The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 04, 1936, Image 2

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I of
Stee se = —
+ |Tressler, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bix-
Perry county. { FUNERAL HOME brir





ESTABLISHED JUNE 1901 i H AP P 2 N 1 IN ( S i 3
: | ( ine’ of the Vans ys . Bixler Tendered a Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bixler and
Published Every Wednesday at Mount Joy, Pa i i Ladies + Ausliory ry of the Lan Jeseph R. Bix oe ro Harold and: Lester 101 W. MARKET STREET Ww
{ : di a Fire Co., held a very suc- Birthday Surprise Saturday sons Jerome, i ang ster, Ply > oh]
“INO. E. SC HROLL, Editor and Publisher | cseful Hallowe'en Party in the ——— [Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seiders and ||| Phone 33 Mariettay a. Pp
- : \ T ; : { Janet Elane, of Beverly;
J ( re Hall on Thursday evening. rorice wavy. was hter Jane » of Beverly;
Subscription Price $1.50 Per Ann i i i ed : 8 , Ny Surprise hind Pa a} Miss Clara Rice, of Elizabethtown; | —— ————————— A
nme © 2 . Jose 3 xler :
Shoe Months. Cents Single a = 3 Cents { il One hundred anc twenty five hele in honor of Joseph . Bixler Johe Rice, Marietta: Allen Shissler, EYES EXAMINED
"Three Month 10 Cent Sample Cop FREE | l{ {s reons attended, being entertained | at his home Saturday evening. Bellai Miss ‘Alda Bixler. Eliza (
ee aU ents we opiles. rey WALL y : . . | Bellaire; Miss 8 zler, ra -
§ I) with appropriate games in keeping| The following were present: Mr
lists of three oa save the Moun ww Clic Jove == == = > : : * | bethtown; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Killh ff
The subscription lists of three oh Tn y the Mount oy wi ; (with the season, also refreshments. |and Mrs. William Shade, Mrs. Em- | oo | 4 children Lewis, Roy Dr. Harold C. efter
snd News, the Landisville Vigil and the Florin News were merged with | 20 Y { o nv Vane OT ywwall NX af WIS, Ys Fi
} i ears 00 5 ‘ears 20 | The party was opened by a grand |ery Zeiders, Mrs. Jerome Powell, |. 1 Hazel, Mariett:
. ml this. hanar's thi < | J 8 | Mary and Hazel, arietta.
the Bulletin. which makes this paper's circulation practically double that - &™ march. The judges for the march {of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Del- 7 eet 4 eee OPTOMETRIST 1
of the average weekly : Yes a ri Et were. Rev. Howard’ Cover. Rev. J. [bert Tressler and children Max, Lorne Acyuaintance | :
i TER _— Early editiot OO I it tA 6 "lc. Nicholas and Mr. P. H. Meckley | Jerome and Verna, Mr. Wilbert- | = yt : | MANHEIM ELIZABETHTOWN =r
rts ay the Republican Party | gunners afield fe the first : Ye 4 = whi “Who is that fat party getting |
E D I T 0 R I A L I Ey pu ~ a nd Mr. Harry Greiner. Prizes were | asber, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flei- we 1 wo ia party getting | 19 W. Steigel St % E. High St. I
J 4 candidate Hughes won the Election | of hunting seas warded to the following: First |sher and son Lester, Mrs. Charles on the car! [nn lept 11-J Telephone 24-R R. 1
ror \ y toy itior € x v vant hic arn tof. TY “es xiviny Mette | Telephone - elep 3
- ye : W hs I ¢ he i David La reated hi ar |Prize, Mrs. John Swarr and Mary | | Smith and daughter Margaret, Mrs. That ain’t no party. That's an es Shore Free. SN iat
a Frid . ks th {th mali ilson the lead wi W é f w Peters, representing an “Amish | Thomas Lenig, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | excursion. Mon., Wed., Thurs. Ves, Mr ee
e. riday at nine o'clock marks the opening of e¢ small ivet unheard fron : tenant which ToS § ‘ . : tra RY
