PAGE TWO THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. WEDNESDAY, JULY 20th, 1938 WEDN: THE MOUNT JOY eres LBL HAPPENINGS td 3 | FOR REAL GOOD Kidneys Must Published Every Wednesday at Mount Joy, She will be ap [ Y | of with Ohis PRINTING Clean Out Acids | | | The only way your body ean clean out Acids and poisonous wastes from your JNO. E., SCHROLL, Editor and Publisher Subscription Price $1.50 Per Annum tr blood is thru 9 million tiny, delicate Ki. TRY ney tubes or filters, but beware of cheap drastic, {irritating drugs. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make vou a Six Months..... serene ..75 Cents Single Copies............ 3 Cents I { O N £3 A G O BY Three Months. .......... 40 Cents Sample Copies.............. FREE { Re... BD p suffer, front Setting. Up Nights, Nervous. he ie ness, Leg Pains, Backache, Circles Under oy, i Gu Eyes, Dizziness, Rheumatic Pains, Acid- ity, Burning, Smurting or Itching, don a — take cliances: Get the Doctor's g YET teed prescription called Cystes AND NOTE T HE DIFFERENCE Tex). Works fast, safe and In 48 hours it must bring new vitality, and is guaranteed to fix you up in one werk or money back on return of empty package. The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Star and News, the Landisville Vigil and the Florin News were merged with 35 Years Ago | 20 Years Ago iC the Bulletin. which makes this paper's circulation practically double that Cystex costs only 9c a day at druggists of the average weekly. ian a om eee. | Harry Stoler sent up a big bal-| Mt. Joy's boy scouts are camp- 1 i L. E. ROBERTS and the guarantee protects you. loon last Saturday evening. | ing on the city’s playground, near : . - : pr er oi EL Electric =. Imagine the joy of having MGTAEY PUBLIC the Gettysburg E D 1 T 0 R 1 A L Fzra Mumma tied his horse to a | Cemetery Hill on freight car at Brandt and Steh- | field. G or ¢ Sled i ! asm man’s Mill. A shifting local freight The turnpike between Florin and ior 1 qs Spe alizing Titles, Licenses the clothes on the line and I, Operatotsudicenses LOSE » the washin all Marietta St. and hy 0 Se E mt. | That » bumped the car to which the Joy is being repaired with . 25 E. Main St . 3s . nt re i 3 1 . ¥ . \ «J ku 1 ol A CAPITAL IDEA hose He causmg oa om k, crushed stone, sprinkled and then done IN LESS Relieve periodic pains, ip upsetting the wagon anc hrowing He se Many, many are those who are soldiering on relief and a h aT : Swing | rolled. THAN HALF SHE | without opiates or quinine 1e horse, injuring it. | "ore Bae w a na; : DERE BFE i Mr. Ralph Eshleman made a neat HE : a BoE 20 Are you bothared with a nog ph eman made a 1 T E T i MV BE it WEES Ext ey i ing, splitting headache? Lose te New Jersey has found a way oul. Those on relief were Schlegelmilech and Welfley, local |. bof lettering uv he ne road i ti turned over to their respective icipalities April 15 and |blacksmiths, donated a twelve foot [gob job On Mio New Teac takes with ingl 7 § | Be aged i er respective municipalities April 15 and |bla ol s, 5 ated a twelvetoot| . ..xjer for the Lancaster, Mt. a singie POURDS OF FAT quiring, bramides or opiotes = > . . > 0. ny x A . oS Mey at . ~ iron ; rod io es 3 i ig Joy, and Elizabethtown turnpike 5 | $m. 4 doies, Sov; 12 for Soe: . — . . steiple of the ethodist hurch. at a saving of $7,500,000. Other states should do likewise. fad | A bear's skull was removed from tub washer. That’ 1 : S70 es 6 A REIELD HEADACHE S$ not only a pos- Feel. 2qll 6 pep and possess the | : POWDERS i FOL i n 1 x in three months the relief load was reduced 25,000 families company. mp . . Joseph Breneman was elected Of course if that were done in Penna. now, it may have a (the limestone quarries at Bain- | pn x : | coach of our new football team. tendency to reduce the Democratic vote but then think of the (bridge. It was fourteen inches |, pr 00 = borrow- leng and twenty-one inches around | : : ong and twenty-or {ed a number cf sheep from a far- orojections. Cavities of large in- | ' Fro} 5 mer and turned them loose in the sibility but an actual re You oan | y gossipers, fact when washing ess fat go light on with a Dexter “Thrif- r, cream and sug- twin” or “Fastwin” more fruit and double tub washer. Witte BF Meare 10: FREE SAMPLE of Garfleg Gafistd Tn Co, Dept. T, , Y. a half teaspoon- 1 Its in a glass of y morning to elimi- rate TIRED, WORN OUT, Verille of Havre de ce, Md., writes: “I took off 20 y clothes fit me fine now.” nioney it would save for the taxpayers. ——— cisors were two inches deep. to mow. the weeds i POLITICS WILL UNDERMINE SOUND Mrs. Harry Greiner, of nest | “Bulletin. wanted to mail C W. hi Ti A. NL Mastersonville found fifteen land | 0 bill ‘heads: toa uts as ing ime In Two hundred FARM COOPERATIVES turtles eating the finest vines in| tomer in Landisville. The package > - . ™ erred i i : rae i + > 1 i i i A permanently successful agricultural cooperative move- [her cucumber patch. Carrying | oioned one pound and the pos- as You PRY ave i twa Complete Washers In one. ati bat bi iT aw OW many rye © away > av she nd | 5 —t TA . a —but blissful da owel ac- ment must be “beyond politics. them away the next day she found | 0" Wo Gxteen cents. However Im tubs ts Sid, Jom washing at the same time. tion when you take your little daily H women are three more. the ‘clerk said if the packege ukewarm suds in the first tub—scalding, hot in the _ | dose of Kruschen. just dragging them- selves around, all second. This is known as the “two successive suds” washing method and will wash the clothes Beautifully tired out with peri- One phe se of the present Administration's farm relief as s i Sir cliel pro- rats in the York county I A catamount in the York county weighed four pounds it would go odic weakness and gram has been encourageme ; Shp “tion” ills opposite Marietta, makes suc gre couragement of the “production” and |hills opposite Marietta, makes such for eight vénts. The management “marketing” farm co-ops. And the newly drawn Republican | terrible noises that campers keep |, op package home, wrapped a clean without the need of either soaking or bling, foie? They should Expos platform affirms support of the farm cooperative plan. 8 Ha to keep the Wild | ree pound brick in with the | d L t U T i Y Ab ut | BOT, Lydia custon The co-ops have carned those endorsements. They are pre pos om os | bill heads and sent it for eight ome 'n an Li 3 Je ou oyt It lets relieve perie to we: PP . sementis. ey are The Rag Time Orchestra of Mar-| | odic pains i blueb relatively young-—but in a brief space of years they have |ietta played some specially fine | wal 0 7 3 comfort. Small size only 25 cents: flower. i Sh et ! Mr. Bollinger, Maytown Hotel ® Mrs. Dorsie Willi Danviil 000 W achieved great things. They have brought (0 the business of [music in town Tuesday. Lian, bought a new Magioh Sik. \ jig by ge poner 0 June arrichiire Dw rode OR nee- | A % » Ss Harrisburg Express was spec | Three Craley children are quar- 25 East Main Street and was terribly nervous. Your Tab- lets helped my periods and built me Whe roducing and selling farm products the scientific, mass- I S 8 14 1 t InAs {ially sfopped at Florin for Ex action theories that are employed by industry. They have Don Cameron” td take | antined for diphtheria. ) ! TELEPHONE 223 \ up.” Try them next month. . EH . jee Samuel Pea, president of the \ a. Nz thing) shown the farmer the way to a prosperous future. jpesge, P. R. R. waited a half-hour be : . fe . : pa an - R. R..walted ¢ Te a No, there can be nothing political or partisan about scien-| Some person, in paying = Col- | ore he could pass over the Col “B I . 