The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 09, 1936, Image 3

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| ————
a . (JURY ORDERS AUTOISTS USE POULTRY LITTER (Vespers 7:00 P. M | “here will be services in the; Prayer service. Wednesdays
Happenings ii
services in the poultry house
it ten o'clock | K.Y.C. E Sunday 6:45,
TO PAY THEIR OWN BILLS 20, 000 Samples Litter renders three important Reli 18 J 10 us | Wednesday cvening 7:45 Bible [Re formed Mennonite church in | Bible School Sunday 9:30.
In the Town wil K. ‘Shoomoker, (of Bia. - G1 A i id bedding to aid sanit "hy | N WwW in Tl i The Tri-Hi-Y will be the guests |: ( | . 3
! { 1vVe 2N WwW a Vi jprovides bedamg to ig “ e S 1 11S lof the Congregation at the evening | ——— | Evening Worship 7:30.
| > ¢ aoa oe . x HPS XT yy . "
RR a ar
School Teachers’ meeting, Landi ville next Sunday morning] Morning Worship Sunday 10:30,
bethtown, sued Harry E. Booser, a | 5 rit
| |: absorb moisture, and furnish insu- nee i [ Come, you are welcome,

trural mail carrier, also of Eliza- | A S- L 1 C Vy yt Florin U. B. in Christ Church |
thi ar Aamage i | lat for the floor. By using litter 1t i | Christmas progra I resens
0 rin | bethtown, for $500 damages to his tS Samy! Iakton Jor e 4 Ni omm Uni - Rev. J. W. Funk, Pastor Co mas progres oe P Py
car which he testified was damag- : leaner eggs can be produced and ; Poa lay School 9:30 ted Sunday evening, Dec. 20th.
- . 1 \i . [Prom pag housed can be kept warmer in —————— Mount Joy Methodist Church ! elo ile ————
Mrs. Amelia Stoll is confined to | because of the negligence of j | nev Rt inister | Morning Worship 10:30 A. M :
ak sis i I coser. The mail carrier, in re- {cold weather. NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL Kev. Robert 1, Comly, Minister | 4 Phe. econ | St: Luke's Episcopal Chureh
her bed with sickness. Sy inish schon ——— . ‘ oad oie 9:30 Sunday School rayer Meeting Thursday even- | . wt K
or Bed. Vit slg od lun, cued Shoemaker for $373.30 school faculty. A series of | -—te CHURCHES IN MT. Joy ANp| 29 Sunday School ag 7:30 P. M | Rev. Albert K. Hayward, Rector
Miss Evelyn Fike was the guest for injuries and damages. saying it }1ouon was prese ied by | y WY 10:30 Morning Worship i Sain Yh | December 13, 1936 3rd. Sunday
{ Walter Brandt's near New New- |. 08 And rain. | Mervine S. Arnold THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING Sunday evening service 7:15 PM.
of Walter Brandt's near New New- i,q on the part of Shoe- = ho IC e r m COMMUNITY eat in Advent
town, Saturday and Sunday {maker which resulted in the crash. The following business firms had ! Salunga Methodist Church — | 7:30 A. M. Celebration of the
Mrs. Earl Landvater and Mis. | heir case was argued in court | attractive exhibits and 0 mmunity Rev. Robert 1. Comly, Minister Church of God Holy Communion.
| Nii By i in the Re- . | wp
There will b : 9:30 Sunday School Rev. G. F. Broske, Minister 9:15 Church School
i contributed to the success of the i G.

