were! ey; O. ce and d Mrs. Sr Bull Sd EE Se rats wns | Great Preparations Are Being Made For 44th Central Manor Campmeeting Aug. 22--30 SS —— — eS Good Mechanics and ® Money Spent in News- Modern Machinery at paper Advertising Is A Your Service. Good Investment. VOL. XXXVI NO. 11 Florin Trust Depositors Will Be Paid In Full IN ADDITION THE STOCKHOLD- ERS WILL BE PAID A SUB- STANTIAL DIVIDEND—REC- ORD FOR THE LIQUIDATION OF ASSETS Depositors of the Florin Trust company, closed in 1932, have been paid 100 cents on the dollar and approximately $80,000 worth of as- sets remain to be liquidated for the benefit of the stockholders, it was announced today. Deposit liabilities of the Florin institution were assumed by the Union National Bank here at the time the former institution closed. The local bank with the assistance of trustees liquidated assets of the Florin bank. The official announcement made Thursday morning is as follows: On July 23, 1932, The Florin Trust Company of Florin, this Co., transferred all its assets to the Union National Mount Joy Bank, of Mount Joy, and closed its doors. (Turn to page five) Cook Book Ready For Distribution FARM WOMEN SOCIETY NO. 4 PUBLISHES ITS SECOND EDI- TION OF GARDEN SPOT RECI- PES—SELLS FOR ONLY 50c. The Bulletin’s jobbing depart- ment just completed and delivered the second edition of a very valu- able bock, “Garden Spot Recipes”, published Farm Women So- ciety No. 4. Abcut five years ago this society and published its first and true recipes. by compiled kook of tried There was quite a demand for the bock and as a result the entire edition was scon exhausted. The members compiled new ad- ditional and many more recipes which include beverages, bread and quick bread, candies, cakesand icings, ccokies, desserts, jams and pies and custards, salads and sandwiches, soups, vegetables a number of miscellaneous The kcok is one of the most com- plete we have ever seen. These books were attractively printed and are now offered for sale by all the members of Farm Wemen Society No. 4, at only fifty cents each. : They can also be purchased in quantity for resale. Any further details or informa- jellies, meats, relishes, dressings, and items. tion will be cheerfully given by Mrs. Lloyd Nolt, near Silver Springs. — er FLORIN LADY INJURED WHEN AUTOS COLLIDED Miss Muriel Jean Nissley, seven- teen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nissley, of Florin, was injured in a collision near Landis Valley a- bout 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. John Aungst, Elizabethtown, dri- ver of the car in which the girl was riding, and Benjamin M. Ben- der, Lancaster R. D. 3, driver of the cther machine, escaped injury. jury. me eet) eee TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Mr. John Shank, Delta Street, who has been quite ill since July, was removed by ambulance to a DISSATISFIED, EAST DONE- GAL RESIDENTS START ANNEXATION PLANS Residents of East Donegal Town- ship, whose children attended the Lincoln School last term, started a movement to have their properties annexed to Marietta borough. The decision followed an an- nouncement by the Township School Board that it would not rescind its action of closing the Lincoln School in West Marietta. Children who attended that school last term are to be sent to Maytown this fall. Recently, a committee presented a 12 point petition to the Board asking that the Lincoln school be kept open. After the School Board announcement members of the committee immediately conferred with a member of the Marietta Borough Council and it is planned to bring the subject officially bhe- fore that body this week. Qn 8 TONS STRAW BURNED Eight tons of straw in the calf barn at the Masonic Homes prop- erty, Elizabethtown was destroyed by fire at 4 p. m. Thursday and some damage was caused to the barn. The origin of the fire is not known. A. Hollinger Named