The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 09, 1936, Image 10

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° v_ 7 4 ¥ * 1 ~ daughters and their husbands,
Fruit Cal RES in Can diec a WY pe efruait LA NDIS VILLE Pen Argyl, spent the week-end with |
their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Au-
y op | ——————
Shells Make Unusuc lH 10 tiday Gifts John Swarr presided at the meet- brey Goudie, Jr
nn cra nt) ARI

———— i se«


,— ing of the Landisville Civic Asso-
gt wt &
ciation in the fire hall on Tuesday RUMMAGE SALE : =
evening The Hi-Gem Class of the Metho- 3 =
The Sewing Club was entertained | dist Church, will hold a Rummage | E
at the home of Mrs. Frank Daugh- | Sale in Lancaster on Saturday, Dec. 9 3 Fo
Mrs. a iE 2 : i : » ee
. | erty, Thursday. Plans were made | 12th. The class will greatly appreci- KRALL Sm yl ge
| for the annual Christmas party to [ate any person who has rummage to yi =
| be held Dec. 17 at the home of Miss | call or see Joseph Sheaffer, and he | West Main St. Me. Jo
Ruth Hoffman. will call for same. { 3 i
ll erste 3
Those present were: Mrs. P. B. = | Haircut 25 Shave 15¢ 2 fe
toni | A - 2
“tehman, Mrs. John Bender, Sal-] There is no better way to boost | 0 4
{ 9 :
vga: Mrs. Mark Noit, Mrs. J. K.|your business than by local news- | E. M. KAYLOR 3
| ok
rayer, Mrs. Elias Kreider, Mrs. | Paper advertising. | BARBER Fs
nt : . — EE | > 4
Farle Stauffer and Miss Ruth Hofl- Py Y pq) 0» 3
ri i . . { wr St. N a. §
wan. of Landisville. When in need of Printing. (any-! 11 Lumber St., Mt. Joy, Pa i 4 ¥
The Landisville Parents and |thing) kindly remember the Julletin | Your Patronage Appreciated i \
"yy an Ne im

{ Teachers association will meet Wed- |

-ed For Next | J
| | nesday, December 16, at 8:45 P.M. | Nex
i | 1 1 ] : it iy oa
{in the High school auditorium, in-|%

tecad of December 17. :
John Herr, president of the as- gy i. f Am
iation, will preside. HRI], A S if year 1
| A surprise shower was held at |W. xr @® d and w
[the home of Mr. and Mrs. David | 4 my ch
Coop for their daughter, Helen. 4 . : x x family
” ‘+1, %/ 3 Mas
Start 1937 With (A Saving Fund . § fon
to fini

[whose marriage to Earl H. Myers,
a uo
And Have A Financially Happy Christmas § peor
et te
ening In Paris
was recently announced
present were: Mrs, William



| i Murs. George Schenck, 4 Piece S 3 $1.28 2 Piece Set 2 $4.75 %
Fruit Cake: Made in This Modern Manner Especially Attractive in Appearance 3 Born Me Per 2 Fieve Bet ie. $1. 83 B Piece Set... 80.50 = i gh
and Delightfully Different in Flavor Mrs. Brice Wolfe. J Piece Set $2.65 S Piece Set......... $8.75 BY JOINING ONE OR ? OF THE ' ith tl
r ond home- | syrup: ov ne © y : yoy ice R 2 Diece Se RS 0 Plans Kn ! do
EO oe | Ty Sy fg [Bs Sei sehen We SENG wri se... REG | # nie ce... 420.98 FOLLOWING CLAS i XX:
Christmas time such as fruit cake : bios : 1 Piece Set 3 § Piece Set..... $12.60 ¥

Mis: 3 Mi nnich, Miss Edith
| H icerman, Miss Evelyn Heiserman,

CLASS 10F Member paying 10 cents a wee
for fifty weeks will reecive EOL
or plum puddings and have not }
heeded the slogan of “bake carl

5.00 !
will be interested to learn about Mrs. Earl R. Myers and daughters, a ME
new fruit cake recipe which can ad : i 2 3
be made even a few weeks befor snd Louise, Wr 2nd ol Militar iS 25 tellige
1 David Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Earl od CLASS 25 Men cots 2 bog 12 50 i He
fifty weeks will re oid ul ey

Christmas and still be full
One attractive feature
type of fruit cake is that
H. Myers, Mrs. Amos Cooper, Lan- | PRICED FROM
disville; Mrs. Lillian Sterringer,
CLASS 5) Members paying 30 cents a week 4 2
i il : es 25.00 A

