6R4 11-tf gS ion tiny langerad ists now d treat. r's pres- . Works it must acts you, IS€ \ucus or choking, scription minutes. ll, years g. Guar- "money him to another IDE! you back, ) go" fit e left-over aches, in. 3 miracle rou, it will drugstores rfield Tea ss the 1 can't ght on 1d sug- it and lass of elimi- vre de off 20 ow.” consti- vel ac- e daily A IFE? AO - we 1 of Fi - Ye dver= | | | ‘14 From Co. a A 5 EE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18TH, 1937 Won Honors At State Col. (from page 1) the Lancaster team for taking first place in the swine judging meet Thomas Galbreath, Peach Bottom; George Endslow, Marietta, and Wil- fred Brown, Nottingham, comprised the winning team. Finished Second Second place in the state for flow- er judging went to the Lancaster team which consisted of Nancy Engle, Elizabethtown; Cordelia Singer, Manheim and Richard Zook, Mount Joy. Ribbon Winners Ribbons were won by the follow- ing as individual judges: Blue rib- bons for attaining a place amoung the first 10 per cent; red, for second 10 per cent; white for third 10 per cent. Alvin Strickler, Mount Joy, blue ribbon, and Melvin Stoltzfus, red ribbon, in general livestock judging. Lester Pownall, Nottingham R.D. 2, white ribbon, dairy judging; Wal- ter Martin, Holtwood, white ribbon, swine judging; Mary Louise Ha- becker, Rohrerstown, blue ribbon, M. O. R. judging. Eleanor Reese, Lincoln Highway East, blue ribbon, garment work; Ruth Risser, Lititz R. D. 5, red rib- bon, cooking, and Esther Sensenich, Lititz R. D. 2, white ribbon cooking. tl A Are CHICKEN CORN SOUP SUPPER The Westminster Guild of the First Presbyterian Church here, will hold a chicken corn soup supper, on the church Lawn on Saturday even- ing, August 21st. CLASSIFIED WANTED—Girl for general house work, country girl preferred. Sleep in. Reference required. Phone 118-J Mount Joy. aug.18-1t FOR SALE—New Hampshire Red Pullets, 14 weeks old. Phone Mount Joy 218R5. Alvin Strickler, Mount Joy, Pa. aug.18-1t Whe wants a good business prop- osition in the business section of Mt. Jov? Modern Dwelling, etc. Will he «old worth the money. See Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy. tf DOUBLE HOUSE FOR SALE— No. 115-117 East Main Street, Mount Joy, good condition, one side a busi- ness place. Price reasonable. Call on the premises. aug.18-2t-p FOR SALE — Estate Heatrola Range used only one year, good as new. Moving out of town, have no use for it. Call 206 North Barbara Street, Mount Joy, Pa. aug.18-2t FOR SALE—Piano in good condi- tion, will sell cheap. Apply Mrs. C. K. Kinsey. Phone 190R2 Mount Joy. aug.18-1t FOR SALE—African Violets 35¢ up. Apply Mary Shearer, R. 1, Mt. Joy. Phone Landisville 12R4. aug.18-1t-p WANTED—White girl for general house work and care of childrer. Phone 22282 Lancaster. aug.11-t{ ATTENTION—2 men with cars from vicinity of Marietta, Mount- ville, or Lancaster to deliver samples and take orders. No experience needed. Can earn $25 to $30 to start. Apply R. D Comly, Room 9, 53 N. Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. aug.11-2t-p WANTED—Two rooms suitable for office near business section. Mt. Joy. Apply Box 134, Palmyra, Pa. july-28-tf Reliable man and wife into con- venient house. Rent free. Phone 4iR Mount Joy. july-28-tf NOTICE—We do washing and Waxing of cars. Price: Washing 60c: Waxine $3.50. Give us a trial. Rus- sel Halbleib—Owen Smith. june-16-tf CABINET FOR SALE—A Wood Cabinet with a ntmber of covered bins and an ecual number of draw- ers. Suitable for a store. Will sell very reasonable, Apply at the Bul- letin, Mt. Joy. jan.29-tf EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Estate of Anna Belle Lytle, late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster Co., Penna., deceased. Letters testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate pavment. and those having claims or demands the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. resid- ing at 201 East Main Street, Mt. Joy Boro. MRS. M. S. POTTER, Executrix William C. Rehm, Atty. july-21-6t EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Emma Eby, late of Mt. Jov Borough, deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate havine been granted to the under- sioned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same. will pre- sent them without delay for settle- ment to the undersigned, residing at 226 Marietta Street, Mount Jov, Pa. B. FRANK GREIDER, Executor oT —— — Religious News in This Community NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY Mount Joy Mennonite Church 8:30 Sunday School. 7:30 P. M. Young Peoples’ Meet- ing. First Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor Church School 9:30. F. B. Walter, superintendent. Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor Church School 9:30 Amos R. Gish, superintendent. Church of God Rev. G. F. Proske, Minister Sunday School at 9:30. Morning Worship at 10:30. C. E. Society at 6:30. Evening Worship at 7:30. Zion Lutheran Church Landisville, Pa. Rev. William L. Ziegenfus, Pastor Sunday Church School, 9:30 a.m. Worship and Sermon, 10:30 a.m. Reformed Mennonite Church Landisville, Pa. Christ'an S. Nolt, Pastor There will be services in the Re- formed Mennonite church in Lan- disville next Sunday morning at 9:30 Standard Time. Kraybill's Mennonite Church East Donegal Saturday, Sunday School Meeting 915A. M, 100 M,, 7.00 P. M. Sunday morning: Sunday Schoo! 9:00 Preaching 10:00 Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. George Kercher, Minister Bible School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 10:30 A. M. No evening service. The church be closed the last two Sundays in August. will United Brethren Church, Florin, Pa. Rev. I. W. Funk, Pastor Sunday School 9:30. Morning Worship 10:30 A. M. Ground-breaking P.M Chapel. is invited. Sunday evening service 7:15 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday even- ing 7:30 P.M. service at 2 Sunday School program. Public for Special new St. Mark’s U. B. In Christ Church Rev. O. L. Mease, S. T. D.; D.D. Pastor Sunday School at 9:00. Morning Worship at 10:15. Prayer service on Wed at 7:30. No evening service. Church of God Landisville, Pa. A. P. Stover, D. D., Pastor Morning Service 10:30 A. M. Church School 9:15 A. M. Evening Service 7:30 P. M. Choir Directress, Miss Evelyn Hiserman. C. E. Societies 6:45 P. M. Salunga Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. C. Lyle Thomas, Minister 9:15 A. M. Church School. 10:30 Morning Worship. Rev. Thomas will speak upon the topic, “The Church and our age,” attempting to answer an article pub- lished in a popular magazine asking what the church had to offer the modern world! Come and see if you agree! Mt. Joy Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. C. Lyle Thomas, Minister 9:30 A. M. Church School. Intermediate League 6:30 P. M. 7:30 Evening Worship. At the evening service we are en- joying a hymn sing. With you sing- ing your favorite song; then, we study one of the great pictures of Christ. This week it will be “Christ and the Doctors” by Hoffman. Come and enjoy a different type of service! Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church Rev. Clarence C. Reeder, Minister Thursday 7:30 Corn Roast. Friday 2:00 Picnic, Mission Band. Ge 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Morning Worship Rew. 7:00 Evensong Sunday, August 29 Mr. Leroy Walters, who graduated from Tay- lor University this spring will preach. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO. PA. The Lancaster Stock Market CORRECT INFORMATION FUR- NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PA, BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Sale Register If you want a notice ot your sale inserted in this register weekly from now until day of sale. ABSOLUTE- IY FREE, send or phone us your sale date and when you are ready, let us print your bills, That's the cheapest advertising you can get. Every Thursday night:—At7 p.m, at Beverly, on pike from Eliza- bethtown to Hershey, Hogs, Poul- try, Fruit, Dry goods and Baby Chicks by G. K. Wagner. Receipts of cattle for the past week for grass were the largest the season to date. fat commanding strong prices compared with a week ago, the plain to med- ium grades were rather plentiful this past week and prices now on such grades are weak to 25 lower. Best fat heifers are holding at firm prices but medium grades of heifers also western heiferettes were plenti- ful and now selling 50 lower than week ago. Cows of all grades are in demand at steady prices. Bulls show no change in value for the week. Stockers and feeders in liberal re- ceipts, good to choice quality in de- mand at firm prices. Several lots selling at from 11.00 to 11.50 and weighing 400 to 8oo lbs. The bulk on medium to fair quality, selling 25 lower for the Good steers are Saturday, Aug. 28—On the prem- ises in the village of Florin, 1} story frame house on North Market Street. Also personal property by Ida H. Kolp. Vogle auct. Saturday, September 4—On the premises in the East End, Mount- ville, the main Street, public sale of valuable real estate by I. F. Rohrer. Edgar Funk, auct. on Tuesday, Aug. 10—At their stock yards, Mt. Joy, at private sale, 33 head of Up-State Penna. fresh, springing and backward, cows and heifers by J. B. Keller & Bro. sale are these now week. Indications are for a good run of cattle here Monday including all grades and weights. Calves continue on moderate sup- Saturday, Aug. 21—On the prem- ises in Florin, large lot of household goods by Mrs. Cora M. Stoll. Vogle, ply in range with yesterday's close; good to choice selling 12.50 to 13.00 Wednesday, September = 15—On | with a few selects selling at 13.50. the premises in Manor township,| Hogs in fair demand at steady on the Martic Forge road between | prices. Glen Manor and Central Manor, a Lambs in fair demand at steady prices, the on sale selling at 10.50 fo 11.00. Receipts: 1845 cattle, 55 calves, 141 hogs, 64 sheep. CLASSES, GRADES AND RANGE farm of 28 acres with frame house, barn, tobacco shed, garage, ware- house, etc. by George F. Neiss. Edgar Funk, auct. Good and choice 9.00-11.50 Cutter, Common & medium 5.00-8.50 VEALERS Good and choice Medium 9.11-10.00 Cull and common 5.00-8.50 FEEDER AND STOCKER CATTLE Church of God, Landisville At the Landisville Church of God, on Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. a spec- ial program has been prepared by the members of the Landisville and Christian 13.00-13.50 Rohrerstown Woman's Temperance Union. High Lights and Choice 9.50-12.00 from the World's W. C. T. U. Con- | Fair to good 8.00-9.50 vention held in Washington D. {Medium to Fair 6.50-8.00 will be given, and will be of interest | Common and Medium 5.25-6.00 HOGS God and choice Medium and good SHEEP to all. There will be other talks and music on this Temperance work. This Union has some thirty mem- bers both active and honorary. Some one has said. If you belong to the W. 13.00-14.00 11.00-11.50 Choice lambs 10.75-11.00 C. T. U. you belong to a group cf | Medium to good 8.00-9.00 the finest women in the world. The | Common lambs 5.50-7.00 union stands for the best and nobl- | Ewes (all weights) 2.00-4.00 est things in life. We can sing All round the World the ribbon whit is twined, because we have Society in Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. Saturday, October 16—On the OF PRICES premises in Manor Township on STEERS the Anchor road between