The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 29, 1936, Image 4

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| : : ; 3
1 ~ . v | \ NO. 28 lee along line of said church pro- | the house He on the Bast ite SH side gi South Beaver Street M1 foet ¥ e
S Th i O° d | HERIFF SALES All that certain lot situate on the |perty, William Edwards and Wes- | South Ann Street, one-half the |6 inches, more or less, including the
Da as o treets of Paris ronge | North side of Howard Avenue |ley Book, North twenty four and | width of said two feet and four in- | half of a three feet wide common
| — of — (formerly Middle Street), in the one-half degrees West, eighty and | ches wide alley being on these pre- | alley lying at the South of these
{ | City of Lancaster, having thereon |Six tenths perches to a post, thence | mises and the other half on the | premises, and extending in depth of IN
Tried and True R AL ESTATE | erected two one and one-half story | by land of Wesley Book, North | lot adjoining on the south. that width westwardly eighty-three
[ * | brick dwelling houses, Nos. 58 and | seventy five and one half degrees| And together with the right to | (83) feet, more or less, to property
During th dvs] To be held 60 Howard Avenue, bounded and |East, one hundred and forty-two and | yse, in common with others hay- | now or late of Caroline Wiker.
uring the cooler summer days, described as follows, to wit: one-half perches to a post thence by | ing a similar right, the fourteen | Seized and taken in execution as J (
one’s mind naturally turns toward | FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1936. Containing in front on the North !land of Jacob Lindecamp, South | feet wide common alley in the rear | the property of Jon. and
the use of different breads. And | At 1:0Q o'clock P. M. (S. T) side of Howard Avenue, 32 feet | fourtee n on ope hat ge East, of these premises. Cee ih Tichice i
under this heading, what could be | and 4 inches, and Tending Jn | 107 y Se 2nd hive tris Pere oe (Seized and taken in execution | 0 oor RE adil. rithm gr DI ia { NEWS]
better t ings? Here is a| By virtue &f several writs of Fieri [depth of that width Northwest- te Of (oad rr ye oor | as the property of Margaret J. Ur- | & CHUR
d 1 E
an dumplings? Here is a| B) i q ari Facias issued out | wardly, 101 feet and 6 inches. ate of George Garner, South sixty | ban, widow) NO. 42 3
dumpling recipe that will blend | Fagias $nd LN Saclay ess 9 hr Bounded on the Northwest by |nine and one half degrees West, | Pam : | THE
> C as, Lan- a iB ” ag nai -
very nicely with any of your left- De 2. and to me di- |property now or late of Jeremiah Se¥onty 55 Rive tenths Perches yo (No. 38) | All that certain lot OF Janis with ; COMN
ro wih. chia j Sed 1 veh la tr sale _| Campbell; on the Northeast by [a Stone; thence by same South hity I [a two story stucco dwelling house i
over meat stock. | rected, I will expyse to sale yuh Pr now or late of Davis] three and one half degrees West,| All that certain Jot of land sit- fereon won situated In tht
oe lic vendue or RR It Cart Room Kitch: on the Southeast by said | Sixty two and three tenths perch- | uate at the Southeast corner of | io" tar il Township, Lan- i Kray
Huckleberry Pudding | No. WM Bi 1 wi, i foll noe | Howard Avenue, and on the es to the place of beginning. | South West End Avenue and Sixth | A County. known as Gleti- I 9:00 S
1 cup sugar : oy ag oy otc Re Oo W | Southwest by property now or late | Containing fifty acres, more or | Street in Township, hav- | - sl TIL»
DB [ Ing described real estate, 10 wit: ot Georde So : 5: [i her rected a two and one- | Hoore.
g of George Solomon. ess : | Ing thereon erecte two an ne- | ‘ls ,
2 cup butter = Soi; cel and taken in executio The improvements thereon are a | haif story brick dwelling house and| Containing in front on the West Mt.
