The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 09, 1936, Image 2

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ee [0 Wh: 2. Girls Hurt] 0KD BY MILLIONS)
HAPPENINGS | ils fue ss
—0f —
Published Every Wednesday at Mount Joy, Pa.
JNO. E. SCHROLL, Editor and Publisher

The “hometown” newspaper, be W h A t |
t the smallest weekly, plays an en u O
| important role in the lives of many »
| people in many states. Almost I [it A ruck











Subscription Price $1.50 Per Annum f daily the mail of the Pennsylvania fa
Si. 3 Shim . (
Six Months... os «2 08 Cents Single Copies............3 Cents Sonic at storic C ission re- ee
vith : Sams ey Twa i Scenic and Historic Commission re (Fr age’
Three Months... ....40 Cents Sample FREE (i veals that former Pennsylvanians ki a Page ' fo
. SSS { va ctill is 3 8 iv ativa i R truck in the same direction, hac
The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Star are still in touch with their native 1 flat tire and parked to id o
v 1 1 y : Qt th o \ Ws © ns of | a a arKed 0 one siae |
and News, the Landisville Vigil and the Florin News were merged with | 20 Yours A 00 State through the news columns of of the road to repair it As } | n y e r S 0 n
\ . tot : : . 3 WE “wo mH SPR ne oac » repair it. As he |
the Bulletin. which makes this paper's circulation practically double that |: S teir “hometown” papers. walked to the rear of } ede
+h - en In requesting scenic and histor- | to the rear of his truck to 71
of the average weekly. rtd warn autoists, the Wissler car came ‘
local druggist, | ic map folders and booklets offered |" © 1 “HVS iSS'er car came
= Se == = 1 i ¢ 8 i > for » girls iS 1 elr
for Senator at |by the Commission for free distri- long. He motioned for the girls wi
& to go around tb they were unable
E D 1 T 0 R 1A L m on Tuesday, |bution, quite a number make | © 8° arou § ut they were i able tin
: .. [to swing clear is truck :
/ 17th senatorial {mention that they “read about it|" po clear of his truck and For The
. : <truck 10 icht rear side " ir
Pa in The Mount Joy Bulletin. ruck the right rear side. Their fa
' car continued on about 100 feet and
X I 1 4 { The ssion mailed literature to on vy on about 100 feet and to
it OOK » men seven months to widen the road rom . 5 then turned over,
> i I alysis the | {0 Pe oie in more than 20 states Bebe uffarol So for
Smithville to Truce, on a PWA project. It took less men less Is closed | beea of news items that ap- Bat De q wg Seyele laceras
. : : Ss co i Day fivania periodicals | of the head, arm and leg, and :
time to build that same road. Of course the idle must live Children wie {peared In Pennsylvania, periodicals. | ble internal injuries, ad ‘as |
wd eat as well 1d re | In almost every instance the wri-! Eo ernal injuries, anc was an
bictates. oi [ter advises he or she is planning a | ? condition at the Lan lus
Het 2 2 aster Tener: spit ‘here <he z
: Gettvsb v trip to the native State. All of casie hospital where she .
le rettysburg I oF : . {underwent an emergency operation | i
. . . A : ,.. {them manifest a keen interest in gen peraiion ! fri
Now that nearly all the holidays, hall holidays closing and | w MN Freed, the newly > Thursday night. Anna Mae was |
the Kevstonc. State hursdajy ight. Anna Mae was Sa
\ TR . Y 1 1 nted Democratic postmaster, | oe = mat ] i i
vacations are over, I guess we can settle down to business appointed also admitted to the hospital, suff- Ea
their fo nd winter goods at Bal- | + enh . { NE & foe ves-~ 3a: . . » ai
gain. th fall and winter goods at Ba ook charge of the post office yes > ering severe lacerations of the fore- |
: Eales 0 . jmoore ts woe. terday, succeeding Mr. J. Fred Ten- head, a possible fracture of the | 122
