aa “I can speak Spanish, German, French and Italian, but tongue I can’t master,” an interpetrer. “What's asked a sympathetic friend. there's one complained that?” “My wife’s,” boomed the man of many languages. He's not alone in that difficulty. We've several in the very same trouble. We want to know—if there was such a thing as a drinking bout, would they broadcast a round-by- round description? Several local ladies spent some- time at the seashore. After re- turning home they were discussing their vacation with some friends when the one remarked: “So there was no bathtub at that seaside hotel?” One of the ladies ex- plained: “No, it was a case of sink or swim, so I chose the sink.” L % Which reminds me—the only time a girl won't go to great lengths to _ please a man, is when she buys a swimming suit. Another fellow who's ip a shady FEusiness, is a tree surgeon. A WISE OWL Reporter—Nothing of a rumor. Editor—That’s too’bad. We‘ll have to keep the article down to two columns. BR Podunk—What did Eli Cornpone see when he took that trip to Washington recently? Peewee—Nothing. He spent all his time hunting for the silver dol- lar that George Washington threw across the river. And then he didn’t find it. cree eee Customer—How’s this? You have charged me twice as much as usual for shaving me. Barber—It’s according to the new code. My razor was dull and it took me twice as long as usual to shave you. BASE BALL NEWS Don’t forget the game between the Watch Ten, of Lancaster and the local team, to be played at the Hershey Ball Park on our picnic day, Friday, July 31st. The game will be called at 5:30 P. M. (S. T.) EP L Subseribe for The Bulletin. There is no better way to boost vour business than by local news- reer tet Be Doctor—Your husband is a very Husband—How much did you pay for them eggs? Wife—I had to dozen. Husband—Well, eat eggs when they's as that, Put ’'em down in the an keep ‘em till eggs gets cheaper. tr pay we're too poor to high as She (gushingly)—Will love me when I am old? He—Love you? I shall idolize you. I shall worship the ground under your little feet. I shall-um-er-You you ther are you? A A —— Marie—Are they in love? listens to her telling how her cou- paper advertising. sin’s new dress was made. sick man and he needs a special nurse. Mrs. Gnaggs—Well, .if he has to have a nurse I wish you would send a homely one. Doctor—I would do it if I could— but all the homely ones have ' starved to death during the de- pression. > Mazie—They must be. She listens | to him describe a ball game and he | 30 cents a cellar are not going to look like your mo- | | UT on Boy! How Tt BL BOOSTED Or ee ea yoeeR, Ooser! | I NCW For AN EVENINGS RES FIRST READ | sre APE. eg —— / 70 YOU KNOW ¥ POP, wHAT ITH) THE ANTHER De A 7 »: i» ho -~ wr on NAR / AGEN SIX NY ’ ir THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY. LANCASTER CO., WEDNESDAY, JULY nd, 1936 Se A tron han acid Sa = Sa > semua ip - _ JEL Gre t Pl ~~ I hy 1 wy EY ENT EVER SEEN ANYTHING Si = € retna. na ayers | : N/f 3 i xy Jd" § Qn, a) 4 / WB 4 \ § “a Tittle Behl "1 a 4 1% B ! A.J ¥ % | RJ AJ ce Bob Say, daddy, did 8 & R ate dee de NY ran Ad § AJ you evel clo rying George R. Taylor is making one | } A Fry 4 mY - upside down rough tl i i add p the greatest hits in all his theat- | ? { vical career in this week's produc- | : As A | tion, “The Music Master” in which | Paddy 3: 171) RHEEMS FIREWEOMPANY PRESENT | | ’ Y v INES / 3 CATENIN he plays the title role. This splen- | Bobl Did vou cver e a sea MUSICAL EXTRAVNGANZA, FEATURING did