i . : No. 25 (Seized and taken In Xecution | | i Vos - . Circle 25.02
Ye cup thick mi : + las the proverty of Mver Jacobs [two and one-half story rame | store, known as No. outh West | © - a 00 S
thick Ik { 11 that certe lot of \er d sit- | 2s the property of Myer Jacobs.) IR and half stor) 1 | st k No. 601 South West | ide of Glen Moore ircle 9:00 S
3 egas All tha oo? BIN £0 oun Hy | dwelling house, frame bank barn {End Avenue. [feet in an arc having a radius of 730 I
ites oon. soda Jae on fe San Hien 3 VO Se NO. 29 {and chicken house. Beginning at a point at the South | 1059.81 feet and extending in depth :
2as 8 | p Clty ¢ county or Lancaster, : i { {rad : ae inn + 3 PQ . 7 " i %
Trt P wa mi PS I un is whereon | All that certain lot situate on the | Seized and taken in execution as | east corner of South West End Ave. Westward between parallel lines to
: Ph |: rected 2 brick. dwell- | Northwest side of Green Street, be- | property of George Garner and | and Sixth St; thence eastwardly a- | lot No. 11, section No. 2. The Fir
3 cups flour I Rs NS 627 on said. Olive | tween South Christian and Straw- Anna M. Garner, his wife, mortga- | long the South side of Sixth St. 111 | width of said lot in the rear being Rev. C
Bake slowly 1 hour in a funnel | giyeet bounded and described as| berry Streets, in the City of Lon gors and real owners. | feet fos Fourie feo ida, com- | 25 feet. The South line of this lot Chure
: Fe caster, having thereon erected a i mon alley; thence Southwardly a- tends through the middle of a ee
ps ing in front on the East [two-story brick dwelling house No. NO. 34 | long West side of said alley 13 feet, | on Potion oA constructed be- ¥ superint
Sour Cream Cake | side of sai ive street 14 fee [326 Green Street, bounded and de-| All of three tracts or parcels of |3 1-2 inches; thence Westwardly a- | e » house ere he lot
side of said Olive street 14 feet anc ; 2 3 oli 2" | tween the house erected on the lot §
| ext ing i f that wi ribed as follows: situate in ono, 'ownship, | e- | : as i
1 1b. flour I a ib d as follows: | land situat Conoy hip. | long land now or late of John Kie | adjoining on the South. Mout
1 1b. granulated sugar | Eastwardly 56 feet, which depth in. | Containing in front on the | Lancaster County, in the State of | ffer, 112 feet 9 1-2 inches to the The South line extends in depth Rev. R
1, 1b. butter | cludes the 2% {eet wide alley in the | Northwest side of Green Street, 19 | Pennsylvania containing in the ag- east side of South West End Ave; | 3 1 ‘tl N . h lin on 3 ev.
fee ay Irony. * feet 9 inches, more or less, and ex- | gregate seventy nine (79) acres and | thence Northwardly along the East | 128.3 feet, Ya oh. Tine extents i 9:30 S
1 cup sour cream | “Bounded on the north by a 4 feet [tending in depth of that width | one hundred and forty-nine and | side of South West End Ave., 21 ft.|in depth 127.3 fect, and being lot 10:30 1
6 eggs | wide alley, on the east by property Northwestwardly, 100 feet to pro- | seven tenths (149.7) perches, more | 7} inches to the place of beginning. | No. €2 on section No. 2 on the Pastor
1 teaspoon cream tartar | now or fate of Morris Shoemaker, | Perty now or late of Philip Haun. | or less, described as follows: (Seized and taken in execution as| plan of Glen-Moore, =
1% teaspoo da (in 2 table- on the south by property now or| Bounded on the Northwest by | Tract 1—Beginning at a Spanish | the property of C. Edwin Schulz| Seized and taken in execution as
= Spoon soda ‘(Mn Be | late of Milton M. Krause and on the | Property now or late of Philip] oak tree; thence by land of Daniel | and Josephine R. Schulz. his wife.) | the property of Herbert M. Booth Saku
poons hot water) | west by said Olive Street. Haun: on the Northest Wy pro- | Ebersole, N. 67 1-4 deg. E. 62 per. NO. 39 | and Anna Booth. Rev. R
Bake 1% hours in a funnel pan. | The son wmdary B neces | perty now or late of Samuel Page; | to a white oak and 8S. 38 deg. E x: OF i .
2 . he south boundary line passes | Pert] 2 > | eg. E.| :
- | through the middle of a |brick di-|o" J Southeast by i 2s ger, 34 stone and N. 8 13 All that certain lot of ground | NO, 43 a :
bias elon. wi tween premises hevein | and on the Southwest by property | deg. E. 785 per. to a stone and N. | situated on the Northwest side of | : : Ti )
Fried Clams In Batter | vision wall between premises hevein | an ORY Charles El | 17 : | All that certain lot situated on
| described and premises adjoining or late of Charles A. Elsen. | 1-4 deg. W. 26.6 per. to a stone; | Race Avenue (formerly Race St.) | os Charle
1 cup flour I on the south. I The Southwest boundary line | thence by land of John Good N. [in the City of Lancaster, having the West fe o South Lime St.,
1 teaspoon salt and pepper Seized and taken in execution as |Passes through the middle of a nine | 73 3-4 deg. W. 33 per. to a stone | thereon erected a two and one-half | having brocted thereon a
2.3 cup mille { property of Ethel L. Lefever, mort- inch brick party wall to be used in | and N. 62 3-4 deg. W. 17.7 per. to a | story stone dwelling house, No. 526 | story brick dwelling house known Done
; > ul | gagor with notice to Charles R. Wa- | common with the owners and oc- stone North 9 3-4 deg. E. 45.1 per, | Race Avenue, and other improve-|as No. 768 South Lime Street. Rev. C.