Wash- | Choice 13.00-13.00 ington Boro and Ament’s garage, | Good 11.00-12.50 3 miles west of Millersville, 5 acres | Medium 10.00-11.00 of ground, 2} story Frame House, | Common 8.00-9.50 Barn and garage by Elam Shenk, HEIFERS Edgar Funk, Auct. Sale at 1 P.M. | Choice 11.00-11.50 (S. T.). Good 10.00-10.75 5 Medium 6.00-9.00 They will have special entertain- | Common 4.00-6.00 ment to supply an evening of enjoy- COWS ment for all who attend. Choice 8.25-9.00 | On Friday afternoon the Mission | Good 7.50-8.25 Band will hold their picnic at the | Common and medium 5.50-7.25 Cove. The children will meet at the | Low cutter and cutter 3.25-5.50 church at 2:00 P. M. BULLS Schools Here!" Open Wed. September 1+ will hold a two-day celebration on (From page 1) accept a baptismal certificate, a pass- port, or an affidavit as evidence of age, if a birth certificate is not avail- able. 1937-1938 Faculty Grade 1-—-Miss Shellenberger Grade 1--Miss Charles Grade 2—Miss Mildred Zink Grade 2—Miss Heim Grade 3—Miss Kaylor Grade 3 and 4—Miss Heilig Grade 4—Miss Heisey Grades 5 and 6-—Miss Ibach, Miss Phillips, Miss Butzer, Miss Hess. Grades 7 & 8—Miss Ethel Moore, Mr. Earl Kochenour, Mr. C. C. Kreider. High School—Social Studies and Library—Miss Edna Martin. English and French—Miss Martha Swartz. English—Miss Elizabeth Hipple. Latin—Mr. C. H. Gladfelter. Science—Mr. C. E. Stauffer. Mathematics—Mr. W. G. Diffen- derfer. Industrial Arts—Mr. R. G, Hos- tetter. Home Economics—Miss Evelyn Kraybill, A vacancy exists in the Commer- cial Department. Miss Fay Littley resigned to accept a similar position in the Camp Hill Public Schools. Music Supervisor—Mr. W. H. Streett. Art Supervisor—Mr. Joseph Kras- ley. Principal of Grades—Mr. M. W. Brandt. Supervising Principal—Mr. W. E. Nitrauer. Schools will be closed on Labor Day. tl Qe You can get all the news of this locality for less than three cents a week through The Bulletin. GOOD FARM "FOR SALE 119 ACRES 799-10 PERCHES the road leading from Rheems to Donegal Springs. Known as the Martin Wolgemuth farm. IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION ELECTRIC LIGHTS HOT WATER HEAT Mrs. Mary A. Strickler MOUNT JOY, R. D. 2 aug.18-1t twined, because we have Societies in 53 nations of the globe. Mr. Gandhi says, “I am an out be- liever in total abstinence and total prohibition for India. I believe that the habit of drink is one of the greatest curses that has descended upon mankind. I would rather see India bankrupt than to coquet with Satan to square her account” Miss J. Uren has been the presi- dent of the Landisville and Rohrers- Peaches Near Eby's Church Aug. 20 to Sept. 5 J. H. Hale — Belle of Georgia —~ Carmon BRING YOUR BASKETS THE PRICE IS RIGHT David Z. Heisey Peaches | aug.18-2t town Union for many years. Mrs. Dyer of Landisville has recently been elected as president of the em Union, and Miss Wills of Rohrers- town Sec. For God and Home and every land is our watchword. All are welcome to this meeting. ————D Qe INJURED IN FALL Mrs. A. Bartch, eighty-eight, Co- lumbia, suffered a probable fracture of the hip and arm in a fall at her cottage at the Landisville camp grove COWS STOCK Mount Joy, and PRIVATE SALE J. B. Keller & Bro. HEIFERS YARDS Penna. Sunday. After receiving first aid treatment she was taken to the Co- lumbia hospital where X-rays were taken. ll QO res LADIES AUXILIARY MEETS The Ladies Auxiliary of Friend- ship Fire Company will meet on Thursday evening, August 19 at the Fire House. 