9) Ad se i h 7 m ) Cl tific cooperation. It’s simply good economics and good NR x wv Roland, gave him al, pia bridge because of a train. }, DU etn vertising $s the Rey io Success A cial policy piggen guaner. H. F. Hauer is having his mid- | Ne aa all we Eggs were selling at 13 1-2c a | : ; 5 9 Whe 17 “| summer clearance sale, lasting two | \ FOR ree dozen, hockleberries 6 and 7 cents socks House dresses are Call 1 8 quart, | celling for 50c Toweling 5c a | D 3 [FB 7 rt gy + ‘ y > a i ; selimg 0 Qe. ; 2 i a | TOR EATH WALKS THE HIGHWAY A 12-horse power Springfield Alig Th of luce wards | ee Compl The gods of recklessnsss are devouring thousands of lives jE engine Si ia yo {for 5c. Coffee 15c per pound. White | : . : . _. |Stehman, was started and is work- Rober each month on American highways—and there is no limit | cma Was started and is wor Comp : } {skirts 39 and 5%. Middie blouses | {ing perfectly. | sips TN 35¢. | lo their appetite. | A British pickle canner had his > FB. Groff is selling leather bug ! FOR & i a 5 . - 1-5, | «hay: AITO 1S selling a gai un During the recent Fourth of July week-end, close to 500 {pint cans made to hold more than ~~ Fen’ "eno in goo people met accidental deaths—the largest number for that!a pint so as to be on the safe side Watt and: Shands advertivs 4. able. 1 period since 1931. Fireworks were responsible for a smaller j of the law in giving full MeASUTe. | le of suits for $7.50 in the Bul- | number of fatalities than usual--but that greatest destroyer | A man payed te Joa Of advertising Columns. FOR of all, the carelessly operated motor car, chalked up a grisly | erme when Ac wad hanged in the |, Buchanan and Brown advertise | cupied record. And every week-end witnesses similar occurrences, | Dauphin county jail yord Bt took | yen dusters and pongee silk auto | A. Bac ri : : + | hi fteen ¢ a half mi og nt OB | If, in a single disaster such as an earthquake or a fire, as|"™ i il half minutes to i for $1.98 in the same columns. | Eo = many people were to be killed as have been killed in acel- [Senge io oath, | Mr. James Gladfelter erected an | AT | dents in the last month, the world would be aghast. But we | 111 ton monument on the burial | Buildis - . . . . i T 3 . 1 5 elt zor z on, a scem to regard accidents as being inevitable, and look upon SUMMER ILLS MAY grounds of Channing Sweitzer at Letwes | Glen Rock. Apply Avply [SH MT them with equanimity | Jr | : . : § i C | Visit the Garden Theatre in Mt. But the great tragedy is that accidents are not inevitable. ! BE AUSED BY | ge : Nine out of ten are pr i tabl 1 IV Brey ble. C | Jow, where the breezes blow from 1 are preventable and easily preventable. Care- FOOD SPOILAGE the new’ electric. fans. | Q | lessness, recklesness, ignoranse : stupidity ace » Drinci- : ess, recklesness, ignoranse and stupidity are the princi- | Samuel Lindemuth operates a pal causes of accidental injury and death, and surely they | ———— jitney betwean Maytown and Mari- can be cured—through law, through force of public opinion | Those numerous summer ills that etn, : and, perhaps most important of all, through educaton of the [So often “upset” babies and chil- | nr. iown residents have begun « idren, and many adults, too- -while | 4 0 of a hose and engine | individual, rooms, usually blame n the heat—are : : | usually blamed upon the heat—are house in the rear of the band hall, Death walks the highway. He strides through 4 'S, | alke ghway. gh our homes, |; iad saan Ee Vt {frequently caused by spoiled food. ii. ~~ shee erected i He is an unseen visitor at every place of amusement. He i ime is a oe on j Claronce Gite has erecied a \ and apt to put in his apparance in the happiest hours. The deaths | serous because. even though it 0) in Ws Mildleos Gree x . houses that follow accidents can be eliminated almost 100 per A i is