A 2 cegs well beaten | ters Guardian ad litem, of Raymond | cupiers of the premises adjoining | to a stump and N. 12 1-2 deg. W.| ments. | Beginning at a point, the North- Churel
I pint drained clams. |C. Lefever, minor child of said Eth- [on the Southwest, in i S00 per. to a Spanish oak tree; | Beginning at a point in the Nor- | west corner of Scuth Lime and a int
BOAT CENTER OF FAIR FUN SPOT.—An exact reproduction of the Prepare the fritter batter by el L. Lefever, deceased real owner with oye Sad rh ngs ind of Petey Ebersole, | thwest side of Race Avenue, at the | Susquehanna Streets, thence ex- Sap >
liner Normandie forms the front center of “The Streets of Paris,” gay ombining the 1 . | and terre tenant. «ith, 1319, and recorded in the he- | Jr, 5. bo deg. W. 378 per. to a post | Southeast corner of property now | tending Westwardly along the N. Mernii
fun spot of the $25,000,000 Texas Centennial Exposition which opened °h ining the flour, salt, pepper, corder of Deeds Office in and for | and N. 35 1-4 deg. W. 8 per. to a lor late of W. Heyward Smith, | side of Susquehanna Street 124 feet 10:00
in Dailas June 6. Flanking the ship is a French Village forming an | Milk and eggs. Then dip the clams | No. 26 said Lancasier Couny, Deed | post; thence S. 74 3-4 deg. W. 749 | thence extending Northeastwardly | 4 inches to the Northeast corner Te
open-air court of concessions, . which have been cleansed and | All that certain lotof ground with Book N, Volume 22, Page 416. =~ | per. to a post; thence by land of | along the Northwest side of Race | of Susquehanna : 1 R Ss d Sts.; ;
dried, into the batt Frv in deep | the three story brick dwelling house (Seized and taken in Andrew K. Stoner and others, S.| Avenue, a distance of 36 ft. 9 in 1 Ss gi hos on 5 Tri
ried, atter. Fry in deep | DY wo. | as the property of Myer Jacobs) |2 1-4 deg. E. 81.9 per. to the place | i igh tos . + | thence extending Northwestwardly .
re + land two story back building there- |¢ e property | a per. ‘he place | more or less, to a point, at the. > ih Cast ites Rev. €
N > IMPROVING ON SHAKESPEARE oh to 375 degrees until on erected situate on the Hast side NO. 30 | Sa v2 ores ohm Southwest corner of property now | foe i oho as on Bible |
y golden brown and done, and drain | of North Lime Street, between Ice ee ; . acres of land. lor late of Charles M. Green: thence | Street, a distance o > :
inet -One on ghiotbont 5 ith | Avenue and East Liberty in| All that certain lot or piece of | Tract 2—Beginning at a stone | Northwestwardly ee 14 inches to a point a corner of Mornis
The countries of the Old World | cx Colon paper. Beason WAM lithe city of Lancaster, county of | land situated on the North side of | thence by land of J. E. Good along | said premises and thru the middle Property now or late of Alonzo Vesper
have a selt and pepper and serve. This | Lancaster and state of Pennsylvan- | East King Street, between North |a public road N. 81 1-2 deg. E. 45| ofa 9 in. party, partition wall, be- | Bowers et ux.; thence extending
en O e have the advantage of us because | serves six persons. | ia, being No. 929 North Lime street. Christian and North Duke Streets, per. to a stone; N. 17 1-2 deg. W. | tween the building erected on these | Northeastwardly along same 49 feet kor
they have so many things that are | Containing in front on the East|in the City of Lancaster aforesaid, | 8.5 per. to a stone; N. 85 1-2 deg. | premises and the building erected | 5} inches to a point; thence ex- 1
Shore Thur very old. We have very fewthings| Here is a light meal in itself in |side of North Lime street, 15 feet | having Hens srested 3 to | vba Bes iy Stee N. 2 33 en the premises adjoining the same | tending Fastwardly in a line par- Ch
hat a Eh tle bg . re , |and 9 inches and extending in depth | story an basemer : Store | deg. W. 6 per. to a stone; N. 5% | the Northeast, a distance of 1 alle hae Wir here
e that are very old. We can lick | the way of dumpings. Try it. It’s] of that width Eastward 91 feet, | building, Nos. 25 and 27 Rast King | deg. W. 37.4 per. to Jacob R. Eber- | ot a a Ii i Sine foe of aie) i> Street along Pa :
(the world when it comes to old | delicious! | more or less to the Eastern hound- | Street aforesaid, and other im- | sole land, thence by lands of Jacob | twenty feet wide common alley: | ploy now a en od ome :
: | . : Oc rant od a role | . . | enzo Bowers et ux. 19 fe i disville
Fr trees and big trees—but at that Potato Dumplings | ary line of an 8 feet wide common | provements, and bounded and de | B. Ebersole, 8. 17 1-4 deg. E. 266 thence extending Southwestwardly | OC elf ux, eat 7 3-3 disville