29 Head Fresh We Call For & Deliver YOUR CAR Any part of town Our service is as close as your Telephone On Thursday evening the Men's Bible Class will have their corn and C. E. Charles, Atty. aug.11-6t HASSINGER & RISSER PHONE 112 doggie roast on the church lawn. | Thurs. Morning, Aug. 19 And Continuing Until Sold Northwestern Pennsylvania Springing and Cows and Heifers Few Holstein Heifers Bought Direct From The Farmers By The Undersigned J. B. Keller & Bro. IG CELEBRATION AT BAINBRIDGE, LABOR DAY | The Bainbridge Fire Company Saturday and Monday, Sept. 4 and 6th, Plenty of entertainment for every- one, radio and a menu consisting of chicken corn dog and hamburger sand- wiches, ice cream, cake, coffee, etc. A Ladys or Man's Wrist Watch will be given away. The proceeds of this celebration will be used to clear the debt on the building. tm Mf AB AUTHORITIES SELECT CHERRY HILL FOR PRISON SITE music, artists soup, hot ot ni x Pr Clarence Schock Mount Joy, Pa. it pct We Ask Patronage We Give Service Lumber-Coal Pennsylvania's new $2,000,000 penitentiary is to be built on Cherry Hill, between Lawn and Upper Lawn, in Lebanon County. State officials said Monday they definitely had chosen the site, high above the abandoned military res- ervation at Mount Gretna. Nearby are Hastings and Stone Hills, named for two Governors at the turn of the century. The site is about three- quarters of a mile southeast of Lawn, a settlement on the Corn- wall-Lebanon branch of the Penn- sylvania Railroad. re Gr rs 200 silk mill workers at York went out on a strike Monday. Order Coal Today! LEEDOM coal is low in ash and high in heat value. VALUE-WISE folks insist on LEEDOM coal. ALSO DURINA AND ESHLEMAN'S CHICK FEED FERTILIZER HARRY LEEDOM Phone Mt. Joy 114 For Prompt Delivery HAY We are in the market for Good Timothy or Light Clover Mixed Hay M. L. Jaschik’s Son 437 S. Duke Street LANCASTER, PA. PHONE 7613 aug.-11-3 mo. FOR A FIRST CLASS Lubrication Job GIVE US A TRIAL HASSINGER & RISSER MOUNT JOY, PA. A RE ER PUBLIC AUCTION Every Thurs. Night At 7 o'clock, at Beverly, Pa., on the pike from Ilizabethtown to Ilershey. HOGS, POULTRY, FRUIT | DRY GOODS Butcher with dressed Meats, lots of ! new Hardware, 100 | gals. new Paints, all ‘olors, ! If you have anything | to sell, bring it tof these sales every | Thursday night. fresh 50,000 | Baby Chicks on sale every week. 5,000 W. Pekin Ducklings. Also sev- | feb.3-tf | eral Hundred Turkey Poults. G. K. WAGNER Electric comforts are not costly . . ... Ironing for example! What does it cost to run an Electric Ironer? Just about the same as it does to use a hand iron . . . the electric ironer uses a little more current than your hand iron but it does the work in as little as half the time. Doesn’t that sound attractive when you think that with an electric ironer you can sit in ease in a comfortable chair and merely guide the pieces through . . .surely you can’t call ironing work, done in that easy fashion. Let us show you the new Electric Ironers . . and demonstrate their speed and efficiency. You'll be sur- prised at their low cost . and the easy terms upon which you can buy one. YOU CAN IRON * 28 SHEETS IN EASY COMFORT FOR AS LITTLE AS jc PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY AND YOUR LOCAL RETAILERS “140 KWH per month total consumption by the customer. Backward Free Delivery Sets a New a place in America’s car never been filled before. that will save you money without cutting down on Phone 79 the low-priced The new “Thrifty-60"” Ford V.8 filly fort. Owners right in this town are reporting 22 to 27 miles to the gallon of gasoline. It takes only 4 quarts of oil to fill the crankcase and ycu GARBER’S GARAGE South Market St. id TRE £20 Standard of ECONOMY for gd can drive 2,000 miles between changes! — And you should see how this car performs! We'll gladly arrange that by lending you a “Thrifty 60” any time. Remember that the price of the Ford V-8 “60” makes it the lowest-priced 8-cylinder car ever sold in America. In operation it is setting new stands ards of economy for the low-price field. needs that’s Here's a car in a big way, size or come= Elizabethtown, Pa.