Leah Easton attended the funeral {j.¢ 1 both |
[last week and the jury found both} = 3 : onlta io wl 4 yo ;
of Rev. Miller at Lebanon last|neslivent and they were ordered to) air: Penna. Power & Light Co.. | f rmed Mennonite chur h in Lan 20 Evening Worship Sunday School 2:30. | 10:30 Morning Prayer and Ad-
ih * ’ g Fan nex S la morning Y y > ! GW : A
Thursday. {pay their own bills. Harrisburg Grocery for B. H. Sheib- ar as c | dis vile 1 fl : : In . 4 Wor ship With Us. You are wel. Preaching 10:30. { dress—"“What is the Every Member
The Intermediate Society held! pt ley, Neumans Ice Cream, York; | ten olock. Christian 5. Noh, come C. E. 6:30. | Canvass?” by a Layman,
their regular monthly business | When in need of Printing. (any- Livly, Libby by J. Will- | Pearl Chandler, West Chest- | Rr | Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. 6:00 Young People’s Service Lea~
meeting at the home of Mr. and | | thing) kindly remember the Bulletin ard Breneman for J. A. Dehoff, er, spent the week end at her home St. Mark's U. B. In Christ Church Prayer Meeting Wednesday even- | gue.
Mrs. Park Shetter. ~~ fon : rey n Her oy here on North Market Street. | Kraybill s Mennonite Church Rev, O. L. Mease, S. T.D.; D.D. [ing 7:45 P. M 7:30 Evening Prayer and Discus-
>tove Co. by H. O. Shue; Electro yo : vl: : 9:00 S lc choo! y, . | sior
iz vg ichard F' Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Engle and unday school Pastor ——— on. .
Mis Biches Soa on vi ile 10 Lux Cleaner by Joseph ; ne i ’ cs ily 10:00 Preaching {Sunday School at 9:00 : You are welcome at any time in
Miss Mary Funk of Cleona visited | ay baugh; Donegal & Coney Fire Ins J LY Thanksgiving RR a First Presbyterian Church Tike I
their parents, Rev. and Mrs. I. W. C ji ? C re ih ; ire BS fand weekend ‘guests to a turkey —-— Morning Worship at 10:15. R CBS Ik Ph Past St. Luke's Church! Do come!
Funk on Surdey | 1ens For 33 I re ¥ sty nt ny Meat | inner as follows: Mr. and Mrs.| Mount Joy Mennonite Church Evening Worship at 7:30. po h S a i i Sor When I think of Christ—that's
‘he Ladies NM * M ee . es ar Henry Eshleman and family of | 8:30 Sunday School. Frayer Meeting Wednesday at ; ne } Se 300} 0730. P 5 lite only time 1 have serious guess
7 IC jes onion 2 Society of | | a. i Fg yi i Har- Lititz; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sna- 7:30 P. M. Young Peoples meet-|7:30 P.M. Pp pig ; tions about my way of living.”
18 gr H.W. nur & ‘own's ow ses y Lvening wer ser 5
the Florin U. B. Church, will hold | oro axes| risb ry L J. eiur Co. rown's vely, of Lititz; Mr. and Mrs. War- | ing ven ng Vel ip ind ermon 7:30. i —
a meeting at the home of Miss Service Station, Marietta; Fuller ren Engle and family, of Philadel-| Friday 7:00 P.M. S. S ker: Preaching Mission for Lencaster Tt i bett to boost
: y, adel- | 0 \ SS. S. workers or aps: och . ’ ere 1s €
: Mary Hamilton this evening. | (From page 1) i B: ush, Harry Zuch; Smoking To- i > oy i di yA FRersd Donegal Presbyterian Church county at the St. Paul's Reformed ere 15 no Deller way to
i C : 3 ¢ _{phia; Mrs. Christ Nolt, of Landis~ | meeting w * B.'Segclken, DD.. P: re your business than by iocal news-
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Keefer of trees bacco by Jay Nissly; Manbecks ville; Miss Julia Bowman. of Har 0 B bi | Rev. C. B. Segelken, astor {Church on Thursday, December ot sor advertisin
Mr. ¢ Mrs. L i . rille; Miss Juli mar, ar- 7:3 le study. irs eit” Rote 30 > ad S
Millersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Christ | gallons during the month. Bakery, Lemoyne; Hershey's Ice Fisbure: My. Loster Ehret of Mt | 7:30 Bible study Church School 9:30. N. E. Garber,|at 10:00 a. m. and at 1:30 an id |F 3p 8
I ; : , Mrs. st | 5 risburg; Mur. ster > Mt. : > A ——
Methorn, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mel | Sceretary C. H. Dillinger, of the [Cream by John Warner; Capitol | Superintendent. 7:45 P. M. v nt £ thi
A a . & i S. Ss Mel- | A : < 3). Pal a
horn, and Mr. and Mrs. Miller W { Board of Health six cases of whoop- Bakery, Harrisburg; Parafax Gas I 'lbnij 'ii™ Trinity Lutheran Church Ee ————— ou can get ail the news oi iS
3 orn, and Mr. and Mrs. Miller Wol- ond ro scarlet for CO. Stoves by Nir. Witmer. Souders~ I © ns : tk . . locality for less than three cents a
gemuth were Sunday guests of Mr. fing cough and two scarlet fever Se 2 y ote | pe ge = There is no better way to boost | Rev. George Kercher, Minister | Reformed Church United Evangelical Congregational | week through The Bulletin.
and Mrs. John Melhorn, at Mt. Joy. | quarantined last month. He also y i r Se Sg xh Rotten your business than by local news- | Bible School 9:30 A. M. i Landisville Church | EA
The following from this {made his annual report which was Supp Soe Marietta; McNay Cas C. paper advertising. | Morning Service 10:45 A. M. ¢ Christian S. Nolt, Pastor Rev. C. C. Reeder, Pastor J Advertise in The Bulletin.
Y oi oi ted fhe © {of 7 | read. Stoves, Ephrata; C. A. Herr Dairy,
nity attended the funeral o tev. |
Tax Collector Metzler reported | Mt. Joy; Fryweaver Coffee, Lan-
that ten property liens for 1933 |caster; General Five Co. by H. A.
Small, Lancaster; Wheatland Fire
mem Dan Stark, Mrs. Anna Keener, John | spective properties before January 1|Co. for M. S. Arnold; Singer Sew-
i Raymond and daughter Margaret, bic snake thom valid, The chair Machine Co. by John Brinsor;
hh’ Mrs. Ella Wachstetter, Lizzie Bru- ferred the matter to the Property [John Schock, Building Supplies;
baker, Mrs. John Wachstetter. mittee th. Collector | Shearer Furniture Co., Elizabetth-
Jacob Boyer, Mrs. Wm, Hamilton, | nro or. {town; H. J. Hawthorne, Furniture,
and daughter Mary, Mrs. Albert | The treasurer H. N. Nissley re-|Bainbtidge; Oldsmobile and Pon-
Haines, Mrs. Leah Easton, Mrs. Ber- | ported balances in the various ac- |tiac, M. S. Arnold, Marietta Times,
tha Landvater and Mus. Al Fike. {counts as follows: Boro, $3,088.16; Joy Bulletin, Elizabethtown
The annual meeting of the Florin ly. to. $524.75: Interest: New Bonds, |Chronicle, Lancaster Intelligencer
Miller last week: Mr. and Mrs. I |
W. Funk, Mrs. George Vogle, Mrs. |
| taxes must be filed against the re-

