The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 24, 1936, Image 6

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    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th 1936
i 5 ——————— ——
aes ce == Sins re ae —
Torship : Ser ; . | peal to be taken in the case of
. [SHOWER MONDAY EVENING r e | Jr, Mrs. Minnie Zeamer, Mrs, Fr: ink [ Evening Worship and Sermon at
Picked From FOR R. MYERS AND BRIDE The A Tar ni Young, Ruth Brubaker, Eunice Religious [7.30 Happenings Harold M. Wolf, Florin, adjudged
Herr, Anna Mumma, Ellis ba n= | ts i i
I \ I guilty by Alderman Burkhart on
1 de A shower was hele lay no + XX } baum, Miss Arline Salugh, i NN Thi is I tl
BS Ae NN K | nity Lutheran Chure a charg ought by
Card Basket ling at the h odes even haa qQuUet vw as wy ireiner, Mary E. Di ewsin | nis Trinity Luther 101 IY) ANE Town Siang 038s Wig by
j Myers, “Joba: Greiner, Rev. + A. Kercher, Pastor |
TS fenderfer Gibney Diftnderter,
: : Bible School 9:30 A. M. Of Fl Harnish, Attorney for Wolf, was
« Martha Enele .
(From page 1) bi g Suc S88 Nuts Bal, Kot aie - Community Morning Service 10:45 A. M. OT 1M © post 555 pond for a
Mr. and Mi Charles ane pr iin 1 Vespers 7 P. M. hearing July 8.
Ohio, on Tuesday evening Many useful { re receive Pauline Heilig, wrold Backenstoe, SEM age 1
JS : Mrs. Benj. Clinger gave a readis (From page. 1) Elizabeth Heilig, Edward Heilig,| NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE -_ From Dage 1) 0 Ms Clyde,
Me. and Nh oe R Bi Myers and | AMter the toasts, the gym floor | yn. Heilig, Ruth Heisey, John| CHURCHES IN MT. JOY AND Lvangelical Church Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. | Miss Esther Garber and Mr. Paul
THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING Milton Grove, Pa. Lloyd Vogle. | Diffendderfer witnessed the pag-