Bf its Size It does hot req: Elizabeth Sterringer, Mrs
long to age as the larger a = ny {| for fifty woeks 3 receive }
from three to five pounds in weigh vid C. Sterringer, Miss Norma’ pp fay ves will vl % Fy
FP rui wakes Ie i andiet ‘alters, Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. 4 : & § years.
Bru rs made in candi 1icvd Kauffman, Mi nd | Mr xa CLASS 100 Members paying $1.00 a week for $ 50 00 i
oy auffman, Mr. and Mrs ls . ) | 3
4 i fg. fifty weeks will receive... ea J u The
grapefruit shells are not only
especially attractive in appearand
In “Jewele
John Kauffman, Miss Ida Kaufi- | J
N swing
Te \


but are also delightfully different ribs z x3
g 3 i Cave Tavs ol onville: | - tai
in flavor. Fruit cake served with man, Willian Tro 2 I i 3 Piece Set....... $1.80 3 CLASS 200 Members paying $2.00 a week for @ 100 20 5 on Mo
any of the fine American wines now | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peifer, Mrs. |} 2 Piece Sot ©. g n fifty weeks will receive a Re pi | :
available will make just Russell Cooper and son, Russell, | Seren $3.00 a i I house
3 Si I was

i ar res te wok +2 $250.00 PK
Jr., Mrs. Joseph Cooper, Mrs. Stan- |B
3 Piece Set......... ‘$4.25
refreshment nceded when



drop in unexpectedly for 2 4 vn 1
friendly visits during the » for the fruit cake is as |ley Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. David 3 Set. = ” fifty a will receive of
season. Although it takes a : I eistand, Miss Margaret Scheaffer, |, $4. ¢.2 A yi ; the Ww:
moment to prepare this holiday | Dark Fruit Cake : \ a eee = And F
avorite for serving. the impression | 3 cup shortening > 2 223 at "a Yat] [3 i
So the frpresson | 3 © : After December 15 they will be LaCross Nail : i
of the fruit cake and wine will lin- | I. ip flour at’ home at Dundalk, Md. » 5 \ NT n y 4 part of
ger long in your memory. teaspoon 1 Manicure 13 ad Bis A (4 MT %
Christmas Fruit Cakes in Candied | 7 I OB A I 0 Treen St i Anof
Grapefruit Shells i 7% aun i % 5 4 “My p
Select large Florida seeded grapoefr oo el, chopped = = M 9 oul n MOUNT PENNA. three
\ Mrs. John Goudie who was on en's a X

of good shape and cole
a slice from the sten


the sick list has recovered. Completely Restyled! Trim, ru



fruit, remove the i
ed John Charles spent Tuesday in 3 Coty’s new men’s line is smartly mag li in new Pato:
Dts to! Perry Co. hunting for deer. W Royal Blue and White. / 3 4 for ad
RTL, Pos bo remiss tae | shell w) ay | Bum Doni frm Pen AY.
pired. Cool Has rot misture. Steam one hour, then bal pent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. & 1 ne
i sql parts Aubrey Goudie, Jr. A) 8
tue, such as domestic Thich BDO Maurice Demmy and wife, of Li- 0 a re
- | titz, called on his parents, Mr. and tempt
asks and rubber gloves: | Mrs. C. C. Demmy. hap he
1 5 Fi 1 Y e S Ine le, new chemical hose. Charles Forry is installing an he too
W mber was added. electric water system from his restau
Co. D > oS being John H Sieflv. Lititz pring to his buildings. chetti.
uy in Lea . Martha Heistand spent a short deal of
- _To Step Destruetis Act: vacation with her parents, Mr. C. 4 AR Bok i A ¢ 5 food w
N O V e m b e Yi Fire Marshal Paul Z. Knier cal-|J. Heistand and family. Ehsan I 4 dl matt
| led attention of the fire chiefs to; Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey Goudie i “Thats
a be on the lookout to stop the work jand son Richard, of Philadelphia, IT LEADD EM 32 the bi
[A yer try

(From page 1) f Hallowe'en actors who destroy [spent a few days with their son,
fire reported caused Jr. and family, also with