All that remains for a few sections to get back on regular Whitelenther. St Vat. sive Tit a
: ; & ¢ ; ec r, flagman at|gtermacher. skull, and brush burns of the | reg
instead of fast time and we'll be all set for the big presiden- fthe railroac ssing at the depot B. F. Kauffman and Son west end body Ne
| y. oc
tial election in November. € dairymen, installed a clarifier in his Salun oq as Their car was badly wrecked.
SY { place of business. This is the first & EE a ——————————— S
Soy : ! RY or
agen » of it's kind to be installed K 1 1 1 ed S u n | SEVEN-LEAF CLOVER FOUND 4 for
CAN NOW SEE ADVANTAGES hain this town. ® | Four-leaf clovers are pikers com- tir
. : rthwest ol Dew Drop, a grey pacer sold by sared to > hiew oinnt Species. of
When Boro Council considered the sale of our park to the we that! YL is : I i ep Ei i to the Tow giant species of ]
- GC biccted Ti biccti t sow that | pr Ed Ream last fall, took second (From Page 1) clover discovered in the dry reg- i
over cnt, & Tey opie obiecte 'S ) Ww ns C th ittle pics 3 > i i . . . i
overnmen t Tew people objected ese objections were fis fittie pigs. | money in a race at Lebanon. The Myers attempted to pass Stillwag- [ions of the state of Washington. He
: il . + 3 } v “3 VW n or 1 Tillie rink _— : .
finally overcome and the site sold. When the money derived ol Mount { ime was 2211. William H. Strick- | nor's machine which was traveling | This perenn never before listed in
i : 3 : ate eight ay 1 : r Bov starts i 2 1: Tie : 7 he ens 1 1 1
from the sale of the plot was invested in a park plot, it was | a eight [ler and Cons Jay Boy starts in the |i, the same direction. by science, has seven leaflets and He
: : : In diameter | 9.04 pace at Lebanon today. S tors. swine. his vite ss. | blossoms two inches in di vis,
more beneficial to our citizens in one year than it would have in depth] pa ao) . As Myers swung his car to pass, | blossc two inches in diameter. 1
i : Bi : > inches In Henry J. Engle proprietor of the |it sideswiped the Williamson ma- Although 3 commo in
en ii HEV ¢ Te t the Geol c er seum. at! 4 3 Sy y 1 : . *
een In as it were, to the George Danner Museum, at|pnchange Hotel bagged six wood- [chine going west and the impact |that section for years, C. V. Mor-
Fhe present park will stand as a memorial to all who in|Manheim. The glass was made in| hyck, the largest weighing twelve [hy the roadster around where of the Smithsoni ters
. : : oS the Baron »gel glass works andl : : in a ter:
ny way assisted in making 1 possible . ihe Banos Suore Pa worlss and pounds. i crashed against the Stillwagner |i1s the first to report on and
1s over 12 years old. : | Mr. Isaac Breneman, a farmer | car the official stated. the plan A
A number of persons from El- {and trucker of Raph, has a AW three cars were thrown to - * dor
: 1 : isabethtown have applied for a|..mher i b . of alcohol that |} vieht <td J ih ; ronize Hatin :
Reaching the peak of the tourist trade, the rc cepts on the | im ne Fl BL Middl *{cumber in a bottle of alcohol that |ihe right side of the highway a- Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. er
: trolley line from Florin to Middle- |}. i hile it was still grow- net mtd hanbmant and. we
] ‘ : ve } the put in while it was still g {gainst an embankment and were
Columbia bridge shattered all previous records. The toll poe nc
. a i on the vine. The cucumber badly wrecked. the officer report ] Court Proeciam Wer
ollected during sus average 1.5: te mn. has £97 ane = ik o
collected during August was $18,196.35. an average ol $1,551 Pyle, of town, has alas put in on August 26. 1885 and,| Myers was crushed against WHEREAS, the Xion. B A

t, and Hon. O. S

Bood at eats butt-| 3: a eB . 3
caged, that eats butt preserved in alcol is now posts which supported th
a day. That surpasses all records.

ered bread and clover as it's daily years old

as nice of the roadste




With such excellent patronage we can see no good reason IE
l i ghet ‘hen it was first put i | Born at Salung: ig fo:
1 11 ] 1 Ce . 1 \ 9 : | when 1t I | Jorn a alunga 1d Assis Mr
wh) the toll should not be reduced. Local tolks who use the| pn. ptheria has again broken out! wpe American Sich. I Cute a Sect M:
bridge daily pay their 50¢ for a round trip and pay it quite jhere and a strick quarantine is Telcphane Co. have Boon EC ond Mori od 2
bearing the blunt placed on the victims homes to] re tered H tel Milton od hae 2

often. They are actually the ones who are






of the cost. present the spread of the disease. | Grove for the > > past 18 ye sev.
is coca) ‘ y . : A merry straw ride party from| A ix vear hung sus- | sac - iated in the well d < fooy
S lar alo . ar J Torr Steel Eos fein A ytal hia { wa a 1 In th 1 rl
imilar Da at Harrisburg and Clarks Ferry only Joy visited Elizabethtown. od. In ath Irom th BG Myers and . os ot
« charge a nickel. Farmers are busy cutting, spear- between Columbia and wrvived bv his wife 1 3 i 3 t f 19 :
3 tween umbia and rvived by his wife, A ] : ; F TOY Ho)
and housing tobacco. The crop | yyjghtsville and later fell to the | Reese Myers, his parents, and 1€Nn 1€ 11'S O ¥ Cr y M
Is very good. ground 25 feet below. She suffered following brothers S hon
NE re om NR ro £75 kgs . She fol \g 1
YOUR PERSONAL CIGARET TAN IS $18 A YEAR . Feuts of the face and leg but was|Gladys E, S onth \ 111i CS sro!
- You pay $18 a year in taxes if you smoke a pack of cigar- B. Es | .Op therwise u i New York; Thelm V Mu
ets cach day. And how much does your automobile actually ens I : ever
Li aii 7 HE: ; 2 On you hegin ro
cost vou in taxes? You pay between $15 and $25. if not more, N S M A Y’ T+ O Ww N One Week Comme@hcing ; visit
> . NF 3 W Me nday. September 3 ou h Ic cf il le Mr.
in gasoline taxes alone. You probably pay £5 in taxes on e eri es . iF are es et
. . snare. Ww uu ¢ tn ob
vour electric light bills. The average family is compelled to r ; ‘he 1 Sth Ladies Aid Soe Seciety held a Corn noon Try instond ac
: . . . 23.5 . — | oole 1 1 ai
pay. indirectly, in taxes which would buy the family’s food ad Doggie Ross rd Hill yourself first, Bate
or foe vi | AY SrA TY 5 3g rks rae and
wr fourteen weeks. (From Pate hi his | —_ ore OWN YOUR OWN ME AND PAY YOUR RENT TO
rom ag n his 3 7 TIGERTL FE -
here are no tax-exempt citizens. The citizen who wastes | ri Roaring
he i Larg se Barn:
government money decreases his own personal income. This; ym present ind