David Belasco opus is being 3 nt? SWANER MM BEY I aS presented every night, excepting it I I ha ! With Black Face Comedy and robatic Dincing Sunday, at the Gretna Theatre, Mt. gb Bobb ¥d ‘vou ever sce a hoop- —ALSO— 1 hooy Gretna, by A. E. Scott's Gretna nake’ Steve Riley and His\ Ban ZENS Players. Playing the role of the Daddy--1 have never actually Featuring Cow-Boys and’ Cow-Girls Presenting Mucic and Songs forlorn girl, who would love to y - en one, althoush I have heard of Ot oF the Far ent learn music, but who cannot afford a it many people who have scen o AT Vv GE it—is Miss Margaret Mansfield, who { them. J £3 La 5 J B36 | » o LY should have orchids sent to her for | Bobby—I should think it would y z thins SHOW STARTS 2 P. M. STANDARD TIME | her outstanding portrayal of this b esome to live to be as old as ! vole . } Se Yi EATS AND AMUSEMENT HOR ALL : ; ou nd never see anything. 1 : a amen —Gate Prizes Will Be Awarded—2¢ The entire story of the play A Artec = Ws 1D og, : y Admission 15¢ Children and Parking FRI A X J 1 S E OW L centers about “The Music Master aga j who comes to this country for the oN two-fold purpose of earning, and cam aa ss “Every year is ieap year for pe- | © find his missing daughter. The destrians. remarked a Florin man girl had disappeared years cmos. after of is walles befcre that with his runaway wife, 's From Now! ¥F A ORT RE SF after ene of his. daily walks to and — Fort 1 4 : This musical Extravaganza will appear at Rhe Saturd i ] ! R 18 Testu Ama r Picture i ANDI Y Li k {| work at the Shoe Factory.” and in an effort to trace them he | pire Company. THING 2 VER ha £38 WV 2254 ho A 3 THINGS TO COME had learned that they came to] . cen : the wv of ‘his: faith — Te —ALSO-— AR ED BF W B&F A 7 A man wondered into a tennis the country of his aith | a ~ RUMBLI TAT NOT NEW Ricardo Cortez in £4 IB 4 & £58 Ka tournament on our local courts, and [and his hope. Don't get the idea B a Se By a 11 E M S —— - “MAN HUNT” eat down on the bench. “Whose from all this, however, that the | f 1 — game?” he asked. A shy young play is all sweetly sad or sadly : Saturday Only! SATURD AY JUI Y 25 Oni! J 5 —————— =P ( t 1 yf ep Bee Tilaes THY Or BE © j LLY a lat) thing sitting next to him looked sentimental—from it. It has en- or ; ; Free Gifts Eor The Ladies! > mS : h } Kk k- | HOF AL COUNTY LEAGUE vical | } ut hold-over Matinee at 2:15 P. 1 up hopefully and. answered: “I[0ugn humor to keep you ¢ uck ia le n d Ney Vax ¢ am. 2 Teh: Th! Sech uolngs ling no end. In fact, it has all at EASILY DEFEATED LITITZ ch 9 > 4d ni Powell in The Mason Amusement Com ar Demand Er attr.butes which go to make up al i on Yo HEARTS DIVIDED” Burm a aR perfect play, which is the reason Our local County League first cic 350 for bok on In a Return Engagemer At breakfast this morning an |for its immortality. half champs easily defeated Lititz |j, y h ) tin snday Bargain 15¢ FAMOUS BR GVA x Fast Main Street wife remarked| Next week, the Players will{8 to 1. The score: i» faa toil te Scores SBF fr £ ond) to her husband: “I want to doldwell in the realm of the pure !Lititz r bh oa e = : Ne Slim and Hank promises ‘to do a ver scial program such as some shopping tcday, dear, at Lan- [comic when they will present that | Eckert, c g 2:2:0 0 a ! YE hundreds st 5 hear : . : Ties gv : 1 Here is group of Unsurpasse ans, icie caster, if the weather is favorable. | great Broadway comedy hit, Whist- | Sturgis, 1b 09 0.0 v 1 Tuesday MLL st oun Lins irs MNgjcians . . " .e } £ carr! e Yo 1551 ns +111 co 4 What does the paper say?” Hubby. |ling in the Dark. Schmiik, 2b .