s Marie! nd Mrs. othtown, , son of © f Eliza= ced De- iven by 1sser, of nt was Becker, wis | us it THE AND JO¥ NSYL- BUSI. made 'y, un- d Sta- ,440.24 78.86 225.46 ,190.73 396.06 151.64 233.79 039.89 728.35 559.76 890.23 125.04 673.4 984.98 396.06 150.60 150.60 N00. 00 307.50 ublie ctors SIRT Lancaster Automobile Club Offers Good Advice To Motorists For Safe, San Good Mechanics and Modern Machinery at Your Service. —_— Si VOL. XXXVI NO. 34 An’l Report Of Visiting Nurse for ’36 DISTRICT COVERED BY MRS. UNKLE COMPRISES E. PETERS - BURG, MANHEIM, ETOWN, MT. JOY, SALUNGA, LANDIS- VILLE AND ADJOINING AREA. This Visiting Nurse District is a branch Associa- tion which is a participating agency of the Welfare Federation. The above district covers East Peters- burg, Manheim, Elizabethtown, Mt. Joy, Salunga, Landisville, and ad- of the Lancaster joining areas. calendar made to 1499 visits were made to Metropolitan Life Insurance patients, 50 to John Hancock Life the last 2088 nursing visits During year were 466 patients. Insurance patients, and 539 to Com- munity visits of which 255 visits were free. $168.00 was collected in fees. Calls for Nursing Service are re- ceived daily by Mrs. Unkle at Ruhl’s Drug Store, Manheim; Gar- \ber’s Drug Store, Mt. Joy; and Dierolf's Drug Store, Elizabeth- town. : The Visiting Nurse Association wish to take this opportunity of expressing their sincere apprecia- tion to' these druggists who have given of their time and effort in helping to extend this service to the community. ———— eet CEP nme ortuary Record For Past Week MANY OF OUR BEST KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THAT GREAT BEYOND WITH- IN THE PAST WEEK Mrs. Helen Armstrong, 49, died at Columbia. James Carney, 67, Columbia, died at the county Hospital. Joseph G. Kaufhold, Columbia merchant, died Thursday. David H. Bucher, 90, formerly of Marietta, died at Wilmington, Del. Philip H. Schaberg, 62, died at the home of his daughter at Man- 80, veteran heim. . Willis Liddick, 60, a native of Perry Co., died at Columbia Sat- urday. Anna Helen, wife of Dr. James Armstrong, died: at Columbia aged 49 years. MISS LIZZIE NEWGARD Miss Lizzie Newgard. 62, died at Lancaster. Mrs. Anthony Kreider, Elizabethtown, ond Mrs. Clayton (Turn to page 6) - rire GQ Arm MELLINGER TOBACCO SHED CAUGHT FIRE SATURDAY Friendsehip Fire Company No. 1 was called for duty Saturday after- noon about one o'clock. The large tobacco shed on the Henry Mell- inger farm, near the Iron Bridge, two miles south of town, in Rapho township, was on fire. Chief Ray Myers reported that the fire was caused by sparks from the door of a stove. There was no damage. eel Qe WANT $1,000 DAMAGES W. W. Treichler and son, John M. Treichler, both of Elizabeth- town, brought suit for $1,000 dam- ages against the Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., of Philadelphia. This is the result of an auto accident. ly Gy STORE STOCK SOLD The store merchandise of the estate of the late Albert Strickler, brought the sum of $820 at a pub- lic sale held Saturday afternoon, in the store located at 87 E. Main st. A large crowd attended the sale. Ee 178 NEW MEMBERS One =undred and seventy-eight new members were admitted to the Lancaster Automobile Club at the monthly meeting of the board of di- Farm Women Group Marks Anniversary SOCIETY NO. 8 MET AT HOME OF MRS. SUSAN HEISEY AT RHEEMS SATURDAY P. M.— CELEBRATED 15th ANNIVER- SARY Members of the Farm Women’s Society, No. 8, met at the home of Mrs. Susan Heisey Rheems, Satur- afternoon, with Mrs. Henry hostess. The society the fifteenth birthday day Heisey, as celebrated anniversary. Presented Year Book The program consisted of the presenting of the New Year book, by Mrs. J. C. Riest; musical read- ing by Fanny Ruth Heisey, accom- panied by Bertha Erb; reading by Mrs. B. C. Witmer, which consisted of the history during the past fif- (Turn to page 2) 54 Out Of 57 Prizes Come To Lanc. Co. LOCAL GROWERS CAPTURE ALL BUT THREE PRIZES AT THE STATE FARM SHOW AT HAR- RISBURG THIS WEEK. Tobacco growers thruout the state had very little chance for