The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 01, 1936, Image 4

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OWL LAFFS | MI. sox rion $70 1 The Gretna Plavers [ROSES IN BLOOM i “5° 20 ws Ur Jor MORIN SLECTRIC REFRIGER. =~ Jule ver were WHI Those oo better way to Boost A
FD 4 yers | }. The Mount Joy-Florin team de-| ATOR SALES REFLECT [with 22274 in March, 1935. Total | your business than by local news-
[> Ee bo. ALONG BANKS OF feated the North End A. A. Ina THEIR POPULARITY sales in the state for the first three | advertising. :
| The Watch Ten, leaders of the! For the third production of the close game on the local diamond | i months this year were 48,506 as a- Jo
City Softball League, won a 4 to 1! nth anniversary season, A. E. STATE HIGHWAYS last evening by a score 4 to 3. The | to see cul . gainst 38,300 for the same period § - T
1 decision over Mt. Joy-Florin, Scott's Gretna Players are present- score: { le increasing popularity of the |. = T=
present leaders of the County Soft- ing every night this week at the North End A A. rhoawe loctrle Refrigerator 8 2 part of open 0s, dE IE { P
ball League Thursday evening on Gretna Theatre, Mt. Gretna, one of Harrisburg, June 25—Thousands S. Zan rl 2 TN 0020 Othe Equipment hs the mody KEEP CHICKENS HEALTHY arse
the Park Diamond before approx- the most notable stage and movie of roscs are in full bloom in road- Zam], sof, oii O 0 300 ern home is reflected in statistics Sila i
imately 400 fans. productions of recent times, side plantings along more than 50 Doarn, 3b............. 11 2 2 0 of household models only. Less disease infection and worm whee
es, “Ah, 3: Pavlav | : ; , : Coun
Watch Ten r h o a e Wilderness,” which is more than miles of Pennsylvania highways, ni wp Be 1 1000] Sales in the United States in | infestation "when young np DN a : haust
y - 1 cr ar . We SAL Xx
McMillian, 2b . 111 4 0 a domestic comedy—for in the de- ‘warren VanDyke, Secretary of ey : y 0 0 March, 1936 totalled 272,139 com- | chickens are kept separate from BE Speci | Matinee 2:15 J four,
Weaver, ¢ .......... 1 010 2 0 scripticn of youth and family life— Highways announced today. 00 a bat 2 0 0 pared with 213, 464 in March of | the laying flock. Frequent moving LR rei IEE has a
: : Seber, 017 0 01st ves yp ! EXTRA FEATURE!
Peiffer, of .......... 0 1 2 0 0 for it shows the great versatility These plantings, planned by the pg, do 2700 ast year. Total sales for the first | of feed hoppers and water foun-: ATHA Yaa Vt. of 65
Kuhns, 1b ..... 0 0 8 0 0 of that master craftsman of the Forestry Unit of tne Department Shank Sa oO 0 i0 three months of this year were tains to clean places on the range FRIDAY and SATURDAY } per }
Haller, rf ........... 0 1° 0 0 0 American stage, Eugene O'Neill. of Highways and placed by the De- pic ss. cio 570,959, compared with 432,415 in|phelps to keep down worm Exclusive Official and ¢
Bingham, ¢ ....... 0 0100 Gers R Tavior. sveat favorite Dariment. inicooperation with Jeeal = ~~ =~ 000 : the same period in 1935. tation and disease in the young # SCHMET Ba ous : Hex
1 1 ere sa tae} Ae EEL, : . x = o MEIN - 2 GS lan
Remley, If .......... 0 0 1 0 0 of Gretna fans, is apy ing in the ups; oe es gned to eX= Totals 3821 51 In Ponnsvivania sales in March flock Fight Pictures 3 2
fg Bauers, ss .......... 0 0 2 0 0 rcle which was made famous on some salient point of com- Mt. Joy-Florin r hone on : : LH ATURDAY oy
Horst. of : . istorv 4 ¥ x ift
: R : C 1 g 0 0 0 Broadway by George M. Cohen and history. Weidman, ¥........... 1 1200 Holiday mL 2:5 P.M } The
fr \ 7 Q Lb OWL Ea CL EPR 2 2 1 0 in the movies by Lionel Barry- iis special attention is char- Kraybill, 3b........... 0300 bs Free Gifts For The Ladies! § a
: Y A | PE, De 0 0 0 1 0 more. Mr. Taylor comes to Gretna acteristic of all roadside plantings Keener, cf............ 1 1100 : 4 Wallace Beery in »
: ——————————— after having appeared in the role of and Department experis search his- Schneider, ss 1 2:2 0 ba “AH WILDERN # be rom
otals 2 . : : . Eo ;
I've heard quite a lot of new Totals 4 5 20 0 Herbert Hoover in Earl Carroll's toric data in an attempt to select Derr, sef.............. 00300 Amateur Contest % MONDAY a
KNOCK KNOCK Mt. | Joy-Florin r ho a e “Sketch Book.” As his wife ap- flowers or shrubs connected in Diffenderfer, 1b....... 16 0:1 Bargain Matinee 15¢ A ;