(From page 1) point we have t it ‘bragaing 15 iy | alley running along the rear of the | scribed as follows, to wit: | per. to the place of beginning. | along the center line of said common | hes to a point; thence extending 9:30 Star
gons, ‘Miss ' Goldie Shetter. Miss Poi ave to aul 0 Potatoes (large, raw, grated) | herein conveyed premises. Beginning at a point in the North | Tract 3—Beginning at a stone in| alley, a distance of 38 feet 9 inches, | Southwardly in a line parallel to
Avia Haul Mr. Jacol Shy Of course, all those old things in 3 slices bread (diced and brown- | The Northern and Southern |side of East King Street, the Sou- | the middle of a public road; thence | yore oF less, fo a point at the | Scuth Lime Street 30 feet 6 inches Aaah
pa a ER rer a ORENK, the Old World belong to us just |ed) | boundary lines of the herein con- |theast corner of property of the by nd of Jacob Ebersole N. 35% | Northeast corner of premises now |t0 a peint 16 feet North of the Florin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoffmaster, .. 1. theo = | veyed premises extending through | Lancaster County National Bank; | deg. W. 40.52 per. to a white oak |, [ate of W. He ward Smith; | North side of Susquehanna 'St.: Re
daucht 1 M F Rel much as they do to the people salt p> he £ 9 inch brick thence extending Northwardly a- | tree; thence by same S. 70 1-4 deg I 4 Sy Th | d 2
aughter and son, ¥s. Ray Kel- __.... 0 ; the middle of a § inch brick par- ence extenamg J Iwe Y . | 3 ce 8 Le 8: | thenc tending ast r | thence extending Fastwardlvy : Sunda
Se) i ord. an > 4 over there, But those people pepper | titi all li wcted betwee 3 the | long the said premises and at right| W. 16 per. to a stake; thence by | 2 non Ine Boi gasiwardly) is Yes £ 3 me Fa 0 ardly along ne 3)
ler, Miss Francis Grissinger. Mi : 2 tition .wall constructed between the k : [along said premises, a distance of | premises No. 766 South I.ime St Mor
d M . Eli S 1 . M x Ar ; ever think of that, They think! 8. slicer bacon (diced, small) | dwelling house erected on the here- | angles with the North side of ia land of Jonas Landis S. 37 1-2 deg. | 184 feet to a point in the Northwest | and through the middle of a nine Se
an rs. Eli Smeltzer, Mrs. Amy ; on | 3 : . i ee Nv red : v- [\. 'S6. to 1 Ss TATA. | 2 O SLi 2 3h t iddle a nine Travers
1 SY = : i iy iy they own everything there. Those 2 eggs ki conveyed lot of grogd apd he post 9 gibi En De 3 Signe nw md [side of Race Avenue, the place of | inch brick party partition wall be phi
Pecples, ‘Mr. Daniel Brubaker, Mr. (fn. wa HT : | dwelling houses erected on the lots | two leet, more or less, a t In| dle é ) ad; e In the | peoinning. 5 SI ln ing 7:3
and. Mrs James Sheffer. Mx ld things were made centuriesago,| 1 onion (cut fine) Su nd Ai adjoining on | the South side of East Grant St.,| middle of said public road and a- | T es wh Ah ie ee | tween the building erected on this TE
nes is : fos - » 7 before the colonists started emi- Fry bacon. Brown the bread in | the North and South re spective thence extending Eastwardly along | long same N. 83 deg. E. 12.1 per. ay Fei i i ue in| premises and the building erected Sunda;
de eigle r. and Mrs. Jol : ; : : 5 Ey he he Suh cif of pv ry XE 1 § Ey Fives |e 1 sith others entitle ere- | I idee scart uring no
or on ’ o” She a” i ‘i grating to America. They are the [butter and mix all ingredients, in- | Bounded on ihe oy prope 7 he ou 2 Se of as Gel id Gi 4 $57 per ito the twenty foot No HS | % he Prony ia Bling the She 8.70
agile, 18s aue Mss ooo Pitage : i Form | ty now or late of Anna M. Hensel; | twenty-six leet a ne By TO g 0 acres ar - lev iin the Tear Of this BET on the JIvorih eet to a pamt on St. Mar
Fackler Mrs. Shank. Mrs 0 heritage of the human cluding the bacon grease. Form iy the South by now or | a point, the Northwest corner of | ches, more or less. ley in the rear of this premises; and |} “West side of South Lime St; 2
a GRIST, MIS, = ank, MIS. family—but the people over there [into balls, about twelve. If not { Inte of Northern "Trust Company; on property now or late of M. T. Gar-| On which are erected a 11% story together with and subject to the use | and thence extending So Sth lie Rev. O
thur 3 row eli auer. : : S mpaiy, Or . io : - | rit} mers as) =nc Xie g Southwardly
Arthur a Merlin Haver, ider all these ancient. relics and | Stiff enough to stick together, add |ihe East by said 8 feet wide com- | vin; thence extending Southwardly | frame dwelling house, frame bank | Tho avers and oe along same 18 feet to hs North
arles raybi Robert fille : ins a li . 4 BE { olen. Tast By salds alons » sai -emises, a at | barn : er dings | cupiers the premises adjoining on | <6 Same tne rth- Q