winning prizes at the State Farm Show, at Harrisburg this week with Lancas- ter County growers competing. Our farmers carried off fifty-four out of fifty-seven of the prizes offered. These are the local winners: Penna. Seed!leaf Stogie Wrappers and Builders—2, Victor Swarr, East Petersburg; 3, A. L. Brubaker, Manheim R 1; 5, (Turn to page 2) emits Gianni mmr USHERS LEAGUE MET AT HOME OF REV. MEASE The Ushers League of St. Mark's United Brethren church held it's January meeting on Thursday, Jan. 14th, at the home of Rev. O. L. Mease on East Main Street. The programme rendered fol- lows: Scngs led by Lloyd Myers; Scripture Reading, Norman Sprec- her; Prayer, Rev. Mease; Address. Rev. R. H. Comly; Songs; Business Session. After the meeting were served by Rev. and Mrs. O. L. Mease. Christian Youth Week Feb. 5 to 11 SCHEDULE OF COUNTY MEET- INGS APPENDED — WILL BE GESERVED IN CHURCH OF GOD HERE WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10TH. refreshments An unusual opportunity will come to the young people of this community through Christian Youth Week, February 5 to Febru- ary 11, plans for which are now being completed by the officers of the Lancaster County Christian En- deavor Union. During those seven days an intensive effort will be made to awaken a new interest among young people in spiritual things and in the opportunities (Turn to page four) — Cr HAVE GONE TO FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. S. Nissley Gingrich and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hershey, of Florin; Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Eby, ' Miss Kathryn Eby and Mrs. Simon Hertzler left Friday for Miami, Florida, where they will spend some time. BR SUIT FOR DIVORCE Oveal N. Tobias, of 27 West Done- gal street. vs. Jess Tobias, of Sun- bury, subpoena for divorce on the grounds of desertion; married June i MOUNT JOY, PENNA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1937 The Mount Joy Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President 1937-1941 —_ INAUGURATED TODAY — John Nance Gar Bulletin com. recs imi i ner, Vice President ROY KREIDER, LANCASTER RENTED YOUNG'S GAS STA. Mr. Roy Kreider, formerly asso- ciated with Mohn Brothers at Lan- caster, rented Youngs Tire Shop on East Main Street and took pos- session immediately. Mr. Kreider made several chan- ges in personnel. Mr. Don Bishop was relieved of duty there and John Charles was made a tempor- ary employee. Model Maker Fixes Mighty Locomotive CRACK FLYER STALLED FOR QUITE A WHILE HALF A MILE WEST OF FLORIN, REPAIRED BY A PASSING MOTORIST A model railroad builder with a couple of automobile tools helped fix a broken on the crack flier “St. Louisan” Saturday night when the big engine was crippled half a mile west of Florin. Warren McCleary, 537 North Plum street, Lancaster, the train slow to a stop as he was driving along the highway near the tracks. Being a member and for- mer president of the indefatigable Railway Historical society and a maker of miniature engines and cars, he went over to see what was locomotive saw wrong. A broken (Turn to page 2) EE DIRECTED GLEE CLUBS Miss Dorothy Schock, of town, music supervisor of Lancaster Schools, directed the combined glee clubs of the Senior high when they presented the oratorio, “Elijah”, Friday evening. The club members were vested in black cassocks with white sur- rod had eccentric schools, plices. —_—— = APPEALS THE AWARD Benjamin G. Bushong, of West Hempfield, was awarded $1,500 by viewers for land taken by the State Highway Department, but that is not satisfactory and the case will now be heard in court. rent SD QQ ere TEN YEARS IN BUSINESS J. B. Hostetter and Son, who conduct the West Main street hard- ware store are celebrating their tenth anniversary as hardware merchants at their present location, this month. _————————— 18 TROUPES COMPETING Eighteen troupes of players—118 rural actors and actresses—will com- pete for state championship honors in a one-act play tournament at the Farm Show this week. eee QQ eee TRADE SCHOOL QUARANTINED Patton Trade School, at Eliza- bethtown, is quarantined to prevent rectors Thursday night. 