Head Of That Clan OVER THREE HUNDRED AT- TENDED ANNUAL REUNION HELD AT CHIQUES CHURCH, AT MASTERSONVILLE ALL DAY SATURDAY The annual Hollinger reunion was held Saturday at Chiques church, near Mastersonville, with more than 300 members of the family in at- tendance. Henry K. Hollinger, of Philadelphia, formerly of this co., who was one of the speakers, walked eight miles to get to the reunicn after he made a mistake in taking the wrong bus. The following program was giv- en: Devotions, Rev. Abram Hess, Lancaster, R. D. 5; address of wel- (Turn to page two) ARR LETTERS GRANTED Martin P. Sumpman, of Larimer, Westmoreland, Co., executor of Samuel Sumpman, of East Done- Lancaster Hospital at noon Tues- day. Class Met With Mrs. Mease At Mount Gretna Cottage The Sisterhcod Bible Class met the afternoon of August 6th, the cottage of Mrs. Mease in Mount Gretna with 27 members and eight visitors present. The meeting was presided over by the president. The program included a song “Sun of my Soul.” The 21st chapter of St. John was read by Mrs. Roy Zink after which we were lead prayer by Mrs. Joseph Wimer. The minutes of the pre- vicus meeting were called for read and approved. There being no further business the meeting ad- journed. Delightf~] refreshments were served by Mrs. Mease and a rising vote of thanks were given her for same. The following mem- bers present were as follows: Mrs. cn at in Christian Young, Mrs. Anna Hen- gal. drix, Mrs. Charles Derr, Mrs. How- ard Longenecker, Mrs. Fannie Funk, Mrs. Hattie Hoffman, Mrs. William Strickler, Miss Maggie Haines, Mrs. Darvin Pennell, Miss Virginia Greenawalt, Mrs. Charles Latchwocd, Mrs. Earl Myers, Mrs. William Weldon, Mrs. Arthur Zer- phey, Mrs. Walter Greiner, Mrs. Eli Fbersole, Mrs. P. R. Greiner, Mrs. Joseph Witmer, Mrs. John Eberle, Mrs. L. C. Sprecher, Mrs. Roy Zink, Mrs. Harry Ney, Mrs. Aaron Musser, Mrs. O. L. Mease, Mrs. Viola Williams, Mrs. Anna Newcomer, Mrs. Marshall Gember- ling, Mrs. Frank Nolt, Mrs. Paul Alexander, Mrs. Harry Lines, Rev. 0. L. Mease, Mr. William Strickler, Mr. Joseph Moore, Paul Alexander, MOUNT JOY, PENNA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1936 22nd HOLLINGER REUNION WAS HELD LAST SATURDAY The twenty-second annual Holl- inger reunion was held on Satur- day, at Chiques church, near Mas- tersonville. The program rendered fellows: 1 o'clock (standard time)—Devotional, Rev. Abram Hess, Lancaster, R. D. address of welcome, Dale Kreiner, Elizabethtown R. D. 3; secretary's and treasurer's reports; song, con- gregation; children’s songs; talk with children, Willis Killheffer, E. was as song service J; Petersburg; selections, Chiques Male Quartet; select reading, “Philip Decne, the Flagman,” Miss Elva F. Eshleman, Kinzer; Fast Petersburg Quartet; 15-min- ute talk, Rev. David Gibble, Man- heim R. D. 4; selections, Chiques Quartet; short talks, open to all; song, congregation; benediction. songs, The choristers were Jacob Mar- tin, Gap, and Jacob Kuhl, Man- heim. News of The Day From The Dailies BUSY FOLKS CAN KEEP POST- ED BY GLANCING AT THIS CCLUMN OF CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Thieves seized a $4,900 pay roll at Phila. The Hummelstown Flower Club will hold a flower show Aug. 25. Kepler Lodge Y. W. C. A. camp at Martic Forge, closed last week. The Enterlines held their annual reunion at Elizabethtown on Satur- day. The new Community Middletown, will be exempt school tax. A mother and son were burned to death near Beaver when their auto caught fire. An airplane with eight persons aboard crashed near St. T.ouis, Mo. All were killed. Augustus Smith, Marysville, was bitten in the heel by a copperhead snake. Paul C. McCauley, Highspire, has a number of stalks of cotton in full bloom in his garden. Fire destroyed the plant of the Harrisburg Hide and Rendering Co. The loss is $35,000. The annual convention of the Old Time Fiddlers