her mother

BE de 3 ’ : M 0d of Lan ave short | V8 cleared for dancing. The Fellenbaum, Margaret Mackinson, | ter to us J :
By talks. Refresh te wot orved. | Was furnished by Jake Olweiler’s | Schroll, Harry Walters, Jr., COMMUNITY Childrens’ Day exercises will be Mr. and Mrs. George Vogle, and | eant at the Longwood gardens on
Mr. Elmer Brown pen the | Those Div wert R George | OT hestra. Every one who attend- | Violet Spangler, Virginia Sausser,’ 7 ——— held on Sunday evening, June 21st | Robert Gephart spent Friday at |Saturday.
weekend at Ocean City, 1 » With | grocke, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Althouse, | ©d had a most enjoyable tim | Dorothy Habecker, Josephine Bun- Kraybills Mennonite Church at 7:30 P. M. Lebanon, visiting Robert and Mrs.[ The regular monthly card party
his family, wh pen | \ rhe m amenderter. The Officers | dle, Gerald Arntz, Dorothy Webb, 9:00 Sunday school. Everycne welcome. Musselman, who will leave Friday,]of the Florin Democratic Club will
summer there Mr and Mrs. Samuel Geib, Mr. and | President—Arthur Sprecher. | Mary-ellen Stoner, Daniel Fackle 10:00 Worship. E———— July 3 for Freetown, Africa. be held in the Florin Hall on Fri-
Miss Julia Brandt, who is a stu- M J Barnhart. Mr. and Mr V. President—Harold Backenstoe. | Eleanor Fackler, Louise Schock, | Florin U. B. in Christ Church Judge Schaeffer allowed an ap-{day evening, June 26th. Bridge,
dent at Penn State lege, is Elwood Gerber, M Sumit Yock Secretary—Evelyn Smeltzer. ! Bruce Greiner, Gloria Warta, Mary { Mt Joy Mennonite Church Rev. J. W. Funk, Pastor SEER | Pinochle and 500 will be played
spending the summer recess with and son. Mrs. George Shi kley, Mrs Treasurer—H. M. Stauffer. | Elizabeth Nissly, Esther Walters, 9:30 Sunday School. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. ; Prayer Meeting Wednesday even- Witt iprizes to the winners.
Wm. Ellis Editor— Martha’ Engle. Robert Linderuth. Helen Dillinger. :30 P. M. Young Peoples’ Meet- | Morning Worship 10:30 A. M. ing 7:30 P. M. A field of the iveal fruit
Executive Comunittee Hilda Engle, Lester Mumma, Ethel ing. | Prayer Mecting Thursday evening . : . . growers, will ig held at th Or
[artha Stauffer, illia rian, Moore, Robert Nolt, Arthur Sprech- Ge 7:30 P. M. Trinity Evangelical Congregational “hard of KE or huis pe 4
m E , Ethel Moore and ey, Sarah Snyder, Louise Trout- | Donegal Presbyterian Church | Church : 4 he : oe, Laurer
Clvde Gerberich. Jr. wine. Svivestar Troutwine, J. Bra- i Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D., Pastor | St. Mark's U. B. in Christ Church Rev. S. H. Heekler, Pastor i Ny une prio at
"Nominating Committee melt. Tryon. Elmer Witmer, Marion | Church School at 9:30. N. E.!| Rev. 0. L. Mease, S. T. D;; D.D. Church School 9:30 A. M. wu... * fot tanning
Je hn Booth, Mildred Way and Workman, Geo. Brown, 3rd, Howard Garber, superintendent. Pastor Morning Worship 10:30. Theme | ¢cnducted by J. U.
Zerphey's parents Danie 1 Fackler. 3rown, Jean Bundle, Mary Fletch- | tess ' Sunday School at 9:00 of sermon “Not The Half Told.” tension specialist from Nate Col-
Clayton Hendrix ol Ave. ar t en Tel Activity Commiitee er, Anna Geib, Homer Garlin, Clyde SERVICES ON SUNDAY Worship at 10:15 Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. loge, :
Mrs. Harriet Barnhart, Miss Mary N % : Ir. oth Good i Lester Hostetter, Chief. Gerberich, Jr. Anna Grosh, Rav The United Christian Church will Evening Worship 7:30. Evening Worship 7:30. Sermon “A John Wittel and David Bowers,
Newpher and Mr. A. L. Clay will oT: Iv Nt G Shicklev of Those Present mond Harnish, Ruth Heilia, Berl hold services in the Mount Joy Hall Prayer Meeting on Wed. at 7:30 'Changed Home.” badly burned from a pistol discharge
leave town today to spend the s I riett: ; Mr.and Mrs. Harry Ban Prof. and Mrs. D. L. Beimesder- Herr, Marguerite Keller, Fanny Ma- on Sunday afternoon, June 28th. ae oe Prayer Meeting Wednesday even- | last Friday shemoon, The Wintel Ing
mer at Camp Rich, Milton, Ver- hart and dauchter Mars t of Eliz r, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gerberich, teer, Martha Bernice Nissley, Mer- | All are invited to attend. Mount Joy Methodist Church og at 7:80 held the pistol inside bor
mont. abet Robert, Christ r. Staum, Mr. and Mrs. piel Jean Nissley. Erika Pothke, mre Rev. Robert H. Comly, Minister i rel when the discharge ignited the
Miss Lillian Backenstoe, i 1 hn etty and Irvin Gerber, Ethel, Clarence § Mrs. A.F. Snyder, Jeanne Schock. Beulah Smith, Jan- Salunga Methodist Church 9:30 Sunday School. St. Luke's Episcopal Church fumes of the barrel causing an ex-
tioning at the home of he rents, r a Nelson. Mild Lester an I : Dr. and Mrs. W. R. et Smith. Evelvn Smeltzer. Rev. Robert H. Comly, Minister 6:45 Epworth League. Rev. Albert K. Hayward, Rector |plosion, his hand, wrist and fore-
Mr. and Mrs. Miles af x yor: r. and Arthur ie. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Martin, | 9:30 Church School. 7:30 The Four Great Lights of | June 28, 1936 Third Sunday after |arm were badly burned; while the
| 10:30 Morning Worship. America. Trinity clothing of the Bowers child caught
ter spending the schoo nins at M and Rev. and a : s. Richard M and Mrs. John Booth, Mr. TROW nS oR
Gloucester, N. J Vers ne vs. E. Jay Nissley, Mr. GROW FORPST TREES Worship with us. You are wel- Come! Worship with us. You are 7:30 A. M. Celebration of the Holy | fire, burning his back and head. Dr.
Noy ye Le © . > embers o forestry clubs | . . 4 7 on 4
Miss Mary E beth Lauer and and Mrs. P. Franck Schock, Mr. Members of 4-H forestry clubs |. me Welcome. Communion. Kendig of Mount Joy and Dr. But-
: 9:15 Church School. terbaugh of Elizabethtown attend-
! 1 i J throughou he ate dev d | 2.
Donald Lauer, both of Ha % MARRIAGE LICENSE | Mrs. Nelson Newcomer, Mr. throughout the state developed tte:
are spending some time w ir Er yg av ale iriam more than 15000 fine seedlings last First Presbyterian Church Church of God 10:30 Morning Prayer and Ser- [ed the boys. Their condition is im-
are spending some ne with their Yorbept her. Mid Mrs. J. Ray Engle, Miriam more than 15000 fine ¢ g st | 3 3
| proved.
grandparents, Mr. and Mis. J. EF is : of ik I Mrs. Cora Steins, Mr. and year for planting this spring. These | Rev. C. B. Segelken, bp, Pastor Rev. G. F. Broske, Minister |mon.
Schroll, at the Springs. Te Mrs. Roy firme, Me and Mrs. lo rae seed and side Church School 9:30. F. B. Walter, Sunday School £.30. 3 P. M. Y. P. S. L. Supper-Meet- i=
Mr. and Mrs. J hleman aid onald Somer, Miss Dorothy superintendent. Preaching 10:30. ing at the Cove. There is no better way io boost
se 1 Fahl Gor Donald Somer, Miss Dorothy Schock, cessfully grew locust, red oak, | Morning Worship and Sermon at C. E. 6:30 “We must be at peace with our- | your »usiress than bs Yous news
davs in town at the he f Mr arrv Eshleman on Delta Street. Mr. Karl Aument. Mrs. Geo. Brown. ‘tulip poplar, walnut, and spruce.’10:30. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. selves to be at peace with others.” ' paper advertising.