26, 1932; separated April 22, 1933. the spread of influenza. Birthday Celebration Last Wednesday the Bulletin con- gratulated Mr. Christian S. Gerber on his birthday, but on Sunday his place of high spirit children and grand- children and many friends gathered home was a when all his to wish him many more happy years. There existed that hilarious and carefree atmosphere of friend meeting friend, brother meeting brother and sister, father and moth- er greeting children, grandchildren and friends. All ate heartily of the splendidly appetizing dinner prepared and which was placed before them. The Local Tutors Assisted In Co. Play Day The annual county High School Play Day was held at the Y. W. C. A. at Lancaster, Saturday with ap- proximately one hundred girls par- ticipating. The schools represented were Manheim, Mt. Joy, Elizabeth- Manor Ephrata, and West Lampeter. Miss Miriam Butzer, instructor of physi local school, assisted, as did physical ed- other town, Township, cial education in our ucation instructors from the schools represented. The girls were divided into teams for the competitive sports of stunts, basketball and swimming. The black and purple teams were tied in the scoring for the morning events. Mildred Hamilton and Ber- tha Horst, students at our local school were members of the purple team, while Dorothy Detweiler and Marybelle Potter were members of the black team. AU fp An ome PROPERTY WITHDRAWN On Saturday evening at the Bul- letin Office Harry A. Darrenkamp of ground on Col- with frame house, and garage at public sale. The property was withdrawn at $1,295.00. George S. Vogle, of Florin, was the auctioneer and Burgess Keener the offered a lot umbia Avenue clerk. = The long-looked-for year of the 150th Birth Day of cur Country’s Constitution, 1937, has arrived. That Constitution, having risen so seri- ously into the concsiousness of this Fourth Decade of the present Century, the whole Sesqui-Centen- nial Year of 1937, will center our minds and rivet our attention upon a sense of the individual freedom and liberty it has guaranteed to us For Christian Gerber the old- much afternoon was spent in home fashion. There was music from the talented young peo- ple present. There were selections from the string instruments, piano and vocal renderings. Those present to enjoy the birth- day celebrations were: Mr. and Mrs. Christian S. Gerber; Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gerber and children Evelyn, Betty, Robert, Christian and Irvin; Mr and Mrs. Irvin Gerber, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Spitler; Mrs. Phares Shenk and sons Robert and Warren; Paul Gish; Rev. and Mrs. Clarence C. Reeder. Making Marked Improvements On Chickies Hill WA workers have been riprapp- ing the shoulders of the state high- way leading from Marietta to Co- lumbia over Chickies Hill for some time and have finished the work as far as Sterline’s school. The shoul- ders are then covered with tarvia which adds about four feet to the width of the road. An important change will be made on the curve at the crest of Chickies Hill. About fourteen feet |of the bank will be removed and |the ground used to make a fill op- posite Sterline’s thereby widening and improving the sharp school, curve there, The work of improving the road {will continue thru Klinesville to the Columbia koro limits. re reer WERE AWARDED MEDALS John A. G. Balmer, Lititz; were awarded medals by the Key- stone Ton Litter club for 1936 at a joint meeting of all the swine breed associations at the State Farm Show, Harrisburg, last evening. re ee PQ Aree SET STATE RECORD There are 10,656 farm exhibits en- tered at the State Farm Show at Harrisburg this week the largest number of entries ever. Sesqui-Centennial Of The Constitution By H. Frank Eshlemen hroughout a century and a half; the harmony and order, between and Nation, which it has maintained; and the bar and limitations it has imposed upon tyranny and arbitrary power, which they who are in authority would be States all too ready