Cig Kray 5 oo uy wonders as side-show sights, which [2 little flour. Have ready a cov- | mon alley; and on the West by said glopg tho § RL ih 5] > OE ae, as the Northeast of the nine inch party | West corner of South Lime and Sunda;
Su J Sig ‘dna Etaieller, visitors have to pay them to see. |€red pan of boiling water (salted Nin Lime Street i Stat the DE a Rr er Ll Breer A i 2 wall between this building and the | Susquehanna Streets, the place of | Morais
thar nfv Funk of J: : = i . | Together w c subject to the | Las gc ’ Salt abo © and | erecte beginni i
Cathurifie Wittle, Mary Funk of As Americans are the easiest dupes with two tablespoons salt). Put In we In comiioh with fie owners | fifty-two feet, more or less, to a | Sadie S$. Ebersole, the latter de- build 14 =, pe begining. : :
Florin. in the world, and as all Europeans dumplings and boil one hour. | and occupiers of the premises im- | point in the North side of East | ceased, mortgagors, and Jacob Le Fo oF = ing and wl , Seized and taken In execution as Prayer
Fats and bottles of “pop” Weré think that all Americ: Pd Keep pan covered. Fle adjoining the herein | King Street; and thence extending | Ebersole, husband of Sadie S. Eb- | wo oS or omnes and the property of George L. Bom. |
fu lor a 8s train and’. a Ao un granted premises on the North and | westwardly along the North side of | ersole, Johnson 0. Ebersole, Jennie | ? this dirgels bcp i
urnished in an endless train and mensely rich, this provides mice her pl ong Wh partition | said East King Street, twenty-six | H. Weaver, Reuben O. Ebersole, | © is proses A Ll NO. 44 |
some of the bathing beauties pickings for the Old Worldites who Butter Balls walls constructed between the | feet and nine inches to the place of | Bertha Wittel, Elizabeth Ebersole, | 4 00 0 erty bi oy jon Bs All that certain lot of ground Rev.
Ercught home a “memo” of the happen to ‘possess all these mar-| 72 cup flour house thereon erected and | beginning. : : | Sarah Shank, Emily Heisey, Anna | 0 William C. Mq lj 2 UHI situated on the East side of Col- { Sunda;
trip which Old Sol helped them... inch salt the dwelling houses erected on| Seized and taken in execution as| Brandt, Jacob R. Ebersole, and Ag- | BI fe SUM {lege Avenue in th» City of Lane | Preach
Hp ae 40 De | Vels. b [os premises adjoining immediate- | property of John J. Bair and B.| nes Weaver, heirs of Sadie S. Eb- | No. 40 easter, upon which is erected : Gr
get. Their name cut cut of ad-| no Instance, Shakesneare’s Noftes enough butter to hold together ly on the North and South, the | Frank Witmer, Mortgagors and Le- | ersole, deceased, and Jacob R. Eb- | en re i eRe torial: ow > 2 C. E. (
hesive tape and placed on their al 5 cath Rl OA a Er 1: ? (About 1 large tablespoonful) same being Nos. 931 and 927 North | vi R. Bair and B. Frank Witmer, |ersole, Reuben 0. Ebersole, Christ | All that certain lot of ground sit- Atlas Toi ai > ox Evenin
less kept the from. Burning | > © i ngland, Roll in very tiny balls and drop | Lime Street. real owners and terre tenants. {D. Wittle and Bertha \C. Wittle | uated on the Southwest corner of Teck Tain with a two-story Drover
= na wi TU ® as badly run down as millions |. aa y Jaks g P | Together with and subject to th | terre tenant. { North Plum and East Ross Streets | ©2¢K building, number 245 College it
the spaces concealed. When the | © homies in this country now are into boiling soup about five OF lorie i A A 5 HY re NO. 31 | [in the City of Lancaster, having Avenue; said lot of ground con- ing 7:30
adhesive was removed the letters | Aft or Bill i 1 iad ji d t fhe six minutes before the soup is | titied thereto of the 8 feet wide] Al that certain lot with a two- (No. 35) | thereon erected a three-story brick | taining in front cn College Avenue,
showed up nice and white while!’ Sz S11 Vion Wend and oul rine ready to be lifted from the fire. | common alley running from Ice brick dwelling house thereon | All that certain two story « brick | store and dwelling building, No. 834 | 19 feet 6 inches and extending in Trinity
emailer of the: lintbs welc way they put his house in first 3 4 ir | Avenue to East Liberty Street along erected, No. 33 East James Str eet, | dwelling and lot, situated 534 on | North Plum Street, and other im- | depth of that width Eastwardly, 117
the FR of the Hin Were | lass shape and now hundreds’ of es. Rathfon says “I usually add | f° land of the herein conveyed ig Norn al North | the West side of South Duke St., | provements. | feet, more or less. 3 RB
burned red. Clever and nice. wd th tof is oe a few drops of water to the dough, | i > sized and | Puke Streets, Lancaster, Pa. | Lancaster, Pa. | Beginning at the S poy arth Line ch teva ev
of Vout “Fork thers before rc the balls, as it a f De In ho Tear yas ang _ Containing in front on the North | Containing in front on said south | ner North are Ross ini Ne of Son a Sunda;