an LTR EE =




‘t must be accepted: The cost of government falls upon all approximat
. g : . : 11 will Bx i 200 476 cl
of its citizens, either directly or mdirectly, 2 will find that you are
: eac If. This plan is the most way and the
for EW R vou feel that you are getting by t
A "Fs Yes : 3 : nd de
= . - SRT . sing . I C el reg | ador
Listening to the “New spaper of the Air” over the radio. 1 paid $200 cash per | ~~ county of Lancas to be then | . was
1; . : : no- and there to prosecutegagainst them
recently heard a long list of projects that were to be built] 1 you have taken bX : (Contd from Page 1 and there to prosecutegagainst then MOUNT JOY BUILDING LOAN ASSO. com]
: 2h fies Amos Newcomer, H. E. as shall be just. . had
with government money. Millions and millions. and hun-|stock and paid $1.00 per month, TOM SHIRK. Sheriff a % char
ls ch] oh 2 1-2 years you Will have paid of th, Charles Dresher, A. E. | To Finance Your Ho publ
dreds of millions of dollars were involved. The money came ori of one S10 ol cae heiter, H Finkbinger, J. H So HAVE Shareholders Mav Boro ir Sh tric
a . S150 remaining S00 paid you 1 p S May borrow on II' dhares
from the people by the “taxation route.” It was being spent So eur |p. B He isey. John Grosh, Jacol cso os ay ) S
. 5 3 earnings on you : ; an oo Trion sister pide i
largely on “tax-exempt” government enterprises. L ce Frecht, Joh / y 2 Unaer supervision of state Bont licity
- : . . Cr Erb i os the
One could not help contrasting this type of spending with 3 The : er
. y : eries Ha 2 Se Sees nev GG Cavventer V ed fc
the investments and developments made by private citizens [37 Ben 3 35%. Sentoll Pres. Henry ©. Carpenter, v. PRY: aly
3 va rs . | stock FT E. M. Bomberger, Sec. R. Fellenbaum, Treas. alys
in industrial activity—activity which creates new taxable] Henry 2 unde
IN nature is
assets. new wealth, permanent jobs and new opportunities. [six n a Com
h — a
Sooner or later the politicians will have to again encourage An KR A LL’S AT any |
. . av : | h money. should muni
the private individual who produces something that can bel? " a n fo Ww Vie- M ET of el
taxed, or they won't be able to get the revenue to build big-| : sen Ric] uy oh Ten Honey wn iy West Main St., Mt J Wi
lie Shireman, Mr. and | Jacob Hipcher. John Mellinger . :
ger and better tax-exempt, government-owned projects ol S ae 4 angi Jacoh Hipehes, Jo aH > est iviain OL, -Joy | tic cc
: os ; ed Davis, Rev. A. D. Kno- | Cyrus Kraybill, Orville S. Holling- | sali
compete with highly taxed private citizens. At "least it S| n
ide a oh ihe . on
worth thinking over. i. mos Witmer, Charles Drescher, { N AAl/ here
: the ni Ness. I loss. Bday | ~ BR .
| Ness, Ha Ne or shi i That | \L aly WV NJ ‘oN priva
p seph Relieve periodic pains, | port
we 0 PINE SiR . : Cra |
ARE YOU AN “UNCONSCIOUS ARSONIST: { without opiates or quinine SE
: . iv :
Bad ne omes fr : 1 Boar . | rata, Are you bothered with o nag
id news come om the National Board of Fire Under Are. Fo Bs, peg: | the r
Wi I's { it! For quic relie -— without |
The fire loss for the tirst seven months of 1936 is over $20.- | rf 14 He i | sisten
. 4 . ne . 10¢: 12 for 25¢ :
00,000 in excess of the same period in 1933. nie public
* 1 8 _—
It 1s possible that higher property values are to an extent CARFIE OWDERS ( Tie
: hic § : Rn UERY | 3 i S
responsible for the increase. But human carelessness, human : a % NM Ing se
indifference, and human ignorance are an infinitely more 1 ZW. fw rive
11a s § i \ 1 1 \ { i c <
important factor. The American people show what can only - \ { Fie
; - . . \ re eavy
be described as a criminal disregard of the hazards respons- — th at's because she N/T
ible for the fires that destroy hundreds of millions of dollars i :
; a : OO ERN cipal |
worth of property each year and a legion of lives. uses a IWR burde
No other country in the world suffers a lire loss as great as |
this country. In many European countries the person re- ? are pt
sponsible for fire must pay for any damage the blaze does to s noted
his neighbor's property. H . h ] I than «
It would send our fire loss into a tail-spin if our citizens | ere is a way to help calm rates |
adopted the attitude of mind that the European law |! quivering nerves In n
sents. Every citizen should realize that it is a crime against | >¢ : for re
or . . i . | Do vou feel so nervous that you want to oz a=
society-—even though it is not listed in the law books—to Scream; Ate there times wien You are eros 25,387
it {i wo | . Fo 8 Fata i ] J I I ae J Sen you scold those tically
Pe rmift fire hazards to go uncort ecte d and io in K€ the chance S| PI RRA ars on edge, fry LYDIA E. United
that lead to five. And every citizen should likewise under- . FOIE COLORS SEE To oe ay tv b
stand that practical fire prevention requires but little effort | a a il. usth aud Yo face life iy 2
and little money mi Ben Sour worries and cares become too owned
«ti » I" r you a 3 Ww Po
be ah i wer : : ; | ft all . .. take LYDIA E VEG popula
on { be an "unconscious arsonist a term that can be| ETABLE COMPOUND. Many women have given
- . . - had y i
justly applied to anyone who neglects fire hazards on his: Er vs hoose th > yO |
. back 5 si 0
property. or doesn’t trouble to unearth them. Fire preven- PINKHAM S VEGETABLE coMPotan = Whe:
: 3 a . : When 3 h d
fion 1s up to every one of us—and if we all accepl the re- | There is no better wav to boost | V used 15 become Nervous. Sa sine PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY thing) |
: : { Ss n ter y 00st | they depended upon this famous old medicine : |
sponsibility, at least eighty per cent of fires can be elimin- ir busi i Yocal news to pep them up again . . . to help their ND YOU ~ DET
ated a a + + + to Belp give them a cheerful dispositions AND YOUR LOCAL RETAILER |
« . i