to inflict upon the people, and impinge upon their ights. (Turn to page 4) and | David C. Witmer, of East Donegal, | MR. BOYD BISHOP HEADS EVAN. MEN'S BIBLE CLASS Monday evening the Men's Bible Class of the Trinity Evangelical Congregational Sunday School held their meeting and had election of officers. The officers are as fallows: President, Mr. Boyd Bishop; Vice President, Mr. Walter Brandt, Sec- retary, Mr. Abner Gish; Treasurer, Mr. Charles Morton. News of The Day From The Dailies BUSY FOLKS CAN KEEP POST- ED BY GLANCING AT THIS COL UMN OF CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS A young tornado unroofed sev- eral houses at York Friday. The state purchased seventy-two automobiles for highway patrol use. Harry Leppo, 18, of near Han- over, was blinded by a dynamite blast. The toll on the Delaware river bridge at Philadelphia was cut from |25 to 20 cents. A man at Indiana, Pa. warded $92 damages for having his car bitten off. Twenty auto deaths occurred in Penna. over the week-end due to | slippery roads. Lee Conover, 42, of Parkesburg, (Turn to page 6) was a- Some Changes At Hassinger & Risser’s Garage Several changes have been made in the personnel of Hassinger and Garage on West Main St. | Mr Willis Enterline resigned his | position as mechanic and is now { with Ulrich’s Garage at Elizabeth- | town. He was replaced by Roy | Sheaffer of Elizabethtown. Stanley Baker, of | the new book-keeper. | Robert Zink, who “manned the { pumps”, is no longer a member of (the staff. Mr. Brandt, of Elizabethtown, who has taken an extensive. course in automotive engineering at Flint, Michigan, reported at the garage this morning to take up his new duties there. ARS FRACTURED BOTH WRISTS Mrs. Amelia Shearer, of Eliza- bethtown, fell down the cellar steps at her home Sunday, fracturing both of her wrists. Her daughter, Katie, is off duty as clerk at Booth’s store because of the accident. TRAFFIC VIOLATION Officer Zerphy reported one vio- lation, Howard W. Bernhard, Florin, Improper passing. | Risser’s Manheim, is 1937-1941 $1.50 wp surg or yr a a e And Economic Driving--Page 4 Money Spent in News- paper Advertising Is A Good Investment. A YEAR IN ADVANCE Will Interest Our County LANCASTER COUNTY'S THREE REPRESENTATIVES INTRODU- CED A EBILL TO CONDUCT EXPERIMENTAL WORK HERE. Representatives Wood, Trout and Royer, Republican members of the House of Representatives from Lancasttr county, have introduced jointly a bill of considerable in- terest to tobacco growers. The measure, which has been re- ferred to the Committee on Agri- culture, would set up a fund of $25,000 with which the Department of Agriculture would be authorized to conduct experimental work for the bacco improvement of types of to- and shade grown wrappers, for the overcoming of tobacco di- ceases, the perfecting of the proces- seg of curing, fermentation, sweat- ing and packing tobacco, and de- velopments in the field of fertili- zers, . This bill has the backing of to- bacco growers who believe that it might result in such improvement in their line of agriculture as simi- lar experiments have brought in Pennsylvania's grown potatoes, where the yield has been greatly enlarged, the quality vastly raised and grading, packing and market- ing standardized among the more advanced potato raisers. TQ Gee MANOR MUTUAL FIRE CO. ELECTS ITS 1937 OFFICIALS The annual meeting of the Man- or Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in the Brenneman build- Directors were as follows: H. G. Warfel, D. L. Shellenberger, East ing at Lancaster. elected Conestoga; Columbia R. 2; C. H. Frank, Petersburg; B. F. Greider, Mt. Joy; P. N. Frank, Lititz; P. S. Graybill, Mount Joy; Jacob N. Martin, Lan- caster R. 2; C. F. Sangrey, Millers- ville R. 1; Herbert B. Groff, Willow Street, R. 1. Immediately after the election the directors organized as follows: President, H. G. Warfel; Vice Pres., D. L. Shellenberger; Treasurer, P. N. Frank; Secretary, B. F. Greider. nts GA BRUBAKER'S STORE TO OFFER NEW ATTRACTION Brubaker’s will have three representatives of Dr. Scholl, foot it's shoe