= Ss at : re me An adv 1sement © i ppes Fe Couple” Ww ith a Doll in a coach, | - Evenings by appointment in anheim age.
+ game hunting season in Pennsylvania and we want to make The 4th ll field day for [in our 1901 issue—New “both being 100 years old. Second | 3x
= one request of all who go afield PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Sono! Sh Le i n cheap or will ex-l, . 1orraine Grube as a “Gypsy” | Crushed v
- . . ork countie W k Vi » k ef ot .
- Hunting accidents are quite common and aboul ninety-| > Third Prize, Mrs. Wagner of Building Row
- wp : © [ville St ay > I p d fromj, “Ghost” Foamy ive easi
~ five per cent of them can be prevented if hunters will exer-|gay. Mt. Joy ; wllz as 8 Ghost! Fourth Prize, | fone
cise little care relay. and cliss town : et Long as an “Indian” Girl. Before placing your order elsewhere Hsin
litt 1 Brou Ell (ante Cilesinge] or” v 3 We There were also several honorable | WONDER WHY see us. Alsons manufacturers of Zo
>) Ly I. N. Hostetter left on Wednes-| . Gn Se w
er. Myers, and Secvears ran in the go for New York to purchase a enon: “The Gold Dutch Twine” | | Mf 60) TIRED 2 CONCRETRBLOCKS or 1
’ x r xy y 151 by Mi J > or and Helen | —
GAINST THE LAW NOW | relay arload of apples y Mrs. John, Dendey ang SILLS and LINTELS ow
| For the fourth time since its er- H S Williamson, of 1 ster | Hamilton of Salunga. Miss Stevens | Rifl
Judges in Poughkeepsie, Olean and Buffalo, N. Y.. have | G Saddlery on Northi; : TN et a “Bride”, Mrs, Ira Hoss as The | col
rirled that cops have absolutely no right to go around mark- {Market Street had to be enlarged | j thine and shoes at Hotel Florin] Auburn Beauty”, Mrs. George J N.STAUFFER&BRO
i to t th white or red chalk and we heartily agree a Bn equipment installed i nT 3 Shenck as The Old Fashioned Girl | PA FC
1g auto tires with white « d chalk ¢ » he: ly agre ; sd : IN y :
HUE ue J ol | C eas | Brothers t Ruth Bickel and Evelyn Miller | MOUNT JOY, Dor
vith them. In the future oflicers will have to devise some i 5 3n order to keep ui [he “Married Couple. | | “ Mou
ther method of keeping tab on motorists. i A number of W.C. T U. ladies; ..cit the : } telenhor Miss Edit] slept: ‘ fe ;
0 er ] | Te Se >| wi he ¢s, | : ph liss Edith Heiserman and Miss | For Clean, Well-Graded FC
Fhis voing around marking tires always reminds us of were present at a meeung ( ir} tn on Tuesda: lary Hershey had charge of the | age
: oi} : AP ap y ‘ i 113i : on J SOTO. 1 -asceq fo} : The Lancaster Cou i d &|Entertainment. One of her Main |
kids' play. You never heard of a parked car Killing anyone a To I C h d St
th I. a lew 1 ount 3 C any S aw E 1 res was a backward spelling | rus e one ! PL
and instead of a cop playing with chalk he should be 114s to 3 flicer f few ot 9 =. ich. This ok
3 . span i 1 ntr ii $y ch is class was taught by Mr. | vas recht
« ing on a corner with a whistle. It would do a lot more good. |duty, was the re did oy. which » os 01 4 -|Harry Greiner. The judges were | At a Low Price Pa.
: > 4 g I ! , Rev. Nicholas and Mr. | FO
M . : > \ E The prize was won by Lal ; | ° toes.
HALLOWEEN ; wm.» I : irace Nicholas. During the | Fatigue. nervousness and in- | John A. Hipple bush
1 i On tl treet I? of refreshments, several | somnia are caused, as often as | Bs
I ( en has con al 3 Stree rq D W.R H g-1 x KX S - 2 a - 3 : . ny,
Hallowe’ ha me and gong 11 1¢ reels o ou } : ; 5 < He rived € ¢ ings were given. One a Dutch | not. bv CV strain! Mt. Joy 86 or E'town 06R4 A H
boro Friday and p wrticularly Saturday evening, a large num- pe Sng { the fire | lest the I by Miss Evelyn Heiserman | | Joy.
ii s St off ne by Miss Grace Nicholas en- SAFEGUARD YQUR EYES! a — —