Ac strong Rugs
\ 3 cH
2 Ovi? a BS PAE | TE
rt U nion all each i 5 i 7 i 0 9 2 ee 3
§ Morass NAS iy ut (Gold Seal) Half Rugs == A | >
{ pede from heavy cambric nl See 4nd C7
ey i { Actual Size 47/4, x6 AG Coa vr 1 LI
ee XI 81.29 %
regular 35¢ 28¢
ir standard (Vat Colors) !
P >R INTS | £3 Men’s “Wide Awake”
18e vo. pez WORK SHIR’
Grocery Dept.
Rubber 3%¢c vd {i Homestead Coffee
Rubber Matting a2 Ze YO ; 2 Ls 25 Lb. R57 @
Quaker Remnants
7 to 18 ft, lengths — 2 yds. wide 39¢c sq. vd

i Ra — { A Vanilla and Chocolate Cake toasted Fresh Every 6 Days
Kirsch Extension Curtain Rods ih With Crcam Filling
Single each §@ Double i8¢ Nifty Seda Crackers CELATINE
Full Pound Package All Flavors
a i 7 Men’s & Boys’ Cotton a
Each Se Pkg. ae
Bathing Suits each SSRN TI TEESE
Jersey and Trunks i Be B R O O M S
P. & G. Mason Peas
Eary June
All Wool 1-pc. Suits & & se i = £ Four Sewed. A Gooc 29
Ho > e
Na ptha White Soap Sweet and Tender
— meee || Ae Sturdy Broom
£ Cakes i Oe 3 Cans 25¢
Men's Work Shoes $1.65 © $2.45 |
Quick or Crushed The Peppy Breakfast Food
COTTONADE {i Boys’ Heavy Work Oxfords $1.98 DRESSES
Fresh and Crisp
CHILDREN'S { pe 5 hn WC Children’s & Ladies’
Box Le Pke, qe

Sandal or Oxford (I (Black-Tan-W hi) 9c | 1 pi Ht i! RB
+ . . £3
Embroidery Floss Skein

ee ~~
SHOES SHOES | UME. ~ Ladies’ and Men's
One lot of ladies’ shoes; 2» if FULL D SILK HOSE
values to $2.95, including £ ZF >on | Our regular 95c Sale Price 4 &€ Pr
brown, black, white in ox- %~ 2 Rik. on :
——>,. \{ Ladies’ Rayon ks
fords and sas $3.89 WI ND || DULLCREPE HOSE¥™™ 43]
Shoes for Girls with Cuban Heels) Ladies’ Mercerized co af HOSE
< Black, Biege, Gun-Metal :

aks A ed YY es :

RNR RS Regular 30¢c + .:>y . Now
ment Of Enamel Tare (gray) 5
Large Dish Pans, Basins, Sauce Pans, Sauce
Kettles, and Coffee Pots 19¢.. || DRESS 1 S | KID TIE ' MEN'S FANCY DRESS HOSE . .
em. rm
assorted styles | SSeS Teas

'TRAVELIN NG BAGS ) Soi 7 ; . 5 |
MEN'S OVERALLS Values to $1.45 SALE PRICE il Largest Stock of Anklets We Ever Had on Display
79¢ to $2.95 Values To 84. 95 | | Your Choice With or Without Bib 8 Values 19¢—25¢ . .
mm ma