, 218 Fast Main Street. Eo VAL bol 4 the cz
the Bethany Presbyterian church, {and is the property of Mrs. Leah Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Arntz al | . ; FR 2!
Lafcaster. Easton. HS Ya ery © 5 z also | Contestants do not have to register or declare what their entry will be lines
She ‘was 2 member of Wik —— Eien pitied ioe aunt, Mrs. Jos. Seibert | priorto the time of the parade but their names should be registered money
S in Camden. i
FALL LY D! before that time. the lo
nese Tee Shapier, Daughters di h Aly Mrs. Oliver G. Longenecker at-| No age limit is placed f testants, Everyone is welc R. ation
American Revolution, of which she| The Mount Joy Church of God tended the annual golf dinner held ge lin pa OF 15 We gon : 3 2 HN. Th
was corresponding secretary, and [Sunday school, will have its Fall Monday Senin Py ihe NO Early registration is urged but no one will be excluded. | HN by ; 8 5 oy h
vice president of the Marietta Gar- | Rally-day services, Sunday, Oct. 17} hy : a : | ; ; Bi bi
deh Club. at 9:30 o'clock, the school will be |$ = RET bff WR pF dd i
¢ 3 : i ; Ho i - and cc
Besides her husband, she is sur- | addressed by the Rev. F. D. Rayle, b TR : 5 ‘A SR ae 8 i The
vived by two sons, Samuel P. Frey, editor of the Sunday school litera- i {i : 3 are Vv
Lancaster; John L., Marietta; two | ture, of the Church’s of God. 4 i! Bi of 2) 2 oo Fri) A i$
1 i Q Yat Q « ye A 0 i ;
daughters: M. Elizabeth, wife of) Following is the program: Song, house, Grimes Golden, Staman Winesap, 3 :

Henry Stuhlman, Ridgewood, N. J.; | Prayer, Song, Reading of lesson, by ‘ NL 8 4 3 ADDI
and Anna M, at home; two brothers, | Superintendent; 10 minutes for Ne 8 .. kK A Ei 2 Ho 4 : Rev
John P. Schock, Marietta; Lewis L. | marking attendance and offering; 9 ; i / ho. oy = ] hl
Schock, York; and a sister, Mrs. | Exercise, 8 girls; Anthem, Choir; 2% \ 2 Anyone wishing nice apples—c ay fe x ££ Gp iH HE a i addres
Mary Leavitt, of Santa Monica, Cal. | Recitation, Hubert Rice; Baritone WRU mn at 25¢ per bush ‘ ts BE By I i A fl : the Us
Services will be held from her late | Solo, Russel Sumpman; Solo, Mrs. 3 : ; rN ie uy : : g J i - day ev
home at 2 p. m. Friday, with Rev. | Bollinger; Address, Rev. Rayle; — 3 | 8 J . Ek . ME LH oO TR SE ed | J @ a © YR a a oh Be
John Harris, pastor of First Presby- | Men's Quartette, Announcements by Hassinger & Risser, In PHONE 63-M Ei Rev. £
terian church, Marietta, and Rev. |Pastor, Church Offering, Song, 4 Proble
Arthur R. Forter, Drexel Hill, a Benediction. =
former pastor of the church, officiat- HALL
ing. Interment will be made in the The
family plot in Mount Joy cemetery. Evange
Friends may call at her late home on SpOoNso
Thursday evening from 6 to 8 day e
o'clock and Friday morning from 10 Hostett
to 12 o'clock. gal str
Max M. Biffart, 73, of Columbia, i 2 0 ia dB ; Si Han
died and was buried on Saturday. i 5 iy rd Harr,
Sarah, widow of Fdward Davis Ne Ty a 3 : : f - She ad : +L Bh shot hi
Brunner. Columbia. died aged 37. : 3 : { a3) Laat a 22 rif
Moses Walters, 80, died at the YY. 4 i gE A i a Edw:
home of his daughter Mrs. Samuel : P= a, ag And Old ie umbia,
Miller, in East Hempfield yester- a SL : a : Faso Battery i foot w
dav. : ; SA 5 «out notice. , iE) -
Ida W., widow of Cyrus Sheaffer, ; ; EE Vol 0 ; ; ad A QU
died at Manheim aged 70 years. The Gol : SRE : 1 Fy 4 7 7,000
; : 3 ; 7 i umbia |
funeral was held Friday with inter- : x { “4 4 iS
ment at Kreider’s cemetery. Rd » : \ GL MORE POWER, QUICKER STARTS, i The
ne 2 : Wh y jy - i lays
VISITING MRS. DETWILER Rr ; ; \ ” ; Lk Wi cor say ta giver ire] A J
eR : 3 Ww & For here is a new kind of battery
Rev. Ida M. Keller, pastor of the A gr eu a : : : AEA AY 3 h power —so far ahead of ordi- :
First Spiritualist church of East St. Ee > 6 ET 3 \ J es J Ry be Be NR onal wp Svar L | (
: siti r = it never you a penny
fouls, Hl, is visitng Mrs. W. B. 4 7 1,00 +94 a A Es replacement as you own your car.

Detwiler on West Main Street. Sah EE MN : The secret of fk amazing long life lies in its :
Rev. Keller was formerly Miss Ida HE Se TPR . ; spec : i
y : “bri pecially designedigiexible spun glass retainer 4
Kleeman, of this boro and a gradu- smartest low price oy . ntee ll mats. They not a free, steady flow
ate of the lccal High School, a mem- : t b : Guarda of current—but prevent the loss :
ber of second class. He o buv 5 Ava : of real power-produilig materials. from, the : Mr. |
She was a teacher in Lancaster h Plates. fhe lector,
county schools. 1] be d Another great powering feature of the 4. pital.
rere o ny Ia aL Goodrich Kathanode Eledil-Pak is fhe ercle- Mr. :
3 : C jsfactory S 1 sive Top Cover which fulf&protects all ex- on
LARGE TOMATO PLANT 2 rT : give Ot ced wibout posed points. It not only sills out dirt, acid A announ
Benjamin Sheaffer, of the en- be rep d in the written & "spray and corrosion—but it §ls in Electro- oi on Sun
gineering department of the Mas- ly state Pak’s super-power. That’s ky you can Mr. a
cnic Homes, Elizabethtown, has : Se 3 always count on it to turn you@notor over childrer
grown a large tomato plant, mea- 4 ; Ey quickly and surely—to give you falgget-aways mansvil
suring 11 feet, four inches, in his 5 a 2 3 ; : ri every time you step oR the starts shi 8 Mr. a
N and see it today. : r
ised Mr
cwn garden, it was learned Tues-
day. Sheaffer said he picked al- 2 ; \ be 4 Millersk
most 100 tomatoes from the stalk. EF, G A R B E R 3 Mr. E
Several other stalks are over HN ; S A ® ® i the. Mis
eight feet in length, it was said. ys » x ted on
233 S. Market St.~Phone 95 208 E. Main St.—Phoneg22 for $20
mrs UG A Mm
Mount Joy's Community Exhibit
will be held Oct. 21, 22, 23. rn ha ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. MOUNT JOY, Teo
<4 Church