¥ ber of voung folks were “all dolled up” in many many kinds
of outfits. A large number were quite beautiful. time nor ¢ in Ac : = pe ithe “Exhibition Day in School. | Use only Safe-Secing, Sight-Sav- Wi : rel 1
: ing I. E. S. lamps. Thex are not HAVE..... singe:
nd Mrs. A. P. Stover of i
pense being spared during their making, I t ght ects 10 poles) God. wes oi a ram a
The vouncer tol i ait kick out of the Carlisle Inc Res s Carlis Ce nt & eh of roa hp Ve A re only PERFECT for SEEING, [ A / [1 Y
ie yO ger 10IXKS seen 0 gel ea hiCh Ol} pA) option Friday i » . y. . al 3
: t York t s . fidoy ju the room | but are LOVELY to LOOK AT. HO

whole affair. To many it appeared that the masqueraders Vir TF : San. Er : \ chicken curry supper was served 4 2% A
: ; | ol Ss 7 I the Ladies’ Aid Society of the | 309%7 y home
were far more numerous this vear than heretofore. tati I I The & & famine Ree 511 how Many new 1937 models axe bi
- : T : : SE 3 rch who were assisted by Mrs. | Ta : P;
Neb apes throu » boro “open house” was hes 1917 Ford Sie ~ounty is David Frey of Mit Jovi. : Y won display. iy 0
At several places throughout the boro “open hous a i$ Joy viola Cover. a missionary of Bore! : 1¢ n play

ad 4 vs 2, Robert Baker; response by |
g owen se frosty nights put | : | Your Local Aa Dealer Also Carries I. E. S. Lamps Street
i. Back- Dr. and Mrs. Stover; recitation, |
HALLOWE'EN PRANKS : 17 S " George inl - 3 Nancy Greiner; vocal solo, Miss | West Main i. Mt, now
AlL EE) ANA! = S I i : eit I in CA)
Mat : 2 Evelyn Heiserman; recitation, Phy-{ a _ ———
jo - : ss . Cabin
Along with Hallowe'en came the usual pranxss. I vq - 13 : . iss Daugherty; presentation of gifts | bi
; : L H L oe . : far | ins a
dies were content with throwing corn. and confetti and ring-|c 4 10. F k Good z he Aid Society to Mrs. A. P.| ye
ing door bells } St r and Mrs. Viola Cover. Miss | i very |
id wl Mr © Hess Hers I . rs Jesse Snavely was in charge of the | / letin,
| ry RTT | -
the custom, all visitors being treated to refreshments greatly; ~ teh is ise : gra, Inds, + MEAT
enjoyed by all. 3 the & > Santen I program included: Trumpet | PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY KRALL’S { wilt
3 [pos Rol = MARKET ies at