r goes: V If 0 0 1 0 0 pears Frances Brandt who just some intimate manner with the Engle, 10020 pokes Moose 3
Lt z f 0 1 0 0 0 closed a lengthy engagement in community in which they will be Hipple, rf.... 11200 TWIN CAKS X ili Talcaot dons :
k! rs sthy engagem in comn unity ir ey wil ipple, f............. 2 SHE KIN NG STEPS OUT”
Fapy Weav r— Wiose there? Kr ll 3b ........0 0 0 4 0 ‘Pride and Prejudice” or 1- placed. The only additional re- Bishop, veins, 0.1300 ronvi e 1 ) -
k—*“Dot.” Schneider, ss ....... 0 0 1 7 0 way. She is sure to be adorsd by quirements are that they add Smit! 0 010 ie ) ‘ i
. Der Ay ~ i i pe
Firpy—“Dot who?" € sef ........... 00 6 0 0 all who see her. beauty to the roadside, and that 1.00 THURSDAY EVENING JULY 2 1936 Dares ain Mainee—13c i §
: Sie . rf J : a 3 y y Popular Dema ! i
Dick—"Dot’'s what I'd like to Hips Es By 8 9 3 0 0 Two other newcomers in the aug- they are sufficiently hardy to stand Wolds © = 1%: 3 .: im : ! = Oo) ti :
know.” TIRE TD 11 $ 1 0 ented cast are Jack Easton and the rigors of such locations. 3 oils ly a ae 463252 C G U IN L BE BE Of York 3 Ruby Keeler % i
Enale, ib ce... 5 11266 90 Jeanne Elgart. You will see Mr. Most of the rose plantings are North End A. Aria 000 000 30—3 y : 9 3 : ; Dick Powell 5 3 : iH
Knock! Knock! SHINN D rrr 0 000 0 poston in the same roll for which Provided with trellises although in Mt. Joy-Florin........220 000 0x—4 Who broadcasts over"WORK, will put on a Big Amateur Contest in (SHIPMATES FOREVER
: . Bishop, ¢ “9 110% : : i re a = Base on balls—Of Smith 0, Shank which all gg fre net cordiall§ invited to participate. If you
Whose there? he tried out in Hollywood, and for Some cases they are allowed to 1 aan, n
h ere? Leib, of 00000 : ywood, Sud far 2. Struck out—by Smith 2 San Sing: dafige oF in instrument, pong TWIT a pte, You
Wenda. N yi 1 Healy 00000" hich he was named second choice, cover the ground as a precaution ™ a a BI 2, Shenk. can enter as late as; Ar» : 1
lentwig ‘ : — EE fete
Wenda who? ane Ye : od 0100 and folks, that's something. And nst erosion and an economy in DON’ . A 1 i
Wenda we eat? aR ren when you see him you'll not won- maintenance. ! NE PIZES $10 — -§5 - oso $3 1 u DI TORI |
Santi ‘der whv—as he is an ac Best known of the rose plant- : fl <A J |
Jleard that one at the picnic out| Totals ............1 42712 1 de rs i he i i ines gre: oe a So Do: you wish- to nobly ‘live? | ig nnn
the Cove on Saturday. WATCH TEN ..... "100 030 000—4 Relea girls, the Wo gx 2 li ad gry Don't put it off. . em Er Pe +". MANHEIM, PA.
thing 0 “Wor om acides way £ am or ar joe jeer x
Prine Heil MT. JOY-FLORIN 000 000 010—1 YOU Ve! a en eater miles Plan sometime to freely.give? | > on 2
: Shi n og = on a date last Two base hit—Engle. Three base that personality which just ©& lige ai Lt hong the Don’t put it; off.” : ; ang A :
ke hig > : : ozes th a 2g Jeanr . ettys th jaio { > vou 2
3 3 t i one on his girl: hi Haller. Home runs—McMillen, 00763 With appeal. Jea ie Elgart, Line In. Highway a Ws se) ess to regret and s | «Lupino | \ ‘ma
HE Pennell. Base on balls—off Smith 2; who is seen the role of the Tite line. Me ir Re pri ~ Time ‘arid ‘chance ‘go? Fv By, | “ONE
V" o's there 3 Struck out—by Smith 1; sister, is lovely and young—and or an Hoses A el. Thi time to, really fry | FT » i
Buteh and Jimmy. Weaver 1: Berman 8. Losing pitch- looks particularly sweet in the cate pk wvanety kpown ta bot= put tof 2 | RAINY TERNQON YM]
Butch and Jimmy who? or. Fr aa 1906 garb in which the entire cast anists ~ as ahipom in: { a x Rv Pe gr sll | REC]
Butcher arms around me and Umpires—Ellis, Eshleman, Hend- is arrayed. commemoration ig Hed ge to Foust Ags dig? 4 Fi oe at Attractions and Aerial Battie (fee Max Schmeling Vs. | FLY]
Timmy a kiss. ricks. Next week, the Players will pre- Gray; who gave heir a on’ put 1 DY: ¥ wh Girls-Comedians-Musie-Fii-Thriils ete. iff . Joe Louis i
crueial lengagemenk of {thy ‘war bee! Wang's skorne way relief ig get? S| $550 Bb Gfeatdst and most thrilling July 43h i 4 ed 1 |
1: 4 3 a iHi uly ver attempted i Friday, J Iv re i |
July. 3rd Dang
eset) Mies sent a great revival of a famous
HEF Morris 13 kare ic : £3 :
am as hisglas- w Pp A. VS. MT. JOY-FLORIN play, with an augmented cast of | the! states.) 1 B de Don’t put it off. ‘ : Si dancers, entertainers, singers and ‘plenty cabs Foal
In York and Lancaster: Foolish! to procrastinate, REG KEHOE~Entire Gir! Show Dick Foran, Paula Stone : ]







ses in be! The other nis ; er a»
: NE other night when w p A_Etown ab r h o a e Eroadway and Hollywood stars, Ss
ve wee # a o yhit and rec Ses res tive Sr I y | ; ;
> a x~ had them on he chifer rs... 412 40 0 “Way Down East Mzke Gre white 1 red ro 5 respectively, Se inert, bemoan your fate, | including Mile. Zaza's sister dancing act “TREACHERY RIDES
~la‘ned: “That's all righ ; AIRS} fies : commemorat h istoric back- Do it now or ate— i J OR r > |
eXDeamen That's all right. I war of ......... 4 1 0 2 0 0 a weekly habit—for it will be SO ve Re oR ro og Lake | THE MARIMBA BAND—THE ACCORDIAN BAND Fp HE RAD NGE” i A
rant to recgeniza the saple I Hes rou f these counties which de- n't put i { LANG S a
2 4 jh ihe ! Shenk. 3b ....... 4 0 1 1 1 1 habit worth your while in top am- 5 ny OF These coun fo whic 1 de ont put it off. { Has THE DN Ey AC Thing Jat Pes By fone ) %
* fm r~bout. D+ 4 1 useme and entertainment rive their from two famous _ | ir. n't say that you didn’t know about it 2eginald Denny « Deolia gram U
mi 4 0 11 1 0 uvsement and entertamm . fontec of cantury Like to start the new day right? | HERALD GOODMAN—FINK BROTHERS—and others 2 gia enn i Fr ances Brake time of
Taltz. If 4:0 000 00 BRR i. dade A ES I Ripe Dod : ol pega At 10:30 P. M. the GREATEST AERIAL BATTLE ever wi STHT P Ayn
Evian roar ts % on’t t Y { e itnessed 4K [ORLY SBOT
Sreak'ne of dreams, a Columbia Farmer, ss 4 0 111 0 LIKE FROG LEGS FOLKS: se of York and the House __ pus it off. : Being presented under special directions from the designers Bi nn ! REY IEW rs Spo 5
Avenue hubby ¢ 1 SRT DAY rrr : oP Make a saddened life more bright? of exclusive fireworks and 4th of July explosives MURDER MYS F'ERY” warned
Avenue hubby complained: “My p.m. : 4d 000 400 WILL BE RIPE JULY 1 Y. Dorit pet I off g | If its thrills yor want. are in plenty ir ki
ee Be 8 ng SIN sam Yor i i rit nt, ey a y plenty. Cr their k
wife had a dream last night and 3b... .. 41 21 8 0} dents of history will recall Prove (lat i | Special doings every minute afterncon and evening. Saturdav, July 4th hel ;
thought she was married to a mil- qo, rf 43 1 0 0! Frog leas. perhaps the greatest’ hese houses as rivals for control | TYOVe hal you can meet the tes}, Specially valuable free gate gifts. Batts AY FRY stu with ov
1 RE ede oO reg legs, ernaps greatest Sor, - AIO reels : a : i Re C y
Vornime 2: Wh cndit:: Bie AIAN we : : : of the British throne during the Serve a cause, work with a zest. | Special Park Admission afternoon and evening—15c plus 1c tax tebert Taylor, Loretta Young
sadly eX- 1b .... 4 0 011 0 lidelicacy offered by the inland = "> SE hi 4 i ne Aim today to do vour best | including everything re : “PRIV ti Rie BER”
1 =x > hitter thirtv-vear confli enown as | ai YOu D gd { = i ; * i y
my J 1 ul bitter thirty-year conflict known as avai | MB
waters, should grace many family y= ih %
n ¥ , g 3 > 4 : ry ut it off
| dea I. BY = ; 8 Y ite Var, of the SUSE, “hich p : a a
hot 2 : Hes Totals ........40 6 72711 2 tables this year in Pennsylvania ' War Te Be ses, in which ay |: SUNDAY, JULY StheAnother Rare Treat Mon. Tues., July
not the onlv hubby who has a = Cr Bi Ave RE Ser he cas contestants adopted as | ~ r or fax Lues,, 6-
J only ) Mt. Joy-Florin ab r h o a e following opening of the season on 3, 2040p WET SOI. THOROUGHLY SWANEE MINSTREL JAMBOREE and other acis Grace, Moore F a
trcuble. Boy, I know a raft of | v 000 iv 1 =ecording ic Fish c oof SERS ba dec he TE oe 4 . i re, Franchot Tone
: : : | Weidman, If ..... 5 3 2 84% , according to ¥ish Commis- 4 Light” sprinkling of the soil + includes—The lovely POLLY -JULJA—Rythm sisters in songs, Mm
women just like his wife. | Leib, of 532100 officials. ‘The 1 closes on I . 2 Ang of ihe sol may | dances and fun, also beautiful little POLLY DIMPLES in ali “THE } KIN G STEP
= | OE {G0 more harm ar el : : as
| Pennel, 7%. 5 gt 3 2 0f r 2 t} rose for the House of ol ne € gi m than goad, The her spiendor—BRUCE—the Banjo wizard. RILEY LAUSCH, t nging ouT
Here's a sign that was actually | Schneider. & 50 1 0 2 0] is the. catch for be wet thoroughly and | mountaineer. The thrilling SWANEE RIVER MINSTREL BAND ET
I o SS Lio & 1s U atc 1 I - - 1 ea ar { 3 r 3 oo i
displayed on a board. I loaned it | Derr. 3b 513132 ol ae dav 3 for tha Stenson of roses—white the moisture to reach | HERALD GOODMAN with the FINK BROTHERS in another re Wed. Thurs., July 8-9
A Br 3b La < & one ay. y Io the Season : 3 : the feading tock 8 1 wlohe program, and others—a at Is h a ae Roms 3 Eat
from the American Humorist be- |. _ , 4: £3 9 201 | ; be. fous : d—lir ne the Lincoln Highway | te feeding roots of the plants. | 8 ! nd at last the very famous coco an Fred MacMurray
i ingle, 1b ........ 531 2 80 1; are to be found on! x : bi = ro it is available ie i: CHOCOLATE the funny blackface comedian Carcle Lombard
cause it sounds like a laff. Fw : hig Ares. contin ok _ +... lin these counties enhancing the re it is available water may be Poth pte 3
[*Nentwiz. p ......2 1 1 0 0 0 warm water and some trout | oa = = = fed by flooding, through 4 i Both afternoon and evening more beautiful GATE GIFTS CLG (
NOTUSE | Bishop, ¢ ..4 1 311 0 0]streams. While much of their food beauty of the roadside and remind- a by iooding, through home- | Afternoon 10¢c; Evening 15¢; both plus 1c tax PRINCESS COMES
Los'em self one calf—red all|_. PS 2°1 y 10 of £ ie al the ravelers of the flowers’ his- porus ce hose, or with | For a refreshing swim—try Mount Gretna Lake—Water tested ACROSS”
Keener, rs 1 the = Sh . ST | and approved by State Department of Health !
over—one foot white—other three | 1 1 ignificance an inexpensive overhead system. {
{ Good, rf Lao. 33 090 and ve ini ene i & | emma —
| —- ————— ; A
2 190

same like. Bin loss 3 daze—yestidy, | Grove
today. tomorry. Anyone finder—give |
everybody five bucks. Totals Loans
ye | MT. JOY-FLORIN 101 222 120-11
Some peovle’s idea of Bigamy is: |ETOWN W. P. A. 002 040 000— 8


moving creature of : | on
ving creature ©! During a pause in the sermon th LEARN ABOUT CREAM
oo Several points should be con- |
J |

sidered in buying cream for whipp-

to the minister “Remember, you
i about | Ing purposes. They are the age of |
| the cream, percentage of butterfat, |

~e, frogs are canni-

g to say somet
gorging them-




rm of insanity ir shi an | x i a 0S £ living.”
A fa: = of spit in which = ner Two* base hits—Pennel, Engle, selves on their own young at every } of living. fh
< three board bills | De Three base hits—Leib, Derr. | opportunity | rent forgotten it,” replied and the temperature at which the | 3
HOS Spe rw TUPI ithe minister. “Ill s | cream was stored pricr to whips .
Is ut—by Nentwig 11, Pat 3, may be legally taken in the] Tnisier. I speak of it af-{STeam Was Siojed DIT 10 Warne : t
Struck © . ba ad 1. | ter the ti been taken | Ing, say Pean State dairy special- | Z ‘Dont RusH ; tm WIN A a
: .-| Grove 8. | daytime by shooting, fishing with i i AE, Now, 2 COUPLA MORE A
A little boy answered a knock | DG — 8 schble’ hook “draped with ved} ists. El + = Pots
: | a trebl n rar i { 4 a =
gt the door and went ypstals lof LETTERS GRANTED flannel or simi of | When in need of Printing. (any- ———— | P| Hoo Your DEAL THEM [A HE NEEDS | THINK LL
hia father who was busy shaving. | Lo, hy Di or. Mi. Joy town- ean is thing) kindly remember the Bulletin! Advertise in The Bulletin. | HORSES, i ~ PRACTICE | GEY A HAIR £
ped gg at Ul r, Mt 3d : ar a S | ‘ef . =
Te lad said: “Say, dad, the bill col- | 4.) of Ira W. Dis- forbidden. | z > Fe ry | HEH! HEH! STACK "EM CUT (N &
; vo { ship, forbidde | = i yi HE XS
tor is downstairs” Dad ans-|_. 1.te of Mount Joy township. PW Eee 2 ER ERE EN BER ERR SoME Por; “HIPS od Your © MEANTIME, ~
singer, ls OWN UME . Z ; / ME, i
ov WoNT BE —


wered: “Tell him to take that | Irwin B. Glatfel
vile on my desk.”....Send him a- |p. administ &
5 ; Matinee ings
Hor- | The second half of the 2 She
Saturdas Moose Theatre, 5s


cund my way I have some he ,.. yg Giatfelter, late of East Done- which according to sched- 7and 8 P. M.
le begins Thursday of this week, | dd
ule be ursda; ee Holidays Saturday wit You,
Suc A

can have including a few antiques. {gal town
| 3
will start just one week later, due |
FINE - ——

| 2PM ELIZABETHTOWN]| ¢-3-9:30 P. M.




— :
On~ wav to cure your husband A BRIDGE FIRE to playing off rain dates. A {ov WONT HAVE
rev other member of the fore Friendship Fire Company was ight on the Park Dia- | A \ So MANY TH DEALER,
+ of eating with a knife, is t0 called cut Monday night shortly will be here. Game Wednesday, July Ist 1 Thursday, July 2nd \ \ [TACK . HE SPILLS
| Richard Dix iis Nee eT BM BUERY (
TIME. ox uo he
Robert Monigomery

wrve srachetti continously for a- pefore midnight to extinguis
at New Haven
started from a

in | :
“ y BA en “SPECIAL

a week. | bridge fi
A dear sweet thing who has |The fi:
just finished school has started to { train.
write. She explained: “I'm writ- |
ing a mystery novel.” Giving her | “I knew where you can
no credit whatever for any brains |re] of vegetables for a Jim-
I haughtily asked: “Who's going |my Markley interestedly asked:
to publish it?” She laughed and | “Where? Busty enlightened him by
said: ‘That's the mystery.”...:Nbt saving: “Over a Twin Oaks at
<o dumb. Iron Tonight's amatet it”
. ..Just so they
Red Metzler says a musical com- {and not the singer.
edy can’t expect to run very long
unless it has good legs.

: FRIDAY and SATURDAY. JULY 3rd and 4th
Edward Robinson in “BULI ETS & RALLOTS
Matinee Saturdav 2 PM
et a bar-

Monday, Julv 6th Tuesdav. July Tih
Walter Honston Ann Hardine


A dear sweet thing from the
Back Run pulled up stakes and
was one ol went to the bi g city. When she got


George Brent in “CASE AC AINST MES. AMES

red at a room
came to New York | gg RA
The lady i aay

A Lancaster piano dealer was |;
calling aot the home of a Florin man, | Pees Bouse.
who was a delinquent customer.{ “Do you fiat girls could 5 make an Honest
the business. there she re



. Beet
igaders Ag Busy This Time Of fear © for this pep BY Fishei

He said: “With the swell jobyou'- |live a lot cheaper if they stepped in charge of the house dryly re- = 4 : =
ve got, I can't understand WhY into their clothes instead of putt- marked: “There's not much com- fifth Yh i eT airh Kip
prima in the pavments OD | ing them over their heads?” petition.” : a
- — er Er —————
van~ wiamp “The irate husband, {an uptown fellow. His pal, meet {A AB 3%.
ancwered: You can't? fof four girls asked: “Why is that?” | Bjorn—So you bought a radio} } PERO aw A LA R23
“Tan wan'va heard mv wife {The fellow explained: “There thinking it would keep your | md iy 2 \ 5S Heer
rlav the darned thing”...... That's | would be less overhead.”....Smart children home eveni | hz. ) th 2
reason enough for any man. The but that's false economy. | Joul—Yes. But now it's worse. { Pozen 1 NES

{| They wait around until the an-
nouncer says “Good night, every-

BY & dang OF
sooner they take it back for non-
payment the better. When you see a

bee line, you can be sure he’s af- | body!”
There's several families in {oWn |ter a little honey. Emagen Nou HIKE i
who never : serve alphabet soup Nadine—Doctor, don't you think FEw Blocks =
when they have guests. They are Don't forget, spend a safe and | I look terribly pale? iN THE
afraid it might remind them of [cane 4th of July and if no one | Doctor—Yes, I do. Every
some of their I. O. U's they gave [puts a dynamite salute under my| Nadine—What would you advise qu
in the preceeding bridge games. chair I'll be seeing you next week, | me to do? in vee!
Knock, knock. Doctor—Wipe some of the pow- pr | > 8
the pock:
ae i fact that

Friday nite Busty Mateer said: A WISE OWL der off your face.
a —

is AR nt . .