will be held at Parkesburg Saturday, Aug. 15. One person was killed and thirty were injured on highways in Lan- caster and Chester Counties over the week-end. A pet dog lost in the March 10 flood at Williamsport, was found at York, 100 miles away. He was identified by the license tag. Happenings In the Town Of Florin Jean Kauffman celebrated her 9th birthday on Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Brown celebrated her birthday on Monday. Missionary Society met last even- ing with Mrs. Bertha Kraybill. Miss Fanny Lehigh is spending the week at Hanover with friends. Miss Lizzie Herr visited with Hi- ram Engle’s near Mount Joy on Sunday. Miss Sidney College, of Philadel- phia, spent a few days with J. Y. Kline Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wittel were Sunday guests of friends at Eliza- bethtown. Mr. John Hess met with a painful accident on Monday when he broke his ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogle spent Sunday at Lancaster as the guests of her parents. (Turn to page 4) UN RI C. S. FRANK & BROS. SALE Will be held on Wednesday even- ing Aug. 12, when they will sell 30 head of Tioga County and Central Penna. Cows, also a few stock bulls, shoats, all kinds fruits, merchandise, House, at from aged 4, of I Florin Man Is Freed Of Trespassing rr HAROLD WOLF DECLARED IN- NOCENT BUT HE AND JNO D. EASTON WERE DIRECTED TO PAY THEIR OWN WITNESSES Harold Wolfe, who was brought into driving a truck over post holes when a neighbor wanted to build a fence there, was declared by Judge O. S. Schaeffer but was di- rected to pay the costs of his own witnesses. Wolfe and the prosecutor, John D. Easton, of Florin, appeared at a hearing three weeks ago at which the latter charged Wolfe with tres- pass. Easton was directed to pay his witness costs. The court’s opinion asserted that since Easton leased the premises in to F. F. Doerstler, the landlord cannot alter the premises unless the tenant consents. A new fence is an alteration and not a re- pairing job, the court ruled. Charles Weaver and G. W. Swords, of Florin, testified at the hearing that twice they sought to erect a post Wolfe's truck was park- ed in such a way to prevent them. The court further ruled that cross- ing the Easton land, as Wolfe is al- leged to have done, was not a wil- ful act but that if Wolfe continues to cross against the owner's wishes, his act may be considered “willful and intentional.” BR GREINERS TO MEET for the eight union of the Greiner family were made at the home of Hiram Greiner, Colebrook, by the executive The reunion will be held on August 23 at the cld John homstead, mid- way between Mount Hope and Mas- Florin, court on a charge of innocent question when lans annual re- Thursday committee. Greiner tersonville. tel lilies ee rs Picked From Community Card Basket Dr. mail carrier, is Green Castle, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. town, spent the cottage near Newville. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nissly left tcwn Saturday to spend two weeks vacation at Wildwood, N. J. Miss Carrie Manning and Miss E. Mae Zeller, of town motored to Chautauqua, New York ten days. Mr. J. S. Kuhns, local west ward vacationing at Daniel Derr, of weekend at their for Bookman of Good Sr., Mr. and and Mrs. Chas. York and Mr. Frank were Sunday guests Mrs. Amos Kaylor. “Ben” Dellinger, who is now of Princeton, N. J. but formerly of town, is spending a month at his home on East Main St. Mrs. Arthur Heisey and (Turn to page 6) rr RAY remem. LOCAL “ZIG-ZAGGER” GIVEN SIX MONTHS SENTENCE of three Arthur Charles Glessmyer, 117 Fast Main street, this boro, plead- ed guilty to a charge of drunken driving and jailed months in default of $200 fine and was for six costs. He was nabbed by Sergeant Charles in the early morning of June 19. Charles said he was in- vestigating an accident at King and Mulkerry streets