Those a little older amused themselves displacing dates, : g
door steps, ete. while the grown-ups removed larger andj. + Wost 1 zal Siroet 5 . large congregation attended the . T DIS
more diflicult pieces of personal property. — H I . uy Rally held in the Church | N | NA
Yr. 2) ' “TOMORILI LUB TO HOLD sod. Delegations from Maytown, | x
While performing these pranks some resorted to measures AUTOMOBILE CLUB TO HO ; ; 3 aia ARI
3 ANOTHER ALL-STAR SHOW nbridge, Columbia, Smithville, | A 2G
. f 1 Al ihe 2OW 2 |
very unbecoming to gentlemen. On the curve of the state ; caps own, Mount Joy and Lan- | A DA
tar from th = = ter were present. Miss Eunice |

road leading from here to Mastersonville, not
. i 1S ssful was t 18 . “atlin of Decator, Ill, who will J ?
latter, a large lot of corn fodder was piled across the road | : hropeh ahh A cat,
j vill how and meeting ne 2 : : Friday from New York, for | 4 Le a J fee

while a short distance beyond they placed about a dozen fill-1,, [04 ie © ° vr. _|Evangelistic work among the na- | gentat)
ed steel oil drums all over the road. Fie 5 3 = i of Bengal, India, sooke, Mrs. in the!
Figen fl v Noti
Cover offered prayer. A vo- |