No. 1
No. 1

Foundry Relief Asso. was held last] ggo. 00: Old Bonds, $7000: Park |News, Haucks' Bakery, Hanover;
Penn Supreme Ice Cream, Lancas-

Friday at their place of business, {¢33 g5.
for the purpose of electing new of- | Office Zerphey reported as follows | ter; Hammond Pretzle Bakery, Lan-
flicers. There was a dividend of i for the month of November: Reck- |caster; Anderson Pretzle Bakery;
three dollars paid to members. The [less driving 3, speeding 3, improper | Lancaster; Duplers’ Potato Chips,
following officers were elected for passing 1, stop sign 1, drunken and | Elizabethtown; Stephans Nurseries,
Shillows Meats, Mari-

Rn aman
the coming year: President, Earl|disorderly conduct 1. Mountville;
Landvater; Vice President, Levi{ Solicitor John A. Coyle informed |etta.
Dillinger; Secretary, Melvin Sauser; | council that in the future the Boro
Treasurer, Paul A. H. Wharton; | must obtain a permit to open any BEE AND ENTERTAINMENT
Directors, Paul Diffenderfer, Law- | portion of a state highway within] A SPELLING BEE and Christmas

rence Ropka, Edward Lutz, Henry | the boro limits. Entertainment will be held at the
Whye and Victor Foggie. i Upon motion council decided to|cposs Roads School in Earl Town- INFAN i
Ap esses | purchase a plot of ground on West ship, two miles north of Blue Ball
IMPROVE PASTURES NOW | Donegal street from the Conestoga on Route 5, on Saturday, Decem-
This is a convenient time to be- Transportation Company as offered | ar 19 1936. at 7:30 P. M. The pro- |
} gin improvement of pastures. Fall|by local realtor John E. Schroll. oram will include features by the
liming gives an opportunity for| This will be done by ordinance and a one act play, quartets, and
freezing and thawing to work the|the solicitor will be instructed to guitar (Hawaiian) music by Alvin