not kept he { shop) viclons OU can keep roads dustless for gnonths by applying Priced oe : ams s > i C Sy he- Poe wlhicn sy have’: sire . vs Schro if we will only make a small effort, and learn that a foolish | low 50 degrees F., Avge Birra fh when they hove desire 1 Calcium Chloride to the surface, or by mixing i act that saves a minute or provides a brief, futile thrill can {may develop. Diarrhea, loss of | co Calcium Chloride with resurfacing or \tabilizing mate- CD send us or others into eternity. No graver problem faces the and similar complaints are | rials. The secret lies in the fact that thig “Magic Rain Soro American people than the accident problem-—and its solu-!often due to this cause. IRO N VILLE Maker’ really gives the roadways the appearance and ers. S Lion is entirely up to the people. ] While improperly kept milk is go ah i ie . : very r ! pe oH condition that a good rainfall gives a dry ‘goad. Cal- letin, 1 ee. : : \ the most common cause of hot | Connie Louise and Geraldine {i Chloride figs h t 1 affinity f ist : 1 weather illnesses, it is by no means Hughes of Detroit. Michigan, are cium oride fiakes nave a natural aliinity {or moisture. SOW TRO AE ATE PSNI EN RAE Nt tHe only food “thet “must be cares) acids ato: mead orate | They draw water from air and earth, amounting to Outyej PROFLIGATE GOVERNMEN1 hid visiting with their grand parents, | ’ a g test oi . ; : : ully refrigeratetd. Meats are! - Mie Tavier Wasvoy 1 1 Noi CA Here's a comparison that will give you something to think a ir ay ma Ms Tol Weaver Several times their own weight, and hold the . 11 eon about: in a a nan gals | Miss Joan Kauffman, an employee in the road surface. 4 sowed From the time of President Washing 789 Wort dca: aio oof: ire Hamilton Waich Co, spent h oom, a praise of bre a Nay Boon | 175 i i other Wi Left-overs, too, | her vacation at Atlantic City, N.J. The moisture-absorbing properties make Calcium ial 1 1. 2 shiccessive con-Imust be carefully watched. In| mr snd Mis. C. Esuffman : : : EY gressess appropriated a total of $21,000,000,000. That sum | fact, the only way to know your nd Fornoft va Chloride the ideal dust-layer, because, like rain, ‘it ro . . J J J a phra , were Sit- : . . . . . - ad a paid all the central government's expenses for the 121 years, [food is safe is to be sure that your ing af Berwyn. Pa. over the week. brings clean moisture. This moisture gives binder-soil, cleans: including the cost of a number of wars, such as the Civil {refrigerator temperature is always | ang its binding action—its ability to form sand, clay, silt and lie, co war, 3 of jsiy and Spanish American War Delon ® Sow s Let the Cold-| My. and Mrs. William Norman of | aggregates into a soil mortar. The new type stabilized Pant urimg the last four years, two congresses have appropri- ! Gauge tell you. : Baltimore, Md., are the guests of | an = . il : pd 0 ; ore, bE guests roads, some of them as dense as anc ated about $32,500,000,000- cight billion more than was ap-| If pasteurized milk is not kept My, and Mrs. LeRoy Mellinger. | mixt f ordi 2 il NS Sanaa od Te propriated from the inception of the American government [old the Welch's bacil- | On Wednesday afternoon the ures of ‘sous and prige: hi 3 te + firsts inistrati CF Wile lus and other germs will develop. | Junior department of > Ironvi . : . . t Wie Hh fiesta ion I ae. 3 alten dae i St he J i When you think of road improvement, think of Calcium ol : 2 Ci arly can be blamed lor this prodigality MESO WwW 92S @ 3 : : ha } poy par Lor as IY Lo his cause. or Oak Chloride. By all means improve your roads with a dersier —both Republicans and Democrats have shown a shameful Twin Oaks. Calc Chlorid To p theret: disregard for the people’s money. Nor has the spending] Services at the Ironville UB wom on e-stabilized wearmg course if you can, mediat frend Bech evtifired ta the last , Few: vers «over the New Rangerette church on Sunday as following | for it costs little more than ordinary gravel resurfacing. eloims World War, the government has shown an accelerating ten- Sunde es 2 ft i 2 Wor | If funds are limited, roads may be improved by adding * Top—Surface ment: Spreading calcium chloride for dust settler . 