jand pay money it. i ys » | Walter T. Mal witl ice side of East James Street 18 feet, puke St, fourteen feet, eleven in- | streets, thence extending South- | the Citv house 1i ar 0
them to sti®k together better | Walter T. Maloney with notice to 2 Lae i Une | : 3 extending outh- | the City house line of the South Mornin
POSTIONS OPEN | Very little of the original house : 2 ks { Walter T. Maloney and Minnie or Jess, and exten ing dl | ches, including the one-half of af wardly along the West side of said | side of ‘West Walnut ey a tag
Coit rnin £ If your family is large, the re- | pajoney, terre tenants and real | depth of that width Northwardly | {wo feet, four inch wide alley, be- | North Plum street a distance of 28 | hn at rest, seat Christi
: 5 | still remains. Of course they've cipe may be doubled or tripled. | owners 128 feet, more or less, to an 8 feet | {ween the premises hereby con- | foet more or less (which distance | present established, and the South Evenin
AT MIDDLETOWN | had to put in new floors, a mod- a [ wide alley. Jig | veyed and the premises immedi- | includes the land between the North | ne of Pi Premises, Tuning Prayer
lern heating system, plumbing, el- | NO. 27 Bounded on the . North by said | ately adjoining on the North, and | wall of the said building and the | through the middle of a brick par- Loa
; lichis and other modern im~ Because clams are in season 8 a shows two covtain Wade or BLY: on the East by property now | extending in depth ninety-nine ft. | South line of East Ross street) to a | 1h common or party wall be- meas 7
nos i 5 i ts a” 1 of cout the the year round and are very nour- pieces of land having thereon er- ol Ie hs Tolls 5 nena, Shue seven inches to property of U. | point ‘the Northeast corner of prop- | tween the dwelling house erected
, He ce | provements. Anc ours : : South by said East James cet, | Gr ans © hs Miah y i Tots i
Livi Servies Blam: Dor je oy In tl : ked - ie ishing they in fecal 2 puss Toles a he wor by property row | Means ia executi as] fos > oe We Re | Se Dy SX Le dua a
ive tcok all the crooked wor o Nc ae houses, with slate roof, small harm | fae Ho) | Seized ¢ aken mm execution as | thence extending Westwardly along | ing house erected on the pr ises tev. Al
Aircraft Mechanics 3ill’'s roof and made it nice and up the Tony Irons. We Lot ied and it te tehacco shed or Jars ga uel Eastern | of Charles R. Bridinger. | the said premises and Bw adjoining on the Sot non ad Af
| whan thet “restored” sth believe you will like the following | partly in the Borough of hE I the (No. 36) | the middie of a 9 inch brick party | Scized and taken in execution as gna
The United States Civil Service| | =" ar 0 ogo original Shakes- | for serving clams in difi- ig ang pargy mo the Ton. dle of a division wall between this| All that certain lot of land, with am Dotwenn Bs Puig] the property of Caroline T. Heiland
Commission announces an open| Be % : erent styles. ship of Strasburg, County Of mises and the premises immedi- | two-story brick dwelling house, | S26 nese premises anc the and Raymond A. Heiland, 10:30
EE . 'peare house is now in the United caster and State of Pennsylvania, tor cio an the Bost | No. 674 St. Joseph St., thereon er- | building erected on the premises | Commun]
competitive examination for the States—having been carried over bounded and described as follows: | 2 (Seied and token in execution | ected, situated on ‘the Southeast | Bext, adjoining the same on the | NO. 45 gn 15 y
Fo Vl ier . OO inning at = stone Re i : J a dist > al : :
following positions: here piecemeal by tourists, who Ulan ‘Chowder Tract No Beni Sion as the property of John B. Bissin- [side thereof, between Laurel and | pel rane of 125 feet toa) All that certain lot of ground tl
Aircraft Painter at $1500 per 5 Iu] here and 1 pt. shelled clams in the Strasburg and Millport Pike, or, | Dorwart Streets, in the City of eo it in line of property now or late | are crivied two two: and
We or ial of R100 cut off little souvenirs here an 1 1d and extending thence by lands now | 8¢% | jo A. L. Kauffman; thence extend- | ro OPS two two an “Way i
year; Aircraft Mechanic at $1620 thers ahd. browsht: thom back cup cold water of Into of Witmer and Elva. dem er. oh _ ling Northwardly along said prem- | storied brick store and 3
: i Oi g : I d a- NO. 32 Containing in front on the Sou- |: | : I oa 1 i
per year; Aircraft Welder at $1620 Still, it's one of the best paying 4 cup diced salt pork. beth Bender, respectively, North 781 Al] that certain lot situate on the | theast side of St. Joseph St, 15 ft.| Ses a distance of 28 feet, more ot vw i pons, Nos. 245 and 247 pound.