Shining Ash Blonde Hair
Blue Hair Ribbon
Blue Dotted Swiss Dress
No clothes, but a diaper
A cubby, chubby doll C
9 inches high


! lime into the soil. Superphosphate prepare same and search the title. trio. Miss Mary R. Martin, | fs al
| NO, » 2 a Ou « ff « tie 3
id also may be put on this fall or{ Upcn motion $800 was transfer- Marietta, is the teacher. 17 inches tall and stands alone
wd early next spring. Manure should | red from the boro to the new bond torment AB meee ————————————
be applied now or early in the | interest account and $300 from the| There is no better way to boost
winter. boro to the water account. your than by local news Also a 16-inch beauty who A Dream Dolly
EE All the bills were then paid and |paper advertising. stands alone. Wears dotted
: There is no better way to boost council adjourned. Se | Drees , Walks, Cries, has pearly teeth,
i" your business than by local news- | HS gpm: Stimulate your business by adver { goes to sleep. Wears rubber
paper advertising, | Subscribe for The Bulletin. ising in the Bulletin. panties and a real baby’s dress. J
: 26 inches high.

SLL 24%
Rubber Tired Velscipede
Gorgeesus Colors, Strong
Pressed Steel Frames
$2.65, $4.95, $7.95
Er Bike...... $1.19
PR 150 Wagons
G-Man Gun... in 48¢ Moving Picture Machine 08c
Whirling Cowboy... oa 260 Toetsie Toys ioc We
Climbing Tracter........ -28¢ Educational Blocks
Popeye Express... .. ‘ -48¢ Telephone
Roller Skates.......... 61 £9 Trumpet
Licnd Donald Duck Rail Car
Little Orphan Annie & Sandy

Multicolored Top... . .. -28C
Football . chi 98¢c
Wreck Truck. :
Young Cartoonist Set. ... A48¢
Double Gold Star Game G8
Pop Gun. ....
Zep Wagon... $1.00 |
: he Rite Army Camp. 8c



Gas Symp 22¢ Carpet Sweeper......... -50¢
Orpha : nnie Play Range 2c Jean Darling Sewing Set..23¢
Table Tennis... ... BOC Official G-Men Fingerprint Set | Mickey Mouse Circus Game


DUAL ECONOMY CARBURETOR sonal With Performance

Laundry det......... hh. . 48¢ American Maid Tea Set. . -48¢
Vater Buckets 692 | Pillow Cases hand ema
| i
‘ A Basket Ball — A
Cowboy Outfit. ... $1.00 ; $1.49 Greatest Mechanical Train
Handkerchiefs, box. ...... -19¢, 25%,
anal Oo

A Demonstration Ride is the only way {o
appreciate fully the joy of V-8 motoring

idered, set. $1.19

AN Pi YE NG TA A IN INF 0 TN OA O37 TYG 05 TOA 05 04 8 05 3 3 TOA 6 NR A 8 OV VE TN RE Se r
Men's Biles... ................... 25¢, §8¢ | Table Cloths, all colors 52x52, each. .....g@0¢
GARBER'S GAR A E ’ 5 White Tea Kettles, each... &a ......... 88c¢
2. ¢ Boys’ Ties.................. --- 182, 28C | Sheet and Pillow Cases. colored hems. set. . .. Be
*, White Cooking Kettles. each... . et
5 SALES OD SERVICE Bridge Sets. co... . iii huge $1.95 hy, 88¢
: a voli tire Linen oun Double Boilers..................... ny
Rn Elizabethtown, Penna. Dish Pans, each....... rae -89%¢, 79¢ Tea Towels, pure linen, each........... 25¢
TTR TL Pa PETE Ri Tis 5 Fie Fo Toe Pl Re FoF. UY