3 ‘ vps 3 shit w VV, . . ‘Ble 1 i tel ~ 1 . . re . 9% aging Carol ors r dency % fatten the budget. Nor can the politicians be blam- bo . M. CE = Ee ts { small quantities of gravel and soil binder with Calcium 3 Prerention: bay Execut ec 0 Dr pe a goon 2 : os . spp | arge at oU A. MM. € . 1m. 4 . a an 3 > Sah sion _ of Fe h ee on sh The official board of tHe Iron- | Chloride. Even where budgets are small, road surfaces Bottom fn aE Sant, 24-weathe: as I people As given theny 3 | | ville UB church held their monthly may be made dustless with surf applicati ; 3 hand with the public's hard-earned dollars. | Er eo YY 3 : 5 ! Yrigce pplication of ry : Today Gi : . . {| meefing on Monday evening, the | Calcium Chloride. i eo roa pla ib Estat oday taxation saps the wealth of the nation to a menacing | | pastor was granted a two weeks | "3 REE of Mon extent. At least 20 per cent of the people's total earnings fd over i 5 Sindive 0) : : : : 3 Pa. de are taken by the tax er rs, and io on i be | i a shed Settle the dust this season. Settle it early. Special Calcium Ch oride Association Lali 3 Le : x-gatherers, : percentage | August 9th a jth. | torn He : Liles : RTr : e h deh greater if 3k wore Sor thetact Hii lor ve wart Gt gd ana ee literature tells how Calcium Chloride is used. Write cas : : its fia greater if it werc not for the fact that a large part of Mrs. Ida Singer was visiting sev- | todd iT he Ti Michigan Alkali Company + + . 60. 42nd St, New York Cit the spending is being charged against the future, in the form {eral days in New York City. being | > oy or T ie iterature you want on dust-proofing or Solvay Sales Corporation. . . , , Philadephia and Pittsburgh | herons of public debt. A thousand industries have discovered the accompanied by her son, Harry of | road stabilization with the “Magic Rain Maker” — The Coluinbia Alkali Corporation Barbies ny ae . oo: me : | iis Tae he x 1 TD O's ois Me Barberton, ° meaning of "profitless prosperity” their output and sales | Lancaster, Pa. Calcium Chloride. | ; : The Dow Chemical Company . Midland, Michi will pr are soaring, but their profits are not, because of the tax bill. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon D. Staley, | hy : Fis a ok Zhan ih Ta Let Ln SHOHEED settlem This all means that employment opportunities are con- { daughter, Ruth, Mrs. Edward Sta- | gsi stantly lessened for men and women——that industrial ex- ley. son, Dennis and Catherine : Tn : Ray De Here’s Shirl » | Lawrenss were. visitihe pelali 2 pansion and spending are stopped —that investors are fright-| Texas ey the new. Lawrence were visiting relatives at Eo B. Fra: 2 . . . 3 >) . wer 1 el 1 -D ened and refuse to place their savings in ventures that would | Rangerette, Officials of the a Hanover, Pa. 1 June ereate new sources of wealth and employment. tion, a $25,000,000 World's Fair = ter of fren Buri io | 5 Taxation is an intensely personal problem —it menaces ev- | °Pening in Dallas June 6, also in- | © istriet, attende the Farm al oa . 2 vited her to attend opening day , Women’s picnic at Elizabethtown on 25 eryone’s source of income, whether that income stems from | ceremonies. job or an investment. We cannot hase real and permanent| ~~ | pr osperity so long as we permit governmen} to dishurse our When iu weed of Printing. amy- Stimulate your business by adver- | : : thing) kindly remember the Bulletin tising in the Bulletin. a i F dollars ith profligate hands: