HE A RT a. ct TET ch er . Sa ' ' 3 + ¢ PAGE FOUR a a - | 1 wy 21 ea C wile P = PHE MOUN Our Fonz MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, } Hp : wi cr , MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER ( « { 2 % hi s Lud AS 3 ~ | on Grounds SHERIFFS = 0. FA und: RIFF SALES] a WIE | NO. 28 = | = Sg : . I: a ; 33 WE - ———— | All that c "air : | ce along line of sai : EDNESDAY, JULY 22 ‘ — N 1 lot situate ” e of said cl rel 2nd, 1936 : — of | Ne rth side of Toe o on thet perty, William Edward the house line WED : hy ey Middle Sir ard Avenue ley Book : ards and Wes#| So se line on the East side Pes 4 a ~ Ci y Middle Street), i 4 k, North twenty four South Ann Street ide of* side of South B : a E & I A Rr 1 ity of Lancaster having in the one-half degrees West y ony and’ width of said ® el, one-half inche S uth Beaver sfreet 17 feaks 4 i 0 ler ted two Bre ry g thereon] SIX tenths perches st, eighty and| ches wid Se wo feet and four in#* half 25, more or less, imeluding th bric oll and, ong-half story’ by land of ches to a post, th | ches wide alley bein alf of a three feet Wi ling the To be held rick dwelling housds story’ | bY and of Wesl st, thence | mises and g on these all i e feet wide} com aE AO OME 58 and’ seve esley Book , ses and the ot alley lying at the . FRIDAY at jo vard Ayenue, | h oF 8 and'| seventy five and gone hal ok, North'| lot adjoining hor half on the i g of the Soutl / of these 4 iy DA , AUGT ST 14. 1936 descr be nded and] st, one hundged half degrees And tow i qn the south. | that ises, ar extending h of At 1:00 o'clock P. M. (S. TV) : Sealy 0 Ay = li perchdb tc ato and | use, in oe jo he right tor (83) width regtwardly Tg three Vi Te ic ; re Nort and of Jae st thence b ing a. simi with others he ft, mop or less Rr ot tei By virtue of 1 and > AX nue, 32 feeps fourte a iy 3 If camp, South fost R Fim dr fright, the Wi nos of Jato Caro fro Sitio oy tue of several writs of Fieri tent and extendi rd foriv degrees Eas ge e common ¢ : eized & alka Y I entht Fad s and Levayj Foci 1S in Plots P 101 width a 5 ony and five i | of Size Tn alley in the rear] the property Jakes + J oR as inal | . of the Court of C cias issued oul Mg, feet and 6 i gts | to A BX ches’, (Seized ol C: : ohn® Bernhart row Pleas. 1 : and 6 inches I Tate of sfice by land ized and taken i H. Bernt nhart and caster Countyy P eas, d on the No | late of se Ga 0 now or as the pr 3 in execution” x . Bernhart, with ic demc tyy PA. : ss rner k roper to arles notice rected, I will ge 1 me di-] EP. ow or late Opps hj nine iP on South sixty) ban, Plopeiy of Margaret J. Ute Bb Charis 9 Landau and Mar whicl 1 - On y sale by pub- Jeremiah | seventy ok grees ost . Landau, terre ten: dr” vendue or in C YI on the Nort] { y and {five t § 4 ) re tenants : in Court Re 1 bes enths perches ot" 5, the | | No EO a Room now or k wast by | @ stone; thence b s perches to ” City 0 £1 i : ry Hon in the oy Sh i of Davig| three Lah South fifty All (No, 32) NO. 42 ~~ carric ity of Lancaster 1 ie Southeast’ by 1S iat a OBS : 3 ode Te be the follow- Je 2 by said] sixty hues degives West; | uate hat peta Yot of land site} all that certain lot of land with of tl ed real estate, to wit: i on thetes to the pk perche| g oe Southe a two story s THD thr ! place pf beginni South W east corner 0 story stucco dw 11 wealt N now or lated Containi egimning outh West End A er of | thereo elling house No. 25 { G 1 ate, Containing hiv 8 Street i venue and Sixth ereon erected, situe 3 T iE ‘ 6 res e Ep é : , situated Th All that certai Seized and taken 3 less. acres, more Or | eet in Lancaster Sahin ortion of Manheim T in that aot oe SC Say und sit= th ned EN in execution, The improve i ing thereon erected hay Pim Ce Manheim Township, Lan- bered 3 Jaren Hise st sid Si property of Myer Jacobs.) | two aa vey guts thereon are a helt story brick %d 3 v0, and ones ounty, known as Glen each ity and county of I rete N =| dwel ne story store, know use ana” al ti and state of Pe NO. 29 | dwelling house Y frame n as No. 601 S 7 Containi { merci bi : : o NNSy x an AN tha | and chic use, frame bank End Avenue outh West “ontaining in fr ere! = erento a whereony| | 431 thal cel ain. lot siti | an chicken housé an barn . nue. j side Eu ront pn the Weg meal Lis} | es iy )-story k Northwest side of 1 situate on the| Seized and bons Beginning at a point it the S § of GieyMoore Cigcle Sa HL er 30. 2 § said | Olive ee South. Chri ies n Street, bed property of faker in as sas of South West End ute feet an apf having ar a 2 Iro { , bounded and described as|” ; h Christian and Straw CMG eorge arner : ixt ._thenc ‘ ve: 9.81 fect xt Bfradius on e Every day is a bu i E SY ts, in the City of a ig Garner, his wit ner ond long the A th pence astwardly a= ith i extending in depth By es . y ¢ - Jonte TR -| gors and reg ' tga 4 e ix es arallel li position in Fe oe at the Great Lakes E aide of ont on the Last = 1a reon erected a real owners. £3 feet to a fdurtden > Sixth St lot No. 11 bps parallel lines to ale w crowds in ane Js Ss « 2. 53 dx Side of mis ) ON alt foot od i: dwelling house No. | NO. 34 nen alley; thehce S pide com="] width of if ge on No. 2. The ge e ourt of P 3 150 acres ly lon ys ss 1 | deptl vat 1 sd cet, bounded ¢ | lo: 0 ar a= ? in the rear bei ’ compact grounds of the pl in ong the 200 Sins | 3 orig ith scribed as Tollows: yunded and de~| All of three tracts or | long, West Ly ory Iie South line of 1 boing inten: LXpo = e two o : the h depth in- ontainine eI Ie i parcels ~ 1 eh | eX ; a e of this lot" ¥ i'l enge : the bl cludes the \ A pth in ntaining ‘ land situate cels of ence W extend p ot - c engers for trips imps | 1e 2§ feet wide alley i 1g in frent situate in C long la estwardly s throughf tl i show over | rear ide alley in the] Northwest on the | Lancaster onoy Townshi g land pbw or y a=1 or nroug 1e End soit : the grounds 5nd 1 J inthe fe: Tee side of Qfeen Street 19 Be County, in the Cr fier, 112 fet 9 1 rie of Jo Ried pay will : man 2 ed on the wind i ¢ 9 inches, more pr less a? pe yania aini s i ~-2 | tween the ! np of 2d he- arr) ’ i wi he north by ¢ Wl Ii . or less, and containin east side of o the he house ferect¥ it carrie ° wile cles on ff rth by a 4 feet] tending in s, and ex~| gregate se : g in the ag- of South W i : seferect¥ fon tl ; F 7 : y, of 10 y te si orth Job th ] ! » seventy nin ag-| thence Nor est End Ave: immediately adj the lot nh so low in pri - | OW or Kk the east hy property | Northwest vat widthf one hund e (79) acres and! sj ce Northwardly Ve: | he Sc a 5 striki Y - price that OW Or late of Morris Sho Ly HW stwardly, 100 feet t hundred and fort : and | side of S ardly jalong the Eastt South li 1 the South? : erate he Lon the soatli by s Shoemaker, < RS ef to prow seven tenths (14 y-nine and{7}! i outh West End A st h line ds in d nings ate means may | Inte of M outh by propgrty now or ate of Philip Haun: or less (149.7) perches 4 inches to tt ve., 21 fb 283 feet, the N B® depth ortr: n c il 3 a f Milton M. K 10W OF od opie th aun] ess, described es, more 5 he place of beginni : y ie orth line portre: Yr : joy with his f | THE 13 ‘west on M. Krauge and on tt v the*“Northwest by ve as follows: (Seized and i eginninget ir depth 127. ine extends 0 vis fam- WEEK'S | west by said Oliv ec and on the v now pr I st byt Tract 1—Beginni Ss: th and taken in executi epth 127.3 feet, a s ment I : y Sc livax Stree I J Ww r late 1 . ution ag? N , and being 1 of happy US bl = The south vey Street. Haun: on th vr late of Phili yoak tree: ginning at a § : e property of C ; o. 62 o oti g lot sed | nent wn Cad appy hours , Oe south bot . : oy the Northeas Hp tree; thence panish | and 3 : . Edwin Sc 1 eon section No. 2 on used i Of S 0 nt in God's great open spaces.” T 11 | throw the middie \ es | Perty now or fate by fr Ebersole, N. 67 Ff Sf Daniel | Josephine R. Schulz, his Sele plan of Glen-Moore + 2 on’ the to mc e cars prodi UD! iE wall n the Sou Samuel Pages| to a white g. E. 62 per ” Seized ¢ alton | : Yu i C ££ aie the com- a S t O I uv a 1 between er, gh oy by Green Street i 40.6 pos oak and S. 38 deg perl NO. 39 the and taken ih osecition As of mi ow y an w ; and pren row or 15 hwest by property ld er. to a stone and N. 81 = All th: : yperty of Herbert M. B itor 1s wean hh fel A, and | w ol Charles J property | deg. E. 78.5 per . 811-2} that certain lot of | and Anna Bootl ert M. Boothe! : er | lh cn tay | The i es a Eat, 417 1-4 deg. W Sis a stone and N. Sasted on the Northw i ground a Booth. 2 poi R F. N ¥ a BUS 9 , Nn AS Ses 3 pundary inet . W. 286.6 per. to a s “| Race A est side of 11 ZN. RS ir 2 Mrs : 1S5€ y y+ line thence by 1 > . to a stone; e Avenu 3 e m. S an Vrs. Freda PA ses 1 1 the nfiddie ine’l thence by k 1 stone; | ; e (former 2 pe d anniv Model T. In 1007. d in 1908 the hin) Freda Price of Laidig, Pa., | inch brick p the Judie of a nine 73 3-4 ao ad 2 John Good N.|h the City of Race Std] aj i The Y . = A ) i a thinks . aed Sy 2 13 arty wa i 5: v Sp vi ancasier avi ne . h of the Ford M ersary of Model T's had rn after 15,000,000 4 : 1 her native state is a wo common with the ow °F oe in} and N. 62 3-4 deg Ww. 1 io 8 siong erected a two pr having) th Bg certain lot situated of m evi the Ford Motor Cor del T°s had been pl : derful place : tite 33 a Won- upi of thew nerg’ and oc~| Stone 3 g. W. 17.7 pe | story stone i one-half ine West side S Shanes fr anv. Tune 16. 190: om- n placed in ser place and cites o: f the premised nd og Stone North 9 3 per. to a | y stone dwelling hous . side of South Li . rom : me 16, 1803, four isk | vice, a new Mode Ser- marvels cites one of the : premiseg’ adjoining] to a s 3-4 deg. E. 4 | Race Av g house, No. 52 having erccte 1 Lime Sti gan‘zation serving ay fat op- w Model was brought out ay: Is of nature which pro ’ in Bhi vom! 20 6 Sn and N. 12 1-2 Be w | ments venue, and oiber HN y | it od hereon 9 three frame : serving the transporta-’ ‘tis oacly Ir. 7032 Wy, her poi > which proves cem ff accordance sib per. Io 2 da 7 gon Wie : = erick dwelling hou = equi tion needs of transporta- urn carly in 1932 by point. Many many ios dated March thence I to a Spanish oak tree; Beginning ¢ Es 768 8S dang Acne known" Jip ds of the public in every wd a now Model Yin the dave of 2 nany years ago recorded in the Row JT so by land of Peter Fhe res; Fthwest ik a Es point in the Nora 768 Scuth Lime Street produ Ee ad i d a new Model B the ys of the ie - 26 Soe § > Re= . S. 65 deg. W. & a a e of Rac OL ing at : : . the civiliz ; > ' odel B. the muzzle-loading : 2b s Office in £ eg. W. 37.8 . » | Sout! ice Avenue, at the 3 at a pol we N autom vilized world, and : ofore the company’s bi she rel: ns oading Il in and forland N. 35 1 .8 per. to a post | outheast corner of te, at’ the west cor nt, the r-pres-ntative d, and | the 3.00 ompany’s birth- e relates, “Honest John” tof ground wi County, in Dee . 35 1-4 deg. W. 8 per Briar late r of preperty now € on of Li and a ; on every con- lay, the 3.000,000th V-8 : well know nest Joon, a round with Pas ree | post; thence S. 74 3 per. to a ate of W. Heyward $ now Susquehanna Etr ime and nent. Y €On= | assembly line V-8 left the : 1 known for his veracity lling house i Page 416. | per. to a pc i 74 3-4 deg. W. 74 thence extending Ne ward Smithy? tendi i inna Streets, thence ex" presse 2 | oly line. Vv hunting acily, { tor : ken in execution 1 post; thence b . 2 | along 8 ortheastwar Westward] 1 he g its thirty-} I id c ating on a mild Indi there ty of Myer Ja Andrew K. Stoner d Yd Pho the Northwest sid side of € 1 rdly along the seins i ts thirty-three years of | n addition Summer day dian ¢ side »f Myer 1-4 d St nnd others. 8 © a of of Breil Lug OJ Stroct 124 Took moder entice’ the som years of | , n to motor cars. the 4 Y ay. He hunted SIC 5 deg. E. 81.9 per ers, 57} TMG, BD distance of 36 ft 9 i i 4 inches reet 124 feet ; company has outlir : ars, the than usu nted longer en Ice NO. 30 of beginning 9 per. to the plac fmore or less, to Lo) tt 9 IVE of to the North ast But o it y hs utlined | portation units develor usual and having us Si Er +X | ginning, *€ } Southwes pss, to ja point, at tl | of Susquehar cornes~ as BE its quarters the cc eveloped by et aving used all his : y oireet, in ertain 1o { Containi 7 uthwest at the usquehanya a Roe Q tire 26 mew quarters almost as he oa en oarte Tevied i V ammunition sat down 5 : 1 hi anecaster. ¢ ¥ rtain lot or piece of | 79 acres of land | or late of BI 4 15 Property now! oxterding 7 Sts. thely any a ones could b cluded th I period in- While sitti h fo t ate of Pem the North si act 2—Beginning . extendi hagles/M. Green; th ote the :ding Northwestward] sons 1 vided. Lr U e pro- 1 the light : ile sitting ther ie enns So yrth side of | thence by lanc g at a ston 3 | ending thence aleng the Nogth stwardly: hy , from the first M ular f sO pop- g there he ate some C North Li et, between North by land of J. E. G €1 said pr orthivestwardly al { land heagL-side of Rock ine, Plant t st MacAvenue ar for many 1 SOMe Se in front il Nort! e North | a public rqad N . E. Good along! _; premises and thru th along’ land treet, fa dick Ob vor hrot o that at Pi : 3 orl ing the stones back i 4 ing in front orth Duke Streets | Ee a . 811-2 & gi i d thru the middl {11 fa diskencg of i8 throug : at z Picci : the bon Sg truck ita ih 1es bacl ir de N = J i e reets, ser. t ie 4 2 deg. E. | a9 in, party adie +2 es Fo . Sp ) feet i bien Avenues, i ue fe 2nd Beg. | Fe panel delivery com fal or iy is bo kets instead of thr do n Lime thor Lancaster aforesaid | 8.5 Bn a tone; N. 17 1-2 deg | tween the uid partition wall, bes pr age a comer et ocatic , in Detroit; thence id more 1 vf al car; thom away eS hrowing | of that wi and erected a ff oe eh. tole stone; N. 85 eg. WW. | premises uilding eyected on theses ty #8w or late of - to the A Buildi ol ence | i Ek away. Bean 1 that width al. boom a four- 13.8 pet to 4 . 85 1.7 deg” Dr and the" buildi ese” Bowe ot te of Alonzo largest ding Highland Park Fhree million Ford truck. heard a rustl fterward he ( 3 ement brick store W. 13.8 o a stone: N./73 3-4 or: the adi tilding erected! Northast t/ ux; thence extending 190% st factory in the te ir keen built have up to sce i noise and looked i { deg. W. 37 or i a stongt N. 733 fo the Northeas g the same’ 5, oy el same 49 fe + R 80S: ‘herce 3 4 te 1 k he « = ! a buck of m py jr > 3+ WW. 94.4 per. Ic acob? hh > BI f 184 2 ch 3. ap ox on € Hi : 1 hen o the vastly e gl ve the haul to ser- size slowl ouck of magnificient alon nen le land, thence 2 Pet R. Eber=] # 2% ty 15 ter : A: thence ex iohlown y gag he hauim : ze slowly approachi i Tw ! e by la rT raed We i oc : ter line of 11.1 + astwardly fh ul shland Park Plant and the 2d | ond Fi Whee y approaching. S : dy : . Ebersole} S. 17 1-4 fs of 3 huey feet wide common 3% of allel to Su oy a line par="" 5 ~rowrin~ of that: 1 the out- ) Ano nfs A o more sho Ys il : Yo | per. io the [plac aeg. I. 268% 5° e extending thes ects 7] orc yrs f Stre fl Hl of that: the use of assem important quickly ic wt Hones In SX : rk in the North | Tract place of Weginning 51 along the center Fe stwardly | © now or oo Sh eet alor o { x a f assem- 1 y jamme 3 4 of th 6703 f {ree _dract o—beg ix dh la ha ! : > c Yo 4 A v plants everywhere; the dev the farm down the mmed a peach stone | 75 ed aS perein | cor oi 3 Peet, the Sou- { the middle Binnige at a stone in alley, a distance of 2 of syd common) 5 t 1 ment of the 1,096 a develop- n the muzzle of his gw 1 ¢ Ryn thr i or 0 property of the! by land off of a piblic road; thence | Northen. le { 38 if 9 inches, | ences to 19 feet 7 1-2. eu acre Rouge Plant; fred hitting ths Buck 2 am and 19 inch brick par ey County National Bank: | Sy pi J Jaco N a5 1 Nort! 0 a a Southwar ence extending C . : ally the commencement of Fob a.m buck in the head. d between thet! vtergling Nerthwardly a-| Cal tora white Dy Or ote ‘of 1} 5 w+ Li 3 parallel { : | Vy. village i (ge ncement of a moment the ani ; nL id prcfises y a- | tree; thence dy sai White oak’ of W. "Hgfwar ; Scuth Lime Siree A e industries in rural comn | ¢ : lira : he animal faltered 1 on the here~72ngle ses and at right | W. 16 per. t same S. 70 1-4 deg | thence extending i Smithy# ic a peint ar : t 6 inches nities nu- by the farmer 5 if stunned, but sudd : het Ki : side of Fast! . 16 per. tg a stale; the TD a outheastwardly N a point 16 fec No : ih os, armers everv- : sut suddenly with : of King sl of Fast land off Jon: A ake: thence by! said Era astwarc ly" North si ec th of th 5 5 ole ins of ly with a died = Landi S. 37 DY | 4 premises, ¢ di . ren sige or] of the NEWS This. r vick toss of the head 1 . NO dred and fifty- Lapdi§ 8. 37 1-2 d jf et to ¢ ma distance of? ii cf Tusqueha 3 EWS gs. record % . f the head he was off : 3 ie iy 2% : 4 Gegll o My 0 a point 1 Ty oF! thence extendi quehanna Stig i sicn resulted 3 industrial expan- the comr in in the 2 Who & te to G point in | die of a pulflic r j the mid-+ gids of Race re prem:s og ling Eastward] CHU iy = rom the Li 2 we mom: / Bounded : hene ast Grant St.,.| middle + > thence i beginning Avenue, the place oft nq ses INo. to bb. EL the purposeful | *° Plnt in Detrol A yrar 7 yy nt c : 1 the hi ah bu middle of said publje or in ghey To Ne ot of and through THE = St. YY rd’s i 1 1 CA , mark- J ty now or late of A Stwardy along 33 oe and a="! ogether with ri il Yar Te of a car fcr th enry Ford's idea | 8 the develcpment of a fi rk- John returned to on the S oy Wi Sn enty-six feet last Grant St] - 83 deg. E. Sa tot COTIMION i i go tight to use dpe 0 BEE D & nine CoM : it of a fine 3 i ) ten the = vr ix fee k ot, ; <.1 per. y with others enti 1 3 WER 1 tat wold L e multitude—one | f°T the most disenit fine car cality and rambling over tl {.1ate of No rp Prop point, the Ne d nine inches to | nrgng. [to the twenty feet w ited there | tween the building 3 all be e economi st discriminating mo- tain BY g over the moun- | the Ea orthern Trust C y Al rest copher of . 3 c and 85.7 | fey in the eet wide common al= premises and Me Pr ! - and efficient ir comical. to own . During Novembse g mo- tain cne day he was astonisl ip mor t by said 8 feet wide now or late of M, ig fk on more or less and 85.7 perst re 3 er of this Ai 2 1 s and the bui his Kra : 1 performance i & November, 5 lcs as ast shed to m n a and nth > wide ie extending Ie . Gar-1 n whichtare i 5 re ther with and s od 1ses; an n the premises adioir will build a motor car for ti = 1 line was augmented by the th ot fair-sized tree moving down North Lime Stre % the West b said SF dly | frame Ek 1g to ted a 1% story | in common with the Sect to the the North 2 fe : = 9:00 4 Btade or the mul- f the Tg y the fhe slope as HB 1 Rion Ch u >I : Darn an ¢ house, frame ban of the e owners and oe~ | the West n 8) fect to a poly 9 titnde. Tt shall be Iloive pe 3 of the Lincoln-Zephyr be He soon caught up with Together with and su i aud at} barn and other house: Laem bank| op Ss 3 the premises Ende | Be West e of South 5 point on 10:00 ior th arge enougl The motor of ; : yr. and found the ire 1 t use in common I lira th side oft Seized and uildings. e Northeast of the ni joining on d therce hh ime Sia e family, but Bb r of that first 1 1d the tree was growi Ted nmon with the regt, two hundred ¢ d and taken i 0 : | wall f the nine inch party | ae < Tt : but small enougl A in 1903 w st N froin: the for as growing | and occupiers re he indred ands property of Jac n in execution a | wall between this une inch party | along sam a Southwardly, the unskilled individual t ough in 1303 was described as a two- 1 the forehead of the buck he mediztely Hy i the premi on less, to af Sadie gS of Sach L. Ebersole A building ah and the! we > saine 16 to the Nard ¥ Vion erat eH «x al to op- | cylinder © > o- had attempte : a a ining side of Eas : . 5 Xz adjoinir sid re premises’! © est corner of 8 Hay erate and care for : op horizontal.” ft f ittempted to kill the year. be ;ranted premises on tl he : Side OF East ceased, mortgagors the latter don | adjoining on the Northeas premises | Sysqueh: er of Scuth Lime a R shall t i r easily—and it ew L fore, Year, Nei he ¢ h the North and war a ence extending! Ebersole rtgagors, and Jacob L f the beds AT east and the! squehanna Streets, tl > and ev, | shall be light in weight that i : Several i 9 partitiond © last alote’the North side off ers le 6. of Sudic S. Eb West Frede eds of West James and beginning. s, the place of 9:30 be in ney hat it may : weral years after that Honest | sensi ted 1 foe : King Street, ted Sy Ci Johnson O. Ebersole b= | of this a Streets to the depths Seized and tak : 9:30" 3 rat intenance. { | rag Si pee riones g house A nine inches he ale of 1. Weaver, R ow Sole, Jenme | Alek mises. GR Be torr wd taken in executi No «© will be built of hon A It of thirty miles an |? 1 was standing in his cabir ling } iin inches to the place of{ Bertha Witt Foal n O. Ebersole, | Seized and taken i ! he property of Ge: a by cnest materials— y miles an door looking his cabin | gaid premi > erected 3 ¥Sarah 8 ittel, Elizabeth Eb » | the pr pi n in execution asf seorge L. Born v the best work 5 ies consisted of two | TT yoking toward the mountai said premises a a 2. .z d taken in executi { Sarah Shank, Emily i ersole, | ; roperty of Margaret I. M lin Fi: doh vorkmen that money oe dof two! THs dttontion was ot e mountain. | ly on the No immediat property of i I execution as| Brandt iy mi Heisey, Anna and William C. Mullin et E. Mullind NO. #4 - Sal 2 — after the sin hk d its equip 1 vas at once attracted ; ig d South, th hs hy . air and B.| nes 5! R. Ebersole, ar er bl 4 All tha i implest designs quip- [to an i attracted J atn, th Witmer, Mor | nes Weaver i eT and Ag-| = that Rev that mode : signs : ; an immense tre : and 927 Nort Witmer, Mortgagors and Le Weaver, heirs of Sadi 5 if - tev. | ern engineering ca ; tive repair ‘c se tree which seeme Jaf Bair and B Prank and Le~| ersole, decease adie S. Eb-{ No. 40 + Situated urd” : £ ring can devise. Lip pair ‘0 be moving ab eemed Vor cid veal owner: nd Frank Witmer RB oo ed, and Jacob R FE AN th: . lors “Aven 3 of Cole 9:30 4 parts. Extra of Lu 1 about. Without | u gethe with 1 subiccl 2 ; owners and terre tenants D. oe Reuben O. Ebersol Ene ad that certain lot of gr d se Avenue in Cols f waiting to do more a se in commo Lar head to the ants, . . Wittle . Ebersole, Christ | uated o h te. pil: round sit 1 y of L: - No of A . ore than pick mon w Lon 3 e and sets . stl 7 on the Sout! upon SH Sunda Ni 1,1 |b s ax and a coil ol than pick up titled thereto of with gore en : NO. 31 | terre tenant Bertha C. Wittle! North Plum By x y ergeted a Dr. J 1 X nd a coil of rove he sta commot : he 8 feet 14 All that certain lo i | | HN EF Jil y Nig iT rove ¥ } of towar 1 X% he started gran running in 30g LS iam lot with a two-"! Lanc I brick mantow o CAL ard the mountain. Seen | Avenue to it Liberty from Ice} 30S ing hou wiih (No. 35) | thereon erected i ow | CC tain. gen he the of therty Street ing house thereon . Od 5 on erected a three-story bri at ; e to. ihe the snd of 4 y Street along € ¢ n All th: store and d >. e-story br at the e moving tree le and of 1e herein 1 James Street] All that certair e and dwelling bu 2 ; 2 Colleg a : Se. B a erein ¢ “oo a] betweer 2 i € reef Too i am SLOT 5 Nail ng o 3 : . - cod to Lock At Goo t Tat ourse it was the same 3 o en es in the re onveyed ow en Nos 9 cen and North] the elling and lot 0 nr North Plum Street, and i in ie grglind ce > Eunday Af, GOO 1 o Ea Wil a cer. He | taken in ex Juke Streets, Langaster | the West si , Situate 584 on |Provements y . bi M ai romptly lassoed it, picked Walter pro Containing in fr aster, Pa. st side of Soutl ) Sg e Avenue M. a it, picked all the | alter T. Maloney “41 Containing in frapt o I | Lancaster, Pe South Duke St. | Beginning at i rr peaches, and ne | Walter loney with notice f side of East t on. the North 8 Fs ¥ner g at the Southwest cor i depth of tl : ling in All'L Ss, an chopped dow 1 alter T. faloney ce 10 ast JamestStreet 18 f : Containing i ner of North Pl est corto cof that width E: hg 1 : ob € y aloney anc =o Wl more or feck ining in ffont id i rth Plum and Eas vith Eastw: tree. io ; : ywn the | Maloney, nd y md Minnie] ore ol less. NEA 18 feels pDuke ht on saidfsoutiy! streets oo and East Ross? 1ce!. more or yh 117 come oe ba the lumber obtained oS Tats terre tenants and of that | py air aos Be oh elg fangs wardly ence ion ing The CT : \ : ne 1 this tree he buil v aa " "128 fect je orthwardy two feet, ing thef 4 J along ihe West sid ar > Me of $hese a six-r | A428 feet, more] or less Ry > z thef one-h { North : est side of said! 1 f $hese premise hease: and qed’ 1 six-room | Rois ie ley rej or less, fo an 8 Ee 1 feet, four inch! wide ; of al re h Plum street a Desig Sg] 7 ig feft 11 inches Bon to build 1e peach stones Ii th ad SS a cud fo tween the premise§ he oy ol more or less (which di e City linef of oun oo ; : ; j 3¢ de : iy s da | so hides 1 stances si : nes aru] Serer d ihe chimney. It. Is the lmie ¥ those tye Ariat. that 9 dn 8 A A Noth b; / said veyed and the pr wy Y cons ! eile id land between Anco ide of West Walnit the South Rev. C aly peach lumb 5 {no | proce nd thee opt alley, on by nropey ately adjoini 3 immedi<] wall of the said b Hip rth nresen vaimfl Sireet, As a y A er house i ected :aving thereor dq or late ao; y now ex on he : said buglding . regent established, : , As at Chur sylvania 8 in Yorn | fast 2 ery brick So ling eal ou Sillie A Shrginer{ on Wa extending in depth Se Rois and South lipe of Fast Hoss 2 0 he) line of the > hed,f and the” South Carl 2 Sc with slate root. welling| SCR Dy sal Tas Fo i seven inches y-nine ft. | point t NortHes SS 0 & ese pgemises /runni Rarer, i hoz si slate roof, “I ford and on the W ast Jamgh Street es to proper i or ortlfeast forner of pr thrcugh th _Plemises / running og sty anc Er all farm the West by pio : , | Grant Means perty o erty ov. 1s : >t of prope ici... he midd 3 5 yoni ONE THING WE MU | situate ad our-gfve shed ears plopfrty now et oa i yA oY Je + Oram Hocsawt titica common i ick par=" JST HAVE Sire ares in ; the Borougt «4 The « YW. wuss | zed and taken in e enaing sstwar Lene twee on °F wall 1:3 , | asburg and pe a rough of 1e line formir a | property ~ in execution as he sa er tal twardly along! col the dwellif all be- : We may live without poetry, music | chip of EE te Tours passes ae perty of Charles R. Bridinger a Faint, i a. and throught 00 these re a as 4 or art; ’ casted and of yunty of of a division wall b CS mids (No. 36 #1 along e extending Westwardly« ing hous isesfand the ¢ 1 2 : S. va 3 a 0. 3 | along the sz nr! 4 araly= g nouse erecte J is Ve a : | ddd ye of lv inj premises Sn Voll Felsen this | All that certain hr il “| the mi gold premises and through Shining reli on the pren Fir and li re without conscience | Tract No. 1 Beinn as follo lately adjoining on the Fas immedi- | two-story brick dw i and, with’! partition 1 2 9 thch brick party Scized 0 the South. Bev. C wv hve without heart: in the Stre a 8 at 2 stone (Seized and taken ash | No. 674 St. Joseph ve he house, | erected on os the buildings the prop and taken in execution Churc > r Biv : 4 2 RE 2 illoo Dilan) 85 of ec te SHED ere Na 1 13 se” premises ¢ { T= erty of Caroline as e may live without friends, we od i thence hy ns Fay Bh property of John B. B | Sopot, antag on fhe Hom building erected Nr gad thet and Prd Sonim L. Helland superint may: live wi , We - late of Aaror hey ds now” r, } : ereof, betw i ast next adjoini remise 1d A. Heilan But Yo without books— beth Bende = and Eli | Dorwart Streets ash nod South holpny the sam@ on th 1d. — t ; 3 Noril oT era S, : 5 A y & ‘tance J = “0... ilized man cannot live with~ | degrees and 21 pechive y, North Al NO. 32 Lancaster. he! City off point in lin ance of 1257 feet to at Al : NO. 45 mm 10:36. out cooks. | perches to a : n toutes East, was that cortainfiot situate on 1 Containing in front LAL Ka a property fow or ine Il that certain jot of og” | now or late of Te Wii I: i side of Nérth Plum 2 ae theast side of St ul He ing aan athe hereon are erer.od ot of ground Cb Aad ge artin Lefev between std OF > > more or re “aia ti 15 yc awardly alang{ sai a | cne-ha i eg two and yr nob | 2 Tae of Mn Ne Ten By | Orange Bl nd ar or less, and 7a St 15 fe ises a distance of 28 ry ving prem ir storled brick sto 9 and Tr Women gtier May io.boost | Tosa I rma re hain fy Sigectf Lancaster, Pa, Eos depp irs lids Slee ain BR ae oF ye 29 houses, Nos tn Lo usiness than ands now or late ost; thence hergon ferected a tWo=Stor | waraly get 10 i theast=" East Ross s itr uth side ofd st King Street 35. 245 and 247. a N many home Sere nosy by local news- | Lefever ar fate. 6f said Martin] brick dwellifg house wo-story | less, to the middl inches, more or4 Eastw: oss street; thence extend ct he re and tw fwo and Bibie tes, guests gath per advertising and Ej "10 Nortl > se known as No. | e middle of a 20 _op4 Eastwardly along he 6 ending half storied ¢ two and Sand the hospitable 3 = 0) hopped olives Pi tively, South 77 d ads, respec!” av th ‘Pjum Street; pi alley. feet wide said East Ne oy ie South side oft cuses Nag, v6 brickf dwelling Mami ay night sup g ard for = a chives minutes West (E delice: and 3p al in fron 3 gS J A125 s Street a distance of] ra Sip 36 yan 998 Waost must be Tins geppsr- The meal ed on course to Fes Wp (East),§ 33.4 7 Plum Streét 20 ie Le on Nope | passes Silvey boundary / pin fn tole Southwest an. pr the ox Westy Vee dinner ’ erence to the 3 purse, were le stg an irons pin in in depth Of cet and extending fei TE e imiddl ast Ross Street apf caster, iy of La eaten at midd the amps and horn. Fig turnpikey’t} : 1 depth of that x 1g eight inch ci e Jf t and North Plums C / ut a0 200 light t t midday—but not ures compile . Fig- | npikeg thence by t 55 feo idth,: Westward, | be cinder block d reet, the place of beginni um Containi J o satisfy Runge t not npiled on the inf by Tract \No. 2, Nortt 5 feet, more or less , | between the i pafty wall| T ace of begining ial a unger. - yicsnlv z > a ne mniar "OI ~ NM c oO. + y ess, fo onertv] crit e premis i ogether c : Pe | sid of t or 1c Di ML. Bre Mines aT Chill solve gelatin in warm water vany’s first year of busi at com- | and 32 mind Nori pow or late of Annie Be} seriped 3 he ue Yeon de~| of iF wih and to thet a a 3 Str he Forth 8:30 ¢ 2H one of ih his pur-} © until! ghtly thicl n A vealed tl v ce siness re- | to the beg i est, of ounded on/ the N aKer. | on the Soutl s adjoining | the & : mers and occupiers &1 more or Street JM feet ol © to look at them as good | hid y ickened. Ar aled that a total | eginning. $8 norty 1h vy the 1 onth by pr tad uthwest | these premises and piers off depth - 245 , ahd ext oid Te as it is good t 00 ge pimiento strips in indi 4 H stal!of 1,708 of the | Containi if +perty now ordate i Lewis C. pro- | Seized and i | occupi ses and the owners & | aepth - 245 fe xtepdin I 7:30 T 0 eal molds. C trips in individual ittle runa e ntaining 3§ acr ond BE hh ay o is C. Dyer; | ti and taken in executi | occupiers of tk eT ners and! G > lect, pore 7 gx i Jellied : * s. Combine remaining i dual unakouts were : ch Wi and 62 the IN . Dyer; | the prc execution astjoini he premises nex {| Grant Stre fore of a3 ; una Fish Sal ents: fold af emaining ingredi ol ve rtnadecand | To Situ mgasure 2 ihe’ Sout yy North’ Plum Street; property of Abrak s+ joining the s mises next ad-| otreet, uj hall ng 1 package lem alad his: 0:0 at once int i cld. Though that fi B Trac sure. fon the South by a Street; ham K. Young. {us F same on the South p wigen hick ? ; o sligh i igh that first For : act No. 3 : rs th by a seven feet wi | _tuse of a ten fee . of the! front 25... Bea on-flavored gelatin thickened gelatin. 7 _ slightly | for $80 ord sold | st inning. a cominon alley: n fee wide | po n feet wide c Y nts 32 get 2 pimientos, ater vidual molds and Turn into indi- | $800, the amount : stone and.fextending the at as nt and on the West t 2 a (No. 37) | laid over the Wes 2 common alley | s. ject 9 inche or: % green Ri Uamold oils Ang Gin ntil frm done. by the hs uni o business land now or late of 2 hence hy ty pow-or late of said a et ua Sa ogriain lot of land sit | premises and Hosters ond of these| Seized and tak A Floris % cup chopped cel SE with. mavo sp lettuce. Garni Fi 4] Ie mpany during its North 78 de e Ulrich aker. ba e East side of S Sit="Tuse of th d dedicated to the joi the pr iken in executi I Pon elery ith mayonnaise. S . Garnish Irst vear actus J Topp egrees and thr i" Subject to ti | Street, betwe Side of South Ane! of the the said owners an joint prope of H xecution as A % teatpoon eped onion ine. Serves 6. iy ot actually passed the mil- Fast, 338 perches minutes” «ith oth to the use, in comr i ee ween Green and Er of these premi Vhers and occupiers and Eugene IF LH. John Hieme < 1. Dash of OE 1 Chicken Loaf ion dollar mark. be mil in ne middle of pin my rs entitled thereto a in the City of nd ay and ph typ 52 the gene IN Hiemenz. Sipe a aSpOONs 5 I thence by 2 pike” oven ect wide co 2 erecte ancasterA adioining the the premises next oem Morni 2 ups Solis drained Bosse:redish : : vored gelatin (To be continued next week) 1 py 7) he same i PIKE; tending St wide jolly one rand mansard 7, 8 tao torr adjoining the same ose he NO.- 46 3 nl ._Disso 3 diced coc stock, free fr a : ek 1 and lands now or I eZ. of g along the South line here 156 kre COL Dric fling" | &, private alley, whi : uth. as ] : Taye Pos vive ggetin IE Warn wale 3, ited ¢50 ed chicken om fat | M. Rhoads A Fine Gi said Gs oo / ine here-| poss known as No. 215 gS | from od whith alley LL ei certain lot of land os ; . yer int 3 chopped g apts i > A Ss in Lefever we North li Ee tha | * ne’! aes side © ast i. d in Manhei of land sifites re Eke Tih art oF o loaf pan. 3 [Sup chopped greea pepper Sih 4 defen , JS utter thror line of this premises! Containing ing Lito the north side of RB Ross street caster Cc inheim Township, 1 {Lome Sund peppér. Chill until 2 and | J, teaspoon s eh pped pimients | : st, 31.45 perc} es and 18 yc : the iddle of af Street 16 os int fromton South Ann] And together with Rock Street. #1 know: ounty, being i + Ap fori maining gelatin until > Chill re-| % cup PONS vinegar Our Uni . iol) fin; thence by la op rr wall, which is to bed depth 18 expending iff| the use in cominot and subject to erect x Glen-Mcorh of ‘ened, Fold in atl slighily thick- 1 teaspoon scraped on olives ion laié of John H. Wns is ; Op iro ) 2 ver 3 a party wall 02 foart hy th 8 dthr{4 et to a ers and Ne, on Jk the own: EC id a two. story Jes reon 1s St. 1 nts. Add to fi ing ingredi- ash OF seven onion i ith 78 degrees : mer ang « TS : and taken i eats fee ide ci i next adioini iers of the premi N= ing house Slory dwell Re } idan o firm I i Da yenne i egrees and 12 ; as the pr in execution | The Nort qofimon alley. :t adjoining on tk elle vi i Chill until fi ayer in mold sh of Worcestershi We 159 Lo s e property of Jeani n} The North ajd alley." said nine i z on the South Rev. A § rm. U -1 © Di ershire sauc ers 1 59 perches to perty of Jeanie A. Hess|said lot pass thi Bh Tinos ofl Se inch brick th, of the , . in %-inch nmold. = Ser issolve gelatin i 2 ey i thence by 1 0 i? 3 s said lot pass thie ines of | wall bet brick party partiti te 1] } : Laid ve | CLI e gelatin in w : y woe by land now, or 1 tones Yihe rough the aniddle of all between the party partition] July ob ne Bn: crisp lettuce ill until sliet vary sock 4 wood D. Krei ! v or late of El« > brick partitiol dle of | on € ie building er C : 3 mayonnaise. S | bine slightly thickened . SE D. Kreider, North 11 d eX NO. 33 are 1 walls (whic n these premises 1g erected } . Serves 8. | Batol: oo, Com- Ww, and -42 mi er, North 11 degrees All tl Nh oo party walls) betw ch erected o ses and the buildi an Hostess Sal -fat once i g ingredient, d wl | ; iinutes West, 27.25 grees” All that certai dwelling > between thed of ted on the premi > building “* 7:3 ety e into sli s and fold Mount 3 to the beginni st, 27.25 perches# at certain tract of I pa ing erected iis on the 1e premises adjoini 7:30 ) 1 package I ad gelati : slightl : Mount Joy Thi beginning k esate. on the 1 »f land sit=! and { on this mi the South es adjoining Ct i *mon-fi . latin. Turn i y thicke vis. Union Sund: Conta Ing. . yn the road leading f t=! and the dwellings premises 3 th. J ng j ; | warm avored gelatin urn into 1 ned Scl Ms unday yntaining 7 acr # Cort P leading from U i ellings erected : r { Seized : on 147 J Commu! fs water until T oaf pan : chool Picnigh . te 7 acres and 145 corn to Pusey’s Mill, i r ni-| tively ecte respec- | zed and taken i or) 221 fe Vestwy : arm wate rm. TUnmol . Chill ni will We held { ches. and 145 perasthi » Pusey’s Mill. in the T ! vy on the North : ec- {the pr aken in exe : et, : estwafds E str - Unmold o ip. ya e -held at =+thip Tact By , in’ the Town- othe North and S | the property of Jc ecu ast tending i 9:18 Hand eggs, ripe cress. Serve in slic n crisp. water Hershey Park, Hershey, Fri at 3 Pp of t Drumore,. County 4 Together with and subj outh. perty of Joseph F. ied ending in bth W, 15 C +1 cup, chopped gelery rsely cut’ jie Bo od res. OC Mold in July 31. Compl oe yey, Friday, || property of L. C A ha [right to’ use: in fondled: hg the N trossepuym5 . fect ow 10:30 rapper es nished wi as salad ly 31. Complete details wil Dan L. C de Pennsyl= owners a with the! No. 41 foot 1 cdl oar line th mayonnaise. Seb. J announced later gee | 5 Mo notice to Naomi Pi : to wit: and described asf ises gd of the prem 2 that certain tract of wi tends # width, the North 0 Me at . arry Says. F iercey” 3 1 le ing these ated o oe t of la nds # throt > "1K 8S 9. Est ry M. Pierce, Ella Rankin, A . B we st. & } the South, tl hese premises on? : ed on the West side of land sity=+* paz thro the mid] 6:15 chershade ond Edwhr kin, side ata stone on the! inches th, the two feet and fi ver Str in th side of South Be: party partit i middle of a La: real owners ward H. 2 the Unicorn and er wide alley located four ipon which i the City of Lancaster f tween 111 coptructed he League. ers. sevyville 0s i i premi - ha VI s rectec ancastler * ae = Dem GPA the Baptist Ch ih pa a corner offthe and the dwelling at half story RIS Yorke two and one this Be c urch property, then- | about fori and extending in deptir Sipe: Hota Poi house and lot cof results . f=. { eas 1338 S & s known as T, Sh 2 y-six feet Eastward fro =» South Beaver A as Not on the N selves iy ontaining in front on ti Seized and taken i it on the West” (Tur aken In execution as== urn to page 5) aw Refo page a) Ch There