Department, Tuesday, Jan. 26th. Thi offered by few store Department Store the specialist, in is a feature in communities Mt. Joy. representatives as small & The here in a huge 35 ft. trailer, will motor com- pletely equipped with loud speaker, cascs of shoes and an X-ray ma- { chine. This is an entirely new project started by the company the first of the year. They have three of these trailers that in the Union. If you { perfectly, go i on Tuesday, January meme iene tv BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Risser, of near { Erisman’s Church, the birth of a son on Sunday evening. state vill tour every want imperfect announce Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown on | Henry street, of this boro, announce i the birth of a son at their home | Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lane, of town, announce the birth of a daughter at the Lancaster General Hospital Saturday. ptt et Ameena LOCAL FOLKS ATTEND Dr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Newcomer, of town, among the sixty members of the Elizabethtown Rid- ing Club who attended the annual buffet luncheon and dance at Indian Echo Inn last Friday evening. el QI WON FIRST PRIZE At a tobacco show at Lancaster on Friday, Lester Roland, Mt. Joy Route 1 won first prize on class B. Stegie wrappers. etl eee were Elizabethtown’s tax rate was made 11 mills for 1937, same as last year. Tobacco Men "The Affairs In General Briefly Told INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN- TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO HAVE LITTLE TIME TO READ A 2-1b. baby boy was born at St. Joseph’s Hospital. An Earle for president club was organized at Lancaster. At a sale at New Holland a grand- father’s clock sold for $185. Fifty-seven county properties were cold by Sheriff Shirk on Fri- day. Ella Kloidt, 17, of Columbia, was injured when she fell off a bal- cony. Aaron Rye, of town, has been named executor of Samuel N. Rye, late of this boro. A hog weighing 453 pounds was killed on the Chester Fuhrman farm in East Donegal. : Lancaster city is protesting a- gainst the sale of impure icecream thruout the city. The Walker feed warehouse at Kinzer was destroyed by fire entail- ing a loss of $13,000. Lancaster county has 2,000 ex- (Turn to page three) The Watts Are Wedded For 25Y ears MR. AND MRS. CHARLES WATTS HELD SILVER WEDDING AN- NIVERSARY AT THEIR RURAL HOME SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts of Elizabethtown, R. D. 1, celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniver- ary on Sunday. They were married January 21, 1912, by the Rev. I. E. Johnson, who was then pastor of the Trinity Evan- jelical Congregational church, Mt. Joy. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride who was Grace Eshleman, daughter of Mr. (Turn to page 2) canner Se Mle LAD RAN AGAINST TRUCK MADE A LUCKY ESCAPE afternoon, when the fire siren sounded, “Jackie” Shatz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shatz, arted from the North to the South Main Street and in the excitement ran into the ladder on the side of a Western Union Chev- rolet truck, driven by J. B. Murry, of 54 Argyl Street, Harrisburg. The suffered a slightly scratched face and a bruised leg but did not require medical aid. Saturday side of boy Happenings In the Town O i Fi orin Mr. Chas. Vogle regrets the loss of his rabbit dog. Mrs. Emma Engle Lizzie Herr on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferry visited Miss Lizzie Herr on Monday. Mr. Arthur Ney, is at the Jeffer- son Hospital at Philadelphia, for ob- visited Miss servation. Mrs. Joseph Eshleman Chocolate Avenue, is improved after several days illness. Messrs. Cloy Hoffer and David Stauffer will attend the Farm Show this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogel visited her parents, W. B. Lawton, at Lan- caster, on Sunday. Mr. Richard Ropka was badly burned while casting at the Florin Foundry, yesterday. (Turn to page 3) ee A An FOUR CASES HERE The local Board of Health quar- antined four cases of chicken-pox during the past week. a LT