Glassmyer passed, zig-zagging down the street. Charles gave and overtook the defendant at Queen and Orange streets, he testified. A HUNTER IMPROVED The condition of Loy Trostle, fif- teen, of Lawn, who accidently shot himself in the right hand, Saturday, while hunting ground hogs in the fields at Lawn, was reported im- proved. Trostle was treated by Dr. Dorsey Butterbaugh, Elizabethtown. eet CE An audit revealed a shortage of $1,255 in the book department of the when chase Jr., Julia Witmer. etc. Sale at 7 P. M. F orney Clan Met At Long Park Tues. ROY FORNEY MEMBER OF -PRO- GRAM COMMITTEE, WHILE MISS FORNEY WAS ELECTED ASSISTANT SECRETARY The thirteenth annual reunion of the Forney clan was held in Long park on Tuesday afternoon. Paul M. Forney was reelected president. Other named were: First vice president, Charles S. Forney; second vice president, Lewis For- rey; secretary, Mrs. Bertha Groff; assistant Mrs. Roy S. Forney; L. G. Forney. The newly elected program com- mittee comprises the following: Roy €. Forney, L. G. Forriey, Paul Hos- tetter, Norman Forney, Mrs. Ber- tha Groff and Monroe Longeneck- er officers secretary, treasurer, Greetings were extended and (Continued on page 3) A ee ERECTED LIGHTED PILLARS AT BORO PARK ENTRANCE Our boro park on North Mark- et Street is continually being beau- tified. Tuesday, two large stone pillars were erected at the en- trance, one con either side of the walk, leading into the park, off Market Street. Each pillar is topped by a hand- made wrought iron and glass lamp, made by Mr. Robert Hostetter, teacher of Industrial Arts at our local high school. Each lamp stands on a base of four black iron bands and the lamps are four-sided, en- closed in frosted glass. Such a meagre description does not do them justice for they must be seen to be appreciated. Every little bit helps keep up the good work. ed Gl B. & L. MET The regular monthly meeting of the directors off the Mount Joy Building & Loan Association was held last Wednesday evening. Secretary Bomberger reported the monthly receipts were $2,036.65. The Association at this time is mortgages local real estate and any one interested in reducing his or her obligation on the monthly payment plan, should of the directors for decorative so lets seeking on censult details. sete) Greer HARVEST PRAISE SERVICE A Harvest Praise Meeting will be held Saturday afternoon, August 15th, on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. any Wayne Peters, midway between Mount Pleasant and Masterson- ville. PS SUIT STARTED J. S. Garman vs. W. Scott Nissley, appeal by the defendant from the judgment of Alderman David F. Rose given in favor of the plaintiff on July 20, 1936 for $69.22. ssn A Qn MARRIAGE LICENSES John Cooper, of Salunga, and Romaine J. Witmer, of Lancaster. TO THE RESIDENTS OF MT. JOY TOWNSHIP Several weeks ago there was a barn fire on the Clayton Risser farm, near Risser’s Church. Sev- eral people of the township were under the impression that the Mount Joy Fire Company was called and refused to respond. This is not correct. We saw the fire and were waiting for a call but did not receive any. Some one put in a call for the Mount Joy company but the call never got to the fire house. At any time you need any as- sistance from the Mt. Joy Fire Company we will be to glad to come and help you. Just ask for the Mount Joy operator. Tell her you want to report a fire and she will notify the Company. We hope that this will clear the rumor in Mount Joy Township, and hope to be of service to the community. FRIENDSHIP FIRE CO. RAY MYERS, Chief West Chester Teachers’ College. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE FLORIN DEMOCRATS PLAN CARD PARTY Advance ticket party to be sponsored by the Florin Democratic club in the Florin hall sales for a card next Friday evening indicates that the affair will be the the history of the organization, ac- cording to a report submitted by Mrs. Paul Frank, chairlady of the committee in charge, at a meeting of the club held Friday evening. The party has the indorsement of largest in the Federation of Democratic Clubs of Lancaster county. Mrs. Frank announced. Harold M. Gibble, of this city, address the meeting. Paul S. Arndt, the president, pre- sided. The Affairs In General Brietly Told INTERESTING H APP ENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN- TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO HAVE LITTLE TIME TO READ Extensive improvements are being made at the Columbia Hospital. of. Alvin Brightenstein address- ed 35 Elizabethtown Friday. Anne Stewart, Lancaster, had her revoked for violating Rotarians on beer license the law. Roy Enders, aged 10, of Columbia Route 2, was bitten by a copper- head snake. Twelve miles of county trout streams are to be improved at a cost of over $54,000. Mrs. John Fornoff, Ironville, cut her face when she tripped and fell against a table. Mrs. Mary purchased an egg the there that contained three yolks. Mrs. Mary Decker, Lancaster, was fleeced out of her life’s earn- ings $1,135.00 by a gypsy woman. Lancaster, market Cooper, on Rene Vath, 9, of Lititz, met A- dclph Hitler while on a trip to Germany with her mother a few weeks ago. The home of Oliver Haldeman, Manheim R. 2, was entered and ransacked during the family's ab- sence Saturday night. The Rohrer Meadow Farms Dairy was found guilty of selling milk to the Coatesville Hospital below the minimum in Court Friday. Mrs. Grace Eckenrode Musser, 18, of Denver, was badly burned when | Kreider-Greider family was { the Lititz Springs Park last Wed- | she fell while carrying an oil lamp that set fire to her clothing. emma me tl QI mess THE DEPARTMENT STORE'S AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE the Bulletin a large lot full page circulars | for the Mcunt Joy Department ) Store. | This is an August clearance sale | starting Friday morning and last- | ing only eight days. | | | { | Yesterday printed of This store offers exceptional values during the continuance of | this sale. The store is open Friday even- | ings during the sale. Emme od DR. W. L. SHOOP, DENTIST HURT WHILE PLAYING POLO | en { Dr. W. L. Shoop, East Main St. ! dentist, suffered a fractured wrist | when thrown from his horse while ! : . | playing polo at the Elizabethtown raddock Sunday afternoon. Dr. Troy M. Thompson, Eliza- | Lethtown, reduced the fracture. ee Wr FAIRVIEW SCHOOL REUNION is i The thirteenth annual reunion of | former and present pupils, teach- ers and patrons of the Fairview school, Mt. Joy township, will be held on Thursday, August 20. All persons interested are cordially in- vited to attend. An interesting pro- gram will be rendered. A A AQ THE RHOADS REUNION The fourth annual reunion of the Rhecads family was held Sunday on the lawn of the home of B. F.| Rhoads, Quarryville. Mrs. Emma Detweiler, seventy- six, of town, was the oldest wo- man present. i. 3 { ried. Refreshments we From Mt. Joy To Dallas Texas, On His Bicycle Kenneth Leiberher Made Trip In 17 Days He has carried papers for the Har- risburg Telgraph for 12 years. Thus earning expense money for his sum- mer bicycle tours of the United States. “Ken,” at this writing, is pedaling his way home from Dallas, Texas, where he visited the Exposition. Leaving Mount Joy on June 29th, with a few sandwiches, money and a bicycle between him and the ele- ments, Ken cycled to Dallas, Texas, in seventeen days. In our opinion that’s “making knots.” He averaged 100 or more miles a day, in temper- The above photograph is of Ken- neth Leiberher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leiberher, Donegal Street Mt. Joy He will graduate from the our local high school with class of 1937. 