-..:.... 1. 2 1 31 : Be on hand! It may be yours Es 12 years Free 3 ay. oy Sin ; io v f) re king 5 2 years knowing it would cost him plenty, ui Roth, 8b ...... =. 0 2040 90 veo 4 Bl Sylvia Sidney and ALL THE USUAL CARN TIONS lcoked at the paper and read: | LANDISVILLE'S BIG CARNIVAL Hartft, sv 0 0 4.210 5 “Rain, hail, thunder and lightaing.” SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 25|Kreider, cf .......... 00 1.0 0 ‘ ; Sods It's lucky for him that w.fey Sammet. ..........0 0 2.0 0 - SE — 4 pi didn’t look at the weather rcpcrt. By popular demand the Mason Recsenbers, ¢ ........ 0 0400 oN : 5 5p . EH 0 5 0 rn 0 0 GOO Amusement Co. has rebooked that |{Pfautz, rf ........... 006.00 = : A sweet young couple met atthe | stellar attraction Slim and Hank to RUpp, 0... ih 0 0.0 0 0: ) } wT TE : church to be married. She, dressed {play a return engagement on the Smith, p ............ 0 06:0 00 8 id ax, PS Ya all in white bridal attire, looked at Speedway grounds, at Landisville ee iL / a € a EL a? aa & him disappointedly and said: “Why lon Saturday evening, July 25. Totals .......... <1: 6248 1 \ John, what do you mean by com- These two well known enter-|Mt. Joy-Florin rh oo a ¢€ © . 5 33 ing to our wedding in a business tainers appear with the famous |Weidman, If ...... 22:10 3 y suit?” He tcok her by the arm |Royal Ramblers. This is a group !Kraybill, 3b ......... El © 0A Wr r and explained: “Well, I meanlof unsurpassed entertainers com-.|Schroll, cf .......... 3300 8 3 9 Lr {ar len & business.” prising comedians, musicians and |Schneider, ss ........1 1 2 2 0 i 3 singers making their first appear-i{Den, sef ............ 1-1 5.01 g AEE MA RE 2A y ESTRA Thirty days hath Sept, April. |ance in this section. Slim and {Pennel, 2b “0 1 00 4) JEAN IOI, i, TAL >» DANCER June and my uncle for speeding. !Hank promise to do a very spec-|Engle, 1b ........... oO 2-700 1 3 i Deva; A ' NIN." | i ; = PATROL MAD 3 Jane Devers, Adgphatic and Tap Dancing ial program. Bishop, ¢ ........ 20.0 50:0 “ : rs: ¢ "ur ww Par QP I used to sell underthings to} In addition to the above there|Hipple, rf ........... 00500 DIXIE B. LINERS, Gz York Nudist Colonies,” remarked Red |will be the usual carnival attrac-|Grove, p ......... 0 1000 5 er WORK, Station Metzler. Puzzled, a pal asked: |tions. Admission, 15 cents. Park- i a Ki © Yuli lasik ‘ ve “What kind dorthirus?” Rod |i 8 With Snow Ral DlacikhFace Comedian ] at kind of underthings?” Red |ing and children free. atals o.oo 8 1227 5 1 4 As Master of Cero laughed and said: “Cushions.” LITITZ... ......, 000 i 090 —1 8 cme 9 5 i A A a 2 MT. JOY-FLORIN 000 330 20x—38 nother & guy SP ZA 7 Recently, at Elizabethtown, just Outraged Customer ———- Ee Heme i i & PS UND p< 0s \ LE : SEE & #5 4 26 as the big parade was getting un- SOYBEAN FOODS NEXT 1 3 30 a 0 57 ol eh i pr JEAT EC —————— Moe K d derway, hide fellow called to Stamp Clerk—Madam, this letter JENNY Ha i ar 8 BEE ke ! 214i Ban his sister: “Here comes the par- is overweight. Youll have to put Housewives have been hard ARNIS AKIME 5 : z : { © ade. Where's mother? His sister on another stamp. pressed to find substitutes or a te i & Adults, Free answered: “She’s upstairs waving | nrogom Well, of all the mean |something just as those foods with ' il i iil é ALSO BATHING, REF RES S hoi ETC. : her hair} Amazed th boy: said: people! Here I've mailed hundreds |sky-rocketing prices. Members of ng Sow: Gli Sho i 3 LE, i “Goodness, can’t we all flag?” i Sau ly = can