per year; Aircraft Engine Mechanic | 1 the World hi 3 small onions sliced degrees and 21 Baer 2 West side of North Plum Street, more or less, and extending in | Los, 2 poi in the South side of | ss os Kine Sereet, and two two and with it:
at $1620 per year; Junior ep 4 cups potatoes, diced fine perches to a post; 3 thence by and | petween Rast Orange and East | depth of that width Southeast | pas os at! thence extending | ng storied brick dwelling eit
hz ic: at $140" pe 2 8 now or late of Martin Lefever, So.| Grant Streets, Lancaster, Pa. hav- | wardly 89 feet 10 inches, more or | along the South side of | houses Nos. 236 and 238 West give it a
Engine Mechanic at $144 ber x poons liour 11 degrees and 57 minutes East, | jo thereon erected a two-story | less, to the middle of a 20 fect wide said East Ross Street a distance of | Grant Street, in the City of Lan- = —
year; Aircraft Engine Mechanic's Firemen To Convene 2 tablespoons butter 14.26 perches to a post; thence by {brick dwelling house known as No. | common alley. [155 fut ods Southwest corner of | caster.
Helper at $1200 per year; and Air- | 2 teaspoons salt fends now or dae of 32 i 40 North Plum Street; 1 The Southwest boundary line | Ott rll 2nd North Plum | Containing in front on the North ERIEM
. * fever an . Avi. Joaas, respec- ~ aininge 3 Jor 11 3 | 2, > ace o Deginnir <3 i :
=F etrician’s Helber at $1200] i Bate . 3 Containing in front on North | passes through the middle of an : ginning. | side of West Kins eet 3 x SON
Elscuicians Helper 0 30200) At Wrightsville PPD fe taste | tively, South 77 degrees and 57 Street 20 feet and extending | eight inch cinder block party wall | Together with and subject to the | more or less a iti Su
pet ;year. 2} cups boiling water minutes West (East), 33.4 perches|;, depth of that width, Westward, | between the premises herein de- | right of the owners and oceupiers of | depth 245 foot ore Ging 4 man's iM
Applications close for Aircraft] Sr 1 qt. scalded milk on, pn a a Sieve 25 feet, more or less, to property | scribed and the premises adjoining | hese premises and the owners gad} Grant Street os. ier a urday e
6} Ab and for the! Wrightsville firemen are busy . > z , | thence by ihe same or late of Annie Gundaker. |on the Southwest { occupiers of ihe premises next ad-| —'% “> RIOR Wao the Sa served
Painter on August 1 snd ior i a ho k Se al a Pour the cold water over the py ‘Trae No. 2, North 42 degrees Boat on the North by pro-| Seized and taken in execution as the same on the South of the | Properly fronts 32 feet 9 inches, eevee :
pther positions on August 17. “The Preparing io We annus and cleanse them, then |and 52 minutes West, 16.56 perches perty now or late of Lewis C. Dyer; | the property of Abraham K. Young. | use of a ten feet wide common glley | more or less. following
| laid over the Western end of these| Seized and taken in execution as Wiles of
to the beginning.
tion of the York County Firemen's|ctrain through fine sieve, reserving f on the East by North Plum Street; | 2 10 S
(No. 37) | premises and dedicated to the joint | the property of H. John Hiemenz by John

applications may be secured at the
Columbia Pest oflice as a quantity
have been received here to be
given the applicants and also in-|
the |
formation = sheets showing
qualifications needed.
Many of our current slang words
are not new at all but may be
traced back many years. Perhaps
they originated in the Old World.
About the only difference is that
the meaning is changed. One ex-
ample is “whoopee,” popular with-
in the past decade ‘and denoting a |
wil- |
liam A. Craigie, joint editor of the
gay time. According to Sir
Oxford English Dictionary, whoo-
pee was used in 18th and 19th
century writing in England as an,
Ee Prev pe mia
be held in
| Association which will
that place on Saturday
land evening, August 15.
| Among other things, there will
| be a monster firemen’s parade in
j the Columbia and other
| Laneaster County Fire Companies
| have been asked to participate, and
{ permis the local
fire units by the Bridge Commis-
sion at its last meeting to move all
H. E. Oakes,

on was granted
apparatus across the
span free of charge.

Wrightsville is general chairman of
the Convention Committee.
ren eR A Arete
North America with about eight
per cent of the world’s population
uses 30 per cert of the total a-
mount of wood consumed in the
{world each year,

the liquor. Separate hard part of
clam and chop very fine. Cook
pork in skillet until golden brown,
tren add sliced onions and con-
tinue cooking until tender.