14th ANNUAL REUNION OF THE BAUM FAMILY The fourteenth annual reunion of the Baum family will be held on Laber Day, Sept. 7th, at Elizabeth- town College. The presented: fcllowing program will be Music, Frank Seifert Family; Song Leader, Sam Myers, America; Invocation, Rev. Earl Bru- baker; Address of Welcome, Rev. Thomas Patrick; Response, the President; Reading, June McIntyre; Address, Edwin Baum Long; Song, | of Histor- Business; Seifert family; Report ian, Mrs. L. of Prizes; Brubaker. Gertrude, awarding Jenediction, g Rev. Earl a The Greider Family Met Wednesday HELD THEIR TENTH ANNUAL REUNION AT LITITZ SPRINGS PARK—250 MEMBERS WERE IN ATTENDANCE The tenth annual reunion of the | session The called to order by the president, A. nesday. morning was R. Kreider, Lancaster, R. D. devotional service was in charge lev. Henry K. Kreider, of belltown as Moderator with Dan held in | atures varying from normal to 110 the shade, took the mountains as they came, saw the sights as he came upon them and in his own words “kept everything un- der control. (Turn to page 2) Mortuary Record For Past Week MANY OF OUR BEST KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THAT GREAT BEYOND WITH- IN THE PAST WEEK degrees in Samuel Warner Carman, 78, died at Washingtonboro. | Mrs. Mary Johannah Dout, | died at Columbia Saturday. 7 Miss Ellie Curran, 81, a native of Marietta, died at Atlantic City. Leo Rettew, 40, of Marietta, died Columbia Hospital from | |at the [lockjaw. John Henry Caswell, 72, a retired ! Carpenter and bricklayer, died at | Columbia. | Clayton K. High, | Lancaster County, was killed when [ he fell off a scaffold at Reading. | Lemon E. Miller, 85, retired cash- bank, {ier of the | died while cab of a 45, a native of Lincoln National riding in the | truck. REV. S. HOWARD HECKLER Rev. S. Howard Heckler, pastor of | the Evangelical Congregational | . church at Mount Joy since May, ‘he | died of complications at his home at (Turn to page 6) ! rl BORO COUNCIL DEDICATED iel Kreider, Lancaster, R. D. 3, NEW PAVILION FRIDAY acting as song leader. Rev. Adam | ———— Wengrit Jonestown, offered prayer | 1: lay evening the mem- and Alfred Crider, Reading, and |Lers ro Council and Burgess Rev. R. C. Miller, Jonestown R. D.|accor by their , ded- 1, accompanied by Miss Martha | jcate pavilion at Cove Wengert sang a duet. Park. Wilmer A. Kreider, Sharon Hill,| The pavilion, just recently com- econd vice president, presided leted, contains tables and ben- ( rn to page J) ches and will accomodate about _——--——— eventy people Two were killed and 13 wed | Supper d when a Greyhound bus skidd jo w the road near Huntingdon S Lawn Shou Myr. “= Day id of their daughter , Mr. and Mrs. who recently mar- h SY nome on Lawrence Witmer, were the sts and many useful were received happy couple. Those present were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Witmer, Mrs. Mabel Witmer and daughter Ruth and Mpyrth, Richard Rights, Andrew Meads, Robert Coble, Chas Metzler, Elizabeth Metzler, Mrs. | Themas Bretz, Mrs. Mary Nutt and daughter Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Brandt and sons Bobby ang James Jacob Weidman, all of E'- town, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Land- vator of Rheems, Mr. Howard Kay- & Mrs er Tendered . L. Witmer Harry Wal- Walters, I) , Mrs. Ella Mrs. Amos Hess, George Albright, Mr. Geib, Frances ryn Paules, Mr. and 1 Bates, Mr. and Mrs. I 3 Kaylor, Matilda Meyers, | Dorothy Kaylor, Mrs. Mildred My- | ers, Mrs. Harry Brown, Mrs. David ryl H and and Mrs. { Mumper, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin {Kramer and daughter Margaret, | Mrs. Amos Kaylor, Florence Kay- lor, Doris Kaylor, Lillian Good, | Mildred Way, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Hazel Kaylor, Esther Kaylor, Almeda Kaylor, Paul Hostetter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kaylor, all of town. Everyone present had a pleasant evening playing games. Brant, | Kaylor, Cletus | ter