Only careful driving by motorists prevented bad accidents | th I Mee Daal
: boy Vozeihor die solo was sung by Miss Evelyn fi
due to these obstruction, |W I hoki - # ' i | sented
: tv 3 { gram, will be staged this F The | Court
Young men should think of life and property before per- Sy ow : os Mrs. A. P. Stoner a member of ter Co
: GRie SoiScied Bb Mis. | that tl
forming stunts of that sort. November 13. at 8 o'clock 1 . he Church of God, board of edd Ci
s IFicld Hous ating near- - had ed of the service Cathar
» Iv 5.000, is I 3 | (Ziegle
ky TN NLR Toi 2 | veying
00K NOW )() I Ar 1- { 1
LOOK DONT Wall po Ssudeville ne this ounciimanic | Joy I
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure—andonej ~~~ : 5 = Eo . | Porn
thorough inspection of your property may prevent a disas-|ieq A loro tage. lighted by 0 es Affairs For | Dollars
ows A SE CE Ek “5° Month of Oct sn
The cold season will soon envelope much of the end co ihe auduonu 7 nd 10 a A . ceased,
£3 : tog 3 wi c there y 5 S It. J i en tinguis
i States. Furnaces and other heating devices will be taxed tof, 4 (from page 1) it may
their utmost. More lights will be used and will be in opera-| Burt 1 - hours, a total of 7,435,000 for | A
tion for more hours of the dav. Fireplaces will be in service. [tions best I : month. in the]
) 1 ma
T . | tel . fety experts. will be re Chief Myers reported one ty of I
» enter ti winter ason t it checking ch 1 2 Si :
{ 11¢ It season without checking su t 1. B.|iruck out of service for two weeks sylvani
ment 1s to give hostage to fortune. Many a heating 18) is being repainted. Also that the i
has developed an inconspicuous flaw——and fire has resulted. | gineering of the American AUios S H the company answered three calls, Front
‘hi : Association with heaaguar- - Dio: - {one in town & ro 1 sountv ]
Chimnevs ai lwavs a potential source of trouble, as are D ( : ‘ kL gia ln nd two in the county 4
! er B.C, is 4 nd track at|during October.
‘ sil Gy 3 Rh svt rir can : ‘ : re i
flues and fireplaces. An ancient electric cord may have |g, will have a pp Sceretary Dillinger, of the Board oi We
: - : Tt. a ass:
“worked all right iast vear” vet be in condition to cause a}message rest. S. Edward gp 1 local om: f Health, reported one case of Boun
serious fire i G pres of the Club, will c Improv Singer Sewi whocping cough quarantined and a East M
If | J { F P tion}: side e | pusiness meet- i A Hambright. nuisance abated. propert
iT vou we VV 1S¢ O t « advantage o “re CVe On : : - o
yo u OOK advantage ol 4 Fevenlio will precede the vaude-| 3 Pp. Heilig this place, was| Officer Zerphey reported these
Week. which was observed early in October. You listened to le wv. FE hi ldier's Prosecutions during the month: aa
talks, read pamphlets and learned of the more common haz-| The Club announces th ein to J Speeding 4, reckless driving 5, im- You
: . Maple Grove Field House is fully C.K I ett ert h- {proper passing 4, overloaded truck appear
ards. how to search for them, and how to eliminate them. T es v US Man Er yy
j { 1 and heated 1 that the e of 30 head cf Bellaire Arrests were: Vagrancy 1, Son
Apply that knowledge now : ling w ¢ his stock rds (formerly [drink and disorderly conduct 2 and pv
If you aren’t sure that you can properly inspect your prop- C. L. Pierce, auct. [drunken driving 1. tition tc
. 1 . a — Treasurer Ni ry revorte
erty, any insurance agent will be glad 40 help. So will fir sais | Treasurer Nissiey veported those : ] . . pi
ar rs : = eh A STORE SURPLUS VEGETABLES |balances: Boro, $2724.15 Water with a completely new Valve-in-Head Encine— ng ang
2 marshals and fire departments. And there is a wealth ol ; it od . o scribe
x1 | All available vegetables should be $778.73, old bond account $110.00, charge
+ printed material which is obtainable for nothing. : winte Directions for|/new bond account $50.00, Park ac- BL
| wi 1 irections for a 00, Park a
a bu as iving new power, new smoothness, n . :
#* In communities where it is possible, have the inspections ing nperature, {count $17.65. | » NEW 8 9 CW econ Zimmer
made by a fireman or a mem [ the fir rshal’s depart ts] The matter of protecting the . .
< > d e or a icmbper ol the Hire marshal s Pe = : : 5x3 A * sD
3 3 nty [pump during the winter was left in omy—in fact, the only old thing about it is its
t* mént. He'll know what to look for. The locust is the fastest growing n jar- (the hands of the water committee. Se
#¥ So—don’t wait until the snow is on the ground and the|bardwood tree in orthwesie ir ite| Council instructed the Burgess to 13 bilit
3 . I ¢,. | Unit S FP 1 Colle purchase a windshield for Officer rellablil y.
+ temperature is below zero to wonder whether vou are sale ; ?
ar ¢ . Find i; . > is a good ree 10 I 3 ies {Zerphey's motorcycle. FU
rom fire. Find out now —and if repairs are necessary, have} the locust makes good fence posts IMPROVE PASTURES NOW Upon motion council decided to
them done immediately by qualified experts. ind being a legume, i res th Fall is the best time to begin pas- [purchase a plot of ground on west
soil. It gr ture improvement. About one or|Donegal street owned by the Cone-
HOW TO TELL A GOOD LAYER | by layi first one before Teaching type « f = EE ta aa one and one-half tons of lime to the ste ga Transportation as offered by Get
lore cb a fe of brood act hould be applied first. This their representative John E. Schroll, |
g davs. Absence ol bre - Ly oe
ir Bate and rsistence of pro USE EMERGENCY SIL. o followed with about 400|local realtor. Solicitor Coyle will |
ol Ea hat iv op | IDES a [ rsistenc I pro- too : i ; 1 1 3
: The shape of a hen’s body or dire Late-planted cor: h will no f superphosphate an acre|be consulted relative thereto be- RH
; savs the part £ A 1 \ Bef Fos I can b ; p . : :
head, says the Department o rile at the ox a before Frost come an b me before snow flies. {fore the transaction is consumma- |
riculture, bears no relation to her | Se nber at the ell © {preserved in an emergency or tem- ——— et © ted
egg-laying ability. The only early | © hrs. yoan porary When in need of Printing. fany-| 4 eee = Mt
Fidos 3 selecting Givin T ’ - fen Rinne) Eindtic y 1 . |
guides in selecting good laying he To develop goed layers, the ex of fen thing) kindly remember the Bulletin] Four dead and 21 hurt is the
are: ris advise. only f ood yw heavy ; DP ne = aT
are: 2 pel advise, only 1 with a h \ ] I auto toll for this vicinity over the
Earliness of maturity, indicated | laye hould be hatel ofing paper. ! Advertise in The Bulletin. week-end. |