SHOP EARLY — We will reserve vour choice










Mount Joy, Penna.
I NE SP 3 3 TG Th SS 0 SS TU TE 35 TE TT 25 0S RA ST
‘Bareville, 400 feet of hose; lue | dressed by Alfred T. Fleming, when |
Ball. 500-gallon pumper Teola | the Ladies’ Auxiliaries p 3
ee P : : of the Ems psn I RRA whisker
der stack, hi 1g shed i Une 1 _
storage bu wg. 1: wash house f many shocks of fodder, | Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Goudie. ! : i
1; scrap lumber and tar paper, out 100 bushels of | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doney and : i
auto, 1; garage, 1 ied onto the highway and | Smet mmm Te 3 3 xy | [4 Whe
Canses of Fires { fired. Ef made to stop | County will be invited to attend. 2 BH B i |i * tite ye
Causes of the above named fires: is kind of work in the future. | will be heid a To ae BY West Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. hn 3 little h
Sparks from railroad engines, 1: | For Fewer Accidents School the evening of December | YEE TL GE TE, GEE gE. 7 SLT: rir Cr EE oy ME p)
dirty and defective chimneys, 5: 2 he County Supervisors’ Associa- | pu hs Have
heating motor with torc Hal- | tion Passed a resolution recommend- es ah J = i i Night
lowe’en prank, 1; unknown, preb-| twp’s co- ate with RR AR RRR cay 4 0 I pack:
ably collapse of building, 1; City boro’s in govern. 4 » the sh:
ing paint from house, 1; 1} the sale and | of fire- i get a s
paper and brush, 2; short cifcuit, |" Ab 180 cases of injury i 5 beat m
1; overhead stovepipes, 1: sponta rete TY orted ¥ a cushior
neous combustion, 1. in L r County » the sea
President R. Chandler Heagy pre- | Jus - 5 dese 4 # ing pis
sided at the meeting with J. Harr ol the high-powered fire- da ¥ # macher
Grube, secretary, Riv. Alvin H.| YO» AUS aing mn s the | i # day mc
Stoner, Strasburg, gave th : and of chiidren. i 5
of welcome. Miss Betty Breuning- Many Interesting Views y 0 af : I Eo : 2 A Fl
er gave xylophone solos, Miss Jean H Weiler, thru the courtesy | 3 > » that he
Breunninger being piano ym- | °f the Pennsylvani Wa ter and |g 9 » persons
ville, R. D., cleverly .d as |©f the exterior and interor of the |$ K . > xs was aly
2 ventrilofuist. E fo Harbor plant. as well as ol 3 Py Completely checked. Wal- Everything vour motor i Brakes set, Lining replaced 5
Thirty-two fire companies were | HOW flood + Don WwW. Gorrecht 8 er changed, Terminals Juriver for fast starting ant where required. Make this # Up a
represented. : in ibstructure at i Cleaned, Wirin Shucted dependable performance in winter a safe-driving win- # Sow oO:
Fires at Christmas Season Safe Harbor ted for 12 more IX JEWELER 8 sero wenther! %' 2 hi
Earl F. LeFever, Quarryville, | Units when and for elec- 5 low wo
gave a report for the fire prever At Holtwood yg ANTI-FREEZE a champi
tion committee. A n was| h ansformers top- | did tha
called to guard agai hazards | Pled over after the concrete retain- y ski ‘to
created at Christmas season. The! wall gave away. The wall has 5 ‘ ” spectatc
State Forestry Departmer a been replaced with one that is When Christmas Shopping, Cive a Though To These! 5 jump ©
commended for the posting of fleet higher than the former
many placards on State lands, aid- 2 AUTO ALY 5 ; 3 I atte
ing in the reduction of the num-| To Conduct Fire Schools Pa) @ ® ABS et 4 # and I'm
ber of fires. | Mr. Stauffer, fire marshal of i { (/ 05 2 Speaker
Deaths of Three Members banon County, told of the pro- | i = \/ A A S centinug
George F. Weidler, of the mem- [Posed change in conducting fire | 3% DEFROSTERS DELCO oie ; 3 interrug
orial committee, reported deaths of {schools in the future. It is sl 4 RADIATOR FLUSH ARVIN......Y $6.95 UP 3 ‘Now, g
members since the last meet e t fire apparatus for | 4 3 CHAINS McCORD up taking «
= Kulhman, Lancaster Pre have: two Dr Te 1 § HILPANTS iy. 5.05 & fom.
rown, Mt. Joy, and Jerry nd two instructors from | § § Es iL r rrp 1 3 r 5 enoug
BE rm M1 J ee i WINTER FRONTS PONTIAC. . UP @# a os
Making Purchases 1 of New Jersey I 1 3 stopped
T° R. Shenk told of the recent! Firem Association, gave an ad- | J FA
purchases by Fire Compani i = > 8 | Have
Strasburg, buying lot 140 by 63 | Mr. Fleming the Speaker I i ASSInger && Risse 3 who ma
feet, as location for a new home; | The next meeting will be ad- | » got wra
: 3 And s