afford a fla of letters that were underweight— |experimental cookery classes of - hand : rr Lo f le k If and now you are going to charge [Iowa state college have ce ntered J ots © people gep he wo me because I'm sending one that's their attention on this problem tco. nus ical =H J id ti TT + bv a -ev as 1¢ 11 ‘ from the door’ by being foxy. just a teeny bit over the limit. They say the soybean ma an The SU UNTAINZER y "1 Gartoon Co, N. — 3 And right at our own postoffice too, | appetizing and nutritious dish when other é EE im A hapless hubby from hereabouts —————————— served with tomato sauce. Tests 3 PART absent mindedly remarked: Ore GRASS FOR DINNER of soybean bologna, cheese and A th COME Of <4 seems fo be my unlucky Dried grass dishes are among the |cereals were less successful. Soy- G ym . i Bo did pee His wife asked: “How's that, dear” moan > oes toe sed: for Baking pr reates 1 show of 4 Tin thi FA latest food delicacies developed by|bean flour used for baking pro- np WE LL INES, A CHANCE He explained: “You and I be- GU TE : na] 43: Savy Broditete ADMISSION ren the 1 Wel ZR ” N hos | chemist-dieticians who claim that|duced a heavy product and the Sei l fterno GIVE You 1 Co '‘GEY FTE © v 5 1 And 1oC In even 10 b + » came Op aon Ow hes In aly ung cereal grasses such as oats, | flavor of soybean “coffee” proved alli Eng & lax A CHANCE 4 Pn ward, she’s a good shot. a: bi Nocortholess. the “J {EUMONIA, rye and barley are several hund-|a it strange. evertheless, the | BA GOIN’ All i Tad red times more nutritious than common but little eaten soybean is ALE J He HN y » - « - . . og pRB a Be nee 3 ead a man on. carrots, lettuce, etc. How- (likely to turn out to be an im- ai 1 0 GR RE RA RL offs M 5, ON i A . ila good sirong line ever, they must be cut at exactly |portant food factor in hé\near , ADAM. ———— y | . 1 - MU 2 : Ta the right time as the variation of |future. iE Matinee | PR Gosh, youre lazy,” said a fel- . ; . RETR | Saturd | i = Boy ANYTHING ow al Busty M: = what}? week will reduce the vitamin, urdays | i! cH! ALUIAYS HAD OW Wid = ro sty Matcer, mineral and fat content by 50| Henry Peck—Just my luck! nad SPM | rE ANDY REY THE would you have wone if you had per cent. Friend—What’s the matter now? . RYS | Saturday iE / ST been brought up among people who ew Peck—I promised my wife I'd be 2PM i 6-85-9:30 P. M. | i al on TIMES 3 as i! % os dv Br, 0 : . ———— lived by the sWeat of their brows! Sunday Editor—What did you |home by 10 o clock last night. ee EMADE IT | — ~ TN Mv Sri : roadilv answered: ¥ ' ’ we E Busty smiled and readily answered: find out about that murder? Friend—Couldn’t you make it? my Ne I would have sold them pocket Nothing. Peck—Yes, I did even better, I got W ednesday, July hursdav. July 23rd handizerehiefs. Editor—No facts at all? in just at 9:45 but she was sound | Jean~Hersholt 3 = Reporter—Not a solitary fact. asleep and I failed to get any credit. | a --NO SHOW— £ It's no use talking turkey to a : : { § 3 Editor—No rumors? I might as well have stayed up with ea A tw ts g man who is chicken-hearted. ho ° ap 53 “SINS OF MAN” UNION PICNIC > in the shape |You boys. oR | | mass NEPA WE sta we at 33 Aoi his ext ted lies nat fio 0c wa fin 212 Diu pel. bel | whe cent bar: and Ti tern “Kay whe wor barr ran mul: but buil a he M ran for Rhe: Ni form the Whe men the they corn i ghed 8 akle “dire #ing barn 1,000 buile the ance El the ing Fenr com ing t accid Fo that the f{ in th Ha jes] the tcda; amin out t ation ing . time Ex: the 1 these Th ey b hives and 150.0¢ uzily