Remove to kettle large enough,
end add a layer of potatoes, sprink-
le with part of the flour, salt and
pepper, add chopped hard parts of
clams, top with rest of potatoes and
sprinkle with rest of seasoning and
flour. To this add boiling water
and simmer gently until potatoes
are tender, then add milk soft part
of clams, clam liquor and butter.
Heat well and serve with’ crack-
This amount serves eight per-
ce IG een
When in need of Printing. (any- |
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin
| Containing 3 acres and 62 per-
| ches, strict measure.
| Tract No. 2—Beginning at a
| stone and extending thence hy
| land now or late of George Ulrich,
{ North 78 degrees and 26 minutes
| East, 38.6 perches to an iron pin
{in the middle of said turnpike;
| thence by the same and Tract No.
|1 and lands now or late of said E.
- M. Rhoads and Martin Lefever, re-
| spectively, South 42 degrees and 18
| minutes East, 31.45 perches to an
{ iron pin; thence by lands now or
late of John H. Witmer and others,
| South 78 degrees and 12 minutes
| West, 54.59 perches to a stone:
| thence by land now or late of El-
wood D. Kreider, North:11 degrees
| and 42 minutes West, 27.25 perches
| to the beginning.
Containing 7 acres and 145 per-
Seized -and taken in execution as
| property of L. C. Pierce, Mortga-
| gor with notice to Naomi
Harry M. Pierce, Ella Rankin, Anna
| Esbenshade and Edward H. Rankin,
real owners.
Pierce, |

on the South by a seven feet wide |
common alley; and on the West by | 5 ;
property now or late of said Annie | Uate on the East side of South Ann |
Gundaker. | Strect, between Green and Dau- |
Subject to the use, in common |phin Sts, in the City of Lancaster, |
with others entitled thereto, of the | having thereon erected a two-story
seven feet wide common alley ex- | and mansard roof brick dwelling
tending along the South line here-| house known as No. 215 South Ann
of. | Street. {
The North line of this premises| Containing in front on South Ann
ss through the middle of a|Street 16 feet, and extending in
partition wall, which is to be | depth of that width 146 feet to a
used forever as a party wall. | fourteen feet wide common alley. |
(Seized and taken in execution] The North and South lines of
as the property of Jeanie A. Hess |Said lot pass through the middle of
All that certain lot of land sit-

and Charles F. Hess.) | the brick partition walls (which
| are party walls) between the
NO. 33 | dwelling erected on this premises
All that certain tract of land sit- and the dwellings erected respec- |
uate orn the road: leading from: | tively on the North and “South.
corn to Pusey’s ‘Mill, inthe Town- | Together with and subject to!the |
ship of East Drumore, County: of | right to use in ‘common with ithe |
Lancaster and State of Pennsyl- |owners and occupies of the préfes |
vania, bounded and described as|ises adjoining these premises on |
follows, to wit: | the South, the two feet and four |
Beginning at a stone on the inches wide alley located between |
North side of the Unicorn and |these premises and the dwelling on |
Puseyville Road, near a corner of |the south, and extending in depth |
the Baptist Church property, then-'about forty-six feet Eastward from '
use of the said owners and occupies |
of these premises and the owners |
and occupiers of the premises next
adjoining the same on the South. as
a private alley, which alley extends |
from South side of East Ross street |
{to the north side of Rock Street.
And together with and subject to |
the use in common with the own- |
ers and occupiers of the premises |
next adjoining on the South, of the |
said nine inch brick party partition |
wall between the building erected |
on these premises and the building |
erected on the premises adjoining |
on the South. i
Seized and taken in execution as |
the property of Joseph F. Strosser.
i No. 41 ~~ 3
All that certain tract of land situ-
ated on the West side of South Bea-
ver Street in the City of Lancaster,
upon which is rected a two and one-
Bai story brick dwelling house and
other improvements known as No.
358 South Beaver Street.
Containing in front on the West '
and Eugene F. Hiemenz
NO. 46
All that certain lot of land situ-
ated in Manheim Township, Lan-
caster County, being part of tract
known as Glen-Mcore, whereon is
erected a two story stucco dwell-
ing hause,
Lot No. 65, Section No. 2. Con-
taining in front on the West side
ef Glen-Moore Circle, 256 feet in
an - arc. The North line of said
lot extending in depth Westward
147 feet, “the south line ex-
tending in depth Westward, 152.-
75 feet. The rear linc being 25
feet in width, the North line ex-
tends through, the" middle of a
party partition wall constructed be-
tween the house erected on this
{lot and the house erected on the
lot of land immegiitely adjoining
on the North.
Scized and taken in execution as
(Turn to page 5)
Mr. ane
week at
Mr. Fo
heme fre
Mr. ai
visited th
the Blue
Jr, is al
large nu
the 8S. f
brother, !